Russian celebrities who did poorly at school. The most famous losers. Geniuses who didn't study well. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

If you suddenly have problems with your studies, do not rush to get upset. In general, problems are good. Having gone through them, you yourself will only become better. And don’t rush to give up on yourself if you get a bad mark. Time always correctly dots all the i’s. It often happens that grades in a diary or record book are not the most objective indicator of a person’s abilities. To support our hypothesis, here are several striking examples from history. Great people who studied poorly.

What can I say? Since childhood, we have been told that we need to study well, earning high grades. They also say that Santa Claus brings gifts on New Year. It turns out that both are not true. After all, the education system, like any system created by people, is imperfect. In the end, the final result of personal growth is much more important than the grade on the test record. This article is an excellent incentive not to be discouraged by bad grades, but to engage in self-development. In it we will talk about scientists and more learned people who did poorly in school, for one reason or another, could not stand studying and the approach taken to it.

  1. . Classic example a great scientist who did poorly at school. The man who revolutionized modern physics, the author of the “Theory of Relativity,” he changed the very idea of ​​time and space. But before this happened, young Einstein was expelled from the gymnasium for poor academic performance. Until the age of 3, little Albert did not speak at all; as a child he was slow. His mother hoped that her son would be able to get at least the most simple and low-paid job. As you know, everything in the world is relative, and what, on the one hand, is called failure, on the other hand, may turn out to be the ability to think at a qualitatively different level. Albert Einstein, in addition to revolutionizing physics, also played the violin beautifully. He knew that imagination is more important than knowledge. Interesting fact: Einstein, despite making breakthroughs in understanding the universe, believed in God and believed that the universe did not arise by chance.

  1. . Another personality who had a colossal influence on the world and its modern appearance. As you know, Edison - great inventor and author of more than a thousand patents. Among his inventions are the incandescent electric light bulb, the electric meter, and the phonograph. Despite all this, Edison did poorly at school and was always absent-minded. As they say, “flying in the clouds.” After Edison was expelled from school, his mother was involved in the education of the future genius. And, I must say, not in vain. Interesting fact: Thomas Edison created an electric car in 1899 and was actively involved in improving his invention. Who knows what the world would look like now if Thomas had not had to abandon his research, since gasoline appeared, the use of which was much more economical.

  1. . Prominent politician, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Nobel Prize winner in literature. I was really good at math, at school I was considered the last student in my class, and I only entered military college the 3rd time. It is known that Churchill was an excellent orator. At the same time, the analysis of one of his speeches using a modern verification program school essays showed that Churchill's speech was replete with lexical errors and was too wordy. Did this bother the Prime Minister? Certainly not. Fun fact: Churchill was the first politician to wear a tattoo. In addition, he was an avid smoker and a lover of strong drinks, among which he preferred Armenian cognac. Stalin sent cognac to Churchill. One day, Churchill noticed that cognac had lost its former taste and complained about this to Stalin. The thing turned out to be that the chief technologist of the Yerevan Brandy Factory, Makar Sedrakyan, was exiled to Siberia. After Churchill's complaint, Sedrakyan was immediately returned and reinstated in the party.

  1. . A man of brilliant and sharp mind, a famous playwright, he really did not like school, which he left at the age of 16. However, hard work on himself allowed Bernard Shaw to hone his talent and ultimately become what he became. Interesting fact: Bernard Shaw was a vegetarian and lived to be 94 years old. At 70, he was asked, “How do you feel?” To which Shaw replied, “Great, but I’m tired of doctors who tell me that I’ll die if I don’t eat meat.” Answering the same question 20 years later, Bernard Shaw said, “Great, no one bothers me anymore. All the doctors who prophesied my death without meat have already died.”

  1. . Due to the fact that the father of the future great composer wanted to raise a second Mozart from his son, Beethoven was forced to leave school early. So he didn’t just study poorly - he, one might say, didn’t study at all. However, Beethoven independently studied several languages ​​and read widely. Interesting fact: at the age of 27, Beethoven began to lose his hearing. In his profession, this was a disaster on a double scale. By the age of 48, Beethoven lost his hearing completely. At the same time, thanks to absolute inner hearing, the composer was able to compose music even in such a difficult situation.

