Training Is a relationship possible without male infidelity? Who are you? Come out, show yourself: the roles of a woman, archetypes and her true face Sound manifestations - Listen

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28-04-2016, 17:20

An elderly sad girl, an infantile woman or a young old woman - all these are inconsistencies in the role and context, which to one degree or another prevent women of different ages from enjoying life. At every moment of fate, a woman lives a kind of role with certain tasks, images, patterns of thinking and behavior. But sometimes an image or thinking from one period dominates another. And it’s good if it brings joy and pleasure to its owner. And if not? And if she is over 40, she still dreams of an ideal prince and dresses like a teenager?

How then to understand which of the archetypes has not been fully lived or is too “worn out”? Is there a chance to correct the inconsistencies that interfere with your own happiness? Is it possible at a later age to make up for lost time in youth or to overcome the excessive attraction of behavior and image uncharacteristic of one’s status?

The head of the women's project, Olga Spiritsa, assures that everything is possible, especially if you have the ability to understand and analyze your own roles and archetypes. And to start understanding them, here are some tips.

Baby from birth to 6-8 years

The first moments of a baby's life are very important and significant for many processes and functions. Ask your mother what happened to you in the first hours after giving birth. Did everything go smoothly and naturally or did you struggle for life? The answers to these questions will indicate your strategies for how you achieve success in life.

The first experience determines whether a woman will strive for success alone or whether she will need other people and helpers in her life. Also, the experience of birth unconsciously determines a woman’s attitude towards pregnancy and motherhood in general.

Ask your family how your first year of life was? If during this period there were serious quarrels between parents or difficult moves, then the little girl could develop a distrust of the world and other people. And in her youth she will probably be bothered by this topic. If in the first year the child was taken care of, hugged often, taught to express emotions and desires, then at an older age the girl will be naturally feminine, open, treating herself and others with respect and love.

Life period from 1 to 7 years

At this time, the child learns to realize his worth and uniqueness, develops self-confidence, and learns to build boundaries with other people. How did this stage go for you? Who helped you at this age?

Child psychologists often say that the development of children, especially girls, is extremely negatively affected by academic workload: foreign languages, counting, reading. This may be true, but from the point of view of archetypal cycles it is explained simply: self-confidence and self-worth are directly related to social achievements, academic success. Therefore, you should not be surprised that a 40-year-old woman can go for another diploma, thus compensating for the desire to feel important and needed.

7 years and first grade of school is a crisis. Each period, as a rule, ends with a crisis, overcoming which a person moves to the next level of his development. How did this crisis stage happen for you? How did you survive the breakup with your mother's egregor? Did you like school and your classmates, did you feel comfortable and interesting there? Did anything or someone help you integrate into the new environment?

Teenage girl from 6-8 to 14-15 years old – Princess

Do you know what the shadow side of the Princess archetype is? She was everyone's favorite, who so wants to become the Little Robber. Primary School- time of socialization, the girl learns to communicate with different people, including those who are not entirely clear to her, whom she is not ready to accept.

At this time, the girl finds or does not find her place in the group of children, understands her role:

An excellent student whose homework is always copied;

The girl everyone is in love with;

A bully, capable of fighting even with boys and snapping back at the teacher.

The first attachments appear - serious friendship, falling in love, adults who do not understand anything, as well as... one’s own opinion and attitude to what is happening around.

Do you remember how you lived this period? How were your relationships with peers built? What role did you have in the class? If you suddenly changed schools at this age, were you able to correct the mistakes you made at your previous school? Which elders did you listen to, accept or challenge what your teachers taught you?

During this period, it is important for a girl to learn to be responsible, to see the consequences of her actions and accept feedback from the environment, to be prepared for the fact that sometimes the world can be unpredictable.

When there are younger children in the family, and the girl is made obligated to help and take care of them, there is a danger of “pulling” her into the mother archetype too early. To prevent this from happening in such a situation, she should be allowed to help the mother look after the younger children (responsibility training) so that she has the right to refuse this responsibility and go about her business.

If a girl has learned to blame the cat for a broken vase, and to see bad grades as the machinations of a hostile teacher or classmates, this will later manifest itself in corresponding judgments, behavior and assessments of the surrounding reality.

At this age, many interesting and surprising things happen for a girl, emotionally and physiologically. She understands that her mother is not a goddess, but an ordinary woman. There is a break with the mother's egregor.

During this period, it happens that parents do not allow the child to rebel: they punish him for disobedience and pranks, do not allow him to make mistakes, prevent him from seeing and understanding feedback on his misdeeds, forbid him to go out on his own and take responsibility for his decisions.

If through this it was possible to drown out the girl’s internal reference, she calms down and becomes a “mother’s daughter.” She accepts only the light side of her archetype, unaware of and rejecting the powerful resources of the dark side. At a later age, this manifests itself in the inability to set goals, a lack of understanding of one’s desires - the protrusion of external reference, which can be roughly expressed as follows: “Tell me what to do, who to marry, what kind of person I should be...”

Attachment to mom and her opinion becomes all-consuming: from choosing clothes to choosing activities in free time. A girl will never understand her strength and worth if she has not been put to the test and learned what she is capable of. By the way, it is during this period that children begin to actively lie. They have had this ability since the age of three, but now the lie becomes multi-step and sophisticated.

Remember to whom, how and about what you lied at this age? Perhaps this is what makes you still afraid of being rejected? What were you doing and hobbies during this time? Perhaps this is the best activity for you today.

Girl from 14-15 to 21-23 years old - Fairy

The light side of the archetype during this period is the Fairy, the main theme is choice. The girl develops the ability to consider, evaluate, make decisions, choose results - independently.

She experiences events in her life that are significant for her self-identification: her first sexual experience, her first money earned, the choice of a profession or refusal to work for hire, the desire to organize her own business.

The decisions made at this time, like the first moments of birth, will influence later life. However, everything can be rethought if something goes wrong. For example, if the first money is earned with difficulty or lightly, later it will be possible to work through your attitudes and correct the situation if it negatively affects life. This is exactly what is being studied in classes as part of the project “Profiling to Guard Women’s Happiness.” And the best thing that parents, adult relatives and friends can give a girl during these years is to expand her view of the world, to offer a variety of options for the development of situations and solutions.

The negative scenario of this period is a state of boredom and a feeling of the path traveled, boundaries and frameworks: you have made a choice - go to the end; promised - must be fulfilled; agreed - don’t even think about refusing; I've already done so much - I have to see it through to the end.
In a relationship, this may look like this, for example: a girl, disappointed in a man, continues the relationship, afraid of offending him, not knowing how to refuse and make her dislike known. Or in the context of choosing a profession, this situation: a second-year student realizes that she has chosen the wrong thing, but her parents insist that she needs to finish her studies.

If there was no self-determination either in choosing a man or in choosing a profession, if the choice turned out to be wrong, then at an older age a woman:

Or he will find his own strategy of trial, error and solutions;

Either he will strive to avoid making decisions in principle;

Either he will shift responsibility to others;

Or wait until the last minute until the situation resolves itself.

But when you have to accept responsibility in all areas, a crisis of this period occurs. And if the rebel girl expressed herself in the format of “freedom from,” then in this case it turns out to be “freedom for”: not just doing something the other way around, but expressing her desires through it. A kind of 3D freedom: physical, material and psychological.

If at this age, for any reason, a woman has not gone through the stages of liberation, this may negatively affect her future life. The elements of behavior, communication, and style laid down precisely during this period accompany a woman for many years. If you are unhappy with something at that moment in your life, allow yourself to go back there and replay the decisions made at that time.

Young woman from 21-23 to 28-30 years old - Carmen

The dark side of the archetype is Carmen. The theme of trials and struggle for the perfect choice, the first big crisis in life.

At the previous stage, the woman searched, tried and chose, as if touching the water in the sea with her toes, and now it’s time to check her decisions. Through struggle, difficulties and competition, she proves first of all to herself, and then to other people, what she is worth.

One of the traps of this period is to think and say that a man should: earn money, protect from ill-wishers, woo a woman. More precisely, a man can do all this if he is now in the same phase, but if he has gone through it before or is just about to have it, a harmonious relationship will not work out.

Must/should... To whom?! For what? Excellent formulations for manipulations in the Karpman triangle format, but not for harmonious relationships. We also talk about manipulative techniques in relationships as part of the project “Profiling to Guard Women’s Happiness.”

