What does the accounting and finance department do? Financial department of the enterprise: formation and regulations. Regulations on the financial block

I APPROVED _____________________________________ (name of the position of the head of the enterprise)

____________________________________ (full name, signature)

"____"______________ _____ G.


about the financial department of the enterprise


1.2. The department was created on the basis of the order of the head of the enterprise N _____ dated "__"_______ ____.

1.3. The head of the department is appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise.

Employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by order of the head of the enterprise upon the proposal of the Head of the department.

1.4. The department is guided in its work by:

Federal laws of the Russian Federation;

Decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation;

Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation;

Laws of ____________________ (specify the subject of the Russian Federation);

Charter of the enterprise;

By these Regulations.

1.5. The department should have documents and materials on the following issues:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts regulating production, economic and financial and economic activities;

Regulatory and methodological materials relating to the financial activities of the enterprise;

Methods of organizing and planning information work; new information technologies;

Prospects for the development of the enterprise;

State and prospects for the development of financial markets and sales markets for products (works, services);

Basics of production technology;

Organization of financial work at the enterprise;

The procedure for drawing up financial plans, forecast balances and cash budgets, plans for the sale of products (works, services), profit plans;

A system of financial methods and levers that ensure financial flow management;

The procedure for financing from the state budget, short-term and long-term lending to an enterprise, attracting investments and borrowed funds, using own funds, issuing the purchase of securities, charging payments to the state budget and state extra-budgetary social funds;

The procedure for distributing financial resources, determining the effectiveness of financial investments;

Rationing of working capital;

Procedure and forms of financial settlements;

Tax law;

Financial Accounting and Reporting Standards;

Economics, organization of production, labor and management;


Unified state system of office work;

Methods for the effective use of office equipment and other technical means of managerial work;

Internal labor regulations;

Labor protection rules and regulations.


2.1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the head of the enterprise.

2.2. The department is managed by the Head of the department.

2.3. The department includes (specify positions):

- __________________________________________;

- __________________________________________;

- __________________________________________;

- __________________________________________.


3.1. Management of the movement of financial resources of the enterprise.

3.2. Regulation of financial relations.

3.3. Ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise.

3.4. Determining the financial strategy of the enterprise.

3.5. Implementation of the enterprise's investment policy.

3.6. Analysis and control of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.


In accordance with the tasks assigned to it, the department carries out the following functions:

4.1. Managing the movement of financial resources of an enterprise and regulating financial relations that arise between business entities in market conditions, in order to most effectively use all types of resources in the process of production and sale of products (works, services) and obtain maximum profit.

4.2. Development of draft long-term and current financial plans, forecast balances and cash budgets.

4.3. Development of a financial strategy for the enterprise and its financial stability.

4.4. Bringing approved financial indicators to the divisions of the enterprise.

4.5. Preparation of draft plans for the sale of products (works, services), capital investments, scientific research and development, planning of product costs and production profitability.

4.6. Calculation of profit and income tax.

4.7. Determination of sources of financing for the production and economic activities of an enterprise, including budget financing, short-term and long-term lending, issue and acquisition of securities, leasing financing, borrowing and use of own funds, research and analysis of financial markets, assessment of possible financial risks in relation to each source of funds and development of proposals to reduce them.

4.8. Implementation of investment policy and management of enterprise assets, determination of their optimal structure, preparation of proposals for replacement, liquidation of assets, control of the securities portfolio, analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of financial investments.

4.9. Development of working capital standards and implementation of measures to accelerate their turnover.

4.10. Ensuring timely receipt of income, processing financial, settlement and banking transactions within the established time limits, paying bills of suppliers and contractors, repaying loans, paying interest, wages to workers and employees, transferring taxes and fees to the federal, regional and local budgets, to state extra-budgetary social funds, payments to banking institutions.

4.11. Analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, development of proposals aimed at ensuring solvency, preventing the formation and liquidation of unused inventory, increasing production profitability, increasing profits, reducing costs of production and sales of products, strengthening financial discipline.

4.12. Monitoring the implementation of the financial plan and budget, product sales plan, profit plan and other financial indicators, the cessation of production of unsaleable products, the correct expenditure of funds and the targeted use of own and borrowed working capital.

4.13. Keeping records of the movement of funds and reporting on the results of financial activities in accordance with financial accounting and reporting standards.

4.14. Ensuring the reliability of financial information.

4.15. Control over the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, its timely provision to external and internal users.

4.16. Provide methodological guidance to the activities of other structural divisions on financial issues.

4.17. Carrying out, within one’s competence, record keeping, generating and sending/receiving correspondence and other information via electronic communication channels.

4.18. Implementation of the organization of maintaining regulatory and reference information related to the functions of the department.

