Map tower combined. Tower tarot meaning. Tarot card Tower in combination with other cards

Basic values

  • Positive: expulsion.
  • Negative: error.
  • Key words: closure, prison, loss of security, punishment, separation, alienation.
  • Number: 16 - prophetic number: 16 - the number of prophetic books of the Old Testament. When multiplied by 2 infinity symbols, the number 8, we get 16; By multiplying the number - the symbol of a perfect square - 4 by itself, we again get! 6.
  • Description of the lasso: Lightning struck the tower and destroyed its top. Flames shoot out from three windows of the tower. Two people fall from there: the head of one of them is decorated with a crown. The dark sky is dotted with sparks.


  • Lightning: is a natural expression of the Wrath of God upon humanity.
  • Sparks of flame: represent the sky that is falling on the earth, being an allusion to the collapse of the house of the Lord and the abode of angels.
  • Windows: three levels of existence (mind, intellect and physical level) where destruction occurs.
  • Tower: traditionally a phallic symbol, it can have other meanings: family, home, the human body and even the institution of the church. One way or another, this symbol is a direct allusion to the Tower of Babel.
  • People: represent all of humanity, whose arrogance has driven it to the crazy idea of ​​challenging heaven itself.

General meaning of the Tower arcana

The tower is a symbol of humility and submission. The legendary Tower of Babel was built by man with the goal of challenging the sky itself. Divine and natural forces destroyed this structure, thereby punishing man for his insane pride. In a symbolic sense, the Tower does not represent any specific building, but everything that a person can build: beliefs, confidence, life guidelines, a set of rules, hierarchical structures, etc. The collapse of the Tower represents a difficult situation, in the face of which a person feels lost and defenseless. However, usually the realization of the mistakes that led to the crash occurs too late, when nothing can be corrected. Often the Arcanum “Tower” symbolizes the prison that a person has built for himself, the cage into which he unwittingly drove himself in search of excessive and often false confidence. In this sense, the Tower represents our inability to open up to the world, build relationships with people around us, and change our path. And the collapse of the Tower, accordingly, marks liberation and purification. This Arcanum calls us to abandon our familiar environment and outdated beliefs and enter uncharted territory. In the Arcana chain, the Tower represents the difficult transitional stage from the wild and frantic energy of the Devil to the spiritual enlightenment that the Star carries within itself. This Arcanum is closely related to the Arcanum “Death”, since the latter also represents a transition, but of a different kind - from the trials that befell the Hanged Man to the calm that personifies Temperance. Only by climbing the Tower can one reach the Arcana of a higher order, which contain the spiritual vision of the Universe.

Iconography of Arcana Tarot 16 - Tower

Extended values

Personal life

  • Love. Love at first sight is a madness, because of which we voluntarily sacrifice safety in order to completely surrender to feelings.
  • Job. A bad result allows you to start over using a different strategy and get unexpected satisfaction at the end.
  • Money. Any investment is a structure that must have a solid foundation. This is the only way it will last.

Soul and psyche

  • Self-esteem. Excessive ambitions are ideal soil for destruction. There will always be something that is out of our control.
  • Meditation. What seemed important yesterday may disappear or fade into the background today.
  • Spirituality. Inner growth is not the result of the manifestation of force, since any force can be stopped or crushed.


  • Result. Every mistake is valuable as long as you learn from it and don't repeat it.
  • Recommendation. Any construction must begin with a solid foundation - this is the only way your efforts can withstand any storm.
  • Implementation time. The tower is a symbol of the two solstices (June 21 and December 21) and indicates the transitional cycles of your life path.

Esoteric meaning

  • Kabbalah. The letter “ayin” of the Hebrew alphabet literally means “eye” and symbolizes our perception of the worldly and the divine.
  • Alchemy. By fanning the excessive fire in the Lower Heaven, the adept will be forced to start all over again each time.
  • Astrology. Mars is invisibly present in all spheres of our existence. He acts energetically, passionately, and sometimes even cruelly.

