Tarot and Karmic Aspects FAQ. Karmic Tarot Cards

According to esotericists, some key events in our lives are predetermined - this is perfectly explained by the theory of reincarnation.

Each person has his own special karma tarot card, the meaning of which greatly influences the fate of that individual. Let's figure out how to correctly define it, understand the meaning it carries, and find out the connection between it and life events.

How to determine your karmic tarot card

Since magic cards are closely related to numerology and astrology, in order to find out the spiritual purpose of a person in this life, you need to use his full date of birth.

If we are looking for a card for a person born on January 2, 1950, the calculation formula will be: 2+0+1+1+9+5+0=17.

Therefore, his karmic Arcana will be the Star. In the Tarot, a person’s karma is determined only by the Major Arcana, and there are only 22 of them in the deck, but the Jester is assigned a digital value of 0, and it cannot be obtained by addition, so in the calculation we use the number 22 for him.

But what if the desired number turns out to be greater than 22? You just need to bring it to a single digit by adding its numbers together. So, for example, if a person was born on April 27, 1985, we must perform the calculation: 2+7+0+4+1+9+8+5. The result is the number 36.

It is greater than 22 - therefore we need to do one more addition: 3 + 6 = 9. Nine will be a karmic card for a person born on April 27, 1985.

What does a personal karmic map mean?

The Karma card is also sometimes called the Fate card. It indicates a person’s life purpose, what he should do in order to succeed. Also, karmic arcana warn against the dangers that a person may encounter if he behaves incorrectly or puts all his efforts into achieving goals that are not actually intended for him by fate.

Speaking about the connection of Tarot with numerology, it is worth noting that in addition to the karmic map, if necessary, other personal cards are calculated, but they have nothing to do with karmic purpose, so we do not consider them in this article.

The meaning of karmic tarot cards

The meaning of Fate cards is always based on the base meaning of the Major Arcana. However, each tarot reader, based on his experience, can add his own associations to it, so it is simply not possible to give an exhaustive interpretation of each Arcana.

We provide below brief meanings of the Major Arcana when determining a personal karmic chart.

Mage – 1

This is a very strong karmic map, which indicates that the current incarnation of a person is far from the first. Those born under this Arcana are given amazing mental and spiritual abilities. He knows how to manage people and almost always achieves success in all endeavors.

A person with the karma of the Magician should continue to work on improving his inner world, as well as use his skills for the benefit of other people.

The danger for him is that he can get too carried away and begin to manipulate others for selfish reasons.

High Priestess – 2

These people are endowed with excellent intuition. They are emotional, patient and friendly to others, always ready to give practical advice, listen and help.

Often people with the Priestess karmic card have genuine psychic abilities.

The purpose of their life is to help others, but not at the expense of their own interests and lives.

They should be wary of people who can take away their spiritual strength, energy vampires. A person who has accepted his gift of fate and used it for good is in no danger, while using his power for dark purposes can lead to serious mental disorders and mental disorders.

Empress – 3

Fate has endowed people with the Empress card with the ability to achieve harmony in their personal lives and work.

They make excellent parents who sincerely care about their children, as well as excellent bosses and even famous personalities.

Rarely does anyone manage to combine so harmoniously professional activity and caring for your family the way these people do. But they absolutely must not become complete egoists and put them first material goods, because in this case life can go downhill and harmony will be destroyed.

Emperor – 4

A person born under the auspices of the Emperor card is endowed with strength, activity and self-confidence. He has excellent management skills and can be called a born leader.

Such a person does not tolerate disorder and loves when others obey him.

The danger lies in his stubbornness: in order to avoid problems, a person with this card should overcome this negative character trait so as not to become a despot and tyrant.

High Priest or Hierophant – 5

These are people with a pure and innocent soul who were saints in their previous incarnation. They mature very early, and even at a young age they seem, in their reasoning, to be much wiser than their peers.

They come into this world to become helpers for others, spiritual mentors.

People with this card should avoid idle talk, excessive religiosity and strong confidence in their own rightness.

Lovers – 6

This karmic card is one of the happiest. People born under it have a soft, kind character.

