A modeler makes wooden models. Wooden model maker

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Automechanical Institute

Department of Industrial and Environmental Safety Management

Coursework in the discipline

"Industrial sanitation and occupational hygiene"

Performer: Student Martynova M.N.

Tolyatti 2008


Description of the object

Analysis of the object's workplace

Fire safety calculation



Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of all industry. The products of mechanical engineering enterprises play a decisive role in the implementation of scientific and technological progress in all areas of the economy.

Among all industries, mechanical engineering ranks first in terms of its share in gross output (30%) and industrial production personnel, and second place (after the fuel and energy complex) in terms of its share in industrial production assets, as well as in the structure of exports (18%).

Mechanical engineering creates machines and equipment used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, in everyday life, in transport. Consequently, scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy is materialized through the products of mechanical engineering, especially such priority sectors as machine tool building, electrical engineering and electronics industry, instrument making, production of electronic computer equipment.

Foundry production is one of the main procurement bases of the mechanical engineering complex, producing blanks both for mechanical engineering and for other sectors of the national economy. Only casting can produce complex shaped workpieces, especially workpieces with internal cavities, as close as possible to the configuration of the finished part.

The production of cast parts varies from one or a few pieces to hundreds of thousands per year. About 60% of cast parts have a small production run, not exceeding a thousand pieces per year, which allows them to be produced by casting in sand molds, which are molded using wooden model kits.

The use of wood as a material for the manufacture of model kits is explained by its low cost, ease of manual and mechanical processing and the required durability. The production of wooden model kits is carried out in model shops or in model areas of foundries. To produce a wooden model kit that ensures full compliance of the cast part with the drawing, the model worker must have knowledge and skills not only in the field of his professional training, but also knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering drawing and foundry technology.

In woodworking processes, workers may be exposed to the following hazardous and harmful production factors: moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment, moving products, workpieces, materials, increased dust and gas pollution in the air of the working area; increased or decreased air temperature in the working area, increased noise level in the workplace; high air humidity in the working area; increased voltage value in electrical circuit, the closure of which can occur through the human body; increased level of static electricity; higher level electromagnetic radiation; insufficient illumination of the work area.

The above mentioned harmful factors can be identified using various methods and instruments, so the content of harmful vapors and gases in the air is determined by the linear-coloristic method using a universal gas analyzer UG-2; vibration level using vibration meter VShV-003M2, etc.

The goal of our work: to improve working conditions at the model maker’s workplace through its sanitary and hygienic analysis.

Description of the object

In our work we will consider workplace patternmaker, which is located in the pattern shop of the metallurgical production of JSC AVTOVAZ.

The workplace of the model making team is located on an area with the following parameters:

Plot volume - .

The layout of the equipment and workplace of the model making team on the site is shown in Fig. 1. c - workbench p - plate 1 - band saw machine LS-80 2 - jointer SF-6 3 - thickness planer SR6-8 4 - wood grinding machine with SHLD-4 discs 5 - pneumatic press 6 - rack for lumber 7 - space for storing workpieces 8 - container for wood waste 9 - hood

Mode of operation of the site: a team of modelers of 6 people works on the first shift for 8 hours, 5 days a week.

Rice. 1 Layout of equipment and workplace for a team of model makers.

Process safety analysis

The responsibilities of a wooden modeler include the production of wooden model kits, ensuring that the cast part fully matches the drawing.

The safety of the modeler's work is determined by the main components of the technological process. This:

1. Tools (tools, equipment)

Tools for marking models and core boxes are divided into measuring and direct marking. To measure when marking, use scale rulers, tape measures, protractors, calipers of various designs, calipers, bore gauges, squares, mallets, etc.

For marking, scribers, marking knives, surface planers of various designs, compasses, etc. are used. Sketchers produce planar markings, i.e., applying marking marks mainly on the planes of models. Circles and arcs are marked with compasses of various designs and lengths.

Wood processing on machines

Band saw machine Models LS-80 are used for sawing blanks for model kits from boards, bars, panels, plywood sheets along curved and straight contours. The cutting tool of such machines is an endless steel saw band with a thickness of 0.5-1 mm.

Jointer with manual feed model SF-6 is designed for planing flat surfaces. When working on a jointer, lumber is fed manually onto rotating knives, and when the front end passes behind the knives, the workpiece (board, block) is pressed with the left hand to the surface of the back plate. When planing, the force of pressing the boards and panels to the slab should be approximately 60-80 N. Smooth boards are planed in one or two steps.

Thicknesser CP6-8 with a planing width of up to 630 mm belongs to the middle type of thicknessing machines and is designed for one-sided plane planing of panels, boards and bars to a given thickness. It can process several workpieces simultaneously with uneven thickness not exceeding 4 mm. It is made in the form of a closed frame structure with an upper position of the knife shaft relative to the table and a screw lift of the table. The cutter shaft is mounted on rolling bearings and is driven by an electric motor through a V-belt drive. The workpiece is fed by feed rollers. The feed rollers in the CP6-8 machine are driven by a separate electric motor through a chain transmission and gearbox.