“Tower” (Tarot) is one of the most dangerous and heaviest cards in the magic deck. It doesn't bode well. If you are unlucky and an ominous picture appears in the layout, get ready for troubles and negative changes that you may encounter in the near future.

Direct position

“Tower” signals big changes in life, and they are usually unexpected and unwanted. The map indicates instability, ups and downs. Characterizing a person, it predicts an aggressive state, anger, hatred. The individual will face conflicts and quarrels, destruction of connections and even criminal situations associated with violence. If you get the Tower, the Tarot warns of the collapse of what you are used to. The course of life will change course abruptly and, possibly, upset the balance. Although sometimes such shocks are only beneficial, forcing a person to make innovative decisions.

The “Tower” shakes everything stable, making it malleable and weak. Therefore, if you were previously imprisoned in the shackles of circumstances, you will get a chance to break out of the limited space. Insight, inspiration, and the desire to act will come. The card always indicates the intervention of higher powers in everyday life, recklessness and crises. Don’t be afraid to experience them: such situations strengthen your will and help you discover weaknesses in your way of life.

Map upside down

On the one hand, the “Tower” (Tarot), the meaning of which in the inverted position is not so ominous, means the end. At the last moment, you will be able to avoid the misfortune that was about to fall on your head. It will be possible to bypass the circumstances at the moment when it will be very bad. On the other hand, despite all the efforts made, life may continue to collapse. There is an option that you will come to terms with failures and will no longer react to them so sharply.

The inverted “Tower” indicates the last efforts of a person holding on to the straw of salvation. Or he says that you are an individual who, being blinded by self-confidence, convinces himself that everything is in perfect order. In fact, the situation is getting out of control: an explosion is inevitable. Interpreters say that there is not so much danger in this card as discomfort and confusion. Although the French are sure that the picture necessarily foreshadows imprisonment, since it was precisely this picture that Napoleon pulled out of the deck before leaving for

Relationships. Direct position of the "Tower"

It means the collapse of a relationship that seemed stable and proven. Perhaps a severe test for lovers, a crisis that will test the strength of the connection. After the events you have experienced together, your opinion about your loved one will change - most likely for the worse. “Tower” will destroy the illusion that the other half is faithful and reliable, and the relationship is pure and bright. If there are positive cards nearby, they indicate relief from the suffering that your partner causes you. As you can see, it has two interpretations: “ashes” or “cleansing storm.” What awaits you specifically, you will have to experience on your own skin.

For marriage, the “Tower” is also negative. Tarot gives a negative meaning to the card in relationships, indicating a difficult period or even divorce. It is possible to expose a spouse, discover secret lovers or intrigues cunningly woven by rivals. The card also hints at your perceived dissatisfaction with your marriage, your understanding of its deceit and immorality. Sometimes the “Tower” foreshadows early widowhood, the suffering and regrets of a person at a broken trough with a small child in his arms.

If the card is upside down

In this position, the “Tower” is more favorable: Tarot gives it a negative interpretation, but no longer catastrophic. That is, you realize the hopelessness of your relationship with your partner, but you do not want to break it. Trying to keep in touch may bring desired results, but will you be satisfied with it? If everything is hanging on by a thin thread, is it worth delaying the break that is inevitable? A temporary truce is what awaits you. But, you must admit, this is far from the eternal world you dream of.

The inverted “Tower” is also a harbinger of unpleasant experiences, an emotional explosion. There may be a great loss in a relationship, major disappointment, painful experiences. All these feelings will poison your further existence. Mournful loneliness is indicated by the card, which during the reading is located next to the “Hermit”. When “Strength” accompanies this lasso, “Tower” (Tarot) changes its meaning: a person will have to gather all his will into a fist in order to withstand the blow of fate.


Problems await you again, but in the professional sphere. Loss of a stable job, a decrease in income or even complete bankruptcy, staff reduction, which includes you, receiving a severe reprimand, the collapse of an enterprise - this is a small list of the “surprises” that the future has in store for you. Stress from unfulfilled plans and reports, conflicts in the team, office renovations and even temporary relocation are also promised by the “Tower”. Tarot predicts the director’s attitude towards your mistakes in this case will be biased - with all the ensuing consequences.

