The covering icon helps in some ways. Icon of the covering Mother of God. Icon of the Mother of God Covering

This article contains: the prayer of the covering Mother of God - information taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Prayers for the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, prayer for marriage, icon for help and protection

On the Day of the Intercession, you can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos with prayers and any prayer requests for help and protection. It is believed that if you sincerely ask the Mother of God for protection on this very day, October 14, then she will protect you, cover you with her veil, for a whole year until the next holiday. We offer you prayers to the icon of the Intercession and for marriage.

Prayers for Intercession Holy Mother of God

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest powers, Queen of heaven and earth, our city and country, Omnipotent Intercessor! Accept this song of praise and gratitude from us, Thy unworthy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, may he have mercy on unrighteousness to ours, and will add His grace to those who honor Your all-honorable name and worship with faith and love miraculous image Yours. We are not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless You propitiate Him for us, the Lady, for everything is possible for You from Him.

For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection, and ask God for Your Son: zeal and vigilance for our souls as our shepherds, wisdom and strength as city rulers, truth and impartiality for judges , the mentor is reason and humility, the spouse is love and harmony, the child is obedience, the offended is patience, the fear of God is offended, the sorrowful is complacency, the rejoicing is abstinence; for all of us is the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

For you are, Lady, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all who flow to You with faith. We therefore pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer to the icon of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary

“My Most Blessed Queen, my Most Holy Hope, friend of the orphaned and strange Intercessor, help for the needy and the embittered, see my misfortune, see my sorrow: I am obsessed with temptation everywhere, but there is no intercessor. You yourself, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. , guide me as I am lost, heal and save me as I am hopeless. I have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened! Look upon me, a sinner and in embitterment, and cover me with the most holy omophorion By Yours, may I be delivered from the evils that have befallen me, and may I praise Your revered name. Amen."

“Most Holy Theotokos, accept these prayers with great hope and faith in Your immeasurable mercy, have mercy, intercede, save, preserve and protect me, the servant (servant) of God (his) (name), from all evil and cover me and my family (home) with your honest Prayer Protection from all misfortune, misfortune and witchcraft in this year.” (Next you can add your sincere requests: for marriage, good luck in business, etc.)

Intercession prayers for help and protection

“Remember us in Your prayers, Lady Virgin Mary, may we not perish for the multiplication of our sins, cover us from all evil and cruel misfortunes; we trust in You and, honoring the feast of Your Protection, we magnify You.”

Prayers are created not only for God, but also for man himself. Reading a text that is aimed at the path of truth and purification of oneself, over time a person becomes imbued with it from the heart, tunes in to the good, the state of energy improves, and this, of course, leads to all the improvements in life. After all, good things only attract good things. You can pray both at home and in church.

If a girl or woman wants to get married, she reads prayers for marriage. By repeating such prayers several times, a woman internally prepares for marriage and, most importantly, for great job over herself precisely in marriage, as a result she meets a man.

Intercession is considered a maiden holiday and the great patron of weddings; prayers for marriage on this day have special power, so every girl or woman who wants to get married knows that on Intercession you need to get up before everyone else, be sure to light a candle and pray to the Mother of God for a quick wedding and a worthy groom.

If you want to get married quickly, but the guy or man is in no hurry to propose to you, be sure to try this Orthodox marriage plot:

“Most Holy Mother of God, cover the earth with snow and me with a bridegroom. So be it. Amen."

Prayer for marriage on the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, accept this prayer from me, Your unworthy servant, and lift it up to the Throne of God Your Son, may He be merciful to our requests. I resort to You as our Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your protection, and ask God Your Son for all the good things for us: for the spouses of love and consent, for the children of obedience, for the offended of patience, for the grieving of complacency, for all of us the spirit of reason and piety , the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

Save me from pride and pride, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. As the Law of the Lord our God commands people to live in an honest marriage, then bring me, Mother of God, to him, not to please my desire, but to fulfill the destiny of our Holy Father, for He Himself said: it is not good for a man to be alone and having created a wife for him as an assistant , blessed them to grow, be fruitful and populate the earth.

Most Holy Theotokos, hear the humble prayer from the depths of my maiden heart: give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You and the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

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Useful tips, many thanks to you.

  • Make peace with your wife

    I agree with the previous comment, but only just.

  • Prayer to the icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Good day everyone! We will be glad to see you on our video channel on YouTube Video Channel. Subscribe to the channel, watch the video.

    Surely every Orthodox believer honors such a holiday as the Intercession. Everyone knows about him, even the smallest Christian believer. On this holiday, it is customary to visit church and offer prayer to the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Let's try to figure out how long this holiday has been revered and what it is connected with below.

    A little history

    This holiday came from Tsarygrad. It is connected with a miracle that happened at the end of the 12th century. This year, difficult and destructive times began for Constantinople. The city was attacked by barbarians. The Greeks did not know how to save themselves and, having lost their faith in salvation, they went to the Blachernae Church to turn to the Mother of God with a prayer request for salvation and intercession. In an instant, the Mother of God descended from heaven to them and took the veil from her head. She unfolded it in front of a huge crowd of people, sheltering them from grief and misfortune.

    Suddenly a storm arose, which began to scatter the ships of ill-wishers. Thus the city was completely cleared of them. The enemies no longer approached him. And the event of the appearance of the Mother of God remained in the memory of believers forever. Since then, the Intercession of the Intercession has been celebrated every year on October 14. Mother of God. According to some sources, after such an unsuccessful campaign, the Varangian princes asked for baptism.

    What do they pray to the Mother of God of the Intercession?

    Before focusing on what the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is prayed for, it is necessary to note what the holy face symbolizes. The icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God carries within itself a symbol of peace, grace, protection and security. It is not for nothing that it is in a place of honor among many Orthodox believers. After all, by turning to her, many Christians receive protection and intercession.

    Of course, many are interested in how the Mother of God of the Intercession helps. According to the clergy, people turn to the image for help in everything. The face may dissipate negative impact per person ill-wishers. It also protects from troubles and misfortunes. In addition to this, the image comes with:

    • ask for home protection from evil intentions,
    • protect loved ones from evil,
    • ask for healing in the presence of serious illnesses,
    • asking for the gift of mutual love.

    Moreover, Our Lady of the Intercession helps people who do not have housing to find it, and those who are in difficult financial situation she helps improve it.

    What you can and cannot do on holiday

    As mentioned above, the holiday of the Intercession is quite revered in the Orthodox religion. There are a lot of things connected with this holiday. various signs. For example, there is an opinion among people that on this holiday an unmarried girl should be joyful, then the Almighty will give her a good groom, and she will get married in the near future. There is also a sign regarding marriage in the church itself. Whichever girl puts a candle in front of the image first will be the first to get married.

    To ensure that children in the house do not get sick throughout the year, it is necessary to take them out to the threshold of the house on the day of the holiday and pour water on them, which has been blessed in advance. The water had to be poured through a sieve. Also on this day it is customary to determine what kind of winter it will be. If snow does not fall before the holiday, then the winter will be warm, and if snow falls, then the winter will be very frosty and cold.

    It should also be noted that Orthodox believers do nothing on this day. Working on a holiday is considered a great sin. Only urgent work is allowed. For example, caring for the sick, children, etc. It is very important to remember that on this day Our Lady showed great compassion for people. Therefore, on this day, try not to judge other people and do not get annoyed over trifles.

    Text of the prayer to the Mother of God of the Intercession:

    “Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest powers, Queen of heaven and earth, Almighty Intercessor of our city and country! Accept this singing of praise and gratitude from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, that He may be merciful to our iniquities, and add His grace to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love worship Thy miraculous image.

    We are not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless You propitiate Him for us, the Lady, for everything is possible for You from Him. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and speedy Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection, and ask God for Your Son: zeal and vigilance for our souls as our shepherds, wisdom and strength as city rulers, truth and impartiality for judges , the mentor is reason and humility, the spouse is love and harmony, the child is obedience, the offended is patience, the fear of God is offended, the sorrowful is complacency, the rejoicing is abstinence; for all of us is the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth.

    To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people; Gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray to the right path, support old age, raise young ones to be chaste, raise infants, and look upon us all with the gaze of Your merciful intercession, raise us from the depths of sin and enlighten our heartfelt eyes to the vision of salvation, be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival and at the terrible judgment of Your Son; Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, our fathers and brethren began to live with the Angels and all the saints in eternal life.

    For you are, Lady, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all who flow to You with faith. We therefore pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."


    The Holy Icon of the Covering Mother of God was first mentioned as an image that decorated the cell of the first abbess of the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery, schema-abbess Tamarya. This monastery was founded 30 km from Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century. The second name of the icon of the Covering Mother of God - Domodedovo, comes from the name of the area in which the monastery was founded. The original icon was painted on wood. It depicts the Mother of God, who covers the Savior with the edge of a scarf from her head, intending to protect and shelter him from all evil. At the same time, the baby Jesus himself is drawn with a bunch of grapes in his hand. Bunch of grapes in church symbols Orthodox Christianity deciphered as a sign of Holy Communion, which in itself protects from adversity and troubles. The Russian Orthodox icon of the Covering One is considered the patroness and protector of the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery. Currently the icon is located in Novospassky monastery in Moscow. The celebration in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God the Veiling takes place on March 19.

