First house in Vedic astrology. Houses in the natal chart

In order to find out the location of planets in houses, you need to draw up a natal chart. To compile a natal chart, use the side widget (on mobile devices the widget is at the bottom of the page) - enter the date, time and place of birth and click the “Natal Horoscope” button. Detailed meanings of planets in houses are described on the pages of this section.

Second house

hemisphere - eastern
hemisphere - lower
zone - first third of the circle
type - subsequent
axle - 2/8
planet - Venus


  • subjective and personal
  • selfish or self-centered
  • reactive and fixed
  • appreciation, enjoyment and comfort

Traditional interpretation

  • money
  • possessions and property
  • attitude towards possession, wealth and property
  • personal resources
  • personal values

Modern interpretation

self-esteem - psychological judgment about oneself (including basic feelings of like and dislike)

possession - property, personal possessions, property; the meaning of "mine"

money - experience in handling personal wealth; money, especially the way it is spent

self-organization - experience of applying one’s own strength and style of real work

sensuality - a pure, self-absorbed, self-absorbed physical state, a general ability to receive pleasure

Second home research

In almost every traditional astrology textbook, as well as many astrological or New Age movement texts, the interpretation of the 2nd house is always related to money. Issues such as the money you earn are discussed in detail; how you work to acquire money, whether you will have a lot of money or little, what you will do with the money, etc.

We live in a society where money is given great importance. Poverty levels are measured in dollars (the phrase itself comes from census lists). Because we are, after all, the result of the struggle for existence, and our financial affairs greatly influence the levels of comfort and freedom that we achieve in the struggle for existence.

But from a psychological point of view, interpreting the 2nd house on such a purely physical level is unsatisfactory. The traditional text tried to expand the interpretation of the phrase “personal resources”, but this phrase is vague. But, despite the bias towards psychology, interpretations of the 2nd house in many texts almost entirely come down to money.

In fact, the 2nd house contains information that substantiates the self-awareness that manifested itself in the 1st house. It's about self-esteem. Indeed, nothing else can contribute to deep self-understanding other than the assessments and judgments that you make about yourself. These assessments and judgments are your main “possession” - this is your point of view of yourself.

To be yourself means that your baggage of experience is fluid, spontaneous, very mobile and consists of only a few conclusions. Having a self is a completely different experience, and although you cannot actually have yourself, you do become identified with those objects in your world that symbolize the earthiness of your feelings. Everything around you that can be called “yours” invites you to truly define yourself - your car, your house, your toothbrush.

The first house is too spontaneous to really be considered self-centered. Self-actualized or self-centered are more appropriate terms. But the 2nd house is the natural area of ​​manifestation of self-centeredness - me, mine, mine. Self-centeredness occupies a central place in 20th century psychology's self-esteem research. Shame and guilt, the predominant emotional illnesses of our time, are an internal feeling of worthlessness or inadequacy, often not clearly expressed or consciously perceived. This is the area where we need to begin to re-evaluate and re-interpret the 2nd house.

Money is the main criterion in our society, therefore, when interpreting the 2nd house, special attention is paid to it, but we must remember that the reckless, compulsory pursuit of money, replacing emotional self-esteem, indicates the existence of a blockage in the soul, similar to feelings of shame or guilt.

The second house indicates our characteristic attitude towards work. Although it will later be shown that the 6th house demonstrates the mental approach to organizing work, manifested in a person's ability to understand the tasks assigned to him, the 2nd house demonstrates a more fundamental property, our basic style of self-organization (what underlies the organization of our work).

The second house also symbolizes the reward that we expect to receive for our work - these are bodily pleasures and those pleasures that objects outside our body give us. Enjoying food, luxurious clothing or a magnificent interior are all pleasures of the 2nd house. This is not an appreciation of the works of art of the 5th house, these pleasures do not concern the surroundings and originality that we find in the 10th and 11th houses. No, this is pure pleasure, ordinary sensual pleasure of an earthly being.

Fourth house

hemisphere - western
hemisphere - lower
zone - first third of the circle
type - angular
axle - 4/10
planet - Moon


  • subjective and personal
  • selfish or self-centered
  • initiating and founding
  • patronage, education and emotions

Traditional interpretation

  • home and security
  • family, both in childhood and when a person becomes an adult
  • one of the parents
  • ancestors and tradition
  • end of life conditions

Modern interpretation

Microcosm - the experience of being at the center of life, as the Divine source of everything that matters

personal security - home and family, the meaning of the word "rooted" in relation to a place on earth

emotional stamps - the environment in early childhood (also reflected at the end of life), a parent who is “internally connected” to the person - a parent who has a connection with the person’s emotions, most often this is the mother

private intuition - non-rational knowledge about oneself; in occultism - communication with leaders

Fourth House Study

The fourth house is the last of the four personal houses, so this is where self-centeredness reaches its peak. But it is also the first house located in the western hemisphere, the quality of which is orientation towards other people. And since this house is associated with the Moon (and in parallel with the sign Cancer), it is the first truly emotional area of ​​the zodiac, related to the upbringing and fulfillment of human needs.

And finally, this house is the midpoint of the lower hemisphere, that part of individual space that is directly under our feet and directed towards the center of the Earth.

What kinds of life experiences combine self-centeredness and other-orientedness at the same time? In what cases do we have an emotional interest in other people, but the interest is primarily selfish and aimed at fulfilling our own needs?

We might assume that a relationship such as marriage satisfies these conditions, but equal relationships are more "air" (interactive) than "water" (emotional), and ideally, at any rate, these relationships carry within them the experience of a shared consent rather than satisfying needs.

The decisive factor is that the 4th house is the space located directly under our feet. This house contains information about our “roots” or how firmly we are anchored to the earth. Plants need a good root system to grow and bloom. This house is fertile soil, containing the past that has fallen apart and giving us the opportunity to grow and develop.