You can completely lose authority and influence, lose in competition. Get ready to be relieved of your duties and removed from your position. The main thing is not to panic. Wait out an unfavorable period on vacation or on sick leave, or, as a last resort, try to go on a business trip under any pretext. Of course, failures in business are also possible far from home, but the chances of encountering them are still significantly less than if you are staying specifically at

Inverted "Tower"

In your professional sphere, you are threatened with stagnation. Especially if the activity is creative: get ready for a crisis, the muse will leave for a long time, fantasy and imagination will no longer delight you with new ideas. The card also promises little good for representatives of other types of activities: obstacles and troubles will take them by surprise and confuse all plans. Although in some cases, the “Tower” (Tarot) also has a positive interpretation: it may hint at completing renovations in the office, restoring what was destroyed, or finding a new job.

A reversed card can mean money problems. If you get this lasso in your reading, pay attention to the financial transactions you make. You can be deceived or robbed: from a wallet on the street to fraud with a personal bank card. Freeze assets and try not to make large purchases. A card paired with the “Empress” indicates that a specific person, perhaps from a close circle, is making money at your expense. If the “Ace of Wands” is nearby, there may be a collapse of expectations that at first seemed promising and profitable.


Serious problems await you in the future: there is a threat of getting into a big accident and getting a lot of fractures. Do not drive, be sure to buckle up in the passenger seat. The dropped “Tower” (Tarot) also has this meaning: you will need surgery due to sudden health problems. The disease will not be “long-lasting”; on the contrary, it will strike you like a bolt from the blue. This could be a heart attack, burn, injury, and so on.

The card in most cases predicts complications associated with the work of the heart. There is a risk of stroke, cyst rupture, hemorrhage. In some cases, “Tower” indicates poor health. To avoid such diagnoses, try not to take risks: avoid heavy physical labor, stress, do not drink a lot of alcohol and stop smoking. Start leading a healthy lifestyle: the card hints that now is the most favorable time for this mission.

What if it's the other way around?

If in the upright position the card speaks of physical complications relating to the body and the organism as a whole, then the inverted one indicates problems of a mental nature. Perhaps a person will become a victim of depression, suffering, and personal experiences. His sleep will be disturbed and his appetite will disappear. Apathy will set in, interest in everything that is happening will disappear. It is also possible that for individuals prone to bad habits, an exacerbation of destructive passion is prophesied by the “Tower” inverted. Tarot, interpreting the lasso in this position, indicates the development of alcoholism, addiction to drugs, and gambling addiction.

If in the recent future you have undergone surgery or been seriously ill, this sign is favorable for you. “Tower” speaks of a successful rehabilitation period, prophesies the restoration of the body and a return to a normal lifestyle. Direct all your efforts to the recommended ones to quickly get back on your feet, feel cheerful and energetic.


It’s good if the card is next to “Moderation” - it reduces the negative impact of the “Tower” and pacifies it. The position next to the “Star” is also good: it indicates that, no matter how difficult the difficulties may seem, they will end quickly and without consequences. In the minor arcana, the “Six of Wands” (Tarot) is positive: “Tower”, the combination of which with other cards usually does not bode well, here indicates success and approval of society.

With other cards, Arcanum has a negative meaning. For example, a position with the “Magician” predicts retribution for permissiveness, with the “Jester” - danger, with the “Chariot” - a catastrophe, an accident, an accident on the road, with the “Empress” - bankruptcy, with the “Wheel of Fortune” - important changes, with the “Sun” - health problems. If the “Emperor” is standing nearby, get ready to be forced to defend your interests. “Hierophant” next door - expect a crisis of faith, “Lovers” - make an urgent decision, “Five of Pentacles” - you will receive difficult financial times as a “gift”, “Nine of Pentacles” - a whole bunch of different problems.

