Book graphics. The art of the book. Book graphics Book in fine arts

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Western Europe: miraculously preserved manuscripts of the 5th - 10th centuries

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    Codex This is the name given to manuscripts written on parchment in the Middle Ages - unlike ancient scrolls and wax tablets, they were multi-page, like modern books

    Written on parchment made from the skin of newborn lambs, often in gold and silver, unique books of the early Middle Ages were incredibly expensive

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    PARCHMENT Animal skins were used to make parchment. First they were washed, then kept in lime for three to ten days, and then stretched onto wooden frames Sometimes up to 150 animal skins were used for one book

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    ScriptoriaMedieval scriptoria were created at monasteries; the painstaking work of creating handwritten books (manuscripts) was carried out by monks.

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    The word "miniature" comes from the Latin name for cinnabar - red paint (minium), which was used to highlight the beginning of the text. Initials in medieval manuscripts are real works of art.

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    Quedlinburg Italas, the earliest example of medieval book miniatures

    The Quedlinburg Itala is a luxuriously illustrated manuscript of the Old Testament in Latin. The book was created at the beginning of the 5th century, presumably in Rome. Then it came to Germany and was donated to the Quedlinburg monastery in the 10th century by Emperor Otto I. This is the first known Latin illustrated Old Testament. Unfortunately, very little of the book has survived: six sheets, the state of which leaves much to be desired.

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    Vienna Book of Genesis It was created in the 6th century and is rightfully considered one of the masterpieces of world art. This is a codex executed with remarkable craftsmanship on purple-tinted parchment.

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    Saint Mark. Gospel from Rossano

    The most notable books of the sixth century are the Rossano Gospel and the Gospel of St. Augustine of Canterbury, which is often called the Cambridge Gospel due to its location. Since the sixth century, a portrait of the evangelist (usually accompanied by an appropriate symbol) has become a stable element of this canon of medieval church books. In the codices from Rossano and Cambridge, each gospel was preceded by a portrait of its author, occupying a separate page. St. Mark has been preserved to this day in the Rossan Codex, and St. Luke in the Cambridge Codex.

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    Saint Luke, Cambridge Gospel

    Canonical symbols of the Four Evangelists (tetramorph) Saint Matthew -, winged man (sometimes taken: angel), Saint Mark - lion; Saint Luke - Taurus; Saint John is an eagle.

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    Gospel from RossanoBiblical subjects: Christ and Pilate, the death of Judas, Christ and Barrabas

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    Book of Kells (Ireland, around 800)

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    The Book of Kells The oldest university in Ireland, Trinity College, houses a Gospel with illustrations from the 9th century. It is sometimes called the most beautiful book in the world. Each page is beautifully decorated with intricate designs and mythical animals. The book is unparalleled in the variety of designs on each of its 680 pages; it was bound into four separate volumes in the 1950s. The intricate illustrations made by the scribes and monks of the Monastery of Kells were described by a 13th-century chronicler as “inhuman, angelic work.”

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    Gospel of Godescalca, 8th century (named after the master)

    The leaves of the famous manuscript, the Book of Godescalc, are tinted purple, and the text is written in gold and silver letters on a purple background. The book is decorated with six page-sized miniatures - images of the four evangelists, Christ and the composition “Source of Life”, which are located at the very beginning of the book.

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    Miniatures of the Godescalque Gospel, late eighth century: Christ enthroned Evangelist Luke

    1. A book is a synthesis of fiction
    words and visual arts,
    carried out by means of printing.
    Moreover, this synthesis occurs between
    like this various categories, How
    literature is a “temporary” art and
    book graphics - art
    Book graphics are not just a part
    publishing industry or means for
    knowledge transfer, it is part
    culture. The book is a cultural monument
    certain time, like any
    piece of art.

    Book (from Slav. Kniga, from Chinese kuen -
    scroll) – initially several
    sheets of papyrus folded in half or
    parchment stapled together. IN
    in the future, any stitched
    printing edition. The book is
    subject of graphic art.

    2. The most ancient forms of the book
    The oldest form of book can be considered
    knotted writing of the Incas, where information
    transmitted through tied to one
    various kinds of knots in the cord.

    The history of the book begins with papyrus scrolls Ancient Egypt in III
    millennium BC e.

    No less ancient than
    Egyptian hieroglyphs, and
    very curious
    ideographic writing
    is cuneiform. Her
    the creators were
    Sumerians - ancient
    people living in
    interfluve of the Tigris and
    Euphrates at 3500 - 3000
    years BC
    Sumerian clay
    cuneiform tablet.