4.19. Ensuring, within its competence, the protection of information constituting state secrets and other information of limited distribution.

4.20. Carrying out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on the acquisition, storage, recording and use of archival documents generated during the activities of the department.

The assignment to the department of functions that are not related to the functions of the department is not allowed.


To solve the tasks assigned to it, the department has the right:

5.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, information (materials) from the structural divisions of the enterprise on issues within the competence of the department.

5.2. Monitor the implementation by structural divisions of the enterprise of programs developed by the department.

5.3. Monitor the financial and economic activities of the structural divisions of the enterprise.

5.4. Conduct negotiations with third-party organizations within the limits of their competence in accordance with the established procedure, and sign contracts.

5.5. Make proposals on issues within the competence of the department in the form of projects.


6.1. In the process of production activities of the enterprise, the department interacts with the following structural divisions:

- ____________________________________________________________,

- ____________________________________________________________,

- ____________________________________________________________.


7.1. The Head of the Department bears full responsibility for the quality and timeliness of fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the department by these Regulations.

7.2. The responsibility of department employees is established by current legislation and job descriptions.

7.3. The head and other employees of the department are personally responsible for the compliance of the documents they prepare and transactions with correspondence with the legislation of the Russian Federation.


8.1. Timely and high-quality implementation of set goals and objectives.

8.2. High-quality performance of functional duties.

Head of Financial Department


A structural unit that ensures and maintains financial stability in the activities of a company or organization.

The financial service has the following tasks:

  • ensuring a sufficient level of funds necessary for the operation of the enterprise;
  • timely fulfillment of obligations to tax authorities, banks and other entities with which the enterprise has financial relations;
  • organization of competent movement of financial resources, promoting the most efficient management;
  • ensuring rational use of cash reserves and working capital;
  • development of a strategy to increase income received.

Functions of the financial service

The named organizational structure carries out activities in the following areas:
  • Analyzes the financial and economic condition of the enterprise, based on statistical reporting. Tracks factors that influence production efficiency in one way or another.
  • Looks for ways to replenish financial resources, as well as optimal use of own and borrowed funds. Finds new sources of money. Develops a profitable investment strategy.
  • Monitors the movement of material resources, their receipt and expenditure. Looks for ways to effectively manage financial flows, allowing for cash flow with the greatest benefit.
  • Plans further actions for the near future and distant future. Appoints executors to implement the plans, distributes responsibilities between them. If necessary, makes adjustments to plans.
  • Monitors the implementation of decisions made. Monitors compliance with legal regulations and timely execution of various operations.
  • Interacts with counterparties, performing settlements with them and distributing the profits.
The financial service maintains constant communication with other departments operating in the organization. For example, the accounting department receives information about the amount of funds in internal accounts, the amount of debt and the amount of planned expenses. Based on this information, the financial service assesses the company's solvency, draws up plans, and prepares reports for management.

The marketing department provides data related to product sales. The financial service analyzes costs, creates conditions for concluding more profitable deals and optimizes production profitability.

In the process of cooperation, the financial service has the right to demand from other structural units the most effective actions in terms of implementing the financial policy of the enterprise.

Financial service organization

The structure of the service depends on the scale of the enterprise and the financial volumes with which it has to work. With insignificant cash turnover within a small production, financial management can be carried out by the head of the company himself. These responsibilities are also often assigned to an accountant if such a specialist is involved. In medium-sized organizations, this service may be represented by a special group. Each employee included in it is responsible for his own area of ​​work.

Large enterprises with extensive production require the formation of a full-fledged financial department. He operates under the control of a superior, who, in turn, reports directly to the head of this enterprise. The department consists of several bureaus. Each of them operates in a separate area. One bureau is responsible for planning, another for banking operations, and a third for various types of payments.

Properly organized activities of the financial service create the prerequisites for the successful development of an enterprise and strengthening its position in a competitive business environment.

Practice-tested solutions shared by successful financiers will help you create an effective scheme for the work of the financial service and the right motivation system, establish a dialogue with other departments of the company, and also minimize the risks of transferring accounting functions to a third-party contractor.

Have you joined a new company and need to create a financial unit from scratch? It is possible to solve a problem even without relevant experience. We need a clear algorithm of actions. It’s worth starting with a description of the key goals of the department, cascading them into processes, and then local procedures. It is more difficult for a manager who has been tasked with completely rebuilding the financial function, adapting it to new business processes. We will have to break the existing structure, overcome the resistance of employees, while respecting the deadlines and budget of the project. Well-structured business processes in the financial service do not yet guarantee the efficient work of employees. The bonus system for specialists should influence not only the improvement of the quality of the department’s work, but also encourage employees to actively participate in its optimization.