The Tower in the tarot is the sixteenth Major Arcana and carries in the reading greater significance. Basically, the map image shows a building that is burning and collapsing. The meaning is approximately the same: the question for which the alignment is made no longer makes sense, the questioner should prepare for a new stage of life.

General meaning of the Tower card

The card itself has a rather positive meaning, but when combined with negative cards such as the devil or dozens of swords, a person should prepare for the worst case scenario: destruction with all the ensuing consequences cannot be avoided.

But not everything is so bad; the card itself means, rather, changes that were expected. For example, if we recall the collapse of the ruble/dollar exchange rate, then there were prerequisites for this in the form of a fall in oil prices. Of course, for many citizens this turn of events was unexpected, but some anticipated this outcome. You can look at this event and from a positive point of view, especially for those who held assets in dollars, therefore, when the Tower lasso falls out, it is worth preparing for drastic changes, which the questioner will probably guess about. Changes may be favorable or not - it depends on other cards in the layout.

The planets Mars, Uranus, Saturn and Pluto influence the lasso. In their interaction they amount to rapid, global and karmic destruction. By nature, the card is subordinate to the zodiac sign Scorpio, symbolizing transformation and emotionality. It is the sixteenth lasso.

Straight position

In the upright position, the lasso carries the meaning of complex changes that are expected. The exact meaning of the changes will be told by the arcana located in the layout near the Tower. If they are favorable, but weaker than the destructive lasso, then their meaning will be changed in a negative direction.

The Arcana Tower also has a favorable outcome, but at the same time the questioner will have to endure losses that he did not expect. For example, a person has long wanted to build his own house, he expected one amount, but the final cost of construction turned out to be twice as much. To keep the process going, he had to take out a loan, which means that in the future he will suffer losses due to construction.

And also in the scenario for the future, the Tower lasso can speak of a complete change in the life of the questioner. All stable processes and stability will be destroyed, and a person will have to completely change. The changes are painful, because the questioner will not even notice how quickly a revolution will occur in life.

In general, the Tower card in an upright position speaks of rapid changes in the external and internal world of the questioner. Most often, changes are painful for a person, because all old habits and visions of the world are instantly destroyed - it’s like the death of a grandfather or grandmother, which happens instantly, but such a loss brings great pain. Because of it, the person begins to get used to a more difficult life, because a loved one is no longer there, but, on the other hand, it makes the person stronger. After the death of a relative, you will not have to wait for help in difficult times, because a sincerely loving person is no longer alive. Thus, we can describe the influence of the Tower Arcana.

Inverted position

Unlike most meanings of inverted cards, the Tower in this position has an even more painful effect than in the upright one. The person will accept the ongoing losses and changes through force, but will not want to come to terms with reality and may fall into long-term depression. In an inverted position, the Tower card will not give concessions and those located nearby in the layout favorable arcana will not influence properly - they themselves will be painted in a negative tone. This is a temporary phenomenon, but unlike a card in an upright position, an inverted lasso makes the process longer and more difficult.

According to another opinion, the card still has a less negative meaning: the lasso means the end of the black streak in a situation where things can’t get any worse. Perhaps life will continue to go downhill, but the person will come to terms with this and eventually find a way out of the difficult situation. But this is at best - in reality, he may become very accustomed to crisis situations and will not try to change them. With such an attitude, he will only delay the moment of truth and destruction of the established reality, which did not allow him to move forward. This can be compared to a toad who decides to settle in a swamp: she also needs land, but the swamp has become more comfortable for her, and she does not want to remember the land.

Interpretation of cards in tarot layouts

If the sixteenth lasso as a whole carries a destructive outcome, then if it falls into a certain area of ​​a person’s life, he will have to completely change his opinion about it. For example, if the questioner decided to make a career alignment in the current work environment, then the Tower card speaks of collapse and high-profile dismissal.

