All books about: “the world around us are a textbook. The old Jew is completely out of his mind whether Gaft is alive or not

Valentin Gaft is a talented, bright and charismatic actor who has undeniable services to Soviet cinema. The actor is no longer young, but, nevertheless, he continues to delight his audience with the fact that films with his participation can be watched again and again. His acting abilities helped him conquer cinema, become popular, and arouse the sympathy of the audience. But where did it all begin? How in the world was this man able to start acting in films, what roads did he have to go through? Did he succeed thanks to his connections or did he achieve everything on his own? Let's look at all this carefully, starting with his childhood.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft

As mentioned above, Valentin Gaft is no longer young. But this does not mean that he has lost his natural charm and acting talent. Today, this good actor is already 81 years old, his height is 187 centimeters, and his weight is 75 kilograms. That is, despite his age, the man looks very decent. The actor himself said that, despite the fact that he is already aged, he still needs to continue to take care of himself and do everything possible to look good. And he does it very well, and it’s not even that he really takes care of himself, but also that he always tried to smile and be in a good mood. The man always tried to be positive, realizing that by his example he charged the audience with positive emotions. Therefore, answering the questions height, weight, age. How old is Valentin Gaft, we can say that everything is fine with him. True, in his old age he fell ill with a very unpleasant disease, but we will talk about this later.

Biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft. Actor's illness

The biography and personal life of Valentin Gaft, the actor’s illness, all this deserves special attention, because in his life there were many twists, tragedies and everything else that could only temper the actor, make him stronger, learn to withstand life’s adversities. And all this allowed him not only to be strong in life, but also to conquer cinema. What other people couldn’t do, this strong man did. Although at this moment there is information that Valentin Gaft is sick with Parkinson's disease, he is still not going to give up and move on with his life. In fact, his love for theater began in the fourth grade, when he took part in school plays.

After school, the actor managed to enter the theater school, after which he very successfully began to appear on stage. But he wanted to play in films too, so without hesitation he began to storm the cinema and go to castings. His first role was in a silent version in the film “Murder on Dante Street”. After that, he managed to appear in other films, and in each role he managed to distinguish himself, to show himself at his best. the best side. And although, initially, young man there were no significant roles, then the situation improved, because the directors saw the potential of the talented guy, and as a result he began working with Ryazanov himself. As for the actor’s personal life, it had its own problems, ups and downs. Rumors about the actor’s illness can hardly be called true, but maybe they have a place.

Family and children of Valentin Gaft

It must be said that family has always played a huge role in Gaft’s life. At one time he was married to Inna Eliseeva, they had a daughter together. For some reason, the couple separated, and this led to great tragedy. The fact is that his daughter Olga eventually committed suicide, blaming her mother for it in a note. After this, Inna also did not live long; a few months later she died of stomach cancer. Today, the actor lives with a woman, Olga Ostroumova, and a son, Misha, a boy whom he adopted. Only these people helped the actor come to his senses after he closed himself off for a whole year from the grief that overtook him. Valentin Gaft's family and children are the most precious thing he has.

Son of Valentin Gaft - Mikhail

Valentin Gaft's son Mikhail, in fact, is not his biological son. The fact is that in the life of the actor, the boy appeared after Gaft got along with Olga Ostroumova, for him it turned out to be his second marriage. After a terrible tragedy happened in Gaft’s life, Olga and Mikhail did everything possible to support him. As a result, Valentin was able to come to his senses again, return to work and normal life. Today, Mikhail is already an adult, but it’s difficult to say exactly what he does. The actor himself says that it is very important for him that people close to him are close to him.

Daughter Valentina Gaft - Olga

Valentin Gaft's daughter Olga was born from her first marriage to Inna Eliseeva. But this story is very sad, because it entailed a great tragedy. The fact is that after her parents decided to divorce, it became a huge blow for the girl. True, it cannot be said that it was the divorce of her parents that caused the girl’s suicide, but she blamed her mother for everything, writing about it in a note. After the death of his daughter, as well as after the death of his first wife, the actor for a long time, didn’t want to communicate with anyone at all, didn’t want to give interviews. Only after a long time, thanks to his current family, he was able to return to life again.