It doesn’t matter what grades you study for – the main thing is what’s in your head. Assessment based on a system common to all can often be biased, and, as we have learned, there are clear examples of this. Studying "under pressure" does not give any positive result and most often is a waste of precious time. Don’t “bury” your self-esteem, engage in self-development, do what you love, don’t hang your nose and be successful. Remember our authors– the best teachers in the country are always ready to support you.

Often, success has nothing to do with high grades, certificates of commendation and prizes at school competitions; it depends on perseverance of character and fortitude, and, of course, luck plays a significant role in this. Our rating today is dedicated to famous people who studied very poorly at school, hooliganized and fought, and teachers predicted for them not the best future.

1. Sylvester Stallone

Hollywood actor and director, 71-year-old Sylvester Stallone, three times nominated for the prestigious Oscar film award, was a real punishment for teachers at school. The future actor loved to engage in hooliganism and often used his fists. In fairness, it is worth noting that he did this, trying to protect himself from the attacks of his peers, and not at all because of bad character or improper upbringing. The thing is that due to a birth injury, Sylvester was left with some facial muscles paralyzed, which became a reason for ridicule from his classmates. Add to this short stature, burr and slurred speech - this is quite enough to become an outcast at school. The boy's parents divorced when he was 11, so he had no one to count on, and he decided to fend for himself. The result was a change of almost a dozen schools due to poor performance and constant fights, and Stallone received his high school diploma in an educational institution for difficult teenagers. However, all this did not stop him from building a successful film career and becoming a world-class celebrity.

2. Avril Lavigne

Canadian singer, actress and songwriter, 33-year-old Avril Lavigne became the idol of millions of teenagers around the world at the dawn of the 00s. Avril started singing earlier than talking, but she openly hated studying at school and didn’t even try to hide it. The girl showed absolutely no interest in science, disrupted lessons with her behavior, became a hooligan and often fought with her peers. She was regularly kicked out of class, and at some point she was even asked to change schools, because the teachers could not cope with her character and violent disposition. Of all school subjects Lavigne only liked music and physical education lessons. It is noteworthy that the parents were always lenient towards their daughter’s antics, did not insist that she bring home positive grades and supported her passion for rock music and her desire to become a singer. Her father even set up an entire music studio for her in the basement with a professional drum set, a keyboard and several acoustic guitars. Let us add that, having signed her first contract, the girl immediately dropped out of school, and she never returned to study, which, according to her, she never regretted.

3. Fyodor Bondarchuk

Domestic actor and film director, 50-year-old Fyodor Bondarchuk was one of those who are commonly called “golden youth.” He was born into the family of world-famous cinematographer, Oscar winner Sergei Bondarchuk. He tasted the taste of fame and increased attention to his own person early, and therefore he was of little interest in studying at school. His parents asked him to show at least a little effort, but Fyodor, more often than not, brought home deuces and comments in his diary. In addition, his eminent father and mother were often called to the director because his son was a hooligan, skipped classes, allowed himself to argue with teachers, and even smoked on the premises educational institution. No amount of persuasion or punishment helped, because Fyodor didn’t even like the idea of ​​having to go to school every day and sit for many hours at his desk, listening to boring lectures from teachers. Fortunately, no one predicted a career as a janitor for the guy, because even then, looking at the example of his father, cinema became Fyodor’s true passion. Let us add that, as a student at VGIK, Bondarchuk demonstrated much greater zeal, diligence and diligence in his studies.