The meaning of the card in relationships

At love situation The value of the Tower can be as follows:

The appearance of a lasso in a reading can have two meanings depending on the situation. In the first case, with accumulated problems and understatements, people will decide to release them. This will develop into a major conflict and a strong quarrel, but the lasso controlled by Scorpio will eventually translate this into an energy exchange: a powerful sexual impulse will appear between the couple. What has been accumulating for months, and perhaps years, will come out. This can be predicted by the situation in the couple; if the relationship seemed driven into a corner, and there was no way out in sight, then this is the likely outcome of this situation.

Perhaps someone in the couple felt depressed, like a prisoner in prison. The Tower card shows the collapse of a building, which means this prison will be destroyed. The situation may occur due to outside interference, because no one will listen to the prisoner. In most cases, after this there is nothing holding him prisoner, which means he is more likely to run away from such a relationship. With strong affection and love, people will still stay together, but the “prison manager” should change his attitude towards his other half; when re-imprisoned, she will no longer tolerate this.

In the second case, the destruction of a long-term and serious relationship may occur. And also a harsh truth may emerge that will change the partners’ opinions about each other. Perhaps someone hid information about a past relationship, and this will confuse the partner. For example, people want to conceive a child, but for a long time they have not been able to do so. They end up going to the doctors, and it turns out that their partner’s abortion could have contributed to this. for a long time which she was hiding. Naturally, this fact will lead the man into a dead end, and what will upset him most is that she didn’t tell him anything. After this incident, they will seriously think about ending the relationship.

Sudden loss of a partner may also occur. This situation is much more difficult to bear, because the living spouse also loves the other half, and she suddenly leaves him. After this, deep depression and lack of love for life are possible. It’s as if a person is losing ground from under his feet, and the only thing that can make him live is a possible common child.

For a lonely questioner, the sixteenth lasso is favorable. In a relationship scenario, he talks about the long-awaited second half. His character is influenced by other cards located nearby. For example, with the arcana of Lovers and a strong card of the suit of cups, a person will experience mutual and happy love. With negative cards, there will be short-term relationships that are unlikely to be mutual, and sometimes can bring the couple to a loud end, in which all loved ones will suffer. For example, the rapid development of a relationship that promises a wedding, but at the last moment the relationship is destroyed due to the skeptical look of the parents of one of the parties.

Work, career and business

In this case, the card carries the following meanings for fortune telling professional activity and attachments:

  • Unexpected dismissal and job change.
  • Unfair and controversial promotion of a colleague.
  • Destruction of business by government officials or people of authority.
  • Pointless investments in risky projects.

When it comes to work and career, the Tower lasso is negative. He indicates an unexpected dismissal that will not be discussed. This may be due to new faces in leadership positions with whom positive relationships have just begun. This will only add to the suddenness and lack of understanding of what is happening, but a person should look forward and look for a new job, there is no turning back.

And also an unfair promotion may occur to a person with whom a long and persistent struggle was waged. After this, a person can have a strong conflict with management, which will ultimately lead to his demotion, and even dismissal, therefore, if an unfair and controversial situation arises, it is better for a person not to show his character and be content with what he has, so as not to lose his job. When the sixteenth lasso falls out, it is better to take this advice and not start a war with the leadership.

When fortune telling about the success of your own enterprise or investment, the appearance of the Tower card leads to collapse. This will be influenced by negative forces from outside. Perhaps a senior government official will not like the way development is going and he will decide to carry out many checks, which, naturally, will reveal any discrepancies. After this, the entrepreneur may give up and nothing will be interesting to him, because the business in which he invested so much effort and money instantly and without a trace collapsed, and there is no point in resisting the state, everything has already been decided.

Investments will also not bring what the questioner expected. If favorable cards appear, he may not lose anything, but he will not be able to make money on investments. In the worst case, a person will lose all his funds and find himself in a dead end, because he could have high hopes for assets, which is why he risked all his money, so the questioner, if the Tower appears in the scenario, it is better to immediately start withdrawing all funds from risky projects, so as not to be left behind without means of subsistence.