Wood sanding machine with discs(diameter - 800 mm) ShLD-4 is used for cleaning wooden parts of model kits with flat and curved surfaces with sandpaper. When grinding, the workpiece is placed on a table and pressed with hands against a rotating disk, belt or drum; At the same time, from the surface of the workpiece, the finest particles of wood are cut off with abrasive grains in the form of shavings resembling dust, after which the surface becomes smooth, even with a given configuration according to the markings. Grinding machines are convenient for cleaning the end and lobe sides of workpieces with both flat and protruding surfaces.

Pneumatic press used to strengthen joints of workpieces. Blanks glued together from several parts become much stronger compared to blanks made from whole boards or bars. For gluing, tightly fitting surfaces of the workpieces are lubricated with an adhesive solution, placed on top of each other and placed under a press.

The workbench is designed for processing model blanks. The workbench has

various devices for fastening objects processed on it.

The plate is used for assembling models and core boxes and performing other technological operations in the manufacture of model kits.

2. Subject of labor (materials)

Tree species are divided into two groups: coniferous and deciduous. Conifers include pine, spruce, larch, fir, cedar, etc. They have needle-shaped leaves, and the annual rings of these species are clearly visible in cross section. Deciduous species are alder, linden, beech, hornbeam, maple, birch, etc. To identify types of wood, you need to know the characteristics of each species and have the skill to recognize them, especially texture (natural pattern of lobe fibers). In model production, the most common wood species are pine, spruce, fir, alder, linden, beech, maple, birch, etc.

3. Products of labor

Model kit, which includes models, core boxes, gating system elements, model plates, templates for making molds and cores. The models are devices for obtaining internal working surfaces in sand casting molds, which, after filling with the melt, form a casting. Core boxes are also devices that are used to produce cores from sand mixtures. Rods are used to create holes or recesses in a casting.

The production of a wooden model kit is carried out according to the drawing of the cast part, on which the technologist has applied the necessary instructions. Taking into account the configuration, complexity of the design and the number of cast parts, the technological bureau of the model shop assigns strength and accuracy classes for the manufacture of the model kit, establishes the categories of workers performing individual operations for the manufacture of the model kit, and time standards for its production.

To determine the manufacturing technology of models and core boxes, it is necessary to clearly imagine the configuration of the cast part shown in the drawing, the parting plane of the model, and the design of the rods necessary to design the internal cavities of the casting. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the location of the surfaces on which the casting will be based during subsequent processing, as well as the surfaces to be machined.

To develop a technological map for the production of a model kit, which provides sketches of models and core boxes, the sequence of operations for the manufacture of a model kit, their labor intensity, etc., the technologist must imagine what elements the model and core boxes will consist of and be manufactured, methods their processing and connection.

Breaking down the process of making a model kit into individual elements and creating an operational-routing technology makes it possible to distribute the work among modelers, taking into account their qualifications.

After developing the technology for manufacturing the casting and the model kit, a drawing of the casting along with technological maps transferred to the model maker for the production of a model kit. Having familiarized himself with the casting drawing, the modeler begins the production of the model kit by drawing the drawing on the model panel. The drawing is made on a panel glued together from alder or linden boards, or on plywood (beech, birch). The main projection of the part is drawn on the shield (Fig. 5, a, b), as well as the most important sections, without which it is impossible to imagine the configuration of the casting. The drawing is made in full size according to the shrinkage meter without indicating dimensions or dashed lines.

Using the drawing on the panel, the dimensions of the model blanks or its parts are determined, templates are marked and made for parts that have the shape of bodies of revolution or a curved surface, and the dimensions of the models and core boxes are controlled during the process of their manufacture and acceptance by the technical control department of the model shop.

Using the model board, the modeler assigns the number and dimensions of blanks, using the normals developed in the workshop for individual model blanks, and places an appropriate order to the procurement section of the model shop for their production.

The casting drawing is drawn on the model board with a scriber and the marks of the main outline of the model, core box or template are outlined with a sharpened pencil. First, axial solid lines are drawn, from which all other dimensions that define the contour of the part are measured. Then, on the surfaces to be machined, the size of the allowances is noted. For greater clarity, machining allowances are drawn with red lines. Forming slopes are applied to surfaces lying perpendicular to the parting plane. In accordance with the technological drawing of the cast part, the contours of the core marks and gaps necessary for installing the core in the mold are applied. The outlines of the signs will be drawn with blue lines.

To better understand the technological development in Fig. 6, a, b, c shows the production of a model kit of a clinket body for molding in three flasks. A clinket is a large pipeline valve, the body of which consists of two identical halves, firmly bolted together. When starting to make a model, first draw out a model panel with a side projection of the clinket in section, indicating the parting lines of the flasks and the rod.