    To whom and how does the Covering Icon of the Mother of God help?

    The Orthodox icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Covering is considered the intercessor of all the needy, suffering and weak. Therefore, absolutely every Orthodox believer can come to her and cry out for help and consolation. Her image reminds us of the need for frequent communion of the Mysteries of Christ. The gentle maternal face of the Mother of God on the Covering Icon, her pose and gestures protecting the holy baby, tell us that this icon can be presented as a gift to a child. There are also special prayers for protection against slander and slander, which are read in front of the Domodedovo icon. The tender soft gaze of the Mother of God is full of mercy. It will definitely console and help a true and sincere believer.

    Where to buy the Covering Icon of the Mother of God (Domodedovo)

    You can buy the icon of the Covering Mother of God both in an Orthodox Christian shop, where in addition to the icon itself, you will also be offered books, prayer books, crosses and other church utensils, or via the Internet. In Orthodox online stores you can find even more options for traditional icons than in a regular store. Presented here is the icon of the Coverer on wood, both the original itself and painted on canvas, made from the smallest amber chips, with precious stones and metals in the setting. I would especially like to note the beauty and grace of the icon of the Covering Mother of God, embroidered on fabric using beads.

    Orthodox icons and prayers

    Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

    Prayer of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    "Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

    The Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God came to Russian land from Constantinople in the 12th century. Since then, this day has become very revered. Every year on February 14, all Orthodox peasants attend church and pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary for salvation.

    The history of this holiday has many gaps that have appeared over its long history. Scientific and church literature has more than once faced very difficult questions of the establishment and origin of this holiday and iconography.

    Prayer of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the history of the holiday

    This story originated in the 6th century, when the great city of Constantinople was threatened by enemies. During all-night vigil Epiphanius and Saint Andrew prayed fervently in one of the churches. And then at 4 o’clock in the morning a majestic woman appeared at the temple gates. Many Saints stood behind her.

    She went to the altar and prayed earnestly for a long hour. When the prayer ended, She approached the throne and took off the brilliant veil, with which she covered all the people standing in the temple. After this, the Mother of God disappeared, and the victory of Constantinople was attributed to this image.

    This is how the Feast of the Intercession appeared, on which all believers turn to the icon with sincere and fervent prayers.

    Who and how does the prayer of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God help?

    An icon can help a sincerely praying person in everything. It has the same divine power as other icons of the Mother of God. Today, there are many cases where prayer to the Heavenly Virgin helped:

    • in moments of greatest danger - she saved;
    • granted healing to the sick;
    • those without shelter - provided housing;
    • those in dire financial straits - improved their financial condition;
    • those who did not have a soulmate found love.

    Text of the prayer to the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God:

    “O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the Highest Powers, Queen of heaven and earth, our city and country, our all-powerful Intercessor! Accept this singing of praise and gratitude from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God, Thy Son, that He may be merciful to our iniquities and add His grace to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love worship Thy miraculous image.

    We are not worthy of being pardoned by Him, unless You propitiate Him for us, the Lady, for everything is possible for You from Him. For this reason, we resort to You, as to our undoubted and immediate Intercessor: hear us praying to You, cover us with Your all-powerful protection and ask God, Your Son, for our shepherds zeal and vigilance for souls, for the city ruler wisdom and strength, for the judges truth and impartiality , a mentor, reason and humility, a spouse, love and harmony, a child, obedience, patience for the offended, the fear of God for those who offend, complacency for those who grieve, abstinence for those who rejoice;

    to all of us the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. To her, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on Your weak people; Gather those who are scattered, guide those who have gone astray onto the right path, support old age, bring up young ones with chastity, raise infants and look upon us all with the gaze of Your merciful intercession, raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten our heartfelt eyes to the vision of salvation; be merciful to us here and there, in the land of earthly arrival, and at the Last Judgment of Your Son;

    Having ceased in faith and repentance from this life, our fathers and brethren began to live with the Angels and all the saints in eternal life. For you are, Lady, the glory of heaven and the hope of earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all who flow to You with faith. We therefore pray to You and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we commit ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

    The Lord is always with you!

    And from this video you will hear a beautiful prayer addressed to the “Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” icon.

    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos before the Covering Icon

    To the chosen Voivode Queen of heaven and earth, who gave us the wonderful icon “The Covering One,” we offer a song of thanksgiving. You, as the Compassionate Mother, do not reject our prayer, but deign to accept it, deigning to cry out to You like this:

    Saint Anna heard the angelic voice and announced: “You will conceive and give birth to a Daughter, the Most Blessed Mary, in Her all the tribes of the earth will be blessed and salvation will come to the whole world.” This is led by a cry to the Mother of God: Rejoice, Mother of the Son of God. Rejoice, Immaculate Virgin. Rejoice, Thou who gave birth to the Savior of our souls. Rejoice, you who have reconciled sinners with God. Rejoice, inconceivable container. Rejoice, you carried all the Divinities. Rejoice, God has favored mortals. Rejoice, mortals have boldness towards God. Rejoice, most honorable Cherub. Rejoice, most glorious without comparison Seraphim. Rejoice, trampling on hell and death. Rejoice, gift of eternal life. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    You yourself have acquired a perfect mind, O Mother of God, having been brought up in the Holy of Holies, so you do not cease to make wise and enlighten with the light of God’s understanding and all Christians cry out to You like this: Rejoice, you who lead to the knowledge of God. Rejoice, you who turn those seduced to the light of truth. Rejoice, you who instill the fear of God in hearts. Rejoice, you who teach reverence for the holy thing. Rejoice, inspiring zeal for salvation. Rejoice, spiritual insensitivity is overwhelming in us. Rejoice, thou who inspirest to venerate the temples of God. Rejoice, you find inspiring joy in them. Rejoice, you arousing thirst for Holy Communion. Rejoice, igniting faith and love for God. Rejoice, Champion of purity and chastity. Rejoice, good Christian life to the Helper. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    The Power of the Most High Autumn of You, O Blessed One, when Archangel Gabriel preached the good news of the seedless conception from You of the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Having received this good news with humility, as a servant of the Lord, you cried out to God: Alleluia.

    Having in the womb of Christ the Giver of Life, you rose, O Blessed One, to Your little one, the righteous Elizabeth, and kissed both mothers, rejoicing in God our Savior. For this reason, as the source of holy joy, we cry out to Tisitsa: Rejoice, you who make our hard life easier. Rejoice, you who drive away cruel troubles and misfortunes. Rejoice, you who save us from spiritual anguish and despondency. Rejoice, thou who quickest to help the helpless. Rejoice, you who show God's trials for good. Rejoice, you who provide consolation in suffering itself. Rejoice, for through You evil undertakings are stopped. Rejoice, for through you our good wishes are fulfilled. Rejoice, Thy motherly fire warming the love of the soul. Rejoice, you who illuminate us with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, O Blessed Mother of all who grieve and are oppressed. Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the entire Christian world. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind, how can I praise You with unworthy lips, Most Holy Virgin, for Your great help to us. Moreover, magnifying Your innumerable mercies, I humbly sing to the Almighty God: Alleluia.

    Hearing Bethlehem shepherd angels singing Christ's Nativity, flowing into the cave, there she found the Mother of God holding the Eternal Child in her arms. With them, in spiritual joy, we also say to You, as a common Mother: Rejoice, raising children. Rejoice, Giver of meaning to the youths. Rejoice, O youthful Leader. Rejoice, glory of the good virgins. Rejoice, you who enrich men and women with wisdom. Rejoice, you who endow women with shame and meekness. Rejoice, sweet peace of reverent elders. Rejoice, quiet refuge for God-loving elders. Rejoice, fair marriages have been established. Rejoice, destruction of enmity and quarrels between blood brothers. Rejoice, blessing to pious families. Rejoice, praise and exaltation of virginity. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    You appear as a God-bearing star, O Queen of Heaven, to all who come running under Your omnipotent protection and continually cry out to God with tender hearts: Alleluia.

