What does it mean to see a concentration camp in a dream? Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a Camp, what does it mean to see a Camp in a dream. Children's camp - for family troubles

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a concentration camp in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I was a prisoner in this concentration camp. I remember they only gave out tea there in zhmenya. I took this zhmenya and put it in the pocket of my torn coat. I also remember that if someone went out into the street they would immediately catch him.

    I was at a decotheque with my friends, the Germans arrived and took everyone to the end of the camp near that place. We were in small rooms where there were a lot of people, everyone was crying. I was very afraid, but I didn’t think about escaping. Then I met one guy, a famous comedian from Odessa, but now he is in Moscow, he is Jewish. And I grabbed him by the hand and told him that he needed to clean up urgently, and we ran away together. When we climbed over the fence, dogs huddled in the corner and started running towards us, but they were on a chain; they were literally 5 centimeters short of us. We ran away and I ended up in another city with two girls who gave me a wig so that they wouldn’t recognize me and took me to my friend’s father’s house, where all her relatives were celebrating her birthday. I kept trying to tell her what happened to me, but I couldn’t because of my birthday.

    I dreamed that I was in a concentration camp, I saw my friends there, I saw that I went into another cell where there were purebred dogs, I let them out so that they could run out and look for at least some food for themselves, and then there was only one dog left, where did the others go, I don’t know everything I don't remember anything else. Thank you.

    I dreamed that I was participating in some kind of military action and our group had a secret place in which we discussed our plans. But the enemies found us and started shooting, they wanted to hit me with a bullet, but I dodged and pretended to be dead while my entire group was shot. But then they spotted me and some man I didn’t know started killing me with a knife in the back, but he didn’t succeed. They start torturing me, to which I tell them, “Don’t hurt me, I’ll tell you everything.” But they don’t listen to me and try to make me suffocate, they torture me horribly. But then they bring in another captive man, who turns out to be my favorite person in real life! My enemies notice my reaction and give me an ultimatum - if you kill him with a pistol, we will let you live. I take the gun and, after aiming for a long time, try to shoot, but after thinking, I throw the gun and hug my loved one and say, “Shoot at the two of us, I want to die together.” but they leave us alive. Then I dream that more and more human captives are being brought into this HUGE room and they all turn out to be no older than 20 years old. I also find my friends there, who don’t understand where they are and what will happen to them here, but I show them my back, which was hit by knives, and they begin to panic. I want to escape, but my boyfriend is afraid, but I see others trying to escape, but they don’t succeed - they are shot. This is where my dream ends.

    Good afternoon!
    I was among those captured in a concentration camp, everything was taken away from everyone, and from me too, things that were valuable to me, a guitar, socks, and I couldn’t hide it anywhere, because there was nowhere to hide it, everything was someone else’s and everyone would be found and could be killed. there are corpses in the ditch, including the corpse of my friend’s father (in reality he is alive), they stink terribly, and we living people really don’t want to get there, and not be buried at all humanly. I’m figuring out how to escape from here, but I understand that I will betray others and it torments me, I feel like this is some kind of game and that everything will end soon, I wait and wait... but I can’t figure out how to escape

    Hello, dear dream interpreters! Today I saw myself at night among the prisoners of a concentration camp. Everyone suffered humiliation. beatings. There was no mercy for a minute. Then I somehow ran away and killed a guard and woke up hard. The alarm clock immediately rang. The day before there was a humiliating. harsh her side of the conversation. first with my mother. then with my sister about my father’s inheritance. I have to give it in favor of my mother. then my sister said that she sent the money to her mother. and she tells me that my sister is not giving anything. in short, lies and betrayal. I want blacklist their phones

    I dreamed of a concentration camp. We were forced to work and it was scary that they would kill us. But this was not torture with deprivation of food and all that, we were simply forced to work against our will and we, realizing this within ourselves, resisted, but nothing could be done. The main feeling is fear

    In general, it was like this, I was walking with the dog, doing harness rentals and just walking in the forest with friends, then we saw a site like a hockey rink, and decided to arrange a children’s rental there, then we came strangers they were not happy with something I don’t remember, then they abruptly packed up and left and a lot of people came to this court, there was something like a concert, I said that these people had come, we could do some more work, but then I changed my mind, a lot of people wanted to skate people, in the end the concert changed, some people all closed everything, everything turned into a prison, I managed to get out and the dog stayed there, all the people ran, but then I shouted Berta to me and she found a passage and got out, then it happened that I ended up in a building where naked children were walking around, cutting their hair, building them, and I didn’t see any women, but I was looking for a way out in different rooms, I couldn’t find a way out, I ended up in the place where children were burned, they saw me and I didn’t want the boy to see me I gave it up, threw it into the fire, I don’t know what it was! I ran and then woke up!