Then hollow turning blanks 3 and 5 are made for the cylindrical part of the model: one of five rings with six jambs in a row, the other for a removable flange of three rings. The workpieces are sent to the turner for turning. Having prepared the shield 4 to cover the top of the cylindrical part of the model, fit the detachable rod sign 7 to the flange 10 along the connector and connect them with dowels. Next, a board 8 is made, which is attached to the flange frame 10 to strengthen the flange and to lift the model during molding. According to the given size, end frame 1 with a center is made. Having made strip 2 for the upper flange, glue its ends and adjust it in place. Having marked the flange blank for fitting and installing the cylindrical part, adjust the detachable upper ring. After this, using glue and screws, an end frame is attached to the flange frame, to which bars 9 are nailed to fasten the top of model 6 and bar 2 is installed. Then ribs 11 are made, which are connected to each other and installed on the model. Clean the model and grease the fillets. From the considered examples of constructive and technological development, we can conclude that a preliminary breakdown of the process of manufacturing a model kit into individual elements of work makes it possible to more accurately standardize the model work.

Safety precautions when working with machines.

At enterprises there are special safety departments, labor protection commissions and inspectors who monitor the working conditions of workers. The shop manager and site foremen carry out preventive work to prevent accidents and are personally responsible for compliance with safety regulations in the workshop and at the sites.

Below are the basic safety rules that must be followed when working on woodworking machines.

A worker should not be allowed to operate a machine unless he has studied its design and received detailed safety instructions.

Before starting the machine, the worker must carefully inspect it, especially the fastening of the cutting tool, and, making sure that everything is in good condition, test it at idle, and then start working.

After 5-10 minutes of operation, the machine should be stopped and once again checked the fastening of the cutting tool, the condition of the bearings, devices for lubricating rubbing parts, etc., and only after that start working on it at full power.

You cannot lubricate, clean the machine or put on drive belts while moving; to do this, the machine must be stopped and disconnected from the electrical network.

When stopping the machine, do not brake using your hands or cutting boards, this can lead to an accident; Braking should only be done using brake devices.

On all machines, moving parts (pulleys, gears, belt drives, etc.) must be covered with safety caps, cases or other guards.

It is forbidden to move away from a working machine: you must first turn it off and only after a complete stop can you move away from it.

The floor near the machine must be level, and passages near the machine must not be blocked by any materials.

The machines should be located at such a distance from each other that it is convenient to work on them. Wood waste must be removed mechanically.

At the end of the work (at the end of the shift), the machine must be wiped and lubricated, and brought into complete order. If you discover any problems with the machine, you should immediately notify the foreman and shift worker.

Analysis of the object's workplace

Modelmaker's workplace safety

The organization of labor and the conditions in which the labor process takes place affect labor productivity and quality of work. With a low production work culture, there are cases of violation of labor and production discipline, cases of injuries, a decrease in the quality of products, etc.

The organization of labor depends on the nature of production, its scale, the range of products, etc. The division of labor aims to distribute production work among performers in such a way that it helps to establish the specific responsibility of each employee of the relevant production for the work assigned to him. The personnel of each workshop is divided into the following categories: workers, engineering and technical workers, and office workers. The leading category is the category of workers, since with their labor they directly participate in the process of material production. In this case, one should distinguish between the main workers who produce products (for example, making models) and auxiliary workers who serve technological process, prepare tools, supply materials and workpieces, perform transport, control and other operations.

For better organization of work, the following rules must be observed: each worker must have a workplace assigned to him and be fully responsible for its condition, each worker must know his duties, an accurate record of the work performed and material assets (materials, workpieces, tools, etc.) is necessary. allocated to perform the work. A workplace is understood as a certain part of the production area, equipment, equipped with appropriate machines, devices, technological equipment, etc. For example, a modeler's workplace is a part of the production area on which a workbench is located, intended for processing model blanks, a plate for assembling models and core boxes and performing other technological operations in the manufacture of model kits. The workbench has various devices for fastening objects processed on it.

Every modeler must maintain cleanliness and prevent the accumulation of material on the workbench. a large number of shavings, sawdust and other waste. All cutting and planing tools of the modeller must always be sharp and prepared for work.

It is important to have only the tools you need in your work area and not allow tools to lie on top of tools. In the event that the planing tool must be at hand, it is placed on the workbench with the blade to the side and away from you, so as not to dull the blade, damage the workbench and not injure yourself.

For better organization of the workplace, it is advisable to have a tool cabinet near the workbench for the entire set of modeling tools. After finishing work, it is recommended to put the drawing of the model being manufactured in a cabinet. With absence free space for the cabinet, the underbench part of the workbench is covered with boards and there is a place for storing tools in it.

When processing workpieces with chisels or drilling through holes, you should place a piece of scrap board under them so as not to damage the surface of the workbench cover.

It is very important to assign workers to jobs correctly and in an organized manner, although the placement of workers to jobs is not always of an individual nature. For the most part, it is accompanied by the formation of primary production teams - brigades.

