Walkthrough of GTA Wi City. VICE CITY SUPER - complete walkthrough of gta vice city. Complete walkthrough of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

RC Bandit Checkpoint Race

Racing on small radio-controlled cars. To activate the mission, get into the Top Fun van. It is easy to find: it is located in the northern part of the beach, next to a small sandy road. By the way, not far from this place lies secret package No. 11, marked on our map. All cars have the same speed, but the opponents take turns too wide, giving you a good chance of winning. The first place reward is $100. If in the second attempt you manage to improve your result, the game will give you a bonus - another $100.

RC Raider Checkpoint Pickup

A Top Fun van is parked at the entrance to the airport tarmac. Get in it and start the mission. The helicopter's controls are very sharp, so don't hold down the keys, otherwise you'll very quickly find yourself on the ground. Read about how to properly fly a helicopter in our Flight School. You need to fly through all twenty checkpoints. There are no time limits, so you don't have to rush. When you collect all 20, you will receive $100 as a reward.

RC Baron Checkpoint Race

Another van is parked in a multi-story parking lot near North Point Mall. On a radio-controlled airplane you need to fly through all the checkpoints and arrive first at the finish line. I advise you to always hold the gas, otherwise the plane becomes almost uncontrollable. Don't despair even if the first attempt fails; fly to the finish line, remembering the location of the checkpoints, then it will be much easier to complete the mission on the second try. The reward, as usual, is $100. Another $100 is given for breaking your own record.

Trial by Dirt

Drive two laps around the checkpoints on the Sanchez motorcycle. Use the handbrake in sharp turns and try not to fall off the motorcycle. There is no time limit, but there may be surprises when trying to beat the record. Reward: $100.

Test Track

The same track that you covered on a motorcycle, but now you have to overcome it in a Landstalker jeep. The conditions and reward are identical to the Trial by Dirt task. Attention! To complete the game one hundred percent, you need to conquer the track both in a jeep and on a motorcycle.

Dirt Ring

The most difficult of the Hyman Memorial Stadium competitions. On the Sanchez motorcycle you need to collect 32 checkpoints. There is no time limit as such, but if you do it within 5 minutes, you will receive $50,000 in prize money; If you finish within 10 minutes, you will earn $10,000. You will receive $5,000 in any case if you “collect” all the checkpoints.

Auto racing, very reminiscent of NASCAR races, but more brutal and dangerous. The race distance is 12 laps. The winner receives $5,000, the second - $1,500, the third - $500. Try to predict the development of events so as not to get caught in a dense crowd of cars. If you see that a collision has occurred in front of you, slow down and carefully drive around this place. However, if the car is badly damaged, you can stop at a pit stop (pink marker) and get repairs. If the car explodes - mission failed.


In these races without rules, everything is allowed. Here it is not only possible, but even necessary to push, ram and turn over your opponents. At the beginning of the competition you are given 30 seconds, each “matched” checkpoint adds time to your counter. Once you reach one minute, you win.

True, this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. Opponents are trying with all their might to turn your car over and achieve very good results. For winning the first time you will receive $1,000 plus another $100 for each car that is blown up, regardless of who is responsible for its destruction - you or your opponents. The second time you will need to earn 2 minutes. Accordingly, the prize fund will double.

Shooting Range

After the mission “The Shootist” you will get access to a shooting range where you can improve your shooting skills free time. Far targets give three points, middle targets two, close targets one. The mission ends if you run out of ammo or the allotted time has expired.

The main advice is to take your time! Try to make every bullet fly to the target. If you score more points than what is written in the “Score to Beat”, you will become the owner of $500. If you managed to shoot 45 or more points, all your weapons will reload faster.

Cone Crazy

On the top floor of the parking lot where you met Lance in one of the missions, there is a Stallion parked. Get in it. The task is this: collect checkpoints without knocking down a single cone. The countdown will begin after you pass the first checkpoint.

I advise you to take your time, before starting the mission, drive up to each checkpoint and develop a specific movement strategy, since there will be no more time to think. The reward is $200, but if you go through it again you will get $400, and then $800. With each successful attempt The prize fund doubles.

PCJ Playground

Not far from the Malibu club, a PCJ motorcycle is parked against the wall of the hotel. On it you need to collect 24 checkpoints in 2 minutes. The task is not easy: if during the next jump the motorcycle does not hit the checkpoint, you can safely start all over again. Reward: $1,000.

Stolen Cars

After purchasing Sunshine Autos, you will be able to return stolen cars to the garage. For each completed list of cars, a bonus car will appear in the showroom, which you will not find anywhere in the city. Below are lists of popular cars:

Blista Compact
Bring these cars to the garage and you will receive a Deluxo.

Bring these cars to the garage and you'll get a Saber Turbo.

Bring these cars to the garage and you'll get Sandking.

Cuban Hermes
Baggage Handler
Mr. Whoopee
Pizza Boy
Bring these cars to the garage and you will receive a Hotring Racer.

