Signs of the last incarnation on earth. Reincarnation of the Soul. Laws and mechanisms. Unexplained fears, phobias and concerns

Reincarnation of the soul is a rather mysterious phenomenon, about which practically nothing is known, but there are more than enough numerous theories. Find out what affects the quality of life in the next incarnation, what burdens life in the current incarnation and how animals are reborn.

In the article:

Reincarnation of soul or spirit

Almost everyone knows that the reincarnation of the soul is its relocation to another physical body after death. That is, if you believe, after death the non-material component of the human body does not die along with the physical body. She lives through the next incarnation.

35 steps of reincarnation

Incarnation and reincarnation are completely different concepts. Incarnation is a separate embodiment of the human soul. Reincarnation is, in fact, the phenomenon of transmigration of souls. Many facts have been recorded that indicate that the transmigration of souls is not an invention of esotericists, but a real phenomenon. This phenomenon is categorically incompatible with the Christian worldview - Christians believe that a person can only have one life. In general, the attitude towards reincarnation of different religions is a separate issue.

There is an opinion that it is the spirit that reincarnates, not the soul. One specific person can have several souls. The soul is an energy-informational entity, which represents the body of memory of a person, or rather, of his specific incarnation. The soul of a deceased person exists in our world for some time, when his spirit has already followed its path further.

Transmigration of the soul after death - various theories

The theory of reincarnation is the only thing that can lift the veil of secrecy. This phenomenon has been repeatedly studied by scientists, parapsychologists and esotericists who lived at different times. For example, the idea of ​​rebirth was supported by 19th century esotericists. However, there is no exact information about this phenomenon. This knowledge is not available to mankind this moment. But there are many guesses that are considered generally accepted.

One of them says that the relocation of the soul after death always occurs in a human body of the opposite sex. In other words, if you are a woman, then in your next life you will be a man. You were also male in your previous incarnation. Alternation of genders is considered necessary for balance when the spirit receives the experience necessary for further development.

Sometimes the non-closure of the soul of the previous incarnation affects the qualities that appear in the new incarnation. For example, these are feminine character traits in men or, on the contrary, qualities inherent in men in women. Personality formed in past life, can manifest itself in subsequent incarnations. Adherents of the theory of transmigration of souls attribute split personality to disorders for which the past incarnation is “to blame.”

Most authors call the transition from an animal form to a human one a natural phenomenon, considering the transition from a human form to an animal form impossible. However, not everyone agrees with this opinion. Sometimes you can hear that a person’s soul can only move into a person’s body. There is another opinion - the rebirth of the soul after death can occur in the body of a person, an animal, or even a plant or stone.

It is believed that the soul can be transmigrated into the human body only in the fourth month of pregnancy. After the birth of a child, the memory of past lives is turned off. Most people do not remember their past lives, but children often talk about events that they could not have known about. This is often described in the literature on reincarnation. General impressions of the path traveled before rebirth almost always remain. These are exactly what people feel when they try to remember past lives using various techniques.

There is another unusual theory of reincarnation in the roles of actors. According to her, this is a temporary phenomenon. When an actor plays a role, the role plays him - almost everyone has heard this expression. Many famous artists agree with him. Perhaps that's why acting for a long time was not approved by the church. For some time, it was customary for actors to be buried outside the cemetery fence, since their souls were considered corrupt.

The theory of reincarnation also tries to look into what happens after all the lessons have been learned by the spirit. Our world is a school for young, immature spirits. What will happen after it? Most likely, after graduating from school on planet Earth, the spirit will have to receive “ higher education", and then work in the chosen direction. Of course, these are rough comparisons, but the meaning is generally clear. Another example of reincarnation is shown in the movie Avatar.

How does a person’s karma affect his next incarnation?

Karma of a person is the main factor that influences what his next incarnations will be. Almost every person knows what karmic debts are - these are mistakes made in a past life that will have to be corrected in the current one. In addition, there is also family karma - the influence of the karma of the clan, family on the life of each individual member. However, this is a completely different topic; we will return to it later.

Each incarnation has its own karmic tasks.
They are exhibited by the very spirit of a person who decided to receive the appropriate lessons. If you believe this, it turns out that your life is the way you yourself chose it for a specific purpose.

Don’t forget about working on the mistakes of past incarnations. For example, if you mocked ugly people, you may get a serious flaw in your next incarnation. This is how the spirit understands the consequences of its behavior in a past life and gains experience. This is not a punishment, but something like a teaching method that allows you to see the world with completely different eyes. If your life is not at all what you would like, most likely you are working off karma.

The same karmic tasks can haunt people for more than one incarnation. It is not always possible to learn a certain lesson the first time. If the training of the spirit occurs in this way, it is forced to solve the karmic problem again in order to find its solution and gain the experience necessary for its further development.

Animal Reincarnation

The reincarnation of animals is considered as possible as the transmigration of human souls after death. There are many opinions about this. Some are sure that the souls of animals can only move into the bodies of animals, and only of the same species. Many believe that the spirit can incarnate in both animal and human form.

Many people believe that dead animals can return to the family they once lived with. If the pet was loved by its owner, and the latter really wants him back and misses him, then a dog, cat or other animal will definitely appear in the owner’s life in a new body. It could be a stray kitten, like two peas in a pod, or a puppy born from a friend’s dog - this is how animals who want to return to their family return to this world. Interesting fact- the rest of the pets in the house quickly accept the new incarnation of the old friend.

