Meat broth is cloudy. How to make cloudy broth clear? A trick that every housewife must master! Why are fish and meat broths cloudy?

Nutritionists believe that fish soups should be a must in the human diet. They can be eaten separately or used as a base for other dishes, for example, soup, aspic, sauces, etc. The most delicious soups are obtained if you use catfish, sea bass, pike perch and crucian carp for cooking.

Benefits and calories

Fish contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as many other useful substances. As for the energy value, it depends on the ingredients used for cooking.

The average caloric value of fish broth is 49 kcal per 100 g. If fatty fish was used, then the caloric content will naturally increase. Doctors recommend fish first courses to people whose bodies are weakened after illness or surgery.

Fish broth recipes

There are many cooking options that use not only different fish, but also different parts of the carcass. Let's look at some of them.

But first, let's look at an important question: " How long should fish stock be cooked?» If you cook on low heat, it will take about half an hour to cook. After the time has passed, you need to remove the fish, vegetables and herbs.

It is recommended to then leave everything for half an hour at room temperature. During this time, excess fat will appear on the surface, which should also be removed. It is recommended to strain the liquid through gauze, which should be folded in several layers. For lightening, you can use any of the options below.

Clarifying the broth

It is important to know how to lighten fish broth so that it looks attractive and does not spoil the impression of the dish.

There are several ways to get rid of the dark color and give the liquid a beautiful golden color:

Classic recipe No. 1

This broth includes vegetables and fish, which one does not matter. It's easy and quick to prepare.

Ingredients :

  • 1.5 kg of fish;
  • onion;
  • bell pepper;
  • leek;
  • 1 tbsp. dry white wine;
  • lemon;
  • a couple of celery sprigs;
  • thyme;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

Classic recipe No. 2

Let's figure out how to cook fish broth from waste. When cutting a carcass, waste often remains: fins, tails, heads, bones, and you can even use skin, but without scales.


  • 1 kg of waste;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 large carrots;
  • 50 g parsley.

Cooking method:

Recipe for vegetable soup with fish broth

This is a light and completely low-fat first course, suitable for both adults and children. This soup is usually classified as dietary.


  • 0.5 kg shrimp fish;
  • 400 g tomatoes;
  • 200 g bell pepper;
  • leek;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of spices;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

Recipe for fish broth soup with corn

This dish turns out to be more satisfying, but at the same time very tasty. It's also quick and easy to prepare.

Ingredients :

  • 2 tbsp. broth;
  • 1 tbsp. milk and cream 20%;
  • 0.5 kg white fish fillet;
  • 80 g bacon;
  • 3 ears of young corn;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • onion;
  • several sprigs of dill;
  • olive oil;
  • salt and pepper.

A good broth can become not only the basis for soup, but also an independent dish. At the same time, it is very important that it pleases not only the stomach, but also the eye. We will teach you how to cook a clear, golden-colored broth; it’s not at all difficult - the main thing is to follow our tips when cooking.

What to cook in

It is best to cook broths in stainless steel pans, then their taste will not deteriorate. Enameled cookware is also suitable, but the enamel must be free of chips and cracks. Choose a saucepan that is large enough to not contain liquid to the brim.


The choice of meat for the broth is quite large. These can be breast and back parts of the carcass, rump, rump, loin, shank. The piece can be with or without bone. If you use bones, you need to chop them before cooking, so they will release more fat into the broth. The meat should be washed well before cooking.

As for fat, it's a matter of taste. If you can completely cut off the meat before cooking, the taste of the dish will turn out unsaturated and uninteresting. Too much fat in the broth is also unlikely to please anyone. Thrifty housewives can subsequently use the cut-off mass for frying vegetables.

The finer the meat is cut, the more nutrients will pass from it into the broth. For dietary purposes, the piece for the broth can be finely chopped, as for lula kebabs. But in this case, we must remember to strain our dish after cooking.


If you want a tasty broth, the water should be cold at the very beginning of cooking. If you need tasty meat, then fill it with hot water, but not from the tap; it is better to heat the water in a kettle.

For 1 kilogram of meat and bones you need to pour about 4.5 liters of water. But if you want a stronger broth, there should be less liquid.

The main rule: under no circumstances should water be added to the broth during cooking. Fill it once and that's it. The fact is that adding water to both the broth and the soup greatly worsens the taste of the dish.

How to cook

After boiling, the broth should be left on low heat. And don’t let it gurgle too much, otherwise it will be cloudy.

After the broth boils, you need to remove the foam from it. Then it will turn out transparent.

To improve the taste of meat, you need to add a shot of vodka to the broth. The piece will become soft and the alcohol will boil away.

The meat will become softer if you add a couple of pinches of soda to the broth during cooking.

Clarify the broth

One way to get a light broth is to drain the first water immediately after boiling. But be careful, the meat releases its beneficial substances into the broth in the first 20 minutes after the water begins to boil.

If you did not have time to remove the foam, then you need to pour a little cold water into the pan, the broth will boil, the foam will float up and you will remove it. Yes, we recommended not adding water during the cooking process, but it’s better than getting a cloudy dish at the end.