Wives of Valentin Gaft - Inna Eliseeva, Olga Ostroumova

Valentin Gaft's wives Inna Eliseeva and Olga Ostroumova were his chosen ones, who played a fairly large role in the actor's life. His first marriage was very unhappy, because first of all, they divorced, then she committed suicide. The first wife did not survive her daughter for long and died of stomach cancer a few months later. Because of this tragedy, the actor could not come to his senses for a long time, and only thanks to the presence of his second wife Olga and her son Misha, they helped the actor return to a full life again. Today, the actor is happy with his family and tries to enjoy every day he lives. And although there are rumors that Valentin Gaft and Olga Ostroumova broke up, there is no reliable information about this.

Wikipedia Valentina Gaft

Wikipedia Valentin Gaft will help viewers and fans become better acquainted with the life of the actor. If you want to know more about him, go to his personal page on Wikipedia (,_Valentin_Iosifovich), where general facts are collected about his childhood, personal life, creative career. In addition to the Wikipedia page, you can use various sites, but specifically this source is the most popular and will always be at hand. Valentin Gaft is a man who lived a long life, in which there was a lot of good and bad, but he always tried to cope with everything that happened to him. Go to the Internet, choose the information that will be interesting to you.

Valentin Iosifovich Gaft - Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. National artist RSFSR (1984).

He won all-Russian love after starring in Eldar Ryazanov’s films “Garage” and “Say a Word for the Poor Hussar.”

Valentin Gaft Wikipedia: short biography

The future actor was born in Moscow in September 1935. Parents Joseph Ruvimovich and Gita Davydovna Gaft were immigrants from Ukraine. My father worked as a lawyer, my mother did housework. In 1941, Joseph Gaft went to war. The 6-year-old son’s memory of his father’s farewell to the front is forever etched in his memory. Fortunately, dad returned from the war alive.

The home of the Gaft family was located on Matrosskaya Tishina Street in the capital. A market, a prison and a student dormitory peacefully coexisted nearby. Valentin Iosifovich later joked: “The whole world is in miniature.” Nevertheless, the future artist spent his surprisingly happy childhood years on this street.

Gaft became interested in theater early. The boy first attended a play in the 4th grade. It was a production of “Special Assignment”. 10-year-old Valentin Gaft was amazed by what he saw. At first the young spectator did not even understand that they were playing on stage. Later, while participating in school amateur performances, Valentin realized what acting was. The theater and the world of the backstage captivated young Gaft so much that in high school the young man was already clearly aware of who he would be in adulthood.

Valentin Iosifovich carefully prepared for the entrance exams to the theater university. But at the same time he strongly doubted his own acting abilities. Helped a guy overcome indecision famous actor Sergey Stolyarov. Gaft accidentally met the artist while walking in Sokolniki Park. Overcoming shyness, Valentin Gaft approached his favorite artist and asked to listen to him. Stolyarov was surprised by the request, but did not refuse.

The master's advice helped the young man prepare for the exams and pass on the first try. True, Gaft did not get into Shchukinskoye: he did not make it to the second round. But the young man was accepted into the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio right away. The parents found out about their son’s admission when he was enrolled in a theater university.

In 1957, Valentin Gaft graduated from the Studio School, receiving the basics of acting at Toporkov's course. Igor Kvasha, Oleg Tabakov, Mikhail Kozakov and other future masters of Russian cinema studied with him.

Valentin Gaft Wikipedia: work in the theater

In 1957, Valentin graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School. He was not hired for a long time. The famous reader Dmitry Zhuravlev could not remain indifferent to the fate of the young artist and helped him get a job at the Mossovet Theater. Gaft worked there for about a year and left due to the fact that he did not like the roles that were offered to play.