Health status

In general, the card carries the following meanings when considering health status:

The appearance of the sixteenth lasso in the scenario does not bode well, but it can also indicate the end of a long illness. The card speaks of all types of fractures and injuries, accompanied by severe and acute pain, and this will happen quite suddenly. When divining a sick person who has been in serious condition for a long time, the Tower card can indicate his speedy recovery and healing. After all, it is destructive in nature to the established, and the fact that close people and doctors thought it was impossible will happen. True, such a recovery will require great sacrifices, and perhaps residual consequences will accompany the person in the future.

In addition to fractures, this lasso speaks of severe poisoning, accompanied by high fever, vomiting and severe diarrhea. It will not be easy for a person, and he will have to endure more than one day to remove toxins from the body.

Mental disorders are also possible, because the patron of the card is Scorpio, who is responsible for strong emotionality, sometimes going beyond the brink. They will be associated precisely with inadequate manifestations of aggression and strange actions. Schizophrenia and departure from reality follows a different arcana.

Sometimes, when associated with negative arcana such as Death, the Devil or dozens of swords, the card can speak of unexpected death.

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Each Tarot sign has its own interpretation and points to events of the present and future. The Major Arcana Tower symbolizes breakthrough, life changes. However, the interpretation depends on the purpose of fortune telling. The special meaning of the Tarot Tower is in relationships and love.

General meaning of the card

The meaning of the Tower card will change depending on which major arcana fell along with it in the layout.

This lasso is a symbol of destruction, an incentive to develop, move forward, and overcome obstacles. It indicates enlightenment. However, there is also a negative side of the symbol, which is associated with conflicts, crises, internal imbalance, mental disorders and other unpleasant circumstances that cause insight.

Value in upright position

The appearance of a symbol in an upright position in the layout means dramatic changes.

This lasso prophesies victories for which you will have to pay. Stability will soon be disrupted, so you need to prepare for it. Sometimes the meaning of the lasso is deciphered as the end of an important life period.

The lasso also predicts a change in values, views, life principles and guidelines, and getting rid of a heavy burden. If you interpret the map on a large scale, it will indicate a disaster, a murder.

Reversed meaning

An inverted lasso speaks of injustice, stressful situations, serious health problems, financial difficulties, and natural disasters.

Such a difficult stage in life will drag on and bring suffering. Sometimes the lasso indicates denial of problems, such as alcohol addiction. The card advises making compromises, avoiding disputes and resolving all conflicts peacefully.

Also, the appearance of an inverted symbol in the layout means a person’s dependence on other people, on the opinions of society. This card signals that you should be more careful to notice the signs of fate. In a difficult situation, it is better to postpone important matters.

Meaning in love and relationships

When fortune telling for love, the lasso foreshadows the need for a break, which in the future will only intensify feelings and strengthen relationships.

It means dramatic changes in life, getting rid of an unsuitable partner. Sometimes a card suggests that it's time to look at the world in a new way.

The combination with Cups promises love. The Ace of Cups indicates problems, stagnation in relationships that seemed strong. In combination with the Two of Cups, the senior lasso promises an awkward meeting, a ruined date.

Inverted Tower in Relationships

In a love layout, the lasso in an inverted position prophesies internal imbalance, excessive expression of emotions, love drama, separation from a loved one.

The main meaning of the lasso in such fortune-telling is loss and severe anxiety, which will torment a person for a long time, even after positive life changes. The inverted Tower symbolizes unhappy love, betrayal of a loved one, dissatisfaction with relationships.

Combined with other cards

The tower, in combination with positive Tarot cards, predicts a happy future, and in combination with negative ones, it predicts something bad.

Meanings of the card in combination with other arcana:

  • with the Jester - liberation, change of profession;
  • with the Magician - an opportunity to start life anew;
  • with the High Priestess - understanding secret knowledge, gaining experience;
  • with the Empress - building happiness on the problems of other people;
  • with the Emperor - divorce;
  • with the Court - correcting mistakes will change fate;
  • with Death - the beginning of a new life period, dramatic changes;
  • with the Hanged Man - a fateful event;
  • with Moderation - avoiding tragedy;
  • with the Devil - a large financial loss;
  • with the Sun - gaining experience;
  • with the World – strengthening of vital energy.

