April 12th is women's name day. Name days in April for boys and girls according to the church calendar. Do you know that

Even the Slavs, before naming the baby, consulted with a priest, who selected the child’s name in accordance with the day of the guardian angel. It was believed that if you call a newborn this way, the baby will be protected throughout his life, as if with its help he was awarded strength. Which ones are there? suitable names a girl born in April? We'll find out in the article.

Names for gentle April ladies

There is a belief that girls born in the fourth month of the year are more defenseless in our world. Therefore, mothers and fathers are recommended to choose a name that can protect the baby from life’s sharp turns and has strong energy. What name is suitable for a girl born in April?

1-20. First half of April

The beginning of the fourth month is under the sign of Aries. These are energetic and active girls who love attention. Here are the names for girls born in early April:

  • April 1: Maria, Daria, Ilaria, Matryona, Sofia.
  • April 2: Alexandra, Feodosia, Claudia, Yulia, Svetlana, Olesya, Ulyana.
  • April 4: Polina, Aglaida, Taisiya.
  • April 5: Maria, Lydia, Varvara, Anastasia.
  • April 8: Anna, Alla, Larisa.
  • April 9-10: Maria, Marina.
  • April 13: Miroslava.
  • April 14: Maria.
  • April 16: Feodosia.
  • April 17: Maria.
  • April 18: Theodora.
  • April 20: Evdokia.

From this list it seems as if the author mixed something up, but no. You ask: “Where did April 3, 5-7, 11-12, 15, 19 go?” The fact is that Orthodox calendars do not allow any female names on these dates. This does not mean that mommy should wait until a certain day when she can choose a name. Just use any other April name.

End of the month

The second half was thoroughly occupied by Taurus - in April and May. Names of girls born at this time:

  • April 25: Afanasia.
  • April 26: Alina, Marfa.
  • April 28: Vasilisa, Anna.
  • April 29: Marfa, Maria, Aglaida or Aglaya, Susanna, Anastasia, Victoria, Irina, Galina, Tamara, Arina, Nika, Karina.

6 days out of 10 church calendar remained without a name. But on April 29 there are so many of them that two names will be enough for each day out of these six.

Meaning of names

  • Most often you can find Maria on the list - 6 times. Let's move on to the meaning and origin. A popular name, found in many European countries and on many pages of history, but the interpretation is not always happy, because of this, some families think for a very long time before giving it. Mary was mentioned in the Old Testament. Meanings: "sad", "rejected", "bitter" and "lady".
  • Daria. If you look at the top 10 popular female names, you will definitely come across Daria. Spring-sounding, what’s an even better name for a child? Before the adoption of Christianity, this name was not even heard of in Rus', but in Orthodoxy it was highly revered. Interpretation: “endowed with goodness”, “winner”.
  • Ilaria. Extraordinary, beautiful and unique - these are the words that characterize it. By affiliation - Latin, by the nature of the name - ancient Greek. Translation: “cheerful”, “joyful”.
  • Matryona. Or as they also call it, Matrona. It comes from a Latin word that translates as “lady.”
  • Sofia. Popular Greek name. In England and France, a derivative interpretation of Sophia and Sophia - Sophie - is among the top ten popular names. Meaning: "reasonableness", "wisdom".
  • Alexandra. An unpopular and unfamiliar Greek name before the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Interpretation: “protecting humanity.”
  • Claudia. Enough rare name with an incredible history: comes from part full name Rima - Claudius, which means “lame”. However, Claudia is not “lame” at all, but “revered.” After all, this name comes from the name of the most revered god Vulcan.
  • Julia. Such a spring and tender name Julia. Interpreted as “fluffy”, “wavy”.
  • Svetlana. The name is of Slavic origin. Means "light", "clean".
  • Olesya. One of the options about the origin of the name is the ancient and long-forgotten Lesyan. Means "forest girl".
  • Feodosia. The history of the name goes deep into Ancient Greece. Means “given by God.”
  • Pauline. Based on the first version, we can interpret the name Polina as “baby”, “small” translated from Latin. If we adhere to the second judgment, Polina is a derived form from Appolinaria (“solar”).
  • Aglaida. An unpopular name these days. Translated as “magnificent”, “brilliant”.
  • Taisiya. A Greek name that has been used since Antiquity. Interpretation: “belonging to the goddess Isis”, “fertile”.
  • Lydia. A popular name in the last century. Meaning: "resident of Lydia."
  • Varvara. If you translate it into the European way, you get Barbara, and in short - Barbie. Translation: “foreigner”.
  • Anastasia. Nastenka is by no means a Slavic name; it came with the baptism of Rus' from Greece. Interpretation: “resurrected to life.”
  • Anna. It was used by the ancient Jews. Meaning: "favor".
  • Allah. No matter how funny it may sound, no one knows where it came from, but there are as many as 7 versions of its origin! Interpretation: “Jack of all trades.”
  • Larisa. The Greek name of one of the granddaughters of the king of the seas and oceans, Poseidon. Translation: “seagull”.
  • Marina. Comes from Greece, can be found as the name of the goddess Venus. Meaning: "sea".
  • Miroslava. That is a rare case when the name of the Slavs is still used. Interpretation: “famous for its love of peace.”
  • Theodora. Top 10 in Serbia, but not in Russia. Meaning: "God's gift."
  • Afanasia. This Greek name has not been recorded in the last few years. Translation: “immortal.”
  • Vasilisa. The name can be spelled S. It means: “ruler’s wife”, “queen”.