    I’m in a barracks with people, but there are both women and men, but I communicate with women, they put me in bed next to a woman who is thin but very tanned and has a hairstyle, they warn me that they will punish me, but I perform, they take me out into the cold and they pour on me on top there is cold water like from a toilet tank and everything reminds me of a toilet...I felt scared for a moment from hopelessness, or rather I realized where I was...I saw the face of my executioner, he was smiling, after the torture I began to flatter him, but then somehow I escaped .I killed them all, I was saved, but from the outside, I didn’t change anything, they became free, but the strange gray people and the walls remained... One thing is strange, on the one hand, like the blooming Alps and the smell, and then there’s this terrible smell of wet gray walls and light fog and sun rays through the fog, but weak.

    Good afternoon. I dreamed of a concentration camp, but it was very clean and bright, women lying on beds, some with children. The fascists stood nearby, asked questions, people answered, and I answered too. At the same time, we were given chocolate and chocolate candies to eat. The camp was located in a pine forest, but I only saw tree trunks without a crown.

    I dreamed that at first we were on an excursion to what I was told was a school. I remember that the conditions there seemed terrible to me. Gray beds, bare floors. We're back home.
    On the excursion, I only knew that my m.ch. was nearby, and already at home I noticed that his friends had returned with us. And then my m.ch. He declares that he is going to this school. And the next scene I remember is our date with him there. He is pale and dressed in some rags. And then it dawns on me that this is a concentration camp. I ask him to run away with me, but he refuses. As a result, they take me away in tears. And the entire next part of the dream is spent looking for ways to get him out. I try to get there by digging into some hut, but I almost get caught. I'm trying to talk to some officer who can help, but he doesn't say anything of substance. I don't remember how it ended. I woke up. But I really need to know the interpretation. Because before going to bed we had a big fight with M.H.

    the police beat the girl
    It was raining heavily
    Then one of the policemen flirted with me, I fell in love with him and he cut my hand with glass to establish an intimate relationship
    I found a lot of gold jewelry with stones from World War II.

    I dreamed that my brother and I were caught and put in some house with other people, more precisely teenagers. There was practically no food there, we managed to somehow hide our phones, but there was no connection there. My brother and I were separated, locked in rooms and, one might say, starved. But I found a hole in the floor in my room that led to the street. I don’t know how I pulled my brother out and at exactly 5 am we ran out of this house. But the guards chased after us and we ran all the way to the city border, and then I woke up.

    I dreamed that at work I constantly forgot something, and then one guy and I found ourselves in the forest, went down into a ravine, and there were corpses, teenagers, in clothes with names written on pieces of paper. Then I realized that these were the boys who were with me, I told this to the guy with whom we always went together, that “it’s you, you’re younger, I’m older, I’m from the future.” I just don’t forget (she named some essential thing that she had forgotten the day before),” then we were driving in the car, I was very scared, this guy was driving, two girls were lying behind (before that, someone had gotten out behind), then we got out , I forgot my jacket (not the one I actually have in life, for some reason it was bright blue), we went to some place where there was a gate and soldiers stood (all in modern uniforms and the world is modern), they didn’t want to let us in , well, we persuaded them, they said, “Well, they teach us...” (there was a feeling that they were under hypnosis or something like that. We went through the gate into a large hall, similar to a station or airport, there I asked another boy for a jacket or jacket ( I was really scared to be without a jacket, I was afraid that we would suddenly find ourselves in the cold). Then they brought the slaves into the room in groups. A woman stood on the threshold. Everything was mysterious and scary. The rest of the guys walked and believed that everything was fine, nothing It didn’t bother me. I looked inside the room - it was dark and there were candles. Before that, I saw (it was light) how the guys were standing in a circle and the guy was crying, and on the floor were photographs from the Second World War. We were alone in the hall with this guy. Everyone has already been brought in. This woman came up to us, said something, whispered something to the guy next to her, and the woman said something like, well, I figured you out. I asked what she was talking about, and she said, “Aren’t you going to join KVN?” 🙂 (her words were very untrue, scary, mysterious). I pretended that I was trying and asked DO YOU EVEN HAVE KVN HERE?? She said that they want to build it (apparently) to occupy half of the first floor. I asked what kind of place this was, she said that it was some kind of military academy. We entered the room. There were desks, in front there was a woman at the computer, as if she was playing games. Behind the paitas there is a table with a kettle and a filter in which water was boiling. Cold water she brought it out on demand from behind a curtain at the end of the room (like a kitchen in a cafe, separated by a burgundy curtain from the hall with guests). I wanted water, I asked the girl, she said that they take cold water out from there. I don't flock to ask. Sit at the desk. The guy who didn’t want to sit down with me for the first time. He sat behind me. The desks were crooked. And it seemed like there were single ones... then we were fed delicious, separate food (like not even all of it), but I didn’t like the overall impression of the food. When we were eating, I lost my vigilance. I understood that this was a trick, but still the food and mood were good. Then I woke up with a feeling of fear and pictures in my head about how I had to give up food, then there was gas, sleep and all that...