    Seeing righteous Simeon You, who came with the baby Jesus in the temple to introduce yourself to the Lord, saying: “A weapon will pierce your very soul,” meaning Your mother’s suffering for Your Divine Son and for all those persecuted for His Holy Name. For this reason we call Ti: Rejoice, shepherds of the Church, reviled by the world, glorification. Rejoice, encouragement to God's ridiculed servants. Rejoice, defense of those who stand for the truth. Rejoice, relief for those tormented by bitter labor. Rejoice, for you free the innocently convicted. Rejoice, for you will soon return from exile. Rejoice, you who graciously visit those who sit in chains. Rejoice, you who delight the patient sufferers with the anticipation of bliss. Rejoice, hearts evil people, hostile against us, softening. Rejoice, thou who destroyest evil counsel and deceit. Rejoice, you who protect us from robbers along the way. Rejoice, you who lead thieves and secret murderers away from our homes. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    The Divine light rose in Egypt and fell there to the idols, when you fled, the Most Pure One, with the Infant Jesus, fleeing the murder of Herod. You illuminate the minds and all the receding delights of the vain world with the light of God’s vision, tearing out from their souls the idols of the destructive passions nesting there. In the same way, we extol You with these words: Rejoice, admonishing those who doubt their faith. Rejoice, you who are proud of your humility in your mind. Rejoice, thou who have tamed the embittered and scorched by anger. Rejoice, reconciliation of those who grumble at God’s providence with the hardships of life. Rejoice, for you have invisibly punished the impudent scoffers of God and His Holiness. Rejoice, for you guide those who are lost on the path of salvation. Rejoice, shame on the superstitious and fortune-tellers. Rejoice, reproof of the corrupt and wicked. Rejoice, for you have cast down the soul-harming teachings. Rejoice, for you help us to know the truth. Rejoice, dispelling the darkness of blasphemy, shaming and all kinds of lies. Rejoice, you enlighten people with the light of the Holy Gospel. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Although you never wanted to be separated from the Savior of the world who was born to You, You, God-blessed One, remained with Him inseparably in the city of Nazareth, raising children and feeding Him like a man, and singing in Your heart like God: Alleluia.

    Showing a new motherly love for Your Son, with sorrow you sought Him, a boy of two decades, in the city of Jerusalem on the feast of Easter, imagining Him in the squad. Leading this is Your compassion, crying out to You with tenderness: Rejoice, you who lift up the offended and distressed. Rejoice, you who magnify those hated and rejected by all with honor. Rejoice, clothing of the poor and naked. Rejoice, food for the poor and ruined. Rejoice, charity for the homeless, the strange, widows and orphans. Rejoice, help to those without work. Rejoice, safe return to home for those who travel. Rejoice, you have brought those who are lost on their way to their home. Rejoice, you who renew the minds of children who are unable to learn. Rejoice, You who do not abandon the mind and character of the simple with Your help. Rejoice, unreliable hope. Rejoice, joy for those who trust in the will of God. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Your strange and wondrous care for Christians on all the paths of their lives became more rebellious and more difficult. Having in You such a merciful and unenvious Helper, all those who have benefited from You loudly sing to God: Alleluia.

    You were all with Christ while serving His human race, just as the divine Evangelist Luke tells about You, saying: “Your mother and brothers stand outside to see You, wanting to see You.” We imagine that You, the All-Blessed Mother, constantly remain with all those who work for the Glory of God, praising You like this: Rejoice, you who supply rulers as servants of God. Rejoice, you who guide those in power to the triumph of good. Rejoice, adorning the saints with the rule of faith and the image of piety. Rejoice, you who provide shepherds with zeal for the salvation of their spiritual children. Rejoice, teachers of perfect understanding. Rejoice, students prospering in the sciences. Rejoice, you who motivate leaders and warriors to defend their faith and homeland. Rejoice, you who help monks and nuns in their struggle against the temptations of the world and the flesh. Rejoice, holy mirror of truth for judges. Rejoice, doctors skillful in healing the sick. Rejoice, co-worker of farmers and good helper. Rejoice, peace and safe haven for all honest workers. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Every age of the faithful benefits from Your care, All-Merciful Mother, as You always give soul-helping gifts to those who come running to You, supplying what is needed in life and diligently interceding for us, weak and sinners, at the Throne of the Lord of Glory, to Him we sing: Alleluia.

    The prophets of many things cannot express Your motherly sorrow, which was at the Cross of Your Son, when You saw Him suffering for all mankind with unspeakable torment. Moreover, as we are more experienced in all sorts of compassion and are able to give us the most severe sorrows and hardships, we cry to Ti: Rejoice, sight of the blind. Rejoice, hearing of the deaf. Rejoice, you who walk with the lame. Rejoice, healing of those who are weak in the body. Rejoice, health to the sick. Rejoice, knowledge of those who have fallen into the misadventures of earthly vanity. Rejoice, deliverance from the cold from demons. Rejoice, enlightenment for those damaged by the mind. Rejoice, Thou who receivest the incurably sick into Thy all-powerful hand. Rejoice, you who take away from evil habits—drinking, swearing, and games. Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of desperate sinners. Rejoice, you who consume them from their destructive lack of will. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    To save the world, Who is the Lord of all, who is on the Cross, was given to the whole world by the Most Holy, Most Merciful Mother, when she spoke to the Most Immaculate and beloved disciple: “Behold Thy Son” and “Behold Thy Mother.” Giving thanks to the All-Good God for this, we say to Him: Alleluia.

    The strong wall appeared according to the commandment of the Lord, O Most Blessed One, bestowing on all prosperity, peace, joy, joy, as you yourself were the first to receive all this from the Risen Christ the Savior, having heard from Him the welcoming voice: “Rejoice.” For this reason, let us please Thee: Rejoice, thou who tames all hatred and malice in us. Rejoice, instilling peace in the heart of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, destroyer of envy, slander, jealousy and rancor. Rejoice, thou who hast grieved us with brotherly love. Rejoice, protector from famine, cold, cowardice, flood, fire, and sword. Rejoice, you who feed us with our daily bread. Rejoice, you who stop the deadly plague. Rejoice, quenching the wrath of God righteously moved against us. Rejoice, haste of our righteous deeds. Rejoice, on all the paths of our life there is industry. Rejoice, you who comfort parents with the good behavior of their children. Rejoice, thou who rewardest the servants of God with a quiet and silent life. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, do not despise, Bride of God, and do not turn away from us, sinners and unworthy, but help us to cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, so that we may be able to worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluia.

    You were the guiding light of the Apostle, Mother of God, after the ascension of Your Son into heaven. You remain such even to this day for all who want to be saved and come into the understanding of truth. Do not deprive us, O All-Blessed One, of Your holy guidance from us, who are overwhelmed by the worries of life in the sea of ​​life, but who from the heart bring You the following praise: Rejoice, thou who burnest up unclean thoughts. Rejoice, sobering one from sinful feelings. Rejoice, you who drive away temptations and seductions from us. Rejoice, you who strive towards repentance and correction. Rejoice, you who wash away the abyss of our iniquities with tears of contrition. Rejoice, you who help us to remain spiritually awake. Rejoice, you who raise your mind and heart to heavenly things. Rejoice, you who compel you to despise all earthly things. Rejoice, you who lead us to sobriety and prayer. Rejoice, you who prepare the bliss of the spirit. Rejoice, clear reinforcement for the ascetics of piety. Rejoice, wondrous salvation for all the faithful. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Ask us for Divine grace from Your Son and God, extend a helping hand, so that we may not perish in the sins and cruel circumstances that come upon us from enemies visible and invisible. Pacify our hearts, filled with malice and enmity, so that, comforted by You, we joyfully call to God: Alleluia.

    Singing Your honorable Dormition, we glorify Your Holy Protection, spread over the whole world, especially the Christian race, glorifying You: Rejoice, who prepares us for the departure from this life by repentance. Rejoice, you who cleanse you from sins through illness. Rejoice, for you protect us from vain death. Rejoice, for you are worthy of the last parting words. Rejoice, thou who sendest the quick release of the soul from the body in its death throes. Rejoice, granter of a peaceful death. Rejoice, deliverer of bitter ordeals. Rejoice, you who do not deprive me of Christian burial. Rejoice, you who intercede for us will come to the Lord. Rejoice, you who are with us in life and in death. Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from the fear of death. Rejoice, our Joy, who opens the doors of heaven to us. Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    O Lady of the world, accept this little gratitude of ours, offered to You with all our hearts, and do not allow us to grow cold in this grateful feeling, but instruct us to always remember Your dishonest mercies and cry out to God about You with tears of tenderness: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).

    O Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Most Merciful Mother of all Christians, especially those who mourn, are persecuted, and are possessed by various ailments! I, as I am poor and wretched in soul and body, appearing before Your holy image, with tears, touchingly ask for Your gracious alms. There is nothing good and good in me, - I am completely surrounded by infirmities, poverty and squalor - my feet do not have shoes, so that I can hasten to holy and godly deeds; My hands are dirty from the many iniquities I have committed; My eyes are downcast from a bad conscience; they will no longer be able to look at the splendor of Your beauty, revealed to us in Your miraculous image “She Who Covers.” My whole face is darkened and dotted with the stamp of my countless vices and sins. I have neither saving faith, nor comforting hope, nor blissful love; I am like a putrefactive vessel, filled with all kinds of filth: pride, selfishness, arrogance, vanity, anger, irritability, malice, resentment, ill will, envy, jealousy, condemnation, murmuring, slander, idle talk, deceit, flattery, deception, hypocrisy, despondency, impatience, cowardice, incontinence of mental and physical feelings, addiction, carnality, all voluptuousness and other numerous passions.

    And just as my spiritual misery is, so is my physical one – illnesses and misfortunes have held me and my whole life, like a reed shaken by the wind, full of inconstancy, fear and all kinds of danger. According to the verb of the holy Apostle: troubles come from the spirits of wickedness in high places; troubles from people who hate, offend and are at enmity with me; troubles from animals, livestock and creeping things on the earth; troubles from the elements of the world - lightning, fire, water, harmful air, cold, famine; troubles from the many infirmities and diseases of my body; troubles on the way and at home; troubles day and night.