Reincarnation of cats is a separate issue. If you believe it, then she has nine lives. There are several opinions on this matter. For example, some believe that only nine lives can be lived in the body of a cat - no more and no less. Another version about the rebirth of cat souls is that they have only nine incarnations; after the ninth life, cats go to the afterlife or move to the next level of development.

Reincarnation in the modern view cannot answer the question of how an animal becomes a human - there are too many theories that often contradict each other. According to some beliefs, animals are reborn into animals, and people into people. According to others, a person can become an animal, and an animal can become a person. In the first case, the spirit loses its accumulated experience, and in the second, it moves to a higher stage of development.

Does reincarnation occur in suicides?

Suicide is unacceptable in most religious beliefs. The Church considers suicide a terrible sin. Those who have committed suicide are not given a funeral service or buried in the cemetery at their own request. But does the reincarnation of suicides occur? Are there any karmic consequences of suicide and how does it affect the continued existence of the spirit as a whole?

From the point of view of the theory of rebirth, suicide is a manifestation of conscious neglect of the opportunity to gain valuable incarnation experience. Accordingly, it cannot be called a plausible act.

The presence of suicides in the family negatively affects. A suicide makes things worse not only for himself, but also for his loved ones, because they, too, will have to pay for his action. In addition, in the next incarnation you will have to work off the karma of suicide. It is unlikely that the next incarnation can be considered good solution from a difficult situation. Most likely, the next incarnation of a suicide will be full of problems and difficulties that will be aimed at solving the received karmic task. For example, in order for the spirit to be able to understand the feelings of the loved ones of the suicide, it can walk in their shoes in the next life.

O. Nalivaiko, E. Verbovskaya

A person is not only a biological organism, it is also a soul - a subtle energy component that makes the inanimate alive. Let's consider how the human soul is embodied in the material world. Not a single soul on Earth appears just for its own pleasure. The soul participates in complex energy processes in the Higher worlds.

Why does the Earth need souls?

The earth is a living organism. At first glance this may seem strange. We are accustomed to considering only biological organisms as living, but the concept of “living” is much broader than the concepts familiar to humans. Of course, one cannot compare the Earth with biological organisms, however, like any living organism, the Earth develops and changes. Continents are constantly moving, the earth's landscape is changing, some mountains appear, others disappear. Of course, these processes occur very slowly, hundreds of thousands of years. At first there was no biological life on Earth, then the simplest living organisms appeared on it, then life forms began to become more complex, and in the end, people appeared on Earth. The earth also participates in the emergence of life on it.

Let's give an example.

Human life requires food, water and air. Every cell in our body is also alive. It receives nutrients, water and oxygen through a network of blood vessels. The waste products of each cell are eliminated from the body. When nutrients are scarce, signals from the body's cells through nervous system enter the brain, and the person experiences a feeling of hunger or thirst. We eat food and drink water to satisfy our needs.

Approximately the same process occurs with the Earth; the Earth also needs, by analogy with a person, “food” - certain types of energy. These energies are supplied to the Earth by biological organisms - plants, fish, birds, animals, humans...

The Earth needs different types of energies, therefore the life forms of the planet will be different. In this case, the following pattern applies. When a certain area of ​​the Earth lacks certain types of energy, it sends a signal about this to its Calculation System, which is located inside the planet. This System receives and processes signals from the Earth and transmits information further to the Higher Hierarchical System. The system plans in a given place the birth of a certain person or animal, which will, in the course of its life activity, produce the necessary types of energies for the Earth.

Let's imagine a database that stores information about our souls. When the Higher Ones receive a signal about the Earth’s needs for certain types of energy, souls are selected from this database that are best suited to supply the Earth with the necessary energies in this particular area.

Our souls are in the energy world, which is located above the Earth. When the desired soul has been selected, it is prepared on the subtle plane for movement into physical world. If you have ever wondered why you were born in this particular country and in this particular place, you should know that there is nothing random about it. Each new soul born on Earth, according to calculations Higher Systems, is strictly located relative to other bodies in the world. This calculation is very accurate, and without it not a single soul descends to Earth.

For the incarnation of the soul in the earthly world, not only the place, but also the time of birth matters. The System that manages souls has a kind of schedule that contains the characteristics of each earthly hour, minute and second. The place of birth of a person is chosen by combining the needs of the development of the Earth, the soul itself, as well as the goals of the Supreme Personalities. Therefore, astrology is given to people as a science, so that they also advance in development in this direction and learn to connect themselves with the world around them through energy processes.

A person needs to learn a simple truth - he participates in energy exchange with the outside world. During his life, a person secretes a huge amount different types energy. This is both physical energy that is familiar to us, for example, thermal, and “subtle” energy.

We “produce” energy when we work and relax, when we read books or watch TV, when we love or hate... Any of our emotions is also energy. It is no coincidence that after a quarrel with each other, many people experience a feeling of “emptiness”, fatigue, they are “like a squeezed lemon.” Although there are those who provoke others into conflicts. Such people are called “energy vampires.”

We can say that we and our souls are small “power plants” that generate energy. This is what a person primarily lives for. However, it should be understood that a person not only generates certain types of energies, but also receives the ones he needs for himself.

So, for example, the Earth did not appear in Space “by itself”, randomly, but was designed By Higher Powers. This is a huge expenditure of different types of energy. A person also receives from his Determinant (Heavenly Teacher) the necessary types of “subtle” energies, without which he simply cannot live.

In the “subtle” world, certain laws apply, where everyone receives certain types of energies and gives others.