They absolutely cannot stand conflicts and never show aggression.

However, their excessive softness and pliability can do a disservice: throughout their lives, these people often find themselves in situations where they need to make difficult choices, but their indecision forces them to retreat or go with the flow without changing anything.

That is why it is sometimes so difficult for them to build harmonious love relationship or achieve success in your career. Such people need to learn to take responsibility for their lives, overcome their own complexes and get rid of doubts.

Chariot – 7

The Chariot karmic card predicts an interesting, adventure-filled life for a person.

Such people are active, smart, mobile.

They always have many interests, they always strive for self-development and are willing to take risks. There will be no special problems in their life if they learn to be careful when necessary.

Another danger for those born under the Chariot card is passivity. Such people simply cannot sit still, they need to use their energy and lead an active life.

Strength – 8

The disruptive nature of a person with the Strength card sometimes complicates her life, because attempts to move forward, knocking down all the obstacles along the way, sometimes turn into a real drama for such a person.

This is a strong and courageous person who loves to feel his power and always strives to defend his own rights.

He needs to be able to calm down at the right moment and direct his power not towards destruction, but into a peaceful direction.

Hermit – 9

This karmic card speaks of a person who seeks the meaning of life within himself. He loves solitude, peace and quiet.

He does not like noisy gatherings or rooms with many people.

He has a fear of public speaking.

The danger for such a person lies in constant solitude, the inability to make contact with the outside world and other people. He should overcome his fears and complexes and try to find harmony between his inner world and the universe.

Wheel of Fortune – 10

This card suggests that in a previous incarnation a person has already fulfilled his karmic obligations, and now a rich, interesting and fruitful life awaits him, which can be compared in its unpredictability to the turning of the wheel of fortune.

Such people will often be led in all endeavors; they can build a good career, a strong family life, fulfill your desires.

However, they should not rely solely on luck - sometimes it is worth taking responsibility for their actions.

Justice – 11

This card speaks of heavy karmic debts from a past incarnation. People born under it often face a series of difficult trials along the path of life.

The main thing for them is to remember that everything can be changed.

Such persons should not be offended by the injustice of fate; they need to accept trials as a given and successfully overcome them in order to cut the karmic knot. If such a person leads an honest life and always thinks about the consequences of his actions, good luck will certainly overtake him.

Hanged Man – 12

This person can be called a victim of circumstances: difficulties await him in his personal life, professional sphere and relationships with others, but all these difficulties are a consequence of karmic debts from past life, and this should be remembered.

If a person stops forgetting about himself, says goodbye to the role of a scapegoat and begins to build his own future on his own, success awaits him, because, in addition to karmic debts, the Hanged Man card also gives hidden talents, opportunities, and also rewards its owner with a good character.

Death – 13

The Thirteenth Arcanum, despite its frightening name, will actually not bring anything too catastrophic to the life of a person born under it. This is a wise and calm person who, nevertheless, will have to face difficulties more than once in his life: possible betrayal from close people, financial difficulties, fruitless attempts to climb the career ladder.

But it is worth remembering that all these ups and downs are just a consequence of some karmic debts. To successfully overcome an obstacle course, you need to learn to let go of the past, not try with all your might to hold on to what is going away, and be able to look positively at the future.

Moderation – 14

A person with this Fate card has no serious karmic debts.

These are calm, tolerant and balanced people who do not like conflicts and strive for harmony.

However, they should avoid any kind of excess: overeating, a riotous lifestyle, bad habits, promiscuous sexual relations - all this can lead to a serious collapse and a sad end to life. The life of such a person will be happy if he chooses a bright and moderate path.

Devil – 15

This card surpasses all others in the number of karmic debts. Such a person has simply accumulated a huge number of them since his previous incarnation. In a previous life, such a person could have been a criminal, a serial killer, a sorcerer who used black magic to harm other people, or any person who did not take into account the people around him and did evil.

In this incarnation a person can be very attractive and sexy.

People of the opposite sex are attracted to him like a magnet. The main danger is not caring about moral standards and committing base acts.

To atone for karmic debts, a person with the Devil card should forget about material values ​​and personal gain and try to lead a calm and measured life, thinking first of all not about himself, but about the people around him.