    Who will support me, who will save me, who will deliver me from my enemies, who will guide me to virtue, who will heal my illnesses, who will console me, calm me down, enlighten me, instruct me, save me and have mercy, if not You, Most Holy Mother, my All-Good Intercessor and Patroness! You gather my mind, scattered throughout the world, cleanse my thoughts from all filth; Refresh feelings poisoned by all kinds of evil; Strengthen my will, flabby for all good things, and deliver me from destructive lack of will; Fill your heart with passions of freedom and holy love for God and your neighbors; Rearrange my entire inner temple and make it a comfortable dwelling for the Holy Spirit.

    Do not leave me, Most Merciful Lady, in my many-sorrowful physical life: consume illness; visible and invisible enemies have been destroyed; Destroy evil circumstances; push away the fear that comes from the spirits of evil and people who want to destroy me; Grant me everything I need and need, good spirits, let's go. May I, renewed, purified, and comforted by You, my Most Holy Queen, glorify the Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your wondrous care for me now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    Troparion, tone 4

    To the Mother of God as a father figure, those in trouble, and holy icon We cry out to her thus: Oh, Lady of the world, accept our unceasing and zealous thanksgiving, for in the days of cruel circumstances You, All-Blessed Mother, wonderfully preserve Your faithful servants and invisibly protect You from the slander of evil spirits and people.

    Kontakion, tone 6

    There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and we boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.


    The Holy Icon of the Covering Mother of God was first mentioned as an image that decorated the cell of the first abbess of the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery, schema-abbess Tamarya. This monastery was founded 30 km from Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century. The second name of the icon of the Covering Mother of God - Domodedovo, comes from the name of the area in which the monastery was founded. The original icon was painted on wood. It depicts the Mother of God, who covers the Savior with the edge of a scarf from her head, intending to protect and shelter him from all evil. At the same time, the baby Jesus himself is drawn with a bunch of grapes in his hand. A bunch of grapes in the church symbols of Orthodox Christianity is deciphered as a sign of Holy Communion, which in itself protects from adversity and troubles. The Russian Orthodox icon of the Covering One is considered the patroness and protector of the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery. Currently, the icon is located in the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow. The celebration in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God the Veiling takes place on March 19.

    To whom and how does the Covering Icon of the Mother of God help?

    The Orthodox icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Covering is considered the intercessor of all the needy, suffering and weak. Therefore, absolutely every Orthodox believer can come to her and cry out for help and consolation. Her image reminds us of the need for frequent communion of the Mysteries of Christ. The gentle maternal face of the Mother of God on the Covering Icon, her pose and gestures protecting the holy baby, tell us that this icon can be presented as a gift to a child. There are also special prayers for protection against slander and slander, which are read in front of the Domodedovo icon. The tender soft gaze of the Mother of God is full of mercy. It will definitely console and help a true and sincere believer.

    Where to buy the Covering Icon of the Mother of God (Domodedovo)

    You can buy the icon of the Covering Mother of God both in an Orthodox Christian shop, where in addition to the icon itself, you will also be offered books, prayer books, crosses and other church utensils, or via the Internet. In Orthodox online stores you can find even more options for traditional icons than in a regular store. Presented here is the icon of the Coverer on wood, both the original itself and painted on canvas, made from the smallest amber chips, with precious stones and metals in the setting. I would especially like to note the beauty and grace of the icon of the Covering Mother of God, embroidered on fabric using beads.

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    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the Icon of Her Covering (Domodedovo)

      Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Covering (Domodedovo)

    Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her “COVERING” Icon

    To the chosen Voivode, Queen of heaven and earth, who gave us the wonderful icon “The Covering One,” we offer a song of thanksgiving.

    You, as the Compassionate Mother, do not reject our prayer, but be pleased to accept it, worthy to cry out to You like this:

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Saint Anna heard the angelic voice and announced: You have conceived and given birth to a Daughter, the Most Blessed Mary, with Her all the tribes of the earth will be blessed and salvation will come to the whole world. This is led by a cry to the Mother of God:

    Rejoice, Mother of the Son of God; Rejoice, Immaculate Virgin.

    Rejoice, Thou who gave birth to the Savior of our souls; Rejoice, you who have reconciled sinners with God.

    Rejoice, inconceivable container; Rejoice, you carried all the Divinities.

    Rejoice, God's favor towards mortals; Rejoice, mortals have boldness towards God.

    Rejoice, most honorable Cherub; Rejoice, most glorious without comparison Seraphim.

    Rejoice, trampling on hell and death; Rejoice, gift of eternal life.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Seeing Your holy parents Joachim and Anna, as You are the Most Pure, the Blessed Fruit, they gave thanks to God and before the doors of the temple made a vow to dedicate You to the Lord, singing to Him: Alleluia.

    You yourself have acquired perfect intelligence, O Mother of God, having been brought up in the Holy of Holies, so you do not cease to make wise and enlighten with the light of God’s understanding and all Christians cry out to You like this:

    Rejoice, you who lead to the knowledge of God; Rejoice, you who turn the seduced to the light of truth.

    Rejoice, you who instill the fear of God in hearts, Rejoice, you who teach reverence for the holy thing.

    Rejoice, inspiring zeal for salvation; Rejoice, spiritual insensibility is overwhelming in us.

    Rejoice, thou who inspirest to honor the temples of God; Rejoice, you find inspiring joy in them.

    Rejoice, you who arouse the thirst for Holy Communion; Rejoice, igniting faith and love for God.

    Rejoice, champion of purity and chastity; Rejoice, companion of good Christian life.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    The Power of the Most High Autumn of You, O Blessed One, when Archangel Gabriel preached the good news of the seedless conception from You of the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Having received this good news with humility, as a servant of the Lord, you cried out to God: Alleluia

    Having in the womb of Christ the Giver of Life, you rose, O Blessed One, to Your little girl, the righteous Elizabeth, and “kissed both mothers,” rejoicing in God our Savior. For this reason, as the source of holy joy, we cry out to thee:

    Rejoice, who makes our hard life easier, Rejoice, who drives away cruel troubles and misfortunes.

    Rejoice, you who save us from spiritual anguish and despondency; Rejoice, hastening help to the helpless.

    Rejoice, you who show God's trials for good; Rejoice, you who provide consolation in suffering itself.

    Rejoice, for by You evil undertakings are stopped; Rejoice, for through you our good desires are fulfilled.

    Rejoice, Thy fire of Motherhood warming the love of the soul; Rejoice, you who illuminate us with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, Mother of all the grieving and oppressed; Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the whole Christian world.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind, how can I praise You with unworthy lips, Most Holy Virgin, for Your great help to us. At the same time, magnifying Your countless mercies, I humbly sing to the Almighty God: Alleluia.

    Hearing in Bethlehem the shepherd angels singing the Nativity of Christ, they flowed into the cave, finding there the Mother of God holding the Eternal Child in her arms. With them in spiritual joy we also say to You, as a common Mother:

    Rejoice, education of infants; Rejoice, O Youths of Meaning, Giver.

    Rejoice, O youthful Leader; Rejoice, glory of the good virgins.

    Rejoice, you who enrich men and women with wisdom; Rejoice, you who endow women with shame and meekness.

    Rejoice, sweet peace of reverent elders; Rejoice, quiet refuge for God-loving elders.

    Rejoice, fair marriages have been established; Rejoice, enmity, quarrels between half-blooded people, destruction.

    Rejoice, blessing to pious families; Rejoice, praise and exaltation of virginity.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    You appear as a God-bearing star, O Queen of Heaven, to all who come running under Your omnipotent protection and continually cry out to God with tenderness of heart: Alleluia.

    Seeing the righteous Simeon of Thee, who came with the baby Jesus in the temple to introduce herself to the Lord, he said: “A weapon will pierce Your very soul,” implying Your Mother’s suffering for Your Divine Son and for all those persecuted for His Holy Name. For this reason we call You:

    Rejoice, shepherds of the Church, reviled by the world, glorification; Rejoice, encouragement to God's ridiculed servants.

    Rejoice, defense of those who stand for the truth; Rejoice, relief for those tormented by bitter labor.

    Rejoice, for you free the innocently condemned; Rejoice, for you will soon return from exile.

    Rejoice, you who graciously visit those who sit in chains; Rejoice, you who delight patient sufferers with the anticipation of bliss.

    Rejoice, softening the hearts of evil people who are at enmity against us; Rejoice, thou who destroyest wicked advice and deceit.

    Rejoice, you who protect us from robbers along the way; Rejoice, thou who leadest thieves and secret murderers away from our homes.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    The preachers of Your grace-filled help are the entire multitude of those saved by You: the suffering, the sick, the grieving and those burdened with sins, singing to God with gratitude for You: Alleluia.