Arcana in reversed position with other symbols.

Obviously, polemics with opponents occupy Waite much more than describing the map. He does not pay attention to the details, but argues with Papus and other esotericists, arguing and proving that they understand the Tower map completely incorrectly. And the only one with whom Waite is inclined to agree is someone hiding under the pseudonym “Great East”. But we know that the “Great Orient” is none other than Waite himself. It would be strange if the two aspects of Waite did not come to a reasonable agreement.

Part of the text about the construction of houses is incomprehensible if you do not know that in the French tradition the map was sometimes called the Tower of God. It's funny how the Tower of God was translated into Russian: Almshouse. The word almshouse in Russian has an extremely derogatory connotation, meaning something between a mental asylum and a nursing home.

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Waite introduced a much less destructive Tower in his later deck known as the Waite-Trinick Tarot. No one falls from the Tower, nothing explodes. And the structure itself looks much more like a lighthouse than a donjon. By the way, it is believed that the falling figures represent King Nebuchadnezzar and his vizier. The Russian proverb “Don’t swear off bag or prison” perfectly corresponds to the falling figures.


  • Explosion
  • Accident
  • Catastrophe
  • Destruction
  • War

Key Ideas

  • Destroyed foundations and traditions
  • Irreversible act
  • Chick breaking a shell
  • Birth pangs

Basic meaning

Waite does not deny that the meaning of the Tower Tarot card (16 Arcana) for a person is associated with destruction. He writes: "Needless to say, the card depicts instant collapse in all its aspects, as it lies on the surface." However, in Waite’s descriptions of all the Major Arcana there is a tendency: he is obviously uncomfortable with the parallels between the Tarot and the physical, material world. This is also true for the Tower, which Waite views as a kind of spiritual crisis, the transformation of the spiritual into the material. And of course, there is one of my most “favorite” passages: “In a deeper sense, the card may symbolize the end of forgiveness, but further consideration of this issue in this context is impossible.”

But if it’s impossible, why write about it?

Once again we will turn to an additional chapter. Everything here is specific and clear. For the upright position, Waite gives the following meanings for the Tower (Destruction, Almshouse) tarot card: poverty, need, poverty, discord, robbery, ruin. Tower reversed Tarot meaning is: “The same troubles, but to a lesser extent.” Honestly, it’s hard to understand how there can be half robbery or a quarter poverty.

Modern meanings actually duplicate those proposed by Waite. Crisis, disaster, destruction, various types of accidents and breakdowns. What is new compared to centuries-old meanings is that explosions and impacts are not necessarily destructive. They can be manageable, controllable and bring not only harm, but also benefit. For example, demolishing a building in the city center using a directed explosion or shelling snow-covered mountain slopes to prevent avalanches.

Video: The meaning of the Tower card

Meaning in relationships

Open - hole card

The Tower is an open map, but it is not you who opens the door to events, but events that burst into your life to the sounds of Beethoven’s “Fifth Symphony.”

Relationship intensity

Maximum peak load. Lightning strikes a lightning rod, and it is not a fact that the lightning rod will withstand this voltage.

Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

Crisis, irreversible event. The Tower Tarot card, both upright and inverted, in a love relationship suggests that it is extremely rare to experience lightning-fast happiness. A man receives a telegram about the death of his grandmother, and suddenly realizes that he will inherit from her two apartments in the center and a house in the village. Or that her beloved’s husband has died, and now she is free. But you may not survive this experience - a heart attack from joy.

Much more often this card speaks of the destruction of plans. About something that subjects the present to a cruel test of strength. A man loses his leg, and the question arises of how his family and friends will behave. If we talk about relationships, then the emphasis here is not even on how he himself will cope with this test, but on how the tests will affect the attitude of others towards him.
Although this is not always the case, the default map suggests that everything will be bad. The event itself will most likely be short-lived. And its consequences may end this week, or they may last for several years.