This period helps a young woman become mature, gives her strength and fearlessness, teaches her to regain what she has lost: lost money, a wounded soul, a tarnished reputation. But then the second trap of pseudo-femininity lurks - the formulation “oh well!” Well, okay, I won’t return the man I love, I won’t work hard at work, I won’t achieve my goal. It’s much easier to wait for everything to work out on its own and think that if on the second day of the diet a bun was so tempting to put into your mouth, it means the diet is bad.

At this time, the woman looks back at her friends and wonders about the meaning of her life:

Young mothers worry about unfinished careers;

Career women talk about not getting married and having children;

Creative individuals about instability;

Materialists talk about learning to draw or sing.

Therefore, the third dead end for Carmen will be a passion for other people's dreams and values. The temptation is great: the years go by and it’s so scary to miss the main thing! If you are currently in this period, you can see your true “important” in your own activities and hobbies at the age of 6-8 to 14-15 years.

Woman from 28-30 to 35-37 years old - Hunter

The light side of the archetype of this age period is the Huntress. The time has come for the woman to calm down, relax, and become happy with what she managed to conquer.

Think back to the themes that were present in your life at earlier stages. You have been socialized, learned to make decisions, stand up for what you choose and fight to the end, and now it’s time to meet femininity.

If a woman is not satisfied with her personal relationships or profession, she can change them, but the wisdom of this stage lies in the fact that all future changes occur taking into account previous experience. Don’t start from scratch, don’t chase achievements and don’t do everything yourself, but allow other people to share your experience, learn from you and, having realized your strength, go free swimming or accept your values ​​and walk alongside.

In the Fairy archetype, a woman trained in creating paired relationships: me and a man, me and work, me and a child. At this stage, her gaze widens, from a flashlight beam to a crystal chandelier with many candles. She no longer helps others directly, does not spend her time and energy to get someone out of a difficult situation. She simply lives, follows her own Path and shines for herself, which does not prevent those around her from basking in or seeing something in this light.

How exactly can a woman shine during this period of her life? For example, if in the early stages she became a mother, then she realizes this event and makes a business project that solves her problem and can help other mothers. If previously the results were quite fast and the projects short, then development can take several years and you need to be patient to bring it to the desired level and result. If a woman built a career in the early stages, then here she will want to transform her experience into creativity.

It is not so important whether she opens her own business or goes to work for hire. It is important that her attitude from “give me” is transformed into a motherly, caring and aware “accept”. Such a woman helps a man understand his path - he does something, achieves, receives... Why? What is its purpose and uniqueness? Such a woman helps her man find meaning, which means he gets inspiration for new achievements. Taking care of others, she takes care of herself; motherhood has expanded her personal boundaries to the size of a family, a company or an entire state. She is happy when those around her are happy and, most importantly, she knows how to do it.

The crisis of this period is that she, as the mistress of her land, must get rid of weeds from time to time:

Unnecessary but beautiful things in the attic;

Employees who are good people but do not produce the desired results;

Ideas that captivate, but threaten to consume “all reserves for the winter.”

And no matter how difficult it may be on the bright side of the archetype, when you want to be good and nice to everyone, it is necessary to do this.

Adult woman from 35-37 to 42-44 years old - Amazon

During this period, a woman experiences the dark side of the Amazon archetype and, perhaps for the first time in her life, pays close attention to her inner world.

If children were born at the previous level, here they become independent and adults. If a good business has been created, it scales. The main theme of this level of development is the understanding that your value is not in the ability to do something, caring and helping others, not in the beauty of your body and face, but in something completely different. The time comes when you need to find pleasure in active anticipation, pleasant solitude.

This is the time when it's time to master a new talent and add it to your previous experience to find a new you. Relationships with your spouse, parents, children and friends also change - this is a living process. To live harmoniously, you don’t need to hold on to old formats, you need to creatively rethink and create something new, perhaps unacceptable and unaccepted at an early age.

If the previous stages were not completed, then this period can be very bitter. For example, if a woman has not fully experienced the warmth and trust in the world in the Princess archetype, she may feverishly search in this archetype. new profession, ignoring the experience of past classes, compete with young girls and suffer bitterly from inadequacy. If a woman has not mastered the lessons of the Fairy, then she will suffer from wrinkles on her face and changing body proportions, making endless plastic surgery and buy youth clothes, because he has no idea what else, besides appearance, he can seduce another person, how to be interesting and bright for himself. If a woman has not lived the bright side of the Huntress, in the Amazon archetype she will strive with all her might to keep her children close to her, preventing them from developing, growing up and living their own lives (similarly with business).

The crisis of this period, which leads to the next archetype, is that a woman answers for herself the questions “Who am I? What I want? What am I doing and why?”, after which she begins to realize her cherished dream, since she has already completed all social tasks.

Mature woman from 42-44 to 49-51- Mentor

The bright side of the Mistress archetype is the Mentor. A woman’s social activity aimed at her own success decreases, but her involvement in her personal development increases. Travel, intimate conversations, a new craft for the soul. As you remember, at the previous stage the woman thought about her dream, now she already has time for this and still has a lot of strength and inspiration.

Feminine wisdom and royal dignity, which are formed thanks to previously lived archetypes, make this woman a welcome guest wherever a balanced opinion and experience is important. Even if she has not managed people before, they will begin to turn to her for advice.

If the dark side of the Amazon was lived correctly, then such a woman got rid of friendship out of habit, let her children go into adulthood and achieved new sincerity with her husband. She can enter into a new relationship, and at this level the formal side of love, the stamp in the passport and the opinion of her friends will not be important.

In this cycle, parents die, reminding us that life has an end. But it is important to accept that now it is you who personify the older generation, and now it is important to live your life without other people’s projections and assessments. During this period, a woman may experience her first serious illnesses, and archetypes here can also be a clue: the gynecological sphere speaks of an unlived Carmen, a tumor speaks of the ignored joys of the Princess archetype. If the acceptance of life, in which there is death and illness, went well, then the Mentor makes the most of the gifts of previously lived archetypes and becomes:

Curious and cheerful like a Princess;

Sharp-tongued and passionate like a Fairy or Carmen;

Creating and helping as a Huntress;

Wise, with a holistic view of the world, like a Mentor.

She rethinks her life goals and her inner circle. The feeling of the pricelessness of every day and the people who are nearby - this is her basic state!

Wise woman from 49-51 to infinity - Mistress

The dark side of the Mistress archetype is the Stepmother, but if a woman lived her previous periods in time and harmoniously, then this one can become the longest and most fulfilling in her life. The achievements of modern medicine are responsible for the duration, and the experience and lessons of previous archetypes that we carry with us, accumulating them as resources, are responsible for the fullness.

Few people manage to live up to this period and not get stuck in the archetype of the Mentor who feeds, cares, reminds about a warm hat in winter, supports with money and excessive advice. This happens because, apart from rare books and films about older women whom we want to be guided by, we know very little about what else a mature woman can be like. And the role of the mother is visible and socially supported and promoted.

At this stage, grandchildren appear, to whom a woman who has not found herself strives to be needed, to devote herself to them and her children who have become adults. Another option is that if the previous archetypes have not been lived, the woman begins to live them in all sorts of forms. For example, through clothes, as if playing out previous roles and trying to regain lost youth (situations with young grandmothers in minis).

If the bright side of the Mistress was rejected, and the woman was not ready to look at herself in a new way, there is a chance that she will become fixated on the past and begin to blame others for the mistakes of her life, becoming a petty, envious and greedy old woman.

With a successful development in this period, a woman rethinks, realizes her life, draws conclusions that help her continue to look for new meanings in life and answers to questions that are important to her in books, travel, and communication.

During this period, we become freer from social conventions, which means we open up to real creativity and creativity. This is the power and attractiveness of the Mistress archetype: initiation of a new generation, transmission vitality and wisdom. She populates the previously re-conscious world with new actions and creativity.

Unfortunately, today the institution of the family is not experiencing better times. And everyone is trying to improve your “unit of society”: from your mother-in-law or friend, who have intimate conversations and give various advice like “wife-neck” or “pretend that you are having an affair at work,” to religious figures who preach : “love your neighbor (i.e. husband) as yourself.” There are other “psychic doctors” who will spend years removing “damage” and “love spells” from a cheater or an errant wife.

By the way, did you know that the answer to the question: “Did he cheat on me or not?”, which is most often asked by “victims” who want to test their beloved with a “lie detector”, is useless? It’s not difficult to find out the truth, the point is different. Cheating is just feedback given by a marriage partner. Another thing is what to do about this, what to do next, how to prevent this from happening?

Any betrayal can be prevented: before crossing the line, the husband warns hundreds of times that betrayal is just around the corner! But to understand this, you need to observe, hear and understand men.