A family is exactly the case that satisfies all the conditions listed above. The fourth house emphasizes everything that concerns our personal security, our need to educate and be educated. It is our sense of home, both a physical place on Earth and an emotionally safe haven, that is more important to us.

The fourth house reveals essential patterns formed in early childhood. Of course, there are many other stamp-related factors that should also be considered - for example, the position of the Moon or Saturn. But none of the other houses of the zodiac can tell us so much about the unconscious, but deeply personal properties that we acquired in early childhood. None of the other houses can provide so much information about our ideas about security.

The growing family health movement, the women's movement, Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-step programs have made a surprising discovery: who would have imagined that most of us grew up in families that were more or less influenced by cliches of intra-family relations. Emotional limitations seem to be the general rule rather than the exception, and many millions of people suffer from an emotional disorder that is the source of their problems in life.

Maybe in our actions we proceed from unconscious belief systems and nervous patterns and as a result we find ourselves in an interesting paired situation: security requires suffering, security requires torment, security requires sacrifice, security requires the refusal to satisfy the need for everything (including the need for security itself) etc. Why this happens is gradually becoming clear, but it is not yet entirely clear how to change this situation in someone’s life.

The properties of the 4th house are difficult to change, since they were formed at an early, unconscious age, and besides, they have a huge influence on the decisions we make as adults, because these properties form an important part of our “emotional set”.

Being in the womb, in the center, protected, feeling safe - these are all types of experiences of the 4th house. Many of us really want to change the forms of our security, especially when it is difficult to implement or they cause suffering; but very few people achieve their goal, very few change the basic structure of properties and the fundamental attitude towards safety.

However, a careful study of the 4th house can be a source of understanding how to correct the destructive paradoxes that exist in the home, family, and in the sphere of personal security. Home exploration, by showing how our paired situations relate to our evolution, can teach us how to change patterns, can suggest alternative ways to integrate these paradoxes into our lives, and result in a more graceful and consistent experience of being at the center of the universe.

Sixth house

hemisphere - western
hemisphere - lower
zone - second third of the circle
type - cadent
axle - 6/12
planet - Mercury


  • orientation towards other people and responsiveness
  • subjective and personal
  • interactive and interpersonal
  • teaching and organizing
  • understanding, treatment and help
  • cognition, analysis and categorization

Traditional interpretation

  • service
  • Job
  • employees and servants
  • disease
  • hygiene and diet
  • favorite animals and small animals

Modern interpretation

illness and treatment - physical illness, neurosis or misunderstanding, methods of restoring homeostasis

unequal relationships - relationships such as boss/subordinate, master/servant and other relationships based on unequal status

duty and service - help as a duty, purification through humility, conscious service to another person

technical thinking - insight, organization, analysis; thinking that serves personal development

discipline and patterns - effective patterns that increase labor productivity, regularity of lifestyle

Sixth House Study

The sixth house can be seen primarily as the house of creativity and risky incursion into the social sphere.

The sixth house can best be understood by looking at the houses preceding it. After acquiring self-awareness (1st house), defining the boundaries of personal territory (2nd house), developing means of communication (3rd house), gaining security (4th house), developing personal creativity and risky intrusion into the social sphere ( 5th house) we reach a crossroads.

Now we may find that we have wasted our lives playing in the turbulent play of the 5th house. If we fail to resist the emotional impulse, our health will be undermined; stress or neurosis can lead to illness. Wine, women and song are all wonderful things, but they do not make for a good daily diet. We may find that our ego has become huge, overshadowing other people, and now we must somehow counteract our own arrogance. All these interactions, no matter how negative they may seem, are under the influence of the 6th house.

The sixth house is the last house of the lower hemisphere. Its cadence means transition, change. In the process of complex development of social consciousness, we basically did not change our essence: we were and remained self-centered, despite the fact that we acquired sensitivity to the reactions of other people. Now we feel the time of a major change approaching.

Up to this point, every person in our life was essentially just a symbol of our dream, a simple actor in a film that we write, direct, direct, and star in. We are now starting to realize that there must be more to this film. While we do not fully understand what this something is and what it looks like, we nevertheless begin to understand the essence of this something; we gradually realize that other people have their own lives. This is objective reality. And the realization comes that we are actors in other people's films, just as they are actors in our films.

We are on the verge of a transition from subjectivity to objectivity, but for the transition to take place, a stage of self-purification is necessary. We declare our readiness for the transition through self-improvement, correction of any personal inclinations that should not be transferred from the subjective sphere of life to the objective.

There are many ways of purification and self-improvement, but all methods recognize the need to find a teacher, either a person or a system of personal discipline, whose instructions can be followed.

The student kisses the teacher's feet in the hope that he can achieve the perfection he sees before him. It does not matter whether the teacher is actually a Realized Being, but what is really important is humility and a sincere desire to improve oneself through service, a willingness to shed the old shell, to cleanse oneself of accumulated poisons through devotional service. This is the spiritual essence of the experience gained in the 6th house.

From a pragmatist's point of view, people want to work efficiently. They want to achieve their goals. We see our own waste and inefficiency, and the 6th house gives us the experience necessary to gradually improve ourselves to achieve tangible results.

And again, I don’t understand everything in the traditional interpretation of the house. I understand why sometimes the phrase “pets and small animals” is included in textbooks where the 6th house is discussed. This phrase reflects unequal relationships. It is clear. But, nevertheless, I have questions.

How appropriate is this phrase here? How do you use it in interpretation? Very few of my clients have told me about small animals and how important their pets are to them, so I don't spend much time analyzing these relationships.

Perhaps the social movement “in defense of animal rights” will bring life into this level of interpretation, we’ll wait and see. I understand that it is interesting in terms of the symbolism of the house, but I think that at this stage it is not one of the fundamental levels of interpretation of the 6th house, so the phrase “pets and small animals” can only be considered an interesting observation.