4. Jim Carrey

Hollywood actor-comedian and winner of two Golden Globes, 56-year-old - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This same specific illness once prevented him from studying normally at school and forming friendly relationships with peers. The reasons for the deviation lie in the actor’s childhood; he was born into a rather poor, and also large, family, his mother was once a promising singer, and his father played the saxophone, however, with the advent of four heirs, everything changed dramatically. There was always a shortage of funds, and parents spent almost all their time trying to earn at least enough bread for their children. The mother of the future actor, against the backdrop of all these problems, began to suffer from a severe form of mental disorder known as hypochondria, and ill-wishers immediately labeled her as “crazy.” Little Jim was a recluse at school; he grew up as a very inattentive and impulsive boy, and hardly interacted with anyone. Because of this, the boy studied poorly, and even repeated the second year several times. In addition, as we have already said, money was very tight in his family, so Jim was forced to start working early in order to somehow help his parents. The boy got a job as a cleaner at a factory, and was so tired of physical labor that no science could enter his head. In an interview, Kerry once noted that if it weren’t for his acting talent, he would still be working at a factory, doing low-skilled and low-paid work.

5. Drew Barrymore

The heir to Hollywood actors and goddaughter of Steven Spielberg, Drew Barrymore began acting in films as a baby, and by the age of seven she had become a world-class star. Fame quickly turned the girl’s head, she became a regular at nightclubs and fashionable parties, so she had absolutely no time or desire left for studying. According to the actress herself, she started smoking at the age of nine, regularly drinking alcohol from the age of 11, at the age of 12 she first tried weed, and at the age of 13 she was already in prison. rehabilitation center. A year later, the young actress tried to commit suicide, which is why she ended up in a specialized medical facility for the second time. Naturally, there was no talk of any normal schooling at that time. Drew matured early, and she no longer wanted to go back to her school desk with her peers. Fortunately, she managed to cope with all the problems that Barrymore had to face in childhood and adolescence. Later, the actress spoke about all this in detail in several autobiographical books that she wrote.

6. Andrei Tarkovsky

Soviet film director and screenwriter Andrei Tarkovsky in his youth was a hooligan and rake who made teachers grab their heads. Now we can confidently state that the guy was simply unlucky with his school years, because Andrei went to first grade in 1939, and before he had time to get involved in his studies, the war broke out. The boy, along with other children, was evacuated to a small provincial town, where a hungry and difficult childhood awaited him. Of course, in such conditions primary school I didn’t even have a chance to speak. But in adolescence When the war ended and Andrei had the opportunity to return to his desk, he did not want to do this. The thing is that his mother raised him alone, after her husband left the family, and she could not establish discipline for the difficult teenager. As a high school student, Tarkovsky, along with other poor students, became a “hip.” He was not at all interested in studying, because he was much more fascinated by Western music, fashionable things and adventures in post-war Moscow. But school, along with its strict rules, seemed like a real punishment to the guy. He believed that real life seething on the street, where he was invariably drawn. The only subject that Tarkovsky was interested in was literature, in which he received a B, and this was the only positive mark in his certificate. In history, geography and some other humanities, the future film director hardly received C's, but in the exact sciences his certificate showed only two's. However, in 1951, Andrei entered the capital’s Institute of Oriental Studies. The thing is that young people then had no interest in this direction, and this created low competition for admission to the university. But a year later, young Tarkovsky realized that studying here was a disastrous occupation. Then the boy submitted documents to VGIK, and to his own surprise, he was accepted. As the director later recalled, this choice was unconscious, but it became fateful for him.

7. Quentin Tarantino

One of the most extravagant and extraordinary filmmakers in Hollywood, 54-year-old Quentin Tarantino studied very poorly at school and was a notorious poor student. And despite the fact that he was quite a smart and talented guy. The thing is that laziness got in the way, and he didn’t even try to hide it. Quentin was so bored in class that he didn’t even understand why he was going there or what the point was in school education. The future director’s mother at that time was building a successful career in the field of pharmacology and was almost never at home, so young Tarantino spent a lot of time with his stepfather, who allowed him to watch TV all day and laze around. By the age of 15, the guy decided to completely abandon school education, and his mother had no choice but to come to terms with this decision. However, she put forward her condition - her son must find a job. Quentin agreed, and first got a job at the cinema ticket office, and then at the film distribution office. Over time, he fell more and more in love with cinema and realized that this was the only activity to which he wanted to devote his life. Later in his interviews, Tarantino repeatedly said: “I didn’t go to film school, I went to the movies.”

