Beautiful phrases about August. It’s great that it’s summer again in life... Quotes and aphorisms about summer. Proverbs about August


Quotes and Aphorisms 10.06.2018

Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about that wonderful time of year that we look forward to all year - summer. Summer is the unrestrained sun, it is warmth, it is summer rain that brings a rainbow, after which everything alive looks so fresh and new.

Even the incidence of depression decreases at this time of year. After all, in the morning we are awakened by the bright sun and the cheerful chirping of birds, which literally charges us with energy for the whole day. Summer is a constant expectation of happiness, a time of relaxation and travel. And even if you can’t find time for a full vacation, you can unwind your soul on the weekend by going to a lake, a river, or just for a picnic in the park. This magical time of year is so vividly and aptly spoken of in quotes and aphorisms about summer.

“There is something beautiful about summer, and with summer there is something beautiful about us.”

Sergey Yesenin

““I will love you all summer” sounds much more convincing than “all my life” and - most importantly - much longer!”

Marina Tsvetaeva

“I want to plunge into a sea of ​​adventure. Run barefoot on damp grass in the morning. Pack your backpack and go explore the forest. Collect a huge bouquet of daisies and give it to your mother. Write a bunch of letters to your friends who live far away. And during the summer I will do all this.”

Timur Aibergenov

“It will be easier in the summer. It's always easier in the summer. But something must change by summer, otherwise I won’t live to see summer.”

Evgeniy Grishkovets

Three months of summer

Every month of summer is beautiful in its own way. Bright, fresh, young June is the time for strawberries and cherries, the first wildflowers and the brightest rainbows. Sultry July, the tip of summer, is the time of berries and honey, fragrant to the point of dizziness from the smells of blooming linden and strawberries. And, for dessert, mature August is the time of rains and thunderstorms, the season of mushroom and berry hunting. Quotes and aphorisms about summer say so tasty and juicy about this.

"My favorite time year - June, early summer. When everything is still ahead. This is how you have to live, without looking back. And believe that the whole summer is ahead, and the whole winter is behind.”

Ray Bradbury

“Summer is like a weekend. It’s just as beautiful, and it goes away just as quickly. June is Friday, July is Saturday, August is Sunday.”

Marina Tsvetaeva

“Give me June... with forget-me-nots,
Bright sun and ringing stream,
Cornflowers and moments of happiness...
Yes, so that you will certainly be in it!”

Natalya Rozbitskaya

“June has an unprecedented scope of fantasies, he paints us a summer in emerald tones.”

Natalia Radolina

"June. Which beautiful word, how sweet it sounds! He exudes blissful laziness and sunshine.”

Patricia Highsmith

“What a sweet word - June! It has the taste of cherries, the aroma of strawberries... But don’t give a damn about problems and sorrows! There is only blue and sun glare..."

“How to ruin your summer? Fall in love in July."

Frederic Beigbeder

“It was July - the time when the alchemy of summer transforms the forest into a merging bright mass of greenery, when one feels dizzy from the smells of the pulsating sea of ​​wet leaves and the indefinable aromas of earth and fruit. When you stop seeing the world in its true light, time and space become empty words, and the echoes of bygone times insistently sound in an enchanted consciousness.”

Howard Lovecraft

“Summer is trying to leave us... July is already approaching the end... Or maybe you’ll still be visiting, dear?”

“July is the peak of summer. Another month and summer will show its heels.”

Natalya Rozbitskaya

“I wish July would come sooner... I’ll take a break and indulge in laziness.”

“July is the beauty of summer, the middle of color.”

Russian folk wisdom

“August is the month when you can’t open a window on a bus that couldn’t be closed in December.”

Leonard Louis Levinson

“The doctor gives me two weeks to live. It would be nice in August."

Ronnie Shakes

“August is a kind of requiem for summer. By the sun, by carefreeness. And then all these last weekends, those same walks with friends. But in the air you still feel that autumn is coming.”

“Tomorrow is August – the last glass of summer...”

“August is one month that should be spent like three.”

“Slow down a little, August...”

“I remember, vaguely and incoherently, fragments of the Augusts, their meetings, their departure...”

Igor Severyanin

"August is Sunday evening..."