They say that a new hairstyle, a beautiful peignoir and role-playing games. If everything were so simple, then a huge number of women would not turn to psychologists for help. The fact is that all men cannot be “rown with the same brush.” Yes, without a doubt, these cool methods work, but only on one type of guy.

Every man, one way or another, is motivated by various life principles to be active. Some are driven by a thirst for adventure and pleasure (sex-drugs-rock-n-roll), others - the status of the woman who submits to them is important, others - the sweet feeling of power over their partner, fourth - they need the tenderness and care that a woman gives them, others - they increase your self-esteem by collecting sexual victories. There are also types who want to, but are hesitant (“no matter what happens”), and those for whom the eternal autumn of life is depression (“a camel has two humps, because life is a struggle”), but the latter, as a rule, , are less interesting to women and in matters of betrayal, such men, most often, turn out to be the suffering party. Of course, this classification is also suitable for women, but in this case we are talking about male infidelity.

Runs after every skirt? Give him a fishing rod!

The simplest, one might say, “zoological” type is an incorrigible womanizer (yes, the same one who has an excess of “passion hormones” in the body from birth to old age). In fact, everything is simple here: in order to live in peace and fidelity, a woman needs to find her husband a hobby in which the adrenaline rush will go off scale. Make your “gulen” an avid fisherman, hunter, racer. Professionals will tell you how to choose the right hobby, and most importantly, how to gently and unobtrusively turn your man into other interests. To do this, you need to find a basic need and apply the correct speech formulations, build a conversation in the right direction and at the right time, tracking the reaction of your beloved. This is already a whole art. If this question is important to you, then do not spare your stomach, that is, time to gain knowledge. Better yet, improve your relationships under the strict guidance of experienced psychologists. And do it very, very carefully: “on cat’s paws.”

Sex or life?

Just a few words about a man and sex. We all know that sex plays a different role in the lives of the weaker and stronger sex. But the results scientific research, which were conducted by the head of the “Academy”, are truly shocking: difficult living conditions, hunger, cold, thirst, and even the fear of death that men face in war are nothing compared to the lack of sex and that after two months any (! ) a mature woman is the most desirable object and beauty queen for a man. Regardless of his age, education, temperament and personality type. Another question is what each of them does with this wild desire. This is all to say:

“Educating a husband by refusing to go to bed” in almost 100% of cases ricochets back to the wife.

The main reason for cheating: falsehood in relationships!

What else pushes men “to the left”? Of course, a woman’s low self-esteem, unkempt appearance, despondency, lack of time, lack of interests. They affect family discord regardless of the type or temperament of the man. It's no secret that men cheat on women who don't love or respect themselves. How can I change this? Here, by the way, the “true-false” criterion comes into play again.

If a woman values ​​herself only in words, but deep down does not agree with this, then it does not work; real states are read by the partner on a physical, intuitive level.

And if we already touched on the topic of falsehood, let us remind you that no matter how dodgy actors people are, true attitudes, emotions and moods, such as resentment, dislike, irritation, will sooner or later be “read off” from you by your partner! And all the actions that follow from this can sometimes be committed by him unconsciously, based precisely on this, “feeling with his back.” How to be honest with yourself and your partner. To love and to be loved?

Is there a way out? Yes: change it yourself!

Change yourself, not just your husband, but your relationship! Is it possible to cope with all these problems on your own? Maybe! And those who could have already resolved this issue in their family. But since you are reading this article, our help may still be relevant to you. Ideal men does not exist, just like ideal women. But lovely ladies are by nature more flexible and therefore it is in your power to make sure that your personal life is not overshadowed by the words “betrayal”, “rival”, “divorce and maiden name”. You can, of course, leave everything as it is and not solve this problem. Every day you feel humiliated and insulted, feel a bundle of nerves, hear your neighbor’s laughter in the back, see the unhappy eyes of your children (or your own, in the mirror). There is only one life, and what it will be like: happy or not - it’s up to you to decide! There is always a choice!

Some are interested in whether the actions that Olga and Evgeniy talk about are manipulation? "No! - say the project trainers, - we respect the concept of sincerity and our main task (or mission, if you want) is for as many people as possible to take off their masks and become themselves and be happy. Separation of lies from truth, including self-deception - as the eradication of the source of many problems - is something new; this knowledge has not yet been replicated in our country, at least among the broad masses. Many of the methods we use are based on sciences such as anthropology and psychophysiology, which study humans and predict their behavior.”

About the experts:

“Profiling” is the prediction of a person’s behavior through the compilation of his psychological profile. This technique makes it possible to practically predict the future. Based on personality analysis, it is possible to predict a person’s behavior in certain situations, identify inclinations and preferences in various areas of his life and activity.

Profilers Evgeniy Spiritsa and Olga Starodumova, representatives of " International Academy studies of lies” are engaged in precisely such studies of the human psyche. They study lies from a scientific point of view, analyze a person's behavior and character and present it as an open book. From this knowledge arose a separate project for women, “Profiling on Guard.” female happiness", where Evgeniy and Olga are trainers and willingly share their accumulated experience.


It’s no secret that after the release of the series “Lie to Me,” the topic of profiling is becoming increasingly popular.

Profiling is, if exaggerated, nothing more than operational recognition. In fact, this science includes a huge set of knowledge and skills that will not just appear and require significant experience and training.

For example, it is important for us to understand not only who is in front of you, what to expect from him and whether this person is deceiving you, but also to understand his main motives, predict behavior, develop a scheme and line of behavior with this particular person, find out why and how he lies ... and much more! In essence, profiling is scanning a person as completely as possible. But don’t be alarmed, no one will read our thoughts, and they won’t use knowledge about us for selfish purposes either! Maybe…

So, first you need to have an idea of ​​the main types of signs of elements of appearance, taking into account their forensic classification.

After a little training, using your own face and the faces of your friends as a model to study the signs of appearance, you can learn to characterize the signs of appearance. As a result, skills in using the verbal portrait technique will be formed.


The main options for signs of appearance elements are given using the example of male faces.

When observing women's faces, you should keep in mind: their characteristics are the same, but the differences appear in the direction of the grace of facial features. The elements are smaller in size. They, as a rule, do not have extreme degrees of expression, for example, a large nose, a massive lower jaw, a protruding eyebrow, etc. But in general, this forensic classification is equally used to study both male and female faces.

Figure 1 shows the main options for the general configuration of the face (face shape), which are determined by its approximation to one of such well-known geometric shapes as a circle, oval, square, rectangle, triangle, rhombus.

Face shape

In order to understand form the face of a particular person, it is necessary to mentally outline its contour or imagine which of the above-mentioned geometric figures it is closer to, which one, so to speak, fits into. In this case, in men, attention is paid to the structure of the lower jaw, which largely determines the shape of the face. For example, comparing image “a” with “e” in Figure 1, you can see how the lower parts of these faces differ.

The structure of the upper part of the human head, called the cerebral part of the skull by anatomists, also matters. Her form can also be different, as can be seen in the pictures. But it can be hidden by a headdress and hairstyle.


Figure 2 shows options for eyebrow contours, determined by their upper edge, which is compared with a straight, arched one. Winding, broken lines. Sometimes the upper edge forms the top of a triangle, and the lower edge forms its base. The contour of such eyebrows is called triangular.

Brows They are also distinguished by their position relative to the eyes (a conventionally horizontal line connecting the outer and inner corners of each eye).

Eyebrows can be positioned horizontally (Fig. 3 a) - the head (the part of the eyebrow closest to the bridge of the nose) and the tail part of the eyebrow (located closer to the temple) are on the same line. There may be a different position of the tail part of the eyebrow. It can be located noticeably above the head of the eyebrow - oblique external position (Fig. 3 b), or noticeably lower - oblique internal (Fig. 3 c). the latter option is extremely rare. This position of the eyebrows gives a sad expression to the face along with downturned corners of the mouth.

Rice. 2. Eyebrow contour: a – straight; b – arcuate; c – tortuous; g – broken; d – triangular.
Fig3. Eyebrow position: a – horizontal; b – oblique internal; c – oblique.

Eyebrows can be wide (Fig. 4 b) and narrow (Fig. 4 c). For comparison, eyebrows are given with average width (Fig. 4 a).

Fig.4. Eyebrow width: a – average; b – large; c – small.

Eyebrows also differ in their length or length - medium (Fig. 5 a); long - the heads of the eyebrows are close together, and the tail parts are noticeably removed from the outer corners of the eyes (Fig. 5 b); short - the tail of the eyebrow does not protrude beyond the outer corner of the eye (Fig. 5c).

Fig.5. Eyebrow length: a – average; b – large (long eyebrows); c – small (short eyebrows).