    The Divine light rose in Egypt and fell there to the idols, when you fled, the Most Pure One, with the Infant Jesus, fleeing the murder of Herod. You, having illuminated the minds and all the receding delights of the vain world with the light of God’s vision, tearing away from their souls the idols and destructive passions nesting there, We also extol You with these words:

    Rejoice, admonition of those who doubt their faith; Rejoice, you who are proud of your humility in your mind.

    Rejoice, you who have tamed those who are embittered and burned by anger; Rejoice, you who have reconciled those who grumble at God’s providence with the hardships of life.

    Rejoice, for you have invisibly punished the impudent scoffers of God and His Holiness; Rejoice, for you have guided those who are lost on the path of salvation.

    Rejoice, shame on the superstitious and fortune-tellers; Rejoice, reproof of the corrupt and unclean.

    Rejoice, for you have overthrown the harmful teachings; Rejoice, for you helped to know the truth.

    Rejoice, you have dispelled the darkness of blasphemy, shaming and all kinds of lies; Rejoice, having enlightened people with the light of the Holy Gospel.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Although you never wanted to be separated from the Savior of the world who was born by You, You, God-blessed One, remained with Him inseparably in the city of Nazareth, raising children and feeding Him like a man and singing in Your heart like God. Alleluia.

    Showing a new motherly love for Your Son, with sorrow I searched for Him, a boy of two ten years old, in the city of Jerusalem on the holiday of Easter, “bearing Him in my company.” Leading such is Your compassion with tenderness crying out to You:

    Rejoice, you who uplift the offended and distressed; rejoice; exalting those hated and rejected by all with honor.

    Rejoice, clothing for the poor and naked; Rejoice, poor and ruined - food.

    Rejoice, charity for the homeless, the strange, widows and orphans; Rejoice, help to those without work.

    Rejoice, safe return to home for those who travel; Rejoice, you have brought those who are lost on their way to their home.

    Rejoice, renewing the minds of children who are unable to learn; Rejoice, You who do not abandon the mind and character of the simple with Your help.

    Rejoice, unreliable hope; Rejoice, joy for those who trust in the will of God.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Your strange and wonderful care will make Christians on all the paths of their lives more rebellious and more difficult. Having in You such a Merciful and unenvious Helper, all those who have been blessed by You sing loudly to God: Alleluia.

    You were all with Christ while serving His human race, just as the divine Evangelist Luke tells about You, saying: “Your mother and brothers stand outside to see You, wanting to” (Luke 8:20). We imagine that You are the All-Good One

    Mother, who constantly remained with all those who labor for the Glory of God, praising You like this:

    Rejoice, rulers, as servants of God, supplying, Rejoice, guiding those in power to the triumph of good.

    Rejoice, adorning the Saints with the rule of faith and the image of piety; Rejoice, thou who providest shepherds with zeal for the salvation of their spiritual children.

    Rejoice, teachers of perfect understanding; Rejoice, thou that students prosper in the sciences.

    Rejoice, you who motivate leaders and warriors to defend their faith and homeland; Rejoice, you who help monks and nuns in their struggle against the temptations of the world and the flesh.

    Rejoice, holy mirror of truth for judges; Rejoice, skillful physicians in healing the sick.

    Rejoice, co-worker of the farmers and good helper; Rejoice, peace and safe haven for all honest workers.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Every age of the faithful benefits from Your care, All-Merciful Mother, as you always come running to You, granting soul-helping gifts, supplying what is needed in life and diligently interceding for us weak and sinners at the Throne of the Lord of Glory, to Him we sing: Alleluia.

    The prophets of many things cannot express Your motherly sorrow at the Cross of Your Son, when You saw Him suffering for all men with unspeakable torment. In the same way, as we are more experienced in all sorts of things and are able to have compassion in the most severe sorrows and hardships, we cry out to Thee:

    Rejoice, blind men of sight; Rejoice, hearing of the deaf.

    Rejoice, you who walk with the lame; Rejoice, healing of those who are weak in the body.

    Rejoice, health to the sick; Rejoice, knowledge of those who have fallen into the misadventures of earthly vanity.

    Rejoice, deliverance of those suffering from demons; Rejoice, enlightenment for those damaged by the mind.

    Rejoice, Thou who receivest the incurably sick into Thy omnipotent hand; Rejoice, taking away from evil habits - drinking, abuse, and games.

    Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of desperate sinners; Rejoice, you who snatch them away from their destructive lack of will.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    To save the world, even though the Lord who sits on the Cross gave the whole world the gift of the Most Holy, Most Merciful Mother, when she spoke to the Most Immaculate and beloved disciple: “Behold Thy Son” and “Behold Thy Mother.” Giving thanks to the All-Good God for this, we say to Him: Alleluia.

    The strong wall appeared according to the commandment of the Lord, O Most Blessed One, bestowing on all prosperity, peace, joy, joy, as you yourself were the first to receive all this from the Risen Christ the Savior, having heard from Him the welcoming voice: “Rejoice.” For this sake, let us please You this way:

    Rejoice, thou who tames all hatred, malice, and enmity in us; Rejoice, instilling peace in the heart of the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, destroyer of envy, slander, jealousy and rancor; Rejoice, you who spare us with brotherly love.

    Rejoice, protector from famine, cold, cowardice, flood, fire, and sword; Rejoice, you who feed us with our daily bread.

    Rejoice, you who stop the deadly plague; Rejoice, the wrath of God, righteously driven upon us, quenching.

    Rejoice, haste of our righteous deeds; Rejoice, on all the paths of our life there is industry.

    Rejoice, you who comfort parents with the good behavior of their children; Rejoice, thou who rewardest the servants of God with a quiet and silent life.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    You were a guiding light, an apostle,

    Mother of God, upon the ascension of Your Son into heaven. You remain such even to this day for all who want to be saved and come to the understanding of truth. Do not, O All-Blessed One, deprive us of Your holy guidance in the sea of ​​life’s anxieties, who are overwhelmed, but who bring You such praise from the heart:

    Rejoice, consuming unclean thoughts; Rejoice, soberer from sinful feelings.

    Rejoice, you who drive away temptations and seductions from us; Rejoice, you who strive towards repentance and correction.

    Rejoice, you who wash away the abyss of our iniquities with tears of contrition; Rejoice, you who help us to remain spiritually awake.

    Rejoice, you who raise your mind and heart to heavenly things; Rejoice, you who force you to despise everything earthly.

    Rejoice, you who lead to sobriety and prayer; Rejoice, you who prepare the bliss of the spirit.

    Rejoice, clear reinforcement for the ascetics of piety; Rejoice, wondrous salvation for all the faithful.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Ask us for Divine grace from Your Son and God, extend a helping hand, so that we may not perish in the sins and cruel circumstances that come upon us from enemies visible and invisible. Pacify our hearts, filled with malice and enmity, so that, comforted by You, we joyfully call to God: Alleluia.

    Singing honestly Your Dormition, we glorify Your Holy Protection, spread over the whole world, especially the Christian race, glorifying You in this way:

    Rejoice, having prepared us by repentance for the departure from this life; Rejoice, you who cleanse us from sins through illness.

    Rejoice, for you have protected us from vain death; Rejoice, for you were worthy of the last parting words.

    Rejoice, thou who sendest the quick release of the soul from the body in its death throes.

    Rejoice, granter of a peaceful death; Rejoice, deliverer of bitter ordeals.

    Rejoice, you who do not deprive of Christian burial; Rejoice, you who intercede for us will come to the Lord.

    Rejoice, thou who art with us in life and in death; Rejoice, “Our Joy,” who opens the doors of heaven to us.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, who protects us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Oh, Lady of the world, accept this little gratitude of ours, offered to You with all our hearts, and do not allow us to grow cold in this grateful feeling, but make us wise to always remember Your dishonest mercies and cry out to God about You with tears of tenderness: Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.

    (This Kontakion is read three times, and Ikos 1 and Kontakion 1 are read).

    Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, Most Merciful Mother of all Christians, especially those who mourn, are persecuted, and are possessed by various ailments! I, as I am poor and wretched in soul and body, appearing before Your holy image, with tears and touchingly ask for Your gracious alms. There is nothing good and good in me, - I am completely surrounded by infirmities, poverty and squalor - my feet do not have shoes, so that I can hasten to holy and godly deeds; My hands are dirty from the many iniquities I have committed; my eyes are downcast from a bad conscience. They will not be able to look at the splendor of Your beauty, revealed to us in Your miraculous image, “The Covering One.” My whole face is darkened and dotted with the stamp of my countless vices and sins. I have neither saving faith, nor comforting hope, nor blissful love; I am like a putrefactive vessel,

    filled with all kinds of filth: pride, selfishness, arrogance, vanity, anger, irritability, malice, resentment, ill will, envy, jealousy, condemnation, murmuring, slander, idle talk, guile, flattery, deception, hypocrisy, despondency, impatience, cowardice, incontinence of the soul and bodily feelings, addictions, carnality, all voluptuousness and other numerous passions.