Let your radiance manifest itself in its own time and in the way it sees fit, without your ego claiming to control it. Create something from nothing and share recognition with the Gods.

Eighth house

hemisphere - western
hemisphere - upper
zone - second third of the circle
type - subsequent
axle - 2/8
planet - Pluto


  • orientation towards other people and responsiveness
  • objective and collective
  • interactive and interpersonal
  • reactive and determined
  • values, judgments and pleasures
  • tension, regeneration and rebirth

Traditional interpretation

  • death
  • inheritance
  • other people's resources
  • sex and regeneration
  • occultism

Modern interpretation

union - the experience of living together; power and trust in partnerships

transformation - the secrets of ego death and rebirth through intense interaction with other people

sexual fusion - true sexual union, tantric liberation

focused intuition - non-rational knowledge in a specific context of interpersonal relationships

joint property - a real inheritance created by relationships between people; joint finances, holdings or property

Eighth House Study

As we enter the 8th house, we again reach the end of the zone. The eighth house is the last house of the second group of four houses; this "water" house indicates the culmination of relationships between individuals. In the 7th house, close relationships between people in the sphere of contracts and obligations - promises reach their peak. But it’s one thing to promise, to say “I love, respect, cherish,” and a completely different thing to actually fulfill what is promised.

If the 7th house can be seen as the marriage ceremony, then the 8th house symbolizes the honeymoon and everything that comes to us during a long life together. The eighth house considers the personality's exit beyond its own shell in order to merge with what is beyond it. This especially applies to the experience of concluding an alliance with other people and to all areas of life together with them without exception.

Since the 8th house is the subsequent house and is opposite the 2nd house, the quality of this House is value - value gained in interactions. But the Plutonian nature of the 8th house requires the abandonment of individuality in order to gain new value and significance. If you want to ascend to a new stage of development, to become better than you are, if you want to improve your life through union and merging with other people, then you must sacrifice something, something must die. Thus, in the classical interpretation, the 8th house is associated with death.

This is not a simple departure from life, but a going beyond oneself and returning within oneself, recreating the struggle of birth. It is death and rebirth; a process that is carried out through deep partnerships and searching within oneself for what requires transformation. This process does not always happen literally in the presence of another person, but the aura of his influence is always nearby. When you reach the edge of the symbolic cliff called "Lovers' Leap", will your loved one jump with you? Or will you be tempted, tricked into jumping alone, or worse, pushed off by your partner? The paradox is that you must trust your partner, and yet you must jump alone.

The sexual accents of the 8th house are very powerful. This is not the pure self-centered sensuality of the 2nd house, nor the love spectacle of the 5th house. This is the highest level, the peak of sexual experience, the release that occurs when arousal reaches its highest point - temporary loss of consciousness at the moment of orgasm. This connection between sex and death is neither pathological nor humorous; This is the highest level of sexual creativity - not the generation of children in the physical sense, but the creation in the psychological sense of a new grain of one’s “I”. The fact that most people remain sensitive only to sexual impulses does not necessarily mean that these people do not transform. In the 8th house, for transformation, you do not need to be conscious at all, but you just need to follow the path that is given to you.

The eighth house is the area of ​​secrets. What is outside of me? Will I die if I step outside my shell? Will this be the end of me or the beginning of a new journey? This house is an area of ​​experimentation, so it is associated with the realms of the occult and intuition.

As with the 2nd house, when interpreting the 8th house it is appropriate to talk about money, but for this house, as with the 2nd house, there is also a tendency to simplify the interpretation. The 8th house is the second house which is interpreted too literally and this simplistic approach makes it difficult to understand the psychological meaning of the 8th house.

The eighth house is not for the cowardly. To work out this house requires the strength of the oak and the flexibility of the willow, because we are talking about change, and not just a change of form, which happens many times, but a real, undeceitful change - a fundamental modification of the personality.

Each of us is given the opportunity to change ourselves many times during our lives, but not everyone uses it. Those who do not learn to “die while still alive” - and this is the quintessence of the 8th house - can only be assured that they will be given the opportunity to learn at the end of life from their own physical death. But they should know that no one has come out of this mess alive yet.

Tenth house

hemisphere - eastern
hemisphere - upper
zone - third third of the circle
type - angular
axle - 4/10
planet - Saturn


  • self-orientation and expressiveness
  • objective and collective
  • sociocultural or universal
  • initiating and founding
  • security, stability and responsibility
  • ambition, authority and excellence

Traditional interpretation

  • ambition in a career or profession
  • social position and reputation
  • social contribution of the individual
  • one of the parents

Modern interpretation

collective responsibility - the experience of taking on responsibility that goes beyond the boundaries of the “I”; universal dharma

professional ambition - creating and maintaining a niche for an adult in the world; career, position in society

missions and messages - everything that God communicates to all humanity through any specific person

a parent externally associated” with a person - a parent associated with a structure, most often this is the father

Tenth House Study

The tenth house is the corner house of the collective group of houses and is the first region of the eastern hemisphere (hemisphere of self-realization). This house describes building long-term relationships with the world at large. It contains information about how we create a social niche for ourselves, which is the answer to the question “What will I do when I grow up?” This question is as relevant at the age of nine as at the age of ninety, since the state of “adulthood” seems so far into the future that it takes a long time to get there.

In any chart, the Sun symbolizes personal power; this is the channel connecting us to the Space Center. Through it we are fed with energy; indicating the direction of development, the goal, providing the individual with a sense of significance. The house where the Sun is located and the house it rules are the most powerful areas of the chart that determine the purpose of a person's life.

The sector of the 10th house is a part of space located directly above us. In this part of the sky at noon, the Sun is at its highest point. In the 10th house the influence of the Sun culminates, this is the pinnacle of purpose, but since the 10th house is the center of the upper hemisphere, such features manifest themselves through the collective, through the culture to which each of us belongs. So, in the 10th house the extra-personal purpose of a person’s life is revealed.