Where to start building a financial service

It is good if the financial director already has experience in organizing or modernizing the financial economic service (FES). If you have to create a department for the first time or the enterprise has just been created, there will be plenty of issues that require prompt resolution. Where to begin? A simple, but perhaps not always effective way is to invite a third-party consultant who will develop a FES structure for the company. At the first stage, you will receive a presentation of at least 30 sheets, which presents the vision of the financial function and only briefly mentions the cost of development and implementation, as well as the duration of adaptation. Consultants should be invited at the moment when top management has already decided on the structure of the FES, the timing of its formation, the project budget and other wishes. What can you do on your own?

Expert opinion: Irina Grigorieva- Financial Director of Gedon Group of Companies

As a rule, the financial director, before starting to build or reorganize the FES, consults with the owner of the business on the main strategic issues of its development in the foreseeable future. Together they form a rating of key economic and business indicators that will form the basis of the project. Thus, service development priorities, structure, and necessary resources are determined.

Layout and functions of the financial department

Direct development can begin with the financial director taking a large sheet of Whatman paper and dividing it into two parts with the headings “As is” and “As should be.” There will be no problems if the first column is empty. Then we move on to the next step - creating a team, for which we will recruit specialists who will lead the main directions of the project. For example, a medium-sized enterprise with small turnover and several dozen reports to create a planning department first of all needs to develop three areas: economics, treasury, document flow.

You can start building a diagram of the finance department by describing the business processes that you expect will be under its jurisdiction. It is impossible to “embrace the immensity”, so do not complicate the description; use the top-down approach, that is, from top to bottom. Start with the main thing, and the details will come later. For example, you can consider the common business process “calculation of planned production costs” (standart costs), which is used in manufacturing enterprises with a large number of products or in subsidiaries of foreign companies to compare operating efficiency. Using the standard instructions for a developer of corporate IT systems, we conduct interviews with the organization’s accountants and create a business process diagram. All that remains is to add the FES functions, which are not yet on the diagram.

As an example, let's look at the FES device of the Ariston Thermo Rus company. Perhaps the main business process and function of the department is planning. The department performs the following activities on a daily, monthly or as needed basis:

  • calculation of the planned cost of production - once a year or when launching a new type of product;
  • changing the planned cost of production - as necessary, for example, when upgrading an already produced type of water heater;
  • formation of a budget of income and expenses - annually;
  • budget revision - quarterly, taking into account the achieved indicators;
  • drawing up a cash flow budget - annually, with monthly adjustments;
  • calculation of return on investment planned within the budget.

In addition, the responsibilities of the FES include the development of measures for the efficient use of production capacity (reducing unnecessary downtime), material (reducing losses from defects) and labor (inflating staffing) resources. Naturally, work in each area is impossible without interaction with production and technical services, and the purchasing department. For example, when drawing up a schedule for planned equipment repairs, technical services must take into account the seasonality of demand (Ariston Thermo Rus has peak demand in the spring months). This means that equipment maintenance must be carried out in winter.

It is impossible to imagine the company's work without the control of financiers. It applies, first of all, to the plans of the sales department (year, quarter, month) and plans for the production department (daily). These functions are performed by all FES employees, but taking into account the areas (treasury, document flow, planning).

Another important function of the FES is the analysis and preparation of management decisions. Here are some components of this work:

  • accounting and analysis of operating results together with the accounting department, preparation of a plant report - a production report that reflects the implementation of the production plan, analysis of deviations of the actual cost from the planned one;
  • control of the sales budget using sales variances report - a report that summarizes deviations of the fact from the sales plan, taking into account the average price for a group of goods, sales volumes, etc.;
  • calculations of economic efficiency of activities in accordance with the requirements of the head office (Ariston Thermo Rus is owned by Italian owners);
  • drawing up an explanatory note to the annual report together with the accounting department;
  • preparation of the necessary summary materials and certificates at the request of local authorities;
  • generation of statistical reporting for the company - together with the accounting department, FES collects the necessary materials, summarizes them and prepares reports based on these data.

The described functions of the FES, including interaction with other departments, cannot be imagined without a streamlined document flow. For example, at the Ariston Thermo Rus company, the movement of incoming and outgoing documents is structured as shown in tables 1 and 2. It is worth noting that the basis for the sales budget is prepared by the commercial service, but here is the breakdown by main types (in an enlarged nomenclature) and Accordingly, the planning department makes the average sales price. The same thing happens with the production budget, which is formed by the production department, and then the economist responsible for planning in this area works with it.

Gradually, the file with business processes will be filled with new records, which will ultimately make it possible to easily formulate the basic requirements for the FES, which should be enshrined in the regulations on the department, listing there the main tasks and functions of the department, as well as indicating the regulations that will guide employees in their work . They can be divided into two groups – external documents (legislative and regulatory acts) and internal ones. The latter include the company's charter, group reporting standards (if the company is a subsidiary of a Western concern), internal regulations, and job descriptions.