    And such is my spiritual misery, the same is physical - illnesses and misfortunes have held me and my whole life, like a reed shaken by the wind, full of inconstancy, fear and all kinds of danger. According to the verb St. Apostle: troubles come from spirits of wickedness in high places; troubles from people who hate, offend and are at enmity with me; troubles from animals, livestock and the creeping things of the earth; troubles from the elements of the world - lightning, fire, water, harmful air, cold, famine; troubles from the many infirmities and diseases of my body; troubles on the way and at home; troubles day and night.

    Who will support me, who will save me, who will deliver me from my enemies, who will guide me to virtue, who will heal my illnesses, who will console, repose, enlighten, instruct, save and have mercy if not You, Most Holy Mother, my All-Good Intercessor and Patroness!

    You gather my mind, scattered throughout the world, cleanse my thoughts from all filth; Refresh feelings poisoned by all kinds of evil; Strengthen my flabby will for all good things and deliver me from destructive lack of will; Fill your heart with passions of freedom and holy love for God and your neighbors; Rearrange my entire inner temple and make it a comfortable dwelling for the Holy Spirit.

    Do not leave me, Most Merciful Lady, in my many-sorrowful physical life: consume illness; visible and invisible enemies are raging; Destroy evil circumstances; drive away the fear that comes from the spirits of evil and people who want to destroy me; Grant me all I need and need, good spirits, let's go. May I, renewed, purified, and comforted by You, my Most Holy Queen, glorify the Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your wondrous care for me now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    30 km from Moscow, in the Domodedovo district, there was the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery, famous in the 20th century. In Russian history Orthodox Church it is famous for the height of the monastic life of its organizers, later the new martyrs and confessors of Russia.

    The foundation of the monastery took place on August 9, 1910; on September 23, 1912, Metropolitan Vladimir (Epiphany), later a holy martyr, consecrated the newly created monastery. The field of spiritual nourishment for the monastery was prepared for Bishop Arseny (Zhadanovsky), a fifth-generation clergyman, one of the host of new martyrs of recent times, a man of high spirituality, wisdom and purity. From the day of its foundation until its closure in 1924, the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery was the place of his solitary exploits. In 1916 he became the confessor of the monastery.

    Possessing great spiritual experience and an excellent literary gift, he left to his descendants memoirs about the great ascetics of the 20th century - the book “Memoirs”, a number of articles on the history of the Russian Church and liturgical texts, including a service with an akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of Her “Covering” icon.

    The founder of the monastery is considered to be schema-abbess Tamarya, who received the blessing for its construction from the great church elders of that time: Gabriel of Sedmiezersk, Anatoly of Optina and Alexei Zosimovsky. Invaluable assistance in creating the monastery and resolving issues regarding its external and internal structure was provided by Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova, the great Russian princess, martyr, who was the spiritual friend of Mother Tamarya.

    Soon after the foundation of the monastery - 23 August 1 912 - the new monastery was consecrated by the Moscow Metropolitan, later by the holy martyr, Vladimir of Epiphany.

    The miraculous image of the Mother of God - the Covering Icon, or as it is also called - Domodedovo (according to its geographical location) - was a secret (cell) Georgian image of the schema-abbess Tamarya.

    There is an assumption that the image was based on Pierre Mignard’s painting “Madonna of the Grapes.”

    On this icon of the Mother of God, according to the description of the confessor of the monastery of the hieromartyr Bishop Arseny (Zhadanovsky): “The Mother of God covers with a headscarf and, as it were, protects from someone, the Infant of God, and He holds in his hand a bunch of grapes - the emblem of Holy Communion, during which no adversity is terrible. ..”

    Mother Tamar considered the image of the Mother of God “Covering” to be the guardian and patron of the monastery and its nuns, reminding them of the need for frequent communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Together with her sisters, in a feeling of gratitude and tenderness, she sang to the Most Blessed One: “You, All-Blessed Mother, wonderfully preserve Your faithful servants and invisibly protect from the slander of evil spirits and people...”

    The icon of the Mother of God received its second name - Domodedovo - according to the location of the monastery.

    After the death of Schema Abbess Tamar and the spiritual children of Bishop Arseny (Zhadanovsky), the icon was transferred to the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow. The icon is especially revered in the monastery even today, where an akathist dedicated to it is read.

    The locally revered celebration of the “COVERING” (DOMODEDOVO) icon of the Mother of God is timed to coincide with March 19 (new style) - the birthday of Bishop Arseny.

    Kontakion 1

    To the chosen Voivode Queen of heaven and earth, who gave us the wonderful icon “The Covering One,” we offer a song of thanksgiving. You, as the Compassionate Mother, do not reject our prayer, but deign to accept it, deigning to cry out to You like this:

    Ikos 1

    Saint Anna heard an angelic voice saying: “You will conceive and give birth to a Daughter, the Blessed Mary; in Her all the tribes of the earth will be blessed and salvation will come to the whole world.” This is led by a cry to the Mother of God:

    Rejoice, Mother of the Son of God.

    Rejoice, Immaculate Virgin.

    Rejoice, Thou who gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

    Rejoice, you who have reconciled sinners with God.

    Rejoice, inconceivable container.

    Rejoice, you carried all the Divinities.

    Rejoice, God has favored mortals.

    Rejoice, mortals have boldness towards God.

    Rejoice, most honorable Cherub.

    Rejoice, most glorious without comparison Seraphim.

    Rejoice, trampling on hell and death.

    Rejoice, gift of eternal life.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 2

    Seeing Your holy parents Joachim and Anna, as You are, the Most Pure One, the Blessed Fruit, they gave thanks to God and before the doors of the temple made a vow to dedicate You to the Lord, singing to Him: Alleluia.

    Ikos 2

    You yourself have acquired perfect intelligence, O Mother of God, having been brought up in the Holy of Holies, so you do not cease to make wise and enlighten with the light of God’s understanding and all Christians cry out to You like this:

    Rejoice, you who lead to the knowledge of God.

    Rejoice, you who turn those seduced to the light of truth.

    Rejoice, you who instill the fear of God in hearts.

    Rejoice, you who teach reverence for the holy thing.

    Rejoice, inspiring zeal for salvation.

    Rejoice, spiritual insensitivity is overwhelming in us.

    Rejoice, thou who inspirest to honor the temples of God.

    Rejoice, you find inspiring joy in them.

    Rejoice, you arousing thirst for Holy Communion.

    Rejoice, igniting faith and love for God.

    Rejoice, Champion of purity and chastity.

    Rejoice, good Christian life to the Helper.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 3

    The Power of the Most High Autumn is Thee, O Blessed One, when Archangel Gabriel preached the good news to Thee about the seedless conception of the Son of God, the Savior of the world. Having received this good news with humility, as a servant of the Lord, you cried out to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 3

    Having in the womb of Christ the Giver of Life, you rose, O Blessed One, to Your little one, the righteous Elizabeth, and kissed both mothers, rejoicing in God our Savior. For this reason, as the source of holy joy, we cry out to thee:

    Rejoice, you who make our hard life easier.

    Rejoice, you who drive away cruel troubles and misfortunes.

    Rejoice, you who save us from spiritual anguish and despondency.

    Rejoice, thou who quickest to help the helpless.

    Rejoice, you who show God's trials for good.

    Rejoice, you who provide consolation in suffering itself.

    Rejoice, for through You evil undertakings are stopped.

    Rejoice, for through you our good wishes are fulfilled.

    Rejoice, Thy motherly fire warming the love of the soul.

    Rejoice, you who illuminate us with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, O Blessed Mother of all who grieve and are oppressed.

    Rejoice, zealous Intercessor of the entire Christian world.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 4

    A storm of bewilderment confuses my mind, how can I praise You with unworthy lips, Most Holy Virgin, for Your great help to us. Moreover, magnifying Your innumerable mercies, I humbly sing to the Almighty God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 4

    Hearing the Shepherd Angels in Bethlehem singing the Nativity of Christ, they flowed into the cave and found the Mother of God there, holding the Eternal Child in her arms. With them, in spiritual joy, we also say to You, as a common Mother:

    Rejoice, raising children.

    Rejoice, O youth of the Giver of meaning.

    Rejoice, O youthful Leader.

    Rejoice, glory of the good virgins.

    Rejoice, you who enrich men and women with wisdom.

    Rejoice, you who endow women with shame and meekness.

    Rejoice, sweet peace of reverent elders.

    Rejoice, quiet refuge for God-loving elders.

    Rejoice, fair marriages have been established.

    Rejoice, destruction of enmity and quarrels between blood brothers.

    Rejoice, blessing to pious families.

    Rejoice, praise and exaltation of virginity.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 5

    You appear as a God-bearing star, O Queen of Heaven, to all who come running under Your omnipotent protection and continually cry out to God with tender hearts: Alleluia.

    Ikos 5

    Seeing the righteous Simeon of Thee, who came with the Infant Jesus in the temple to introduce herself to the Lord, he said: “A weapon will pierce Your very soul,” meaning Your mother’s suffering for Your Divine Son and for all those persecuted for His holy name. For this reason we call You:

    Rejoice, the shepherds of the Church who are reviled by the world are glorified.

    Rejoice, encouragement to God's ridiculed servants.

    Rejoice, defense of those who stand for the truth.

    Rejoice, relief for those tormented by bitter labor.

