Video walkthrough of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Walkthrough (3)

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Walkthrough (3)

  • general information .

    Passing missions

    Chapter 6. Ruins
    Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Walkthrough. How to kill Nazi zombies

    Objective: Return to the boat station

    Get up off the ground. IN this moment you have practically no weapons. Overcome the loose brick wall and find yourself in a new location.

    Before you go down through the hole in the floor, make sure the pipe is ready for battle. When you see a Nazi zombie, hit him on the head. Repeat the procedure until you kill. In order to kill a zombie, based on the genre, you need to shoot it in the head or break it with a pipe.

    Advice. If you want to save ammunition in a battle with a group of soldiers, then kill one of them with a shot to the chest. When he turns into a zombie and kills his comrades, shoot the enemies with precise head shots.

    Go through the kitchen and out into the yard where the dogs were killed in the last chapter. Go into the tunnel, clear the blocks blocking the further path. Kill all the enemies in the room to save Pipp.

    Make sure to get all your weapons from the chest, then go up the stairs and fight your way through the horde of zombies that will stand in your way. The Shockhammer is perfect for killing zombies. Kill zombie dogs with firearms.

    Finally, after getting out of the building, turn left, go to the wooden door and shoot about two dozen zombies that break through to you. Get to the boat station, jump to it, and complete the mission.

    Objective: Find Annette and Kessler

    It is at this moment that you will receive a new weapon - shotgun. As it turns out, this is one of the best weapons in killing Nazi zombies.

    Leave the boat station, follow the same path as in the previous mission, killing all the zombies that will literally fall on your head. Swim through the water past a stone arch with a broken iron gate.

    Objective: Get to Annette and Kessler

    Look at the wall that you can climb up with your pipe. Get to the top of it, turn right. After jumping through the hole in the floor, collect the first aid kits and kill the Nazis. Try to kill ordinary Nazis with shots to the torso, so that they turn into zombies and kill their former friends. There will even be two Super Soldiers. Shoot them in the back to make them explode.

    Through your inventory, configure an assault rifle and a sawn-off shotgun to quickly change weapons. This combination will allow you to kill enemies near and far. Go to the far end of the room, go up the stairs on the right side. Follow this road until you go down a metal beam. Jump onto the indicated area and shoot the enemies.

    Objective: Help Kessler get through a blocked doorway

    Approach the blocked doorway and interact with it to help Kessler get through it. When he leaves, look to the left and shoot the zombies near Annette.

    Objective: Follow Helga to the old town

    Collect ammunition, open the door that is marked on the map. Follow to the hotel.

    Chapter 7. Old Town
    Walkthrough Wolfenstein: Old Blood. Finding the key

    How to control a robot

    Leave the robot and continue killing Nazis. Shoot the ropes that hold the bridge on the left side. Follow it and break the door. As a result, you will find yourself near an iron gate. Leave the robot and pull the lever. The lever is in the building labeled "Pantry".

    Look around, kill all the enemies, and then complete the task.

    Advice. Try not to kill Nazi zombies while inside the robot. They will climb it, causing harm to your health. You can shake them off, but it's best to knock them down before they jump onto the body.

    Go through the iron gate and break the wooden door ahead. Take out all the zombies, then jump into the robot and look for the illuminated door on the right side. The door is at the top of a small staircase. There is a key inside that will help open the iron gate in front of the place where you left the robot. Take this key, go back outside and open the gate.

    You need to use another lever. It is located in another part of the building you just entered. Take the shockhammer in your hands and fight your way through the horde of undead to the other side. There you will find a lever that will help you open the gate and continue moving inside the robot.

    Jump back into the robot and go through the giant iron gate you just opened. Climb up the stairs, killing Nazi zombies along the way. When you reach another wooden door, go through it and continue towards the mission objective.

    Objective: Climb the wall

    After breaking through the wooden gate, move on. Leave the robot from time to time to replenish your supplies. There will be no enemies here. Once you approach the statue near the gate and begin to interact with it, the chapter will end.

    Chapter 8. Excavations
    Walkthrough of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Final boss fight

    Objective: Find the way to the excavation site

    Choose a silenced pistol and an assault rifle as your two weapons. Carefully move forward, turn left and go past the gravestones. Shoot the head of the Commander, who is located in the watchtower.

    You need to get into the building not far from the tower. There is a hole in the floor inside. Jump down through the hole, follow forward until you find yourself in some forest. Climb up, then go forward to the energized door. The task is completed.

    Objective: Find Helga

    Stealthily move forward and kill the guard in front of you with a knife. Continue to find two enemies above the stairs on the left. They can be killed with precise headshots. Let the Super Soldier walk away with his back turned to you. Follow him and hide in the alcove on the left. When the enemy passes in the opposite direction, go straight and use the elevator to continue your journey through the mine.

    Leave the elevator. There will be an alarm and a Super Soldier patrolling the area. Wait until he turns his back to you, then turn into the cave on the left. There will be a zombie Nazi with armor. Kill him, turn around and use the pipe to climb up the wall. The Commander will be located on the ledge. Quickly climb up and kill the Commander. Go down and continue through the tunnel. You'll eventually end up in front of another energized door. Turn off the power to the door and move on.

    Kill Nazis with headshots. Once the area is clear, move on and make your way up through the small hole in the wall.

    Move through the tunnels, killing Nazis and zombies. When you reach a giant hole with a spiral staircase, go down, jump into the water, and then get out onto land and climb the stairs up. Somewhere in this place Helga's voice will be heard. Squeeze between the rocks, swim a certain distance and get to the button marked on the mini-map. Click on it to open the door.

    Before going through these doors, kill the Nazi zombies that start attacking you. To win a battle with fewer losses, a sawn-off shotgun is perfect. When it's over, go through the door, behind it the final battle awaits you.

    Objective: Destroy the Monster

    There are just two key points that you need to understand if you want to defeat the Monster. First and foremost, he is blind. As long as you don't make any noise, you're relatively safe. Secondly, the Monster’s weak point is its mouth. It is necessary to concentrate all the firepower on this part of the muzzle.