Tower – 16

This is a very complex Arcanum, which suggests that a person born under it will face serious changes in fate.

In the lives of such people, accidents, protracted conflicts with others, fights, accidents, and violence often occur.

All this is a consequence of karmic debts.

But, as a rule, all these unpleasant events pass for a person without serious consequences. The main rule that those born under the Tower should follow is not to accumulate anger in themselves, not to be offended and not to take revenge, not to show aggression towards their offenders. Only then can his life improve.

Star – 17

Most people born under the auspices of this Arcanum will experience fame and success. They often make famous musicians, writers, actors, artists and other representatives of creative professions.

This card gives a person pronounced talents and abilities, the main thing is to recognize them in time and develop them.

Otherwise, such a person will face disappointment and depression.

Another danger is to get star fever, to put yourself above others, to use your talents for selfish purposes. You should carefully monitor yourself and not become arrogant.

Moon – 18

Like the corresponding planet, this card has two sides. One of them is light, which gives a person excellent intuition and outstanding creative abilities, the other causes nightmares, depression and fears, from which a person tries to hide in bad habits: alcohol addiction, drugs.

It is people from this Fate card who most often commit suicide. A person born under it should be relatively attentive to his own life, stand firmly on his feet, and not rush into making one decision or another - and then the bright side will become dominant.

Sun – 19

Fate gave these people strong charisma. They can be called the soul of any company, and those around them are delighted with them. All karmic debts have already been worked off by these people in a past life, so in the current life they will find happiness, success, joy and harmony.

The only thing those born under the Sun should avoid is an excessive desire for power and indulging their own whims.

Court – 20

Judgment is another karmic Tarot card, which suggests that in a past incarnation a person lived a harmonious and sinless life, and for this he will be rewarded in the current one.

Those born under this card are very wise and sensible people who are endowed with excellent intuition and even have a connection with the cosmos.

If desired, they can easily develop psychic abilities, the main thing is to believe in their own strengths, because doubts can lead to failures.

World – 21

People born under the auspices of this card have very strong and bright energy. They are immensely wise, because their soul has experienced a huge number of reincarnations and gained experience in them.

The Universe gives them freedom of choice, because no matter which direction such a person moves, success awaits him in all endeavors. The main thing is not to do bad things and be able to take responsibility.

Fool or Jester – 22

On the one hand, the Jester card starts the deck, since its standard numeric value- zero, but on the other hand, it closes it. In general, this card can indicate both the very first incarnation of a person in earthly life, and the last, provided that he lives it righteously.

Such people are open to everything new, are not afraid of difficulties and have sympathy for others.

They are very smart, have good intuition and are designed to bring joy to people. The most important thing for them is to follow their inner voice and the dictates of their heart.

If you were born under the Jester card and feel out of place in your current job or marriage, do not be afraid of change and look for new paths, because your intuition will never let you down. Danger awaits you only when you start listening to others and follow someone else's path instead of your own.

By knowing your Karma Tarot card, the meaning of which can be found above, you can understand what your life purpose is, realize the dangers that lie in wait for you along the way, and learn how to avoid them.

Karma (in Sanskrit - deed, action, fruit of action)- This is one of the central concepts of Indian philosophy, complementing the doctrine of reincarnation. It appears already in the Vedas and is subsequently included in almost all Indian religious and philosophical systems; it is an essential part of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

Although the concept of karma is usually associated with Eastern philosophy, many understand that the “Law of Karma” is as fundamental a law of nature as gravity and time. As Newton's 3rd law states, “the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. “Every action we take has certain consequences. According to the law of karma, if we cause harm or suffering to another living being, then we will also suffer - this applies to every person and society as a whole. We always pay for what we have done. Every language has proverbs “what goes around comes around,” “what goes around comes around,” and so on.