    4. A cylindrical pencil case for storing kalams with an inkwell tied to it. The scribe tucked the entire writing instrument into his belt. 5. Wooden

    Antique items
    1. The ring with which
    the scrolls were sealed, and
    his imprints on the laces and
    papyrus ribbons. 2.
    Ancient Egyptian palette
    scribe with reeds
    rods and recess
    at the top for breeding
    carcasses. 3. Samples
    metal rods,
    styles used to write on
    wax tablets.
    4. A cylindrical pencil case for storing kalams with an inkwell tied to it.
    The scribe tucked the entire writing instrument into his belt. 5. Wooden sign on which
    ancient schoolchildren wrote. 6. Wax tablets, which served as the prototype for the codex book, diptych and polyptych. 7. Bronze double inkwell from Roman times, for
    red and black ink. Behind her is a papyrus scroll.

    3. The prototype of a modern book is the codex. It begins
    from the polyptych - fastened wax tablets. The codex had a cover
    covering a book block consisting of pages of parchment or even
    fabrics. Mentions of the code are found already in the 1st century. BC e. Elders
    the surviving fragments date back to the 2nd century. n. e. Wider
    The code became widespread in the 4th century. Among the oldest K. - the oldest
    Bible lists - Codex Sinaiticus, Alexandria and Vaticanus (4 - 5
    centuries). For many centuries, along with the codex, there was a scroll.

    They reached us richly
    handwritten miniatures
    books Ancient Rus' XI century,
    which were carried out only in
    one copy.
    Books began to be printed in Rus'
    a little over four centuries
    ago, and handwritten books
    appeared in our Fatherland in
    connection with the dissemination
    Christianity, that is, more than a thousand
    years ago.

    At temples and monasteries
    the first Russians were created
    libraries and schools, there
    taught art
    rewriting books, ibid.
    Russian was born
    By the 11th century, book copying had already reached
    significant successes: scientists suggest that in
    In ancient Rus' of the pre-Mongol period, books were
    widespread and their number exceeded one hundred
    thousand copies (no more than 500 have reached us
    manuscripts of the 11th – 13th centuries). Old Russian handwritten
    books are distinguished by a high artistic culture
    design, original calligraphy. All
    handwritten books are irreplaceable witnesses of the era,
    main and reliable source of study
    national culture.

    4. Discoveries in the field of printing
    Johannes Gutenberg [b. between 1394-99 (or in 1406) died 3.2.1468], German inventor who created
    European method of printing, the first
    typographer of Europe.
    The Gutenberg method (typesetting) allowed
    receive an arbitrary number of identical prints
    text from a form made up of movable and
    replaceable elements - lit.
    Litera - the first standard part in history
    European technology. Gutenburg designed
    molded hand-held device that provided
    standardization of the letter and its mass character
    manufacturing. The device was hollow
    metal rod with removable bottom
    wall of soft metal, on which, using
    a hard stamp - a punch, a pattern was knocked out
    letters. A special
    alloy. The casting letter received on the end part
    mirror drawing of the letter. Gutenberg first
    used a press to obtain an impression, developed
    recipes for typographic alloy - garth and
    printing ink. Thus, Gutenberg
    credit goes to the development of typographical
    the process as a whole.

    Typesetting desk and typesetter's tools (a),
    wordsmith (b), typesetter's hand with a typewriter (c).
    17th century engravings

    Reconstruction of I. Gutenberg's printing press.

    The oldest image of a printed
    machine on the engraving “Dance of Death”.
    Lyon, 1500

    Printing house. Case

    Gutenberg is credited with being the first
    printed edition of the Bible. This edition
    recognized as a masterpiece of early printing, in
    its formal elements (figure
    font, format, etc.) imitated
    gothic medieval handwritten
    books, surpassing them by the merits of printing.
    Colored initials and ornament
    were done by hand by artists.

    Ivan Fedorov is the founder of book printing in Russia and Ukraine. From April 19, 1563 to March 1, 1564, together with Peter Mstislavets, he published “Aposto

    Ivan Fedorov – founder
    book printing in Russia and Ukraine. From 19
    April 1563 to March 1, 1564 together
    published with Pyotr Mstislavets
    "Apostle", who became the first Russian
    dated printed book.
    Previously, he spent a lot of time
    textual and editorial
    work. "Apostle" abundantly
    ornamented Creatively reworked
    ornamental techniques of the school
    Theodosius Isograph, Fedorov created like this
    called early printing style.
    Fedorov developed the font based on
    Moscow semi-statutory letter
    mid-16th century
    In 1580 – 1581 the first full one came out
    Slavic Bible (so-called
    Ostrog Bible). This colossal
    the work occupied 1256 pages.