Street Races

Buying Sunshine Autos will also allow you to take part in illegal street racing. To do this, go to the pink marker next to the garages, select the race you like and press Shift. You are now registered as a participant. All that remains is to find a fast car and get to the start of the race.

Race #1 - Terminal Velocity
Length: 1.1 miles
Participation fee: $100
Reward: $400

Race #2 - Ocean Drive
Length: 1.6 miles
Participation fee: $500
Reward: $2,000

Race #3 - Border Run
Length: 2 miles
Participation fee: $1,000
Reward: $4,000

Race #4 - Capital Cruise
Length: 2.438 miles
Participation fee: $2,000
Reward: $8,000

Race #5 - Tour!
Length: 3 miles
Participation fee: $5,000
Reward: $20,000

Race #6 - V.C. Endurance
Length: 6.1 miles
Participation fee: $10,000
Reward: $40,000, moored nearby. Cuban Jetmax (the one on the right) has good maximum speed, but at the same time very clumsy. The Squalo isn't much slower than the Cuban Jetmax, but it handles better. Choose the one you like best and visit all the checkpoints in order, trying to meet the given time. After completing the mission, the boat station will begin to generate a daily income of $2,000. With each subsequent playthrough, 30 seconds will be deducted from the counter, and the prize fund for the mission will be $1,000.


After purchasing the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Factory, get into Mr. Whoopee and press Shift. The music will play and the mission will begin. You need to sell 50 ice creams, while leaving the car is strictly prohibited. Drive along the road, stop if you see potential buyers. Trade is going well at the bikers club.

Everything would be fine, but your “ice cream” is not entirely legal, and after a while the police will follow you. When one police wanted star appears, I advise you to stop selling and wait until it disappears. However, no one forbids selling goods near repaints.

GTA Vice City is a legendary and beloved classic. The game was released in 2003 on consoles and in 2004 on personal computers. The continuation of GTA 3 on the same engine develops the ideas of the first full-fledged 3D game from Rockstar Games within this series. It was in Vice City that the tradition of adding many side activities arose: races, stunts, timed mass murder missions, collecting hidden objects, police missions, ambulance missions and much more. All this must be done for the player to complete 100% completion of GTA Vice City. Let's consider all the activities that are required in order to get the coveted number on the progress counter. We will also touch on well-known Easter eggs that the developers hid in the open world.

What is required for 100%?

So, first, let's list the components of passing GTA Vice City 100%. The player will have to complete the following types of tasks in the specified number:

  1. Complete all story quests. They are impossible to miss.
  2. Successfully complete 35 Rampage missions.
  3. Find 100 packages.
  4. Purchase 15 real estate properties.
  5. Rob 15 stores.
  6. Perform 36 unique tricks.
  7. Complete 12 missions each as doctors, police, and firefighters.
  8. Complete 10 Pizza Delivery missions.
  9. In one attempt, successfully transport 100 passengers as a taxi driver.
  10. Complete the Ice Cream Man's mission.
  11. Complete missions at Cone Crazy, Hyman Memorial Stadium, Shootnig Range, Street Races, PCJ Playground, Test Track, Trial By Dirt.
  12. Complete quests with helicopters.
  13. Steal all car lists.

It would seem that to complete GTA Vice City 100% you would have to spend a lot of time. However, when completing story missions, you will come across additional quests along the way. If you want to complete the game completely, then do not skip any tasks. Also you can complete all side quests after completing storyline.

Main quests

After you finish the storyline, you will be very surprised when you look at the progress in the statistics. If you only complete tasks on the history of the game, you will get no more than 70%. To completely complete GTA Vice City 100 percent, you still cannot do without completing side quests.

In total, there will be 17 main points in the game that will issue tasks. Most of them are related to key characters. You will have to work not only with friends or bosses, but also complete tasks for some organizations. For example, such quests include the plot branches of the Malibu club, a printing house, a film studio, a taxi company, and a shipyard. At the end of each line, you receive increased profit from this property.

Also in the story you will encounter special tasks. For example, quests from an unknown employer, which can be activated using the handset icon on the map. All story missions will be revealed gradually and marked on the map, so there is no way you can miss them or forget about them.

Now let's move on to additional content, which can take up almost as much time as the plot.

Purchase of buildings

The player must buy some of the real estate according to the story in order to unlock missions, and the other part is only a source of conservation, additional activities and passive income.

If you complete GTA Vice City 100 percent on a PC, you will have to buy everything indiscriminately. However, initially, leave money for the plot buildings: a film studio, a printing house, a taxi depot, the Malibu club, a shipyard. Also, be sure to remember to purchase a car dealership in the second part of the city to open access to car theft lists. But more on that later.

Missions of firefighters, doctors, police, taxis

You can do these tasks even from the very beginning of the game. You will need to find the appropriate car and seize it from government employees:

  1. When working as a medic, you must pick up patients and take them to the hospital.
  2. The policeman must destroy criminals within the allotted time.
  3. A taxi driver transports passengers from one point to another according to a timer.
  4. A fire truck will have to arrive at burning residents or cars and then extinguish them.