Formation of the department

Having received a rough description of the structure of the financial service, we move on to its formation. To do this, we will try to apply the existing staffing table to the already described and recorded business processes, taking into account the expected labor costs. At the same time, you need to fill out the employee working time matrix. This process can cause certain difficulties, because subconsciously you will imagine the ideal service, but in practice this is difficult to achieve. However, you will be able to see where employee functions duplicate each other, and where the process was left uncontrolled. As a result, you should have a regulation on FES, a working time matrix, a staffing table with draft versions of job descriptions. Now you can contact a recruitment agency or company personnel service.

New structure - new people. Of course, if the company has been operating for some time, you can teach the functions of financial management to colleagues from the accounting department. If we are rebuilding an existing finance block, we must strictly adhere to the rule: any structure is built based on the requirements of business processes, and not vice versa, when business processes are tailored to specific individuals.

Attracting consultants

The first steps have already been taken, and at this stage you can invite a consultant who will conduct an independent assessment of your work. Some financial directors may disagree with this, believing that the costs of consulting services are often not justified. But if you are still interested in a professional look from the outside, you can take note of a few recommendations based on the author’s experience.

It’s better to start a substantive conversation with consultants with a short presentation. It succinctly describes the scope and geography of the company’s activities and key business parameters (revenue, gross profit, number of employees, description of production facilities, etc.). Separately, it is necessary to describe the existing organizational structure of the financial service and the actual business processes that it provides. It might make sense to conduct some kind of SWOT analysis of your proposed model of FES operation. This will help consultants understand your logic when implementing the project. And finally, a summary of the presentation in which management sets its requirements for the result. After the presentation, you can take a tour of the enterprise and introduce the employees of the financial service.

Well, then comes the most difficult part - the time of negotiations, agreeing on a contract, hard work with consultants on the project. Most likely, as a result, you will receive a report with recommendations, some of which you will accept with a bang, others you will reject as unsuitable for the business, and some you will shelve until better times.

Forming a financial department at an enterprise is a responsible task. The functions of the financial department are constantly expanding and are formed based on the tasks that the financial director will have to solve.

Functions of the financial service

  • Financial controlling is one of the main functions of the financial department, which consists of forming plans and monitoring their implementation. The performance of this function is associated not only with accounting and analysis, but also with control over the execution of business processes of the enterprise
  • Treasury Department. Managing the company's funds, creating a payment calendar, monitoring the status of mutual settlements - all these are the functions of the treasury and their importance cannot be underestimated.
  • Organization and maintenance of accounting and tax records. This function does not require much explanation.

The only thing I would like to focus on is the distinction between the functions of the chief accountant and the financial director. The responsibility of the chief accountant is maintaining regulated and tax accounting in accordance with legal requirements, timely preparation of accounting and tax reporting, and reflection of the facts of the company's economic activities on accounting registers. The functions of the financial director are to plan the company’s activities and its financial results, including in the context of constantly changing legislation. The tax planning function is the direct responsibility of the company's financial director. The subordination structure of the chief accountant is a topic for a separate discussion. On the one hand, the chief accountant is included in the area of ​​responsibility of the financial director and must report to him, on the other hand, in accordance with the law “on accounting”, the chief accountant reports directly to the general director of the organization. The simplest way out in this situation is the dual subordination of the chief accountant.

It should be understood that in a particular company, the functions of the financial service may not limit the tasks facing the financial director in the process of organizing the financial department.

Financial service structure

Once the functions of the financial department have been determined, you can begin to form its structure.

The structure of the financial department can be represented in the following diagram:

At the same time, the “Contractual Department” and “IT Department” divisions are not part of the FEO, but are strategically subordinate to the CFO.

The simplest thing is to allocate a separate service to implement each function.

But no one bothers you to split a function into several services or, conversely, to combine several functions into one service.

Having determined the tasks and structure of the financial service, it is necessary to begin developing internal regulations.

Financial Service Regulations

Financial service regulations are a set of provisions, rules, instructions regulating business processes, the owner of which is the financial director, and as basic ones (budgeting, accounting, raising financing, making payments; regulated accordingly by budget, accounting, credit policies, payment procedures, preparation of financial statements) and directly related to the management of personnel of the financial service of the enterprise. The latter are often called HR processes.

In the process of developing, agreeing and approving documents regulating these processes, many issues related to the number of financial service employees, the requirements for their qualifications, and the wage fund are eliminated. If the requirements for the functional responsibilities of employees change on the part of the company's management, the regulatory documents approved earlier will help minimize potential conflicts, change the staffing level and revise wages.