In short and beautiful quotes Ah and aphorisms about summer capture the whole essence of this wonderful time of year. A time when you want to either drop everything and go on a trip, or start a new life right now.

“Summer is when you don’t want anything and want everything at once.”

“I’m collecting summer bit by bit, I can’t miss it!”

“Even the young moon at the beginning of summer is in love”

“The most delicious kisses are in the summer. They come in strawberry, black cherry and blueberry flavors!”

“Summer is the furnace in which God burns the magnificent colors of autumn.”

Heinrich Bell

“In the coldest winter, I learned that there was an invincible summer within me.”

Albert Camus

“For some reason, childhood is always remembered in the summer.”

Anar Mamedkhanov

"Summer is the season of irresponsibility."

“Summer is outside. Summer inside..."

Ray Bradbury

Hang in there people, summer is coming...

All people, regardless of age, are waiting for summer to come. It’s understandable why children are looking forward to it so impatiently. Three months of vacation, carefree time... But why are we adults looking forward to it so much? Maybe waiting for summer is something from childhood? Expectation of new impressions, vacation, freedom and carelessness... All about this is in the quotes that summer is coming.

“There is no more wonderful news in the world than the news of the approaching summer!”

“... Vague, restless melancholy of three long spring months somehow calmed down. In the final week it burned out - it flared up, exploded and crumbled to dust. Without any regrets, he turned his face to the endless possibilities of summer.”

Francis Scott

“You just have to get up, lean out the window, and you will immediately understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer.”

Ray Bradbury

“The beginning of summer... What more happiness could you wish for?”

Summer is a small life…

Summer is the time for new opportunities, when everything seems so simple and clear and you feel so much strength and energy to accomplish new things. How accurately this is said in quotes and aphorisms about summer with meaning.

“Probably everyone experiences a summer in their life when you walk on the ground as if you are flying in the sky.”

“Do you like getting wet in the rain? Of course, few people like this. But, I advise you to try. At least once a year, you should get wet! On a summer day, after the sweltering heat, warm rain is very welcome. The main thing is to take the first step. The most difficult thing is at the beginning, then it will pass.
It's like when you want to go into the water, but you can't decide. It seems cold to you, you walk up to your knees and stop. But the slower you move, the more painful the process is for you.
Sometimes the most painless way to do something you're hesitant to do is take a running jump.”

John Galsworthy

“In a person’s life, apparently, there is only one truly hot summer. Everything that happens after is a little warmer.”

“It’s summer! Before you have time to look back - bang! - and it’s gone! Hurry up!"

Ray Bradbury

“This is such a strange summer idleness, in which the days creep by exhaustingly slowly, and time flies incomprehensibly quickly.”

Evgeniy Grishkovets

With humor about summer

Summer is literally imbued with fun and carelessness, slightly seasoned with carelessness and a little idleness. Down with sadness and blues! Let these funny aphorisms and quotes about summer lift your spirits.

“Summer has come so quickly that there are winter boots, spring boots and sandals in the hallway. In one row."

“I used to love summer, but then I realized that summer could be at any time of the year, if only there was money... Now I love money.”

“So summer has come, and the struggle between those who feel the wind and those who are hot has begun.”

"Good news:
1. Today is summer.
2. Tomorrow is summer.
3. The day after tomorrow is summer.
4. It’s summer in a month.
5. It’s summer in two months.
6. In a year it will be summer.”

“I propose to fine summer for speeding!”

“Summer is that time of year when, due to excessive heat, we do not do things that we did not do in winter due to excessive cold.”

“Dad, are we going to go to the sea this summer?
“With your grades...your tutors will go to the sea this year!”

“If winter jokes until April, I want summer to take revenge until December!”

“And summer smells like barbecue smoke, raspberries, the sea, pouring rain, ripe cherries, sunscreen and the vacation we’re looking forward to.”

“In the summer you have to live in the country, wear cotton dresses, straw hats and burnt shoulders. Swim in the river, eat dill straight from the garden, collect freckles on your face and herbarium in books, and not worry about anything, about anything.”

Hello, summer!

In Great Britain, the land of rain and fog, a truly sultry and hot summer is a rarity. That is why the British truly know how to appreciate those infrequent warm sunny days that nature gives them. Isn't it true that these quotes about summer sound very beautiful in English with translation?