    The monster can try to harm you with three types of attacks. The first attack - one of the paws comes down, slapping the ground. The second attack is a two-handed grab. The third attack is sweeping everything from one side to the other.

    At a certain moment (around the beginning of the battle), zombie Nazis will appear on the battlefield. It is best to kill them with a pistol with a silencer, thereby saving ammunition for other types of weapons. By the way, the noise that zombies make distracts the Monster from you.

    Advice. Throw grenades to distract the Monster with loud noise.

    All you need to do is shoot at the Monster’s mouth from all types of weapons, and also run to the sides so that it doesn’t crush you. When Nazis appear on the battlefield, do not kill everyone, as their movements will distract your main enemy. After defeating the boss, the yoke will be completed.

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is one of the best shooters of spring: short, fun, entertaining and challenging. In the Gmbox review the game received a . This guide will help you complete the game without dying at every step.


Knife and pipe. Melee weapon. Effective against zombies or in stealth, but not in an open firefight. If the enemy suddenly runs up to you at point-blank range, you can hit him with a pipe without switching from firearms.

Gun. The silencer version is the best tool for stealth passing. Too weak in open combat.

Combat pistol. A carnival fool who sets her enemies on fire. Too slow and doesn't kill enemies instantly.

The assault rifle is the most balanced weapon in The Old Blood

Automatic 46-T. A versatile weapon against soldiers, especially if you're a straight shooter. Ineffective against zombies - bullets only push monsters back.

"Bombenschuss." Sniper rifle. Convenient for destroying officers raising the alarm and fighting armored giants - it is easier to hit the energy flasks they carry on their backs through the optical sight.

"Schockhammer". Automatic shotgun. Great for short range combat against armored yellow suited enemies and zombies.

Sawed-off shotgun Very effective against zombies, but needs to be recharged frequently. Against large crowds it is better to use the Shockhammer.

It's hard to hold a machine gun in the game

Machine gun. A spectacular, but controversial weapon. Firstly, a machine gun cannot be carried in your bosom - you can pick it up from the corpse of an armored soldier and slowly walk around with this colossus in your hands. Secondly, it only holds 250 rounds, and to replenish the supply, you need to look for special racks.

Stealth walkthrough. If you don't want to make noise, kill the officers raising the alarm first. If you are burned, try to quickly break through to the officers so that they stop calling for reinforcements. An open confrontation with a large enemy automatically raises the alarm - it is impossible to kill him silently, only to bypass him.

A gun in each hand. Almost every weapon in The Old Blood can be doubled up by holding a “barrel” in each hand. This method is effective at close ranges, but it wastes a lot of ammunition and does not allow you to shoot accurately. It has more disadvantages than advantages.

Leveling up. To unlock new perks, you must fulfill certain conditions - for example, collect as much health as possible in the surge mode or kill three enemies with one grenade. If you want to speed up your leveling, purposefully complete perk tasks, and don’t shoot at random.

Zombie enemies. In the second half of the game, some Nazis will turn into zombies after being killed - be prepared to shoot not one, but two bullets at them in a row.

Difficult moments

Start of the game (Chapter 1). At the beginning of the game, when Blaskowicz had not yet found firearms and runs around Castle Wolfenstein with one pipe, you don’t have to kill all the enemies in a row - just avoid them. Even if you are noticed, you have a chance to run forward and close the door behind you.

It's better to avoid these guys

Enemies in armored suits. At first they are chained to one location by power cables, but later they will move freely. These thugs cannot be shot head-on - aim at the energy flasks that peek out from behind their backs. A couple of hits and the enemy can be finished off in close combat. Be prepared for the fact that in the later stages they will need not one, but two finishing moves. If there are such giants and an officer calling for reinforcements in the same zone, it is better not to risk it and pass it silently.

Robot Dog (Chapter 4). The huge robot dog does not need to be destroyed - knock it down and quickly run to the stairs, which are located slightly ahead and to the left of the point where the boss battle begins. First, lower the ladder with the pipe, then run around the dog in a circle and climb up.

The battle with Rudy is the funniest in the game

Battle with Rudy Yager (Chapter 4). The first part of the battle with Rudy is identical to the battle with any armored soldier - shoot his energy flasks, and then hit him at point blank range. Repeat this three times. In the next phase, we recommend switching to a combat pistol (at least somewhere it is useful!) and shoot accurately at the boss, cutting circles around him. In difficult moments, hide behind the columns.

Controlling the robot (Chapter 7). Alternate between the robot's left and right claws to attack faster. If zombies climb onto the cabin, press the quick weapon switch button to take a firearm and shoot them right from the cabin.

The end is near!

Final boss (Chapter 8). The final boss is blind. It only focuses on sound, so it's safe as long as you don't make noise. Here are some tips:

— The boss’s weak point is his mouth. Direct all the fire there.

- When ordinary enemies run towards you, use a pistol with a silencer. In this case, the monster will attack the Germans, not you

- Also use grenades - the monster will be distracted by the sound of explosions.

Congratulations, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood has been completed!

We get out of the car and follow Agent One (Wesley). We go down and take a map from the wall on the left. We let Wesley go ahead and wait for our turn to show the documents. We go through the check and get into the elevator. We get into the trailer and go to the castle.

We go left and greet the soldier. Let's go to open doors and get into the elevator. We deal with the guard who passed by and another one ahead. We select a machine gun and a shotgun from the wall. We find the walkie-talkie and talk to the Conductor. We deal with the soldiers who arrived in time.

We go up the stairs to the second floor and look around. We go down into the ventilation and are ambushed.

Part one Rudy Yeager and the Wolf's Lair.

Chapter 1. Prison.

We check the grate and try to climb up the pipes (we get a weapon). Using pipes we climb up the wall. On the right we pull the lever and turn off the soldier. To the left of the door, hold down the switch and open the door. We repeat the same with the soldier. We go further and open another door.

We take a card above the table. We quietly creep up to the dogs and deal with them. We pass several more soldiers and, opening the doors, go down the stairs. At the bottom we go left and climb up the wall. We go through the ventilation and turn left.

