How to become a cheerful and cheerful girl. Cheerfulness and positivity in a person’s life: forming new habits

How to become a positive person? The issue of developing one’s own positivity is often raised in an environment aimed at personal development, since it is this quality that helps to quickly cope with difficult situations, find non-standard solutions, and consider failures as new opportunities, and not the collapse of what is happening. Positive people are loved and strive to be with them more often, to share all sorts of good things, since their worldview concerns not only their own life, but also situations with other people, they are able to alleviate other people's suffering or help them laugh in a place where a person would usually feel scared or nervous .

But the desire for eternal joy, as well as to become a positive person forever, does not find an answer, since it is thanks to the alternation of states that a person is able to feel happiness or a complacent mood; if there is nothing to compare with, then the perception of such a worldview as positive will not be, it will become familiar and trivial.

At the same time, evolutionary developmental mechanisms do not allow a person to constantly be positive, because initially the brain is configured to capture negative and threatening signals. Thus, positivism helps in solving difficulties, adds strength and adaptability in the struggle, but also distracts attention and makes real problems and threatening factors that can destroy human life invisible.

In addition to knowing that the brain is initially evolutionarily tuned to the negative, it is necessary to understand one more point - the ability to program one’s own and the structure of the brain. So, if you try to smile more often and through force look for the positive in what is happening, try to treat others complacently (smile at the big guy who crushed your leg in the transport), then gradually the brain structure changes and is rebuilt in a positive way. The hormonal system is connected to this process, increasing the release of endorphins into the blood and increasing the overall level of happiness. Those. at first you smile forcefully, the body receives a signal that something good is happening and it gives you a surge of endorphins; with their increased level, even the grayest reality begins to seem less gloomy and the reasons for happiness increase, so the circle is closed and thinking is rebuilt into a positive spectrum, the main thing is withstand the first time of volitional control. Similar changes occur independently when falling in love, where the first triggering mechanism is a natural surge of hormones, and then there are no unsolvable situations for a person.

How to become a positive and cheerful person

When thinking about how to become a positive person forever, you should understand that this will not happen after taking one pill, and you will have to change your entire system of relationships with the world, starting every day. It is daily efforts and positive moments that will ultimately help you develop a positive attitude in life. Positivity always goes hand in hand with cheerfulness, and this is the ability to notice the value of a given moment, enjoying every second of life instead of focusing on lack or other negativity. Someone is born with such traits, especially those who are able to laugh in any situation, but this is an innate personality quality, and cheerfulness does not directly depend on it and can be developed by adjusting the direction of one’s own thoughts.

The joy of each day begins with the evening of the previous one, when you tune in to future events. Naturally, summing up the results of our day, we remember what this day was filled with, learning lessons, re-grieving about troubles and looking for solutions and enjoying pleasant moments. So, in these memories you need to focus on pleasant events, enjoy what the day was filled with. Even if a global positive event did not happen, then try to remember small joys, such as transport arriving on time, your favorite coffee for breakfast, good weather, a call from a pleasant person - the more positive moments you can find in the past day, the happier you will be going forward. new.

In addition to the feeling of cheerfulness that noticing many wonderful things in what is happening gives you, this is training your thinking to notice the positive and good. Now you do this consciously, specifically, at the allotted time in the evening and perhaps make a lot of effort, but over time such reasoning will become automatic for you. It’s good not only to remember joyful moments, but also to record them, for which you can keep a separate diary. You can choose the form yourself: you can buy a special notebook for this and write down in it a list of good facts of the past day, you can paste in things reminiscent of such events (a lucky ticket, a candy wrapper, a beautiful dried leaf), you can also keep a similar diary in networks in any convenient way (you can describe pleasant events, you can post photos of what is connected with your joy of today).

In keeping such a diary, the main thing is to learn to write exactly the positive, joyful moments and do it every day, since it is the ability to notice the share of beauty even in the most disastrous day that is positive.

Look for reasons to laugh - these are not only jokes and comedies, these are also your personal mistakes, which, if not taken with an exaggerated degree of seriousness, can also amuse you and those around you. By the way, when you are in a good mood, you definitely need to share it with those who are near you and who are dear to you - not only will you please people, but you will also prolong your good state, because happiness requires realization and sharing with others only increases it. Based on the same principle, try to surround yourself with cheerful, positive people who love life - and happiness is transmitted by airborne droplets, no matter what anyone says. Communicate more with children and animals - these are excellent helpers in relieving stress, getting a dose of positive emotions, as well as examples of how you can easily relate to far-fetched problems and enjoy life and the current moment, without loading yourself with unnecessary worries about the past or future.