“Summer’s lease hath all too short a date.
The summer rental period is too short.”

William Shakespeare

“Summer is leaving silently. Much like a traveler approaching the end of an amazing journey.
Summer leaves silently. How a traveler approaches the end of an amazing journey."

Darnell Lamont Walker

“It is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer.
It’s easy to forget now how effervescent and free we all felt this summer.”

Anna Godbersen

“I love how summer just wraps it’s arms around you like a warm blanket.
I love how summer just wraps its arms around you like a warm blanket.”

Kelly Elmore

“In summer, we grow younger and stay young forever.
In the summer we become younger and remain young forever.”

Debasish Mridha

Summer nights, we are looking forward to seeing you

There are many beautiful quotes and aphorisms about summer. How else? After all, what can compare with a warm summer sunny day? Only beautiful ones summer evenings and enchanting nights, absolutely not made for sleeping.

“It’s so nice to sit on the veranda on a summer evening; how easy and calm; If only this evening would never end!”

Ray Bradbury

“There is something very special about the warm and bright nights of Russian provincial towns at the end of summer. What peace, what prosperity!”

I.A. Bunin

“A summer night, when the merciless sun disappears, but you can still smell it in the air, when you go out into the street just like that, without noticing the threshold of the door where you used to perform the ritual of pulling on your jacket, hat and boots, clearly separating here and there. The boundary of what is permitted is erased by heat.”

Al Quotion

“The day was ending. It would seem that at least a little more taste and meaning could emerge in the last day of the passing summer...”

Haruki Murakami

About summer and sea

What could be more beautiful than a summer day? Just a summer day at sea. Summer, vacation and sea are practically synonymous. The soft, lulling whisper of the waves, the gentle sun, warm sand or pebbles... And in the evening - leisurely walks along the embankment, a small cozy cafe on the very shore, so as not to miss a minute of the magical spectacle of the southern sunset. About everything about this in quotes and aphorisms about summer and the sea.

“Summer... Sun... warm sand... sea... And I want to run, jump and plunge headlong into this wonderful world of colors, flowers and positivity!”

“The sea and the sky are two summer symbols of infinity.”

“It’s better to spend summer at sea. And in winter... Also at sea.”

"Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty broke."

Levinson Leonard Luism

“I want to go to the sea this summer... It’s my tradition to want to go to the sea every summer.”

“Nothing pleases the eye more than a suitcase packed at sea.”

“My soul has already gone to sea. The body is not there yet..."

"What is happiness? This is white sand, these are azure skies and salty sea.”

Frederic Beigbeder

“I received the nickname “wild girl” because I walked barefoot, wandered without a hat, threw myself from a boat into the open sea, swam during a storm, and sunbathed until my skin came off, and with all this I shocked the provincial Sevastopol young ladies.”

Anna Akhmatova

“In the morning - the sea and a happy face. In the evening - burnt shoulders and white semi-sweet. I believe I will live to see that time...”

Dandelion wine

Speaking about this wonderful time, it is impossible not to recall the sunniest and most colorful work of Ray Bradbury. Quotes about summer from his story “Dandelion Wine” contain all the summer colors and emotions.

“Dandelion wine. These very words are like summer on the tongue. Dandelion wine - summer caught and bottled."

Here, listen to what I wrote about this wine:
“Every time we bottle it, we have a piece of the summer of '28 left intact.”

Summer is the most favorite time of the year for most people. Every summer month gives bright memories, bathes in the warm rays of the sun and pampers with a variety of fruits and berries. But a particularly generous month is August. It seems to sum up the passing summer, fraught with joy and sadness at the same time.

August's gifts are always generous

August is the threshold of autumn. This is probably why it is almost always the hottest summer month, as if it wants to compensate for the cloudy days. summer days which were in June and July. Also, the last month of summer is rightly called the watermelon month. Of course, since from the moment of ripening this berry is especially large sizes is on every table.

This is the perfect time to relax. Firstly, the weather itself is favorable, and secondly, for breakfast, lunch and dinner you can only eat fruits, berries and vegetables, there are more than enough of them this month. This is why all resorts are crowded in August, and places are almost worth their weight in gold.