    Rejoice, for you free the innocently convicted.

    Rejoice, for you will soon return from exile.

    Rejoice, you who graciously visit those who sit in chains.

    Rejoice, you who delight the patient sufferers with the anticipation of bliss.

    Rejoice, softening the hearts of evil people who are at enmity against us.

    Rejoice, thou who destroyest evil counsel and deceit.

    Rejoice, you who protect us from robbers along the way.

    Rejoice, you who lead thieves and secret murderers away from our homes.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 6

    The preachers of Your grace-filled help are the entire multitude of those saved by You: the suffering, the sick, the grieving and those burdened with sins, singing to God with gratitude for You: Alleluia.

    Ikos 6

    The Divine light rose in Egypt and fell there to the idols, when you fled, the Most Pure One, with the Infant Jesus, fleeing the murder of Herod. You illuminate the minds and all the receding delights of the vain world with the light of God’s vision, tearing out from their souls the idols of the destructive passions nesting there. We also extol You with these words:

    Rejoice, you have admonished those who doubt their faith.

    Rejoice, you who are proud of your humility in your mind.

    Rejoice, thou who have tamed the embittered and scorched by anger.

    Rejoice, reconciliation of those who grumble at God’s Providence with the hardships of life.

    Rejoice, for you have invisibly punished the impudent scoffers of God and His Holiness.

    Rejoice, for you guide those who are lost on the path of salvation.

    Rejoice, shame on the superstitious and fortune-tellers.

    Rejoice, reproof of the corrupt and wicked.

    Rejoice, for you have cast down the soul-harming teachings.

    Rejoice, for you help us to know the truth.

    Rejoice, for you dispel the darkness of blasphemy, shaming and all kinds of lies.

    Rejoice, you enlighten people with the light of the Holy Gospel.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 7

    Although you never wanted to be separated from the Savior of the world who was born by You, You, God-blessed One, remained with Him inseparably in the city of Nazareth, raising children and feeding Him like a man, and singing in Your heart like God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 7

    Showing a new motherly love for Your Son, with sorrow you sought Him, a boy of two decades, in the city of Jerusalem on the feast of Easter, imagining Him in the squad. Leading this is Your compassion, with tenderness we cry out to You:

    Rejoice, you who uplift the offended and distressed.

    Rejoice, you who magnify those hated and rejected by all with honor.

    Rejoice, clothing of the poor and naked.

    Rejoice, food for the poor and ruined.

    Rejoice, charity for the homeless, the strange, widows and orphans.

    Rejoice, help to those without work.

    Rejoice, safe return to home for those who travel.

    Rejoice, you have brought those who are lost on their way to their home.

    Rejoice, you who renew the minds of children who are unable to learn.

    Rejoice, You who do not abandon the mind and character of the simple with Your help.

    Rejoice, unreliable hope.

    Rejoice, joy for those who trust in the will of God.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 8

    Your strange and wondrous care for Christians on all the paths of their lives became more rebellious and more difficult. For this reason, having in You such a merciful and unenvious Helper, all those who have benefited from You loudly sing to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 8

    You were all with Christ while serving His human race, just as the divine evangelist Luke tells about You, saying: “Your mother and brothers stand outside to see You, wanting to see You.” We imagine that You, All-Blessed Mother, constantly remain with all those who work for the glory of God, praising You like this:

    Rejoice, you who supply rulers as servants of God.

    Rejoice, you who guide those in power to the triumph of good.

    Rejoice, adorning the saints with the rule of faith and the image of piety.

    Rejoice, you who provide shepherds with zeal for the salvation of their spiritual children.

    Rejoice, teachers of perfect understanding.

    Rejoice, students prospering in the sciences.

    Rejoice, you who motivate leaders and warriors to defend their faith and fatherland.

    Rejoice, you who help monks and nuns in their struggle against the temptations of the world and the flesh.

    Rejoice, holy mirror of truth for judges.

    Rejoice, doctors skillful in healing the sick.

    Rejoice, co-worker of farmers and good helper.

    Rejoice, peace and safe haven for all honest workers.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 9

    Every age of the faithful benefits from Your care, All-Merciful Mother, as You always give soul-helping gifts to those who come running to You, supplying what is needed in life and diligently interceding for us, weak and sinners, at the Throne of the Lord of Glory, to Him we sing: Alleluia.

    Ikos 9

    The prophets of many things cannot express Your motherly sorrow, which was at the Cross of Your Son, when You saw Him suffering for all mankind with unspeakable torment. Moreover, as we are more experienced in all kinds of compassion and are able to give us the most severe sorrows and hardships, we cry out to Thee:

    Rejoice, sight of the blind.

    Rejoice, hearing of the deaf.

    Rejoice, you who walk with the lame.

    Rejoice, healing of those who are weak in the body.

    Rejoice, health to the sick.

    Rejoice, knowledge of those who have fallen into the misadventures of earthly vanity.

    Rejoice, deliverance from the cold from demons.

    Rejoice, enlightenment for those damaged by the mind.

    Rejoice, Thou who receivest the incurably sick into Thy all-powerful hand.

    Rejoice, you who have taken away evil habits, drunkenness, abuse and games.

    Rejoice, you who do not reject the prayers of desperate sinners.

    Rejoice, you who consume them from their destructive lack of will.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 10

    To save the world, Who is the Lord of all, who is on the Cross, was given to the whole world by the Most Holy, Most Merciful Mother, when she spoke to the Most Immaculate and beloved disciple: “Behold Thy Son” and “Behold Thy Mother.” Giving thanks to the All-Good God for this, we say to Him: Alleluia.

    Ikos 10

    The strong wall appeared according to the commandment of the Lord, O Most Blessed One, bestowing upon all prosperity, peace, consolation and joy, as you yourself were the first to receive all this from the Risen Christ the Savior, having heard from Him the welcoming voice: “Rejoice!” For this sake, let us please You this way:

    Rejoice, thou who tames all hatred, malice and enmity in us.

    Rejoice, instilling peace in the heart of the Holy Spirit.

    Rejoice, destroyer of envy, slander, jealousy and rancor.

    Rejoice, thou who hast grieved us with brotherly love.

    Rejoice, protector from famine, cold, cowardice, flood, fire and sword.

    Rejoice, you who feed us with our daily bread.

    Rejoice, you who stop the deadly plague.

    Rejoice, righteously moving the wrath of God upon us, quenching.

    Rejoice, haste of our righteous deeds.

    Rejoice, on all the paths of our life there is industry.

    Rejoice, you who comfort parents with the good behavior of their children.

    Rejoice, thou who rewardest the servants of God with a quiet and silent life.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 11

    Our humble singing, offered to You out of the fullness of love and zeal, do not despise, Bride of God, and do not turn away from us, sinners and unworthy, but help us to cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, so that we may be able to worthily and righteously sing to God: Alleluia.

    Ikos 11

    You were the guiding light of the Apostle, Mother of God, after the ascension of Your Son into heaven. You remain like this even to this day for all who want to be saved and come into the understanding of truth. Do not, O All-Blessed One, deprive us of Your holy guidance, who are overwhelmed by the worries of life in the sea of ​​life, but who bring You such praise from the heart:

    Rejoice, consuming unclean thoughts.

    Rejoice, sobering one from sinful feelings.

    Rejoice, you who drive away temptations and seductions from us.

    Rejoice, you who strive towards repentance and correction.

    Rejoice, you who wash away the abyss of our iniquities with tears of contrition.

    Rejoice, you who help us to remain spiritually awake.

    Rejoice, you who raise your mind and heart to heavenly things.

    Rejoice, you who compel you to despise all earthly things.

    Rejoice, you who lead us to sobriety and prayer.

    Rejoice, you who prepare the bliss of the spirit.

    Rejoice, clear reinforcement for the ascetics of piety.

    Rejoice, wondrous salvation for all the faithful.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 12

    Ask us for Divine grace from Thy Son and God, extend a helping hand, so that we may not perish in the sins and cruel circumstances that come upon us from enemies visible and invisible, pacify our hearts, filled with malice and enmity, and with consolation from You, we joyfully call to God: Alleluia .

    Ikos 12

    Singing Your honorable Dormition, we glorify Your holy Protection, spread over the whole world, especially the Christian race, glorifying You in this way:

    Rejoice, having prepared us by repentance for the departure from this life.

    Rejoice, you who cleanse you from sins through illness.

    Rejoice, for you are saving yourself from a vain death.

    Rejoice, for you are worthy of the last parting words.

    Rejoice, thou who sendest the quick release of the soul from the body in its death throes.

    Rejoice, granter of a peaceful death.

    Rejoice, deliverer of bitter ordeals.

    Rejoice, you who do not deprive me of Christian burial.

    Rejoice, you who intercede for us will come to the Lord.

    Rejoice, you who are with us in life and in death.

    Rejoice, thou who deliverest us from the fear of death.

    Rejoice, our Joy, who opens the doors of heaven to us.

    Rejoice, Lady of the world, protecting us from the slander of evil spirits and men.