After completing each series of missions you will receive a nice bonus. By default in the game this is the secret to passing GTA Vice City 100%, but we will tell you about it:

  1. Completing the Medic line allows you to run endlessly.
  2. Police quests increase armor level from 100 to 150.
  3. After completing firefighter quests, the character becomes immune to fire.
  4. Completing taxi driver missions adds hydraulic suspension to all cars in the taxi fleet.

It is also worth talking about completing missions in GTA Vice City 100%, which also apply to working in a car:

  1. Pizza delivery. To do this, get on a scooter called Pizza Boy and go to the pizzeria. After receiving the order, deliver the food to the customers within the time limit and come back for more. After 10 missions you will receive a bonus to your maximum health level in the form of 50 additional points.
  2. Ice cream delivery guy. These tasks do not give a bonus, but they are required to complete the story. After completing all quests, the ice cream factory will generate passive income for the player.

What other tasks?

In addition to the listed secrets of passing GTA Vice City 100%, you need to do the following:

  1. Complete all missions involving RC cars, helicopters, street racing, stadium competitions, and beach racing.
  2. Find 36 springboards and perform unique jumps. If the jump is counted, you will see a corresponding message on the screen. We recommend using a sports bike to perform the tricks the first time.
  3. Complete 35 Rampage missions. They are activated by picking up the skull icon. During the mission you need to kill a certain type of enemy with the issued weapon.
  4. Rob 15 stores. To do this, you need to go into a weapon store and target the seller. After a while, he will start giving out money from the cash register, and your level of persecution will increase sharply. Be careful!

Collecting hidden objects

A separate secret to passing GTA Vice City 100 percent is finding hidden bags of money. To do this, you need to use a special map with marks on the location of all packages.

Without it, you will spend a lot of time searching on your own. But if you are not afraid of such a test, then after reading the article, close your browser and go through Vice City!

Car theft

And the last thing worth paying attention to in more detail is the theft lists. They become available on the wall near the underground garage, which belongs to the purchased car dealership. For 4 lists of 6 cars each you will receive one cool car: Deluxo, Saber Turbo, Sandking, Hotring Racer. Their uniqueness lies not only in their driving performance, but also in their rarity on the streets of the game city. Having found the car you need, drive it to the garage where the list is located. You will have to remember or write down the names of the cars you need manually. Yes, games of the early 2000s were not so simple and friendly.

What about Vice City Stories?

There is also a version of the game for the PSP handheld console. It differs in plot and characters, but almost completely coincides with the original in terms of additional tasks. To complete the passage of GTA Vice City Stories 100%, you also need to complete police, fire, taxi missions, complete races, buy buildings, and so on. For 100% of the game you will receive endless ammo and access to all cutscenes of your choice. Interestingly, to get the achievement you only need to complete the game to 96%.

Easter eggs

Now let's look at a few secrets that the developers carefully inserted into their masterpiece:

  1. In the largest building of Vice City News you can find a real Easter egg on a pedestal.
  2. If you collect all the hidden packages, they will appear in the hero’s apartment, and inside there will be a narcotic substance.
  3. The Top Fun van is a reference to the movie Top Gun.
  4. Pay attention to the posters of the gun store in Downtown - Gorbachev and Reagan are depicted there.
  5. The lifeguards on the beach were unable to help anyone, not even themselves (as evidenced by a sign on one of the observation towers).
  6. In the game you can find the Rockstar store, which has a poster for the game GTA 3.

In addition to the listed secrets, the game contains dozens of references to cult personalities and films.

We have covered the main secrets of passing GTA Vice City 100%. This game will take you about 50 hours to complete all tasks and activities, but you will never regret it. Especially if you were not previously familiar with this masterpiece of the gaming industry.

Phone missions play a very prominent role in GTA Vice City, as they are assigned by a mysterious stranger.

Road Kill

The goal of the task is simple - kill the pizza delivery man before that how he will deliver 50 orders. You can knock him down, then press him, but the most easy way- this is to cuddle up to him from the side and shoot him with an Uzi.

Secrets: take your time and exploit the target's vulnerability on the moped
Reward: 500$
Mission Boss: unknown

Difficulty: 2/10
Interestingness: 6/10
Passing time: 1-2 minutes

Waste the Wife (Kill your wife)

This time you need to kill Mrs. Dawson. This needs to be done in such a way that it looks like an accident.

Follow her and crash until her car catches fire and explodes. The pursuit may drag on, since our target is a rather agile woman!

Of course, weapons cannot be used.