IN in a broad sense karma is the total sum of actions performed by every living being and their consequences, which determine the nature of his new birth, i.e., further existence. IN in a narrower sense Karma generally refers to the influence of completed actions on the nature of present and subsequent existence. In both cases, karma appears as an invisible force, and only general principle its actions are supposed to be clear, but its internal mechanism remains completely hidden. It is believed that karma determines not only favorable or unfavourable conditions existence (health - illness, wealth - poverty, happiness - misfortune, as well as gender, life span, social status of the individual, etc.), but ultimately - progress or regression in relation to the main goal of a person - liberation from fetters " profane” existence and submission to the laws of cause and effect. That is, we can say that according to the law of karma, any events in a person’s life are not accidental, and that behavior and actions in the past incarnation can influence real life. If a person has become the cause of someone’s misfortunes in the past, then in the next life he will again meet the earthly incarnations of the souls of these same people, finding himself in situations favorable for working off a karmic debt. These interactions are called karmic connections. Relationships with people with whom you have already met in past incarnations can be both happy and very complex, confusing, full of problems, conflicts and disappointments.

The concept of karma is closely intertwined with reincarnation theory , transmigration of souls. Christian denominations and Churches of Apostolic Succession deny belief in the existence of karma. However, Christianity did not initially deny this theory. Ancestors christian church Clement of Alexandria, Justinian the Martyr, as well as Saint Gregory of Nyssa and Saint Jerome have repeatedly advocated the idea of ​​reincarnation. Origen (185–254) spoke most openly on this matter, whom the Encyclopedia Britannica ranks second in importance after Augustine the Blessed among the church fathers. Only in 553 did the Fifth Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, by the will of Emperor Justinian, prohibit Christians from believing in the rebirth of souls. The motives for this decision were primarily political and caused strong discontent among the supreme clergy, most of whom refused to take part in this Ecumenical Council. It is easier to manage a people who believe that there is only one life, because the meaning of such a life is lost. Be patient, humble yourself, and after death expect Judgment.

The law of karma has no morality or justice. This law does not need a leader, a judge or executors of the sentence. The law of karmic retribution can be compared to the law of universal gravitation. If you throw an apple, it will fall down. Cause is effect. If the person throwing the apple does not believe in the law of gravity, the apple will still fall to the floor. Karma and justice are not the same thing. Sometimes these concepts are combined, but this is not entirely true. Justice implies that there was some agreement somewhere to do the “right thing.” Someone violated it, or, conversely, was able to comply, although it was difficult. There was someone supreme, monitoring compliance with that agreement, and he could reward or punish someone justly. But karma works as energy, as a field, mechanically, not intelligently.

Many people do not believe in the law of cause and effect at all, trying to bend the world to themselves, and attributing their failures to bad luck or the machinations of enemies. But this does not in the least prevent this law from working.

Unlike the concept fate or rock , with which the concept “ karma “, for the latter, its ethical connotation is essential, since the conditionality of present and future existence has the character of retribution or reward for committed actions (and not the influence of inevitable divine or cosmic forces).

We can say that a person’s karma is the fate of his soul. But there is still the karma of the people, the country, the city, the clan, the family. Causal matter envelops everything that exists, both physically and astrally.

Karma in various philosophies.

The law of karma has a spiritual origin. Karma is not punishment or retribution, but rather the natural consequences of an individual's actions. Karmic consequences can also be neutralized through certain actions and are not necessarily part of an individual's destiny that cannot be changed. That is, a particular action practiced in the present does not bind a person to any particular future experience or reaction - karma is not so simple a relationship between reward and punishment.

IN scriptures Hinduism Karma is divided into three types: sanchita (accumulated), prarabdha (bearing fruit) and kriyamana (accumulated at the present moment). All kriyamana karma eventually turns into sanchita karma. From the stock of sanchita karma, for each incarnation of an individual, a handful is taken - and this handful of actions, which has already begun to bear fruit, and which will be exhausted only after its fruit is eaten, is called prarabdha karma. Thus, while the reserve of sanchita karma is not yet depleted, part of it is taken away as prarabdha karma, giving the individual karmic results in this life, and keeping him in the cycle of birth and death.