The fourth house symbolizes personal security in home and family, and the 10th house social security: you know that you have a safe place in society.

Traditional interpretations of the 10th house as the area of ​​ambition, career, social status and reputation continue to be relevant today. But in many books, the interpretation of the 10th house practically comes down to what is listed above. We must recognize that the experience of the 10th house goes beyond mere concern for success on a material or social level, important as it is. Fame is very exciting, but quite often it turns against us. Ambition is like a drug, and the drug does not help you actually get things done.

In addition to power and ordinary success, the 10th house also relates to achieving progress in spiritual life - a person taking full responsibility for his own development, real growth as a person, which ultimately leads to contact with the Divine flowing through us. The state of the 10th house shows what problems need to be solved in order to mature, in order to achieve “true individuation,” to use the terminology of Jung’s followers.

This deeper level of interpretation shows how you make the maximum contribution to the development of the universe and, therefore, gain recognition; recognition not as a consequence of veneration, glory and power, but as a result of the work of your abilities in full force.

Achieving success in this house means that you have found a safe place on Earth - found through the conscious manifestation of your personal divinity, found by becoming a channel for a greater divinity, the universe itself.

Eleventh house

hemisphere - eastern
hemisphere - upper
zone - third third of the circle
type - subsequent
axle - 5/11
planet - Uranus


  • self-orientation and expressiveness
  • objective and collective
  • sociocultural or universal
  • reactive and determined
  • behavior, creativity and love
  • humanitarian, independent and original

Traditional interpretation

  • social activity
  • groups and organizations
  • hopes and wishes

Modern interpretation

participation in the life of groups - involvement in the life of groups, organizations or public institutions

appropriate behavior - a sense of “correct” behavior, the norms of which are established by the group

friendship, social circle - the experience of finding friends belonging to a particular social community

joint creativity - creativity in groups; dedication to a collective goal

acceptance of love - a person in the role of a loved one; qualitative aspects of people’s behavior, perceived as their offer of love

Eleventh House Study

The ninth house began the process of entering the world by introducing it into collective mental systems. The tenth house continued this process by creating a safe niche for the person in the world around him. Here in the 11th house,
- the third house of the last four houses, the final house of open relationships and the last area of ​​the subsequent type in the structure of houses - we gain experience in participating in the life of groups. The eleventh house is associated with our judgments about ourselves and about our world, which we express in terms of our membership in a group and the deep desire each of us has to be accepted into some group.

Therefore, the traditional interpretation of the 11th house is “friends,” or more specifically, the social circle of comrades with whom we maintain relationships in order to secure our position in the matrix of social relationships. In interactions related to the 11th house, emotional attraction and mental kinship between people, which began in the 9th house, are usually fused together. Our friends are eager to reflect on and give form to our philosophical, moral or ethical views.

The eleventh house is associated with Uranus, so participation in the life of organizations and the element of personal will merge in this house. If in the 9th house culture was explored, in the 10th house a safe niche was created in culture, then in the 11th house a person’s judgment of himself is assessed in terms of culture. This is the home where we consider most closely how others treat us, but these others are not individuals, but groups, society as a whole. This is the home where the concept of "socially appropriate behavior" carries maximum weight, where our manners take on their most structured and powerful appearance.

In this house the personality reaches the pinnacle of its development. In the 5th house the development of individuality proper culminated, resulting in the emergence of social sensitivity through which the ego of man could express itself. In the 11th house the struggle to create a social individuality culminates and the result is the rebirth of a newly awakened personality. A refined sense of belonging to something automatically creates a refined craving for solitude.

This is partly due to the fact that the pressure put on a person when he enters society is so great that he longs to feel like an independent and separate being. In the 11th house we want to belong to something and at the same time be real individuals.

In the opposite, 5th house, there is a requirement for the development of personal creativity; creativity as an expression of the ego, creativity centered on the ego.

Here in the 11th house we continue to develop this experience, but through joint creativity, through creativity in groups.
In the opposite, 5th house, there is a requirement for the development of personal creativity, creativity as an expression of the ego; ego-centered creativity. Here in the 11th house we continue to develop this experience, but through joint creativity, through creativity in groups.

The fifth house is the house of passionate romantic love, so it is often believed that
The 11th house is the house of cooler, more detached concern for a person, as in friendships. This approach to viewing a house is correct and often works in interpretations. However, there is a completely different way to analyze romantic love.

The fifth house was the area of ​​conscious manifestation of the ego in dramatic courtship rituals. In this house the ego occupied a central position and his advances were like an actor playing before an audience. As for the 11th house, we can assume that everything changes places in it; we do not give love like an actor, but we receive love like a spectator. And just as the public hopes for a certain amount of entertainment, the 11th house reveals our hopes of being loved; it points to the characteristic features that serve as an indicator to us of another person's proposal of his love (for a more detailed discussion of this issue, see the subsection at the end of this chapter, “Method of Synthesizing the Interpretation of a House”).

This love is not like love in the 4th house in the sense of nurturing and fulfilling our needs; nor is it an emotional union of the 8th house leading to psychological transformation; here love is expressed in the other person appreciating us, being attracted to our unique blend of individuality and social attractiveness. In this house we play the more romantic role of the beloved.

Associated sign is Aries. The associated planet is Mars.

The original spark of our individuality and our public persona or mask.

The first house represents our self-knowledge, temperament, and innate tendencies. Because it holds the key to understanding our attitude towards life and the perception of other people, it is often called the “front door” of our world. It is through the first house that we express and address our inner impulses and spiritual needs to our immediate environment. The Ascendant affects our vision of the world and how the world perceives us.