Secrets: crash as often as possible, but also monitor the condition of your car
Reward: 2000$
Mission Boss: unknown

Difficulty: 2/10
Interestingness: 6/10
Completion time: 2 minutes


You need to destroy members of a European gang who are planning to rob a bank in Vice City. Each of them is hiding in this city under the guise of a tourist or worker. There will be six victims in total. First, take the sniper rifle and Uzi, which are marked with a blue icon. After this, neutralize all targets within 9 minutes. Grenades won't help, but the weapons they gave us and the grenade launcher will.

Shoot the first person working on the poster with your sniper rifle. You can blow up the second one with a grenade launcher, or shoot from an Uzi at his car, he will come out and you can easily neutralize him. You can also blow up two more with a grenade launcher, or destroy their car with an Uzi. The fifth target will be on the yacht, but you will interrupt his blissful calm with a precise shot to the head. The sixth one rides around the city on his motorcycle; you can simply destroy him with an Uzi, or neutralize him with a sniper rifle (if you have time).

Secrets: it is advisable to go by car, as you can easily fall on a motorcycle
Reward: $4000
Mission Boss: Unknown
Difficulty: 6/10
Interestingness: 8/10
Completion time: 6-9 minutes

Attention! After introduction Codes and Cheats for GTA Vice City There may be a sharp drop in interest in playing this game! Even if a certain level seems impassable, you should not immediately resort to using codes. Try again until it works.

You can start playing masterfully only after a certain amount of time spent in this game has passed. We advise you to first beat the game and then start experimenting with the codes. How can you complete the entire game without using codes? Simply, read this article “Walkthrough” GTA Vice City", it describes in great detail how to go this game, literally every mission is described here.

How to enter the code: It is possible to enter the code during the game, or in the Escape menu (ESC key). Please note that many codes are not activated.

On this site, all the codes for GTA Vice City are sorted into several groups, according to the results to which they can lead you.

Cheats and Codes for GTA Vice City: Experiments on Tommy


For those who do not have 100% armor enough: enter the cheat code PANZER, get into the tank, press , kill one hundred bandits and enter the password PRECIOUSPROTECTION, and you can see that you have not 100%, but 150% armor.

ASPIRINE - 100% health

If you smoke or start to burn while in a car or helicopter, or if your tire gets punctured, you need to enter this code and the car will be as good as new, but, unfortunately, the code is not active on motorcycles.

THUGSTOOLS - Sadistic Killer Weapon Pack

By typing the passwords (professionaltools/nuttertools or thugstools) a certain number of times, so that the weapon has 10,000 rounds of ammunition, then this weapon will have an infinite number of rounds.

There is a mission where you need to smash the cars of the jury (“Wrath of the Jury”), in this case it is more correct to use a chainsaw (code nuttertools), you can also use brass knuckles (code thugstools), you need to approach the car, press Ctrl and hit with your right hand, start pressing, the above button on the keyboard.

PROFESSIONALTOOLS - Professional murder weapons

There is a mission in which you need to kill Sonny (the final mission), you should dial the code PROFESSIONALTOOLS, and shoot Sonny several times with a bazooka, and he will be killed! In my opinion, this is the most effective way.

NUTTERTOOLS - All weapons for a real psycho

The mission, which is located in the golf club, will be easily completed if you type nuttertools, easily killing the enemy with a sniper rifle.


If a boat is needed, there is a lighthouse on the beach. There is a cliff next to it. You need to go to it. You need to dial the code YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE 2 times. When the police boat approaches, you need to jump into it.

Do you want to have a collection of police cars? To do this, you just need to dial the code YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE a couple of times for police Cheetahs, FBI Ranchers, military vehicles and tanks to arrive. When they are close and the police get out of their cars, you need to kill them, get into the car that you need and press the code YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE and you can safely drive. After you put the car in the garage, be sure to save the game, otherwise the car will be lost!

LEAVEMEALONE - Remove all stars WANTED

Looking for a police boat? Go to the bridges near the lighthouse and start shooting from the M-16 at everyone who comes across, as soon as you get 4 WANTED the boat will arrive. You need to type LEAVEMEALONE to see it.

No one has ever had the opportunity to watch drunken police officers drive a car. To do this, take the MP and see and see how the police are driving cars, then shoot and the car has 1 star, then the policeman gets out of the car, start shooting at the wheels of the car, then dial the code LEAVEMEALONE, get into the car and follow the policeman, then he he will drive like a drunk, knocking over everything as he goes.

ONSPEED - Tommy walks faster

BOOOOOORING - Tommy walks slower

Those who are absolutely incapable of driving a limousine and always crash into the wall. In the mission at Love Fist, in the place where you need to drive a limousine, without reducing your speed, type BOOOOOORING, then you should go onto the highway. At this time, the bomb will be discharged as always, and you will have enough time to get to the end of the road.

FANNYMAGNET - Women love you

You should enter the code FANNYMAGNET, after which all the women will come running to you, all you have to do is hit someone, and they will immediately kill him!

Did you know that if before completing the first mission with the colonel, you type FANNYMAGNET, then after the end of the mission Mercedes will remain with you.