A variant of long eyebrows is fused, when the heads of the eyebrows are close to each other (Fig. 6 a). They can be located remotely from each other (Fig. 6 b). This relative position of the heads is typical for short eyebrows.


Eyes carry a lot of information. It is not without reason that they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. They play a big role in conveying the internal state of a person. Their expression says a lot about his emotions. Fright, fear, anger, contempt, etc. are first of all read in the eyes. Knowing this property of the eyes, some hide them with tinted glasses. In newspaper publications, to make the face less recognizable, the eyes are covered with a dark stripe. Criminals often use dark glasses to make it difficult for the victim to remember their appearance.

For the verbal portrait technique, the following eye characteristics are distinguished:

  • the degree of their opening (Fig. 7);
  • contour (Fig. 8);
  • position (Fig. 9).

According to the opening of the eyes, they are normal, medium (Fig. 7 a), wide open, conditionally surprised (Fig. 7 b), may have a small opening, squinted (Fig. 7 c).

Sometimes such eyes are called narrow.

The contour of the palpebral fissures depends primarily on the position of the fixed part of the upper eyelid relative to the eyeball and the movable part of the eyelid, which closes and opens the eyeball.

With almond-shaped, oval and round contours (Fig. 7 a-c), the moving part of the eyelid is visible along its entire length. The difference between these contrast options is determined by the structure of the eye orbits, as well as the degree of protrusion of the eyeball, which makes it possible to see either most of the iris (Fig. 8a, b) or all of it (Fig. 8c).

When the fixed part of the upper eyelid covers the outer corner of the eye, then such a contour is conventionally called triangular (Fig. 8 d). If it covers almost the entire upper part of the eyeball, leaving only the inner corner of the eye open, then these are slit-shaped eyes (Fig. 8e).

The position of the eye slits gives expressiveness to the face. It can be horizontal, normal (Figure 9 a) and inclined.

If the outer corners of the eyes are noticeably higher than the inner ones, then this is an oblique position of the palpebral fissures (Fig. 9 b). Such eyes are sometimes called slanted.

If the outer corners of the eyes are lower than the inner ones, which is quite rare, then this is an oblique internal position of the palpebral fissures (Fig. 9 c).


Nose- an element of the face that is assessed by its size and shape. Usually people have an idea of ​​which nose is considered large and which is beautiful in shape. However, to study appearance for the purpose of its identification, more detailed knowledge of the characteristics of this element is necessary.

When characterizing the nose according to its overall size, the following are distinguished:

  • medium, so-called ordinary noses (Fig. 10 a)
  • large – noticeable on the face (Fig. 10 b)
  • small (Fig. 10 c), most often found in persons with small facial features.

The following signs of the nose are observed in profile. The length of the bridge of the nose is determined, which can be:

  • average (Fig. 11 a)
  • large (Fig. 11 b)
  • small (short nose) – (Fig. 11 c). Usually the long and short bridges of the nose are striking, which attract attention when observing the head in profile.

The contour of the back of the nose, the position of its base and the shape of the tip are significant. The contour of the back differs in the configuration of the line that forms it. She may be:

  • straight (Fig. 12.a)
  • convex, humpbacked (Fig. 12b)
  • concave (Fig. 12 c)
  • winding, uneven (Fig. 12 d)

Rice. 12. Contour of the back of the nose: a – straight; b- convex; c – concave; g – tortuous.

The location of the lower part of the nose is characterized by such a feature as the position of the base. It could be:

  • horizontal (Fig. 13 a)
  • lowered (Fig. 13 b)
  • raised (Fig. 13 c) - such noses are usually called snub noses.

The tip of the nose can be rounded (Fig. 14a) and pointed (Fig. 14b).

Fig. 14. The shape of the tip of the nose: a – rounded; b - pointed.


The next element of the face is mouth. It is difficult to observe and study, because, like the eyes, people use it more for communication; it transmits information, both audio and emotional, expressing one or another state of a person - disgusted, angry, arrogant, etc. No wonder the English forensic artist J. Penry said that The mouth is the battlefield of the face.

Like other elements of the face, the mouth primarily differs in relative size, determined by the length of the oral fissure.

The mouth can be:

  • average (Fig. 15 a);
  • large (Fig. 15 b);
  • small, “neat” (Fig. 15 c).

Close to this feature is the total width of the lip border, which can be:

  • medium, normal (Fig. 16 a);
  • large, such a mouth is called “lipped” (Fig. 16 b);
  • small – lips are narrow (Fig. 16 c).

Fig. 15. mouth size: a – average; b - big; c – small.
Rice. 16. Width of the lip border: a - average; b – large; c - small.

In a closed state, the lips are characterized by the line of their closure, which can be:

  • straight
  • arched – if the corners of the mouth are drooping
  • wavy - the line bends smoothly
  • broken line

For facial expression, such a sign of the mouth is important as the position of its corners, which can be horizontal (Fig. 18 a).

The corners of the mouth can be raised, which is characteristic of a smiling mouth (Fig. 18 b) and lowered (Fig. 18 c), a position that is characteristic of a sad, dejected facial expression.

Rice. 18. Position of the corners of the mouth: a – horizontal; b – raised; in - omitted.

In profile, when looking at a person from the side, the so-called protrusion of the lips attracts attention. It may be missing. Moreover, the lips seem to be drawn in; It is customary to say sunken mouth (Fig. 19 a). This is also typical for older people who have lost teeth and do not wear dentures. The upper lip may protrude above the lower lip (Fig. 19 b). Or, more often, a protrusion of the lower lip (Fig. 19 c), giving the face a disgusted, arrogant expression.

The contour of the edge of the upper lip gives expressiveness to the mouth. He can be:

  • straight (Fig. 20a)
  • arched (Fig. 20 b)
  • tortuous, - “bow sponges” (Fig. 20. c)


Chin attracts attention when it is large, protruding, or small, pointed. But more often, chins refer to such elements of appearance that are not recorded in memory and are characterized by the word ordinary. However, for portrait identification, the following characteristics of the chin are used: its size, width, contour, protrusion observed in profile.

The size of the chin can be:

  • average (Fig. 21 a)
  • large (Fig. 21 b)
  • small (Fig. 21 c)

In width - medium (Fig. 22 a), wide (Fig. 22 b) in people with a massive lower jaw and small, narrow (Fig. 22 c).

The protrusion of the chin depends on the position of the lower jaw: it can be normal, medium straight (Fig. 23 a), the lower jaw can protrude relative to the upper jaw, and accordingly the chin will be protruding (Fig. 23 B). If the upper jaw protrudes. The chin is called sloping or “running away” (Fig. 23 c).

The contour of the edge of the chin is:

  • rounded (Fig. 24 a)
  • triangular, pointed (Fig. 24 b)
  • square (Fig. 24 c) - this contour occurs in people with a wide, massive lower jaw.

In overweight people, it is not possible to trace the contour of the chin - it is hidden by folds of fat (the so-called “double”, “triple” chin). Features of the chin include folds, dimples, and a variation - a noticeable notch in the center of its outline.


Ears or ears, and other elements of the face are noticeable if they stand out due to their size and protrusion. In other cases, signs of the auricles do not appear in the verbal portrait.

For portrait identification, this is an important element of the face, since their structure is individual for each person.

The size of the ears differs as follows:

  • medium (Fig. 25 a)
  • large, large (Fig. 25 b)
  • small (Fig. 25 c)

Protrusion as a sign is noticeable if a person has short hair. Protrusion can be:

  • medium, normal (Fig. 26 a)
  • large (Fig. 26 b) - people with such ears are called lop-eared. The protrusion can also be small (Fig. 26 c) in this case the ears are adjacent to the head, as if pressed against it.

Rice. 26. Protrusion of the ears: a – average; b – large; c - small.

In the face of every person one can find signs of asymmetry, i.e. discrepancy between the structural features of paired facial elements such as eyebrows, eyes, wings of the nose, etc. A difference between the right and left halves of the face may be noticeable (Fig. 27)

Rice. 27

Such a difference is rarely immediately noticeable. Most often it is insignificant, for example, one eyebrow is slightly higher than the other, one corner of the mouth is horizontal, the other is lowered.

The severity and position of the nasolabial folds, etc., differ.

Signs of asymmetry, in turn, are important for identification. Because their set is individual for each person.

At the same time, as studies by psychologists have shown, the smallest body movements, facial expressions, changes in voice timbre, intonation, and so-called slips of the tongue can tell a lot about a person.

All this together forms those elements of behavior that can tell an attentive observer a lot about the essence and true intentions of this person who has presented a document proving his identity.