In addition to your packed suitcase, we offer you a selection of statuses, quotes and sayings about August. With them, your mood will be even more cheerful, and the passing summer will be even brighter!

So the summer has passed, August flew by like a comet... Without love everything was fine, but without love there is no summer.

August ends summer. I wish I could extend this month at least for a moment.

The last month of summer is August,
It's time to harvest from the dachas,
And start preparing containers for the mushrooms.
But it’s sad to say goodbye to summer.

June is ending and August is just around the corner, a very short month. And summer usually flies by without you having time to look back.

August is the perfect time to relax

The last month of summer is outside the window,
Gives us warmth, chides us with the breeze,
And our whole house is covered in colorful asters,
And the wet rain drizzles more often.

Today you live in the beginning of June, and tomorrow it’s already the end of August. Summer always flies by faster than other seasons.

August is a kind of requiem for summer. By the sun, by carefreeness. And then all these last weekends, those same walks with friends. But in the air you still feel that autumn is coming.

August, August – children are happy!
Let's go for a walk in the summer forest.
There's ripe raspberry sweetness
And there are too many mushrooms to count!
How many juicy berries did you eat?
And they took the mushrooms home!..
We didn’t have time to look back,
How the holidays went.

August. The last month of happiness.

Beautiful sayings

August is the last heat with a hint of nostalgia...

August smells like peaches, melons and unfulfilled summer dreams...

August is a chaotic movement from desire to desire at incredible speed.

Tomorrow is the last August thick glass summer.

August is of course still summer. But at the same time, August is September’s neighbor.

Sunflowers in the field

The morning is so good and gentle. Especially if it’s still August on the calendar, which means it’s still holidays.

Let's leave disputes, insults and reproaches, we will never repeat our August anyway...

August. One month to spend like three.

August and Sunday evening have something in common.

In August, it doesn’t matter what day of the week it is.

Evil August, you have a cold again,
At night you give the presence of autumn...
It's so little to know that someone needs you,
It’s so important to feel this all the time!

Cool statuses

I never thought it would be like this in February this August.

Have you noticed something flashing before your eyes?! This summer, this August is running away.

In August, white skin looks offensive, blasphemous and... so pitiful...

The most unpleasant thing in August is that you have to choose from what is available, there is no time to look!

August is like a long Sunday: it seems like it’s still the weekend, but soon it’s back to school!

Watermelon is the best delicacy of August

In August you can still have time to set the summer on fire...

Girls in August are like ripe grapes, and some with a twist...

August is when watermelon seeds can be found anywhere in the house.

August and watermelon have a lot in common - they have no future, autumn is already waiting for them...

I spent almost the entire month of August in a sweatshirt and jacket. And in September I wear a mini and a top. People, where is the logic? Has summer moved on?

My August will be jealous and nervously smoke on the sidelines, looking at how I will spend my December.

The best month of these holidays was August, since I met you.

Proverbs about August

In August, before lunch it is summer, and after lunch it is autumn.

August warms your back and cools your chest.

Whoever sleeps in August will go hungry

June is young, July is elusive, August is tired...

August prepares pickles for the winter table.

In August, summer skips towards autumn.

Catch the outgoing summer by the tail and spend it to the fullest! Discover new places and new people, and for a good mood, don’t forget phrases and sayings about this truly bright month!

The law of meanness: in August you won’t open a window on a trolleybus, which in December you won’t close it.

Only an unforgettable meeting with you decorated this August.

Our August was wonderful, then why all these squabbles and quarrels? We will never repeat it again.

Although there is still a whole month of summer left, fun, relaxation and swimming in a warm river, you can already feel the imminent approach of autumn. Last weekend, partying with friends, goodbye carefree summer time.

Best status:
If you wake up and it’s still August on the calendar, it means that the morning, afternoon and evening will be good.

Only in August does the feeling of a Sunday evening arise. It seems like a vacation, but tomorrow I have to study.

Summer in August before lunch, and after - autumn.

It feels like the weather has gone crazy! Throughout August we wore jackets and sweaters, and in September we wore T-shirts and sandals. I wonder what will happen in winter?

In August you need to go out and have as much fun as possible, then it’s autumn - you need to go to school and again you will be bored with homework, lessons, school calls from recess and teachers.