A camp seen in a dream is a symbol of active recreation and interesting leisure. Of course, if this is not a concentration camp, but a place for children to relax or just a summer camp in the fresh air. It’s impossible to say for sure why you dream about camp, but you can remember the details and look into the dream book. And he will certainly give answers to all your questions.

Interpretations of Miller's dream book

If you dreamed that you were sleeping in the fresh air - you will achieve what you want, but for this you will have to make a long trip. A married woman dreams that she is in a camp full of soldiers - she should fear for her reputation; any gossip can lead to a quarrel with her husband, and even to divorce. For a girl, such a dream promises troubles with her groom until they get married.

“A pioneer is an example to everyone” or pleasant moments await you

Seeing a pioneer camp in a dream means something pleasant, but something long forgotten will return to your life, Tsvetkov’s dream book promises.

Being a counselor in a pioneer camp means a crowded event where you will be the center of attention.

You dream that you are sitting by the fire in a pioneer camp and singing songs - a pleasant evening in the company of old friends.

Wandering around an abandoned pioneer camp with rusty swings and abandoned buildings - you are very homesick for the past time and are doing it in vain, since very bright prospects await you.

Summer parking is a sign of fun and joy

To dream that you and your friends are relaxing outdoors with tents means fun and joy, the Spring Dream Book prophesies.

Singing songs around the fire of a summer camp - expect changes: funny songs - for positive changes, lyrical melodies - don’t get hung up on problems and they will be resolved quickly.

I had a dream in which you were going on a hike with friends and made a stop, setting up a tent city - to an unexpected trip.

Children's camp - for family troubles

If you dream that you brought your son or daughter to a children's camp, in reality the children will bring you unexpected troubles.

If you dreamed that you saw a lot of children going to a children’s camp, this means you are about to go on a visit to another city and have troubles associated with it.

Seeing yourself in LTO - in reality, you will encounter difficulties in mutual understanding with family members due to different points of view on some problem. Modern dream book recommends conceding the dispute.

Military training ground as a symbol of professional victories and defeats

If you dreamed of a military camp, be prepared for the fact that you will have to fight for a new promising place.

A woman dreams that she is standing in uniform on a military training ground - this means a change in her position: if the uniform is an officer’s, she can count on a promotion, while a soldier’s tunic promises a demotion.

For a man, any form is a symbol of struggle and victory.

Seeing captured enemy soldiers in your location means be on your guard, your competitors are not asleep.

Concentration camp is a harbinger of insults and humiliation

Being in a concentration camp as a prisoner in a dream means public humiliation, predicts the Lunar Dream Book.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about Camp - psychological interpretation:

Camp - To see that you are spending the night outdoors in a camp means that you can expect a change in business, but prepare for a long and tiring journey.

If you dreamed of a parking lot or a bivouac, this means that many of your comrades will move to new places, and your own prospects will be gloomy.

If a young woman dreams that she is in a camp, then this means that her lover will have trouble until he forces her to name the day of their wedding and, in the end, he will turn out to be a good husband.

If a woman dreamed that she was in a military camp, then she would get married at the first opportunity given to her.