One of the main sources of increasing labor productivity is maximum savings labor movements in the process of a worker performing individual operations. All work movements at the workbench or behind the machine should, if possible, be performed within the reach of hands. A comfortable body position for a worker while working is an important factor in increasing labor productivity. Based on this, conditions should be created for working while sitting (where possible and appropriate). Rationalization of labor movements can have a significant effect when the design and dimensions of the workbench (machine, etc.) meet the requirements of reducing worker fatigue. For example, carpentry workbenches are made up to 2 m long, and its height must correspond to the height of the worker. The height of the workbench should be determined as follows: the worker, facing the workbench, places his hands on its lid, palms down, and if both palms are in close contact with the surface of the lid with outstretched arms and without bending the body, then the workbench is comfortable for work.

Safety of working conditions depends on the severity and intensity of the labor process.

Let us present Table 1 “Hazardous and Harmful Occupational Factors (HPF)”, taking into account the equipment and work performed.

model maker metallurgical wood kit

Table 1. Hazardous and harmful production factors (OHPF)

Name equipment

Types of work performed

Treatments V required , applied materials

Dangerous and harmful production factors




processing of model blanks

mental overstrain; overvoltage analyzers

assembly A models and core boxes and execution e others technological operations in the manufacture of model kits

boards, bars, panels, plywood sheets , blanks

increased level of static electricity

PVA glue, epoxy resin

mental stress;

overvoltage analyzers

band saw machine LS-80

sawing out e from blanks according to curvilinear And straightforward contours

boards, bars, panels, plywood sheets , blanks

increased noise level

analyzer overvoltage;

monotony of work

jointing machine SF-6

planing e flat surfaces

moving mechanisms; moving parts of production equipment; moving products, workpieces;

; increased vibration level

analyzer overvoltage;

monotony of work

thicknesser machine SR6-8

one-sided planar planing to a given thickness

boards, boards and bars, blanks

moving mechanisms; moving parts of production equipment; moving products, workpieces;

increased noise level; increased dust and gas pollution

analyzer overvoltage;

monotony of work

wood grinding machine with discs ШЛД-4

cleaning wooden parts of model kits with flat and curved surfaces using sandpaper

boards, bars, panels, plywood sheets, blanks

moving mechanisms; moving parts of production equipment; moving products, workpieces;

increased noise level; increased dust and gas pollution ; increased vibration level

analyzer overvoltage;

monotony of work

pneumatic press

strengthening of workpiece joints

boards, bars, panels, plywood sheets, blanks

moving parts of production equipment

PVA glue, epoxy resin

rack for lumber

lumber storage

storage space for workpieces

storage of workpieces


wood waste container

wood waste storage

tree - waste

Table 2. Assessment of current factors of the working environment in the workplace

Operating factor of the production environment and labor process, dimension

Actual value of factor parameters

Normalized value of factor parameters

Conclusion on compliance or non-compliance with the standard, indicate the class of working conditions

Chemical, mg/m3

Carbon monoxide

Harmful substances (dust and others)

Oil spray


Temperature, °C

Relative humidity, %

Air speed, m/s

General lighting, lux

Local vibration, dB

Electric fields of industrial frequency, V/m

Difficulty of work

Working posture

Stereotypical shift movements

at local load

at regional

Final class of working conditions:

Development of personal protective equipment

According to the free issuance standards, the following special clothing is required for model makers:

cotton suit according to GOST 27.575;

cotton apron with bib according to GOST 12.4.029;

cotton mittens according to GOST 12.4.029;

leather boots according to GOST 12.4.137;

anti-noise earplugs according to TU 6-16-2402;

anti-dust respirator according to GOST 12.4.028;

Safety glasses according to GOST R 12.4.013;

Development of collective protection means

Technological woodworking processes associated with the use of toxic, irritating and flammable substances must be carried out in separate rooms or in special isolated areas of common production premises, provided with protective equipment for workers in accordance with GOST 12.4.011-75 and fire protection equipment.

Reducing noise levels in workplaces can be achieved by arranging equipment taking into account the noise intensity factor. The noisiest types of equipment (planing machines, circular and band saws, pneumatic assembly clamps, etc.) must be located separately from other equipment. To further reduce the noise of planing group machines, knife shafts with a helical cutting edge should be used. At a helix angle of 72°, the noise is reduced by 10 dB(A).

Rice. 8. Damping device for muffling the noise of circular saws: 1 - saw blade; 2 -- damping disk; 3 -- clamping flange

Rice. 9. Damping device for muffling the noise of circular saws: 1 - table; 2 -- spring; 3 -- saw blade; 4 -- machine table; 5 -- damper; 6 -- pusher; 7 - guide; 8 - hole; 9 -- setscrew

To reduce the noise of circular saws with a shallow cutting depth, a damping device is used (Fig. 8). The damping disk is made of steel. The noise is reduced by almost 3 dB(A). For greater cutting depths, a pressing damping device is used (Fig. 9). The damper is made of fluorine rubber. Device efficiency up to 5 dB(A).

To reduce the idling noise of jointing machines, mounting pads with perforations are used. Efficiency - up to 10--15 dB(A). Reducing noise of aerodynamic origin of thicknessing machines is achieved by slot perforation on the front and rear clamps. To reduce the noise of assembly pneumatic clamps, noise suppressors are used. The efficiency of using a muffler is up to 15 dB at frequencies 1440 - 11,500 Hz.

