About interesting things from the world of IT, instructions and reviews. About interesting things from the world of IT, instructions and reviews Entering a new accrual in 1C ZUP 3.1

Let's look at the most important differences between ZUP 3 and ZUP 2.5

  • Key differences between ZUP 3 and ZUP 2.5 in terms of personnel records
  • Key differences between ZUP 3 and ZUP 2.5 in terms of payroll calculation

ZUP 3 interface

Parental leave in ZUP 3

In ZUP 3, after the end of parental leave, unlike ZUP 2.5, it is necessary to register the employee’s return to work using a document Return from maternity leave (Salary – Parental leave – Return from parental leave):

Otherwise, starting from the month of the end of parental leave when the employee returns to work, wages will not be accrued.

Brigade outfit in ZUP 3

In ZUP 3, the work scheme for brigade orders has been changed and the term is used for this concept.

First of all, you need to enable the ability to record work on team orders. To do this, in the section Setup – Payroll you need to follow the link Setting up the composition of charges and deductions and on the tab Other charges check the box Piece income :

After that in the directory Accruals two predefined types of accrual appear:

  • Piecework earnings (for salaried workers) ;

  • Piecework earnings (for those working on an hourly rate) .

If necessary, the formulas for these accruals can be edited.

In order to enter data for a brigade order, you first need to configure Initial data entry template (Settings – Initial data entry template). By default, after enabling the ability to work on a piece-rate basis, a predefined element appears in the list of templates - Piece work :

If necessary, you can create your own template or edit the settings in a predefined template. The outfit itself should be entered through the section Salaries – Data for salary calculation by creating a document in this journal that matches the name of the template used.

For example, a predefined Initial data entry templatePiece work . Then in the document log Salary calculation data (Salary – Data for salary calculation) you should press the button Create and select item Piece work :

Accrual for brigade orders is made in the document.

Payment of holidays and overtime in ZUP 3

In ZUP 3 and produced in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions .

In documents ( Personnel – See also – Working on weekends and holidays) or Working overtime (Personnel – See also – Working overtime) records only the employee’s work time and the method of compensation for such work.

For example, employee Topolev works on his day off and holiday - February 18 and 23, 2018. He chose the method of compensation for work on such days - Increased pay . A document has been created to register these conditions Work on weekends and holidays , in which the checkbox is checked Time taken into account :

After this, when calculating wages in the document Calculation of salaries and contributions Payment will be calculated for work on weekends and holidays.

Let the cost of an hour to pay for work on weekends and holidays in our example it is 121,827 rubles. Then the payment for 14 hours for work on weekends and holidays will be equal to:

121.827 (cost per hour) * 14 (number of hours of work) * 2 (increased pay) = 3,411.16 rubles.

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The use of calculation types with arbitrary formulas in ZUP 2.5 is described in some detail, for example.
This article will talk about how to set this up in ZUP 3.0. Tested on version

The organization uses several types of bonuses for employees of different departments. Some departments use one type of bonus, while others use another. There are employees who are awarded certain bonuses on an individual basis. Each of the bonuses has two indicators - the bonus percentage and the production coefficient. Indicator values ​​change periodically.

To implement such a scheme in ZUP 3.0, you need to do the following:

1. We hire an employee and assign him a salary.

2. Go to “Settings” - “Payroll calculation indicators” and create indicators there for calculating our bonuses.

3. Go to “Settings” - “Accruals” and create new types of calculation. Select “Calculate using formula” and include the necessary indicators in the formula.

Setting up the calculation base.

4. Now you need to make sure that these accruals are calculated automatically every month. To do this, we will use the document “Change of planned accruals” (“Salary” - “Change of employee pay”).

The document contains selection, auto-completion by department and the ability to add accrual to everyone at once, which is what is required in our case. In addition, here you can immediately set the values ​​of indicators, but only used constantly by employee.

To enter one-time indicators for employees And permanent by department and organization 1C suggests using another document - “Data for salary calculation” (“Salary” - “Data for salary calculation”). To use a document to enter your own indicators, you must first configure the appropriate templates ("Settings" - "Templates for entering initial data").

You can also specify the values ​​of indicators directly in the document

5. Well, in fact, the result is that our bonus was automatically included in “Payroll” and calculated. By clicking the "Show calculation details" button, you can admire the indicators used in the calculation.

Data exchange between 1C databases allows you to avoid doing double work. For example, in an organization, employees work simultaneously in 1C ZUP and the accounting database. Without data overload, users would have to manually duplicate it in two programs at the same time, which would cause a wave of dissatisfaction and a lot of errors.