TRAVELINSTYLE - Lightweight vehicles

In the mission THE DRIVER you need to type TRAVELINSTYLE, Hilary's car will be difficult to control, as it will begin to take off frequently. Well, you should go slower, then victory will be yours.

BIGBANG - Blow up nearby cars

This code is used in missions where there is a need to break people into cars marked by radar. Type in the cheat and they will start exploding. In the 10,000 race you need to go to the start, but not start the race. Stand at a distance from the cars and start shooting at them 1 time with a pistol; when they move, press and type BIGBANG. After this, you can go quietly.

In the mission for the grandmother from Haiti, where you need to kill all the Cubans, if you shoot at them a little, then Cuban cars will arrive. Enter the code BIGBANG, the car will explode, and the number of enemies will decrease. And when a whole bunch of Cubans arrive, take a bazooka and shoot them.

Do you want cars to explode at supernatural speed? Enter the codes for the cars. Then dial the code BIGBANG 50-60 times, exit the menu. You will admire the result for yourself.

WHEELSAREALLINEED - Leave only wheels from cars


SEAWAYS - It will be possible to drive on water

For those who can’t complete the mission for the boat station. There is no need to travel by motorboat. But, unfortunately, this walkthrough will not be convenient for everyone, because here you will need to use the “SEAWAYS” cheat, but it will suit you then:

  1. to the right, get a good, easy-to-drive car
  2. bring it to the pier, next to the house with boats near the boat entrance, so that the car does not disappear at the beginning of the mission, and so that the descent to it is easy, without much time, it is better to leave the door open
  3. get out of the car and type the cheat "SEAWAYS"
  4. get on the boat and when the mission starts, quickly get out of it, jump onto the pier, and run to the car
  5. Drive your car at full speed into the water and go after the pacts
  6. Before the jump, slow down a little.

How to complete the “advertising tour” mission as a rock band. You need to dial the code SEAWAYS and launch the limousine into the water. It is more convenient to do this near the stadium, turn around and go back at the beginning of the mission, then go left. There are no obstacles in the water, you just need to drive until the bomb is defused.

The SEAWAYS code is active not only so that cars can float, but also so that helicopters can stand on the water. If the plane lands upside down, it will take 20-30 lives from you, even if the plane then floats on the water.

How you can earn money while standing still Dial the code PANZER, turn on Caps Lock, get out of the tank and move away, then dial the code BigBang until the amount satisfies you.

Cheats and Codes for GTA Vice City: change the environment

  • APLEASANTDAY - Clear weather
  • ALOVELYDAY - Romantic weather
  • ABITDRIEG - Cloudy weather
  • CATSANDDOGS - Rainy weather
  • LIFEISPASSINGMEBY - Accelerates the flow of game time/li>
  • FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT - People start fighting with each other/li>
  • NOBODYLIKESME - People fall when you push them
  • OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS – The crowd will be given weapons /li>
  • COMEFLYWITHME - Flies start flying around

With this cheat you can fly a tank. You need to go to the airport, take a tank, stand at the longest strip with a springboard, dial the code COMEFLYWITHME at the end, turn the muzzle back, pick up speed and start shooting.

You can accelerate faster on a tank. To do this, you need to turn the muzzle back and start shooting. By entering the code COMEFLYWITHME you can even fly.

Remember the bridge leading to Tommy's house? If you go from the Malibu club to it and turn left to another bridge, then at the end of the bridge there will be a slide. You need to go at it at high speed. Having reached the end, press Esc and enter the code COMEFLYWITHME, then the car will take off. The car can be controlled in the air. Control buttons: Home6 up, Home9 down.

  • GREENLIGHT - All traffic lights turn green
  • MIAMITRAFFIC - Speed ​​up city traffic
  • CERTAINDEATH - Put a cigarette in your teeth

Cheats and Codes for GTA Vice City calling vehicles

  • PANZER - A free tank is falling from the sky!

If you want to calmly go through the mission where you need to get Lance from the landfill, just drive up to the road that leads to the landfill, dial the code PANZER and drive forward. You need to stand next to the building where Lance is, otherwise the tank will disappear.

Those who want a BILLION. Requires a PANZER tank. Get in it, press + and start catching bandits.

  • THELASTRIDE - A coffin carrier will fall from the sky
  • ROCKANDROLLCAR - A limousine will fall from the sky
  • RUBBISHCAR - A garbage truck will fall from the sky
  • GETTHEREFAST - Saber Turbo will fall from the sky

When you enter the GETTHEREFAST code 30 times, a lot of cars will start falling from the sky, when they start to flip over and explode, a blast wave will go off and the rest of the cars will start to explode. It would be more correct to do this when you have 4 or 5 WANTED stars.