Guys will help clarify and make the broth clear. In the old days they used black caviar, but now housewives choose whites. They are shaken and then added to the pan. The protein absorbs all the dirt and suspension - the broth becomes golden and transparent. And you just strain it through double or triple cheesecloth.



Usually an onion with the first layer of husk removed, carrots, various roots, bay leaves and peppers are placed in the broth. Additions are added approximately an hour after the start of cooking.

Carrots and parsley root not only add aroma and delicate taste to the broth; if you cut them into strips and fry them in a dry frying pan, and then put them in the broth, the latter will turn out golden.

Ginger root gives the broth an interesting taste. It makes the dish slightly spicy.

A dry piece of cheese added during the cooking process improves the taste of the broth well.


Meat broth is usually salted about half an hour before the end of cooking. If you feel that the salt has been too much, then you need to pour some rice into cheesecloth and put it in the broth for 5-7 minutes. The rice will draw out the excess salt. For the same purposes, you can use regular flour or raw potatoes.

How long to cook

The meat is cooked for about 1.5-2 hours. The time depends on the size of the piece and its freshness. Young - cooks faster, old - longer. In general, the slower the broth is cooked over lower heat, the tastier it turns out.

After cooking

You can strain the broth, but this is not necessary. You should remove the meat and bay leaf, onion and roots from it. Cut the meat into portions and place it on a plate when serving the broth.

Many housewives are concerned with the question: how to lighten the broth? A cloudy brew will take away the appetite of your household, because the finished dish looks unappetizing. Take care of the transparency of the broth while cooking it and use our tips. Both meat and fish broths can be clarified.

How to clarify broth - why does it become cloudy?

Improper cooking of the broth leads to its cloudiness, namely:

  • you pour hot water over the food ingredients for soup. This cannot be done. First, fill the meat in a saucepan with cool water, and then place the broth on the stove to cook;
  • you do not skim the foam at high boils. Remove foam and fat in a timely manner after boiling water with meat in a pan;
  • you do not use vegetables to cook the broth. Be sure to cook the dish with vegetables. To make the broth clear, place a peeled onion in the pan;
  • you don't strain the broth after cooking. Strain it through cheesecloth or a fine sieve. This will help remove foam, small meat bones and lighten the broth. Then pour the brew back into the pan and prepare soup or borscht.

How to clarify broth during cooking

You will get a clear broth if the purification process takes place in several stages:

  • turn down the heat on the stove after the broth boils;
  • cook over low heat, periodically remove the foam with a slotted spoon or a large regular spoon. This will take 1-1.5 hours;
  • Before finishing cooking, remove large pieces of meat from the pan;
  • pour 3-4 tbsp into the pan with the brew. spoons of ice water.

Boil for another five minutes over low heat. If the broth does not bubble too much in the pan, it will turn out more or less transparent. But you still need to strain it through a sieve or several layers of gauze and pour it into the pan again. You will receive a clear broth, ideal for preparing first courses.

How to clarify finished broth

You have a ready-made cloudy broth, and even after straining its quality leaves much to be desired. Don't worry, this can be fixed. Use one of the lightening methods:

  • roasted carrots and onions. Fry the vegetables, you can add minced meat and place them in the boiling soup. Cook until the soup turns light;
  • gauze bag with rice. Make a small bag out of gauze and put the uncooked rice in it. Place the bag in a boiling dish and boil for up to 10 minutes;
  • beaten raw egg. Beat the egg and pour into the boiling broth;
  • carrot. Cut the peeled carrots into two parts. Fry it a little without oil in a frying pan and add to the broth before finishing cooking;
  • grated cheese. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Add it gradually to the soup, stirring constantly.

How to clarify fish broth

All of the above clarification methods apply to meat broths. But often the fish broth becomes cloudy. There are ways to fix this situation:

  • crush 5 pieces of ice from the freezer. Add the beaten egg white to the crushed ice and stir. Place this mixture into the broth and bring to a boil. Immediately turn off the stove and leave the brew to brew for 10 minutes. Then remove the foam;
  • Use an absorbent made from egg whites and shells. It will create large clumps, you will remove them and the broth will become light. For 3 liters of liquid, take 2 whites and the shells of two eggs. Cool the finished broth to 70 degrees. Combine the beaten egg whites with the shells and add to the pan. Bring the broth to a boil over high heat and stir all the time. When it boils, turn it off immediately and leave the pan to stand for 10 minutes. Repeat these steps two more times. All that remains is to remove the resulting foam, and you will get a beautiful fish broth.

Our tips will help you get a beautiful clear broth. If it still comes out a bit cloudy, don’t worry. This does not affect the taste and quality of the finished dish.

How to make the broth clear if it is cloudy? After all, any soup looks more appetizing if it is cooked in a beautiful clear broth. But the cloudy broth does not add appetizing to the dish at all. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to prepare the broth correctly. But there is a way to help correct the situation. You can return transparency to the broth using the white of a chicken egg.