Regulations on the financial service of the enterprise

The set of tasks of the financial department, its regulations and structure form the basis for the formation of the final document - the Regulations on the financial service of the enterprise.

This provision is an internal regulatory document that has the following structure:

  1. Organizational and functional structure of the financial service. Typically, an organizational structure is an organizational chart highlighting departments and describing their functions. For HR planning purposes, it is useful to display information on the number of staff units (existing and planned) on a diagram.
  2. Structural and staffing levels of the financial service. As a rule, this information is generated in the form of a table with the obligatory indication of the names of departments, positions, number of existing and vacant staff units.
  3. The main goals and objectives of the financial service. This section of the regulations describes the goals formulated taking into account the company’s development strategy, and the tasks that need to be solved to achieve them. Tasks are defined for each department.
  4. Function matrix. This is a table in which the functions of the financial service are located vertically, and organizational units, that is, managers and key employees of the service departments, are located horizontally. At the intersection of the lines and the graph, a mark is made (who is responsible for what). The function matrix gives an idea of ​​the possible workload of departments and allows you to optimally group functions by department.
  5. The procedure for interaction between financial service employees. Typically, there is an internal procedure for interaction - between individual employees and (or) structural divisions of the company and an external one - with individuals (for example, particularly large clients) or government (commercial) organizations. The procedure for interaction is developed taking into account the organizational structure of the company as a whole, the functions and tasks of its other divisions, established principles and traditions.
  6. This section describes in detail the procedure for filing an appeal or expressing disagreement along the chain “CEO – CFO – department head – ordinary employee.” This applies to any questions and proposals (task received, decision made, disproportionate compensation, reward or punishment), including innovative ones, that may arise both for the employee and his immediate supervisor.
  7. A system of indicators that allows you to evaluate the work of the financial director and the financial service.
  8. Final provisions.

If the head of the financial service is the financial director, then his activities are regulated by the job description of the financial director, and if the financial department is separated into a separate division, then when developing the job description of the head of the financial department, it is necessary to apply the general rules for the formation of job descriptions.

A detailed job description usually includes the following items:

  1. General provisions
  2. Qualification requirements. The requirements for the level of education of a specialist in this position are formulated, and the set of skills necessary to perform job duties is described.
  3. Job responsibilities. The more detailed this section is filled out, the fewer questions the specialist will have about the need to perform certain tasks. Therefore, this section should be the most complete statement of all possible tasks performed by a specialist.
  4. Specialist rights.
  5. Responsibility of the specialist.

It is worth noting that the effective operation of the financial department is impossible without a high-quality information system.

Treasury Regulations

The importance of the work of the treasury department cannot be overestimated. The timeliness and correctness of payments and the execution of the cash flow budget depend on the efficiency of the functioning of this unit.

Formalization of department regulations is the basis for effective functioning. As a result, it is necessary to develop internal regulations for the department.

Approximate composition of the regulations of the treasury department:

  • Regulations for the formation of budgets;
  • Regulations for coordination of payments;
  • Job description of the head of the treasury department;
  • Job description of a specialist in the treasury department.

All these regulations are described or included as appendices in the document “Treasury Regulations”.

This provision is an internal regulatory document that has the following structure:

  1. Organizational and functional structure of the treasury department. Typically, an organizational structure is an organizational chart highlighting positions and describing their functions. For HR planning purposes, it is useful to display information on the number of staff units (existing and planned) on a diagram.
  2. Structural and staffing levels of the treasury department. As a rule, this information is generated in the form of a table with mandatory indication of names, positions, number of current and vacant staff units.
  3. The main goals and objectives of the treasury department. This section of the regulations describes the goals formulated taking into account the company’s development strategy, and the tasks that need to be solved to achieve them.
  4. The procedure for interaction between employees of the treasury department. Typically, there is an internal procedure for interaction - between individual employees and (or) structural divisions of the company and an external one - with individuals (for example, particularly large clients) or government (commercial) organizations. The procedure for interaction is developed taking into account the organizational structure of the company as a whole, the functions and tasks of its other divisions, established principles and traditions.
  5. The procedure for resolving conflict situations. The procedure for filing an appeal or expressing disagreement along the chain “general director - financial director - department head - ordinary employee” is prescribed in detail. This applies to any questions and proposals (task received, decision made, disproportionate compensation, reward or punishment), including innovative ones, that may arise both for the employee and his immediate supervisor.
  6. A system of indicators that allows you to evaluate the work of the head of the department and the treasury department. This section includes lists and descriptions of indicators, upon fulfillment of which the work of the financial director and his subordinates is considered successful. Indicators must be specific and measurable.
  7. Final provisions. This part sets out the procedure for coordination and approval of the Regulations, its validity period, the procedure for making changes, familiarization of employees with the Regulations and the procedure for its storage.