By choosing a name, you choose the fate of your child, choose what kind of character and attitude he will have towards the world. Review all the names of girls born in April, their meaning and origin. Then just make a choice.

Names of girls born in April according to the church calendar

The Saints are an indispensable assistant in this difficult choice. Every day according to the church calendar they pay tribute to the memory and honor of holy men and women, so you can always turn to him. What church names girls born in April? Anatoly, Domna, Melania, Praskovya and all those listed above.

April according to zodiac signs

Choosing by zodiac sign is not the best option, but if you do not trust the Orthodox calendar, then a list of names for April signs is at your service. April is under Aries and Taurus, the names Lara, Sasha, Dasha, Galya, Maya, Elya, Rimma, Lida, Inna are suitable for them.

Names for April 12 according to the church calendar (saints)

April 12/25

Anfusa - flower, blooming, prosperous (Greek).
Athanasia - immortality, immortal (Greek).
Vasily - king, royal, royal (Greek).
David - beloved, beloved (Hebrew).
Zinon (Zeno) - Zeus; divine (Greek).
John (Ivan) - the grace of God, God has had mercy (Heb.);
Isaac (Isaak) - he will laugh, laughter (Heb).
Mina - month, monthly, lunar (Greek).
Sergius (Sergei) - tall, venerable (lat).

Do you know that...

The week after Easter (Bright Week) was traditionally associated with the celebration of Easter. IN Orthodox churches Every day during Easter week the Easter liturgy was celebrated. Then the priests walked around the villages with the cross and icons (Procession of the Cross). In each house, the owners met clergymen festive table with colored eggs and Easter cakes. On Easter Saturday old tradition All Orthodox Christians who came to the temple were given pieces of artos - a large Easter cake with the image of a cross or the image of Christ.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.


On April 12, name days are celebrated by those who were given the male names Ivan, Zakhar and Lazar at birth. There are no female names for today.

IN Orthodox calendar for 2020 it is said that on April 12 they pay tribute to the memory of St. John. On this day, women baked buns, giving them the shape of a ladder.

Today, few people celebrate name days; modern boys and girls have no idea what Angel Day is.

Name days were considered a great holiday, and those whose birthday coincided with them were especially revered. The birthday people offered prayers to the patron, thanking him for his kindness and justice.

The cherished wish made today will certainly come true, the angel will hear everything and heed the request.

John received his nickname due to the creation of a spiritual work called “The Ladder.” The scripture was highly appreciated by his contemporaries.

Little is known about early years life of a saint. While still a young man, he came to the monastery, where he lived for four years, and then became a monk. After the death of his mentor, he renounced worldly life, becoming a hermit.

John moved away from people, spending time in prayers to God, observing all fasts. Many came to him for blessings and kind words, the saint tried to help everyone.

When an envious person reproached him for his verbosity, he stopped speaking for a whole year. Having learned about this, the man repented and became a supporter of Climacus.

In old age, John was appointed abbot to the Sinai monastery, where he spent the rest of his days.

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