Is it possible to endure contractions? Childbirth without pain and fear - is it real? Unconventional methods of pain relief

Good afternoon and good mood to everyone reading my blog! One of the most significant events in a woman’s life is the birth of her child. Holiday, birthday! Cake, candles, gifts. But, unfortunately, many women remember their childbirth not as a holiday at all, but as “horror, a nightmare, endless torture.” Why does this depend, and how to survive childbirth and labor without receiving psychological trauma for life?

Knowledge is power!

Despite the fact that childbirth seems to be a natural and programmed process by nature, knowing how it happens makes these few hours much easier.

For example, my friend Alena was sincerely sure that the entire time of labor a woman was exclusively screaming and pushing. She didn’t have the slightest idea about contractions, how they grew, how long they lasted, and other “little things.” At the same time, she was terrified of giving birth (well, that’s right, given such ideas!) and did not want to learn anything about this topic. As a result, during childbirth I was confused, did not listen to the midwife, screamed, clenched and completely exhausted both myself and the child. With good introductory instructions, I had a very difficult birth.

My advice to you: Be sure to study the theoretical material already at the beginning of pregnancy, or better yet before it (while prolactin has not yet chewed out the painted cradle from your brain, and it is able to critically perceive and remember information). Take courses, watch videos, read books. From books I can recommend William and Martha Sears "Waiting for Baby" And Grently Dick-Read "Childbirth without fear".

Breathing and movement

Whatever source of information you choose, the main emphasis there will be on learning proper breathing and postures during childbirth. These are the two most effective ways to get through contractions easier.

The main task of a woman during labor is to relax as much as possible. The harder we squeeze, the worse, longer and more painful the cervix will open. Maximum relaxation, a relaxed mouth, free breathing - these are the main components of pain-free childbirth.

Special courses

If you have never practiced breathing before pregnancy, either separately or during yoga or stretching, be sure to take a class where you will be taught how to control your breathing. These could be specialized courses for pregnant women, or simply training, for example, in body-oriented therapy.

Home practice

In addition to special activities, conduct yourself daily breathing rituals. The easiest way to organize them is in bed in the morning and evening. Set yourself a task to practice a certain type of breathing and try to complete it. For example:

  • Inhale for 3 counts through your nose, exhale for 4 counts through your mouth. After 20 cycles, lengthen your breathing - inhale through your nose for 5 counts, exhale through your mouth for 7 counts. After another 10 cycles, start breathing very often - inhale through your nose for 1 count, exhale through your mouth for 1 count.
  • Changes in the depth and duration of breathing. We start with deep and frequent inhalations and exhalations; at this time, you can imagine the sea surf, how the waves powerfully and quickly roll onto the shore. After a minute, we switch to deep and slow inhalations and exhalations - this breathing is similar to ocean waves. Then we breathe “dog” for another minute - very frequent shallow breathing. After this, very slow shallow breathing almost naturally occurs - a feeling as if you are almost not breathing.

  • During any comfortable breathing, consciously relax individual parts of the body. We lie down and dictate to ourselves “forehead... nasolabial folds... lips... tongue... lower jaw... neck... shoulders...” and so on down to the toes. We try to feel and relax exactly what we pay attention to.
  • Let's learn to sing. We take a deep breath, and as we exhale we sing the sound “a-a-a” or “mm-mm.” At the same time, both lips and throat should be relaxed. This type of singing helps a lot during strong contractions. The main thing is not to break into a scream, but to sing relaxed and deeply.
  • Surprisingly, laughter helps you relax. Although, if you understand the mechanics of the process, then laughter is a deep breath and several sharp exhalations. Learn to laugh and relax!

Learning to move

And again - if before pregnancy you were engaged in dancing, or any activity that teaches you to feel and control your body, then you already have an excellent bonus. Listen to your body and move as it tells you.

If there is no such practice, then it is worth finding out how you can and should move during childbirth.

"Kitty." Starting position – rest on your knees and palms. Controlling your breathing, swing your hips to the right and left, then bend your lower back up and down. During childbirth, many people want to lean not on their palms, but on their elbows or forehead, with their arms stretched out in front of them. Helps to relax the stomach, promotes better opening. Another option is to stand on the floor and lean your elbows on the windowsill/bedside table/headboard, while you can sway your hips.