When grinding, polishing and varnishing the surface of parts, the electrostatic field strength should not exceed the permissible one established by the standards SN 1757 - 77.

The premises of woodworking shops in terms of fire and explosion safety must meet the requirements of SNiP II-2 --80, GOST 12.1.004-76*.

Dust collectors used in disc grinding machines are tangential suction nozzles installed along the periphery of the disc. In Fig. 10, a shows a diagram of a dust collector for grinding machines with a vertical disk. Dust collectors of jointing and thicknessing machines are cast casings that cover the cutting elements along the entire length (Fig. 11). Air is suctioned through a conical funnel attached to the casing, while the suction hole should be directed towards the main dust plume.

The amount of air sucked through the dust collector should ensure dust removal in the workplace; transfer particles trapped in the dust receptacle to the suction pipe; securely transport collected waste through pipelines.

Rice. 10. Diagrams of dust collectors for disk cylinder grinding machines: a - dust collector for a disk grinding machine; b - the same, for grinding machines with lower cylinders; c -- the same, with the cylinders located at the top

Rice. 11. Diagrams of dust collectors for planing, jointing and thicknessing machines: a - dust collector for a planer; b - the same, to the thickness planer: 1 - casing wall; 2 - hinge for securing the casing; 3 -- receiving funnel; c -- the same, with air suction parallel to the long axis of the knife shaft

Fire safety calculation

Room dimensions - (m);

Acetone vapor density - ;

Air density - =1.2 kg/m;

Heat of combustion - =310kJ/kg;

Initial air temperature - =293;

Saturated steam pressure - =1.26 kPa;

Flash point: - 18C;

The amount of acetone spilled out is G=300 kg.

Reference data and preliminary calculations:

Initial pressure - =101 kPa;

Participation coefficient - =0.3;

Room volume - =1872 m.

Free volume of the room - V= 0.8; V=18720.8=1500 m.

The duration of liquid evaporation is assumed to be equal to the time of its complete evaporation, but not more than 3600 s, i.e. T is taken equal to 3600 s.

The coefficient at = 293K and the air speed in the room is 0.1 m/s is taken equal to 2.4.

Molecular mass of acetone M=58 g.

Volume of acetone spilled:

Evaporation area F based on evaporation of 1 hp 1 m380 m.

According to the characteristics of the circulating substance (t<28C) помещение может быть отнесено к категории А.


1. Find the evaporation rate:

W=10=10 kg/s.

2. Determine the mass of flammable gas:

3. Calculate the excess pressure in the room:


In this work, we examined the workplace of a model maker using wooden models, which is located in the model shop of the metallurgical production of JSC AVTOVAZ, analyzed dangerous and harmful production factors affecting the worker’s body, the severity and intensity of the labor process, the technological process of making the model, and proposed means of individual and collective defence.

Class of working conditions for a modeler making wooden models is 3.3.

3rd degree 3rd class (3.3) - working conditions characterized by such levels of harmful factors, the impact of which leads to the development, as a rule, of occupational diseases in mild forms during working life, the growth of chronic (work-related) pathology, including increased levels of morbidity with temporary disability.

Working in hazardous working conditions is a violation of the sanitary legislation of the Russian Federation and can only be permitted for justified technological reasons. In this case, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment and limit the time workers are exposed to harmful production factors. Time protection means introducing intra-shift breaks, shortening the working day, increasing the duration of vacation, and limiting the length of work under given conditions.

Posted on Allbest.ru

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[Job title]



[Name of company]

________________/[FULL NAME.]/

"____" ____________ 20__


Wooden model maker, 3rd category

1. General Provisions

1.1. This job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a 3rd category wooden model maker [Name of the organization in the genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A modeler for wooden models of the 3rd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in the manner established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. A modeler for wooden models of the 3rd category belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A 3rd category wooden model maker is responsible for:

  • timely and high-quality performance of tasks as intended;
  • compliance with performance and labor discipline;
  • compliance with labor safety measures, maintaining order, compliance with fire safety rules in the assigned work area (workplace).

1.5. A person with secondary vocational education in this specialty and at least 1 year of work experience is appointed to the position of model maker for wooden models of the 3rd category.

1.6. In practical activities, a 3rd category wooden model maker must be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.7. A model maker of wooden models of the 3rd category must know:

  • installation of serviced woodworking machines;
  • allowances for shrinkage of various metals and machining;
  • properties of different types of wood;
  • complex cutting tools and rules for sharpening and finishing them;
  • methods for forming simple parts;
  • arrangement of control and measuring instruments;
  • main types and methods of knitting models and core boxes;
  • calculation of the gating system;
  • system of admissions and landings.

1.8. During the period of temporary absence of a modeler for wooden models of the 3rd category, his duties are assigned to [name of the deputy position].

2. Job responsibilities

A 3rd category wooden model maker performs the following labor functions:

2.1. Production of wooden models of medium complexity with several core boxes, with detachable parts and internal chambers of simple shape.