In this regard, psychologists (H. Rückle, P. Ekmman, etc.) propose, along with verbal communication, to carefully observe facial expressions, movements of the body and limbs, since a person may have difficulty or even not be able to control his subtle movements and small features your behavior. Therefore, they are those insignificant signals that give to others the sensations a person actually experiences.

Facial expressions

Facial expressions- this is the movement of the muscles of the face, due to which it as a whole or its parts take on one or another expression. Facial expression, which is the result of movements of the corresponding muscles, can have different expressions - strong (a face with rich facial expressions), weak (a “frozen” face).

Facial expression is the external expression of a person’s internal experiences. However, an adult can control the movement of facial muscles. He develops an automatic habit of controlling his facial expression, so he can lie or tell the truth, and sometimes both at the same time.


However, there is something called micro-expression, what is sometimes called a fleeting facial expression. Microexpression is a complete facial expression of emotion, so quick that it is usually not noticed. Microexpression is compressed in time, but the feeling in it is fully manifested, albeit in an abbreviated form.

But even a little training, according to American psychologist Paul Ekman, allows most people to notice fleeting facial expressions.

The more a person tries to control the movement of his facial muscles, the more important for the observer all kinds of involuntary facial movements that accompany the person’s internal state, his suppressed reaction to a particular situation become.

Facial expression can be masked by a smile, but signs of experienced emotions appear in the forehead and upper eyelids.

The source of information in the eye area is the direction of gaze. A person usually averts his eyes or lowers them when he does not want any of his intentions, interest, etc. to appear in his gaze.

Thus, the smallest signs of facial movements must be taken into account when communicating.

If you see facial expressions that do not correspond to the situation, an imitation of a smile, a tense facial expression, then we can make the assumption that the person is worried about some problems.

But to convey a certain expression to the face, facial expressions can be selected, appropriate facial expressions can be rehearsed (affability, disinterest, indifference, etc.) Therefore, it is necessary to observe not only facial expressions, which can generally be controlled, but also the position of the arms and legs , Torso Horst Rückle states: body parts located closer to the head are easier to control than those further away from it. In accordance with this, parts of the body that are distant from the head express real emotions, and parts of the body located closer to the head express simulated emotions. In particular, leg movements are poorly controlled.

The fact is that in the process of communication (interaction) between people, most of the information (60 - 80%) is transmitted through gestures, posture, and only 20 - 40% of the information is transmitted through speech.

Therefore, you should pay attention to the following behavioral reactions.

For example:

When people are happy, they smile. When they are sad, they frown. When they are angry, they have an “angry” look. Throughout the world, nodding your head signifies “yes” or affirmation. Shaking the head to indicate denial or disagreement is also universal. The shrug gesture means that a person does not know or does not understand what is being said.

A person is rarely aware that his posture, gestures and movements may contradict what his voice communicates.

Non-speech elements of human behavior

As an example, below are some non-speech elements of human behavior.

Set of positive gestures

  • affirmative nod of the head;
  • bare palms;
  • body tilt forward;
  • head raised up;
  • good relaxed posture;
  • face fully turned to the partner with a direct gaze;
  • eyes wide open.

Set of negative gestures

  • crossing your arms over your chest;
  • hands in pockets;
  • crossing legs over legs;
  • darting gaze, turning the face away from the interlocutor;
  • constant tension;
  • swaying, lifting on toes, constant sharp lifting of the body;
  • stand with legs wide apart;
  • too fast, hasty pace of movements;
  • uncontrollable-sharp range of movements;
  • hands clenched into fists with a firm (open or hidden) look at the “enemy”;
  • playing of hands in any form;
  • hand movements covering parts of the face;
  • closed “curtained” eyes;
  • narrowed or squinted gaze;

Set of aggressive gestures

  • posture - hands on hips or fingers behind belt;
  • chin down;
  • crossing your arms and clenching your fingers into a fist.

Other signals of the non-speech channel can also indicate the state of the interlocutor:

Head position

  • direct position - neutral attitude to what was heard;
  • tilt to the side - interest;
  • downward tilt - a negative, judgmental attitude.

Eye signals

  • the pupils dilate - the person is excited;
  • pupils contract - angry, gloomy mood;
  • a sidelong glance (with raised eyebrows or a smile) - interest;
  • a sidelong glance (with lowered eyebrows, a frowning forehead or drooping corners of the mouth) - a suspicious, hostile or critical attitude;
  • closed eyelids - a person’s attempt to remove you from his field of vision or a feeling of superiority over you.

The manner of his behavior also speaks about the state and intentions of a person.



Negative or defensive attitude, defensive posture, aggressiveness, anger, critical or hostile posture

  1. Bowed head with a tilted, downward gaze (Tensively tilted head, with a concentrated gaze from below, “stuck up”).
  2. Head stretched forward, especially with a concentrated gaze.
  3. The range of movements is uncontrollably abrupt: they have something hasty, restless, aimless. This is how people who are hasty, nervous, excitable, disobedient and angry behave.
  4. Arms crossed on chest.
  5. The palms of the raised hands are facing forward, towards the partner with tension, with fingers extended: a gesture of active defense (“get away from me, I don’t want to have anything to do with this!”), while simultaneously clearly moving forward: “Get out!”
  6. During a conversation, the hands are sharply and intensely withdrawn into the pockets (with subsequent tension in the area of ​​the shoulders - neck - arms, especially with a corresponding expression in the eyes and mouth).
  7. A strong strike with the palm or knuckles on the table: in surprise, reluctance or anger. “Well, this is too much!”, “Enough!” The greater the tension, the greater the readiness for explosive actions.
  8. Vertical folds on the forehead above the bridge of the nose.
  9. Legs crossed, arms crossed tightly on the chest and head down.
  10. Leaning the body back, tilting the head forward.
  11. Stroking the neck with the palm of the hand (for women, the gesture is combined with straightening the hairstyle).
  12. The chin is lowered, the gaze is from under the brows.
  13. Crossing your arms and clenching your fingers into a fist.
  14. Short breathing, often accompanied by various unclear sounds such as moaning, mooing, etc. - a gesture of anger.


Doubts, lack of sincerity, lies.

During deception, our subconscious releases a bundle of nervous energy, which manifests itself in gestures that contradict what the person said.

The lie causes an itchy sensation in the delicate muscle tissues of the face and neck, and scratching is required to soothe the sensation.

If a person flashes a gesture associated with bringing his hands closer to his face, it means that he has something unpleasant on his mind (doubt, deception, uncertainty, exaggeration of a real fact, a gloomy premonition or an outright lie).

  1. Narrowed or squinted gaze.
  2. Trying to cover your mouth, eyes or ears with your hands.
  3. Covering the mouth with the hand, fingers tracing the line of the lips or touching the nose (the gesture of covering the mouth with the hands of a child, which has changed with age).

If a person covers his mouth or touches his nose while speaking, this indicates that he is not telling the truth.

If a person covers his mouth or touches his nose while you are speaking, it means he senses that you are lying!

The gesture of covering the mouth may precede a false response.

Lawyers confirm that these gestures convey emotions ranging from self-doubt to outright lies.

  1. Fake coughing.
  2. Dilated or constricted pupils.
  3. A raised eyebrow.
  4. Curvature of the corner of the mouth, curvature of the facial muscles.
  5. Sweat on the forehead, beads of sweat on the neck, blush on the cheeks.
  6. Increased blinking, rubbing of the eyelid.
  7. Looking away to the side (usually to the floor) or not looking at you at all.
  8. Scratching the neck, pulling the collar.
  9. Many other small gestures that signal deception.

It is simply impossible to list all the signs - they are individual.

  1. Stress and tension cause changes in the state of the human body. As a result of these changes and the body’s desire to restore balance, the above-described signs of a passenger’s stressful state appear.
  2. Never make a hasty judgment based on just one feature of a gesture, no matter how convincing it may seem to you. Make a judgment only when multiple body signals are pointing in the same direction, unified in nature. Watch for groups of signs. A single symptom is most often caused by an extraneous cause.
  3. Note inappropriate or inappropriate behavior. Do the actions of the person being searched correspond to his words?
  4. Place the person's actions in the context of the situation, taking into account possible differences in behavior in his country or community.
  5. Observe the person when you ask him questions and when he answers them. Pay special attention to the so-called little things, i.e. completely imperceptible, invisible expressive manifestations.
  6. Listen to how a person answers your questions as carefully as you listen to what they say. Changes in the tone and timbre of the voice most often occur when trying to hide something.