Jumping on a fitball. If there is a large ball in the delivery room, it can significantly facilitate the flow of contractions. We sit down on it fully, our heels rest on the floor. During a contraction, we actively spring, or sway from side to side, monitoring our breathing, then rest. You can rest by leaning back or forward, resting your hands on the bed.

For some women giving birth, the pain is relieved squatting in a fight with knees wide apart. In this case, you need to hold on to the edge of the bed with your hands (that is, do not raise your hands high). Ideally, your husband or midwife should hold your back.

What other ways are there to relieve pain?

In fact, there are a lot of different options. Which one is right for you is unknown. But the more ways you know, the higher the likelihood that the right way will be found.

  • If the fear of childbirth is strong, and thoughts about death, injury, and the unbearability of the process are stuck in your head, then it is best to go for a consultation with a psychologist. A good psychologist will help you identify the causes of your fears, work through them and set yourself in a positive mood.
  • If you are very afraid of pain and have a negative experience inappropriate behavior in case of severe pain, it is possible the best way out will pay for epidural anesthesia in advance.
  • If you believe in God, pray. I experienced this powerful prayer myself. I share with you, dear girls, and then in the comments I expect stories from you whether it helped you or not.

If it is unbearable to endure the long agony of childbirth, let the woman in labor turn in the direction where the sun is in the sky, and if it is night, then the moon. She needs to cross herself three times and say this:
Oh my God,
I, slave (name), stand in front of you.
There are two thrones before me,
On those thrones sit Jesus and the Mother of God,
They look at my tears.
Blessed Mother Theotokos
Holds golden keys
she opens meat caskets,
releases the baby from the womb:
from my flesh, from my hot blood.
Lord, take away the aches,
pinches, visceral pain!
How the Mother of God gave birth without torment, without pain,
open the bone gates.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • Massage (self-massage) of the lower back and sacrum helps most women.
  • You can think about - husband, mother, sister, close friend.

Watch the video, they describe in detail about breathing, and about poses, and about massage:

I wish all pregnant women an easy birth, healthy babies and good nights!
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There is an opinion that the process of bringing a newborn child into the world just needs to be endured. Relatively, it is. However, there are a few truths that will show you how to ease the pain of labor and childbirth. The tips you will learn from this article will help you deal with the birth of your baby a little easier. Shall we begin?

In order to talk about eliminating pain, you must first understand where it comes from. Initially, I would like to make a reservation that any pain (even a cut on a finger) is the body’s response to a certain danger. There cannot be any actual danger, but information about the cut (if we're talking about about an ordinary wound/splinter) immediately enters the brain.

A similar situation occurs during contractions. Precisely in order for the woman to understand that the process of childbirth is “just around the corner”, its onset is characterized by pain. Nature works that way.

From a medical point of view, pain during labor and childbirth occurs for a number of the following reasons:

  • the uterus opens (the first harbingers of pain appear here, but they are still short-term and cause almost no inconvenience to the woman);
  • pressure of the baby’s head on the uterus (the pain becomes quite severe, because the baby is literally ready to be born);
  • passage of the baby's head through the birth canal.

To get through this difficult moment in life, a woman needs to prepare well in advance.

2. How to prepare for childbirth and labor at home

Many expectant mothers begin long before the scheduled day of birth to look for recommendations on what helps mothers in labor endure pain during labor. I think this is ideal.

With time to spare, you can thoroughly prepare for the most important day in the life of any woman.

What measures can be taken:

  1. attend courses for young parents (here you will be taught proper breathing and in different ways relaxation, and postpartum care for the baby);
  2. exercise on a fitball (this is a huge ball, exercises on which will help the mother in the future more easily endure the period of childbirth);
  3. pack your “pregnant” bag in advance (otherwise you risk pretty much fraying your nerves);
  4. calculate the route to the maternity hospital (mukhi will take you by private transport or you will go “on a netcar”; to a certain maternity hospital, or “as you’re lucky”; give birth under a contract, or “in general procedure"- this also saves the nerves);
  5. set yourself up positively (a good attitude is half the battle).

If you go to the maternity hospital mentally (and physically) prepared, childbirth will be as painless as possible.

3. How to behave during contractions

Before giving birth, every woman needs to “experience” contractions. Unfortunately, this is precisely what frightens women in labor. Most often, contractions hit the expectant mother while she is still at home, and then the question arises of how to relieve the pain.