We can give the following example.

Energy can be compared to money. We work, receive a salary for our work, which we spend on our needs. In the “subtle” world, energy accounting is very accurate; there you cannot waste energy without giving anything in return. It is in the earthly world that you can create a fortune for yourself through financial speculation. In the energy world, everyone gets only what they earn. True, everything depends on the level of the energy world, because there are also “low” worlds in it, in which deception is possible.

The birth of a person and the descent of the soul from the subtle world to the physical are also certain expenditures of energy.

The soul is “subtle” energy, the material world is “rough”, “dense” energy. The light soul is “pushed out” from the material world, like a balloon is pushed out of water. This must be taken into account when preparing the soul for its descent to Earth. In this case, the following pattern applies.

The earth in a certain place lacks some types of energy. A signal about this is sent underground to a special hierarchical System, which processes such signals and transmits them to a higher hierarchical System.

This System, based on its database, selects the necessary soul (or souls), which, in terms of their energy potential and other qualities, are most suitable for meeting the energy needs of the Earth.

Let's give another example. The city in which we live is supplied with electricity. But this electricity needs to be taken somewhere. To do this, we are building a power plant of the required capacity to meet the needs of the city. For each part of the Earth, the necessary soul is also selected - the energy generator that the Earth needs. When the necessary soul is selected, it is transferred to the Determinant (Heavenly Teacher) of the person, who will further accompany this soul through life.

The Determinator is already a soul of a high level of development, but Determinants also come in different levels, so each Determinator receives the soul that best suits him for his level of development.

The determinant must also progress. The less experienced will receive a soul of a low level of development, the more experienced will receive a more developed soul. A Low Determinant can give little to a highly developed student, and a High Level Determinant will be retarded in the development of a low individual.

When the desired soul is selected, the Determinator studies information about his ward - the energy indicators of the soul, its future tasks and begins to look for a couple from whom he would like to receive a material shell for his future ward, i.e. begins to look for future parents.

Let us explain once again who this person is.

Man is a biological body and soul. In this pair, the leading role is played by the soul. A person’s character and qualities are stored not in the person’s brain, but in the SOUL.

Let's explain this with an example. Each of us has clothes. Today we are in one suit, tomorrow in another, today in one jacket, tomorrow in another. Regardless of what we wear, our character remains the same. The human body is to the soul like a suit to the body.

The body is temporary, the soul is eternal. It is the BODY that is needed for the SOUL, for its development and improvement in the earthly world.

Each soul must complete its own development program, so it is important that the soul appears in exactly the place and with those parents who are best suited for this. The identifier uses its database to find the right parents for its ward soul. It should be borne in mind that it is more correct when the soul is born in a family where there is a father and mother.

If a child is born to a single mother or if the parents divorce, this disrupts the normal energy exchange in the family. In religion, abortion is considered a grave sin comparable to murder. This is not accidental, because a lot of energy is spent preparing for the birth of a person from Above, and the laws are such that a person will have to compensate for any expenditure of energy from Above in one way or another. So-called “energy debts” arise, and, as you know, debt is worth paying.

People have the freedom to choose what to do, but they must understand that for their choice they are RESPONSIBLE to the Highest.

If a couple does not want to have children, then the Determinator looks for another couple for the soul. When future parents choose to give birth to a child, the Determinator begins to work with them, participating in the formation of the baby’s material body. For all nine months, the Teacher takes care of the future student. He carries out enormous preparatory work even before his birth. Not a single body can be born without a Determinant, and this process is under the control of the Higher Powers.

As you know, new life is born from the fusion of male and female reproductive cells. Each reproductive cell carries half of the genetic code of the unborn child, and only after fertilization does the development of a new person begin. For our science, this is already a fairly well-studied issue, but science, while studying material things, does not know about the subtle energy processes occurring during this process. In order for fertilization to occur, the Determinant lays down a special initial energy and further controls the processes of formation of the child’s body until his birth. The genetic code itself means nothing. Figuratively speaking, you can collect dry brushwood for a fire, but if you don’t light a match, there will be no fire. Likewise, in the process of fertilization, you need that “match” that will “light the fire” of a new life.

It should be borne in mind that the soul unites with the fetus not at the moment of fertilization, but, as a rule, when the body of the unborn child is already quite well formed. This can happen before the birth of the child, during birth, and immediately after birth, but everything is individual here.

It should also be taken into account that the expectant mother also has her own Determinant, but this Determinant controls the mother’s body, and the child’s Determinant controls its development. Both Determinants work together. Let us recall that the Determinants operate with “subtle” energies, but without these energies there would be neither people nor biological life on Earth.

The process of creating a new life is not easy. The genetic code forms the future body according to a certain program - “clothing” for the soul. The Determinant controls the supply of “subtle” energies, managing and directing the process of formation of the body of the future child.

While the child’s body is not spiritualized, its development is helped by the spiritualizing energy of the mother. The spiritualization of the child’s physical body occurs when the soul is infused. Here we must distinguish between the spiritualization of the soul and the spiritualization of man.

When God creates a soul, He spiritualizes it, that is, a special energy is put into the soul. And then the soul - the carrier of this Divine energy - spiritualizes the child’s body. It turns out that spiritualizing energy is transmitted, as if by relay race, from God to the soul, and from the soul to man.

When the soul infuses the body, the spiritualizing energy, like living water, spreads throughout all cells of the body. The child grows, the number of cells also increases, and the spiritualizing energy gradually “spreads” to new cells of the body. The soul has the necessary supply of spiritualizing energy, which, as needed, fills the growing body of the child.