How to become a positive person who succeeds in everything

The success of many events depends on a person's initial attitude and attitude, and the more positive a person is, the higher the likelihood of success and getting exactly what he was striving for.

When girls are sad, they go to beauty salons or shopping malls to improve their mood, and this has undeniable wisdom not only for solving the question of how to become a positive girl, but also for men, since it has been studied that one’s own good appearance significantly increases the level of . You shouldn’t start focusing only on external manifestations, but changing your diet to a healthier one, starting to wear clothes that you like and decorate, and also playing sports will help increase your level of confidence and optimism.

Physical activity will help you become a positive person, as it helps get rid of stress and work through not only physical blocks, but also emotional tension, promotes the production of endorphins, increasing the overall level of happiness and resilience. The correct functioning of all organs helps to eliminate the physiological causes of depression and blues, and correct posture forms a positive self-perception. Our postures, movements, frowns and smiles directly affect our emotional background, so try to keep your body in the form you want to approach. Sometimes, in order to notice a way out of a deadlock situation, it is enough for people to normalize their breathing rhythm and straighten their shoulders.

The ability to appreciate every moment provides many opportunities for positivity and the ability to organize your activities so that everything works out. Remind yourself often that you have one life and this day will not happen again. Even if everything is bad now, then, imbued with the understanding that this could not have happened, you begin to be present in the present moment and love it. Understanding that loved ones can die at any moment, you easily resolve differences and are glad that these people are nearby, instead of sorting things out over the course of several days. When you understand with every cell that you yourself can disappear at any moment, then priorities change, and you yourself will notice how problems disappear, and what remains is the joy of quite simple things - the light of the sun, drops of rain, the smile of a passerby.

Follow the sources that give you information and frame them in terms of usefulness and positivity. You should exclude those channels from which you receive news about the latest deterioration and replace them with those where they talk about new successful life strategies (this applies to both the people with whom you communicate and the news feed, mailing list, and selected channels). Look for a similar transformation in the experience you receive, which is not always positive. You should not ignore failures and wrecks, disappointed hopes and betrayals, trying to notice only the good - this way you risk finding yourself in a parallel universe, where the real offender is perceived as a friend. Negative experiences need to be recognized and formatted into positive changes, perhaps in your personality and behavior, and perhaps in the surrounding space - in any case, learn development and lessons from this, rather than abstract yourself or immerse yourself in endless experiences. Many people even thank those who brought trouble into their lives, because it brought new stages of development.

Pamper and delight yourself, then your energy level will increase, many things will begin to work out, and life will sparkle with a kaleidoscope of bright colors. To do this, you usually don’t need much: treat yourself to listening to your favorite music, read good books to yourself, and take yourself to the cinema to watch interesting films. Engage in your favorite hobby or lie idle on the couch, if necessary, communicate with pleasant people (it is important to learn to tell people about their importance to you, not wait for an invitation, but independently propose a meeting, consider completely different people as interesting, and not withdraw into your own family).

How to become positive and attract good luck

Before deciding how to become a positive girl, you should get rid of the sources that bring negativity and drain energy from you. Perhaps by simply patching up such holes, you will find yourself a very cheerful and lucky girl. Usually, a negative perception of the world comes to us from unlived traumas of the past or internalized negative programs that need to be gotten rid of. Holding a grudge near you and waiting for the person to apologize, remembering the deception that happened several years ago and believing that it will happen in the future, living according to attitudes where it is forbidden to rejoice and not subject them to critical analysis are sure paths to depression.

Therefore, it is necessary to sort out all the toxic situations that have occurred in life, let go and reconsider your values. This is one sentence of text, but it requires more than one week of enormous mental labor, where you will have to go through pain and, perhaps (better and faster) with the accompaniment of a specialist in the psychological field. The efforts will be worth the result, since energy is released, which makes it possible to notice how beautiful the world is and create it, attracting the desired events, and not spend it on holding on to past negatives.