Responsibilities of a financial manager

Today, financial management is a system of principles and methods for developing and implementing management decisions related to the formation, distribution and use of financial resources and cash flow. As a result, the role of the financial manager in the company's management system may change depending on the specific tasks facing the financial service.

A financial manager, whose responsibilities are limited to participation in treasury activities and the budget process, monitoring and analysis of the enterprise’s activities, researching the applicability of certain financial instruments, plays an important role in ensuring the current activities and development of the company.

To effectively solve various problems in current activities, various tools and regulations are used, ranging from Excel spreadsheets to modern specialized software products with the widest functionality that allow expanding functionality simply and “painlessly” for the user.

Depending on the specialization and activity, the list of job responsibilities of a financial manager may vary from cash flow management functions to a system for monitoring the financial condition of the company, and implementing the function of managing relationships with counterparties. Accordingly, the job description must include a complete list of responsibilities and powers, ensuring the completeness of the function performed by a specific financial manager in a given organization.

It makes no sense to give a specific example of a job description, since it is impossible to provide the entire list of responsibilities, just as it is impossible to describe the entire range of management accounting tasks for an enterprise. In each specific company, management accounting is individual, and accordingly, the set of functions of the employee providing this accounting is individual within each company.

However, you can give a general structure of the job description. In general, it should consist of the following sections:

  1. General provisions– description of the document, position, who appoints the employee to this position, etc.
  2. Qualification requirements.
  3. Job responsibilities. This section should be the most complete statement of all possible tasks performed by a specialist.
  4. Criteria for successful performance of job duties. This section is quite difficult to fill out, since it is not always possible to formulate these criteria. In this section, it makes sense to describe only those criteria whose implementation can be monitored and objectively assessed.
  5. Specialist rights. This section describes the company's responsibilities to the specialist. This includes timely payment of wages, organization of the workplace and technological infrastructure, compliance with sanitary standards, etc.
  6. Rights and responsibilities of a manager. This paragraph complements the previous one; it contains clarifications of the responsibilities and powers of the specialist’s immediate supervisor.
  7. Responsibility of the specialist. A clause that describes what the employee is directly responsible for and contains information about possible penalties for failure to fulfill official duties.

The key to a high-quality job description for a financial manager is the clearest and most complete description of all points, which will reduce the room for maneuver for unscrupulous employees. Only such instructions will ensure the effective work of the employee, his interaction with the manager, with other employees and departments of the company, and the activities of the company as a whole.

Responsibilities of the Financial Director

The financial director not only manages the relevant service, but also manages the company's cash flows, forms an investment policy, and provides the company's top management with prompt and reliable information about the organization's cash flow. The responsibilities of this manager largely depend on the specifics of both the business itself and the characteristics of the company’s management system.

Responsibilities include the following:

  • Organization of management of the movement of monetary resources of an enterprise and regulation of the corresponding relations that arise between economic entities in market conditions, in order to most effectively use all types of resources in the process of production and sale of products (works, services) and obtaining maximum profit.
  • Ensuring the capital stability of the enterprise through the development of a cash-generating strategy for the enterprise.
  • Management of the company's budget process, participation in the development of projects and financial plans of the company.
  • Monitoring the implementation of the above-mentioned indicators by departments.
  • Selection of optimal sources of financing the company’s activities by analyzing the financial market and the effectiveness of the applicability of a particular source for certain types of activities.
  • Formation of the company's investment policy, analysis of the effectiveness of capital investments.
  • Conducting an analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise, developing methods aimed at ensuring the efficiency of the company's activities (optimizing turnover, increasing profitability, cost management, etc.).
  • Accounting for cash flows and reporting on the results of activities in accordance with financial accounting and reporting standards, the reliability of financial information, controls the correctness of the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, the timeliness of its provision to external and internal users.
  • Supervising financial department employees.

The performer’s understanding of his rights and obligations will depend on the completeness of the instructions. The presence of instructions will allow you to avoid problematic situations associated with different interpretations of their duties by the employee and his management. The job description may include the following sections:

  1. General provisions– description of the document, position, who appoints the employee to this position, etc.
  2. Qualification requirements. This section formulates the requirements for the level of education of a specialist in this position, and also describes the set of skills necessary to perform job duties.
  3. Job responsibilities. This section should be the most complete statement of all possible tasks performed by a specialist.
  4. Criteria for successful performance of job duties. This section is quite difficult to fill out, since it is not always possible to formulate these criteria. It makes sense to describe only those criteria whose fulfillment can be monitored.
  5. Specialist rights. The company's responsibilities to the specialist are described. This includes timely payment of wages, organization of the workplace and technological infrastructure, compliance with sanitary standards, etc.
  6. Rights and responsibilities of a manager. This point complements the previous one. It contains clarifications of the duties and powers of the specialist’s immediate supervisor.
  7. Responsibility of the specialist. A clause that describes what the employee is directly responsible for and contains information about possible penalties for failure to fulfill official duties.