It can be represented figuratively like this. You have a water bottle and a balloon. You pour water from a bottle into a ball, the amount of water in the bottle decreases, and in the ball increases, while the ball becomes larger and larger in size.

The determinant necessarily controls this process so that the spiritualizing energy flows evenly, so that new cells of the body do not lack “subtle” energy, and so that it is correctly reunited with matter. However, before the soul begins to spiritualize the child’s body, it must be lowered from the “subtle” world to the earthly one.

Usually the souls of people are in the so-called Storage of Souls or, as they sometimes say, “in the next world.” The repository of souls is a special structure of the “subtle” plane, an energy world in which souls also develop.

This structure is located in near-Earth space.

Many books have been published where you can get acquainted with the description of this world. This is how, for example, Dolores Cannon describes him in an unusually figurative manner. Here is a short excerpt from her book.

There are no buildings or anything like that in sight. This is a completely different level of perception, where you see only one energy. This spectacle is like a fantastically beautiful aurora, in which you seem to dissolve and turn into pure energy, so that you can manipulate other energies, creating and creating various phenomena. When you are on these higher planes, or in heaven, you can easily look from there at lower planes, including the earthly one, and monitor what is happening there. As a matter of fact, the problem is not even in vision, but in what level you are looking at in order to see something there. There is no environment or space in our understanding there, since there are no horizons there.

Other authors can read a different description of a world in which there are buildings, landscapes, cities, etc. and so on. Here you need to understand that each person is individual, and everyone sees and describes such a world in their own way. In a state of clinical death or hypnosis, the soul can separate from the body and enter one or another energy world. What the soul sees is difficult for a person to describe, he simply does not have the right words for this. However, such an experience gives extraordinary impressions and the story of a person who has seen such a world is full of emotions and unusual experiences.

The process of preparing the soul for its descent into the earthly world from the “subtle” world is complex. The Determinant is directly involved in the descent of the soul. If He has little experience, He can be helped by other Determiners. But first, various specialists prepare the soul for descent.

We can give the following example. Just as different specialists on Earth prepare for sending an astronaut into space, so different specialists of the “subtle” world prepare the soul for its descent into the earthly world. As we mentioned earlier, no soul is sent to the Earthly world just like that. Each soul is given a specific purpose for earthly life. More correctly, the soul is given several goals. For example, one main and several minor ones. A life program is drawn up for each soul. A life program is like a school program. You must complete the program in your life, i.e. learn certain lessons without deviating from it. When preparing to descend to earth, the soul is aware of everything; it understands what it is being prepared for. The soul is “subtle” and light matter, so the soul is “packed” into protective energy shells, just like a spacesuit is put on an astronaut or a “diving” suit is put on a diver. The matter of our world is dense, holding a light soul in such a world is not as easy as holding, for example, an inflated balloon under water.

The human soul has several energy shells. There are permanent energy shells or energy bodies - atmanic, buddhial, causal, there are temporary energy bodies - mental, astral, etheric and the material body familiar to us, although here too everything is individual. For some souls, the mental shell is a permanent energy body, but this is a separate topic.

Before descending to Earth, the Determinant forms temporary shells for the soul. Higher specialists also record special programs on energy shells, the soul feels it. But usually the soul is not introduced to the program of future life in the human body. Only some souls who perform a special mission on Earth introduce future program life (this is a separate topic for consideration).

It should be said right away that birth is a difficult test for the soul. The previously mentioned Dolores Cannon writes about this. She is not just an author of books, but also a specialist in regression hypnosis. Some types of psycho-emotional disorders are associated with strong experiences of a person in childhood. An adult may not remember this, but such a person can be helped with the help of regressive hypnosis. In a state of hypnosis, a person can be taken back in time to that situation (which is why hypnosis is called regressive) and helped him overcome it. It was the experience of regressive hypnosis that helped Dolores learn what the soul feels during birth. Dolores repeated her experience many times with different people, but the result was the same - a person, even in a state of hypnosis, experienced the most difficult emotional experiences when the hypnotist returned his memory to the moment of birth.

Life on Earth in a human body is also a difficult test for the soul. Imagine that you are in a diving suit underwater, in which it is difficult to move your arm, and you need to work. Life on Earth is a journey of your soul from the subtle world to the “low” world, full of hardships, suffering and trials. It is so difficult to find love and warmth in this world; there is a lot of hatred and evil in it.

A logical question arises: where are God and the Highest looking, why is there so much evil in our world, why is it structured this way and not otherwise?

There is no simple answer to this question, but the short answer is this. God, having created our souls, wanted them to bring love and goodness, so that they would become like God. But at the same time, God gave each soul freedom of choice - how to act. Many chose evil and hatred and turned away from the Divine path. We will devote a separate conversation to this topic, and now we will return to the descent of the soul to Earth. Between the subtle world and the earthly one there is a certain zone that the soul must overcome (this is the intermediate layer between the ethereal layer and the planet on the subtle plane). The determinant guides the soul to the right place and, as it were, catapults it from top to bottom. The Determinator himself descends into this intermediate zone while the soul is guided into the body of the infant. The sensations of the soul before descending to earth are also obtained using regressive hypnosis. Thus, one person told how his soul was in the subtle world and looked down from above, not daring to descend. She saw her goal, knew whose body she should descend into, but she did not dare take the last step, as if she needed to jump from a high cliff. In the end, she felt like she was slightly pushed from behind or, as the person put it, “given a light kick,” and her soul quickly flew down.