  • GETTHEREQUICKLY - An old race car will fall from the sky
  • GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED - A newer car will fall from the sky
  • GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST - A rally car will fall from the sky
  • BETTERTHANWALKING - A golf cart will fall from the sky

Cheats and Codes for GTA Vice City: Changing skins

  • STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP - Cyclically changes the player's skin
  • LOOKLIKELANCE - Lance Skin
  • MYSONISALAWYER - Lawyer Skin
  • ROCKANDROLLMAN - Skin Rock "n" roller
  • ONEARMEDBANDIT - “One-armed bandit” skin
  • FOXYLITTLETHING - Mafioso daughter skin
  • WELOVEOURDICK - “Scotsman” skin

Other variations in the use of codes

You need to load the game, enter the code LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS, enter the code again (4-5 times) and take the car (Sabre Turbo, Banshee, comet, stinger) and it will become armor-piercing.

To get to a military base without dressing up as a police officer, you need the codes FANNYMAGNET and OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS. Then take a car and wait until women in green sweaters get into it. Now you can go to the base. Passengers will be able to protect you. For more security, you can take a bus.

Are you tired of going through a mission for a film studio where you need to advertise a film on a plane? Then enter the code LOOKLIKELANCE, board the plane and go!

Codes for GTA Vice City on PSP

  • Weapon set 1 will provide you with – (iron hand, knife, Molotov cocktail, 9mm, rifle, SMG, Kalashnikov assault rifle) LEFT, RIGHT, X, UP, DOWN, SQUARE, LEFT, RIGHT
  • Weapon set 2 will provide you with – (katana, tear gas grenades, pistol, shotgun, uzi, m4, grenade launcher, sniper rifle) LEFT, RIGHT, SQUARE, UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, LEFT, RIGHT
  • Weapon set 3 will provide you with – (chainsaw, grenade, laser pistol, shotgun, mp5, m4, six-barreled minigun, sniper rifle) LEFT, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, UP, DOWN, CIRCLE, LEFT, RIGHT
  • Get $250,000 UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, X, X, L1, R1
  • Increases the wanted level UP, RIGHT, SQUARE, SQUARE, DOWN, LEFT, CIRCLE, CIRCLE
  • Wanted level decreases UP, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, DOWN, LEFT, X, X
  • Sunny weather LEFT, DOWN, R1, L1, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, CIRCLE
  • Clear weather LEFT, DOWN, R1, L1, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, X
  • Cloudy weather LEFT, DOWN, L1, R1, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, SQUARE
  • Rainy weather LEFT, DOWN, L1, R1, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, TRIANGLE
  • Foggy weather LEFT, DOWN, TRIANGLE, X, RIGHT, UP, LEFT, L1
  • Get tank UP, L1, DOWN, R1, LEFT, L1, RIGHT, R1
  • Clocks R1, L1, L1, DOWN, UP, X, DOWN, L1 are accelerated
  • All cars L1, R1, R1, LEFT, RIGHT, SQUARE, DOWN, R1 are destroyed
  • Passers-by riot R1, L1, L1, DOWN, LEFT, CIRCLE, DOWN, L1
  • Passersby attack you DOWN, TRIANGLE, UP, X, L1, R1, L1, R1
  • Passersby are armed with UP, L1, DOWN, R1, LEFT, CIRCLE, RIGHT, TRIANGLE
  • Speeds up the game LEFT, LEFT, R1, R1, UP, TRIANGLE, DOWN, X
  • Game progress slows down LEFT, LEFT, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, DOWN, UP, TRIANGLE, X
  • Your car starts jumping DOWN, LEFT, UP, L1, R1, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, X
  • All vegetation glows UP, DOWN, TRIANGLE, X, L1, R1, LEFT, CIRCLE
  • “Black” traffic L1, R1, L1, R1, LEFT, CIRCLE, UP, X
  • You receive a garbage truck DOWN, UP, RIGHT, TRIANGLE, L1, TRIANGLE, L1, TRIANGLE
  • Passersby get into your car DOWN, UP, RIGHT, L1, L1, SQUARE, UP, L1
  • Passers-by follow you RIGHT, L1, DOWN, L1, CIRCLE, UP, L1, SQUARE
  • Bottom to top view (combination 1) SQUARE, SQUARE, SQUARE, L1, L1, R1, LEFT, RIGHT
  • Bottom-up view (combination 2) LEFT, LEFT, LEFT, R1, R1, L1, RIGHT, LEFT
  • Unlock multiplayer (combination 1) UP, UP, UP, SQUARE, SQUARE, TRIANGLE, R1, L1
  • Unlock multiplayer (combination 2) UP, UP, UP, CIRCLE, CIRCLE, X, L1, R1
  • Unlock multiplayer (combination 3) UP, UP, UP, X, X, SQUARE, R1, L1
  • Unlock multiplayer (combination 4) UP, UP, UP, TRIANGLE, TRIANGLE, CIRCLE, L1, R1