We let the soldier through and go down. On the left we turn off the switches and deal with the soldiers. We go further, there will be dogs here. We go through the ventilation into the next room and open the doors.

We take the weapon from the soldier and turn on the power behind the elevator. We take the elevator down and deal with the soldier. We go through the ventilation and deal with another one. We open the doors.

We pass forward and climb the wall. Through the ventilation we find ourselves in a large area and quietly deal with the dogs. Through the ventilation on the left we go down into the sewer. We break the wall with pipes and then go upstairs. We pass forward and rise even higher. We deal with the dog and go out into the corridor (there will be more dogs here).

We find a passage and go up the stairs to the floor above. We pull the lever and turn off the soldier. We go left and go up the stairs. We open the ventilation shaft and go through it to the prisoners' cells.

We open the gate with the pipe and slide under it. On the right we take the map. We follow the trail of blood into the cell and go downstairs. We go to the grate and open the doors on the right. We open the ventilation and go into the corridor. We wait for the robot to pass, hiding behind a box. We go through the doors above which the lamp is burning.

We go up the stairs and run to the left. On the other side we climb into the ventilation shaft. We go forward and deal with the officer. We go left and take the map. We go left from the map and deal with the soldiers. On the other side we pull the power lever. Having dealt with all the enemies, we board the ship. We shoot back from soldiers and flying drones. We go out to the pier and pull the lever.

Chapter 2. Harbor.

We fire a machine gun on a security boat on the shore. On the right we pull the lever. On the left we get into the boat and sail further. We land on the platform on the right and pull the switch. There will be soldiers right outside the gate, you can shoot everyone, or you can go through in stealth. The main thing is to deal with two officers: the first on the first floor in the room to the left of the entrance, and the second a little deeper, also to the left.

We open the doors ahead with the key. We go down and deal with the soldiers and dogs. We go down the hatch in the floor and fall. We get out to the shore and climb up the wall. We deal with the soldier, and on the right we take the map of the catacombs. There will be a secret area to the right, and more enemies to the left. We pass through a narrow tunnel. There will be enemies along the way.

We jump over the broken bridge and climb up spiral staircase on right. We climb the wall and deal with the enemy. We open the hatch in the ceiling of the elevator and climb even higher. We deal with the soldiers and officers. One officer walks along the balcony, and the second is in the back room.

At the end of the corridor we open the iron doors. We attach an optical sight to the rifle and deal with the opponents. We pull the lever and go down the stairs. We deal with the enemies and swim to the far left corner, as seen from the main gate. There we break the wall and walk along the edge of the mountain.

We deal with the enemies and go to the second lever. We go down the stairs and fight through the opened gates of the fortress.

Chapter 3. Wolfenstein Fortress.

We deal with the large enemy and ordinary fighters, then we go down to the basement under the stairs, pull the lever and take the card from the wall. In the large hall we shoot back from enemies. On the second floor you can find a machine gun, which will help a lot. We open the ventilation near the statue on the second floor and climb up the wall.

We clear the dining room, including dealing with a couple of officers. We open the ventilation shaft at the top. We examine the hall with rooms and find a passage in one of the fireplaces. We clear large halls by stealth or combat. We climb into the hatch on the second floor on the left. We break the wall above the boxes and clear the hall.

Near the statue we climb into the ventilation and find ourselves in the library. Here we deal with officers and soldiers. We go upstairs and go to the iron door.

We are trying to disconnect Wesley from the chair, but that is not the case. We deal with the dog and run upstairs, collecting weapons, armor and ammunition. This will all be very useful, as the soldiers will come running. At the top we open the doors and get into the elevator.

Chapter 4. Escape!

Open the hatch and climb up the wall. We let the soldier through and deal with him from behind. We clear the area, not forgetting about the officers. We go down the hatch and pull the lever on the control panel. We get into the trailer, shoot back and leave. It's better to duck so you don't get shot.

When the trailer stops, you will have to shoot back from enemies in the other one. We climb onto the roof and clear the station. We go down there along the cable and finish off the rest (there will be an officer here). We go down to the lower tier and turn on the movement of the trailers. We drive further in the trailer and bend down so as not to get hit by airplane bullets.

The trailer falls into the water, so you need to quickly open the door. We swim out into the cave and clear it. We rise higher and take a card on the table. At the very top we climb up the wall and clear the next room. At the very top we get into the elevator.

We collect supplies and jump into the passage. We walk along the edge of the mountain and climb onto the bridge. We walk along the path under the bridge. We clear the next location. We open the doors and jump onto the roof of the elevator. We leave the elevator and shoot back from the enemies. Take the map on the wall. We go up the stairs and go out into the street.

We deal with the enemies and press the button through the window in the house at the checkpoint. We climb onto the roof and clear the next area. We take a machine gun and use it to deal with the huge robotic dog. Then there will be another group of soldiers.

On the left we lower the ladder and climb up it. We go into the hole to the left of the gate and go down. We pass along the cliff and climb up the mountain. We walk through the narrow streets of the city, the map can be found near the drinking man. There we also find the entrance to the tavern.

We follow Annette and meet Kessler. Suddenly a dog will appear that we will have to deal with. We open the hatch so they can take cover and deal with a bunch of enemies. We are trying to go down to the basement, but not all the enemies were destroyed. We deal with the enemy by shooting at him and then tearing off pieces of armor. We quickly run to the basement. We follow Kessler to the boat.

Part two. The dark secret of Helga von Schabbs.

Chapter 5. Wulfburg.

On the table we take the plan of the pier. We go out into the street and deal with the soldiers and officers. We go to the tower on the right side. We go up and cross the bridge. We pass through the attic and climb out the window. We clear the pumping station (there will be a couple of officers).

We walk through narrow streets and find a bakery. We talk to Pippa. We take the map on the wall near the stairs and go down into the cellar. We swim through the tunnel and climb up the wall. We deal with the dogs and go into the tavern.