8. Pierce Brosnan

Irish actor and performer of the role of “agent 007”, 64-year-old Pierce Brosnan, as it turns out, also decided not to bother getting a secondary education and neglected his school certificate. Let us immediately note that Pierce was not at all lazy or incapable of mastering science, and the reason for his leaving school was the mockery of his peers. The thing is that an Irish boy at the age of 11 moved to London, where he went to one of the local schools and became a real outcast in the class. The problem lay in his accent, which caused other students to laugh at him, tease him and even hit him. Unable to bear this attitude, a few years later Pierce dropped out of school and joined one of the traveling circuses. At the same time, the attractive young man began working part-time as a model, which brought him a good income, and soon Brosnan decided to enroll in courses at the dramatic arts center to build an acting career. Subsequently, he never regretted either his decision to leave school or his acting courses.

9. Angelina Jolie

Hollywood film actress and director, 42-year-old Angelina Jolie was not at all popular at school and was never one of the diligent students. It's hard to believe, but one of the most beautiful women Classmates considered the planet downright scary, teased it or did not notice its presence at all. IN adolescence Jolie was very thin, tall, wore braces on her teeth and dressed like a boy. By her own admission, she always felt like an outcast and was depressed, and this did not at all contribute to fruitful studies and getting high grades. A significant role in this situation was played by the divorce of the parents of the future actress, as well as the fact that her Oscar-winning father was not at all interested in the fate of his children. Angelina also showed a rebellious character, she dyed her hair in bright, unimaginable colors, wore black clothes and collected knives, which is quite strange for a girl. She repeatedly tried her hand as a model, but was often simply rejected. Because of this, the girl felt ugly and unnecessary, and, as she later admitted, she simply did not want to live. As soon as she modeling career began to gradually gain momentum, Jolie immediately abandoned her studies and never returned to school.

10. Al Pacino

American actor, director and Oscar winner, 77-year-old Al Pacino became famous largely thanks to the roles of “bad guys,” which were not difficult for him to play. The actor himself grew up in a dysfunctional criminal area, where poverty reigned and gangs of criminals operated. He himself more than once got involved with dubious companies, became the instigator of fights and was one of the main troublemakers at school. He had little interest in studies; he grew up on the street and dreamed of becoming a baseball player, and therefore often skipped classes and almost never did his homework. As a result, young Alfredo failed almost all the exams and was simply expelled for poor academic performance, never receiving a school certificate. The mother, who raised her son alone, was extremely unhappy with this turn, and after a major quarrel, the teenager simply left home. Even then, he firmly decided that he wanted to become an actor, and to pay for his courses, Pacino worked as a dishwasher, waiter, courier, washed floors and delivered mail, however, he never returned to school.

People had good grades in school. Some of them did not feel any desire to study, others gave everything free time their hobbies, while others were completely incapable of learning due to their characteristics. However, they still became very successful in their business and even became real favorites and idols of millions of people. It is worth noting that successful people who did poorly at school is still not the rule, but the exception. However, poor education often interferes with a successful career.

Victor Tsoi I couldn’t boast of good grades. Already in the fifth grade of school, he assembled his first music group and devoted most of his time to his hobby. It’s interesting that Viktor Tsoi studied at an art school and he liked it here much more. Apparently, the famous musician was more drawn not to mathematics and physics, but to creative sciences and art.

Johnny Depp I did poorly at school. Poor grades and absenteeism did not upset the future famous artist, since already in childhood he decided that he would become a rock star. At school, he founded a music group and preferred music classes to the granite of science.

Kevin Spacey I was a real bully as a child. From military school he was expelled for starting fights and showing extreme indiscipline.

Actor beloved by millions of Russians Marat Basharov At school I received bad grades and was known as a real bully. However, poor school performance did not prevent him from enrolling in Faculty of Law and then become a famous artist.

