The ideal person as I see him. Presentation on social studies "my ideal" Ideal of a person art education of the soul presentation

  1. 1. An ideal person the way I see him
    3rd grade student
    UVK - Lyceum No. 100
    Gorbunova Danila
  2. Each of us always wants something more from ourselves..." target="_blank"> 2. introduction
    Each of us always wants something more from ourselves: to study better, to be more successful, to become more sociable or brave, etc. Not everyone can force themselves to do this, and I am one of them. In this presentation I want to describe the ideal person, describe what I would like to see in myself and know what I should strive for.
  3. 1) Be a leader.
    2) In..." target="_blank"> 4. Traits of an ideal person:
    1) Be a leader.
    2) Believe in yourself
    3) Be a versatile and decisive person.
    4) Be courageous and purposeful.
  4. Alexander the Great..." target="_blank"> 5. Alexander the Great - leadership
    Alexander the Great is one of the greatest commanders.
    Alexander the Great on his father's side considered himself a descendant of Hercules, and on his mother's side - Aeacus, the grandfather of the famous Achilles.
    Already in childhood, Alexander was characterized by the traits of a true leader - boundless ambition, courage and self-confidence. He strived for military glory. Alexander's character was distinguished by arrogance. When friends once asked him if he would like to take part in the Olympic competitions, he replied: “Willingly, if I have to compete with kings.”
  5. Andrey Shevchenko knows..." target="_blank"> 6. Andrey Shevchenko - faith in one’s strength
    Andrey Shevchenko is a famous Ukrainian football player. Much of his biography can begin with the word “For the first time.” First:
    Having started playing for the Ukrainian national team, he became the best player of the national team;
    Moved to play for the Italian club Milan with a record transfer fee of $25 million;
    In the first year he became the best player of the Milan club;
    Became the first Ukrainian player of the Chelsea club
  6. Born..." target="_blank"> 7. Sergey Tigipko - determination and versatility
    Born in the Moldavian village of Dragonesti. Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. He started working in the Komsomol, then became a banker. I have always been decisive in making decisions. Now he is the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, responsible for carrying out reforms.
    Hobbies: sports (athletics, football, tennis, skiing, swimming), reading books.

  7. Vitali Klitschko - six-time..." target="_blank"> 8. Vitali Klitschko-courage
    Vitali Klitschko is a six-time world champion in the super heavyweight category according to the WBO and WBC versions.
    In 2004, Vitali Klitschko was awarded the title “Hero of Ukraine” for courage and heroism.
    The World Boxing Council named WBC world champion Ukrainian Vitali Klitschko the best puncher in the history of the heavyweight division.
    He played 42 fights in the professional ring: 40 wins (38 by knockout), 2 losses.
  8. Today Yana Klochkova..." target="_blank"> 9. Yana Klochkova - determination
    Today Yana Klochkova is the most famous Ukrainian swimmer. At the age of 20, she won almost all the prestigious awards in this sport - two Olympic golds and one silver, numerous gold medals at world and European championships. In addition, she set several records.
  9. There are no ideal people in the world, but each of us is up to..." target="_blank"> 10. Conclusion:
    There are no ideal people in the world, but each of us should strive for the ideal. To do this, you need to work hard, overcome yourself, achieve more through efforts on yourself, every day become stronger, smarter, more versatile. It's difficult, but I wish you guys to set high goals and achieve them.
  10. 1. Is ambition a trait of the ideal person..." target="_blank"> 11. Questions
    1. Is ambition a trait of the ideal person?
    2.Which of the above qualities do you want to cultivate in yourself?
    3.Can it not? famous person be perfect?
    4. Are there any traits of an ideal person in your family?
  11. Information sources
    Personal websites of A. Shevchenko, V. Klitschko, Y. Klochkova
    Great Generals (encyclopedia)
    S. Tigipko. Project “Strong Ukraine”

Project goals and objectives

1) Get acquainted with the concept of “ideal person”

2) Determine the qualities of an ideal person

3) Is the ideal person good or bad?