Followers of some systems of Hindu philosophy (such as Nyaya and Vaisesika ) believe that the law of karma is directly controlled by God - the Supreme Being, who created the world in accordance with this law. Thus, it is argued that adrishta - the virtuous and sinful karma of certain living beings - cannot by itself bring proper results, since it is an unreasonable, devoid of consciousness principle. The one who controls adrishta and distributes all the joys and sorrows of life according to karma is God.

In some other systems - such as Samkhya and Mimamsa - the law of karma is autonomous and acts independently of the will of God. According to these systems, the origin and structure of the Universe can be explained using the law of karma alone, without recognizing the existence of God.

IN Buddhist theory karma is created only by intentional, that is, conscious action, and not by any action at all. In Buddhist terminology, karma never refers to its consequences; its consequences are known as the “fruit” or “outcome” of karma (kamma-phala or kamma-vipaka). An intention can be good or bad, just as a desire can be good or bad. Good karma (kusala) gives good consequences in the future, and bad karma (akusala) gives bad consequences.

Now there will be the look of a person who is sure: everything we do affects everyone who participates in it - and, of course, ourselves. What I write will be logical only in this context. If you believe in what might be called karma, the law of contribution and return, the principle of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” this is for you. I do not rule out that you can think about the world in some other way. Well, everyone has the right to independently and from their own experience explore how it all works.

So, karma. Or not karma, call it what you want. A certain law according to which our actions directed outward return to us in the form of phenomena that are similar in essence. If you do magic, do Tarot readings... how does this same karma affect you?

Positive feedback.
Let's start with the fact that, most often, the motivation of a tarot reader and a wizard is to help. Sometimes this is a real impulse and reason, sometimes it is only a declared motive. The important thing is this: if you succeeded, and you really helped (it became clearer to the person, more correct, it has become stronger and lighter) - then you will feel it for yourself. Often at such moments you can feel this return “right here and now”: an upsurge of strength, joy, the same correctness and light. But there will also be a longer-term effect: if your work has changed a person’s life for the better, yours will also change for the better.

Negative return.
It happens that you have not done anything good for the client. They said and showed something for which he was not ready, in a way that he does not perceive; They gave him something that turned out to be unnecessary and went nowhere. At the same time, the querent spent energy on obtaining this result (from attention to money) - and his energy flowed nowhere, without creating anything valuable. Then you will feel a leak of energy from your life. One-time - probably a loss of strength and a headache, for example. If you don’t give people anything useful over and over again, money (a form of energy) may even begin to “accidentally” flow away.

Very negative feedback.
But what if your work is not just useless, but harms the client or someone else (for example, you cause damage - I hope not :))? Of course, you also catch this harm (in different shapes, but the type of energy is always similar). Yes, there are methods for distributing and redirecting the return. But I don't think anyone who practices it is smarter than the world they are trying to deceive.
By the way, even a simple layout can cause harm. Let's say you harshly and directively told a person that nothing will come of his business idea, and in general it is better for him to work for hire. And the man not only did not open a business, but also fell into depression and for years lost the opportunity to be happy and dream about something. Yes it yours responsibility, and you will share with the querent his troubles that your consultation caused.

There are also more specific points. For example, the layouts that I so often discuss are about what a certain third party is thinking or planning (unaware of the fact that the layout is being made for him at all). Essentially, you find out information that the person did not voluntarily share with you. This is no different except the method from hacking it mailbox, reading text messages or placing cameras in his bedroom. If you like to live in a world where this is the norm (and you admit that you have nothing particularly against the fact that they could do this to you) - it’s ok, continue. But only in this case. Because if you think that you can, even “purely for yourself”, “just for fun”, find out someone’s secrets and secret thoughts - be prepared one day to be also “read”, “viewed” and “listened to” "by someone else. And, due to the variety of methods and technologies, it is very likely that these will not be Tarot.