Try to feel your needs and if some thing no longer pleases you, then part with it without regrets; such a strategy should concern people and activities. By following the path of interest and your joy, you will never end up on the wrong path, but if you remain out of a sense of duty or pity, you begin to waste your energy. Easily let go of what is no longer yours, and every time thank the universe, the people around you or God for what you have. The more you thank and show a person their value, the more they will strive to be with you and do nice things for you.

Try to control your thinking not only so that positive thoughts prevail there, but also so that there are always positive goals that you strive for. Formulate what you want to achieve, where to be, how to feel, and then without losing this kind of list from your internal field of vision, you can easily grasp opportunities for implementation. There are no designated time periods for good moments and circumstances - they happen when you are ready to notice and use them.

Success in any business comes when you enjoy it, working through force and using your last resources only exhausts you, and doing something that brings inspiration can bring considerable success. This does not negate the effort, and perhaps you will devote even more time to such an activity than your established work, but it will fill you with energy, give you a feeling of happiness, and new successful ideas will arise almost independently, since inspiration is included.

Change your environment, country and activity, if there is no pleasure and results, and each time start from your state at the moment and if you feel good, then everything is going as it should, if there is even the slightest tension, look for what needs correction.

Every person wants to fill their life with joy and happiness, but not everyone knows how to become a positive and cheerful person, and start taking action, because without action, you won’t be able to achieve success. Despite the fact that a large number of people today are unhappy, angry and frustrated, anyone can become more cheerful And more positive, only if he wants it. In the article you will find the answer to your question, but that’s not all, since knowledge is important, but you still need to put some effort into it, and then you will notice the result.

Improve your appearance

Psychologists conducted a study and noticed that become positive and cheerful person, you can by improving your appearance. Beautiful and attractive people feel better, happier and more cheerful. Therefore, start improving yours from today, for example, by starting to play sports, getting rid of poor nutrition and bad habits. Start dressing like successful and happy people, it will make you more cheerful.

Change your way of thinking

The best method that will make you whole life becoming a positive and cheerful person lies in changing your way of thinking. The process of changing your way of thinking may seem difficult to you, but in fact it is a pleasant activity that will give you an additional boost of positive energy. Changing your mindset is applicable not only to becoming more cheerful and better, but also to success and happiness in life. The only thing that distinguishes the rich from the poor and the happy from the unhappy is different ways of thinking, the poor think about poverty, the rich think about wealth.

Create your own day

Stop going with the flow, it's dangerous because you don't know what awaits you. To become more positive, you need to create your day and your life yourself. There is no need to shift your responsibility onto others and circumstances. Everything that happens to you depends only on yourself. Start creating daily schedules, set goals and most importantly take action, no matter what.

Start every morning with gratitude

A method that psychologists have noticed to become a positive and cheerful person, is to start your day and morning with gratitude. Gratitude comes in different forms, but in order for your dream or goal to come true, write on a piece of paper what you have and are grateful for, and also write gratitude for what you don’t have yet, but really want to achieve. Thank and appreciate every morning for everything you have and for what you don’t yet have, this will speed up the process of achieving what you want and give you joy and happiness.

Appreciate every year, day, hour, minute and moment

To become incredibly happy, positive and cheerful, you need to start life, since we only have one. Those forces that we do not yet know about have given us life and the chance to live it with dignity, rejoicing and giving thanks for it. Anyone who does not value life will never be happy and will live a difficult and unhappy life. Anyone who appreciates every moment of life and does not waste his time will always be happy and successful and will not live his life in vain. If you are not motivated enough to do this, then write on a piece of paper why and what you appreciate every year, day, hour, minute and moment. The most important thing for which we can appreciate is that the hour or moment we have lived cannot be returned and it all no longer belongs to us. Those who live in the past waste too much time; those who can waste an hour of time have not yet realized the value of life.

Surround yourself only with useful and positive information

Since now the world is informational, you need to understand that there is negative and positive information, and you yourself have the right to choose and get what you need. Most people feel unhappy, upset and disappointed because they have surrounded themselves with only negative information. If you want to change your life and become more cheerful, then get rid of negative thoughts and information, while filling the free space and time with only positive information and knowledge. To achieve something in life, you need to gain the knowledge necessary for this, so do not waste time and look only for the information you need.