Some time later, Erast Garin offered a job at the Satire Theater. And here Valentin Gaft could not hold out for long, he was kicked out, but the common history of the Satire Theater and Gaft did not end there. A few years later, he played one of his best roles on this stage - Count Almaviva in the production of "Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro." This role was subsequently played by Alexander Shirvindt. Gaft devoted several years to working at the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, then a new round and transition to A. A. Goncharov at the theater on Spartakovskaya Street.

1964 became a new page in the life of Valentin Gaft. This year he came to the Lenin Komsomol Theater to see Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros. Here the actor truly revealed himself for the first time, interesting creative works appeared, the best performances of this theater became theater classics. Valentin Gaft has been serving at the Sovremennik Theater for many years.

In 1969, Oleg Efremov invited him to the Sovremennik Theater. It became his home.

Valentin Gaft Wikipedia: cinematography of the actor

He made his film debut in 1956 in the film Murder on Dante Street.

In 1975, Valentin Gaft played the main role in the film-play “From Lopakhin's Notes”.

Gaft began to be actively filmed in films for television: “Day Train”, “The Mystery of Edwin Drood”, “Domestic Cat of Medium Fluffy”, “Buddenbrooks”, “Vertical Race”, “Visit to the Minotaur”.

The film “Garage” (1979) became fateful for Valentin Gaft. Alexander Shirvindt was supposed to play the chairman of the cooperative, but he refused at the last moment. On the advice of Liya Akhedzhakova, Eldar Ryazanov invited Valentin Gaft, who was filming in a nearby pavilion, to audition. Random work grew into a fruitful collaboration.

Thanks to Ryazanov's films, Valentin Gaft became known to the general public.

Valentin Gaft Wikipedia: personal life

Gaft's first wife was model Elena Izorgina. The second time he married ballerina Inna Eliseeva, but divorced in the early 80s. In this marriage, the actor had his only daughter, Olga.

After the divorce, the daughter remained with her mother, but also maintained a relationship with her father. Olga graduated from the Moscow Choreographic School and danced in the Kremlin Ballet troupe.

But on August 24, 2002, a tragedy occurred: the girl committed suicide, accusing her mother, with whom she had had a very difficult relationship all her life, in her suicide note. This was a big blow for Gaft, he fell ill and left his profession for several years.

Since 1993, Valentin Gaft has been married to actress Olga Mikhailovna Ostroumova. They met on the set of Garage, but Olga was married then. Many years later they met again at a creative evening.

Despite the twelve-year age difference, their marriage is considered one of the most harmonious in the acting community. Valentin Iosifovich dotes on Olga’s grandchildren, Zakhara and Polina.

Valentin Gaft Wikipedia: health status

The People's Artist of the RSFSR has health problems, so it was decided to postpone the play “As Long as Space Exists” with his participation until July. This news came as a surprise to his fans. Most recently, Valentin Gaft traveled to Georgia, where he had a creative evening.

Journalists rushed to contact Valentin Iosifovich to find out how he was feeling. The actor confirmed that he was unwell, so the performance was postponed. At the same time, the artist hastened to reassure fans.

“The information is true. I don’t feel well, but not to the point where I don’t play, I don’t play, it’s just purely physical, it has nothing to do with any terrible illnesses. It's okay, this happens. There's no need to panic. There are colds, there are all sorts of things,” Valentin Iosifovich explained to reporters.

82-year-old Valentin Gaft was supposed to appear on the Sovremennik stage on May 28, but the production of “As Long as Space Exists” with the actor’s participation was unexpectedly postponed to July 8. The theater explained the changes in the schedule due to the artist's illness and apologized to the audience for the inconvenience caused. Those for whom the new date does not suit were asked to return their tickets to the box office within a few days.

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Valentin Gaft

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (02/2/1978).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (06/22/1984).