2.2. Marking and drawing life-size models and core boxes of medium complexity.

2.3. Production of complex marking and finishing templates.

2.4. Making simple fixtures for processing models and core boxes.

2.5. Repair of models and core boxes of medium complexity.

2.6. Production of blanks and individual parts of complex models and core boxes on woodworking machines.

2.7. Production of complex models together with a modeler using wooden models of a higher qualification.

In case of official necessity, a 3rd category wooden model maker may be involved in performing duties overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

A 3rd category wooden model maker has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for by this job description for management's consideration.

3.3. Inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the production activities of the enterprise (its structural divisions) identified during the performance of your official duties and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. A model maker of wooden models of the 3rd category bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, criminal) responsibility for:

4.1.1. Failure to carry out or improperly carry out official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's job functions and assigned tasks.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. Assessment of the work of a modeler on wooden models of the 3rd category is carried out:

4.2.1. By the immediate supervisor - regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a modeler on wooden models of the 3rd category is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his completion of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of a 3rd category wooden model maker is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, a 3rd category wooden model maker is required to go on business trips (including local ones).

I have read the instructions on ___________/___________/“____” _______ 20__.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (UTKS), 2019
Part No. 1 of Issue No. 2 of ETKS
The issue was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 1999 N 45
(as amended by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated November 13, 2008 N 645)

Wooden model maker

§ 66. Wooden model maker, 1st category

Characteristics of work. Making simple wooden models, core boxes and simple templates under the guidance of a more highly qualified modeler. Performing simple preparation work for the manufacture and repair of models and core boxes. Carrying out sawing, planing, sanding of timber and other operations. Preparation of glue under the guidance of a modeler using wooden models of a higher qualification. Marking and production of simple blanks for models, core boxes and templates under the guidance of a more highly qualified modeler. Planing of parting planes of models and core boxes. Making and manually adjusting individual simple parts of blanks for models and core boxes. Knitting simple patterns, core boxes and templates.

Must know: basics of woodworking machine devices; basic techniques of turning, milling, materials procurement, methods of processing simple blanks for models and core boxes manually and on woodworking machines; general concepts about the most common types of wood used in the manufacture of models and their main defects; purpose and conditions of use of simple cutting tools, simple control and measuring instruments and devices used; rules for sharpening cutting tools.

Work examples

1. Simple inserts with a diameter of up to 150 mm.

2. Bushings with a diameter of up to 200 mm and a length of up to 100 mm.

3. Rings with a diameter of up to 200 mm.

4. Gaskets.

5. Spring cups.

6. Flanges with a diameter of up to 300 mm.

7. Washers and seals.

§ 67. Wooden model maker, 2nd category

Characteristics of work. Production of simple wooden models and core boxes with a small number of curved surfaces according to drawings and sketches and their repair. Marking simple models and core boxes. Life-size drawing of simple models and core boxes. Making simple templates for forming and aligning core boxes and finishing simple models. Production on woodworking machines of blanks and individual parts for models and core boxes of medium complexity. Selection of the necessary timber for the manufacture of models, core boxes and templates. Carrying out individual operations for the manufacture of models of medium complexity under the guidance of a modeler using wooden models of higher qualifications.

Must know: operating principle of serviced woodworking machines; main types and methods of knitting and gluing parts of models and core boxes; requirements for the quality of models; rules for finishing a simple cutting tool; purpose and conditions of use of electric and pneumatic tools; allowances for shrinkage of various metals and mechanical processing, their designation in the drawings; purpose and rules for using instrumentation and instruments; system of admissions and landings.

Work examples

Making wooden models:

1. Drums for piston rings.

2. Liners with a diameter of over 150 to 500 mm.

3. Bushings with a diameter of over 200 to 500 mm and a length of over 100 to 1000 mm.

4. Ballast weight.

5. Piston and spool rings with a diameter of over 200 to 500 mm.

6. Single disc wheels with a smooth rim with a diameter of up to 700 mm.

7. Brackets for screw-cutting lathes.

8. Square covers with dimensions of 200 x 200 mm, round with a diameter of up to 200 mm.

9. Bearing caps for any machines.

10. Flywheels and pulleys with straight spokes with a diameter of up to 500 mm.

11. Blacksmith anvils.

12. Rectangular flasks.

13. Various slabs with ribs up to 1000 x 1000 mm in size.

14. Upper and lower die plates.

15. Bends.

16. Simple levers up to 300 mm long.

17. Weighing stands for rails.

18. Scale stands for weighing pipes.

19. Tees, plates, grates, nuts.

20. Angles and brackets up to 300 mm in size.

21. Balance indicators for rail scales.

22. Simple small gears.

§ 68. Wooden model maker, 3rd category

Characteristics of work. Production of wooden models of medium complexity with several core boxes, with detachable parts and internal chambers of simple shape. Marking and drawing life-size models and core boxes of medium complexity. Production of complex marking and finishing templates. Making simple fixtures for processing models and core boxes. Repair of models and core boxes of medium complexity. Production of blanks and individual parts of complex models and core boxes on woodworking machines. Production of complex models together with a modeler using wooden models of a higher qualification.