There are several ways to help you cope with this “test”:

1. Breathe. Don't hold your breath in the hope that this method will help you eliminate the pain. The pain will go away on its own over time. Control your breathing:

  • breathe deeply: inhale through your nose - exhale through your mouth, slowly;
  • inhale air through your nose and release it “with sounds” and sharply through your mouth;
  • breathe like a dog.

2. Take a comfortable position. Each woman in labor has her own position. The most common poses that help to “pacify” pain are the following:

  • get on all fours (you can “sway” your hips a little left and right);
  • lie on your back and spread your legs to the sides as much as possible (legs should be bent at the knees);
  • Turn on your side and place a pillow between your legs for comfort.

3.Accept warm bath or shower.

4. Ask your husband to give you a massage:

  • massage the “zone” from the tailbone to the lower back with your fist, pressing slightly;
  • massage the “zone” from the sacrum to the lower back in the same way as the first method.

You can also watch videos on the Internet about the correct massage techniques. Fortunately, there is a huge variety of them on the World Wide Web.

5. Work out on a fitball.

6. Drink water in small sips.

4. How to behave during childbirth

During the birth itself, you need to behave calmly. Treat the process itself as if it were your own important work in your life, on which your promotion depends. From some point of view, this is indeed true. You will get a promotion and become a happy mother.

Follow the unspoken rules of women in labor:

  • keep calm;
  • follow the recommendations of your obstetrician;
  • breathe during the next contractions, rest in the intervals between them;
  • be optimistic.

Try to “control yourself” and not scream, because you are wasting the strength that you will need during pushing.

5. How to behave during pushing

Pushing is the most crucial moment of childbirth. And the most painful. Here it is important to trust your doctor as much as possible and push only when “the doctor allows it.”

Pushing often resembles the process of defecation, and causes the urge to go to the toilet. It is not recommended to do this until the doctor gives the go-ahead. The fact is that if a woman in labor pushes “as hard as she has to”, she risks starting the process of giving birth to the child herself ahead of time, even before the uterus is fully dilated. This is fraught with ruptures. Also, with untimely attempts, you can squeeze the baby’s head (including the carotid artery). This is extremely dangerous for the child's life.

Unfortunately, this is where there are no specific tips that will help you endure the pain. If you want, shout! If you want, cry! Do anything as long as it doesn't harm your baby.

6. Medication assistance

There are times when no breathing techniques help a woman in labor cope with pain. In this case, medicine comes to the rescue. A woman can be given pain medication if the doctor insists on it or this clause is provided for in the concluded contract.

The following may be suggested as a pain reliever:

  1. Epidural anesthesia (however, the consequences after it can be unpredictable, including paralysis).
  2. Promedol.
  3. Local anesthesia.

Medical intervention is prescribed in extreme cases, for example:

  • if the entire process of childbirth is accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • if the behavior of the woman in labor is unconscious and uncontrollable;
  • if there is a threat to the life of the woman and child.

There is no need to panic, you know very well that not a single woman has ever left the maternity hospital without giving birth. And after you see your little happiness and feel the heartbeat of your newborn, all the pain will be forgotten instantly. You will be incredibly glad that you endured this pain with your baby.

For tips on how to survive contractions, see here:

You can watch a video about non-drug ways to relieve pain during contractions here:

If you found this article useful, suggest it to your friends to read. And subscribe to my updates, because I’m saying goodbye to you for a while. Bye bye!

Greetings to all readers and guests of my blog. Today we will talk about how to make childbirth easier?

First, you need to reduce the fear of childbirth, learn to react correctly to contractions, using massage and breathing during contractions and pushing.

During contractions, contractions appear (the uterus contracts), the cervix opens and the baby moves along the birth canal. And pain occurs due to:

  • Ligament and muscle strains
  • Cervical dilatation
  • Pressure on the cervix and vagina

In order for the baby to progress easily, the mother needs to learn to relax and behave calmly. If the mother is calm, her body produces a sufficient amount of oxytocin (a hormone that stimulates labor). If the mother panics and is afraid, her body produces adrenaline (a hormone due to which the muscles tense and the cervix stops contracting, thereby slowing down labor, provoking the production of an even larger portion of adrenaline).

And a vicious circle appears:

fear - muscle tension - pain - fear

You cannot control the contractions of the uterus, but you can consciously relax the muscles surrounding the uterus, thereby reducing pain.