Detection of external manifestations

To identify external manifestations, first of all during communication, the following are of greatest importance:

Personality assessment based on external signs

  • The object of evaluation is perceived, as a rule, in the form of a holistic image. We form our impression of a person, sometimes ignoring many meaningful factors. The face, body, hands, voice, speech of the object, which are indicators of its external reactions, seem to elude our attention. Meanwhile, the face generates facial movements, weakening or strengthening them with the corresponding gaze of the eyes.
  • Body movements produce a characteristic favorable or unfavorable impression. Thus, when assessing personality by external signs must understand reactions of the face, body, hands, voice and speech.
  • It is known that the face speaks about the spiritual world, intelligence and mood of a person. The face is used to determine gender, age, race and ethnicity, and sometimes even social status. By facial expression one can determine a person’s mental state, many subtle shades of various emotional disturbances. Even a clash of contradictory feelings and confusion are reflected in characteristic external signs and are recognized by the eye of even an untrained observer.
  • It has now been proven that a face can reflect the entire spectrum of the emotional state of a particular person. Research has established universal, national and individual emotional expressions. They are based on six (6) facial response systems, specifically reflecting surprise, fear, indignation, disgust, joy and sadness (grief). As a rule, mastering the peculiarities of the manifestation of universal human expressions makes it possible to learn to “read” the emotional subtext of the actions of the person of interest.
  • Astonishment- is considered an immediate reaction. Always appears suddenly. Questions should be asked in such a way that the target of interest does not have enough time to think about them. If you have time to think about what might surprise you, surprise will not register on your face.
  • The main manifestations of the reaction of surprise: eyebrows raised upward; wide wrinkles on the forehead; the eyes are wide and relaxed, with white sclera visible above the iris; often the mouth is open. It should be noted that quite rarely individual manifestations of surprise can be contained to some extent. Manifestations of a reaction of surprise can serve as a specific basis for creating a situation in order to test the person of interest to us.
  • Fear- the most interesting emotion within the framework of this analysis, arising in the fear of something extremely alarming for the individual. The main manifestations of the fear reaction: raised eyebrows, stretched and short wrinkles on the forehead; the eyes are open, the white sclera is visible at the top, the lower eyelid is very tense; the lips are parted, very tense and pulled back. The expression of the emotion of fear differs from the expression of the emotion of surprise in four ways: with a reaction of surprise, wrinkles pass across the entire forehead, with a reaction of fear they are shorter and concentrated above the bridge of the nose; open eyes tense; the open mouth is shapelessly distorted, the lips are tense; surprise is a fleeting reaction, and fear can merge with surprise. This happens when harmful events are not expected, but occur instantly. By the priority and stability of the manifestation of a particular emotion, one can judge the predominance of fear or surprise.
  • Indignation (anger) is the result of a mental disorder, a physical threat or an intention to cause, for example, psychological or physical harm (impact). In a state of anger, a person’s blood pressure rises, causing the face to turn red, the veins in the temples and neck to swell, breathing to quicken, and muscles to tense. The main manifestations of the anger reaction:

- the eyebrows move, vertical folds appear between them, the outer ends of the eyebrows sometimes rise; - forehead without horizontal wrinkles; - eyes narrow; - lips are tightly compressed, sometimes teeth are exposed in a grimace.

Expressive reactions of disgust in response to an erroneous statement (words) may merge with reactions of surprise and fear. When anger and disgust are combined, the latter usually dominates. Expressive reactions here reflect the experience of the thought: “How dare you tell me this?” In combinations of surprise and anger, anger is dominant, and in combinations of anger and fear, fear is dominant. A face carries two messages at once- what the liar wants to say and what he would like to hide. Some facial expressions support a lie, while others give away the truth because they look false, and the true feeling seeps through all attempts to hide them.

  • True feelings are reflected on the face because facial expressions can be involuntary, beyond the control of our thoughts and intentions. The face leads a double life, combining expressions that are deliberately undertaken with those that sometimes appear spontaneously, without our knowledge. The involuntary expression of emotions on the face is the result of evolution. Many human facial expressions are similar to those seen in primates.
  • emotional expressions, talking about happiness, fear, anger, disgust, sadness, grief, etc. — universal, the same for all people, regardless of age, gender, racial and cultural differences.
  • Not all facial muscles are equally easy to control. Many muscles “cannot lie,” that is, they are beyond human control. Therefore, it is not easy for a liar to hide the feelings that affect these muscles - their movements are difficult to interrupt or suppress.

Conversation (oral speech)

  • This method is a way of understanding mental phenomena in the process of verbal communication with a given person and is best used along with profiling.
  • The voice and speech of the person we are interested in give us information about his emotional experiences, intelligence, erudition and even character. A person’s voice allows us to judge the interlinear meaning of a statement, the speaker’s experiences, the degree of his language proficiency, culture and individual psychological characteristics. There are individual characteristics of the voice(sound frequency range, resonance, tempo) and vocal experience (intensity, pitch, length).
  • All individual voice features are sustainable personality characteristics and make it possible to evaluate the speaker on a variety of aspects. Therefore, speech is an important informative signal when assessing emotional stress. You should pay attention to three aspects:

— features of word choice; - the specifics of the grammatical design of the statement - the perception of speech in a state of emotional tension

IN state of emotional tension When expressing their thoughts, many people experience difficulty choosing words. In particular, compared with speech occurring under normal conditions, quantity and duration arises pauses. Psychologists call them pauses of indecision or search pauses. Difficulties in choosing words can manifest themselves in the utterance of various meaningless repetitions, in the use of words: “this”, “you see”, “you know”, “such”, “well”, “here”, “as if”, etc.

Speech in these cases is characterized by stereotyping: the speaker uses those words that are most typical for his dialect and actively uses templates. Grammatical incompleteness of phrases- another important indicator of the emotional tension of speech:

  • The most typical thing here is grammatical lack of formality: “Well, in general, so, they checked... as much as possible?” "You do not believe me?
  • A typical feature of emotionally intense speech is a violation of the logic and consistency of the statement. The speaker is distracted from the main idea, focusing on details. Often the speaker is aware of the mistake he has made, but when trying to correct it he usually becomes even more confused.

It should be noted that speech is the most important indicator of mental life person. All mental abnormalities are clearly recorded by speech. The latter are characterized by the following speech symptoms:

  • logorrhea- continuous talking. As a rule, a person, without waiting for a question or response from his interlocutor, jumps to different topics;
  • speech preservation- “getting stuck in a person’s consciousness of one thought or one simple idea with their repeated monotonous repetition”;
  • incoherence or broken speech- outwardly the speech seems grammatically correct, but it turns out to be devoid of semantic content;
  • speech viscosity- excessive detail in the description of complex events and phenomena, verbal obsession;
  • reasoning and philosophizing- groundless and fruitless reasoning, sometimes to the point of complete meaninglessness.

Without undermining the importance of profiling, it is often more important to listen to how a person speaks, rather than what they say, to detect attempts at deception.

Eye contact

  • Facial expression and, above all, eyes become especially expressive when a person is in the grip of strong internal experiences.
  • Eyes are the mirror of the soul, a barometer of mood, an indicator of a person’s state of mind. In daylight, the pupils can dilate and contract depending on the person’s attitude to what is happening. When a person is excited, his pupils dilate four times their normal size. On the contrary, an angry, gloomy mood causes the pupils to contract.
  • There is a way to determine whether a person is lying or telling the truth - by the movements of his eyes. The eyeballs of the person answering the question move in accordance with whether this person remembers the events that he actually saw or heard (about which he is asked) or whether he lies or invents when talking about these events. The upward movement of the eyeballs occurs when the auditory ones predominate (remembers what he hears - to the left, invents - to the right). Thus, the pattern of eye movements depends on whether the process of recollection occurs, or whether auditory or visual images are created anew, as, for example, when scrolling through possible scenarios regarding something that has never happened before.
  • It should be noted that in some cases eye movements may be too fast, and sometimes it is difficult to decide which of these movements dominate.
  • Wide-open eyes express a strong concentration of feelings, fear, fear of something. The desire to look away also speaks of fear, the fear of meeting the eyes of another person. Confusion is also usually accompanied by a deliberate avoidance of direct eye contact. When a person is excited, the eyes turn into slits. Aggression can manifest itself in a long gaze into the eyes of the interlocutor, in the desire to, as is called, “outlook” the opponent.
  • At the same time, the following signals should be kept in mind:
    • pallor or blush
    • chin trembling,
    • strained smile,
    • embarrassment,
    • sweating,
    • sweat on the forehead,
    • gesticulation,
    • swallowing saliva,
    • licking lips,
    • dejection, depression,
    • voice vibration,
    • playing with a pencil or glasses,
    • tapping fingers or squeezing armrests,
    • rapid blinking.