In the kitchen we take an apron and a tray. We go up the stairs and enter the room. We are trying to carry away the documents, but they slow us down. Let's watch the video.

Chapter 6. Ruins.

We break the wall and go upstairs. We jump onto the enemy below. We leave through the kitchen and clear the yard from the risen dead. We pass through the tunnel, but we don’t have time to save Pippa. We take the weapon from the chest and deal with the enemies that appear.

Take the map on the wall near the window. We pass along the second floor (there will be a lot of zombies here) and jump into the alley. We throw a grenade at the breaking doors. We kill a bunch of zombies and go out to the pier. We pull out the boat and take the gun.

We fight through the streets and climb the wall. We pass along the first floor of the bathhouse and rise higher. We jump into the hole and help the girl fight back. We help Annette climb up and move along the cable to another building. We jump into the water, climb up and get into the robot.

Chapter 7. Old town.

We break the wall and deal with the opponents. We shoot the cables that hold the bridge. We break down the doors and clear the area. We get down from the loader and pull the lever, which is located to the left of the gate, indoors.

We get into the loader and clear the next location. We go up the stairs and take the key on the table. We open the grate and go a little forward, here, on the right, you can take a machine gun. To the left of the grate there will be a lever that will open a large gate. We approach the last gate on the loader and watch the video.

Chapter 8. Excavations.

We clear the cemetery and find a couple of officers. In the house above the table you can take a map. We find the road using the map and open the doors with the lever. We go down and walk along the rails. We go down the elevator and deal with a large enemy, an officer and ordinary soldiers.

We open the doors with the lever and clear the area. We go left and jump into the hole. We make our way into the hole, now go back and go through the hole on the right. We find a large round hall and go downstairs. We pass through a narrow gorge. We go into the large hall and press the button.

We shoot back from the dead while the steps appear. We collect ammunition and open the large doors. We watch the video and prepare for the boss fight.

We shoot the monster in the mouth and dodge punches. Soldiers will appear a little later, it is better to deal with them first. On the balcony you can find ammunition and armor. In the room below we find Helga and take the folder with documents.

Platforms: PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4.

Wolfenstein: Old blood. Walkthrough

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - background of the Wolfenstein game: The New Order, a stand-alone prequel to the famous first-person action adventure. This eight-chapter expansion features two interconnected stories, exciting gameplay, a deep storyline, and intense combat.

System requirements
Wolfenstein. Walkthrough of the game on PC

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Core i7
Intel Core i7
AMD with Catalyst 14.4 driver
Video card 1 GB Video RAM, DirectX 11
(Nvidia Geforce GTX 460)
(AMD Radeon HD 6850)
1 GB Video RAM, DirectX 11
(Nvidia Geforce GTX 460)
(AMD Radeon HD 6850)
50 GB 50 GB
operating system Windows 7 (SP1)
Windows 8 (64 bit)
Windows 7 (SP1)
Windows 8 (64 bit)

Passing missions

Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Walkthrough

Objective: Follow Wesley

Under your management, William Jay Blaskowitz. You are traveling in a car, so for now you can just look around. Next, together with Wesley, you must go through the checkpoint. Take the documents, leave the car and follow your friend.

Walk past the German soldiers and go down the stairs. There is a map at the bottom of the wall - take it. Let Wesley go through the gate, and you show your documents and go the same way. Continue to follow the agent and together you will move to the goal along the cable car.

Objective: Find the Helga Science Center

Leave the cable car and turn left. Again, move calmly past the Nazis, who will not attack you. Get to the elevator, jump onto the platform and press the button to go higher on it.

After exiting the elevator, shoot the guard in the head. You must do this before he passes from the corridor to the office. Otherwise, his partner may become a witness to the murder. When the first enemy is neutralized, move forward and destroy the second guard who will come out of the office on the right.

Task: Find a folder with documents

Before you go searching, take the double-barreled shotgun hanging on the wall in the office. Inside the desk drawer are two pistols, from which your hero will fire simultaneously.

Objective: Contact Kessler

The radio that will allow you to contact Kessler is on the table in the main room. Before this, search three other rooms for ammunition, first aid kits and armor. Here you can find new weapons - Assault Rifle 46-T(in simple terms, an assault rifle). Once you are ready, go to the main room and use the radio to contact Kessler.

Objective: Leave the science center

You will encounter Nazis on several floors. Be careful, as they like to leave grenades. It is best to take refuge in the three rooms where ammunition was recently found. They will follow you, but in this area it will be much easier to deal with them.

Advice. Enemies will shout in your direction before throwing a grenade. Try to deal with them before they have time to throw it. The grenade will fall to the floor and, quite likely, other Nazis will be blown up on it.

Continue moving between rooms, carefully listening to the screams of enemies who are about to throw a grenade. As a rule, the safest place is a room located between two others. Wait out the explosion in this room while reloading your weapon. Quickly run around the corner and kill your opponents. After killing one, be sure to turn around so that other Nazis do not approach you from the flank.

When the Nazis stop pulling up, Wesley will throw you a ladder. This will allow you to climb to the second floor.

Follow Wesley through the small hole and complete the prologue.

Chapter 1. Prison
Wolfenstein: Old blood. Showdown with super soldiers

Objective: Find a way out

Approach the iron gate and interact with it. Turn around and look for a pipe that runs along the wall. Approach the pipe and tear it out to find new weapon. Go to the other part of the wall and go up. Be sure to hold down one of the two buttons - “right” or “left”, otherwise you will fall down.

Objective: Find Wesley

Please note that one more new weapon can be found on the cables - Super Soldier gloves. To be more precise, on the cables lies the body of a Super Soldier who died from electric current. In order to get them, you have two ways.

The first way is to de-energize the wires, but to do this you need to find a power source. Next, just go up to the Super Soldier and take off these gloves from him.

Another way is to find a heavy machine gun and kill another Super Soldier.