You need to learn to overcome your fears, anxieties and worries and help your baby be born as calmly as possible.

How to reduce fear of childbirth?

1. The unknown is known.

Everyone is afraid of the unknown and uncertainty. If you know the main stages of childbirth, have an idea of ​​what awaits you in the prenatal period, what contractions and pushing are, how to breathe correctly, you will be much easier and calmer.

It is best to take a course on preparing for childbirth, but you can also talk with friends who have given birth, read information on the Internet, and read special literature on this topic.

Choose in advance the maternity hospital where you are going to give birth. Find out about the features of this establishment. Find out what the conditions are there. If you are very worried, choose the doctor with whom you want to give birth and discuss all the nuances with him, ask questions.

2. Pain is an ally, not an enemy.

Many people fear pain during childbirth, but pain is a part of childbirth. By following special breathing techniques during childbirth and relaxation methods, you can endure the pain, reduce it and still have the strength to push.

But you shouldn’t scream or silently endure the pain with clenched teeth, as you will only prevent the cervix from opening and lose a lot of strength.

Pain is an advisor who will tell you when you need to relax, change position or take a certain position for the most comfortable passage of the baby through the birth canal.

3. The alarm case is ready!

It is much easier to prepare for the start of labor when you know that you have everything ready. Pack your things for the maternity hospital in advance according to the list (lists are available in the maternity hospital, antenatal clinics, from friends who gave birth, or on the Internet).

Decide how you are going to go to the maternity hospital (call an ambulance or your spouse can take you), which route (so as not to get stuck in traffic).

Prepare yourself mentally for any situation, for example, your water breaks in the store or contractions start while walking. Don't worry, you will manage everything, you have time. You will be able to go home or ask to be picked up. The main thing is don't panic.

4. A positive attitude is the key to success!

Pray, meditate, sing. Imagine your baby as you press him to your chest, kiss him and hug him. Think positively, do not use the word “not”.

5. Husband’s support – in what way?

Think in advance whether you want to see someone close to you (husband, mother) during childbirth. What kind of help do you expect from them? Are you going to have a partner birth or not? Just remember that your loved ones will not read your thoughts. You need to explain what and when you want them to do.

6. Oh this head!

During childbirth, you don’t need to think about how the birth will end quickly, don’t rush things. Your body knows what, how and when it needs. Let him act.

How to postpone contractions?

  • If you are at home, then water is your faithful assistant. If contractions are strong, try immersing yourself in warm water or taking a warm shower to relieve tension.
  • Heat helps relieve pain. For example, it could be a bag filled with wheat (flax) grains. This pouch can be heated in the microwave for a few minutes and can remain warm for about an hour. This is an excellent way to warm your back or stomach. Or you can use a warm water bottle wrapped in a towel.
  • Go to the toilet as often as possible to empty your bladder.
  • Use proper breathing during labor (more on this below).
  • Massage is another great option.
  • Good position (choose your position in which you are most comfortable to endure contractions), change position as often as possible.

During contractions you can:

  1. walk, stand with your hands on the table or squat.
  2. get on all fours or sit on a chair with your legs spread apart
  3. lie on your side with pillows between your legs and under your breasts (if you decide to lie down)

Stages of breathing

There are 3 stages of breathing + breathing during pushing, depending on what stage of labor you are at. These breathing techniques will help you relax and rest between contractions.

Stage 1 of breathing - deep breathing

This breathing should be deep. You need to inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. When the contraction begins, start breathing like this, and when the contraction ends, stop. It turns out about 6-9 such inhalations and exhalations per minute. If the contraction lasts 30 seconds, it will take about 3-6 breaths.

Breathing stage 2 – controlled breathing

Used when contractions last more than 1 minute (1-3 minutes). In this case, you need to breathe shallowly and as if with acceleration. The contraction begins slowly (at this time you need to take several chest breaths and exhalations), then the contraction increases (we begin to breathe more shallowly) and reaches its peak (we breathe frequently and shallowly), then the contraction gradually subsides (breathing becomes less frequent, ending with deep inhalation and exhalation ).

Stage 3 – cleansing breath

It is used at the last stage of cervical dilatation. Now the contractions are most sensitive, the distance between them is reduced.

