Draw a picture of a vintage ZIS car 5 step by step. Let's draw a car. Options for those who have already learned the basics of drawing

Many children like it because it allows them to express their thoughts and fantasies. This type of activity also promotes creative development. Sometimes kids want to draw their favorite cartoon character or toy, but it can be difficult for them to understand how to do this. A mother can help her child create his own masterpiece, suggesting all the actions step by step on the way to the goal.

Most boys preschool age They love toy cars, watch cartoons about them, and collect stickers. Sometimes girls have the same preferences. Therefore, you can consider how to draw a car step by step for a child. Of course, for very young children the drawings will be simpler, but for older children you can offer more complex ideas.

How to draw a car for a 3-4 year old child?

Very young children will find it interesting to depict even the simplest cars.

Option 1

A passenger car is very familiar to kids, so it would be a great idea to draw one.

  1. The baby should be offered a sheet of paper and a simple pencil. He can independently draw a rectangle and draw a trapezoid on top.
  2. Next, you should draw windows inside the trapezoid. At the bottom of the rectangle you need to draw two wheels. In front and behind, you can draw the headlights and visible parts of the bumpers in the form of small squares.
  3. Now you can draw the door. To do this, let the child draw a couple of vertical lines on the rectangle. In the front of the window, you can draw a small strip at an angle, which will look like a piece of a steering wheel. Let the mother ask the baby to highlight the arcs above the wheels so that the picture becomes more expressive.
  4. At the final stage, you should erase everything unnecessary using an eraser. Let the baby try to do it himself, if mom can help.

Now the picture is ready and, if desired, you can decorate it with pencils or felt-tip pens. The kid will surely be delighted by how easy it is to draw a car with a pencil practically on his own.

Option 2

Many boys like trucks. This is confirmed by the fact that almost all the guys have a toy dump truck or something similar. The kid will be happy to try to draw such a car.

  1. First, the child must draw two rectangles of different sizes, in the lower left part of each of which there should be semicircular notches.
  2. Under these notches you need to draw small circles.
  3. Next, the semicircles should be extended so that circles are formed around the small circles. These will be truck wheels. The smaller rectangle on top should be drawn so that it looks like a cabin and depict a window in it. Next, the headlights and parts of the bumpers are applied to the corresponding places of the larger and smaller rectangles.
  4. The child can decorate the resulting truck at his own discretion.

This is how your child can learn how to easily draw a truck. In the future, he can do this on his own, without the help of his mother.

How to draw a car with a child over 5-7 years old

If the child has already mastered some techniques and is happy to get acquainted with more complex methods, then you can offer him other ideas.

You can consider how to draw a pickup truck step by step

You can give this picture to your dad or grandfather, or you can show it to your friends and tell them how to draw a beautiful car.

An article about how to apply beautiful airbrushing to a car body. Nuances of technology for applying images to a car. At the end of the article there is a video of beautiful 3D drawings on the car body.

The content of the article:

The car demonstrates the status, character and temperament of its owner. Many car enthusiasts want to stand out from others Vehicle, so they put various designs on their cars. In fact, a whole art has arisen called airbrushing. Now anyone can make a real work of art out of their car. In this article we will look at the nuances of applying drawings to the body of your car.

Advantages and disadvantages of airbrushing

Before choosing a design and applying it to your car, you need to understand the pros and cons of airbrushing.

The advantages include:

  • The opportunity to demonstrate your own individuality, your hobbies, and catch the admiring glances of passers-by and other motorists with your car;
  • The ability to use drawings to hide small body defects, cracks and scratches;
  • The presence of a pattern on a car significantly reduces the likelihood of it being stolen. Few people would steal such a car, since it is easy to find later, and getting rid of the drawing is too expensive and expensive.
The disadvantages of airbrushing include:
  • High cost of work;
  • After an accident, a car with a pattern is more difficult to restore;
  • Selling a car with airbrushing is usually difficult, since not all buyers will like the design on it.
Before you go to a master or apply a drawing yourself, you must take into account all the pros and cons of such art, so that you don’t have to regret it later.

What tools are needed?

Naturally, certain tools are needed to apply the selected pattern:
  1. Airbrush. This is the main device that sprays paint under pressure onto the surface of the car body. This ensures precise and accurate spraying.
  2. Compressor;
  3. Connecting hoses;
  4. Paints;
  5. Different skins;
  6. Varnish fixer;
  7. Solvent and degreaser;
  8. Polishing machine with different wheels.
You will also need related materials: film, cardboard, tape, polishing paste, printer, screwdrivers, pliers, wet wipes.

Finding this equipment will not be difficult. All this is sold in specialized stores. Particular attention should be paid to paints. Now you can find different types mixtures, but beginning artists can use universal paints and solvents of grades 646 and 647, with which they can perform wide range tasks. In principle, working with automotive paints is similar to working with conventional paints.

As a rule, drawings are applied to the hood, doors, trunk lid, front or rear fenders. If you really want, you can paint the entire car.