Hmmm... The most successful summer in my worthless life... When it was hot I took the exams, when I passed it became cold and wet... I broke up with my boyfriend, failed with admission, broke 4 chargers in 2 months... The whole August is ahead, what else will happen?

End of August. The most common question: “Do you want to go to school?”

August 2, England, London. I'm walking around the city. I think it’s good that I’m not in Russia now... So what would you think? Trafalgar Square: two crazy drunk burly men rush into the fountain shouting “For the Airborne Forces!”

Statuses about August – Judging by the long winter, summer will begin in August...

August.. last month summer.. how I want to extend it.. even for a minute..

How many years have I been amazed at how I was born on August 22 at night - that I couldn’t wait until the morning?!)

No, well, of course I understand everything... I’m a loser there, that’s all... But why provide heating on August 5th?

The roof has rolled off to the sea... I tell her to wait, we’ll go on August 2. And she shouts to me: “What are you doing? School is over, stay happy”... Psst bad.

I never thought it would be like this in February this August.

I want to repeat this summer... More precisely August... Where we were...

I want to repeat this summer... more precisely August... where WE were...

Judging by the long winter, summer will begin in August...

I remember how quite recently, everyone here wrote about August 36, the first of September... And now about the end of the quarter and the first snow...

Now the site is flooded with a lot of school kids writing about August 32nd and how they don’t feel like going to school tomorrow..

August is a kind of requiem for summer. By the sun, by carefreeness. And then all these last weekends, those same walks with friends. But in the air you still feel that autumn is coming.

Did you know that on August 31st it is impossible to make an appointment for a manicure at any beauty salon? All the time before September 1... Reserved by schoolgirls!

Morning, so good and affectionate. Especially if it’s still August on the calendar, which means it’s still vacation.

March, April, May, kick-ass, July, August... [The student will understand].

August is like a long Sunday: it seems like it’s still the weekend, but soon it’s back to school!

August prepares pickles for the winter table.

Here I was re-reading my personal diary. “For August, learn half of the tickets!” Mm yes. It’s mid-May, and I only know 3 tickets...

June is ending, August will soon come. And it will end soon. So this summer will pass, as usual, unnoticed.

In August, before lunch it is summer, and after lunch it is autumn.

So summer has passed. August flew by like a comet.. Without love everything was fine.. But without love there is no summer. (

Early on an August morning, a strange call was received at the control panel of the duty officer at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. The strange thing was that before this the TV remote control did not ring.

So the summer has passed, August flew by like a comet.. Without love everything was fine.. but without love there is no summer(

To sleep with his wife, Elnea Berkova's husband signed up for August

I spent almost the entire month of August in a sweatshirt and jacket. And in September I wear a mini and a top. People, where is the logic? Has summer passed?

August warms your back and cools your chest.

So the summer has passed, August flew by like a comet.. Without love everything was fine.. but without love there is no summer.

At first they did not believe in a new ice age. They showed it to us in winter. Then they didn’t believe in global warming. In the summer they showed it to us too. And we did not believe in the harm of passive smoking. In August they showed us this too. What's next?

My August will be jealous and nervously smoke on the sidelines, looking at how I will spend my December

The best month of these holidays was August, since I met you..

August is the month when it is impossible to open a window on a bus, which could not be closed in December.

It’s only August, and I’m already sitting with a heater =))

Let's leave disputes, insults and reproaches... we will never repeat our August anyway...

August.. the last month of summer.. how I want to extend it.. even for a minute..

On August 8, 2008, Georgian troops entered the territory of Ossetia and mercilessly began to kill all civilians. Not even sparing women and children... Let's put this heart in memory of the dead..

August.. the last month of summer.. how I want to extend it.. even for a minute..

August is of course still summer. But at the same time, August is September’s neighbor. I hate August.

I spent almost the entire month of August in a sweatshirt and jacket. And in September I wear a mini and a top. People, where is the logic? Has summer moved on?

Let's leave disputes, insults and reproaches... we will never repeat our August anyway...

In August, summer skips towards autumn.

– It’s a bit cooler today... Maybe it’s August? Girl on the street.)