So let's do it

1 deep breath

4 frequent shallow inhalations and exhalations

1 deep, intense breath in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth (as if you were chilling soup)

Stage 4 – breathing during pushing

While pushing, you need to push (as if you really want to go to the toilet in a big way, but you are constipated).

So let's do it

  1. Chest deep breath
  2. Deep chest exhalation
  3. Full chest inhalation (you need to draw more air into the chest and into the “stomach”)
  4. Hold your breath for 30-50 seconds, and then slowly exhale the air as if blowing out a candle.
  5. Press your chin toward your sternum (looking at your belly button) and push down your belly.

During one contraction you can push like this 2-3 times.

It is important to remember that deep breathing is the main breathing during labor. Always return to deep breathing whenever possible. Stay at each stage of the breath for as long as possible. Only if necessary, include the next stage of breathing.

And yet, you may completely forget about all the techniques you read. The most important thing is to listen to your body.

Types of breathing during childbirth:


  • Massage from the tailbone up to the lower back. Pressing forcefully, slowly move your fists (fingers) from the tailbone to the lower back. 10-20 times per minute.
  • Move your fist from the sacrum to the lower back and back with circular pressing movements.

While pushing, listen carefully to your obstetrician. The doctor will tell you when to push.

With the birth of the baby, all pains are quickly forgotten. And remember the newborn to the breast in the maternity hospital.

How to relieve pain during childbirth? During childbirth, try to learn to relax, not be afraid, listen to your body, help yourself with breathing and massage. Then the birth will take place calmly, without unnecessary pain and stress.

Reasons for more

It is worth recognizing the fact that almost all women giving birth, to one degree or another, experience pain that has objective causes.

In our body, all changes that occur, as well as all external and internal influences, are captured by receptors - special cellular structures. Any type of irritant familiar to the body can be painful. Its main feature is the high intensity of exposure, which causes tissue damage and entails changes in all body systems.

The longest and most painful period of labor is the first, during which regular, gradually more frequent and intensifying contractions lead to dilatation of the cervix. During contractions, the muscles of the uterus contract - it is due to this that it opens, allowing passage for the baby. The baby's head puts pressure on the tissues of the uterus, irritating the nerve endings in them; The uterine ligaments are stretched, from the receptors of which pain impulses also come. At the very beginning, contractions may resemble nagging painful sensations during menstruation; as the intensity and duration of contractions increase, the painful sensations intensify. However, normally natural processes should not cause pain overload in the mother’s body. In the second stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, pushing begins and the fetus is expelled. This pain is more clearly defined and is felt at the site of fetal pressure on the nerve endings in the area of ​​the coccyx, vagina, perineum, and external genitalia.

However, the pain that a woman experiences during childbirth is only 30% caused by irritation of nerve endings, fibers, plexuses as a result of contractions of the uterus and compression of soft tissue by the presenting part of the fetus (usually the head), stretching of the ligamentous apparatus of the uterus and perineum. Indeed, in the body of a woman in labor during a natural process, such as normal birth, the anti-pain system is turned on. The role of the anti-pain system in the human body is to inhibit the excessive flow of pain impulses entering the spinal cord and brain, and thereby protect the central nervous system from overexcitation, development of shock conditions, chronic pain.

In addition, the anti-pain system plays the role of a kind of filter: it includes structures of the nervous system, in particular the brain, responsible for emotional reactions, in which all incoming stimuli are regarded as dangerous or harmless, not requiring an immediate response. The latter are filtered out by the anti-pain system, and the remaining impulses are admitted to the response centers of the nervous system. During childbirth, the anti-pain system blocks excessive pain impulses and promotes the release of natural painkillers into the blood.

Nature took care of women and preparing the female body for childbirth, setting the pain threshold in the female body much higher than in men - only quite strong irritants are able to reach this level and cause a pain reaction. In addition, before childbirth, the sensitivity of the uterus decreases, and the pain threshold further increases. This is why painless or low-pain childbirth is not so rare.

