What are the characters of body movement. Rectilinear motion. With such a movement, the formula cannot be used to calculate the displacement, since the speed changes in time and we are no longer talking about some specific speed, the value of which can be

Mechanical movement body (point) is called the change in its position in space relative to other bodies over time.

Types of movements:

A) Uniform rectilinear motion of a material point: Initial conditions

... Initial conditions

G) Harmonic oscillatory motion. An important case of mechanical movement is oscillation, in which the parameters of a point's movement (coordinates, speed, acceleration) are repeated at regular intervals.

O scriptures movement . There are various ways to describe the motion of bodies. With the coordinate method specifying the position of a body in a Cartesian coordinate system, the movement of a material point is determined by three functions expressing the dependence of coordinates on time:

x= x(t), y= y (t) and z= z(t) .

This dependence of coordinates on time is called the law of motion (or the equation of motion).

With the vector method the position of a point in space is determined at any time by the radius vector r= r(t) , drawn from the origin to the point.

There is another way to determine the position of a material point in space for a given trajectory of its movement: using a curvilinear coordinate l(t) .

All three ways of describing the motion of a material point are equivalent, the choice of any of them is determined by considerations of the simplicity of the obtained equations of motion and the clarity of the description.

Under frame of reference they understand the reference body, which is conventionally considered stationary, the coordinate system associated with the reference body, and the clock, also associated with the reference body. In kinematics, the frame of reference is selected in accordance with the specific conditions of the problem of describing the motion of a body.

2. Trajectory of movement. Distance traveled. Kinematic law of motion.

The line along which some point of the body moves is called trajectorymovement this point.

The length of the trajectory segment traversed by a point during its movement is called traversed way .

The change in the radius vector over time is called kinematic law :
In this case, the coordinates of the points will be the coordinates in time: x= x(t), y= y(t) andz= z(t).

With curvilinear motion, the path is greater than the displacement modulus, since the length of the arc is always greater than the length of the chord that contracts it

The vector drawn from the initial position of the moving point to its position at a given time (the increment of the radius vector of the point over the considered time interval) is called displacement... The resulting movement is equal to the vectorial sum of successive movements.

In straight-line motion, the displacement vector coincides with the corresponding section of the trajectory, and the displacement modulus is equal to the distance traveled.

3. Speed. Average speed. Speed ​​projections.

Speed - the speed of coordinate change. When a body (material point) moves, we are interested not only in its position in the selected frame of reference, but also in the law of motion, that is, the dependence of the radius vector on time. Let the moment in time corresponds to the radius vector a moving point, and a close moment in time - radius vector . Then for a small period of time
the point will make a small displacement equal to

To characterize body movement, the concept is introduced average speed his movements:
This value is vector, coinciding in direction with the vector
... With unlimited decrease Δt average speed tends to a limit value, which is called instantaneous speed :

Speed ​​projections.

A) Uniform rectilinear motion of a material point:
Initial conditions

B) Equally accelerated rectilinear motion of a material point:
... Initial conditions

C) The movement of a body along an arc of a circle with a constant modulus of speed:

Types of mechanical movement

Mechanical movement can be considered for different mechanical objects:

  • Material point movement is completely determined by the change in its coordinates in time (for example, two on a plane). The study of this is the kinematics of the point. In particular, the important characteristics of motion are the trajectory of a material point, displacement, speed and acceleration.
    • Rectilinear point movement (when it is always on a straight line, the speed is parallel to this straight line)
    • Curvilinear motion- movement of a point along a trajectory that is not a straight line, with arbitrary acceleration and arbitrary speed at any time (for example, movement along a circle).
  • Solid body movement consists of the movement of any of its points (for example, the center of mass) and rotational movement around this point. It is studied by the kinematics of a rigid body.
    • If there is no rotation, then the movement is called progressive and is completely determined by the movement of the selected point. The movement is not necessarily straightforward.
    • For description rotary motion- body movements relative to a selected point, for example, fixed at a point, - use the Euler angles. Their number in the case of three-dimensional space is three.
    • Also for solid body allocate flat motion- movement in which the trajectories of all points lie in parallel planes, while it is completely determined by one of the sections of the body, and the section of the body is determined by the position of any two points.
  • Continuum motion... It is assumed here that the motion of individual particles of the medium is quite independent of each other (usually limited only by the conditions of continuity of the velocity fields), therefore, the number of defining coordinates is infinite (functions become unknown).

Motion geometry

Motion relativity

Relativity - the dependence of the mechanical movement of the body on the frame of reference. Without specifying a frame of reference, it makes no sense to talk about movement.

see also


  • Mechanical movement (video lesson, grade 10 program)

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Curvilinear body movement

Curvilinear body movement definition:

Curvilinear motion is a type of mechanical motion in which the direction of speed changes. The speed module can vary.

Uniform body movement

Uniform body movement definition:

If a body travels equal distances in equal periods of time, then such a movement is called. With uniform motion, the modulus of speed is a constant value. Or it can change.