How to make the broth clear if it has become cloudy, recipe with step-by-step photos


1. Remove the broth that needs to become transparent after boiling and leave it for five minutes to cool slightly.

2. While the broth is cooling, you need to prepare the protein. To do this, carefully divide the egg into two halves and drain the white from the egg into a small deep plate, remove the yolk, it will not be needed.

3. Using a fork, vigorously whisk the egg white, as you would for an omelette, for a few minutes until it becomes foamy.

4. Now pour the whipped egg white into the slightly cooled broth and stir it a little.

5. Next, place the pan with the broth on the stove and bring it to a boil. At the same time, continue stirring.

6. As soon as the broth begins to boil, remove it from the stove and leave it to stand for five minutes. Then bring it to a boil again and remove from the stove. In total, this operation must be repeated two or three times.

7. After removing the broth from the stove for the last time, let it cool slightly and remove large parts of the protein mass from its surface with a spoon or slotted spoon.

8. Take another clean pan and place a fine sieve on it. Line the sieve with clean gauze, folded 4-5 times.

9. Now strain the broth through a sieve with gauze.

In this case, raw egg white acts as a binding component. Once in the hot broth, it begins to coagulate and connect with each other all the unwanted particles remaining in the broth after cooking the meat. When filtering, the protein with these particles remains in the gauze, and the broth is cleared and acquires beautiful transparency. Then you can use it to prepare soup or other dishes. Remember this simple secret of how to make the broth clear if it becomes cloudy, and your soups will always look attractive and appetizing.

How to make the broth clear if it is cloudy at home, simple, quick and tasty! or jellied dishes, an absolutely clean, light broth is required.

In his large theoretical article about I described in detail the technology for their preparation and what you should pay attention to when cooking so that the broth turns out clean and transparent.

But what to do if your broth, due to mistakes made, still turns out cloudy? Is it possible to make it look amber-transparent? Of course you can!

In this article, I will tell you in detail and clearly show you my favorite, proven and 100% reliable method of purifying broth.

For this experiment, I intentionally made the cloudiest veal stock I could make. Oh, and it wasn’t easy for me to do this due to my reverent attitude towards the original quality of the broths!

And this is how it turned out: rich, thick, aromatic, but completely cloudy, absolutely unsuitable for use as a base for clear soups.

We will fix it!

To clear the broth, I always use a drawdown made from egg whites and shells. Protein and shell are an excellent absorbent, which, like a sponge, absorbs the smallest particles of meat turbidity.

I recommend the following proportion: for 3 liters of cloudy broth, take the whites and shells of 2 large eggs. Accuracy is not important here; the amount of shells and proteins taken depends on the degree of contamination and the total volume of the broth that you are going to clean. If you need to clear a smaller amount of broth, then use the proportions as a guide, taking the white and shell of 1 egg for 1 liter of cloudy broth.

The shells should be thoroughly washed to remove any possible dirt, finely crushed, and the whites should be beaten into a fluffy foam. You can add a little lemon juice to the whites when whipping - this will make the protein foam fluffier and more stable (if you suddenly forgot or don’t have any juice on hand, that’s okay).

Strain the broth into a saucepan through a fine sieve lined with several layers of cheesecloth. For greater clarity of the experiment, I skipped the straining stage.

Bring your strained but still cloudy broth to a temperature of 60-65 0 C on the stove.

Add crushed eggshells to the broth and pour in the whipped whites. They will decorate your broth with such a beautiful snow-white cap.

Continuing to heat the broth, stir the contents of the pan with a spoon. At this stage, you can already notice cloudy flakes that are pulled away by the foam from the whipped egg whites.

Continuing stirring, bring the broth to a boil. Let it boil for about 5 minutes.

The boil should not be intense, otherwise your protein foam will run away from the pan; but still, bubbling must be present - this ensures that the cloudy foam is absorbed by the egg white.

Brrr, look how many cloudy meat flakes the egg foam has collected!

Turn off the heat on the stove and let the broth “rest” for 15-20 minutes. During this time, a cloudy sediment of heavy meat flakes and eggshells will fall to the bottom of the pan.

You can already see that “the patient is more alive than dead.”

Carefully and neatlyUse a spoon to remove any protein foam from the surface of the broth. This is very easy to do because the egg white has curdled.I became dense.

What do you think of the resulting color of the broth?

Now, carefully, trying not to disturb the heavy cloudy sediment at the bottom of the pan, strain your broth through a fine sieve lined with several layers of gauze.

All sediment should remain at the bottom, which is what we needed. We throw it away without regret!

If everything is done carefully, then one stage of cleaning the broth is enough. In case of errors or if necessary, you can repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times.

And here he is, the handsome broth! Absolutely clean, transparent, amber, pleasant color! It remained just as strong and rich, and did not lose any of its taste.

The result has been achieved! Hooray!

I hope you found this article helpful and may all your broths be excellent from now on!

so as not to miss all the delicious things!

I will also be glad to receive feedback on your cooking experience based on the materials in my article.

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