Body language (sign language)

  • PROTECTING YOUR MOUTH WITH YOUR HAND. The hand covers the mouth, the thumb is pressed to the cheek. Sometimes it can be a few fingers near the mouth or even a fist. Some people fake cough when they do this.
  • TOUCHING THE NOSE. It is a variation of the previous gesture. It can be expressed in several light touches to the dimple under the nose, or it can be expressed in one, almost imperceptible touch. Some women use this gesture very carefully so as not to smear their lipstick and damage their makeup. One explanation for touching the nose is that when telling a lie, there is a tickling sensation on the nerve endings of the nose. But what if, without telling a lie, your nose itches for some other reason? If so, the person will scratch or scratch it, which is different from lightly touching the nose when trying to deceive.
  • RUBBING THE EYELIDS. Liar - man usually rubs his eyelid very energetically, and if a lie is exposed, he also turns his gaze to the side, usually to the floor. Women perform this movement by running a finger under the eye, and turning your eyes to the side, looking at the floor. The expression “ Lie through your teeth". This expression refers to a complex of gestures consisting of clenched teeth and a tight smile, rubbing the eyelid with a finger and looking away to the side.
  • SCRATCHING AND RUBBING THE EAR. Variations of this gesture include rubbing the auricle, drilling into the ear with a finger, pulling the earlobe, or bending the ear.
  • PULLING OUT THE COLLAR. Occurs when a person lies and suspects that the deception has been discovered. It looks like beads of sweat appear on the deceiver's neck. This gesture can be when a person is upset; he pulls the collar away from her neck to cool her with fresh air.
  • NECK SCRATCHING. Place the index finger of your right hand under your earlobe or on the side of your neck. In this case, a person usually makes five scratching movements. This gesture also speaks of a person’s insecurity and is especially striking when it contradicts the verbal language.
  • FINGERS IN THE MOUTH. In a state of severe depression. This can happen when a person who is a liar, as they say, has clearly “messed up”; a deception entailing serious consequences is revealed. There are also a number of so-called defensive gestures that express an attempt to hide from an unfavorable stressful situation. These gestures indicate mental stress caused by fear, an aggressive state or unwillingness to cooperate, the desire to “get out” of an unfavorable situation or even fight back.
  • HANDS CROSSED ON THE CHEST (HANDS LOCKED ON THE CHEST). This is a typical standard universal gesture, almost always indicating a defensive or negative state of a person feeling danger and uncertainty. When, during a face-to-face conversation, you see that the person being interviewed crosses his arms over his chest, you should conclude that you have disturbed this person or that he does not agree with you. Despite the fact that in words he will express pleasure, calmness, and agreement with you. The fact is that nonverbal means of communication cannot lie, but verbal ones can.
  • CROSSING ARMS, REINFORCED COMPRESSION OF FINGERS INTO A FIST. If, in addition to crossing his arms on his chest, a person also clenches his fingers into a fist, this indicates his hostile and aggressive position. This is often accompanied by clenched teeth and a flushed face. Verbal or physical attacks may follow. A person using a series of these gestures is in an attacking position, as opposed to a person taking a defensive, defensive position by crossing his arms over his chest.
  • CROSSED ARMS ON THE SHOULDER PART OF THE ARMS. This gesture is characterized by the fact that the hands dig into the shoulder of the opposite hand to secure the position of the hands, eliminate any attempt to open the hands and expose the chest to the blow. The hands can bite into the shoulder so tightly that the fingers and phalanges of the fingers become white, since blood does not flow to them. This gesture is often seen in a doctor's or dentist's waiting room, or on an airplane before takeoff for first-time travelers. The full gesture of crossing the arms clearly indicates a feeling of fear.
  • ANKLES PRESSED TO EACH OTHER. Arms crossed or folded on the chest, crossed legs suggest that the person is in a defensive or negative state, but the same thing can be expressed by bringing the ankles together. In men tucked ankles are usually combined with tightly clenched fists resting on the knees, or the hands may grip the arms of a chair. Female the option is slightly different: the knees are brought together, the legs can be inclined to one side, the hands lie either parallel to each other on the knees, or one hand on top of the other. When the other person clamps his ankles, it is equivalent to biting his lip. With the help of this gesture, a negative attitude, unpleasant emotions, fear or anxiety are restrained.
  • FIXING THE FOOT OF ONE LEG ON THE SHIN OF THE OTHER. This gesture is used almost exclusively by women. The foot of one leg is wrapped around the other leg to strengthen the defensive position. And when this gesture appears, you can be sure that the woman internally shrank and retreated into herself.

Possibilities of nonverbal communication

Aggressive behavior can be prevented through nonverbal communication. The eyes are an indicator of possible aggressive behavior. As follows from the material presented, by the eye movements of the interlocutor one can judge the person’s state: he is depressed, angry, is about to run away or use a weapon; if an attack is inevitable, then by the eyes you can determine where a possible blow will be delivered. In turn, with the help of eye contact, he can demonstrate to his interlocutor interest, trust, support, his own strength and importance.

If you constantly look into the eyes during a conversation, the latter may get the impression that they are aggressive towards him; in this case, the response will be concern, anxiety. Reducing direct eye contact softens this reaction, as it demonstrates a desire to help and has a calming effect on the interlocutor.

Direct eye contact should be used when an attack is likely. In this case, you should give confident commands, for example, “Stand,” “Throw the chair (glass or any other object)!” Looking directly into the eyes in combination with other body movements - signals and the use of available means of protection may be sufficient.


A number of methods and results, technologies of practical management in the conditions of human communication can be used in the interests of ensuring civil security to identify potential offenders - persons harboring criminal plans.

A potential offender in case of danger, in anticipation of the threat of exposure, etc. is, as a rule, in a state of stress (emotional tension).

Psychophysiological changes in the body when people communicate, especially under stress and deception, lead to external verbal and nonverbal manifestations that are not controlled by consciousness. Faking these manifestations, especially their combination, is practically impossible.

A potential criminal, like any person, is “not the master of his own house.” Or, more precisely, the owner, but only partly - he can, by an effort of will, force himself, for example, not to think about a threatening situation (which will again be reflected non-verbally in one way or another), for example, to open his arms crossed on his chest. But all this is only for a short time, because at these moments his consciousness is unable to assess the situation, the “leakage” of information only increases.

External manifestations of stress and attempts at deception can be “read” by an experienced security officer in the context of his interaction with a potential criminal or when observing him.

Some external manifestations of human self-defense in case of danger

External manifestations - Take a closer look!

  • Appearance of paleness or redness of the face.
  • Whitening of the face is a special sign.
  • Obviously shaking hands.
  • Fear of looking straight into the eyes.
  • A darting gaze.
  • Dilated pupils (especially with substantive questions).
  • Closing the eyes.
  • Squinting of the eyes.
  • Furrowed brows.
  • Big eyes.
  • Covering your eyes.
  • Rubbing or touching the nose.
  • Stroking, twisting or biting the mustache.
  • Pulling on your earlobe.
  • Covering your ears.
  • Rubbing cheeks.
  • Combing or combing hair.
  • Yawning (excessive or frequent - a very convincing sign of anxiety).
  • Running your tongue over your lips.
  • Biting or chewing lips.
  • Curvature of mouth expression.
  • Covering your mouth.
  • Covering your throat with your hands.
  • Frequent or excessive swallowing movements.
  • Pulsation of the carotid artery.
  • Severe sweating (not consistent with the temperature in the room, clothing or physical activity at the moment).
  • "Goose pimples".
  • Raising the ends of the hair (especially on the back of the neck and on the arms).
  • Fidgety or nervous hand movements.
  • Nail biting.
  • Touching your jewelry.
  • Wiping your palms.
  • Patting yourself on the chest.
  • Frequent scratching.
  • Sipping on your clothes.
  • Putting your arms under you or making other gestures to hide your hands.
  • Continuously picking up threads from your clothes.
  • Inability to keep hands in a calm position.
  • Folding your arms across your chest.
  • Leaning on any object, grasping or holding an object (suitcase, chair, luggage cart, etc.).
  • Tense, rigid movements.
  • Exaggerated movements.
  • General fussiness.
  • Foot tapping.
  • Inability to keep the feet still.
  • Continuous stepping from one foot to another.
  • Holding your hands between your knees.
  • Crossing and uncrossing your legs.
  • Sitting on the edge of a chair.

Sound manifestations - Listen!