Let us give as an example one of the options for the job description of a financial director, but we would like to note that the instructions for each manager must be adapted to the specifics of the enterprise’s activities.

Job description of the financial director



Last name I.O. ________________

"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. Responsibilities of the financial director. General provisions.

1. This job description describes the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the financial director.

1.1. This position is classified as a manager.

1.2. Appointed only by order of the General Director.

1.3. Reports directly to the General Director.

1.4. In his absence, functional responsibilities are performed by a manager authorized to perform the duties of the financial director by the general director.

1.5. A person with a higher economic education and at least 5 years of experience in management positions can be appointed to the position of head of this area.

1.6. The financial director must know:

  • legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the enterprise, regulatory legal acts of the enterprise, as well as other regulatory legal acts regulating its activities;
  • safety precautions, fire safety rules, as well as industrial hygiene and sanitation, labor protection, orders and instructions from management, as well as methodological recommendations for organizing your own work;
  • methodology for organizing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise, as well as drawing up plans, projected balances, budget planning, registration and development of plans for sales and production of products, profit and loss planning;
  • tools, the procedure for assessing and analyzing financial assets, forecasting profitability and risks, the procedure for lending to an enterprise, searching for funds and investments for a loan;
  • forecasting the efficiency of investments and distribution of capital-forming resources of the enterprise;
  • methods for preparing financial statements, the tax system of the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for preparing accounting and financial reports.

1.7. In his absence, the duties of this director are transferred to a person authorized by the general director.

2. Job responsibilities of the financial director

The job description includes job responsibilities:

2.1. Managing the financial resources of the enterprise, as well as redistributing the budget in order to obtain maximum efficiency in production, processes for marketing goods and services, as well as reducing costs, identifying the main sources of financing production and maintenance of the enterprise;

2.2. Conducting negotiations, correspondence and necessary paperwork with commercial entities, banks, credit and investment institutions, as well as various third organizations in order to identify potential sources of lending, financing, co-financing and investment.

2.3. Conducting an analysis of the enterprise from the point of view of the above and economic condition, audit, vertical-horizontal analysis, trend analysis, calculation of financial ratios and indicators.

2.4. A study of all types of business expenses, including energy costs, utilities, purchases of raw materials or goods, as well as commissions, transportation and production costs.

2.5. Developing a business plan for an enterprise together with other managers and employees or independently, as well as ensuring budget planning, distribution of budget funds, monitoring the implementation of budget requirements.

2.6. Control over the implementation of plans and budgets, spending of borrowed and budget funds.

2.7. Analysis of the main indicators of the enterprise: cash receipts to the current account and cash payments for all types of products of the enterprise, income from the enterprise’s own financial activities, interest charges on loans, payment or receipt of dividends, expenses associated with investments and investments of the enterprise’s monetary resources.

2.8. Development of proposals to improve the productivity of the enterprise, reduce the costs of the enterprise, as well as prevent the emergence of unnecessary costs and expenses, and increase the efficiency of the direction policy.

2.9. Formation of an enterprise's investment policy based on studying the state of the market, analysis of supply and demand, the effectiveness of investments, as well as profitability and potential income from various enterprises, taking into account risk insurance, various payment and political conditions for the investor.

2.10. Control over the timely receipt of funds from budget revenue items, as well as the execution of banking and reporting transactions within a given time frame, payment of bills and interest rates on loans, payment of funds to employees for wages, transfer of taxes in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.11. Development and determination of directions of tax policy of the enterprise.

2.12. Complete guidance on the development of various financial and accounting documents for an enterprise, including documents not established by law.

2.13. Control over the preparation and execution of reporting documentation, as well as the preparation of financial statements for management and relevant authorities, preliminary reconciliation of documents with the actual state of affairs.

3. Rights of the financial director

The job description guarantees him the rights:

3.1. Require the General Director to provide all conditions for the effective performance of his own official duties.

3.2. Propose and submit for consideration to the board of managers proposals for improving the production process, as well as document flow, within their competence.

3.3. Identify deficiencies in the production process, as well as, within the scope of his responsibilities, the activities of the enterprise and propose to management methods and ways to eliminate or prevent them.

3.4. Sign and issue orders, instructions and other internal documents of the enterprise within their own competence.

3.5. Receive the necessary documents for the successful performance of job duties.

3.6. Represent employees for encouragement or discipline in cases where one’s own authority is not enough to encourage and discipline.