What is the cause of up to 70% of pain during childbirth? What wise nature is powerless against, and only can help medicines and medical intervention? If we do not take cases of severe obstetric pathology, where pain is caused by a serious disruption of the natural process of childbirth and where a real threat is created to the health and life of the mother and baby, then these 70% are due to banal fear. Fear of the birth itself, of the unknown, fear for oneself, anxiety for one’s health, fear and anticipation of those very “mortal pangs” that the process of giving birth to a child brings with it. The culmination of fear during childbirth leads to the release of the stress hormone - adrenaline, muscle tension, compression of the vessels and nerves of the uterus, and ischemia of the uterine tissue (the so-called deterioration of blood supply and the resulting deficiency of nutrients and oxygen delivered by the blood). In addition, fear causes a decrease in the pain threshold: now even a minor irritant can cause painful sensations, and the expectation of pain will lead to the fact that these sensations will definitely appear and will be several times stronger.

Pain relief or patience?

What to do, or perhaps not to do? Of course, in some situations the doctor will solve this problem by using one or another method of pain relief. But is normal childbirth worth pain relief?

Modern medicine, and in particular anesthesiology, for last years stepped far forward. The technique of pain relief has been improved, new methods and drugs for anesthesia have been invented, and sophisticated equipment helps monitor the patient’s condition. However, the organisms of a pregnant woman and her child are so closely interconnected that any medicine administered to the expectant mother, even in a small dose, will still get into the baby’s blood. Pain medications can cause drowsiness and depress the baby's breathing, and local anesthetics can have adverse effects on the baby's cardiovascular system.

During childbirth, not only the expectant mother experiences fear and pain, but also the newborn baby. Therefore, mother’s calm, confident voice, her help, the fact that during childbirth she thinks not about her pain, but about him, about the child, calms him down, feels sorry for him and rejoices at his birth - all this has an invaluable effect on the baby, and It helps a woman to easily endure all unpleasant sensations.

Psychoprophylactic preparation for childbirth is the key to success

Since one of the main causes of pain is fear, you need to try to eliminate it. Firstly, a woman must know what will happen to her and her child during childbirth, since the unknown only aggravates stress, tension, and, consequently, pain. However, even with full awareness (and this is not difficult now, since there is a lot of information on childbirth and the main thing is the desire to study it), the subconscious animal fear of pain can remain and aggravate the entire natural process of childbirth.

The method of psychoprophylactic preparation of pregnant women for childbirth in our country began to be developed in the 50s of the 20th century, but at that time it was not widely used, since it required an individual approach to each pregnant woman. Currently, expectant parents have access to childbirth preparation courses. During the classes, future mothers and fathers will consistently learn the features of all three periods of labor: contractions (dilation of the cervix), expulsion of the fetus (pushing), discharge of the placenta; they learn correct behavior in each period, breathing, position, methods of controlling their condition, methods of self-anesthesia. At the same time, the future parents choose a maternity hospital, decide on the presence of the father or one of their relatives at the birth, etc.

To achieve maximum emotional comfort, modern maternity hospitals are equipped with wards that, with excellent technical equipment and the necessary medical equipment, maintain comfort, bringing the atmosphere closer to home. For psychological support of the woman in labor, the presence of her husband, other relatives, and personal assistants is allowed. After training at a childbirth preparation school, they will provide an invaluable service, calming and encouraging the woman, helping her breathe correctly, and giving a pain-relieving massage.

Other methods of self-anesthesia during labor

Having analyzed the causes and mechanisms of labor pain, one can understand that a lot in reducing pain during childbirth depends on the woman herself.

Usually the most painful stage of labor is the period of cervical dilatation. The first contractions may resemble menstrual pain. Gradually, contractions will become more frequent, longer, and stronger. During contractions, the uterus becomes hard due to muscle contraction and then relaxes. Contractions occur against the will of the woman, regardless of her desire, and the woman in labor cannot control them.

To relieve pain during contractions, in the absence of contraindications and with the permission of the doctor, a woman in labor can choose a position (sitting, lying, standing, leaning on her hands) and a type of behavior (active or passive) that is most comfortable for her. For most women in the first stage of labor, it is most comfortable to be in an upright position: walking (walking with high legs raised is especially effective) or standing with your hands resting on the wall or headboard of the bed. You can use the support of a partner. If you still prefer to lie down, it is better to turn on your side rather than on your back. In the supine position, the uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, preventing normal blood flow to the heart. As a result, the blood supply to many organs deteriorates, blood pressure may decrease, dizziness and loss of consciousness may occur. In addition, the supine position reduces intense uterine contractions, thereby lengthening the period of contractions and dilatation of the cervix.

Proper breathing has a good pain-relieving and distracting effect. To ease contractions, so-called “slow” or economical breathing is used, characterized by slow, deep breaths and even longer exhalations.