The game GTA Vice City begins with an introductory video in which we are introduced to its main character, Tommy Vercetti. He works for the Italian mafia, but is not particularly respected there. The bosses living in Liberty City, in particular Sonny, want to infiltrate the city of Vice City, which promises to become a tasty morsel. Since, in their opinion, it could be dangerous there, they send the one they least care about - our hero. Tommy needs to go to a meeting where a drug deal will take place. But there will be a setup waiting for him there, as we already learned from the conversations of the bosses in the video - they need a person who has no right to object to their orders. At the deal, the bandits who jumped out of ambush will shoot everyone except Tommy and Ken Rosenberg, a lawyer, waiting for him in the car. Our hero will run away from the barrage of bullets, jump into Ken's car and urgently retreat. But the attacking bandits got everything - both mafia money (a very large amount) and drugs. Now Tommy is deeply in debt - there is nothing to pay off with the bosses. And that’s all they needed to take control of Vice City - a man who has nothing else to lose...

Missions for Ken Rosenberg, lawyer ("L" on the map).

An Old Friend (no reward).

As in most games, in GTA Vice City the first missions are purely training in nature - they will explain to us in the tips what and how to do correctly. The task in the first task is to get from Rosenberg’s office, where we will find ourselves at the beginning of the GTA Vice City game, to the Ocean View hotel - it is marked on the map. There you need to enter the building, go into the pink marker - a video will start of Tommy talking on the phone with his boss, Sonny, telling the latter very unpleasant news - no money, no drugs. After the video, the letter “L” will appear on the map, which will indicate to us the location of Ken Rosenberg’s office - go to him.

The Party ($100 reward).

When you enter Ken's office, you will see that he is, to put it mildly, excited. To put it bluntly, I’m just in a panic! Afraid to take two steps out of the office. But he still came up with the opportunity to find out who was behind the theft of money and drugs. His acquaintance, Colonel Cortez, knows a lot of what is happening in the city. A very influential man, he often throws parties on his luxurious yacht - all the authorities of Vice City gather there. Ken will give up his party invitation so Tommy can meet Cortez. Before attending this party on a yacht, you need to go to the Rafael's clothing store to change into decent clothes - passing Vice City forces you to follow fashion. After meeting the local elite, the daughter of Colonel Cortez, Mercedes Cortez, will ask you to take her to the Pole Position club - away from Diaz, who came to the party, a man who really annoys her. When you take her to the club, this GTA Vice City mission will end. As a result of completing the mission, Street and Soiree Suit clothes become available.

Back Alley Brawl ($200 reward).

In this GTA Vice City mission, the passage first forces you to go to the Malibu Club to meet there with a certain Kent Paul, who will point to some chef as an informant. We go to him, kill him in any way convenient for you and take him away mobile phone. The device will seem very funny to modern people - it is huge, barely fits in Tommy's hand. But considering that the game Vice City describes the events of the 80s, it’s really nothing: After killing the cook, Lance Vance will appear and give Tommy a pistol with two clips of ammunition. This man will become Tommy's friend, but as we will see later, not everything about him is so good. The same video will show three chefs appearing, armed with knives. The passage of GTA Vice City recommends not to waste precious ammunition on aggressors - you can either simply run away with Lance, or beat the enemies with your hands - their intelligence is completely undeveloped, you can easily cope. Now we get into Lance’s car and, according to his instructions, rush to gun shop. We go into it, look at the prices of weapons, look at our “state” of as much as 100 dollars, sigh, leave the store and return with Lance to the Ocean View hotel to complete this GTA Vice City mission.

Jury Fury ($400 reward).

Like all the first missions in GTA game Vice City, this one is very simple. All it takes is convincing the jury to change their minds by crashing their cars. The walkthrough of GTA Vice City recommends for this purpose picking up a hammer that fell from a worker crushed by a car in an accident in the video, or you can simply smash the cars with your fists or any available bladed weapon. Another option is to run into targets with your car. One way or another, this is very simple to do and you will quickly complete this mission in the passage of Vice City. Once completed, the telephone mission to Ocean Beach becomes available.

Riot ($1000 reward).

In the video before the mission, we meet Avery Corrington, who is in Ken's office and asks you to do him a favor - blow up 3 trucks that are under guard. First, we dress up as a worker at Rafael's store. Then go to the construction site, and you will see that there is a riot there. To open the gate behind which the vans we need are located, you need to start a fight. Attack at least four workers so that part of the guards through the opened The gate ran out to pacify the crowd. There will be one man with a pistol standing by one of the trucks. Deal with him, then destroy the cars - no one will really interfere, two of them are destroyed with one shot at a barrel of fuel standing nearby. Walkthrough of GTA Vice City advises, for greater efficiency (saving ammunition), to match these two vehicles with a third one. After destroying all three trucks, this GTA Vice City mission will end. Now missions for Avery Corrington (“A” on the map) and for Colonel Cortez (“C” become available " on the map). Coveralls clothing will also become available.

Missions for Avery Corrington ("A" on the map).

Four Iron ($500 reward).