Uneven body movement

Uneven body movement definition:

If the body travels different distances at equal intervals of time, then such a movement is called uneven. With an uneven movement, the speed module is a variable value. The direction of speed can be changed.

Equivalent body movement

Equivalent body movement definition:

There is a constant value with equal motion. If in this case the direction of the velocity does not change, then we obtain a rectilinear, equally variable motion.

Uniformly accelerated body movement

Uniformly accelerated body movement definition:

Equal slow motion of the body

Equal slow motion body definition:

When we talk about the mechanical movement of a body, then we can consider the concept of translational movement of the body.

the change- movement when development - movement with change retains the quality of the object of the qualitative state of objects

So, along with the concept of "movement" there is a concept "development".

Development it is an irreversible, definitely directed and regular change in material and ideal objects, in which something fundamentally new appears in comparison with past conditions.

So, the essential characteristics of development:

Novelty, i.e. a material object during the transition from one qualitative state to another acquires such properties that it did not previously possess;

Irreversibility, i.e. qualitatively new relations, connections and functions that have arisen at one stage or another of the development of the system guarantee that the system will not spontaneously return to the initial level;

Continuity, i.e. an object in its new qualitative state preserves certain elements of the old system, certain aspects of its structural organization.

The concepts of movement and development cannot be equated. Movement is broader than development; it absorbs development. If development is always movement, then not every movement is development. The simple mechanical movement of objects in space is, of course, movement, but this is not development. Chemical reactions such as oxidation are not developmental, but changes that occur over time with a newborn baby are undoubtedly developmental. In the same way, the development is also the changes taking place in society in a particular historical period.

Thus, it should be distinguished along with mechanical movement, changes in closed loop and multidirectional disordered changes a special type of change in the form development.

Development occurs in all areas: the material world, society as a whole, public consciousness, spiritual world an individual

Hegel saw the source of development in the internal inconsistency of phenomena.

Allocate three types of development:

1) the transition of an object from a qualitative state of one degree of complexity to another qualitative state of the same degree of complexity - the so-called uniplanar development ;

2) the transition of an object from a qualitative state of a lesser degree of complexity to another qualitative state of a greater degree of complexity, a transition from a less diverse to a more diverse (N. Mikhailovsky); from systems with less information to systems with more information (A. Ursul) - this is the so-called progressive development (progress).

3) the transition of an object from a qualitative state of a greater degree of complexity to another qualitative state of a lesser degree of complexity, a transition from a more diverse to a less diverse, degradation is the so-called regressive development (regression);

Progress and regression are not isolated from each other. Any progressive changes are accompanied by regressive ones and vice versa. The direction of development is determined by which of these two trends is dominant in a given situation. So, with all the costs in the development of culture, a progressive tendency still prevails. In the development of the ecological situation in the world, there is a regressive tendency, which, according to many famous scientists, has reached a critical point and can become a dominant in the interaction between society and nature.

The movement of the world can be represented as follows: the development of matter and consciousness, considered as a whole, is distinguished by an unconditional progressive orientation, an ascent from the lowest to the highest. It is an endless movement along an ascending line, a contradictory movement, which includes retreats, a return back. However, in general, this is a movement from simple forms to more complex forms, from primitive systems to highly organized ones.

The movement is diverse. We have identified various levels of organization of matter: inorganic nature; organic nature; society (society), it is natural to assume that the movement of matter at different levels of its organization has some peculiarities. In accordance with a certain level of organization of matter, there are forms of motion of matter.

Each level of organization of matter has its own form of movement:

1. At the level of inorganic nature:

- mechanical movement - spatial displacement of bodies. The ordinary consciousness understands precisely this by movement. In philosophy, mechanical movement is referred to as the simplest form. Strictly speaking, the mechanical form of motion of matter is not associated with any particular structural level of organization of matter, these are interactions inherent in all levels. Any body can act as a carrier of this form of movement;

- physical movement - transformations of the elementary and subelementary levels of matter in the microcosm (movement of elementary particles and fields), strong, weak, electromagnetic, gravitational interactions, thermal processes, sound vibrations, planetary motion, changes in space systems (megaworld);

- chemical movement - transformation of atoms and molecules;

- geological forms of motion of matter - the movement of the earth's crust.

2. In wildlife :

- biological form of movement - metabolism, processes of reflection, self-regulation and reproduction of ecological systems.

3. On O social level :

- social form of motion of matter - diverse forms of human activity, interaction between people in society.

The forms of motion of matter are interconnected; more complex and simple ones can be distinguished, which are in unity and mutually influence each other.

The interrelation of the forms of motion of matter:

1. A simpler form is the foundation of a more complex one. So, in the peculiarities of the interaction of elementary particles, certain prerequisites are laid for the deployment of more complex forms of motion. There are so-called. world constants that determine the nature of the action of the laws of gravitation, electromagnetism, strong and weak interactions, governing the transformations of elementary particles and the formations from them of more complex material systems. These constants are surprisingly adjusted to each other, and so that they allow the formation of more complex forms of motion of matter from simple ones. For example, the constant of electromagnetic interactions, the so-called. The "fine structure constant" prevents electrons from falling onto the nucleus or flying out of orbit. If the value of this constant were different, then it would not allow more or less stable structures to arise in our world.