The Ascendant can be compared to the "persona" (Latin word meaning actor's mask) that we show to the world. Many of us only take off our mask and allow others to see our true colors when we feel confident and safe. Sometimes we become so identified with our persona that we suppress our true nature. As a result, the first house often hides our true personality, about which the placement of planets in this house, and especially the Sun, can say a lot.

The first house, associated with Mars and Aries, reveals our individuality and acts as a mediator between us and the world. From a psychological point of view, we are talking about our external manifestations and energy. The signs and planets located in this house show us the best way to express ourselves and realize the uniqueness of our personality. We will not experience our wholeness without recognizing, exploring and developing these qualities.

This house can also tell something about those who surrounded us in childhood. Because these energies begin to influence us in early childhood, we become closely fused with the archetypes represented by the planets and signs found in this house. They will manifest themselves no matter what situation we find ourselves in. By developing the qualities that symbolize the sign of the Ascendant and the planet in the first house, we can better understand ourselves and our relationships with others.

Planets in this house symbolize a source that flows from the inside out. This is the part of our personality that we entrust to communicate with other people. First we create a persona, and then we begin to perceive it as ourselves. In this regard, the first house is our self-image and the image we show to others. This does not mean that a person is only a part of us. The first house symbolizes that part of our nature that serves as an intermediary between us and the outside world - the face that we show to society.

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The first house determines a person's personality and, to some extent, his appearance (especially the ascendant). Houses, unlike signs, are not equal in the strength of their influence on a person’s life. The corner houses are stronger than all the others, and the first house is stronger than all the other corner houses. If there is a planet in the first house, then the background of its influence extends to the entire horoscope, i.e. for a person's entire life. If there are two planets in the first house, then this person will never be bored with himself, and there is nothing to say about those around him, they, when he even slightly pays attention to them, are in complete delight (or horror, depending on the aspects and person's mood).

The world is outwardly very unfair, and people with a strong first house take the lion's share of the attention and love (and hate) of those around them.

House cusps are sensitive points of the horoscope. A planet standing on the cusp of a house (that is, within 2° from the vertex, no matter which side, it may also be in the previous house), strengthens this entire house (and gives it its own color). A planet standing on the ascendant strengthens not only 1 house, but the entire horoscope; all such people are noticeable, even if they behave modestly (which they will be able to do with difficulty, even if Saturn was on the ascendant).

The ascendant must be distinguished from the first house. The Ascendant determines the program of the subconscious, which is a filter at the entrance and exit from it - this is a thin film through which perception and self-expression occurs. The first house is the surface layer of subconscious programs (the ascendant is thus the outer boundary of this layer). The Ascendant determines the impression of the person you saw for 10 seconds, and the first house determines the image formed during the first hour of meeting. The Ascendant and 1st house determine the style of a person’s behavior when he is taken by surprise (the Ascendant - if you need to react within a second, 1st house - if within a minute): Aries - jump up and strike; Capricorn - remain silent and watch the further development of events; Leo - decisively take control of the situation; Cancer - keep silent and withdraw into yourself.

The first house determines a set of social roles and masks used by a person when interacting with the outside world: through these masks he perceives himself; an unfinished 1st house will give a complete identification of a person with his social roles. In other words, a person looks at himself through the eyes of public opinion.

The first house is active in any chart. If there are no planets in it, this does not mean that it is weak. Let's look at its planet-ruler; if it stands strongly, then this affects the 1st house. Next, we look to see if there are planets in the sign on the cusp of the 1st house (they may not be in it, but in the 12th house); if there is, they strengthen that sign (i.e. the ruler of the 1st house) and therefore the 1st house.

If there are no planets in the ruling sign, we look at the symbolic rulers - these are Mars and Aries; if one of them stands strongly, this also strengthens the 1st house, although to a lesser extent than the actual rulers (planet and sign).

Each house, unless it is included, also enters the sign following its ruling sign. For the first house, this means a two-dimensional personality: on the first, more superficial plane, the personality is formed under the influence of the sign on the ascendant, and on a deeper one - under the influence of the next sign in order. If the 1st house is included, then the personality will be limited, perception and personal self-expression always, sometimes forcibly, follows the style of the corresponding sign. If the 1st house is common, a person has a potentially very rich personality, it has the influence of three signs and it can be very different, but this requires some work on oneself, otherwise the sign included in the 1st house will not be able to express itself adequately, and the person there will be a feeling of spiritual understatement, although it will be difficult for others to believe it.

The first house largely determines appearance, or more precisely, the social perception of a person’s appearance, which is to a very large extent determined by the social roles and masks that he uses. What is important is not so much cosmetics as posture and psychological identification with the social image that a woman is tuning into when going on a date.

Working through the 1st house is the development of a developed personality, that is, a set of subconscious programs that perform two main functions.

The first is the outer expression of the spiritual essence. Without a clear external expression (this is not necessarily a “coming out into the world”), a person’s inner spiritual life remains incomprehensible to the person himself and invisible and incomprehensible to those around him. A strong 1st house, when worked through, gives a spiritual teacher, a person who, through his personality and its manifestations, broadcasts his spirit, performing literally miracles with the lost (and already on the evolutionary path) souls of his students. "When I come, all My disciples will recognize Me."

The second function is a deep perception of the people around us and the world as a whole.

An undeveloped strong 1st house gives a loud fanfare. At an average level of development, he is a talented actor, for whom people go to see gray films. In fact, he plays himself, weakly transforming into the character, but his personality is quite rich, interesting and brightly colors any role he plays.

People with a strong first house are often negative teachers and manipulators. They are very charming (charm does not cost them anything to turn on) and have great power of direct influence on others (it is difficult to refuse a beautiful and energetic woman or man).