Graduated from the Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater (1957), course V.O. Toporkova.
The actor's stage debut took place on the stage of the Mossovet Theater in 1957. But creative dissatisfaction with the aesthetic principles of the then Mossovet Theater, a keen sense of modernity, prompted the artist to leave the stable troupe and led him to search for “his” director: Theater of Satire, Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, Theater named after. Lenin Komsomol.
Finally, in 1969, Oleg Efremov invited the actor to the Sovremennik Theater. At the Sovremennik Theater, the actor’s talent was revealed and sounded in full force.
The actor has been serving in this theater for many years.
Since 1993, he has lived with his third wife, actress Olga Ostroumova, in a completely harmonious marriage: “I rejoice at her successes, she rejoices at mine, if there are any.”
In 2001, Gaft made his directorial debut on the Sovremennik stage: together with I. Kvasha and A. Nazarov, he revived the play “Balalaikin and Co” based on the novel by M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, where again, like a quarter of a century ago, he performed in the role of Glumov .
On August 24, 2002, a tragedy occurred in the Gaft family - 29-year-old daughter Olga committed suicide. After the incident, the actor was ill for three years and did not play in the theater.

Author of several books, including:
* “Verse and Epigram” (1989).
* “I gradually learn” (1997).
* “Life is a theater” (1998), co-authored with Leonid Filatov.
* “The Garden of Forgotten Memories” (1999).
* “Poems, memories, epigrams” (2000).
* “Shadows on the Water” (2001).
* “Poems. Epigrams" (2003).
* “Red Lanterns” (2008).

The success of brilliant epigrams played a cruel joke on the artist: almost any more or less witty rhymed address is identified in public consciousness with the name V.I. Gafta. There are a lot of “pirated” publications, both “paper” and electronic, which, along with the barbaric, careless quoting of the author’s epigrams, also contain apocryphal texts that have nothing to do with Gaft.

Epigram V.I. Gafta on himself:
Gaft has beaten a lot of people
And in epigrams he ate him alive.
He got his hand in this matter,
And we'll stuff the rest.
The best way to address him is the words of Rolan Bykov:
My gentle Gaft, my nervous genius,
God bless you from those
Who provoked the success
Your immature writings...

theatrical works

Mossovet Theater (1957-1958)
1957 - The Second Detective [input] - “Lizzie McKay” based on the play by J.-P. Sartre's "The Virtuous Whore", dir. I. Anisimova-Wulf
1958 - Son - “Cornelia” by M. Chorciolini, dir. Yuri Zavadsky and Boris Dokutovich
1958 - Bunny - “Advantageous Groom” br. Tour, dir. A. Shaps
2002 - Trusotsky - “Husband, Wife and Lover” based on the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, dir. Yuri Eremin

Theater of Satire
1958 - Scientist - “Shadow” by E. Schwartz, dir. H. Lokshina
1969 - Count Almaviva - “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” based on the play by Beaumarchais, dir. Valentin Pluchek

Theater on Malaya Bronnaya
1961 - “The Third Head” by M. Aimé, dir. A. Goncharov
1961 - Volume - “Barba” by J. Masevich, dir. A. Goncharov
1962 - Goga - “The Argonauts” by Y. Edlis, dir. A. Goncharov
1967 - Solyony - “Three Sisters” by A. Chekhov, dir. A. Efros (banned)
1968 - Kolobashkin - “The Seducer Kolobashkin” by E. Radzinsky, dir. Anatoly Efros (banned)
1978 - Othello [introduction to the role of N. Volkov] - “Othello” by W. Shakespeare, dir. Anatoly Efros

Theater named after Lenin Komsomol
1965 - Evdokimov [input] - “104 pages about love” by E. Radzinsky, dir. Anatoly Efros
1966 - Marquis d’Orsigny - “Molière” by M. Bulgakov, dir. A. Efros