The insertion of the soul into the body is a lightning-fast process, while the memory of the soul is blocked. The person himself no longer remembers this. However, some children still remember something from the past. Adults usually do not pay attention to children's chatter, considering their stories to be fantasies and inventions. However, if you pay more attention to such stories, you can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of the soul before birth.

You can learn more about the incarnation of the soul on Earth and the birth of a person from the book of our authors.

We will devote our next conversation to fate.


1. Dolores Cannon. "Between life and death." Publishing house "Sofia".

2. Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L. "Birth, death, karma." Publishing house "Amrita-Rus".

Sooner or later, young or old, most people thinks about the meaning of life.

But this is a more multifaceted concept than it might seem at first glance, because man is a multidimensional being.

Each of us is able to determine the meaning of life at the level of human consciousness, although sometimes this can be difficult.

But if you think about it what is the meaning of life at the soul level, which is embodied on Earth in the human body, interesting discoveries can be made.

In a difficult period of life, when you no longer want to remain in incarnation and the soul is eager to “go home,” it is useful to think about what tasks it came to accomplish in this incarnation.

Of course, each soul has its own tasks. But we can identify the main reasons for the soul’s coming into human incarnation, which are common to all or almost all souls.

During periods of life when the human meaning of life disappears, think about the meaning for which the soul lives earthly life.

6 main reasons for the soul to come into human incarnation

1. Wish fulfillment

One of the aspirations of the soul, because it was part of it in Spiritual World, even before the endless cycle of reincarnation begins.

And during the life of the soul in the human body, either, or it transfers them further - into subsequent lives, but more powerful and intrusive.

Attachment turns desire into a very strong emotion, desperation, which leads to imbalance, and as a result, what we wanted so much becomes blocked and unavailable to us.

To prevent this from happening, one should wish without painful attachments, fear and ego.

Some desires that bring the soul into human embodiment:

- enjoy- inhale the aroma of flowers, feel the breeze, bask in the sun, listen to the singing of birds and the sound of the sea, taste, feel, touch, rejoice.

- express yourself- generate ideas, admire insights, interpret beauty and spread the truth, create, create, draw, sing, write, dance, design.

- to cognize- gain experience, observe, understand, know, experience.

- grow- go beyond the usual, get rid of habits, broaden your horizons, expand, explore new paths and roads.

- be in a relationship- to love and be loved, to feel kinship, to share with others, to help and serve.

2. Growth and learning

The soul strives for evolution. Going through various lessons and experiences on Earth, she develops and becomes wiser.

Human perception in most cases marks significant victories and major acquisitions, but we can

This means in any situation - bad or good - not to forget about your eternal value. This always helps to advance on the path of life.

Looking from this perspective, we become observers.

But even when going through difficulties and difficult situations along the way, we must remember that troubles, grief and pain are given to us not for the sake of suffering, but for the sake of the value, the “pearls of wisdom” that we find along the way.

This is a gift that we will receive when we can consciously live our painful feelings and emotions and free ourselves from them.

The next three points: repetition, compensation and retribution lead to balancing, transformation of negative energies into valuable experience and getting rid of karmic debts.

3. Repetition

The intentions of the soul can be repeated from incarnation to incarnation. Sometimes you want to repeat a pleasant experience, for example, true love or

But it happens that souls repeat less pleasant things: hard times and negative influences.

The fact is that during personal tragedies and disasters, souls develop a very strong emotional charge.

And the soul is forced to relive a similar experience again and again until it heals.

Over time, souls strive to free themselves from harmful attachments, they leave the vicious circle, restore balance and purity of motivation.

Repetition examples:

Activities that bring pleasure.

For example, if in some of our lives we did not have enough time for simple joys: admiring the sunrise or enjoying the taste of ripe berries, we did not fulfill the desire of our soul.

In the next life, the soul may well point this out to us so that we understand what we have lost, because such, at first glance, little things belong to the best episodes of life.

- Repetitive cravings.

Sometimes a seemingly pleasant sensation can become so necessary that it becomes driving force all my life.

Food, smoking, alcohol and other addictions become so familiar and important that they lead to withdrawal from reality.

If this happened in one of our lives, then in the next, as a rule, we need to get out of such destructive algorithms, because addictions block our connection with the spirit.

In such a situation, the soul seeks to bring a person out of dependence and again return him to attunement with his true Self.

— Repetition of personal qualities.

For example, if you don’t know how to stand up for yourself (this is how circumstances developed in childhood), perhaps this experience extends from previous incarnations.

You may have some other quality that does not help in your current life, but only harms.

In this case, the task of the soul is to get rid of these ingrained behavior algorithms. Awareness, acceptance and will will help with this.

- Repeated relationships.

It happens that our souls reincarnate at the same time to spend time together.

When there is love, acceptance, trust and careful attitude to each other - such a desire of souls is understandable.

But it also happens that souls embodied in human bodies repeat negative, tense and even humiliating relationships. Why?

The soul wants to learn a lesson and transform this experience. So the duty of a person in such a situation is to find out the real motives of this relationship, and then return to truth, love and honor.

Even an event that seems terrible teaches how you can transform a negative experience and become wiser and more loving.

4. Compensation

Appears when very strong experiences from one life cause an excessive reaction in another.

In such cases, we go too far in the opposite direction, trying to unwind the energy of past experiences.