In our culture, it is believed that artists need to work on 1 house, and the rest will live anyway, the main thing is the internal content and practical achievements. At the same time, little emphasis on personality development and a rudimentary limited set of masks and roles sharply impoverishes both the perception and self-expression of a person, and leads to enormous difficulties in life, in particular, it actually strictly regulates behavior in the vast majority of life situations, depriving a person of the opportunity creativity in your everyday life. Children's home theater plays a much larger role than parents might think.

A weak 1st house means difficulties in personal expression: everything that comes from a person at first seems pale and uninteresting. On the other hand, the outside world seems gray and insipid; I want thrills, but there are few of them. Compensation here comes through internal spiritual work or external activity, i.e. a person either begins to study and rebuild himself deeply and intensively, or actively becomes involved in the outside world; both so that life would not be so boring, and the results sometimes exceed all expectations.

When the first house is affected, a person will have complex mental defense mechanisms, several rigid masks, a strong distortion of external joy when entering the subconscious, and an equally strong distortion in personal self-expression. These are very dark glasses: both for the person and for those around him. At best, this is a deliberately rude expression of tender and kind feelings, at worst, constant anger and rudeness without warning or reason. The world seems disgusting, people seem like bores and traitors, scoundrels or nonentities (depending on the sign of the ruler of the 1st house), in any case, these are always the first (and second) impressions and the first reaction upon external manifestation. But you can’t isolate yourself from the world (and don’t want to), since a strong 1st house means that you are connected to the world by a thick pipe, but what exactly goes through it from you to the world and back depends on the aspects (planets) of the 1st house and his manager. If the first house is affected, then the person has already worked through it during his life (even if he was only 5 years old) and installed powerful protective programs, because he is very vulnerable. Very often this is increased external self-esteem (usually at the expense of others) or, conversely, the position of a jester; in both cases, a strong personal inferiority complex and, most likely, a difficult childhood, which is best erased from emotional memory (but not suppressed). It is difficult to look into such a person, he has strong compensatory mechanisms and - his astrologer and psychoanalyst should not forget about this - a strong hypnotic effect on people. Most likely, he will talk to you seriously, from a fairly objective position and not at all pessimistic, and the novice astrologer will decide that he drew up the chart incorrectly or will be completely disappointed in astrology. It must be remembered that night houses, including the first one, control the subconscious, which is not easy to see and usually has to be thought about based on indirect signs. A person with an affected first house is very interesting if you can find a way to his intimate and vulnerable places; he may have an interesting defense and a peculiarly distorted map of the world, which torments him greatly, but all this is hidden by silence or clownish behavior (depending on the sign on the ascendant, the ruler and the planets of the 1st house and their aspects). Specific tense aspects of the planets and the ruler of the 1st house will show you the vulnerabilities of the psyche, but, firstly, the person may not want to discuss them, and secondly, they may be deeply (but never completely) repressed.

A harmonious 1st house is characterized by a double deception: on the one hand, the world and the person himself seem much nicer to him than he is (everything unpleasant is somehow forgotten very quickly), and on the other hand, the person also appears before the world from his best sides, even without much effort, of course; The harmonious 1st house, as they say, “knows how to present itself.” But conscience comes to consciousness with great difficulty and, as a rule, not for long. When love in life becomes a bargaining chip and everything on the surface succeeds, the true values ​​of life are achieved with great difficulty. A harmonious 1st house creates a shade of harmony throughout the map. Here, elaboration gives a flow of real cosmic love, which can make everyone around you happy, but for this you need to learn to see other people’s suffering without a rosy veil.

The key words for the lower octave of the 1st house are “to show off” and “to show off.” The study of the 1st house follows the path of creating and necessary correction of surface programs of the subconscious. On this path, the following stages can be indicated: disidentification with one’s body (i.e. recognition of one’s psyche as the primary principle in relation to the body); awareness of one’s thoughts and feelings as registered by consciousness, but not belonging to it (disidentification with the astral and mental bodies); feeling strong affects as induced from outside and fighting them as external enemies; volitional control of emotional and mental planes.

The situation when the 1st house is strongly turned on affects the person’s personality. These are not only moments of external and internal reproaches (“I taught, Mr. Teacher!”), but also moments of personal story, confession, in a word, moments when a person talks about himself - or finds himself in a similar situation as a listener trying on the personality of another.

A planet standing in the 1st house in conjunction with the ascendant (within 2-4° from it, depending on the magnitude of the 1st house) influences the entire 12th house and has a strong influence on the entire horoscope as a whole; it should be interpreted differently than when it is placed in the 1st domain in conjunction with the ascendant. However, the conjunction with the ascendant requires special consideration, and throughout the rest of this lecture, interpretations of planets in the 1st house are given in the absence of this conjunction.

The sun is in the 1st house - like it or not, if you talk about yourself, those around you will listen attentively and instinctively take a personal example. In this situation, the personality goes far beyond the physical body; others always look at the person with attention and it is very important what they see. Undoubtedly, the will of God is transmitted through him, but if a person does not work on himself, he may look like a parody of a spiritual teacher. Here the karmic task is formulated very simply: you need to be an example for your circle in all your visible personal manifestations. This is not very simple, but also not so difficult that it sounds like a mockery, since personal energy is very high, people often do not notice the flaws in behavior and instinctively take an example from such a person; when working out, great personal authority and influence on the environment.

Moon in the 1st house - subconscious programs are close to the surface. A feminine, vulnerable-looking woman who you want to marry. The man is soft, with good perception. Greater dependence on one’s desires and instincts, which come out with ease and spontaneity; at a low level, a person is a slave to his desires, does not distinguish “I don’t want” from “I can’t,” causing irritation. But he expresses and fulfills his wishes very emotionally and sincerely, eats deliciously and often cooks the same way.

Here, processing is difficult, there are severe frustrations and scars on the psyche (except for the completely harmonious Moon) due to general vulnerability. In adulthood, strong emotional blocks and the ability to aggressively desire, so take it out and put it in him. The karmic task includes the development of a certain asceticism (otherwise needs grow like a snowball), but not by repressing desires (the “I really didn’t want to” position), but by developing a system of values ​​in which they cease to exert imperative pressure on the psyche. When working, there is spiritual subtlety and high sensitivity, especially in the spheres of planets aspecting the Moon.