    • Inability to respond.
    • Reluctance to answer.
    • Answers a question with a question.
    • Repeating the request to clarify the question.
    • Uncertain voice.
    • Stuttering.
    • Cracked voice.
    • Stammering.
    • Inability to answer a question directly.
    • Bubbling in the throat when answering.
    • Constant coughing.
    • Yawning (a very important sign of nervousness).
    • Grinding of teeth.

Secrets of Profiling will help you not to build relationships by guesswork and to know exactly from whom what to expect

When we look at a man, do we always understand who he is?

Will he good friend, husband or father of children?

Often, no.

We figure this out through trial and error. And sometimes these mistakes are very costly. We pay with our pain, losses, disappointments. But all this could have been avoided if you had learned to understand men in time, just at first glance.

Is this possible?

Yes. The secrets of profiling will help you with this.

What is profiling?

Profiling is “reading people”, drawing up a psychological portrait of a person.

Profiling is used in large Western corporations when hiring, in reputable banks when issuing loans, even in the FSB.

Can everyone master this method?

Yes, everyone, without psychological or medical education. More practice and you will learn to “scan” a person unnoticed!

All men can be divided into 8 psychotypes. Each has its own distinctive features in speech, facial expressions, gestures, and clothing.

Each psychotype has its own goals in life, main values ​​and scenarios for relationships with women.

Having determined the type, you can easily understand whether this man is right for you, what to expect from him in the future, whether he is a reliable partner in business and marriage.

Having mastered the secrets of profiling, you will learn to predict and guide the behavior of any man.

This will help:

The study of each psychotype is structured according to the following scheme:

  • character;
  • type of thinking;
  • advantages and disadvantages;
  • possible manipulation techniques;
  • methods of adjustment and maladaptation.

You will find answers to the following questions:

  • Where to look for kind and faithful men?
  • How to quickly win over a handsome hysterical guy?
  • How can you tell if a man is lying on a date?
  • Tools for adapting to strong-willed and strong men.
  • How to find a man to start a family?
  • How to get rid of persistent fans?
  • What to do, if purposeful man stopped paying attention to the girl?
  • How to communicate with really smart men?
  • What girls are suitable for men like Putin, Steve Jobs, Stalin
  • How to behave if a man is shy on a date?
  • Which men definitely won't cheat?
  • What to do if you are a strong and independent woman?
  • How do psychotypes combine with each other?
  • How to find your man?
  • Which men should you avoid?

As a result of the course, you will learn how to draw up a psychological portrait of a man in just 10 minutes of communication!

This will help:

Avoid first impression mistakes

Calculate and stop male manipulations

Predict the goals, motives and actions of men

Recognize men's thoughts and desires

After the course you

  • Determine what kind of man you need
  • You will nip relationships with unsuitable men in the bud
  • You can control male behavior

This course is for women who

  • Fall into the traps of men impersonating others
  • They want to know who they can trust and who they shouldn’t.
  • Constantly find themselves with men who are not ready for a serious relationship
  • They are going to understand male psychology
  • They are trying to find a worthy candidate for marriage

You can immediately use the knowledge you gain in life:

  • When you go on a date, you determine whether the man is in the mood for a serious relationship.
  • Sit on a dating site - “scan” the profile and reveal the true face of the man.
  • If you live with your husband, you direct his behavior in the direction you want.
  • When you hire an employee, you predict his effectiveness.
  • You negotiate with the client - anticipate his objections and find the right argument.
  • Look for a business partner - find his strengths and weaknesses.
  • When you communicate with a colleague, you know how to ask him for help.
  • Lead a male team - establish the right motivation for everyone.

Take just a couple of days to study this information and you will avoid many years of pain and deception with the wrong partner, manipulation and lies from men, and you will be able to choose a loving man who you can trust.


A must-have training. Required study. Helps you understand yourself, the people around you, and men, of course. A person is born with a set of qualities inherent in a certain psychotype, each with its own pros and cons. Environment, upbringing, life circumstances can make certain adjustments, but! The psychotype itself and its characteristics will remain unchanged, there is no need to create illusions, try to fix someone or something. The main thing is to figure out who you are and who is right for you, so as not to waste time on a man who is obviously not suitable for you. The classification is clear, detailed, understandable, as you study, you understand who is who and why the relationship developed (or not) in this way, and how and with whom to build relationships (or not) in the future. Many thanks to Tatyana for the training, I look forward to continuing the training, the further, the more interesting! :)


The training is necessary, powerful and cool!!! Live and learn)) of course, I would like to know this information earlier, but... they don’t teach this in school, unfortunately. Thank you Tatiana! It is very important to be able to understand people and not step on the “rake”... I looked at all my relatives, I look at other people, I train)) I highly advise everyone to study all the psychotypes and choose the one that suits you in life))


Magic training!!!Giving real opportunity to see and calculate people through!!! a completely different reality opens up before your eyes. It became clear why past relationships didn’t work out. because they were immediately doomed to failure!!! yes, right away!!! when people in principle are not suitable for each other and waste their time.
Many thanks to our Sorceress!! Our Tanya!! I listened to all the classes with my mouth open!!! Every woman should know this!!! initially, and to herself first of all!!! then in her life there will be no illusions about the correction and transformation of her man from a “goat” (sorry) into a prince)))!! If he is initially a prince, then he is a prince))) If he is a goat, then he is a goat)))!! And nothing else will grow out of him)))!!! An apple won’t turn into an orange even if you chop it with GMOs))) it will be an apple with the taste of an orange, and not otherwise!!
The material is told in an accessible form, you will listen to it!! Enjoy the magic everyone!!!
The practice turned out to be so interesting!!! It comes in handy everywhere, and this exciting activity becomes a habit!!! At work it’s simply a necessity!!! I really enjoy reading people)))!!! It turns out it’s possible!!!


Mega mega cool training. Very powerful. Tanya, thank you very much. The information in the training was very clear. Thank you very much. Where were you before? With such knowledge everything becomes much easier. I think that all people should know this. There would be fewer divorces and more happy couples. Thank you.

What can we say about relationships in which understatement has appeared... and you suddenly realize that your man is hiding something... Or not?...

He started an affair... And perhaps he is in love... Or maybe he lacks something in his intimate life, and for some reason you cannot give it to him?

We know that this happens - there are so many examples of unsuccessful marriages around - but, believe me, relationships without male infidelity are possible! We, the Academy's project trainers, know this firsthand. Couples come to us who spend a lot of time together and are absolutely happy. But they have one peculiarity - they work a lot, psychologically, on themselves and their family relationships. They, like spouses, meet each other halfway, get to know themselves and their partner every day and, most importantly, learn. And they learn to live in happiness and without betrayal. After all, the truth makes everyone freer. They live this way and are sure of it. And since you are reading this text, it means you believe in such a relationship. All that remains is to make faith become conviction!

For you, for those who want to change their life, change their attitude towards their partner, thereby changing him, and live in a situation without betrayal, this unique training was created.

What will happen at the training, program content:

  • How to understand that your husband is cheating? Cheating on a loved one - illusion or reality?
  • A man's core values, what to do with them?
  • Play hormone: how do the hormonal systems of men and women differ?
  • The structure of thinking of men and women, the difference in emotions and reactions.
  • A person’s intimate life, which we often don’t pay attention to?
  • Cheating happened, what next?
  • The main scenarios in a situation of betrayal and ways to counter them.
  • Cheating - to continue the relationship or not?
  • Cheating as a feedback system or how to avoid making further mistakes.
  • To take revenge or not to take revenge, why is counter-betrayal a path to nowhere?
  • Where does jealousy come from? How to get rid of this destructive feeling?
  • Maybe our suspicions are just a figment of the imagination or a play of hormones?
  • Do we need confirmation of his betrayal? Or are we already satisfied with everything?
  • Do I want and can I save a relationship if a man cheated on me?
  • What do married men need “on the side”? Is the relationship really good for anything anymore?
  • How to rid yourself of feelings of guilt and responsibility for an already destroyed relationship?
  • How can you help yourself become happy by removing the imprints built into failed relationships?

And the most important

How to find the Achilles heel and understand what was “wrong” in past relationships and led to a fiasco? What will help me avoid mistakes and live happily with a man?

Yes, the program is really big and very rich! It also plans to analyze real stories from the practice of the team of the International Academy for the Study of Lies, since we are regularly asked to check for adultery, and at the training we will tell and show what we do with people so that they can save their family in a difficult situation or relationships.

What else will happen at the training:

  • Unique workbook.
  • A large number of cases and video examples.

Who is this training for:

  • For women who have suffered from infidelity and want to forget about it forever.
  • For women surviving infidelity.
  • For those who would never want to end up in this hell.
  • For all women who want to better understand and understand the psychology of men.
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