Such compensation can be so strong that it becomes a source of experiences that are polar opposite to those experienced in a past life.

Examples of compensation:

— Compensatory addictions

An example would be an overweight person who has experienced hunger or malnutrition in the past.

Strong addictions are healed by self-improvement and balance.

Desire usually becomes a karmic cause of compensation.

When unfavorable circumstances continue for a long time, a strong desire for change arises.

But this desire may not come true the way you wanted, or not at all in the life in which it was relevant.

For example, in a past life you did not realize yourself as an artist because you got married and did not leave yourself time for yourself, and in this life your relationship with your loved one does not work out, because you are afraid of marriage, and that you will lose yourself in it again.

— Compensation for severe imbalances.

Example: you lived in abundance, servants fulfilled all your whims, but you treated them without respect and indifference; it is very likely that in your next life you yourself will serve someone or even become a slave.

But condemnation of people and hostility towards them lead to retribution.

5. Reckoning

Just like compensation, it is an energy pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other.

The difference is this: if compensation is the reversal of energetic experience, then retribution is the return of your own present energy.

However, retribution is not a punishment, you are simply energetically paying in advance for the mistakes of the past: you will be treated in future lives the same way you are now treating others.

Retribution in human incarnations often manifests itself in a reversal of roles: two people take turns treating each other equally until at least one of the two breaks the circle.

You can break the cycle by letting go of your emotions and choosing your true power instead of illusions.

Several payback scenarios:

— Condemnation, prejudice, inequality- retribution may be a consequence of your attitude towards certain people or groups of people. Judgment, outright hostility or callousness towards someone will be something you yourself will have to experience.

— Relationships between parents and children- if your childhood was spent under the accompaniment of eternal criticism and neglect from your parents, perhaps in your previous incarnation you were the same parent.

A bad attitude towards you makes you thirst for revenge and resentment, but it is not necessary and should not hold on to the emotions that accompany these states.

You want to be loved and deserve love and recognition. Let go of negative feelings and old grievances, become a loving parent for yourself.

Love relationship - anger and rejection of love lead to retribution, which can be a relationship full of quarrels, in attempts to prove who is right and who is wrong.

There is an important lesson in such relationships: we need to treat each other with compassion. Another lesson: both partners are equal.

After all, when each of the spouses asserts themselves in their own rightness and power, they forget about caring for each other.

To get rid of the desire to take revenge for bad treatment, let go of those who are not ready to move forward, start new life filled with love for yourself and others.

6. Service

A sincere desire to do good for the benefit of oneself and others. One of the highest manifestations of love.

Sincere service emits a very high vibration.

If your service is not sincere and you help others out of pride, fear or conformity, the vibrations of your good deed will be clouded by negativity.

And this can cause unfavorable karma.

Service happens:

— Karmic- your intention to serve is a reaction to the experience of past incarnations.

For example, if in a previous incarnation you considered yourself superior to others and believed that everyone owes you, then in this one you may have a strong desire to help others.

— Personal- increased concern for those around you, with whom you are connected by bonds of love and reverence, becomes natural for you.

— Spiritual- an act of free giving aimed at the whole world. Since we are all connected, whatever happens to others also happens to us. It turns out that by helping others, we help ourselves.

Service with pure intentions is one of the highest goals of the incarnation of the soul in the human body.

And, it will help you live in peace of mind and follow the path of service that comes from the heart.

The soul has aspirations, and it is pointless to deny them.

Even if you are not aware of your deepest motives, they still influence your actions and life.

But when conscious intentions coincide with true needs and desires, miracles begin.

Follow your feelings, because through them the soul turns to you.

There are at least a dozen answers to the question of what reincarnation is. Each describes the process to the best of their knowledge, imagination and professed religion. There are no exact definitions, but there are many theories describing the phenomenon. The theme of revival in a new quality has excited minds at all times. How I want to correct mistakes and not repeat the same lesson!

In this article

Soul or spirit? What is meant by the concept of reincarnation

Before discussing the philosophy of immortality, it is necessary to understand the meaning of the basic terms adopted in parapsychology and theology.

The concept of reincarnation is the transmigration of an immaterial substance into another physical body. Christianity, like other Abrahamic cults (Judaism, Islam), denies this.

Incarnation is the life of each individual immaterial shell, the current earthly incarnation.

Philosophy of immortality: the eternal cycle of lives

What lies behind the concepts of “spirit” and “” and can these words be considered synonyms?

A living creature has several ethereal copies. This is an energy and information cast of the current incarnation. , which, having separated after death, remains nearby for some time, but then rushes into. Spirit is a synthesis of experience, knowledge, actions and deeds; allows you to remember forgotten things, is responsible for emotions, attitude towards God, sins and good actions.

Therefore, many esotericists say that the Spirit reincarnates, holding the key to knowledge about past journeys.

The soul is called the layer between the physical and spiritual planes. She is a linear direction. These are thoughts, feelings, desires. Spirituality is a vertical: it helps to understand purpose. Connects with God, is responsible for improvement, rejects dubious pleasures and vices.

This video presents a powerful mantra for spiritual growth:

The highest power that can change the world does not come to every body, theologians say. The higher the level of consciousness, the more likely the descent of Grace. Examples: Jesus Christ, Dalai Lama, Buddha.

The theory of reincarnation: principles of teaching

Poets and writers tried to comprehend the mystery of existence and death. This is how A.S. saw the future. Pushkin:

No, all of me will not die - the soul is in the treasured lyre

My ashes will survive and decay will escape.