Richard Branson today he is one of the richest people in Britain and owns more than 400 companies. However, he did very poorly at school and dropped out at the age of 16, after which he founded a magazine and then a record business.

Tom Cruise studied poorly due to the fact that he suffered from dyslexia - a violation of the ability to perceive written text.

Winston Churchill As a child, I did very poorly at school. Surprisingly, he had an excellent memory, but he was not interested in studies, especially mathematics, which he disliked until the end of his life. Not only was Churchill a poor student, he failed the military school exams twice and only entered there the third time, after the patronage of influential relatives.

Charlie Sheen I did poorly at school. He got bad grades and skipped classes. He never finished high school because he was kicked out for poor academic performance.

Exams, grades, crib sheets, sleepless nights, cramming, valerian... Another one has come to an end academic year. This was the case 100, 50 and 10 years ago, and parents always repeated to their children: “If you study poorly, nothing good will come of you.” Of course, you need to listen to your parents... But, as practice shows, to achieve success in life, you don’t have to be an excellent student. The Superstars correspondent was convinced of this by visiting the Moscow Museum of Education, where the grades of famous personalities who studied in the capital are on display for everyone to see.

“Here’s a paradox: a man studied poorly at school, skipped classes, but grew up and became famous. And this happens all the time. Only every single one of the cosmonauts were excellent and good students,” museum director Yuri Konstantinovich Zuev shared with “Superstars.” - How did the stars themselves react to the fact that their ratings became public knowledge?

Vasily Livanov didn’t like our idea, although I don’t understand why: he only had good marks in his certificate. I don't know about the rest. But not one of the exposition’s heroes has yet come to look at their school successes. I think they don’t have time; they have enough problems of their own. Why look back to the past?

Excellent students

There were only three excellent students among the celebrities: Svetlana Alliluyeva, Philip Kirkorov and Vasily Lanovoy. Svetlana Alliluyeva’s certificate sheet has turned yellow with age, and the ink in some places has faded from the sun. There is no diversity in the certificate of Stalin’s daughter - opposite all 16 items, “excellent” is written in calligraphic handwriting.

The thought immediately arises that the estimates are inflated, that upsetting the leader in 1943 was like death. But, as Svetlana’s classmates later recalled, she really was a capable student. She just always kept herself apart. For example, Sergo Beria in his book “My Father - Lavrentiy Beria” wrote: “I remember Stalin’s daughter as an intelligent, modest girl. She knew English well. Svetlana sat at the same desk with my future wife. She introduced us to Marfa.”

Philip Kirkorov was also an exemplary “bunny” in childhood. At school No. 413 of the Zhdanovsky district, little Bedrosovich studied from the 3rd to the 10th grade and all these years was an example for the children. The future pop star graduated from school with a gold medal, exemplary behavior and an ideal description for a graduate of a Soviet school.

Principal Kiselevskaya and class teacher Korotkova did not skimp on flattering reviews: “All the years, Kirkorov Philip studied excellently, led a great community service, an active participant in all social and labor affairs at school. He showed particular activity in preparation for the 60th anniversary of the formation of the USSR.

He was awarded certificates of honor for organizing political information at school. He was a member of the school's Komsomol committee and headed the political sector. For two years he was a member of the school certification commission for conducting the Lenin test, and was the chairman of the commission for holding political watch competitions.

In the 9th and 10th grades, he was unanimously recognized as an excellent student of the Lenin test at political assessments. Participated in the political poster competition “The World through the Eyes of Children” and in the competition children's drawing between school 413 in Moscow and the school in Brno, Czechoslovakia, where he received 1st prize for the drawing “My homeland is the USSR.”

He was fond of theater and music, was a member of the school's theater group, graduated from a music school in piano and guitar with honors, and repeatedly took part in regional and city Olympiads in literature, history, and English, winning prizes.

Kirkorov Philip was an active participant in all communist subbotniks, collecting waste paper, and was among the first students to participate in socially useful work in the 10th grade at the Model Shoes factory in the Zhdanovsky district.”