Must know: installation of serviced woodworking machines; allowances for shrinkage of various metals and machining; properties of different types of wood; complex cutting tools and rules for sharpening and finishing them; methods for forming simple parts; arrangement of control and measuring instruments; main types and methods of knitting models and core boxes; calculation of the gating system; system of admissions and landings.

Work examples

Making wooden models:

1. Rope drums with a diameter of up to 1000 mm.

2. Crane runners.

3. Rope and chain blocks with a diameter of up to 1000 mm.

4. Liners with a diameter of over 500 mm.

5. Bushings with a diameter of over 500 mm and a length of over 1000 mm.

6. Doors and frames of heating stoves.

7. Blast furnace and open hearth flutes.

8. Molds for ingots weighing up to 1.5 tons.

9. Piston rings with a diameter of over 500 mm.

10. Single disc wheels with a smooth rim with a diameter of over 700 to 2000 mm.

11. Shoe lasts of simple styles.

12. Boxes of precision gear cutting machines.

13. Housings of cross-planing machines.

14. Valve and gate valve bodies.

15. Housings and covers of gearboxes up to 700 mm long.

16. Round covers with a diameter of over 200 mm.

17. Manhole covers.

18. Flywheels and pulleys with curved spokes with a diameter of up to 1000 mm.

19. Flywheels and pulleys with straight spokes with a diameter of over 500 mm.

20. Boxes with shaped ribs.

21. Plates for furnaces, tractor magneto brackets, blanks, lathe gears, fittings for oil and water fittings of tractors.

22. Pistons of internal combustion engines with a diameter of up to 500 mm.

23. Levers over 300 mm long.

24. Rudder stock sector.

25. Supports for metal-cutting machines.

26. Bench vice.

27. Angles and brackets larger than 300 mm.

28. Aprons for screw-cutting lathes.

§ 69. Wooden model maker, 4th category

Characteristics of work. Production of complex shaped wooden models with several core boxes, with detachable and protruding parts located in different planes. Production of figured templates, copiers and layouts. Production of blanks and parts for complex models and core boxes on woodworking machines. Manufacturing of complex devices necessary for processing models. Marking and drawing life-size complex models with allowances for shrinkage and machining. Finishing of complex models and core boxes. Setting up woodworking machines. Repair of complex shaped wooden models and core boxes. Production of complex models together with a modeler using wooden models of a higher qualification.

Must know: installation of woodworking machines; technical specifications for the manufacture of models and core boxes; methods for calculating complex patterns; methods of forming and assembling forms of medium complexity; design of control and measuring instruments; system of admissions and landings.

Work examples

Making wooden models:

1. Rope drums with two rows of spokes with a diameter of over 1000 mm.

2. Rope and chain blocks with a diameter of over 1000 mm.

3. Axle boxes of various types.

4. Gate valves.

5. Forked chutes for blast furnaces and open-hearth furnaces.

6. Molds of all types for ingots weighing over 1.5 tons.

7. Side fairlead.

8. Single disc wheels with a smooth rim with a diameter of over 2000 mm.

9. Exhaust and intake manifolds of internal combustion engines.

10. Shoe lasts of complex styles.

11. Hydraulic drive housings.

12. Housings and covers of gearboxes with a length of over 700 to 3000 mm.

13. Housings of water and oil pumps, bells of water pumps.

14. Flywheels, pulleys with curved spokes with a diameter of over 1000 mm.

15. Molds of filling machines.

16. Bases of the carriage, apron of metal-cutting machines.

17. Pallets for molds.

18. Plates of blast furnace top.

19. Pistons of internal combustion engines with a diameter of over 500 mm.

20. Crawler frames for excavators with buckets with a capacity of up to 3 cubic meters. m.

21. Foundation frames for diesel engines with power up to 1472 kW (2000 hp).

22. Beds of machine tools, hammers weighing up to 10 tons.

23. Lever tubes for piece weighing scales.

24. Cylinders of forging presses with a diameter of up to 800 mm.

25. Chevron gears and gear wheels with conical cast teeth with a diameter of up to 500 mm.

26. Spur gears and gear wheels with cast teeth with a diameter of up to 1000 mm.

§ 70. Wooden model maker, 5th category

Characteristics of work. Production of complex wooden models with shaped voids, detachable parts with a large number of core boxes for thin-walled shaped casting. Processing on woodworking machines with great precision the external and internal surfaces of complex and large models and core boxes. Production of figured templates for complex modeling work. Bonding of complex workpieces with radii running across sections. Repair of complex models and core boxes. Determination of the most rational technological sequence for manufacturing models. Manufacturing of complex fixtures for processing models and core boxes. Preparation of recipes for mordants, polishes, and varnishes for painting models. Polishing and varnishing of models. Production of unique models together with a more highly qualified model maker.

Must know: design features of various woodworking machines, electric and pneumatic tools of model production; rational techniques for knitting and gluing wooden models; methods for calculating complex templates and fixtures; model production standards; processes of molding and core work in manual and machine molding.