Biological processes are not possible without chemical-physical processes. Social life impossible without people with biological bodies,

Based on this connection between the lower and higher forms in modern science the “anthropic principle” was formed: the world is arranged in such a way that, in principle, it allows the possibility of the appearance of man as a natural result of the evolution of matter. Those. man and mind are conditioned by the properties of the whole of our Universe. The social form of movement is a cosmically natural phenomenon.

2. However, the higher forms of motion of matter have their own specificity and cannot be reduced to less complex ones. A position that asserts the opposite is called reductionism. In the 19th century. the famous sociologist Malthus argued that in the decision of many social problems: for example, poverty, hunger, - such natural and demographic factors as epidemics, natural disasters, wars play a well-known role. They "mow down" biologically less adapted people and, thereby, increase the number of material wealth per capita of the remaining population. Human history refutes this teaching. The periods after the wars are, as a rule, the most difficult in the history of nations. The main problem of society then becomes the restoration of population. Consequently, the vital activity of society cannot be explained using the laws of biology, in particular, the law of natural selection.

It is quite possible that other basic forms of movement will be highlighted in the future. A hypothesis has already been put forward about the existence of its informational and cosmic forms. However, it has not yet received convincing confirmation either at the theoretical or at the empirical level of knowledge.

Mechanical movement Is a change in the position of a body in space relative to other bodies.

For example, a car is driving on a road. There are people in the car. People move along with the car along the road. That is, people move in space relative to the road. But people do not move relative to the car itself. This is manifested. Next, we will briefly consider main types of mechanical movement.

Translational motion- this is the movement of the body, in which all its points move in the same way.

For example, the same car is moving forward along the road. More precisely, only the car body performs translational motion, while its wheels rotate.

Rotational motion Is the movement of the body around a certain axis. With such a movement, all points of the body move along circles, the center of which is this axis.

The wheels mentioned by us make a rotational movement around their axes, and at the same time the wheels make a translational movement together with the car body. That is, the wheel makes a rotational movement relative to the axis, and translational movement relative to the road.

Oscillatory motion- it periodic movement, which is performed alternately in two opposite directions.

For example, a pendulum in a clock makes an oscillatory motion.

Translational and rotational movements are the simplest types of mechanical movement.

Relativity of mechanical movement

All bodies in the Universe move, therefore there are no bodies that are in absolute rest. For the same reason, it is possible to determine whether a body is moving or not, only relative to some other body.

For example, a car is driving on a road. The road is on planet Earth. The road is motionless. Therefore, it is possible to measure the speed of a vehicle relative to a stationary road. But the road is motionless relative to the Earth. However, the Earth itself revolves around the Sun. Consequently, the road, along with the car, also revolves around the sun. Consequently, the car performs not only translational motion, but also rotational (relative to the Sun). But relative to the Earth, the car makes only translational motion. This is manifested relativity of mechanical movement.

Relativity of mechanical movement Is the dependence of the trajectory of the body movement, the distance traveled, movement and speed on the choice frame of reference.

Material point

In many cases, the size of a body can be neglected, since the dimensions of this body are small compared to the distance that this body resembles, or compared to the distance between this body and other bodies. To simplify calculations, such a body can be conventionally considered a material point with the mass of this body.

Material point Is a body whose dimensions can be neglected under these conditions.

The car we have mentioned many times can be mistaken for a material point relative to the Earth. But if a person moves inside this car, then it is no longer possible to neglect the size of the car.

As a rule, when solving problems in physics, the movement of a body is considered as material point movement, and operate with such concepts as the speed of a material point, acceleration of a material point, momentum of a material point, inertia of a material point, etc.

Frame of reference

A material point moves relative to other bodies. The body, in relation to which the given mechanical movement is considered, is called the reference body. Reference body are chosen arbitrarily depending on the tasks to be solved.

The reference body is associated with coordinate system, which is the origin (origin). The coordinate system has 1, 2 or 3 axes depending on the driving conditions. The position of a point on a line (1 axis), a plane (2 axes) or in space (3 axes) is determined, respectively, by one, two or three coordinates. To determine the position of a body in space at any moment in time, it is also necessary to set the origin of time.

Frame of reference Is a coordinate system, a reference body with which the coordinate system is associated, and an instrument for measuring time. The movement of the body is also considered with respect to the frame of reference. One and the same body relatively different bodies reference in different coordinate systems can be completely different coordinates.

Trajectory of movement also depends on the choice of the frame of reference.

Types of reference systems can be different, for example, a stationary frame of reference, a moving frame of reference, an inertial frame of reference, a non-inertial frame of reference.

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