Mercury in the 1st house - a person speaks and perceives speech easily, is well connected, usually smart and energetic, his words have weight. In case of defeat - a bore, in the style of the sign where Mercury stands; strong temptations to rationalize the whole world. A person does not understand that life cannot be rationalized, it is alive, and mental models are always crude. With harmonious Mercury, the world is seen through a rational, distorting mirror, in which everything seems beautiful, and irregularities, passing through mental filters, are delayed; very pleasant conversationalist.

Venus in the 1st house is a person created for love. When defeated, he is often thrown out afterwards (or he throws out his partner). Here Venus is imprisoned (at home), and the person has power, but rules softly, delicately; unaesthetic external moments disgust him; self-expression is beautiful and soft (except for a strong defeat of Venus, when there will be hysterics, etc.) When worked out, it is good for people of art and social contacts.

Jupiter in the 1st house is a constant smile of fortune; they love him despite the most unpleasant behavior and actions. A colossal conceit, and with it, many people are really interested, a broad outlook. When elaborating, he is an encyclopedist, a man of the broadest soul; at a low level, there are corresponding claims that are unfounded. With any aspects of Jupiter there is a tendency to embellish oneself, one needs to develop inner honesty.

Saturn in the 1st house - here the astrologer risks that the client will be smarter and more insightful than himself. Here Saturn is in its fall (in the house), personal self-expression and a sincere, joyful and direct perception of the world are greatly hampered. Most likely, a psychologically difficult childhood, great responsibility or restrictions began at too tender an age; As an adult, there are many internal barriers to emotional life. If Saturn is completely harmonious, the person is hardworking and receives the necessary positive emotions through hard, but natural work for him. In general, Saturn in the 1st house karmically requires internal self-restraint, which many try to replace with external one, playing the role of a jester and thereby, as it were, devaluing their personality. You are unlikely to see it so easily, but there are almost certainly emotional frustrations, and courage is greater than it seems. Chiron in the 1st house - there is a devil inside a person who makes him look at everything that happens somehow differently from what is customary; sometimes it is inconvenient, and sometimes non-trivial aspects of what is happening are visible. When worked through - a high level of self-control, mental control, occult abilities, original thinking.

Uranus in the 1st house - the action of higher planets in houses for the average person is weakly expressed most of the time. At times, when Uranus is included, there are attacks of genius or extraordinary eccentricity of vision and expression; then they look at him with their mouths open. With strong aspects, there are many surprises and changes in life, especially in areas ruled by planets aspected by Uranus.

Neptune in the 1st house is at a low level and especially with defeat - alcoholism, drug addiction, in a word, “bottom” or mental illness. A hazy gaze, a person visibly somewhere in another space. When worked through - poetry, art, telepathic, magical and mystical abilities, but all this is not constructive right away.

Pluto in the 1st house is rock. Some unpleasant personal attention from public organizations, at work, etc. Uncontrollable passions lurk inside (sometimes breaking out), which a person is completely unable to cope with, or similar passions are directed towards him; but all this, like a strong subconscious desire for power, may not manifest itself and not enter consciousness. At a high level - the ability to completely regenerate one’s personality and transform the psyche of other people, a spiritual leader in a period of change.

Actually, a horoscope is considered a horoscope only when all twelve houses are marked in it. If there are no houses, this is no longer a horoscope, but a cosmogram, for the compilation of which only the signs of the Zodiac with the constellations of planets located in them are used.

For houses in the natal chart, a special calculation is made of the location of the planets for a given geographic latitude and longitude at a certain point in time.

Zodiac signs symbolize the potential that lies within a person. How this potential will manifest itself and in what areas of life it will be in demand is shown by the houses of the horoscope. It is the houses that provide information about how, where and to what extent a person’s characteristic properties will manifest themselves, his capabilities will be revealed and how all this will manifest itself in everyday life. Each house is a certain sphere of human life, therefore houses show a person’s life in society, what life forces a person to be, they show acquired habits, skills, methods, as well as the goals that life sets for a person and the methods by which a person will go towards your goal.

Classifications of houses in the natal chart can be combined into groups according to characteristics, for example, by age:

I, IV, VII and X - childhood home,

II, V, VIII and IX - home of adulthood,

III, VI, IX and XII - old age home.

This division can be used when studying the stages of a person’s life path and some calendar calculations.

Another division suggests that houses from I to VIII speak about the material side of a person’s life, houses from IX to XI speak about his moral and spiritual life, and the XII house is that worldly vanity that often takes up a lot of space in the lives of many of us. But, of course, the main division is one in which each house is recognized as having a special, completely defined role.

1st HOUSE - “Point I”

He is responsible for personality, and character is often included here. Planets located in the first house determine a lot both in a person’s character and in his destiny. The type of personality and the sequence of certain life events depend on which planets are occupied and in what order. Corresponds to the sign of Aries, co-owner is Mars.

Main characteristics: appearance, constitution, manners, temperament, character, type of self-expression, self-perception.

2 HOUSE - “Point of opportunity”

He is responsible for property, income, and types of expenses. Material resources that a person possesses at the time of his birth through the fate of his parents or that he will have through his work activity, consciously acquiring them in one way or another during his life. As well as financial prospects, the possibility of winning the lottery or other games.

Main characteristics: resources, property, income, budget, wealth, cash, sources of income and types of spending.

3 HOUSE - “Communication Point”

Responsible for a person’s relationships with others - family, neighbors, close relatives, in short, for the circle of everyday communication. Also, since the third house corresponds to the constellation Gemini, whose co-owner is Mercury, it is responsible for various manifestations of a person’s higher nervous activity (type of perception, range of interests), as well as for business life - short-distance travel, correspondence, etc.