For a married woman, after a dream where she sees herself in a soldier’s camp, there is a danger of tarnishing the name of her husband, which will result in a high-profile divorce proceeding.

See also: why do you dream about a hike, why do you dream about a tent, why do you dream about a tourist.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Camp according to the dream book:

Camp - You dreamed of a pioneer camp that left an indelible mark on your memory - this is a harbinger of meeting childhood friends or classmates.

Tourist camp - means that changes in business are coming, you have to go on a long journey.

If you dreamed of a military camp, this portends you gloomy prospects and anxiety for the fate of your children.

If a young girl dreams of a camp, this means that she will unexpectedly soon marry a newly minted lieutenant.

Finding yourself in a certain enemy camp in a dream means your lover will have trouble, and only an urgent marriage can save the situation.

If you dreamed of Stalinist or Nazi death camps, this is a danger of tarnishing your good name participation in the trial.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream about Camp, what is it for:

Camp - To see that they went on a hike, then took a break and set up camp, then this dream means that in reality you are already tired of knocking on closed doors, you must rest, gain strength, and then move on in search of justice, and then you will definitely succeed very successfully. Success will soon come to you, and you get ready to reap the benefits of your victory.

Seeing yourself in a camp is a vague sign, indicating that your future is dark and unclear. Only you yourself are capable of choosing the right path and the only true path that can possibly change your destiny for the better. But it also happens the other way around. Remember: if fortune turns away from you, then you yourself are the master of your life.

A dream of a destroyed and looted camp foreshadows great losses in real life or the loss of loved ones. In addition, you may accidentally protect somewhere a large sum of money or gold jewelry that is also dear to you as a memory of a loved one.

To see in a dream a well-maintained camp in which cleanliness, order and complete tranquility reign - such a dream guarantees you a comfortable existence for many years. Don’t be surprised by anything in this life, but take everything for granted. This will make it easier to go your own way.

I dreamed of an empty camp in which there is not a soul, as if everyone had died out, this means that in a few months you will be left completely alone due to your nasty, quarrelsome character, as well as due to your arrogant behavior and arrogant attitude towards the people around you. You consider yourself the center of the Universe, around which everything in the world should revolve, fulfilling even the smallest whims. But in real life, sometimes things don’t turn out the way we want them to, so it’s worth suppressing your delusions of grandeur.

If you dreamed of a children's camp, then this dream predicts a quick quantitative increase in your happy family, which you and your loved ones will be incredibly happy about.

Dream book for girls

Seeing Camp in a dream:

Camp - If you dreamed of a summer camp where you spent the summer, this indicates that you will soon meet your camp friends. Although, perhaps you just yearn for that carefree time and would like to return there.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Camp, what does it mean:

Camp - Being in a military camp means unpleasant changes in society, news of military conflicts. A children's or tourist camp is a dream of collective events, events, during which unexpected events may occur. A small camp site, a bivouac where you spent the night in the open air, is evidence of your friends moving to new places, your difficult journey and, in general, changes in life for the worse. Being in a military camp for men means divorce.

For women only - If a young woman sees herself in a camp in a dream, she should hurry up with the wedding (her future husband will have troubles until they get married, but the marriage will be happy).

Lunar dream book

Why does a sleeping person dream about Camp? It means:

Camp (see military) - to a message about the war. Mars in Virgo. Seeing a pioneer or children's house means independent life and forbidden hobbies.

A camp in dreams, as a rule, symbolizes a variety of leisure and exciting pastimes.

Even a small parking lot in nature in the summer in a dream can be interpreted by dream books in this vein.

The only exception is the prison camp. It is possible to accurately select the interpretation of what camp means in dreams only with the help of a dream book. To do this, just remember your dream and its most vivid details.

According to Miller

We saw you sleeping under open air in a dream? This means that in reality you will be able to achieve everything you have planned. However, this requires planning a long trip.

If a married lady happened to visit a camp where there were soldiers in a dream, then in reality she needs to take care of her name and reputation. Gossip and squabbles around your person can provoke quarrels and conflicts with your husband, as well as push you to a final break.

For a young girl, such a vision foreshadows disagreements that will end only after the wedding.

To pleasant little things

Have you seen how you and your friends are relaxing in a tent city? According to the Spring Dream Book, good luck and fun will accompany you in the near future.

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