Previously, in 1C Accounting 2.0 and ZUP 2.5, unloading was started manually and the data was downloaded through an external file. In 1C Accounting, as a rule, the document “Reflection of salaries in regulated accounting” was uploaded. It was also possible to upload payment documents.

In versions 1C 8.3, starting from 3.0, this mechanism has changed dramatically. It is now possible to configure automatic synchronization between the memory and power supply unit, which will be performed at a specified time with a specified frequency. There is no need to do each unload manually.

Before moving on to setting up data exchange between the 1C ZUP and Accounting databases, check whether your account“System Administrator” or “Data Synchronization with Other Programs” role. Without them, this functionality will not be available to you.

Setting up data transfer from 1C:ZUP 3.1

Open 1C:ZUP in enterprise mode. Go to the "Administration" menu and select "Data Synchronization".

Check the box next to “Data synchronization” and follow the hyperlink on the right. This flag must be set in two information bases.

In the window that appears, select from the menu “Data synchronization settings” and select “Enterprise accounting, edition 3...”.

Before setting up synchronization, it is strongly recommended to make a backup copy of the database. Spend a little time on this so as not to create unnecessary problems for yourself later.

In the window that appears, select manually specifying settings and click “Next”.

Specify the connection option to the accounting program. In this example, we selected the first item. You can also connect directly via the Internet, or via other communication channels if a direct connection is not possible. These include email, network directory and FTP.

To configure synchronization, you need to know the location of another infobase. If you don’t know this, go into it and select “Help” - “About the program” from the main menu.

In the case when the 1C 8.3 database is file-based, in the settings you need to specify only the directory of its location. If the database is located on a 1C:Enterprise server, specify the server cluster and the name of the infobase.

The next step is to set up rules for uploading salaries and other data. You can leave everything here as default. If necessary, it is possible to change the exchange rules between the ZUP and the BP.

The program will prompt you to synchronize immediately, but it is recommended to clear this flag and set up a schedule for it to run automatically. Click "Done".

Setting up a data exchange schedule

Now let's start setting up a schedule for this synchronization. In the settings window that appears after the previous step, go to the “Schedule” tab and click on the “Setup” button.

In the form that opens, check the “Automatically on schedule” flag and click on the hyperlink on the right. Specify when and how often to synchronize data.

Note! The schedule is configured for downloading data and for receiving it separately by selecting the appropriate line in the tabular part of the schedule setup form.

During the first synchronization, you need to compare data between these infobases. This is necessary to eliminate duplicate lines, which is especially important for directories.

Starting this year, all users of the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8 program are gradually switching to the new edition 3.1 and we decided to write several articles in which we will look in detail at some of the most basic operations in the program, for example, such as hiring, dismissal, payroll and contributions so that the forced transition is as painless as possible for you, my dear readers.

So, let's start with hiring an employee.
There are two ways to do this. First in section Personnel open the list of employees of the organization:

And here we are already creating a new employee:

The second method in the section Personnel Take advantage of the opportunity to create an employee immediately:

In any case, the form for creating a new employee of the organization will open. If the database keeps records for several organizations, then select the one we need and begin entering data for the new employee. If an employee has previously worked for us, i.e. If there is already information about him as an individual in the program, the program will determine possible matches when entering the last and first name of the new employee and will provide us with the appropriate information. Depending on our answer, we will either automatically fill out the employee’s card with the available personal data in the program or continue processing further:

Enter data on date of birth, INN, SNILS. Next, we draw up the document Recruitment. To do this, you need to use either the corresponding hyperlink or button Complete the document:

In the document that opens, indicate the date of admission, if necessary, the number of months of the probationary period, department, position. When maintaining the staffing table in the program, the program will automatically set the payroll corresponding to the given position. In addition, here we indicate the employee’s work schedule and indicate the type of employment:

Here, on the main tab, we can indicate the number of positions occupied by the employee. This can be done either in the form of an ordinary or in the form of a decimal fraction:

If you are unable to change the number of bets, then the program does not have the option of working at a part-time rate. You can read about the program settings in our article Setting up the 1C program: Salary and personnel management 8. Here, when applying for a job, you can edit the right to annual leave and assign additional leave to the employee:

Go to the bookmark Salary. Payroll in our case was calculated by the program automatically as 0.5 of the salary payment provided staffing table for this position. In addition, here we indicate the procedure for recalculating the monthly rate into an hourly rate when working overtime and the method for calculating an advance to an employee. As we can see here, when determining the amount of the advance, a more flexible scheme is provided than in edition 2.5:

Well, in the section Additional tariffs, odds You can assign some additional charges that are different from the main rate:

On the last tab of this document Employment contract indicate the number of the employment contract (click on the button Assign the program will automatically assign the contract the following number), date, expiration date if the contract is fixed-term, as well as acceptance conditions and some Additional information about the terms of the agreement:

By button Seal Printed forms are available to us Reception order and several types of employment contracts. However, now in my example the employee’s passport details are in employment contract will not be substituted, since I created a new individual and did not indicate my passport details anywhere.