Work examples

Making wooden models:

1. Large-sized front headstocks of lathes.

2. Cylinder blocks of internal combustion engines with power up to 736 kW (1000 hp).

3. Propellers.

4. Coke oven necks.

5. Converter necks.

6. Turbine diaphragms.

7. Split worm wheels.

8. Shoe lasts of especially complex styles.

9. Gearbox housings over 3000 mm long.

10. Propeller blades.

11. Mouthpieces of the trunks of filling machines.

12. Crawler frames for excavators with buckets with a capacity of over 3 cubic meters. m.

13. Foundation frames of diesel engines with power over 1472 kW (2000 hp).

14. Cutters for excavator buckets.

15. Beds of large-sized lathes and presses weighing over 10 to 25 tons.

16. Beds of precision milling machines.

17. Feeder trays of the sinter plant.

18. Cylinders of forging presses with a diameter of over 800 to 1800 mm.

19. Cylinders of steam turbines with power up to 25,000 kW.

20. Chevron gears and gear wheels with a conical cast tooth with a diameter of over 500 mm.

21. Spur gears and gear wheels with cast teeth with a diameter of over 1000 mm.

§ 71. Wooden model maker, 6th category

Characteristics of work. Production of complex and unique wooden models with a large number of shaped core boxes, internal cavities and detachable parts. Production of copiers and layouts. Production of complex models for experimental castings. Production of shaped templates for the most complex turning, milling and modeling work. Checking complex models on a control plate using various tools and instruments.

Must know: methods for constructing complex templates and fixtures; rational designs of models and core boxes; rules for marking complex geometric shapes with complex transitions; state standards for allowances for machining; methods and types of molding the most complex parts using models, skeletons and templates.

Secondary vocational education required.

Work examples

Making wooden models:

1. Arterposts and brackets.

2. Heel beams of rolling mills.

3. Cylinder blocks of internal combustion engines with power over 736 kW (1000 hp).

4. Cylinder heads of diesel and tractor engines.

5. Excavator buckets (front and rear walls).

6. Box housings of precision gear hobbing machines.

7. Speed ​​boxes of boring machines.

8. Turbine housings.

9. Crosspieces of turnouts and their cores.

10. Moulds of charging machines for open-hearth furnaces.

11. Table bases for gear hobbing precision machines.

12. Press beds weighing over 25 tons.

13. Suction and exhaust pipes.

14. Oxygen lances for converters, cupola furnaces, annealing furnaces.

15. Cylinders of forging presses with a diameter of over 1800 mm.

16. Cylinders of steam turbines with a power of over 25,000 kW.

Profession code according to OKPDTR – 144936

Works in foundries at mechanical engineering and metalworking enterprises. Based on casting drawings, he produces wooden models of varying complexity with detachable and protruding parts, with shaped voids, as well as blanks, parts of models and core boxes. Makes fixtures and templates for model work, repairs models of varying complexity and core boxes. Marks and draws life-size models with allowances for shrinkage and machining, determines the most rational technological sequence for manufacturing models.

Workplace: indoors. Working hours: shift. Occupational hazards: high air temperature, presence of wood dust in the air.

Must know: basics of geometry and technical drawing; techniques for performing work on woodworking machines, electric and pneumatic tools; technical specifications for the manufacture of models and core boxes; methods for calculating templates and fixtures; rules for marking complex geometric shapes; model production standards, system of tolerances and landings.

Should be able to: make wooden models of varying complexity according to drawings, as well as blanks, parts of models and core boxes, make fixtures and templates for modeling work, mark and draw life-size models, determine the most rational technological sequence for making models.

Professionally important qualities: developed spatial imagination, constructive thinking, well-developed manual woodworking skills with precise coordination of movements at the level of the hands.

Related professions: assembler of wood and plastic products, furniture assembler, metal model maker, product quality and technological process controller.


( Profession code according to OKPDTR - 144936)

Adults and children, men and women cannot do without a headdress, which not only protects a person from cold, heat and wind, but also complements his toilet. These products must be durable, light, comfortable, beautiful, and in line with modern fashion trends. Therefore, those who dream of a job that gives people joy can choose the profession of hat milliner.

The master makes and repairs individually women's, men's and children's hats based on fashion magazines, samples, sketches, taking into account the customer's requirements. These products are made from various materials - fabrics, felt, velvet, artificial and natural fur, leather, straw; They also have a variety of purposes - household, industrial, sports, uniform, entertainment. The processing method and sequence of assembly of hats are determined mainly by their design and type of material. They can be sewn and molded on a rigid base, semi-rigid and soft, with or without lining, therefore the labor intensity of their production is very different and mainly depends on the skill level of the craftsman.

A hat milliner works in the clothing industry and consumer services. And now, having studied in this specialty, you can organize your own business by opening a workshop for making hats. This is especially important for our region due to the constantly high demand for fur products.

This profession requires certain requirements to a person's character. He must be attentive and focused, for which qualities such as patience and perseverance are very important. At the same time, the master needs good taste, rich imagination and a creative approach to work.

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