Moscow Sovremennik Theater
1970 - Aduev Sr. [introduced to the role of M. Kozakov] - “An Ordinary Story”, dramatization by V. Rozov based on the novel by I.A. Goncharova, director Galina Volchek
1970 - Steklov-Nakhamkes [introduction to the role of M. Kozakov] - “Bolsheviks” by M. Shatrov, dir. Oleg Efremov, Galina Volchek
1971 - Martin - “Own Island” by R. Kaugver, dir. Galina Volchek
1971 - Gusev - “Valentin and Valentina” M. Roshchin, dir. V. Fokin
1973 - Glumov - “Balalaikin and Co.” by S. V. Mikhalkov based on the novel “Modern Idyll” by M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, dir. Georgy Tovstonogov
1973 - Zhgenti - “Weather for Tomorrow” by M. Shatrov, dir. G. Volchek, I. Raikhelgauz, V. Fokin
1974 - Lopatin - “From Lopatin’s Notes” by K. Simonov, dir. I. Raikhelgauz
1976 - Firs - “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov, dir. Galina Volchek
1977 - Kukharenko - “Feedback” by A. Gelman, dir. G. Volchek, M. Ali-Hussein
1978 - Henry IV - “Henry IV” by L. Pirandello, dir. L. Tolmacheva
1980 - Gorelov - “Hurry to do good” M. Roshchin, dir. G. Volchek
1981 - Louis XIV - “The Cabal of the Saint” by M. Bulgakov, dir. I. Kvasha
1982 - Vershinin - “Three Sisters” by A. P. Chekhov, dir. Galina Volchek
1983 - Mayor - “The Inspector General” by N.V. Gogol, dir. Valery Fokin
1984 - George - “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” E. Albee, dir. V. Fokin
1986 - “Amateurs” - author’s evening of theater artists
1988 - Boston - “The Scaffold” based on the novel by Ch. Aitmatov, dir. G. Volchek
1989 - Rakhlin - “Domestic cat of medium fluffiness” by V. Voinovich and G. Gorin, dir. Igor Kvasha
1992 - Leiser - “Difficult People” by Y. Bar-Yosef, dir. Galina Volchek
1992 - Miranda - “Death and the Maiden” by A. Dorfman, dir. Galina Volchek
1994 - Higgins - “Pygmalion” by B. Shaw, dir. Galina Volchek
1998 - Kukin - “The Accompanist” by A. Galin, dir. Alexander Galin
2000 - Valentin - “Go away, go away” by N. Kolyada, dir. Nikolay Kolyada
2001 - Glumov - “Balalaikin and Co.” by S. V. Mikhalkov based on the novel “Modern Idyll” by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (2nd edition), dir. V. Gaft, I. Kvasha, A. Nazarov
2007 - He - “Hare love story” by N. Kolyada, dir. Galina Volchek
2009 - Stalin - “Gaft’s Dream, Retold by Viktyuk” by V. Gaft, dir. Roman Viktyuk

1998 - Igor - “The Old Maid” by N. Ptushkina, dir. Boris Milgram
2000 - James - “The Pinter Collection” by G. Pinter, dir. V. Mirzoev

Radio shows
“Shot” (based on the story by A. S. Pushkin, directed by Anatoly Efros)
“Operation Trust” (L. Nikulin, staged by L. Pchelkin)
“The Eternal Wanderer” (B. Frank, staged by V. Ivanov (about the fate of Cervantes)
“Gulliver in the Land of Lilliputians” (D. Swift, as Gulliver)
"Wizard emerald city"(A. Volkov, in the role of the Woodcutter)
“Oriental Tales”: “The Jackal and the Crocodile”; “Like a mouse looking for a groom”; "Most scary beast"; "Mirror Slave" "The Peasant and the Rogue"; “Like a toad visited the sky”
“Love on short waves” (I. Pomerantsev, Radio Liberty)

prizes and awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (September 2, 2010).
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (September 2, 2005).
Order of Friendship (11 August 1995).
1995 - Laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Art Prize.
1995 - Winner of the Theater Prize named after. I. Smoktunovsky (first laureate of the prize).
2004 - Public reader's award of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" - "National Pride of Russia" for outstanding personal contribution to the development of culture.
2007 - Winner of the International Theater Prize named after. K. S. Stanislavsky in the nomination “For contribution to the development of acting art in Russia.”
2007 – Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor in the film “12”.
2009 – Teatral magazine award “For the best solo in a play” - for the play “Gaft’s Dream, retold by Viktyuk.”
2011 - Laureate of the Russian National Acting Award named after Andrei Mironov “Figaro” - “For service to the theatrical Fatherland.”
2012 - Winner of the Golden Eagle Award in the nomination “For Contribution to Russian Cinema.”
2012 – Winner of the “Crystal Turandot” award in the category “For Honor and Dignity.”