Undoubtedly, Pushkin, like his contemporaries, is a Christian and believes in immortality. But here's what the genius says next:

And I will be glorious as long as I am in the sublunary world

At least one piit will be alive.

In these words one can see a direct indication of the likelihood of reincarnation. The author says that thoughts and feelings will be conveyed to the reader not by followers, but by him in the guise of another poet.

Karmic tasks and spiritual experiences of past lives

Mistakes, sins, unfinished business and misbehavior are factors with every birth. Bad deeds committed earlier have to be corrected in their current form. And, conversely, the worse the behavior today, the more painful it will be tomorrow.

Fulfilling a karmic task means making the next life easier

An example is domestic violence: a woman marries a tyrant and constantly suffers beatings and humiliation. see in this a direct connection with the past. Most likely, she was a cruel and uncompromising man, accustomed to solving problems from a position of strength.

You can determine your karmic task online by following the link.

Everyone has karmic tasks and debts. The Spirit takes them upon themselves, accepting obedience. This is a repetition of unlearned material. Only at a different level of consciousness and experience.

Buddha warned: if you want to know what you did, look at how you live now. If you want to know how you will live your next incarnation, look at what you are doing today.

People say:

It is a sin to laugh at the poor and sick.

The original Russian proverb conceals sacred meaning teachings about karma. She paraphrases the words of the Enlightened One in her own way and instructs that one should not offend the defenseless. Next time you will switch places.

Historical facts about reincarnation

In theological reasoning St. Augustine there are thoughts on this topic. Emperor Justinian completely excluded the possibility of mentioning rebirth. The laws of the Middle Ages were so harsh that it was easy to be branded a heretic and end up at the stake for seditious thoughts. The gloomy Middle Ages, known for the persecution of dissidents, purposefully destroyed the idea. Not only witches who fell under the hot hand of the Inquisition deserved the fire, but also anyone who dared to express an opinion that differed from the generally accepted one.

Grand Inquisitor Torquemada

It became possible to freely express thoughts during the Renaissance; philosophers received the right to speak without fear of being classified as a clan of witches and sorcerers.

Voltaire, Diderot and other brilliant minds expressed judgments about the posthumous journey. The theory of rebirth formed the basis of Carl Jung's writings on the Collective Unconscious.

The Eastern direction of religion has always adhered to this concept of existence. It is still one of the components of the global culture of the peoples of the region.

Reincarnation exists: real facts and evidence

To believe or not to believe in this or that concept of the universe is everyone’s business. It's natural to question rumors. But there are facts in history that defy traditional explanation.

Under the influence of circumstances or deep hypnosis, people remembered previous incarnations. x they provided details that a priori could not have known due to age, place of residence and everyday experience.

This video features regression hypnotherapist Michael Newton. He is known for researching messages from clients who have recounted their lives before being born on Earth. Author of the books “Journeys of the Soul”, “Purpose of the Soul”, “Memories of Life After Life”, “Life Between Lives”.

The James Leininger Story

It flew around the world and made scientists who study the processes occurring in the brain and responsible for memory think.

The boy James Leininger became a sensation. He described in detail the events of the Second World War. The child described in detail what the plane he flew on looked like and even said his name. At first, parents and doctors did not believe James, considering his stories a figment of childhood fantasy and an excessive passion for airplanes. But after working with a psychologist, we managed to find out that all the details were valid. The list of pilots who died off the coast of Japan included the name of James Houston, which the child called.

American psychotherapist Carol Bowman said that James' memories are nothing more than post-mortem experiences. Real proof of relocation. Painful experiences were recorded on the matrix as a result of the tragic death of the pilot. Therefore, in the subsequent incarnation it was possible to remember the past.

The Graham Huxtable Story

Memory manifests itself in strange and unusual abilities that come out of nowhere. This could be skills or knowledge of ancient languages. There are cases where, under the influence of deep hypnosis, subjects spoke in a foreign dialect, and when they woke up, they did not remember this.

This is what happened to Graham Huxtable.

During a hypnosis session, he “turned” into a commoner sailor who lived many centuries ago. In a state of trance, Graham used unknown nautical terms and spoke with an accent. The hypnotic sleep lasted an hour and was recorded on audio tape. At the end of the session, the volunteer did not even remember what happened, and when he listened to the recording, he was surprised. The author of the experiment, Eimall Bloxham, believes that the visions experienced by the test subject are memories of lives.

The video talks about regression research conducted at the Moscow Institute of Hypnosis:

How burdened karma affects subsequent incarnations of a person

The more often the immaterial shell returns to Earth, the more experience it has, but not always positive. When there is a lot of debt, Heaven makes you go through painful and unpleasant situations again and again.

Karma is the totality of bad and good deeds

- not a punishment, but a path to correction. But ordinary people are accustomed to turning a blind eye to obvious facts, not wanting to learn. How do you understand what the lesson is?

  1. Repetitive situations. Fate persistently offers the same conflict patterns for a reason. They don't need to be avoided. Unsolved problems accumulate like a snowball.
  2. A certain type: bad boss, envious colleagues, naughty children. These are not collective images, but Teachers.
  3. Dreams and obsessive thoughts indicate a previously unfulfilled karmic destiny.

It is impossible to ignore messages from Above, just like living one day at a time. There is no such thing in the Universe. She thinks global categories. And we are part of the Cosmos.