Handsome Vasily Lanovoy, who played Gray in “ Scarlet Sails”, Vronsky in “Anna Karenina”, Ivan Varavva in “Officers” and a lot of other wonderful roles, also had an A certificate of maturity and was a diligent student high school No. 510 Proletarsky Fleece.

Good guys

The future poet Andrei Voznesensky, who graduated from school No. 554, and the playwright Edward Radzinsky, who graduated from the 49th English special school, had only one B in their certificates - they left the schools with silver medals.

Little Vladimir Vysotsky, who studied at school 186 in the Kominternovsky district, was also an exemplary student and a solid student. There are equal numbers of “A” and “B” grades in his certificate, and “A” grades, of course, are in humanities and natural sciences.
“Machinist” and culinary specialist Andrei Makarevich once admitted that he considered the best event at school last call. It’s strange, because young Makar studied quite well. The museum has his certificate for the 8th grade, where he got “B” grades only in Russian, geometry, geography and chemistry, and “A” grades in other subjects.

In addition, Makarevich studied not in an ordinary high school, but in school No. 19, “with a number of subjects taught in English language“, which means that the requirements for students there were somewhat higher. Andrey somehow managed to combine his studies with a serious passion for music and even concerts, because “The Time Machine” began to emerge precisely at school.

The future “millionaire” Maxim Galkin also discovered his talents while studying at school. Maxim played in school plays, during recess and in groups he parodied classmates and teachers. In Maxim’s certificate for the 9th “A” grade of school No. 43, precisely in geography and biology there are not “A’s”, as in other subjects, but “B’s”. But he received “A’s” in Russian, literature and foreign languages ​​- it was not for nothing that Maxim went to study at the Faculty of Linguistics at the University of the Humanities.

Galkin’s senior colleague on stage Gennady Khazanov, to his mother’s delight, also studied well. It is not known with what grades he graduated from school No. 7 of the Leninsky RUNO in Moscow - the certificate has not been preserved. But in the fifth grade, little Gena had very few “B’s” - only in science, geography, German and labor.
Yura Luzhkov, a student at the Moscow seven-year boys' school No. 579, constantly got “C” grades in mathematics and foreign language. However, there are no “Cs” in his high school diploma. Apparently he has come to his senses.

C students

If Philip Kirkorov was an excellent student, then his ex-wife and business partner Alla Borisovna takes pride of place among the C students. And the red-haired schoolgirl Pugacheva has never been a Komsomol activist either. The grades on the Diva's certificate, exhibited at the Museum of Education, are very varied.

“A” in literature, work, singing (of course!) and behavior. "B" grades in Russian, algebra, geometry, physics and history. And “C” grades in drawing, geography, chemistry and foreign language. As life has shown, an “average” girl who was by no means brilliant in school lessons has grown into a megastar...

Andrei Mironov graduated from the same English special school No. 170 (now No. 49) as Edward Radzinsky, Vasily Livanov and Mark Rozovsky. Teachers gave young Mironov “C” grades only in the exact sciences (algebra, geometry and physics), but in English, geography, natural science, history and behavior, the future actor’s certificate was “excellent”.

A hopeless C student was Natasha Belogortseva (this is Krachkovskaya's maiden name). She graduated from school No. 14 of the Lenin Runo with “C” grades in Russian, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, geography, astronomy and chemistry.

Afonya (Leonid Kuravlev), comrade Sukhov (Anatoly Kuznetsov) and the poor student Ganzha (Alexander Zbruev) were also notorious C students. They don’t have a single “A” in their certificates and very few “B”s. So, playing the role of the poor student Ganja in “Big Change,” Alexander Zbruev played himself.

The famous athletes Valery Kharlamov and Irina Rodnina did not shine with success either. The figure skater has only four "A's" in the 8th grade (literature, geometry, geography and physical education), the hockey player has even less - only one in physical education.