To fill out passport data in the created employee’s card, you need to open the form for entering this data using the hyperlink Personal data:

In the window that opens, fill in your passport details, as well as address information:

Here, in the employee’s card, if necessary, we can fill in information about education, various certificates, and family composition. Information about the status of the insured person and disability is filled in using the hyperlink Insurance:

And information about standard tax deductions is entered in the program via a hyperlink Income tax

As you can see, all data on an employee can now be entered and viewed in the employee’s card practically without referring to the directory individuals. In addition, from here you can print various documents, such as an employment contract, employment order, personal card, etc.:

That's all I wanted to tell you about today. Work in the new edition of the 1C:ZUP program with pleasure, and if you have any problems, contact our care service.

The interface of the 1C:ZUP 3 program is called “Taxi”.

At the very top of the program window there is Section panel , where the main sections are grouped:

For a user with rights Personnel officer And Timekeeper sections available:

  • Personnel– all information on personnel records;
  • Salary– HR logs are repeated and time tracking documents are available (for example, documents Report card , Work on weekends and holidays , Working overtime ). Functions for changing wages in the magazine of the same name are also available;
  • Settings– it is possible to work with reference books;
  • Main– the most basic (“main”) functions are presented.

Why some functions may not be available in the interface

First of all, the composition of the interface commands depends on the settings installed in the program and the infobase data.

For example, if in the program in the settings for the composition of accruals and deductions ( Settings – Payroll calculation – Setting up the composition of accruals and deductions) on the tab Absence accounting checkbox not checked Business trips :

then in this case the link for entering the document will simply not be displayed in the interface Business trip .

When setting the checkbox in the settings for the composition of charges and deductions Business trips , an accrual type is created Business trip and the document becomes available in the interface Business trip which can be found in:

  • section Personnel – Business trips;
  • section Personnel – All employee absences.

Withdraw common list settings for payroll calculation can be checked in the section Setup – Payroll by pressing the button Payroll settings :

A list of settings for personnel records can be displayed in the section Settings – HR records by pressing the button HR settings .

Interface setup

The 1C:ZUP 3 interface can be flexibly configured.

Setting up the section panel

If you need to remove some section from the section panel, for example, section Administration , then to do this you need to press the Main Menu button (top left orange circle with arrow) – View – Setting up the section panel:

In the opened form in the right table Selected sections point should be highlighted Administration and press the button Delete

Setting the visibility of commands in sections

In each section, the visibility of commands can be configured.

For example, you can set the document visibility Entering vacation balances .

To do this, in the Main section, click the Settings button at the top right (the button in the form of a “gear”) – Setting up navigation:

In the opened form in the left table Available commands point should be highlighted Remaining vacations and press the button Add located between two tables:

After this, in the section Main a link will appear Remaining vacations to create a document Entering vacation balances :

Setting up the panel layout

The layout of the panels can also be customized. To do this you need to open Main menu – View – Panel settings:

In the form that opens, you can “grab” the panels with the mouse and drag them to a new location:

Customizing the appearance of forms, adding columns in lists

For settings appearance form, click the button at the top right of the form More – Change form.

For example, in order to make additional columns visible in the directory list Employees, you need to click the button at the top right More – Change form. In the form that opens, check the columns that should be displayed:

Often there is a special field in the list Link. In our example, this is a link to a directory element Employees. If you select a field Link, then the button at the top becomes available Add fields :

It becomes possible to add any field from the directory Employees, including, for example, the field Individual :

If you want to return the form view to the original settings, then in the custom form you need to click the button at the top right More – Change form. In the form that opens, click the button at the top again More -:

If you want to return the list form to the original settings (remove the selections, sorting, groupings made), then in the list form you need to click the button at the top More - Set default settings :

Customizing the appearance of the home page

To configure the home page, select from the Main Menu View - Home Page Setup:

Using buttons Add , Delete you can reconfigure the view Home page :

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