Outstanding theater and film actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1984), Laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Prize (1993) Valentin Iosifovich Gaft was born in Moscow on September 2, 1935, in the family of lawyer Joseph Romanovich Gaft. Neither Valentin Gaft's father nor mother had anything to do with the theater. Mom, Gita Davydovna, managed to instill in her son a love of order and organization, and his father passed on such character traits as pride and strength, but at the same time modesty. Valentin spent his childhood in a communal apartment. The Gafts lived modestly, but they were not at all embarrassed by the cramped conditions, since mutual understanding and love reigned in the family. Valentin first became acquainted with theatrical art when he was in fourth grade. The guys were taken to see Sergei Mikhalkov’s play “Special Assignment.” Valentin was fascinated by the action taking place on stage and believed everything. However, at that time the desire to become an actor had not yet appeared; it came a little later, in high school, and Gaft decided to take part in school amateur performances.

But in his youth, Valentin was a little embarrassed about his desire to become an actor, so he acted secretly from everyone. I immediately applied to the Moscow Art Theater School and the Shchukin School, and on the first attempt I entered the Moscow Art Theater, which I was extremely surprised by; I did not believe my luck until the very end. It must be said that a few days before the exams, Gaft met Sergei Stolyarov on the street and approached him with a request to audition. Stolyarov gave the purposeful and courageous young man several lessons, which later greatly helped Gaft upon admission.

Valentin performed his debut film role while a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. This was an almost wordless role in the 1956 film “Murder on Dante Street,” where Mikhail Kozakov played one of the main roles. In the same year, Gaft starred in an episode of the romantic drama “The Poet.” Thus began the gradual and confident ascent of the talented actor to the heights of his film career. Gradual - because for a long time Gaft was offered only minor and episodic roles. The actor himself explains this with his “strange, non-Russian” appearance. At that time, other types were required. The first notable roles began to appear in the 70s - for example, Brasset in the comedy “Hello, I’m Your Aunt.” But Valentin Gaft gained true popularity and popular love when he began collaborating with director Eldar Ryazanov (“Garage”, “Say a word for the poor hussar”, “Forgotten melody for flute”). In the 80s, the actor began to receive many interesting offers from other directors. In total, Valentin Gaft has starred in more than a hundred films, and continues to be a sought-after actor; he is still acting today.

In 1957, Valentin Gaft graduated from the Moscow Art Theater School, and for some time he could not get a job in any theater. Finally, Dmitry Zhuravlev, a famous reader, helped the young man. This is how Valentin ended up at the Mossovet Theater. He didn’t like it too much here - in particular, he didn’t like the roles offered. In the early 60s, Valentin Gaft worked at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya, then with A.A. Goncharov, in a small theater on Spartakovskaya Street. In 1964, Gaft came to Lenkom, to Anatoly Vasilyevich Efros. He worked here until 1969. Lenkom became an important stage in the life of Valentin Gaft, perhaps the most significant in the actor’s creative biography. After all, Efros staged amazing performances, which immediately became theatrical classics. In Lenkom, Gaft gained enormous valuable experience, which then turned into a solid foundation for his excellent acting skills. In 1965, Valentin Gaft played the role of Evdokimov in the play "", in 1966 - the Marquise d'Orsigny in the production of "Molière" based on the play by M. Bulgakov. In 1969, Gaft, at the invitation of Oleg Efremov, moved to Sovremennik. This theater became a second home for the actor; it was on its stage that he performed many brilliant roles, the best of which are George (“Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”), “Lopatin” (“From Lopatin’s Notes”), Glumov (“Balalaikin and Co.” ), Gorelov (“Hurry to do good”), Rakhlin (“Domestic cat of medium fluffiness”).