    First illustrations
    cut on the same board with
    text, they were
    concise and printed
    black paint. IN
    subsequent centuries ways
    seals have improved
    woodcuts appeared
    (endprint and woodcut),
    chisel engraving on
    metal, etching,
    lithography. Each of these
    graphic techniques in their own way
    conveyed artistic
    the structure of the work was
    most typical for
    certain time.
    Page 18 from the Nuremberg edition
    "Metamorphoses" by Ovid 1689. Engraving on

    Execution of illustrations in
    engraving on copper or
    the etching was given to the artists
    opportunity to better convey
    depth of space, effects
    chiaroscuro, texture. Such
    illustrations were printed on
    on a separate sheet and pasted
    into the book.
    Illustration (engraving and drawing by N. Sokolov;
    1796) to "Poor Liza"
    N. M. Karamzina.

    Emotional, psychological nuances
    could have been more fully conveyed to
    lithographs. Characteristic feature
    lithographic manner is
    grainy texture of the pattern, softness and
    smooth lines, ability to convey
    halftones, lighting effects.
    E. Kibrik. Illustrations for the novel
    R. Rolland "Cola Brugnon"

    book possibilities with
    invention in the 19th century.
    photomechanical method
    print. The artists received
    opportunity to use and
    combine the most
    various materials,
    any graphic or
    painting technique.
    B. Diodorov. Illustration “Flying on a Swallow”
    to the fairy tale by H.-K. Andersen "Thumbelina". 24x30 cm.
    Etching, aquatint, watercolor

    Book: 1 - book block; 2 - dust jacket; 3 - binding cover; 4 - lasse; 5 - scar; 6 - captal; 7 - spine; 8 - edging; 9 - bookplate; 10 - valve

    5. Structure and elements of the book
    Book: 1 - book block; 2 - dust jacket; 3 - binding cover; 4 - lasse; 5 -
    scar; 6 - captal; 7 - spine; 8 - edging; 9 - bookplate; 10 - valve
    dust jackets; 11 - flyleaf; 12 - frontispiece; 13 - title page

    Jan Tschichold, who created the work “Free from Arbitrariness”
    ratio of book page sizes to typesetting strip"
    carefully researched the canons of medieval page construction
    Scheme of ideal
    proportions of one
    medieval manuscript.
    The canon kept secret,
    which forms the basis of many
    manuscripts from the late Middle Ages

    His page design scheme contains the Villarova variant
    drawing." This is what Villars' harmonic division canon is called.
    de Honnecourt (medieval artist and architect, theorist
    art). Using this canon, which is shown in the drawing
    bold lines, you can divide the space by any number
    equal parts without any scale. Jan Tschichold
    adds additional construction lines, thanks to which for
    any format possible to calculate the harmonious ratio
    size of fields and typesetting strip.

    However, the artist may not always strictly follow the canon. For
    expressiveness and accurate representation of the image of the book illustrator
    may change the composition of the book. This is how I. Bogdesko places the text
    close to paradise, leaving small fields that enhance
    emotional tension of a book spread.

    Book graphics - view
    visual arts,
    cover design,
    dust jackets, frontispieces,
    title pages, pages
    illustration books,
    headbands, initials,
    endings. Separate area
    book graphics is
    font art.
    I. Bogdesko.
    Cervantes. "Don Quixote"
    BEATRICE POTTER Illustration for the book
    "Christmas Party at the Rabbit's"

    Headpiece - small ornamental or
    pictorial (sometimes plot) composition (in
    the width of the typesetting strip or narrower), highlighting and
    decorating the beginning of a section like
    handwritten and printed books or magazines. IN
    The title of the section may be included in the splash screen.
    Merry Christmas screensaver
    John the Baptist and figure
    initial with image
    Evangelist Luke
    End of the 11th century
    Initial or
    Initial letter

    7. Font is a visual system
    display information using
    conventional symbols. In a narrower
    meaning is a set of letters, numbers and
    special characters of a certain

    TYPOGRAPHY - artistic graphics using printing tools and design elements: rulers, ornaments, signs, etc.

    TYPOGRAPHY - artistic graphics using printing
    means and design elements: rulers, ornaments, signs and, most importantly,
    typesetting fonts.

    Calligraphy (from the Greek καλλιγραφία - “beautiful handwriting”) is one of the branches
    visual arts. Calligraphy is also often called art.
    beautiful letter. Modern definition calligraphy sounds like this
    image: “the art of designing signs in an expressive, harmonious and
    in a skilful manner"

    Sapere aude (Dare to know)
    Amat victoria curam
    (Victory loves effort)
    Laboremus (Let's work)
    Calligraphy by I. Bogdesko

    The book is a complete structure, all elements of which: layout, font, illustration... are in harmony with each other.