The main thing here is to remain invisible for as long as possible, even if you find a heavy machine gun. Kill Super Soldiers one at a time, maximum two. Thus, it is best to turn off the power and remove the gloves from the now deceased Super Soldier. Ignore the heavy machine gun in our walkthrough, but do not forget to grab the armor lying nearby. Approach the door and interact with the switch nearby. Next, use the found pipe to open the door and continue moving forward.

There are two Super Soldiers waiting for you ahead, but the routes they patrol do not intersect, so you can easily deal with them one by one. After you kill them, replenish your ammo and go through the next door.

Advice. Before opening the next door, throw away the heavy machine gun. It is best, as stated above, to remain invisible to the enemy.

Go through the door and pick up the map hanging on the wall around the corner ahead on the left. Move along the corridor, also located on the left side. Sneak up to the two dogs and deal with them without raising an alarm. Here you need to eliminate three more Super Soldiers. Their routes are quite complex and intersect in places. Better spend a couple of extra minutes to study everything thoroughly. Destroy them one by one without leaving any traces.

When all three are eliminated, go through the door, turn left and jump onto the pipes. There is armor nearby - pick it up. Go down the stairs to the first floor. Ignoring the two soldiers standing on the right side, turn left and go into the next room. Use the pipe on the wall on the right side to go higher. Crawl a couple of meters and move forward until you meet two Super Soldiers.

Go downstairs, open the box and take out a heavy machine gun. Deal with the first armored enemy. Find the ammo box on the other side. After destroying both enemies, go through the next door.

Turn left in front of the doors and tiptoe until you see another sleeping dog. Deal with her, go through the hall and enter the tunnel.

If you want to stick to the main corridor (and you don't want to because there's another Super Soldier walking around ahead), then head straight to the iron door. Luckily, the tunnel will allow you to reach them via a different route without the enemy noticing. The second turn from the exit to the left and in front of you is the desired door. Wait for the Super Soldier to move away from them, approach, turn off the power and tear down the door using a pipe.

Move along the platform to end up on the other side. There is a fallen Super Soldier here. Deal with him before he gets to his feet. Find ammunition, restore power to the elevator using the switch located on the rear panel. Take the elevator down.

Leave the elevator, avoiding the patrolling Super Soldier, turn right and jump to the area where you need to crawl. Eventually, your path will be blocked by debris. When both Super Soldiers turn away and move away from you, move from the tunnel to the main corridor, turn right and find a hole on the right side. Crawl through it. When the huge robot turns away, get out and go to the door, which must be opened using the usual method.

Move forward, enter the room, pick up the first aid kit and climb the wall higher. Thus, you will save yourself from one more section, which can only be overcome by crawling. At the end there are stray dogs waiting for you. Wait for them to turn away, jump down and take cover behind the column with the letter “A”. There is another hole in the hall that will lead you to a cage with a sleeping dog and a dead prisoner. Kill the dog and then use the pipe to open the lid on the floor of the same room.

Go down the wall, then go up the other wall. Move forward, climb another wall and you will find a sleeping dog near you. Squat down and deal with the dog. Through the hole, get to the main hall, turn left and kill another dog. There is a letter G on the wall at the end of the corridor. There is a hole nearby - move through it. Go up the stairs where you will see a Super Soldier. Wait until he turns away from you, turn off the power and deal with him completely.

Find the G4 sign on the wall, turn and go to the landing marked "4". Go up one flight of stairs, go through the hole and move in the only possible direction. When you have no choice, duck down and turn left. Get out of the cage and talk to the prisoner ahead.

Go forward, open the gate, following the instructions under the doors. Perform the specified sequence of actions (press the corresponding keys shown on the screen).

You can move among the prisoners without any problems. Just make sure you move clockwise around the room. Go into prison cell C4, near which there are traces of blood. Open the lid in the floor and jump down. Behind the toilet you can find a “Health Upgrade” (increasing health).

Continue moving clockwise around the room, moving towards several double doors that have a marker on them. Open them and melee the enemy until he is neutralized. Inspect the room, collect ammunition. When you're ready, move on.

In the next location you will meet new enemies - armored dogs. You can hide in boxes or niches. Open the door on the left along the corridor by performing a series of presses on the indicated keys. Go up the stairs to the second floor and exit through the door. If you can't sneak in unnoticed, then just run. At the point where you come face to face with the dog, turn left and continue the marathon, moving clockwise until you are on the opposite side of the balcony. There will be another hatch above the doors. Open it and climb higher to finally escape from the dog.

Advice. Commanders are high priority targets. If they are alerted that your hero is on site, they will activate an alarm, this will entail the appearance of reinforcements. Try to neutralize them as quickly and unnoticed as possible.

Objective: Restore power to the barge

Watch as Wesley takes Rudy Yeager, then go down and neutralize the Commander. Do this before he reaches the end of the hall. Otherwise, get ready for a warm reception from the Nazis. Pick up the pistol that fell from the Commander, take note of the location of the signal button. You have a very good chance of becoming noticeable and raising the alarm. If this happens, move around the area, collect supplies, first aid kits and armor, destroying, from time to time, the Nazis, of which there will be about two dozen.

Use a rear attack or your pistol to take out the guards and get closer to the Commander. Kill him. You must get to the object on the other side of the location. This can be done either secretly or by thoroughly fraying your nerves. Pull down the lever to complete the task, but first pick up a new weapon - Kampfpistole(combat pistol) lying on the next bench.

For your information. Kampfpistole, which means "combat pistol" in German, is a small grenade launcher.

Objective: Enter Wolfenstein Fortress

Move through the location, killing enemies. Collect ammo, climb onto the boat and pull the lever to continue on your way. In the boat you can find ammunition and a heavy machine gun, near which you are actually sitting. Use your machine gun to destroy soldiers and drones, not forgetting the dangerous tanks that are present in almost every enemy group. If you run out of machine gun ammunition, try shooting with the recently found grenade launcher. If things are bad, just hunker down and wait it out.

When the boat finally stops, climb up and pull the lever to complete the chapter.