Animal Reincarnation

Some supporters of the theory argue that only we have the opportunity to return. Others say that they were all cats, dogs and mice, but gained Consciousness.

What is needed for the Soul to be able to climb this miracle ladder? I see myself, I see how I collect lessons and tasks for the upcoming incarnation into a luminous energy ball (which in regression for some reason I funny call a knapsack).

The contents of the ball are thought out in advance and are a joint plan of the Creator, Mentors, and my Higher Self.

And, taking this ball with me, I jump from the step and quickly fly down to the Earth.

There, on Earth, my next life passes with all its joys and sorrows, happy events and difficult trials, with a wide range of feelings and emotions.

Ordinary human life, another performance.

And then I come back, and only based on the results of my life and the lessons passed or not passed, a conclusion is made about whether I can move to the next step on the ladder of incarnations.

Kako in the plan of my current incarnation, the tasks for this life?

I notice a long cloak on my shoulders, originally it was white, but now it has the gray patina of time and serious trials that my Soul has chosen on its Path. This is a cloak of past incarnations, it is burdened with heavy energies, the cloak served my development, it stores all the experience and all the knowledge about all my past lives. With the movement of my shoulders I want to throw off my cloak, but I feel that I cannot do this, because... I still need him.

I receive information that the cloak needs to be given for transformation in order to cleanse it of heavy energies. I watch as rays of divine energy penetrate the cloak, and the burden of past lives flows like a gray stream down the steps of my ladder of incarnations.

The energetic cleansing of the cloak is mesmerizing, I feel vibrations in my body, as if it were being cleansed along with the cloak. I am happy, and I notice how the Creator smiles, seeing my reaction.

Now I stand free and light in front of him. I realize with satisfaction that I am strictly following the plan drawn up before my current incarnation, because... I have been engaged in spiritual development for many years, and for the last 1.5 years I have been researching my past lives, healing traumas of the distant past and the consequences of these traumas and blocks.

The guide invites me to look at what stage of earthly incarnations my Soul is at.

I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw, because... I see myself on the very last steps of the ladder, very close to the Creator. Until I saw this, I didn’t even think that I was already so close to him and to the end of my incarnations. And this makes me very happy and calms me down, because to tell the truth, my Soul is a little tired of life on Earth. I remember how in one of the regressions I already heard from my Mentor that there were not many incarnations left for my Soul.

What awaits me after the last step is completed?

Connection with the energy of the Creator. What's next? I turn my back to the Creator and see a great many white stairs directed towards him, and I receive an answer from him. I have to mentor, help still incarnating Souls on their Path.

The guide asks what will happen after all the Souls walk to the end along the stairs of their incarnations?

To this question I honestly answer that I don’t know how it is in other languages, but in Russian there is no word that could describe the sensations that you experience when you see what will happen in this case! There are synonyms, but there is no exact word. And the Creator laughs cheerfully at my words.

Why was it necessary for us to climb these stairs, what was the point?

After all, we have probably already been at the top, because Souls are born perfect, why did they go down, what does this path up the ladder of incarnations give us?

As if in a slow motion movie, they show me footage from my past lives, and information comes that without going through all the trials, without knowing all the human abysses, ups, downs, suffering, pain, happiness, joy, it is impossible to understand the meaning of life in its highest understanding. , the meaning of the structure of the universe in which we live.

I see Marianna next to the Creator, having already descended from the ladder of incarnation. I ask her what she is still doing on Earth, she laughs and says that she has come for all of us. I thank her for this.

She invites me to find out for myself what what on Earth we call the devil or dark energies?

I receive information that this is also the energy of the Creator, only with specially tuned vibrations.

Configured in such a way as to test the Soul for strength, something akin to seduction, temptation. Why is this given to Souls? If the Soul does not pass the test, it drops to a lower level and rolls back in its development.

But he does not go to hell, as some religions convince us, because we know that there is no hell.

Sometimes even fairly developed souls cannot withstand certain tests, mainly the tests of power and money.

And the Soul constantly chooses these lessons until will be tested. Each Soul has its own mechanisms that help resist temptations. I understand that my mechanism is to constantly focus on the Creator’s channel; I don’t even pay attention to temptations, I turn away from them, returning to the Creator again and again.

Nearby I notice Angels with large wings behind their backs and in dazzling white robes. These are special beings from higher spiritual planes for me. I have felt their invisible presence and constant support all my life, and now I am happy that they are here, next to me. They always help me, give me signs, tell me what to do in a given situation, and now they are with me. I feel how they guide me to the Creator with their gentle wings.

The Guide asks me to see if anything is blocking me on my Path.

I notice that a small part of the gray plaque that was washed off from my cloak is still visible on the ladder of incarnations, and I understand that I still have unresolved situations and unhealed traumas, but basically these are situations that developed in my present incarnation and traumas from childhood. I still have to work on them.

What else is needed for healing and harmonization of current life?

I always knew, and in this session I acutely felt that in this life I really lacked maternal Love. Such conditions were chosen by my Soul because I did not pass the most serious test in my previous incarnation, and this karmic lesson. I need to become stronger in spirit, stand alone, strengthen myself, learn unconditional Love.

I see that my mother has appeared not far from me, and I have not yet been born, and I am in her belly. I understand that it is not her fault that she did not give me Love, because her mother, who in turn did not have this energy, could not give her Love.

The guide asks to call all the women of the clan, and as if on command, a long line of women forms.

They transfer the energy of Love to each other, and it flows into my mother, filling her entire being and enveloping me.

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