During prolonged and frequent contractions, one uses “dog-like” breathing, in which a quiet, quick breath and a noisy, short breath are approximately equal in duration; this breathing is shallow. Correct breathing helps reduce pain and save strength.

Massage (performed by yourself or someone else) can significantly ease the pain of childbirth. The main techniques of this massage include stroking, rubbing, kneading or pressing. The effectiveness of each technique is quite individual, so the woman herself must choose the most suitable massage method for her. The most commonly used methods are stroking the lower half of the abdomen, pressing and rubbing the lower back. Kneading and pressing in the lateral corners of the lumbar rhombus (the dimples above the buttocks) also have a good analgesic effect.

During normal labor, you can take advantage of the unique pain-relieving properties of warm water. Water has a relaxing, soothing, massaging effect, increases the elasticity, pliability and extensibility of tissues. The woman in labor can take a shower or bath (some maternity hospitals have special pools in the delivery rooms). After the rupture of amniotic fluid, it is better to refrain from taking a bath, as the risk of infection during childbirth increases.

Childbirth, especially the first one, is a rather lengthy process. The expectant mother will need her main strength at the end - during pushing and expulsion of the fetus. Therefore, in the first period you need to use every opportunity to rest yourself and give your baby a rest. Between contractions you should relax (using any relaxation methods: massage, self-hypnosis), and if possible, take a nap.

Calm, relaxing music can have a good effect.

Optimal behavior during pushing

In the second stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​fully dilated, the fetus is expelled with the help of pushing - voluntary contractions of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Attempts, unlike contractions, a woman can control, for example, delay them or intensify them. During this period of labor, to relieve pain, you should synchronize pushing, breathing and follow the midwife’s commands, which protect the perineum from ruptures, and the baby from damage and trauma during childbirth. You need to push after taking a deep breath, as if pushing the baby out with the help of the diaphragm pressing on the uterus. To do this, you need to direct your efforts downwards, towards the perineum, and not towards the head. There is no need to strain your facial muscles or scream: you will waste a lot of energy without helping the child and the birth process. After pushing, you should exhale smoothly, not sharply: this helps to consolidate the result of the pushing; with a sharp exhalation, the fetus may retreat to its previous positions. After the effort, breathing is calm, even: take a deep breath and exhale completely. You should try to relax and rest before the next push.

The third stage of labor - the birth of the placenta - usually does not cause acute painful sensations and does not require pain relief.

Each woman and each birth is individual: it is difficult to choose a method of non-drug pain relief that is equally effective for everyone. The main thing is don’t be afraid, listen to your body, think about the baby - and then everything will go well!

Unconventional methods of pain relief

Due to the widespread use of non-traditional methods of treatment, methods of aromatherapy, music therapy, and reflexology - influencing biologically active points on the surface of the human body - are becoming increasingly popular. However, there are still few specialists who know these techniques, in particular for pain relief during childbirth. In addition, sensitivity to the effects of these methods is highly individual.

Partner childbirth is always a big responsibility: whether the expectant mother is accompanied by a friend, husband or one of her relatives, he should become a support and, if possible, alleviate the suffering of the woman in labor. Teachers in prenatal training courses often mention ways to alleviate a woman’s suffering due to contractions, but we decided to systematize this information.

1. Facial massage helps relieve stress and relax;

2. Remind the expectant mother to go to the toilet every hour: a full bladder is not only very unpleasant, but also increases the feeling of contractions;

3. Place a cold compress on the mother’s neck and face or lightly moisten it with cool water;

4. If doctors do not prohibit it, you can offer the woman water and light snacks - they will help replenish the energy that the expectant mother loses during labor;

5. Help the woman in labor change her position to speed up the process of cervical dilatation. Some positions will be painful, others will provide a short respite from the pain, your task is to find the best option for it;

6. During contractions, the expectant mother suffers from back pain: massage her lower back, lightly press on the sacrum. The position “on all fours” also helps to cope with pain;

7. Be close: Even if a woman does not want to be massaged during contractions, feeling the presence and support of a loved one is very important. Encourage her with words, hold her hand;

Light shower. Many doctors agree that water perfectly relaxes muscles and relieves pain, so if there are no contraindications, you can help a woman take a warm shower;

9. Try to distract the woman from the pain: if her condition allows, talk to her, listen to her favorite music, read something interesting. Be a mediator between the woman in labor and the medical staff;

10. Remind her that soon the painful sensations will pass, and the expectant mother will be able to hold her baby in her arms - this always works.