Chapter 2. Harbor
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood Walkthrough. How to get through the catacombs

Objective: Open the fortress gates

You find yourself back in the boat. Fortunately, you have a heavy machine gun for company. Do everything the same as before: shoot the enemies, and when you need to bend down, drop the machine gun to the floor. Take cover on the right side of the docks. This place is relatively safe and you can protect yourself from Nazi attacks. After clearing the docks, search the area for ammunition, first aid kits and armor. There is a lever in the place where you left the boat. Be sure to pull on it.

Leave the boat, preferably change your weapon to a pistol. Kill two nearby Nazis, then take a new weapon from the barrels - Bombenschuss.

There will be a hole ahead through which you can enter the building. This hole is located on the left side of the main gate. Deal with the guard and the Commander. Find the table with the painting hanging above it. There is a key on it that is necessary to further advance the mission, take it.

Find the second Commander and neutralize him. Clear the entire area or simply go through the iron barred door that is marked on the minimap as your primary objective. The door is near a statue with a sword in its hand.

When you move into the next room, jump down through the hole in the floor. Take out the two soldiers by shooting them in the head. If you do everything quickly, you will not be detected. Crouch down and move on, collecting ammunition. If you meet Nazis, then, without hesitation, do the same actions with them as with previous enemies. Five soldiers and one war dog are waiting for you ahead. It is completely unnecessary to kill them all.

Rip out the pipe, use it to break open the lid in the floor and jump into the water. Follow the sign and get out of the water. Climb the wall located near you. Shoot the lone soldier in the head, then turn left and silently deal with another enemy. Go further and deal with two Nazis who are patrolling the next part of the location.

Turn left and go through the small cave. The desired road will go to the right. You need to turn left at the place where there are steps. At the top, look to the left and see a Nazi standing guard. There is a second Nazi on the other side of the broken bridge. When you kill the nearest enemy, make sure that the second one does not raise the alarm. To do this, you need to immediately deal with it. From acceleration, jump over to the other side.

On the other side, move up the stairs on the right side, go to the end of the wooden platform and go forward. Climb the wall, then follow straight ahead, take out the lone enemy and go through the doors. Leave the room. Go into the elevator and try to open the hatch at the top of the cabin.

Climb higher along the walls of the elevator shaft. Once you get out, kill the enemy above. There are two remote controls here to activate the alarm, so there will also be two Commanders.

When you clear the area, return to the corridor where there were two Nazis and one Commander. There is a door here that you need to get under to continue further. Moving from the door you need to destroy the sniper located above you.

Go outside by climbing the spiral staircase. There will be another sniper from above. Besides him, there are other soldiers. Try to deal with the sniper first, and then shoot the rest of the opponents with a machine gun.

Pick up the ammo and go to the other side of the docks. Jump into the water, swim forward, you will see a sign on the right side. It is located approximately in the place where the last sniper was killed. You need to move in this direction.

Climb up the pile of bricks that was once a wall. Walk along the cliff and climb through the window. There will be an armored soldier and ordinary Nazis. There are no Commanders around, so it is not necessary to act silently.

Take a new weapon from a heavy soldier - Schockhammer(electric shotgun). Make adjustments in your inventory so you can easily switch between the assault rifle and the shockhammer. Assault rifle kill ordinary soldiers, and use a shotgun - heavy ones. Leave the room and move across the platform. Reach the lever and pull it. The task is completed.

Objective: Enter the Fortress

Go down, go out onto the pier and look to the right. If you have grenades in your inventory, now is the time to use them. You can also use hand grenade launcher. Once you've cleared the area, enter the fortress and turn the wheel to complete the mission.

This is a new game that belongs to the action genre. The game was developed by a company called . Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a continuation of the Wolfenstein series. The game considers this an independent addition, so there are eight chapters in which you can see many interconnected stories. The gameplay is no less exciting, and story line is just as deep as the original, making intense battles even better.

The events of the game take place already in 1946, where the Nazis had almost won the Second World War. world war. To turn the tide of events in favor of the allies, Blaskowitz must successfully carry out a special operation in the distant outback of Bavaria.

Dear readers, we present to your attention a complete and step-by-step walkthrough of the game Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, which will undoubtedly help you in passing. We have both a video walkthrough and a text walkthrough for Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, which you can view below. If you have any advice, suggestions or comments, then write in the comments below.


Finally, after a long cutscene, control passes into your hands: get out of the car and follow Wesley, go down together a little lower and take the map to the left of the wall. Now let your partner go ahead and wait for the moment when you need to show your documents. Once you successfully pass the test, get into the elevator. Now you are going on a trailer to a huge fortress.

Go to the left side and say hello to the soldier. Go through the doors and get into the elevator. At some point, you will need to deal with your first enemy (he is about to pass by you). After the first successful kill, you need to deal with another soldier a little further. As soon as you finish the “cold work”, take the machine gun along with the shotgun (on the wall). Next, you need to find the walkie-talkie and contact the Explorer. At some point, German reinforcements will come to you with whom you have to engage in battle. After this massacre, go up the stairs (to the second floor) and now carefully look around here. Next, you should go down through the ventilation. Eventually, you find yourself in an ambush.

Chapter - 1: Prison

Finding yourself in an ambush, and then in prison, you accordingly find yourself in a cell, so you need to try to find a way out of this place. Check the bars in the prison and try to climb the pipes. In the end, from your attempts you get an effective weapon against the Krauts. Next, climb up the pipes higher, and then up the wall. In the end, you get to the lever on the right side, there will also be a soldier who will need to be knocked out. On the left side of the doors, hold down the switch and eventually open the doors. Knock out the next Fritz again and move on to the next door.

In the end, you get to the table where the card is - take it. Next, carefully and quietly make your way to the dogs and deal with them. After passing through a couple more soldiers, open the doors and go down the stairs. At the bottom, go to the left side and climb higher along the wall. Now climb and crawl along the ventilation shaft, then turn to the left.

Soon you come across a group of soldiers that you should skip. As soon as they pass, go down. On the left side, turn off the switch and deal with a pack of Germans. Having dealt with them, move on, but be careful, as you will soon have to deal with dogs. After a small skirmish, make your way into the ventilation shaft once again and open the doors in the next room.