The first not very easy mission in the game GTA Vice City. Before it starts, Walkthrough of GTA Vice City recommends that you buy an ultrasound machine if you don’t already have one. Avery asks to kill some person who is interfering with him, on this moment located at the golf club. First, you have to change again - this time into a golf suit. There is a metal detector at the entrance to the club that will not allow you to take it with you. firearms. This makes the mission, and therefore the passage of Vice City, a little more difficult - ideally, you need to chase the victim with a bladed weapon across the entire golf course, while dodging bodyguards. But there is a place near the entrance through which it will not be difficult to enter the club past the metal detector! The problem is that the fence is too high, Tommy won’t be able to jump over it. But this can be easily solved - drive up the car, jump first onto it, then from it over the fence. Now run to the place marked on the map - our goal is there. Kill him, after which the mission will end.

Demolition Man ($1,000 reward).

For an experienced player, this GTA Vice City mission will seem like a simple stroll, but for a beginner, it will be one of the most difficult tasks in the game! We need to drop four bombs on a toy radio-controlled helicopter at the indicated places (if we don’t hit the right place, we can pick up the bomb and try again). The time is given 7 minutes, the timer starts after the first bomb is raised. Also beware of workers and guards. But they can be easily killed with helicopter blades (a good “toy!” :) The GTA Vice City walkthrough recommends doing this before you pick up the first bomb. If you figure out how to control a helicopter, everything will be very simple and fast, 7 minutes will be more than enough for you.

Two Bit Hit ($2,500 reward).

This task will only become available when you open access to the second large part of the city. At the beginning of this mission we will need to change clothes again. This time in the colors that the Cubans wear, otherwise you won’t be able to complete this mission in Vice City. After changing clothes we go to the Haitians. As soon as they see you, they will immediately start shooting (the Haitians are very hostile to the Cubans!), and their leader will get into the coffin car and start running away. He needs to be caught up and killed. Just be careful not to drive up behind him, because exploding coffins will fall out of the hearse. By the way, you can have time to get into the hearse yourself, if you don’t pay attention to the shelling from all sides - then the target will start to run away, but this time on foot, which greatly simplifies the task! And after completing this GTA Vice City mission, Havana clothing will become available, and you will also be able to complete missions as Humberto Robin (crown icon on the map).

Missions for Colonel Cortez ("C" on the map).

Treacherous Swine ($250 reward).

Our friend, Colonel Cortez, sends us to deal with a certain Gonzales, giving us a Chainsaw as a weapon. We go to the place indicated on the map. We go into the building. There our target, barely noticing Tommy, immediately begins to run away. But it’s best not to let him do this - the exit from the building is directly under the balcony where Tommy appears. That is, you can simply jump to the lower tier, blocking the fugitive’s path. After the massacre, the cops will follow us - two wanted stars. You need to reset them, go to Pay N "Spray, it will be marked. For ease of travel, I recommend taking the bribe to the cops icon next to the building - this will reduce your wanted list by one star. After completing this mission, GTA Vice City Casual clothing will be available.

Mall Shootout ($500 reward).

In this GTA Vice City mission we are going to meet a courier. After the meeting, the courier quickly gets on a motorcycle and starts to run away, and special forces will attack you. Best of all, don’t pay attention to them - run after the courier, if there is an ultrasound - shoot at them on the go, you can easily prevent him from reaching the bike! If he managed to reach the vehicle, catch up and fire; if he is in a car, you can simply knock him off the motorcycle. When you kill the courier in one way or another, pick up his suitcase and take it to Cortez. The task will be slightly complicated by the appearance of two wanted stars. The GTA Vice City walkthrough recommends stopping by the nearest Pay N" Spray station, or you can just immediately take the suitcase to Colonel Cortez.

Guardian Angels ($1,000 reward).

We need to cover the local authority, Diaz, at the meeting, at the request of Cortez. First we go to the multi-storey parking lot, there we take assault rifle Kruger and we see in the video that our friend Lance has arrived. After the meeting, go with him to Ricardo Diaz's deal with the Cubans. You and Lance will need to stand on the roof and shoot the Haitians who will try to interfere with this deal. At the same time, Diaz and Lance should remain alive - you will see indicators of their health. Enemies will come from all sides - watch both allies carefully. After destroying a couple of dozen opponents, two Haitians on motorcycles grab Diaz’s money right on the move and run away. Lance manages to kill one with a clear shot to the head. We jump right from our balcony, pick up the dead man’s motorcycle and chase the second one - it won’t be a problem for us to catch up with him, because we are already almost professionals in Vice City walkthrough. He must be knocked off the motorcycle at any cost. To do this, you can either shoot at him on the move (you will need an Ultrasound-class machine gun) or crash into him at speed. If you hit him, he will fall, all that remains is to finish him off and return the money to Diaz, who is waiting at the meeting point in his car. After completing this mission, missions for Ricardo Diaz (“D” on the map) become available, but missions for Colonel Cortez stop for a while until you open the second part of the city.

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