Believe it or not, the author and presenter of about ten Russian television programs, Lev Novozhenov, was a poor student at school. Not only not a single “A” for the year, but not even a “B”. And in the quarter, sometimes a rating of “2” flashed. In the museum there is a class magazine for the 8th grade, where in the fourth quarter there is a “couple” next to Novozhenov’s surname in the fourth quarter.

Vice-Mayor of Moscow Vladimir Resin, to put it mildly, also did not shine with knowledge. In the Russian language, the teacher sometimes gave the future leader of the capital a “two” in the quarter, but at the end of the year he corrected her and received a well-deserved “three”. In other subjects - “fours”, and more often - “threes”.

A careful study of class magazines and matriculation certificates of our celebrities showed: the biggest idiot at school was Mikhail Derzhavin. Michal Mikhalych barely graduated from Moscow school No. 73 of the Kyiv Regional Educational Institution. His 9th grade certificate is worthy of him. “Russian and literature - “not certified”, algebra - 2, geometry and trigonometry - “not certified”, natural science - 3, geography and history - 3, foreign - 4, drawing - 2, physical education - “not certified”, psychology - 3, diligence - 2, behavior - 5.

117 lessons were missed, including 9 due to illness. The resolution of the school’s pedagogical council on the student’s academic performance and behavior was “to reschedule the exam in algebra and geometry to the fall.” But all this did not prevent Mikhail Mikhailovich from becoming famous actor Moscow Theater of Satire and husband, first to Arkady Raikin’s daughter Ekaterina, then to the daughter of Marshal S. Budyonny Nina and singer Roxana Babayan. Women don't love you for your grades.

Alla Borisovna was not an excellent student, on the contrary: the future celebrity was not good at chemistry, drawing, geography and foreign language. But in music, of course, there was a solid A.

Mikhail Derzhavin

RIA Novosti/ Vitaly Arutyunov Mikhail Derzhavin was an inveterate poor student - teachers could not even certify him in some subjects. He completed his secondary education at night school - but not only because of poor performance: his father died, and the boy had to work to help his family.

Vladimir Kristovsky

The future musician, in principle, did not really like the idea of ​​going to school every day - so he skipped often, and this, of course, did not have the best effect on his academic performance. And after school he went to study to become... an electrician.

Victor Tsoi

RIA Novosti/Galina Kmit Viktor Tsoi could not boast of good grades: he was bored at school, already in the fifth grade he became interested in music, and soon formed his first group. He liked art school much better, but higher education the musician never received it.

Fedor Bondarchuk

Fyodor Bondarchuk grew up in a famous and famous family, but despite this, he was not at all interested in studying. On the contrary, parents were constantly called to school: Fedya played truant, smoked during breaks, argued with teachers and regularly received bad marks.

Maria Aronova

The future actress had good grades only in Russian and literature; she was not good at exact sciences at all. But her parents didn’t scold her for failing grades.

Marat Basharov

Marat Basharov was a hooligan and a poor student at school - but this did not stop him from later enrolling in the Faculty of Law.

Jim carrey

Jim Carrey had to study in the tenth grade for three years - but it’s not that he was lazy or didn’t understand anything. The family had a hard time with money, and the boy had to go to work early; he was so tired that he simply could not pay enough attention to his studies.

Winona Ryder

The actress simply dropped out of school after seventh grade. And not only because of her studies, which were not going well for her: the unusual girl, who looked different from most of the students, was teased and beaten by her classmates.

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise changed more than a dozen schools, and everywhere he had problems with his studies. The reason turned out to be dyslexia - the boy simply could not perceive written text, reading was an impossible task for him.

Kevin Spacey

Kevin Spacey has been very active since childhood: from the military school where his parents sent him, the boy was soon expelled for hooliganism, fighting and indiscipline. But he liked it at the acting school, where he went at the age of 16 at the insistence of his mother - and success immediately appeared.

Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp simply ignored his studies - after all, since childhood he decided that he would be a rock star and founded his own musical group. Truancy, failing grades, absenteeism again - and at the age of 15, the future world celebrity simply closed the question of school for herself.

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