Take the weapon from the soldiers and activate the power to the elevator. Next, go down the elevator and deal with the Fritz sentry there. Having made your way a little further along the ventilation shaft, deal with another soldier, and then open the doors.

Having passed further, climb higher along the wall. After walking through the ventilation shaft, you eventually find yourself in a huge hall - there will be dogs here, so deal with them very carefully. As soon as you finish all the business with the shaggy ones, then go down below using the ventilation shaft on the left side. Thus, you find yourself in the sewer. Use pipes to destroy the wall, and then rise higher. Having risen to a certain level higher, go a little further and rise higher again. At some point you come across a dog, so deal with it and proceed to the corridor (where you meet a couple more dogs).

Having dealt with the enemies, quickly find a passage further. Once you find it, then go up the stairs to the top floor. You will find yourself near a lever with a soldier, so we knock out the soldier and pull the lever. Next, go to the left side and go up the stairs again. At some point you will have to open your way into the ventilation shaft. As soon as you find yourself inside the ventilation, make your way to the prisoners' cells.

Using your pipe again, open the gate and crawl under it. There is another card on the right side - take it. Next, follow the bloody tracks that lead to the cell. At some point you will need to go lower. Go to the grate and open the doors on the right side. Soon you will need to open the ventilation shaft through which you can get into the corridor. As soon as you go down, immediately hide behind the box, as a huge robot is coming towards you. As soon as he passes, go through the door, above which the light will be on.

Next, go up the stairs and quickly run to the left. There is a ventilation shaft on the opposite side, so move towards it. Walking a little further, you will soon encounter a German officer, so kill him quickly. After that, go to the left side and take the card lying there. From the place where you took the map, go to the left side and deal with a bunch of Krauts there. Having walked a little further, you reach the power lever - pull it. Now it's time to deal with all the soldiers and board the ship. You will have to shoot back from the Germans and their flying drones. Finally, go out to the pier and pull the lever there.

Chapter - 2: Harbor

Approaching the shore, we have to sit down with a machine gun and kill the entire coast guard, so we fire at everyone. Once on the shore, pull the lever on the right side, and then, on the left side, get back into the boat and continue to swim further. As soon as you land on the platform on the right side, pull the new lever. Immediately after the gates open, the Germans begin to attack, so you will need to put down this whole pack. Although there is also an option to go through stealth mode - your choice. In any case, you will need to deal with two German officers. The first officer is located on the 1st floor in the room on the left side of the entrance. The second German officer will be located a little further, but also on the left side.

As soon as you get the key, use it to open the doors that will be a little further. Having opened the doors, go down below and deal with the Krauts, who will also have dogs. After going through and killing all the enemies, carefully examine the floor, as there is a hatch there that you will need to go down into. Having jumped into the hatch and finding yourself at the bottom, quickly get out to the shore and climb further along the wall. Having climbed higher, deal with the sentry and on the right side take another card (this time you will get a map of the catacombs). On the right side, by the way, there is a secret room, and on the left side there is a pack of Germans. In any case, you will need to make your way through a very narrow tunnel, where you will also encounter enemies.

At some point you will need to jump over the destroyed bridge and go up the spiral staircase on the right side. After climbing the wall, immediately deal with one enemy. Next, open the hatch located on the ceiling of the elevator and climb higher. Soon you meet another group of soldiers and German officers with them. One will wander around the balcony, while the other will be located in the farthest room.

At the end of the corridor you will need to break open the iron doors. Attach an optical sight to your rifle and take out all the enemies. In the end, you will need to pull the lever and go down using the stairs. Below you will need to destroy the wall and go to the very edge of the mountain. Having dealt with the enemies, go to the next lever and finally pull it. Next, go down the stairs below and fight your way to the huge gates of an equally huge fortress.

Chapter - 3: Wolfenstein Fortress

It all starts with a very good skirmish, but the enemies turn out to be ordinary soldiers, so deal with them and then take them down to the basement. Find a lever there - pull it and find a map that will hang on the wall. As soon as you find yourself in the large hall, get ready for the fact that you will have to face another batch of fascists. In addition, if you go up to the second floor, you can pick up a machine gun there. In any case, you will need to continue climbing the wall.

Soon you find yourself in the dining room, where you will have to shoot a couple more fascists. In addition, you will also meet a couple of German officers right there. As soon as you deal with the enemies, open the ventilation shaft that will be located at the top. After this, carefully examine the hall with the premises and find a passage that will be located in one of the fireplaces. In the end, you find yourself in halls that you can clear either by stealth or by combat. But still, after clearing, you will have to climb into the hatch, which is located on the second floor on the left side. Then break through the wall that is located above the boxes and clear the next room.

Near the statue, make your way into the ventilation shaft and end up in the library. In the library you will encounter soldiers and officers, so you will have to kill everyone, but as soon as you do this, climb to the top and go to the iron doors.

Soon you find old Wesley. Any attempts to disconnect it from the chair do not give any result. Having dealt with the next dog, quickly run upstairs, where you will gather armor, ammunition and weapons. All this will soon be useful to you, since very soon a bunch of fascists will come running. At the top, open the doors and go inside the elevator.

Chapter - 4: Escape

First open the hatch and climb further along the wall. Soon you come across a soldier, whom it is better to let through, and then approach him from behind and kill him. Next, move on to clearing the area; by the way, don’t forget about the officers. After a little cleaning, go down the next hatch and pull the lever located on the control panel. As a result, you will activate the trailer next door, so get into it and, leaving here, start shooting at the fascists. In addition, try to hide as often as possible while leaving, as you can be shot without any problems.

As soon as your trailer stops, you have to shoot back from the Germans together with your friend. Soon it will be necessary to climb onto the roof, where in turn it will be necessary to clear the station. As soon as you remove most of the enemies, then go down and finish off the remnants of the Krauts, keep in mind that there will also be an officer there. As soon as you deal with the officer, go down to the tier below and activate the panel that is responsible for the movement of the trailer. As soon as you do this, quickly make your way to the trailer, sit down, bend down and start fighting off enemies. Don’t forget to hide often, especially since this time planes will already fire at you.