4) Develop respect for elders


  • The concept of "ideal"
  • Traits of an ideal person
  • From the history
  • Pros and cons of the ideal person

What is an ideal?

Ideal is the highest value, the best, completed state of a particular phenomenon - an example of personal qualities and abilities

What are the features of an ideal person?

1. Determination

2. Intelligence

3. Humor

4. Persistence

  • The ability to find an approach to everyone and everything
  • Bravery

Which of the above qualities do you want to cultivate in yourself?

Andrey Shevchenko - self-confidence

Andrey Shevchenko famous Ukrainian football player .

Is the ideal person good or bad?

There are pros and cons to this

A person who strives for an imaginary ideal lacks sincere and true love, after all, no one gave them such love, they were loved if they did everything right, so when they grow up, they believe that they can only be loved if they are perfect. Stop thinking about other people's opinions, live, enjoy life and don't be afraid to seem wrong. Love yourself, love yourself the world, and he will reciprocate your feelings. Then there will definitely be those who will love you simply for being you.

Respect for elders

1) Learn to help elders, for example, carry a bag or carry them across the road.

2) Call or visit your grandparents more often.

3) Explain that you should always share or treat your elders. 4) Teach that the younger ones should always help the older ones with work or with household chores, for example, washing the dishes.

Horizontally: 1. According to the writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, this is “the only true luxury.” 2. Famous children's writer, author of the book “Timur and his team.” 3. The most important group in children's lives. 4. An example of which simplified idea is the phrase: “All Russian men drink”? 5. They are the basis of interpersonal relationships. 6. Formal leader of the school class. 7. Internal disposition towards a person. 8. Deaf and mute people communicate with them. 9. Important quality in interpersonal relationships, helping to avoid conflict.

Vertically: 1. A method of resolving a conflict in which both parties make concessions to each other. 2. The most common type of interpersonal relationships. 3. A level of interpersonal relationships that is stronger than friendship. 4. The famous Soviet announcer who read radio messages during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. 5. It’s much easier to communicate with them than with older guys. 6. It comes for breaking the rules. 7. The main means of communication.


G ay d a r

S t e r e o t y p e


S t a r o s t a

S y m p a t i i



  • There are no ideal people in the world, but each of us should strive for the ideal. To do this, you need to work hard, overcome yourself, achieve more through efforts on yourself, every day become stronger, smarter, more versatile. It's difficult, but I wish you guys to set high goals and achieve them.

The ideal person as I see him Project of 3-B class student of UVK - Lyceum No. 100 Danila Gorbunov

introduction Each of us always wants something more from ourselves: to study better, to be more successful, to become more sociable or brave, etc. Not everyone can force themselves to do this, and I am one of them. In this presentation I want to describe the ideal person, describe what I would like to see in myself and know what I should strive for.

Traits of an ideal person: 1) Be a leader. 2) Believe in yourself 3) Be a versatile and decisive person. 4) Be courageous and purposeful.

Alexander the Great - Leadership Alexander the Great is one of the greatest generals. Alexander the Great on his father's side considered himself a descendant of Hercules, and on his mother's side - Aeacus, the grandfather of the famous Achilles. Already in childhood, Alexander was characterized by the traits of a true leader - boundless ambition, courage and self-confidence. He strove for military glory. Alexander's character was distinguished by arrogance. When friends once asked him if he would like to take part in the Olympic competitions, he replied: “Willingly, if I have to compete with kings.”

Andrey Shevchenko - self-confidence Andrey Shevchenko famous Ukrainian football history. Much of his biography can begin with the word “For the first time.” For the first time: Having started playing for the Ukrainian national team, he became the best player of the national team; Moved to play for the Italian club Milan with a record transfer fee of $25 million; In the first year he became the best player of the Milan club; Became the first Ukrainian player of the Chelsea club

Sergei Tigipko - determination and versatility Born in the Moldavian village of Dragonesti. Graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute. He started working in the Komsomol, then became a banker. I have always been decisive in making decisions. Now he is the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, responsible for carrying out reforms. Hobbies: sports (athletics, football, tennis, skiing, swimming), reading books.