In combination with the Major Arcana

  • in combination with the card: Huge energy
  • in combination with the card: Destruction and death
  • in combination with the card: Painful childbirth

Psychological condition

  1. What Pushkin wrote about is “rapture in battle.” And what Vysotsky wrote about is “I feel with disastrous delight, I disappear, I disappear.” But not everyone is delighted with the knowledge of their death or participation in something that threatens death. Delight is characteristic of Knights.
  2. Releasing anger. When a person grabs a club and begins to beat the right and the wrong.
  3. When a club falls on his own head. His world collapsed overnight.
    The Tower, like the 10 of Swords, does not really often signify absolute disaster. This may not be a very significant event, but it happens abruptly and unexpectedly for a person.

In combination with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with the card: Accident due to uncoordinated actions
  • in combination with the card: Slow Destruction
  • in combination with the card: Heavy scandal

Importance in health matters

First of all, the meaning of the card is associated with pain, physical injuries, blows, fractures, bruises. He talks much less often about mental anguish and suffering.

May indicate a severe crisis, a sharp deterioration in health, an attack, a heart attack.
It may also show problems with potency.

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • in combination with the card: Conflict between relatives
  • in combination with the card: Personal happiness comes to an end
  • in combination with card: Painful, destructive love

Business and finance, professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

Unstable card. It can be controlled and controlled, like a prepared explosion, or it can go off on its own. This is an instant card, a moment. It may mean the period of Ruin. In an instant something happens, and then you live in an apocalyptic world.
On the physical level, the card most often means collapse, destruction, ruin. There is also a metaphysical level where the Tower can indicate renewal, new life, etc. But fortune telling for business most often happens on the physical level.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

It would seem, what kind of income, in conditions of collapse and ruin? But to whom is war, and to whom is mother dear. Of course, not so literally, but using human misfortunes for enrichment is normal practice for the Tower. Historical fact: the owner of fire brigades in ancient Rome, Marcus Crassus, bought a burning house for next to nothing, put out the fire and used the house for his own purposes (as an apartment building). Maybe there were arsonists among his firefighters, but that's another story.

The situation is simpler: the car breaks down - we call a tow truck. Or we sell it for scrap metal. Anyone who made a fuss and made a business out of another person’s problems was right: every day one thing or another happens. In this case, the accident may not be the result of your shortsightedness or mistake. Demons trip up.

General state of finances and trends of changes

The situation is only more beautiful in the grave. All plans are destroyed or are about to collapse. The plaster is removed and the client leaves. If something comes, it is immediately spent on patching huge holes. The worst thing is that we do not know how long this “nuclear winter” will last. You need to have a plan B, although C or D will also not be superfluous. This will give at least some margin of safety. It is difficult to predict a specific earthquake, but living in a seismic zone, it is logical to take this factor into account during construction.

An explosion occurs on an English and American ship. One burned to the ground, the other survived. Guess which ship regularly conducted fire drills?
There is always the opportunity to lay down straw.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The predominant influence of the card is negative. There will be losses, no matter how you prepare, there is only a way to provide for them as force majeure circumstances and include them in the contract. A disaster is an external event, most often it is not a person’s fault. But one can, with great stretch, see something good in this. I didn’t have the strength to give up the old one, I grabbed onto it with my hands and feet, and the Tower itself collapsed, without any visible help from you. This means we need to build a new one.

In combination with the suit of Swords

  • in combination with the card: Inaction leads to defeat
  • in combination with the card: Severe defeat
  • in combination with the card: The trick backfires

Blow everything to hell

Card of the day Caution

Be careful, protect yourself and others from injury and shock.

In combination with the suit of Pentacles

  • in combination with the card: “Fear the Danaans who bring gifts”
  • in combination with the card: Go broke while helping others
  • in combination with the card: Lose everything in an instant

Questions to ask when drawing a card?

  • What in your life do you need to decisively get rid of?
  • What are you afraid of?
  • How well are you able to cope with crises?
  • Ready to start from scratch?

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