Main characteristics: brothers, sisters, neighbors, friends, communication, primary and secondary education, short trips, means of transportation, letters, papers, intelligence, nervous system.

4TH HOUSE - “Point of Origin”

The fourth house is the foundation on which a person rests and from which his ascent up the social ladder begins. It is here that the foundation for future social victories is laid, which will later find expression through the 10th house: authority among professionals, prestige and reputation in society.

Main characteristics: family roots, parental home, own home, real estate, homeland, family, father or mother, unconscious, intimate, beginning and end of life. In the female horoscope - sex life.

5TH HOUSE - “Point of attraction”

Children, art and all sorts of pleasures, perhaps whims. It corresponds to the constellation Leo, its owner is; this is what “the heart is attached to”, without which a person cannot imagine himself, as well as the fruits of his labors that he will leave on earth - be it physical descendants, works of art or legends about his deeds.

Main characteristics: Love, erotica, relaxation, entertainment, play, pleasure, children, excitement, creativity, art, success, fame.

6TH HOUSE - “Power Point”

The key concepts for this house are daily (routine) work, performance of official duties, and health care. The 6th house brings together two themes: work and health. He points out that comfortably organized working conditions are the key to both physical and mental health.

Main characteristics: service, daily worries, responsibilities, subordinates, pets, well-being, illness, treatment, debts.

7TH HOUSE - “Point You”

Responsible for marriage and for the partner whom a person chooses; the partner can also be a business partner. Social relations and unions are also subordinated to this house. Partnership by voluntary agreement, contract. Legally registered connections and unions: legally registered marriage, church wedding, legal joint
married life, open enemies, competitors, contracts, lawsuits. His co-housewife is .

8TH HOUSE - “Border point”

The 8th field is called the house of life and death. There is no contradiction here, given that death in metaphysical terms only means a gate, a transition to a new life. The 8th House is also responsible for the material assets and financial affairs of a marriage or business partner.

Main characteristics: common capital, inheritance, insurance, wills, notarial affairs, investigations, crisis, transformations, life expectancy, violent death, secrets, sex, occult abilities.

9TH HOUSE - “Spirit Point”

This is the home of intellectual life, religion and travel, especially long-distance travel, for example, abroad. It corresponds to the constellation Sagittarius, its co-owner is .

Main characteristics: worldview, philosophical beliefs, faith, religion, higher education, long-distance travel, legal cases, authority, public institutions.

10TH HOUSE - “Goal point”

House of professional or social success, career. It corresponds to the constellation Capricorn, its co-owner is . The tenth house is one of the most important fields. The vertex of this house is the highest point in the horoscope. It symbolizes a person’s aspirations and career ambitions, without which he would be able to achieve little in society. This house is responsible for the standard of living. The maximum that a person can achieve in profession and life.

Main characteristics: career, occupation, professional achievements, success, social status, reputation, awards mother, karma, mother or father.

One of the main houses of the horoscope is considered to be the First House, also called the first field of the horoscope. It reflects the main characteristics of a person, talks about his appearance, style and demeanor.

The concept of the First House is also associated with, that is, the ascending sign in. It is he who will give the most significant descriptions of the native. However, the concept of the First House is broader than the concept of the ascendant, since the First field of the horoscope can include more than one sign. In addition, the zodiac signs included in the first field may contain planets. Thus, in order to give a complete description of the personality of the native, it is necessary to analyze all the elements of the First House of the subject (rulers of signs, planets and connections between them).

The first house and its characteristics

The first house of the horoscope is the external appearance of a person. People have different heights, weights and builds. Over time, everyone develops their own gait, image and manners. A person chooses his hairstyle, clothes, shoes, and dyes his hair in accordance with his inner desires and ideas about beauty. It should not be surprising that some people do not like and do not like what others prefer. The set of characteristics of the 1st house is very individual and unique, so you cannot meet two completely identical people.

Signs will show people the best way to express themselves and show others the uniqueness of their personality. This is why it is so important to study all the elements of this horoscope field. Awareness of your natural qualities will contribute to their full and successful manifestation in society.

The 1st house is activated when the subject is forced to appear in front of strangers for the first time. At this moment, it is as if he puts on a mask and does everything possible to make the desired impression. For example, if the subject’s ascendant is in Capricorn, then he seems to others to be cautious, businesslike, dry and rational. If the 1st house is influenced by the sign of Gemini, then the owner of the horoscope looks sociable, relaxed, active and inquisitive.

And yet you need to understand that the first house of the horoscope symbolizes only part of our nature. The true essence of a person is revealed during long-term communication, and sometimes remains forever in the dark for outsiders. The 1st house is only the expression of the face facing the world around us. It does not reflect the spiritual depths and true emotions that a person experiences.

There is also an opinion that the elements of the first field of the horoscope influence a person’s fate, because the field itself speaks of the ability to act and be active. However, we must admit that people’s lives still consist of many horoscope factors. But in some professions, a person’s appearance and image are important. Jupiter in the 1st house will create a suitable image for a teacher, Venus in the 1st field will help in the modeling business and in the arts. The latter may be important for actors, dancers, TV presenters, singers, etc.

The meaning of house in compatibility analysis

When analyzing compatibility between marriage and business partners, the projection of one person's planets onto the other person's first house can provide important information.

So, if the good planets (Sun, Venus, Jupiter) of the partner fall into the 1st field of the subject, then he feels a surge of vitality, creativity and positive energy when he is close and communicates with the owner of the planets.

If evil planets fall into the 1st field, then the synastric interaction will most likely be negative. Saturn will indicate a controlling and limiting influence, and the energies of the partner’s Mars, although they will make a person more active and enterprising, but still feelings of irritation, competition and rivalry will spoil the relationship between partners.

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