In the end, the plane hits the trailer critically and it, in turn, falls into the water with you inside. Once in the water, you need to break down the doors as soon as possible. As soon as you successfully get out of this tin can, then swim to the cave next door, where you encounter new enemy forces. As soon as you kill everyone, go up higher and take the card on the table. At the very top, climb the wall even higher and clear the next room there. After clearing, get into the elevator and ride it further.

Don't forget that the first thing you do when you get off the elevator is to collect the supplies lying here. As soon as you collect everything, jump into the passage. Once at the edge of the mountain, walk a little further and eventually climb onto the bridge. There is a path under the bridge - follow it. Soon everything turns into the usual clearing of the area. Once the clearing is successful, open the doors and jump onto the roof of the elevator. Having made your way in and out of the elevator, you are faced with new enemy formations. After killing everyone, take the map on the wall. Next, go up the stairs and go outside.

Having dealt with your opponents, quickly press the button located in the window of the local checkpoint. Next, climb onto the roof and clear this area of ​​enemies. At some point, you will need to take a machine gun and you will need to deal with a huge robot dog, after which more packs of fascists will arrive.

On the left side, lower the ladder, and then climb up it. Next, go through the hole on the left side of the gate and then go down. After going further along the cliff, climb higher up the mountain. So, now you find yourself in a town, so move along the narrow alleys. You can find the next map of the territory near the drinking man. In addition, right there, near the map, you can find the entrance to the local tavern.

After following a girl named Annette, you meet a man named Kessler. Soon a dog appears out of the blue and you have to deal with it. Next, open the hatch so that your friends can hide in a safe place, and then start fighting off crowds of enemies. An attempt to go down to the basement turns out to be a failure, since not all the enemies died. Deal with the enemy, shoot at him, and then tear off his armor. Once you get to the basement, then move on with Kessler on the boat.

Chapter - 5: Wulfburg

On the table, first of all, take a plan of the local pier. Next, go out into the street and deal with all the Nazis and their officers there. As soon as you deal with the enemies, move towards the tower on the right side. Once near the tower, climb to the top and walk further along the bridge there. Next, move to the attic, where you make your way inside through the window. So you find yourself in pumping station, so clear it of all fascists.

Walking further through small streets, you eventually end up near a bakery. At the bakery, talk to Pippa. Take the map on the wall near the stairs and go down further into the cellar. Swimming through the tunnel, climb further along the wall. Having climbed to the top, deal with the dogs and go to the next tavern.

Once in the tavern, quickly go to the kitchen, take the apron along with the tray, then go up the stairs and go to the indicated room. Here, when you try to steal documents, you are suddenly slowed down and a new video starts.

Chapter - 6: Ruins

Having taken control again into your own hands, begin to break the wall. As soon as you break it, go upstairs. At this point you have to jump on top of the enemy. As soon as you deal with the enemies, go out through the local kitchen into the courtyard and begin to clear the area of ​​walking corpses. After dealing with the enemies, go through the tunnel. Soon you see how Pippa is attacked, but attempts to save her do not end in success - she dies. Near her pipe there is a chest with weapons and ammunition - take everything. Taking the weapon, deal with the arriving enemies.

Soon you come across a map on the wall, near the window - take it. Next, go along the second floor of the building and simultaneously destroy all the zombies that you come across. Eventually, you find yourself in one of the alleys. As soon as you reach the doors that will break, throw a grenade there. As a result, you will kill a pack of zombies, after which you will have to destroy another pack of zombies. After being mobbed by enemies, you finally make it to the pier. Here you need to pull out the boat and take the gun lying nearby.

In the future, you will again have to return to the streets and fight your way towards the specified goal. Eventually, you reach a wall where you can climb higher. After that, quickly walk along the first floor of the tower and rise higher, jump into the hole and quickly help Annette fight off a couple of zombies. Next, help her climb higher. You, in turn, will have to move using a cable to the building next door. At some point, you will need to jump into the water, then get out of the water and get into a robot in which you can deal with heaps of enemies.

Chapter - 7: Old Town

Break down the next wall quickly and deal with a couple of enemies. After a small brawl, you need to shoot the cables that, in turn, hold the bridge. Having done this, then destroy the doors and clear the area from enemies. Having cleared the area, finally get down from the loader and pull the lever nearby (it will be located on the left side of the gate, in the room).

Next, get into the loader and clear the next territory. After that, go up the stairs and take the key on the nearby table. Having opened the grate with it, go a little further and be extremely careful, as there is a machine gun on the right side. Going a little further on the left side of the grate there will be a lever that is responsible for the large gate. Having opened the gate, go on the loader to the last gate, where they show you another video.

Chapter - 8: Excavation

Once in the cemetery, start clearing it and first of all, find several German officers and kill them. In the first house you come across, under the table you can take a map of the territory. Using the map, you can already find the right road and open the doors using the lever. Next, going down, move along the rails located here. At some point, after you go down the elevator, you will meet with very "fat" enemies, ordinary ordinary enemies and an officer.

Having dealt with all the enemies, open the doors and clear the new territory. Go to the left side and jump into the hole there. Next, clean up the hole located here, and then make your way into the hole on the right side. As a result, you find yourself in a very large round room. From here, go down and make your way further along a very narrow gorge. Once in the next room, click on the button located next to it.

Soon you have to shoot at crowds of walking corpses until all the steps appear. Collect available ammunition and open large doors. After a short video, the battle with the huge Boss begins. You just need to shoot this monster in its mouth and dodge the blows. At some point, soldiers will also arrive as reinforcements, but it is best to focus on the main enemy. In addition, if you are low on ammunition or armor, then you can find all this on one of the balconies. In the end, after you kill the monster, you can go inside the crypt, where Helga will be near death with documents.

After you take the documents, the final screensaver begins, and then, accordingly, the credits. At this point, the passage of the game is considered completed, and below you can share your impressions of this game.

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