3.8. Take an active part in the development of all relevant documents, plans and other documents related to the direct activities of the enterprise.

3.9. Coordinate and approve the job responsibilities of subordinates within their own authority.

3.10. Improve your own skills.

4. Responsibility of the CFO

The job description defines his responsibility for:

4.1. Disclosure of trade secrets, transfer of financial information to third parties, resulting in material and image losses for the enterprise.

4.2. Failure to fulfill or negligent performance of one's official duties, as well as inaction when identifying non-fulfillment or negligent performance of official obligations by subordinates.

4.3. Causing material damage or damage to the image of the enterprise as a result of the performance of official duties.

4.4. Violations of the laws of the Russian Federation that were committed during the performance of official duties.

4.5. Failure to comply with labor protection rules, labor regulations and discipline, industrial hygiene and sanitation rules, fire safety rules and industrial safety regulations.


Director: __(signature)____ _______(full name)___________

legal department: __(signature)____ _______(full name)___________

I have read the instructions: __(signature)____ _______(full name)___________

1.1 Description and functions of the financial and economic department, interaction with other departments

In the organizational structure of CJSC "Regeton", the financial department is distinguished as an independent structural division of the enterprise, like other structural divisions, the financial department is created and liquidated by order of the head of the enterprise.

The financial department is subordinate to the commercial director of the enterprise.

The staff and composition of the financial department is appointed and approved by the director of JSC "Regeton" and consists of a manager appointed to the position by an internal order of the enterprise at the suggestion of the commercial director and three specialists.

Functions of the financial and economic department

1. Implementation of a unified enterprise policy in the field of finance. Development of a financial strategy for an enterprise and a basis for its financial stability.

2. Drawing up drafts of long-term and current financial plans, with all necessary calculations attached.

3. Organization of the financial activities of the enterprise with the aim of the most efficient use of all types of resources in the process of production and sale of products (works, services) and obtaining maximum profit.

4. Control and management of used working capital of the enterprise, loans. Participation in planning product costs and profitability of production.

5. Analysis of the financial and economic state of the enterprise.

6. Development of forecast balances and cash budgets.

7. Maintaining operational records of financial, settlement and credit operations performed by the enterprise on accounts in banks and credit institutions.

8. Development of accounting and tax policies Organization of work on the transfer of payments and contributions for taxes and fees to budgets of all levels.

9. Development of the enterprise's credit policy.

10. Ensuring timely tax payments, settlements with creditors and suppliers. Keeping records of the movement of funds and reporting on the results of financial activities in accordance with financial accounting and reporting standards.

11. Creating conditions for the effective use of fixed assets, labor and financial resources of the enterprise. Ensuring the timeliness and completeness of payment of wages to workers and employees of the enterprise.

Relationships between the financial and economic department and other departments.

To perform functions and exercise rights, the financial department interacts:

1. With accounting;

accounting information about the activities of the enterprise;

balance sheet and operational summary reports on income and expenses of funds, on the use of the budget;

reporting calculations of the cost of products (works, services);

plans for conducting inventories of fixed assets, inventory and cash;

payroll calculations; - financial, credit and cash plans;

reports on loan repayments, interest payments on loans;

2. With the economic planning department of medium-term and long-term plans for the production activities of the enterprise;

copies of planned economic targets of the enterprise divisions;

planned technical and economic standards for material and labor costs;

draft wholesale and retail prices for enterprise products, tariffs for work and services;

results of economic analysis of all types of enterprise activities; financial and credit plans;

reports on the implementation of financial plans;

results of financial analysis;

methodological and instructional materials on the financial activities of the enterprise

3. With the department of material and technical supply of projects of long-term and current plans for material and technical support of the production activities of the enterprise;

reporting data on the movement of material and technical resources, their balances at the end of the reporting period;

copies of claims submitted by counterparties;

draft claims against counterparties in case of violation of contractual obligations;

reports on the implementation of logistics plans; agreed upon draft claims;

proposals to eliminate the reasons that served as the basis for filing claims and sanctions against the enterprise;

approved calculations of working capital standards

4. With the legal department, decisions on claims and lawsuits brought against the company;

generalized results of consideration of claims, court and arbitration cases;

explanations of current legislation and the procedure for its application;

legal assistance in claims work;

agreed materials on the status of receivables and payables, proposals for forced collection of debts;

analysis of changes and additions to financial, tax, civil legislation of draft financial agreements for legal examination;

materials for filing claims, lawsuits in courts;

conclusions on claims and suits brought against the enterprise;

documents on the transfer of funds for payment of state duties to satisfy claims and claims brought against the enterprise;

requests for clarification of current legislation.

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