Surround yourself with cheerful people

Tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are, in fact, this is true and, being in company cheerful people, the person himself becomes the same. Find such a company and stop going to the one that will only lead you into a deep pit of failures and misfortunes. Our environment influences our lives quite a lot, since everyone fills us with their advice if we perceive them. Start the life of an invited person, surrounding yourself with new cheerful people, do not be afraid to meet new people, since every person in our life is a teacher.

Smile more often, feel like a cheerful person now

Positive thoughts create positive life, so start filling your mind and life with only good thoughts and circumstances. We ourselves create our own reality, so it’s enough just to start smiling as often as possible, since a smile is associated with happiness and joy. When you feel bad and have a lot of problems, start smiling and then you will feel better and you will cope with problems faster. Don’t forget to smile at people, because if you smile at a passerby, he will smile at you, and you will fill each other with a positive charge of emotions and your day will be successful. Never start your day in a bad mood, make every effort to smile in the morning and start your new day only in a positive mood.

There is such a pattern - in order to improve his life as much as possible, a person must become cheerful and cheerful. It is not for nothing that despondency is included in the list of mortal sins. It is not difficult to be sad, but to enjoy life, you need to work hard on yourself.

There is a wise proverb, justified from a psychological point of view: “When you sow a habit, you reap a character.” If you sow character, you will reap destiny.” A habit is a way of automatically responding to any events. Habits are the majority of human emotions and reactions. In light of what has just been said, being happy is a vivid emotion, and it can also be developed in oneself as a good, useful habit. Cheerfulness is an innate quality; it can be consciously chosen and cultivated in oneself.

Yes, optimism is not poured into us with mother's milk. It can be formed by instilling in yourself the habit of thinking positively. And the habit of thinking and approaching life optimistically will create a happy destiny. Moreover, the life path of such a person will not necessarily be easy and cloudless, but it will certainly be bright and happy. The ability to think positively will certainly create a certain basis for a happy destiny.

A positive attitude gives a person additional opportunities in life. So, a positive person:

  • Is motivated to succeed and believes that she can achieve anything;
  • Attracts positive energy;
  • In difficult moments in his life, he does not give up, but, relying on his own experience, looks for and finds a solution to the problem;
  • Has an incentive for constant development, actively realizes its potential and takes concrete steps towards its desires and dreams;
  • Does not dwell on troubles, but looks at life broadly;
  • Does not place responsibility for his life and his problems on others, relies on his own strength;
  • Knows how to enjoy life and find harmony and novelty in completely ordinary things.

What to do with negativity

But how to become a cheerful person if you are already immersed in problems, grievances and troubles? The only correct way is to come to a conscious decision and form new habits, the habits of a successful and positively thinking person. For a habit to work automatically, it takes practice, constant effort, and daily training in a cheerful attitude.

In positive psychology trainings, as an exercise in optimistic worldview, the following simple simple technique is used: a bracelet is put on the student’s hand, and when the person experiences negative emotions - resentment, irritation or anger, he is instructed to take off the bracelet and put it on the other hand. Thus, a person registers the fact of negativity in his thinking and consciously learns to overcome it and replace it with positivity. As you know, a habit becomes a character trait if it is repeated for 21 days. So, the purpose of the exercise with a bracelet is to form a habit for 21 days of not giving in to negative emotions, fixing them, and replacing them with positive ones. The bracelet should not leave your hand for three weeks. In three weeks, the habit of thinking positively will be formed.

But a person is a non-automatic device; he cannot turn off negative feelings with the click of a switch. Such simplification can lead to internal conflict and even emotional breakdown. Negative feelings are also necessary for a person, and they cannot be ignored, they need to be observed and dealt with. After all, the inner world of a person with all the variety of experiences is so diverse! Negative feelings sometimes signal that a situation needs improvement. If the situation improves, negative emotions will also go away.

How to cultivate a positive attitude

A positive outlook and a feeling of happiness are made up of three components - physical, mental and social. The physical “stimulator” of optimism is the life of our body: activity and movement, fun and health, creative work and sound sleep, sports and favorite hobbies, delicious food and comfortable clothes, a cozy home and interesting leisure time.

In the mental sphere, the “stimulator” of positivity is thoughts: dreams and plans, anticipation of something good, a clear conscience, learning new things, understanding the expediency of everything that happens in life.

Relationships with the outside world are the third component of optimism. This includes: love and friendship, communication with interesting people, love of animals, accumulation of positive impressions from travel and works of art, communication with nature.