Anastasia 2011-06-29
Great actor!

Petr Stanislavovich 2010-05-19
Valentin Gaft is a talent, no...TALENT! Greatness, uniqueness in everything he undertakes, be it roles in the theater, cinema or his brilliant epigrams. There are fewer and fewer actors and personalities like him, and people and artists are becoming smaller... And in Gaft there is innate nobility, intelligence, spiritual depth and wisdom. I live in Kursk, and at the end of 2009 Valentin Gaft came to visit us with Olga Mikhailovna. My wife and I attended their performance. The audience did not want to let Gaft leave the stage, and I thought then that the years have no power over this great man. Yes, Valentin Iosifovich is already an elderly actor - but you look at him, listen to him and every time you fall in love anew, and you don’t notice these years. We love, appreciate, admire!

Russian channels buried the famous actor Valentin Gaft. Now the “buried” but not buried cult actor is preparing lawsuits against TV people.

“The cult actor Valentin Gaft died, he was overcome by Parkinson’s disease.”

In one of the Channel One programs, the TV presenter asked viewers to honor the memory of deceased artists. Photographs of screen stars of past years crawled across the screen. Valentin Gaft was buried ahead of schedule by NTV. The actor himself responded to the spreaders of terrible rumors.

In September 2013, Gaft said: “In general, I have a cool attitude towards television. But I really didn’t like it when NTV said that I was sick and would soon die. They filmed me in the hospital, where I was undergoing a routine examination: how I pour myself water and spill it past the cup - it happens to everyone. But on NTV they said that my coordination of movements was impaired. I would like for them not to look for “fried” things, but to show and write the truth. I’m alive, healthy for my age and in relatively good creative shape.”

He directly told reporters: “Love develops the best human qualities, purifies. This is especially clear when your life has passed, when you understand more and feel more keenly. Love shortens the road to faith - like religion. You know, if you want to say all this out loud on stage, you have to feel the love yourself. Valentin Iosifovich himself said about his illnesses in one of his interviews: “I have only one illness - old age! And she is not being treated. But I don't want to lie in the hospital and wait for the end. There’s still a lot I want to do.”

Coming from a family of hereditary Jews, one of the most famous actors Soviet and Russian films, who has about a hundred roles in feature films, is a true professional in his field, Valentin Gaft, a true role model for any self-respecting actor.

He was born on September 2, 1935. WITH early years an active participant in school amateur performances, a graduate of the Shchukin School and the Moscow Art Theater, he played his first role in the theater at the famous Mossovet Theater. He worked actively in the theater on Malloy Bronnaya and the Satire Theater.

The roles of Valentin Gaft have fascinated and continue to fascinate the viewer. The actor first appeared in films in 1956. interesting fact that he mainly played the roles of the French or villains. Geverintz from Seventeen Moments of Spring and the butler Brasset from the movie Hello, I'm Your Aunt, these are his first notable appearances in a big movie.

Both in his profession and in his personal life, Gaft could not achieve harmony for a long time. He was married three times before he met a woman with whom he could find happiness. This woman was actress Olga Ostroumova, writes the portal rosregistr. They met on the set of the film "Garage", but in those years both were not free. Therefore, their relationship began only many years later.

Many people know the beautiful Olga Ostroumova from her roles in popular films: “The Dawns Here Are Quiet,” “We’ll Live Until Monday,” etc. The actors got married right in the hospital where Valentin was lying after an operation. The last marriage significantly influenced the actor’s life. The beloved woman was able to resurrect the dying soul.

He is happy, despite what he had to go through.

Gaft's daughter made several suicide attempts. The latter turned out to be “successful”... The actor learned about Olga’s death late in the evening, after the next performance. Valentin Gaft took the death of his daughter extremely hard. And a few years after Olga’s death, he learned that he had a fully grown son, whose existence he had no idea about.

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