Vitali Klitschko - courage Vitali Klitschko is a six-time world champion in the super heavyweight category according to the WBO and WBC versions. In 2004, Vitaliy Klitschko was awarded the title “Hero of Ukraine” for his courage and heroism. The World Boxing Council named the WBC world champion, Ukrainian Vitaliy Klitschko, the best puncher in the history of the heavyweight division. He played 42 fights in the professional ring: 40 wins (38 by knockout), 2 losses.

Yana Klochkova - determination Today Yana Klochkova is the most famous Ukrainian swimmer. At the age of 20, she won almost all the prestigious awards in this sport - two Olympic golds and one silver, numerous gold medals at world and European championships. In addition, she set several records.

Conclusion: There are no ideal people in the world, but each of us must strive for the ideal. To do this, you need to work hard, overcome yourself, achieve more through efforts on yourself, every day become stronger, smarter, more versatile. It's difficult, but I wish you guys to set high goals and achieve them.

Questions 1. Is ambition a trait of an ideal person? 2.Which of the above qualities do you want to cultivate in yourself? 3.Can a non-famous person be ideal? 4. Are there any traits of an ideal person in your family?

Sources of information Wikipedia Personal sites of A. Shevchenko, V. Klitschko, Y. Klochkova Great Commanders (encyclopedia) S. Tigipko. Project "Strong"

Slide 2

“When nature deprived man of his ability to walk on all fours, she gave him an ideal in the form of a staff!

And from that time on, he unconsciously, instinctively strived for the best - higher and higher!”

A.M. Bitter

Slide 3


  • How is the ideal of Man represented in works of art?
  • Why do we have the right to consider the entire history of world art as a search for the ideal and perfect beauty of Man?
  • What is an ideal?
  • Slide 4

    Ideal (Latin idealis from Greek ίδέα - image, idea) - the highest value; the best, completed state of a particular phenomenon; an example of personal qualities and abilities; the highest standard of a moral person; the highest degree of moral understanding of what is good and proper; excellence in relationships between people; the most perfect structure of society.

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    “Every nation has its own special ideal of Man” K. D. Ushinsky

    “Art has never left a person, it has always met his needs and his ideal, it has always helped him in finding this ideal - it was born with a person, developed next to his historical life." F. M. Dostoevsky

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    In the era of Antiquity - Man is presented as naturally harmonious and amazingly beautiful.

    • "Menssana in corporesano" -
    • “A healthy mind in a beautiful body”
  • Slide 7

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    The Ideal of Man in the religions of the world

    Faith is the most important part of a person’s worldview; it largely determines his actions, thoughts and feelings.

    The history of world artistic culture has more than once presented the opportunity to become convinced of the high role given to God in it.

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    • The ideal of Man was embodied in the image of Jesus Christ
    • God became man so that man could become God
    • The ideal of a meek and lowly-hearted person
  • Slide 12


    Muslims believe that Muhammad represented the human ideal of culture, spirituality and morality

    Muslims believe that the life, words and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad are concentrated a large number of edifying examples, that is, they believe that he personified the human ideal of culture, spirituality and morality, and they also try to put his words into practice and do everything that he did. In other words, follow his path

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    Andrew the First-Called

    "We remain faithful to the ideals and cause that marked life path Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called!”

    “Ideals are like stars in the sky: we can never achieve them, but, like sailors on a voyage, we navigate life by them.”

    View all slides

    Faith is the most important part of a person's worldview. It largely determines his actions and actions, thoughts and feelings. Some believe in God, others believe that he does not exist. Faith is the most important part of a person's worldview. It largely determines his actions and actions, thoughts and feelings. Some believe in God, others believe that he does not exist.

    God has revealed himself to man many times. IN different times representatives different nations perceived it God revealed himself to man many times. At different times, representatives of different nations perceived it differently. In connection with these different ideas Several of the world's largest religions stand out: - Christianity; - Islam (Islam); - Buddhism; - Hinduism.