To each of the three components of optimism, you can add some useful tips and maxims that positive psychology has developed. So, on a physical level, in order to be a cheerful and attractive person to others, you should:

Most of the advice concerns a person’s self-awareness. To become a happy and cheerful person, you need:

And, of course, a huge amount of work must be done in interpersonal relationships. After all, a person lives in a complex world and constantly interacts with many people and phenomena. A cheerful and open-to-communication person sees the world around him as the same - friendly and optimistic. To cultivate cheerfulness in yourself and let positivity into your consciousness, you need to:

Do not isolate yourself only in your own, even very rich, inner world. Be sociable and cheerful, meet new people and value time-tested relationships;

Be sincerely interested in other people, help in situations where possible. Show compassion for others;

Minimize communication with energy vampires and constantly complaining people. Try to surround yourself with positively minded people and do not hesitate to adopt their best qualities and life experiences;

Be able to say “no” if you don’t want to do something. Be able to remain yourself and show self-respect;

Try not to be vindictive, be able to let go of grievances and not notice minor gossip;

Realize how dear his loved ones are to a person, speak to them more often words of love and affection and delight them with your kindness;

Enjoy communication with like-minded people, give yourself and receive the same gift in return, express your gratitude both in words and actions;

Feel inspired and don’t be shy about it. Be able to admire simple things and be surprised by miracles, like a child.

So, becoming a happy person is easy. You need to introduce cheerfulness and positive thinking into your mind. Thus, a person creates his own happiness and becomes attractive to others.

How to become a positive person? Is this possible if negative thinking prevails now? Read carefully and you will find out the answers!

In this article you will find extremely effective tips on how to become a positive person.

Also in the article feed below you will find a lot of other useful information on improving your life and achieving success.

Everyone loves positive people without exception. One is drawn to them instinctively. It is always very pleasant to communicate with cheerful people; they radiate love and understanding.

What makes a positive person different?What habits make such a person stand out from the crowd?

Positive people don't wait for an opportunity and lucky combinations of stars, they build their own lives and do not expect help from anyone. They work and confidently move towards success, and do not console themselves with hopes for a happy future. They easily say goodbye to unnecessary things and situations and do not cling to the past.

Positive people don't waste time on memories about past, happy days. They simply don't have time for this. They live in the present events and build the future.

Positive people are grateful for the fact that they are alive. They sincerely thank the Higher Powers for every new day, for what they have and for what will happen.

Positive people look at a problem from different angles and look for ways to solve it. They do not dwell on past failures, but look for new opportunities.

Positive people always finish what they start and don’t leave anything for later. They do not allow themselves not to do something because of fear of the unknown. They just do it and know they can handle it.

Positive people are always in a great mood, joke a lot, smile, laugh. They treat themselves and others with irony. You rarely see them serious.

Positive people have a lot of friends, they are excellent at finding a common language with any person, are constantly in society and make new acquaintances. They are very easy-going, never gossip, do not judge or lecture anyone.

Positive people always sincerely ready to help, if it is within their power. They, of course, know the negative side of life, but they consciously choose only the positive.

Such people never complain about bad management, about the weather, about family, about circumstances. They do not blame anyone, because they rely only on themselves. They give smiles and a great mood to everyone around them, so you want to be around them.

How to become a positive person?

There are many components here, and each of these aspects must be consciously worked through.

1. You need to learn to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. If a person does not love and respect himself, then expecting this from others is simply pointless.

2. It is necessary to consciously look for the positive in any moment. The 20 button technique or keeping a “positive diary” can help with this.

3. Try to use a sense of humor in all life situations. Just laugh at the trouble, and it will become less formidable.

4. Try to avoid communicating with dull and boring people. Spend more time with your loved ones, parents and children. Their love will make you much happier.

5. Start your day with something very pleasant for you.

It could be a delicious breakfast, a favorite tune, a run in the morning air. Pleasant moments in the morning will give you energy for the whole day and set you up for success.

6. Start each day with a positive attitude and positive thinking. Don't get out of bed until you say your positive affirmations¹ for success to yourself.

The following affirmations for success can help with this:

  • I am rich in the wealth of the Universe.
  • I am perfect, I am perfection itself.
  • I am happy and joyful, healthy and beautiful.
  • I love everyone, and everyone loves me.
  • I am attractive and wonderful.
  • I am strong, brave and determined.
  • I attract only positive people and positive circumstances.
  • The river of money is always directed towards me.
  • I swim in an ocean of luxury and abundance.
  • I always achieve my goals.
  • I count stacks of money, large sums come in constantly.