    Book "The Tsar's Hunt in Rus'"

    Book in fine arts

    V. Van Gogh.
    Still life
    Girl with a book.
    Perronneau, Jean-Baptiste
    Portrait of a boy with a book
    N.P. Bogdanov-Belsky.
    Students. 1901

    Spring. Ershov Pyotr Pavlovich. Acquaintance with books by foreign writers. Mavrina. Kochergin. Mozhaeva. World of illustrations. Diodorov. Bilibin. Milashevsky. Tyrsa. Bianchi. Lebedev. Rudakov. The Tale of the Dead Princess. Dear friends. Illustrations. Vasnetsov. Illustrator. Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich. Marshak Samuil Yakovlevich. Safronov. Books with illustrations. Aksakov. Writer. Illustrators. Pushkin.

    “Booklet” - Do not use rulers to separate columns of text. Availability of a slogan. Professional and Difficult language, abbreviations. Easy to understand materials. Playing on fear and superstition. Subheadings. An attempt to teach, not to convince. Mandatory points: Support discrimination based on race, religion, gender and age. In person and in absentia, they introduce the client to the organization and employees. The narrowest column is about 5 centimeters.

    “Elements of book design” - Book. There are several types of books. Elements of the book. Captal. Literary work. Book binding. Completing the task. U-turn. Flyleaf. Basics of composition. Shmuttitul. Page margins. Layout certificate. Cover. Book design. Graphic dominant. Title page. Book design. Soft cover book. Folio. Binding cover. Artist-designer. Trimming a book.

    “Book graphics” - Book graphics – component book edition. The headband is a small composition of an ornamental nature. The cover is an artistic solution for covering a book. Book graphics. Practical part. Illustration for J. R. R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings trilogy. A dust jacket is an artistically designed paper covering. Graphic arts. Titles are the individual sheets that open the parts.

    “Paper for books” - The path of paper to Europe is even longer. Project manager: Gainullina Natalya Vladimirovna Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 of Buinsk RT”. In 1100 - in Cairo. It's hard to imagine life without paper. 10th century – the first paper workshops in Spain. Dried sheets of compressed fibers proved to be an excellent writing material. For many centuries, the Chinese alone held the secret of making paper. Unlike papyrus, parchment was stronger and more durable.

    “Elements of a book” - Unfolded sheet. The main content of the publication. Library lesson. Preface and afterword. Summary contents of the book. Dust jacket flap. Title page. Table of contents or contents. Binding or cover. Illustrations. Dust jacket. Book binding. The book is interesting. Clothes books. Who is the most important person in the book? Flyleaf. Frontispiece. The cover dresses the book. Font.

    The most ancient and traditional type of graphic art is drawing, the origins of which can be seen in primitive rock paintings and in ancient vase painting, where the basis of the image is line and silhouette. The tasks of drawing have a lot in common with painting, and the boundaries between them are fluid and largely arbitrary: watercolor, gouache, pastel and tempera can be used to create both graphic works and works that are painterly in style and character. In graphics, along with completed compositions, full-scale sketches and sketches for works of painting, sculpture, and architecture also have independent artistic value.

    GRAPHICS (from the Greek grapho - I write, I draw) is one of the types of fine arts. Graphics are a drawing and an imprint on a sheet of paper (in ancient times - on papyrus, on parchment). There are easel graphics (drawing, print, popular print), book graphics (illustrations, vignettes, headpieces, drop caps, title, front title, binding, cover, dust jacket), magazine and newspaper graphics, miniatures (a version of book graphics), industrial graphics, bookplate, poster, silk-screen printing, linocut.

    Book graphics are an integral part of a book publication. The book includes literature, graphics, type art and printing art. Book artists develop the type of publication, the design of the book, its decorative design, and the illustration cycle. The design of the book is traditional: book block, cover, binding, dust jacket, flyleaf, title page, titles, illustrations (frontispiece, stripes, headpieces, endings, initials, etc.), fonts. These elements, obeying the laws of composition, are combined into a single ensemble.

    A cover is an artistic solution for covering a book that contains a book block. The cover design should be conventionally decorative, clear, and make the book look beautiful. appearance, but at the same time give an accurate description of the book, reveal its main meaning, style and figurative structure. The cover should contain font elements that reflect the main header information.

    The title page is the right half of the first spread of the book. The title contains more complex font elements that explain the title and publishing information. If an illustration is placed on the left page of the first spread, or a portrait of the author is printed, such a page is called a frontispiece. The design on the title is used relatively rarely and has more of a decorative value.

    A headpiece is a small composition of an ornamental nature or in the form of a picture that opens a section of text. Ending - a small drawing or ornamental motif that completes last page any section or the entire book. An initial is the initial letter in the text of a book created by an artist.

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