    Kontakion 13

    O Lady of the world, accept this little gratitude of ours, offered to You with all our hearts, and do not allow us to grow cold in this grateful feeling, but instruct us to always remember Your dishonest mercies and cry out to God about You with tears of tenderness: Alleluia.

    (This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


    O Most Holy Virgin Theotokos, Most Merciful Mother of all Christians, especially those who mourn, are persecuted, and are possessed by various ailments! I, as I am poor and wretched in soul and body, appearing before Your holy image, with tears tenderly asking Your gracious alms, for there is nothing good and good in me, I am completely surrounded by infirmities, poverty and wretchedness: do not put shoes on my feet, so that I can hasten to deeds that are holy and pleasing to God, my hands are dirty from the many iniquities I have committed, my eyes are downcast from a bad conscience, they will no longer be able to look at the splendor of Thy beauty, revealed to us in Thy miraculous image of “The Covering One.” My whole face is darkened and dotted with the seal of my countless vices and sins. I have neither saving faith, nor comforting hope, nor blissful love. I am like a putrefactive vessel, filled with all kinds of filth: pride, selfishness, arrogance, vanity, anger, irritability, malice, resentment, ill will, envy, jealousy, condemnation, murmuring, slander, idle talk, deceit, flattery, deception, hypocrisy, despondency, impatience, cowardice, incontinence of mental and physical feelings, addiction, carnality, all voluptuousness and other numerous passions. And just as my spiritual misery is, so is my physical one: illnesses and misfortunes have held me back, and my whole life, like a reed shaken by the wind, is full of inconstancy, fear and all kinds of danger. According to the words of the Holy Apostle: troubles from the spirits of wickedness in high places, troubles from people who hate, offend and are at enmity against me, troubles from animals, livestock and creeping things of the earth, troubles from the elements of the world - lightning, fire, water, harmful air, cold, famine, misfortune from many infirmities and illnesses of my body, troubles on the way and in the house, troubles during the day and in the night. Who will support me, who will save me, who will deliver me from my enemies, who will guide me to virtue, who will heal my illnesses, who will console me, calm me down, enlighten me, instruct me, save me and have mercy, if not You, Most Holy Mother, my All-Good Intercessor and Patroness? You gather my mind scattered throughout the world, cleanse my thoughts from all filth, my feelings poisoned by all evil, refresh my will, flabby for all good things, strengthen and deliver me from the destructive lack of will, free my heart from the passions and fill it with holy love for God and my neighbors. , reorganize my entire inner temple and make it a comfortable dwelling for the Holy Spirit.Do not leave me, Most Merciful Lady, in my many-sorrowful life of the body: consume illnesses, destroy visible and invisible enemies, destroy evil situations, fear that comes from the spirits of evil and people who want to destroy me, drive away, give me all I need and need, vigor Let's go spirit. May I, renewed, purified, and comforted by You, my Most Holy Queen, glorify the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your wondrous care for me now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

    Troparion, tone 4

    Let us cry out to the Mother of God, who is in trouble, and to Her holy icon: O Lady of the world, accept our unceasing and zealous thanksgiving, for in the days of cruel circumstances You, All-Blessed Mother, have wonderfully preserved Your faithful servants and invisibly protected them from the slander of evil spirits and men .

    Kontakion, tone 6

    There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and we boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

    The Holy Icon of the Covering Mother of God was first mentioned as an image that decorated the cell of the first abbess of the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery, schema-abbess Tamarya. This monastery was founded 30 km from Moscow at the beginning of the twentieth century. The second name of the icon of the Covering Mother of God, Domodedovo, comes from the name of the area in which the monastery was founded. The original icon was painted on wood. It depicts the Mother of God, who covers the Savior with the edge of a scarf from her head, intending to protect and shelter him from all evil. At the same time, the baby Jesus himself is drawn with a bunch of grapes in his hand. A bunch of grapes in the church symbols of Orthodox Christianity is deciphered as a sign of Holy Communion, which in itself protects from adversity and troubles. The Russian Orthodox icon of the Covering One is considered the patroness and protector of the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery. Currently, the icon is located in the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow. The celebration in honor of the icon of the Most Holy Mother of God the Veiling takes place on March 19.

    To whom and how does the Covering Icon of the Mother of God help?

    The Orthodox icon of the Most Holy Theotokos Covering is considered the intercessor of all the needy, suffering and weak. Therefore, absolutely every Orthodox believer can come to her and cry out for help and consolation. Her image reminds us of the need for frequent communion of the Mysteries of Christ. The gentle maternal face of the Mother of God on the Covering Icon, her pose and gestures protecting the holy baby, tell us that this icon can be presented as a gift to a child. There are also special prayers for protection against slander and slander, which are read in front of the Domodedovo icon. The tender soft gaze of the Mother of God is full of mercy. It will definitely console and help a true and sincere believer.

    Where to buy the Covering Icon of the Mother of God (Domodedovo)

    You can buy the icon of the Covering Mother of God both in an Orthodox Christian shop, where in addition to the icon itself, you will also be offered books, prayer books, crosses and other church utensils, or via the Internet. In Orthodox online stores you can find even more options for traditional icons than in a regular store. Presented here is the icon of the Coverer on wood, both the original itself and painted on canvas, made from the smallest amber chips, with precious stones and metals in the setting. I would especially like to note the beauty and grace of the icon of the Covering Mother of God, embroidered on fabric using beads.

    Cell image of schema-abbess Tamar (Marjanishvili, 1868-1936) - the founder of the Seraphim-Znamensky monastery on the southern outskirts of Moscow (the village of Bityagovo, Domodedovo district). The Venerable Martyr Elisaveta Feodorovna (Romanova) took an active part in the creation of the monastery.

    There is an assumption that the image was based on Pierre Mignard’s painting “Madonna of the Grapes.”

    In this icon, according to the description of the confessor of the monastery, Hieromartyr Bishop Arseny (Zhadanovsky), “The Mother of God covers with a headscarf and, as it were, protects from someone, the Infant of God, and He holds in his hand a bunch of grapes - the emblem of Holy Communion, during which no adversity is scary...”

    Mother Tamar considered the image of the Mother of God “Covering” to be the guardian and patron of the monastery and its nuns, reminding them of the need for frequent communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The icon received its second name - Domodedovo - according to the location of the monastery.

    The locally revered celebration of the icon is timed to March 19 (new style)- the birthday of Bishop Arseny.

    Currently, the icon is in the Novospassky Monastery in Moscow.

    Prayer before the Covering (Domodedovo) Icon of the Mother of God.

    “Oh, Most Holy Virgin Mary, Most Merciful Mother of all Christians, especially those who mourn, are persecuted, and are possessed by various ailments! I, as poor and wretched in soul and body, appearing before Your holy image, with tears and tenderly ask Your gracious alms. and there is good in me, - I am all overlaid with infirmities, poverty and wretchedness - my feet are not covered with shoes, so that I hasten to do holy and godly deeds; my hands are dirty from the many iniquities I have committed; my eyes are downcast from an unclean conscience. They will not be able to look at them. at the splendor of Thy beauty, revealed to us in Thy miraculous image of the “Coverer". My whole face is darkened and speckled with the seal of my countless vices and falls. There is in me neither saving faith, nor comforting hope, nor blissful love; I am like a putrefactive vessel, filled with all kinds of filth: pride, selfishness, arrogance, vanity, anger, irritability, malice, resentment, ill will, envy, jealousy, condemnation, murmuring, slander, idle talk, deceit, flattery, deception, hypocrisy, despondency, impatience, cowardice, incontinence of soul and bodily feelings, addictions, carnality, all voluptuousness and countless other passions.
    And such is my spiritual misery, the same is physical - illnesses and misfortunes have held me and my whole life, like a reed shaken by the wind, full of inconstancy, fear and all kinds of danger. According to the verb of the holy apostle: troubles come from the spirits of wickedness in high places; troubles from people who hate, offend and are at enmity with me; troubles from animals, livestock and the creeping things of the earth; troubles from the elements of the world - lightning, fire, water, harmful air, cold, famine; troubles from the many infirmities and diseases of my body; troubles on the way and at home; troubles day and night...
    Who will support me, who will save me, who will deliver me from my enemies, who will guide me to virtue, who will heal my illnesses, who will console, repose, enlighten, instruct, save and have mercy if not You, Most Holy Mother, my All-Good Intercessor and Patroness! You gather my mind, scattered throughout the world, cleanse my thoughts from all filth; Refresh feelings poisoned by all kinds of evil; Strengthen my will, flabby for all good things, and deliver me from destructive lack of will; Fill your heart with passions of freedom and holy love for God and your neighbors; Rearrange my entire inner temple and make it a comfortable dwelling for the Holy Spirit.
    Do not leave me, Most Merciful Lady, in my many-sorrowful physical life: consume illness; visible and invisible enemies are raging; Destroy evil circumstances; push away the fear that comes from the spirits of evil and people who want to destroy me; Grant me all I need and need, good spirits, let's go.
    May I, renewed, purified, and comforted by You, my Most Holy Queen, glorify the Holy Trinity - the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Your wondrous care for me, now and ever and unto the ages of ages."

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