I decided to write a short article, for those who might find it useful, on the topic of karmic ties in relationships between people. What gave me the idea to write this article was the following. In a number of communities, forums, Lately I come across layouts in which tarot readers try to interpret ordinary relationships as karmic. In what cases can we say that people crossed paths in past lives, that their meeting is not accidental in the present?
Firstly, in order to judge whether a karmic union between people is or not, you need to use special layouts. In a normal layout, something can also come up on the topic of karma, but not always and not all cards need to be read in this section. There is an opinion that if in positions such as:
- The meaning of relationships.
- What is the relationship between us?
- Is this a karmic meeting?
- Who was I for him in the last incarnation?
And at similar points the Major Arcana falls out, then the dropped card should be interpreted at the karmic level and such relationships belong to karmic ones.
But first of all, let's figure out what a karmic union is. In order not to write “a lot of books” here, I’ll give a link to interesting article, for those who do not know what should be considered a karmic union. http://vladimir-hazan.com/articles/38.KAK_RASPOZNAT_SVOEGO_SUZHENNOGO.
You shouldn’t make a big and complex discussion about the karmic component of your relationship with someone, just because it seems to you that this relationship is karmic. Karmic relationships are very rare. They are always visible. This is a difficult relationship in which people cannot let each other go, but they cannot live together normally. Moreover, if a woman pines for her ex-partner, and he has forgotten to think about her, this does not mean that this relationship is karmic. Usually a karmic union is mutual torment for a couple who cannot be together, but it is also difficult for them to separate. People will get together, then separate, and this can continue for the rest of their lives. Even after separating and settling their lives with new partners, a karmic couple will acutely feel their karmic partner, even at a great distance. This can manifest itself in dreams, premonitions, and even visions. There are even cases where a karmic couple has separated and has not lived together for several years or even communicated. foresaw the death of her karmic partner at a great distance. There have been cases. when one of the karmic partners outlived the other by only a few days or died on the 9th, third day or on the anniversary of the partner’s death.
What cards in the layout can show a karmic connection?
I repeat, only in a specially designed layout. If such cards fall on certain points in any relationship layout, provided that the relationship is of an unusual nature, then it would be appropriate to make a special layout in order to make sure that we really have a karmic connection.
Here are some links to such layouts.
Pay special attention to such cards in the positions described above. The jester is like a new incarnation in a new quality.
Justice is like a karmic union where people have changed roles relative to past incarnations.
The Wheel of Fortune is like a new cycle of incarnations.
hanged as punishment for mistakes of past incarnations, untied karmic knots of past lives.
Death is like reincarnation.
The devil is like a fatal connection.
Judgment is like the most karmic card of the entire deck. In itself, it means resurrection in a new life, a new quality.
The world is like the end of a stage, the last incarnation.

I have long noticed that with the help of the Tarot you can view the deepest and karmic aspects. Even questions that are simple in nature can have a karmic impact. This manifests itself in different ways, but, as a rule, all this creates a number of obstacles that seem insurmountable at first glance.

Since we are talking about complex structures, they appear only when looking deeply at the situation, so conclusions about the karmic aspect can only be made when summing up the session. Thus, when performing a basic layout of 3 cards, it is extremely difficult to say whether there is a karmic aspect to the question or not. This requires at least several layouts (including special ones), or it should initially be a large viewing.

The main signal that karmic forces are interfering in the situation is the lasso Justice (VIII). When this arcana and the corresponding aspects appear, we can safely say that there is the influence of one’s own or generic karma.

For a basic understanding, I distinguish for myself two paths of karmic influence:

1. Own karma, which affects a person from his past lives. Arcana "Wheel of Fortune" shows exactly this way.

2. Ancestral karma, which affects through the family and family tree. This path can open like through a lasso "Empress"(feminine), and through the lasso "Emperor"(masculine).

Regardless of the path of influence, the karmic aspect can manifest itself in different ways, but, as a rule, in three main forms:

1. Lesson – lasso “High Priest”.

In this case, we are saying that the situation that has arisen is given to a person as a lesson, and until the appropriate conclusions are drawn, the situation will not move.

2. Test – lasso “Chariot”.

Here we are talking about the fact that a person has a test along the way that should harden and give strength.

3. Weighting – lasso “The Hanged Man”.

This aspect is the most difficult, as it is passed on from generation to generation. It’s like a “cross”, a kind of burden that prevents you from realizing it.

Not only the major arcana can speak of karmic influence, but also some of the minor ones can have a karmic aspect, for example all eights.

© Dmitry Diamant.

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