    BUDDHISM This religion received its name from its founder, Buddha. He was not immediately portrayed as a human. Only at the beginning of the new era did they begin to depict him in human form. This religion got its name from its founder, Buddha. He was not immediately portrayed as a human. Only at the beginning of the new era did they begin to depict him in human form.

    The image of Buddha is not only an object of worship, but also an ideal image of a person for Buddhists. The Buddha's face expresses the state of nirvana - inner bliss and contentment. The image of Buddha is not only an object of worship, but also an ideal image of a person for Buddhists. The Buddha's face expresses the state of nirvana - inner bliss and contentment.

    It was allowed to depict the Buddha standing, sitting or lying down. If he was depicted walking, his face should still be turned towards the audience. There are three stages in the life of a Buddha - Future Buddha, Buddha and Dying Buddha. It was allowed to depict the Buddha standing, sitting or lying down. If he was depicted walking, his face should still be turned towards the audience. There are three stages in the life of a Buddha - Future Buddha, Buddha and Dying Buddha.

    The main difference between Buddha and Christ or Allah is that in Christianity and Islam God is one. In Buddhism, there are a huge number of Buddhas who live many lives. There are Buddhas of the past, present and future. The main difference between Buddha and Christ or Allah is that in Christianity and Islam God is one. In Buddhism, there are a huge number of Buddhas who live many lives. There are Buddhas of the past, present and future.

    HINDUISM Hindus have three main gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva: Hindus have three main gods - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva: Brahma is the main god; Brahma is the main god; Vishnu is the keeper of the world; Vishnu is the keeper of the world; Shiva is a god who personifies the movement of life in nature. Shiva is a god who personifies the movement of life in nature.

    SHIVA This is the cosmic god of dance. By dancing, he moves the world and defeats the demon of evil and ignorance. Many hands symbolize supernatural powers. This is the cosmic god of dance. By dancing, he moves the world and defeats the demon of evil and ignorance. Many hands symbolize supernatural powers.

    CHRISTIANITY The ideal person in Christianity is a meek and humble person in heart. The ideal human image is the image of Jesus Christ. The ideal person in Christianity is a meek and humble person in heart. The ideal human image is the image of Jesus Christ.

    Christ, his apostles, mother of God, saints are depicted on icons with mournful, humble, sad faces. They seem to suffer when they see human sins. Christ, his apostles, the Mother of God, and saints are depicted on icons with mournful, humble, sad faces. They seem to suffer when they see human sins.

    ISLAM Translated from Arabic, “Islam” means “submission, surrender to God.” Translated from Arabic, “Islam” means “submission, surrender to God.” People who profess Islam call themselves Muslims from the word “Muslim,” that is, “one who has dedicated himself to Allah.” People who profess Islam call themselves Muslims from the word “Muslim,” that is, “one who has dedicated himself to Allah.”

    Muhammad, Muhammad, Magomed This is the founder of the Muslim religion, to whom Allah appeared at the age of 40. He became the messenger of Allah, his prophet, bringing the word of Allah to people. This is the founder of the Muslim religion, to whom Allah appeared at the age of 40. He became the messenger of Allah, his prophet, bringing the word of Allah to people.

    ALLAH, in the concept of Muslims, differs from Jesus Christ in that he is eternal - he was never born, never died, he always existed. In the concept of Muslims, it differs from Jesus Christ in that he is eternal - he was never born, never died, he always existed. But what does he look like?.. But what does he look like?..

    Islam forbids even thinking about what Allah looks like! It cannot be imagined not only in the image of a person, but also in any other image. Islam forbids even thinking about what Allah looks like! It cannot be imagined not only in the image of a person, but also in any other image. Islam prohibits the depiction of any living creature, be it human or animal. Islam prohibits the depiction of any living creature, be it human or animal. Therefore, various ornaments and calligraphy (the art of beautiful and clear writing) have become widespread in the art of Islam. Therefore, various ornaments and calligraphy (the art of beautiful and clear writing) have become widespread in the art of Islam.

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