Video: Childbirth without pain

The appearance of contractions

Many women who will become mothers for the first time are worried that they will miss the onset contractions. On last weeks During pregnancy, false contractions are observed, which are taken as harbingers of labor, but real contractions cannot be confused with anything. Harbingers of contractions can be: the passage of amniotic fluid, the appearance of a mucus plug that clogs the cervix, dull pain in the hips or back. The first contractions are similar to the pain and cramps during menstruation, but soon these sensations intensify. When contractions become regular, it's time to rush to the hospital. When the situation stabilizes, the duration of contractions ranges from 40 seconds.

This is the beginning of the first stage of labor, when the cervix begins to dilate. If this is your first birth, your uterine muscles may contract for 10-12 hours, so don't be alarmed or worried. You will have a formal interview and first examination at the maternity hospital; you may be asked to take a test for the presence of protein and sugar. If your water hasn't broken yet, you can take a shower.

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Comfortable positions during contractions

You can relieve pain or at least get a little distraction by changing body positions - your birth partner can help you with this.

  • Vertical position. Effective in the initial stages of contractions: you can lean against a wall or bed. You can sit on a chair (facing the back), leaning on a pillow. To make sitting softer, another pillow can be placed on the surface of the chair. Lower your head into your hands, breathe calmly and measuredly, spread your knees to the sides;
  • Kneeling or supported position. During contractions, you can put your hands on your husband's shoulders and lean on him while standing. Ask for a relaxing massage. You can also kneel down, spread your legs, and place your hands on the pillow. Try to keep your back straight;
  • "On knees". It is most convenient to take this position on a mattress: make forward movements with your pelvis, try to relax between contractions, resting your head on your hands. If you put your weight on your arms, you will reduce the back pain caused by the baby's head during cephalic presentation (it rests directly on the mother's spine). In the intervals between spasms, you can walk, your partner can massage - pressing in a circular motion on the base of the spine is especially effective;
  • Movement helps to cope with the pain from contractions - you should walk at intervals, keeping your back straight, then the baby's head will rest against the cervix and the dilatation process will go faster. Try to relax during breaks, focus on breathing. Visit the restroom more often - a full bladder is not the best feeling, and it can interfere with the progress of the fetus.

Second stage of labor or pushing

For a woman, the most difficult time is the end of the first phase, contractions become long and painful, and also very frequent. At this moment, the woman needs help and support, since you may encounter tears, depression, the expectant mother may begin to feel chills or begin to fall asleep. Breathe with her, support her, wipe away the sweat. If you see that the woman in labor is cold, take care of a warm robe and socks. If you start pushing, call your midwife.

The second period is the expulsion of the fetus, so in addition to contractions, the woman in labor needs to make her own efforts, listen to the guidance of the midwife. The duration of this period is up to several hours.

Video: Breathing during contractions and pushing

Positions for the second phase of labor:

  • "On knees". Gravity opens your pelvis faster, but you may feel tired quickly. It is best if your husband sits on the edge of the chair and spreads his knees, and you can sit comfortably between them and rest your hands on his thighs;
  • On the knees. The position is less tiring and reduces pain. It is best to have your spouse support you to make your body more stable. If you feel tired, lean on your hands, but keep your back straight;
  • Sitting on the bed. If it’s not very comfortable, surround yourself with pillows. As you begin to push, you can lower your head down and clasp your legs with your hands; do not forget to rest in the interval.


During this period, all the expectant mother needs is to listen to the doctors’ instructions. As soon as the baby's head appears, you will no longer need to push, relax, catch your breath. After a few contractions, the baby’s body will appear: after small miracle put on a woman’s stomach, the torment is quickly forgotten. Then the baby is taken for examination: the neonatologist makes a control weighing, takes measurements, and cuts the umbilical cord.

After giving birth, women often receive an injection that increases contractions of the uterus so that the placenta comes out faster, otherwise, if you wait until it comes out naturally, you can lose a lot of blood. This issue is discussed in advance with the doctor, as is pain relief.

Childbirth is a tiring and difficult process, but all unpleasant sensations are forgotten when you hold your baby for the first time.

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