Also come up with your own personal statements, and fuel all attitudes with vivid emotions and visual images. Work this way when waking up and before going to bed, falling asleep with these thoughts.

If at first you don’t succeed, don’t be discouraged. Keep practicing and success will definitely come! Each time, positive thinking will take root deeper and deeper in your mind. The ability to visualize² also develops gradually.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Affirmation is a short phrase containing a verbal formula that, when repeated many times, reinforces the required image or attitude in a person’s subconscious, helping to improve his psycho-emotional background and stimulating positive changes in life (Wikipedia).

² Visualization is the general name for techniques for presenting numerical information or a physical phenomenon in a form convenient for visual observation and analysis (Wikipedia). You can find out how to work with visualization techniques in

Cheerfulness– an attitude towards life that does not know despondency, always in a cheerful mood.
Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

Cheerfulness- this is not a feeling that can be preserved and will live forever. But it is independent of external manifestations and what is happening next to you. In order to enjoy life, you don’t need a suitcase with money, two three-carat diamonds or other material goods. So you have the complete and unconditional right to please yourself and enjoy life no matter what, and sometimes even in spite of it!
Tina Hakki |

  • Cheerfulness is the ability to see great joy in small things.
  • Cheerfulness is the effective negation of the biblical dream of despondency.
  • Cheerfulness is friendliness and a positive attitude towards life in all its manifestations.
  • Cheerfulness is trust in the future and in life.
  • Cheerfulness is a deep understanding of the good that is the very fact of human existence.

The Benefits of Cheerfulness

  • Cheerfulness gives faith - in people, the future and in life.
  • Cheerfulness gives meaning – even to the most ordinary phenomena and actions.
  • Cheerfulness gives an understanding of the value of every life.
  • Cheerfulness gives freedom - from despondency, indifference, sadness.
  • Cheerfulness makes it possible to see the best in any person and the good in any situation.
  • Cheerfulness gives strength to endure difficulties.

Manifestations of cheerfulness in everyday life

  • Bible. Having included despondency among the sins most displeasing to God, the Bible preaches cheerfulness.
  • Interpersonal communication. Cheerfulness is the light to which people flock like moths. A sociable person, always surrounded by friends - always a cheerful person.
  • Extreme situations. A person with cheerfulness is able to maintain presence of mind and hope even under the most extreme circumstances.
  • Diseases. A cheerful person is often able to overcome even a serious illness, while a pessimist sees his own funeral procession with a slight illness.

How to achieve cheerfulness

  • Teaching. By acquiring knowledge, a person begins to appreciate life more; indirectly, the learning process helps to achieve cheerfulness.
  • Communication. By communicating with optimistic and cheerful people, a person is charged with positive energy and becomes closer to cheerfulness.
  • Psychological trainings. Trainings can teach a person to maintain an “inner smile” - a smile is the right path to gaining cheerfulness.
  • Self-care. You need to answer the question “What brings me joy?” By devoting at least a little time to an activity that brings sincere joy, a person learns to be cheerful.

Golden mean

Dejection | complete lack of cheerfulness


Frivolity, superficiality

Catchphrases about cheerfulness

Life cannot have any other purpose than goodness, joy. Only this goal - joy - is completely worthy of life. - Leo Tolstoy - Cheerfulness is not only a sign of health, but also the most effective remedy for getting rid of diseases. - Samloel Smiles - The development of bodily strength and cheerfulness depends largely on cheerful, lively, but innocent games. - Plato - Only gaiety is a cash coin of happiness, everything else is credit cards. - Arthur Schopenhauer - Judith Orloff / Positive energy. Ten reliable recipes for turning fatigue, stress and fear into vigor, cheerfulness and love A Guide to Awakening Positive Energy. Personal secrets and formulas for finding happiness and harmony from foreign celebrities. Valery Sinelnikov / Love your illness. How to become healthy by experiencing the joy of life Valery Sinelnikov is confident that it is our thoughts, emotions, attitude towards the circumstances of life that are the root causes of all diseases. The psychological technique proposed by the author has already helped thousands of people regain their cheerfulness, and with it their health.
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