Early on an August morning, a strange call was received at the control panel of the duty officer at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. The strange thing was that before this the TV remote control did not ring.

August. last month of happiness

If you want more adrenaline, adventure on your butt. Then take part in the gay parade on August 2...

I want to repeat this summer... more precisely August... where WE were...

My August will be jealous and nervously smoke on the sidelines, looking at how I will spend my December

The doctor gives me two weeks to live. It would be nice in August.

I never thought it would be like this in February this August.

August is the month when it is impossible to open a window on a bus, which could not be closed in December.

Even “Friday the 13th” doesn’t sound like “August the 31st”

Whoever sleeps in August will go hungry.

Early on an August morning, a strange call was received at the control panel of the duty officer at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. The strange thing was that before this the TV remote control did not ring.

The best month of these holidays was August, since I met you..))

August is the month when it is impossible to open a window on a bus, which could not be closed in December.

Are you in Love. Delivered until August inclusive. How to ruin your summer? Fall in love in July.

August is the last month of our favorite month. August tells us that although summer is coming to an end, an equally pleasant time of year is coming. However, for many, August still remains a sad month, because they don’t want to say goodbye to sleepless summer nights, with the heat and walking with friends until the morning. But don’t despair, because you need to be able to find something good even in bad things. On our new entertainment portal you can find many different statuses about August. Here you will find very optimistic statuses about how wonderful August is and how soon it will return to us again. We are constantly working on improvements to the site so that you always have a wide choice. Visit us more often to recharge yourself with positivity.


August smells like autumn, even though it’s still warm - the Sun does not spare nature’s light. But the rainy season has come, and sunny summer has gathered in the distant region.

August is the month when it is impossible to open a window on a bus, which could not be closed in December.

August!!! Stop thinking you're October...

Let's leave disputes, insults and reproaches... we will never repeat our August anyway...

For a pessimist, summer is already ending. For the optimist, this is just the beginning. And as always, I somehow don’t care.

If winter jokes until April, then I want summer to take revenge until December!

Coming to it this year, we thought: “Oh, it would be better if it were August 32... “When we left, I’m sure we will say: “Why not May 26... And 12th grade.”

I used to love summer, but then I realized that summer could be at any time of the year (in another country), if only there was money... Now I love money!

August. last month of happiness

August.. the last month of summer.. how I want to extend it.. even for a minute..

August days are like beer: no matter how much you take, it still ends quickly.

In August, before lunch it is summer, and after lunch it is autumn.

If you don't sweat in August, you won't get warm in February.

Summer, like all these wonderful moments, comes and ends quickly, but leaves happiness and warmth in the soul.

You sit on the Internet, don’t bother anyone, and then summer ends for you.

We harvest fruits in August. There is a lot of joy for people after all their hard work. The sun is standing over the spacious fields. And the sunflower is filled with black grains...

Cool statuses about August: Judging by the long winter, summer will begin in August...

Now I understand why in high school they don’t write the essay “What I did in the summer”

Morning, so good and affectionate. Especially if it’s still August on the calendar, which means it’s still vacation.

And only in last days August, you realize that June was great too.

End of August. The most common question: “Do you want to go to school?”

August is the last heat with a hint of nostalgia..

August August! Summer will come to an end soon, it’s sad. So Indian summer will come - it's fun! Let's bask in the sun and say goodbye to the summer days as we should

August is like a long Sunday: it seems like it’s still the weekend, but soon it’s back to school!

August bows at his feet, August asks for help: Harvest the harvest! Garden and field - over the edge! There is no salvation! Spas to the rescue! The harvest is ripe, just in time!

Summer ends with open dresses.

August, August – children are happy! Let's go for a walk in the summer forest. There are ripe sweetness of raspberries and mushrooms – you can’t count them! How many juicy berries we ate and mushrooms we took home! ... Before we knew it, the holidays were over.

We urgently need the fourth month of summer!

I never thought it would be like this in February this August.

The last day of summer we walk until dawn

The last month of summer is August, It’s time to harvest the harvest from the dachas, And start preparing containers for mushrooms. But it’s sad to say goodbye to summer.

The last month of summer is outside the window, It gives us warmth, the wind chides us, And our whole house is covered in colorful asters, And the wet rain drizzles more often.

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