Complexity of the drawing

Since airbrushing is an art, many nuances need to be taken into account in this matter. First of all, a lot depends on the complexity of the design that needs to be applied to the car. There are three categories of complexity of drawings, which in turn require different levels of preparedness from the artist.
  • First category. It includes simple graphic designs: different lines, patterns, stripes, elementary geometric shapes.
  • Second category. In this case, the drawing is limited to one artistic object, the creation of which uses multi-component paints.
  • The third category includes complex artistic drawings with several objects and a printed background. In this case, a wide variety of colors can be used. It is important for the master to mix the paints correctly and create a smooth transition of colors. If everything is done professionally, a simple car will become a unique masterpiece.
It is worth understanding that there are no creative boundaries in airbrushing. A specialist can even draw a large-scale picture on the car body. At the same time, it is important not only to have a good understanding of existing airbrush techniques, but also to know how to properly mix and apply varnishes and paints.

How to draw correctly

A special airbrush is used to apply the design. But when creating ornaments, landscapes and animals, brushes and paints are used, and the artist’s manual labor is used. You can also paint using a stencil if you are using a techno style.

The paints used must be of high quality, durable and resistant to various atmospheric precipitations.

Naturally, you should use a wide range of colors so that you can create any desired shade. Also, during drawing, you need to add reflective and light-accumulating paints. To make the image more durable, it is coated with several layers of varnish, which, among other things, gives the image “depth.”

These are the basic rules of drawing. But it is important to strictly adhere to airbrush technology.

Main stages of airbrush technology

It all starts with choosing the desired pattern. At the same time, it is important to determine its theme, maintain proportions, colors, image style and ensure its correct placement. It is also important to choose the right background so that the drawing looks beautiful and expressive. After this, you need to understand where it is best to place the selected image on the body.

When the theme of the drawing is chosen, you should start developing a sketch. A collection of drawings, a graphics tablet, a camera, a laptop, and a scanner will help with this. If you are good at drawing, paper and pencil are enough. Using Photoshop, you need to apply a drawing to a photo of the car and add fragments of the selected drawing. That's it, the sketch is ready.

Then you should carefully study the nature of the image in order to choose the appropriate method of applying the picture. As mentioned above, each method requires its own tools. If it is “just a sticker” or a decal, then a stencil is enough. If you need to depict various complex objects with smooth color transitions, you will have to use an airbrush and brushes.

It should be remembered that it is important to place the drawing correctly, because what looks great on paper will not always look beautiful on the body.

Moreover, incorrect placement can “kill” the style of the entire car. Therefore, you need to be very careful when choosing where to place the pattern on the car body.

The computer will help with this. The entire process of modeling and positioning the image on the car body is performed using a computer.

If you are an experienced professional, you can do all this manually. However, it should be taken into account that the body has a complex relief and shape. It has different protrusions and transitions that can affect the appearance of the design. Therefore, it is still better to enter the image into the PC, apply different versions of the painting, and nuances of the body geometry to it. Now images can be presented in three-dimensional form, which will allow you to carefully see and edit all the shortcomings.

If you are satisfied with everything, you can proceed to preparing the car body for applying the image.

Preparing the car

The first step is to remove the door handles, mirrors, headlights, all rubber seals and other elements to ensure uniform application of paints and varnishes.

After this matting is performed. You only need to treat the top layer of varnish so that the paint adheres well to the surface. All scratches and small chips should be repaired. You can perform the work with special matting sponges that do not leave scratches.

All parts and elements not involved in the design must be covered with tape or paper so that paint or varnish does not get on them. The place where the drawing will be applied must be cleaned of dust and degreased.

Drawing process

First you need to draw the main sketch. As a rule, in this case, stencils are used, which make it easy to make the base. It is advisable to make the very first lines not very bright and more blurry. It is important to hold the airbrush perpendicular to the surface of the body.

The drawing should be applied carefully and accurately, excluding sudden movements. The hand must be held calmly but firmly to avoid smudges. Gradually (layer by layer) it is necessary to display the entire image. First, the base is outlined, and then new details are added.

Success in this matter depends on correct settings airbrush. It is necessary to adjust the required line thickness and pressure supply.

Paint should be applied in layers. Moreover, the next layer can be applied only when the previous one has dried. It is important to remember that light shades are applied first, since dark shades are difficult to paint over later.

At the very end, the finished drawing must be coated with several layers of varnish from a spray bottle so that the image is fixed. When the varnish has hardened, you need to start polishing. This is the final stage in the procedure of applying a pattern to the car body.

The durability of the design will depend on compliance with the technology and the quality of the materials used.

  1. When drawing, work in a respirator with a high-quality air filtration system. This will help maintain health, because paints and varnishes are quite toxic.
  2. In order for the design to retain its beauty for a long time, it is necessary to periodically apply protective agents to it. Be sure to buy protective and abrasive polishes. As a rule, if the technology has been followed, the image will last as long as the factory body paint.
  3. If you want to delete the drawing in the future, some problems may arise. When applying temporary airbrushing, it can be easily removed using special washable paints. But you can’t get rid of constant airbrushing so easily. You will have to either repaint the car or cover it with a special film.
  4. If the image occupies more than half the surface of the body, you will have to re-register documents for the car, since its color has changed.
  5. Airbrushing is considered a multi-color car paint job. It should not copy the identification coloring or symbols of special vehicles. The fact of the presence of the image must be noted in the car passport.
  6. If desired, airbrushing can be insured with CASCO. Wherein Insurance Company will cover all costs of image restoration.

Let's sum it up

If you decide to decorate your car with some kind of design, you should carefully consider whether you need it. If necessary and you have certain skills, you can draw a sketch yourself and apply the design to the body. If you have never held brushes in your hands, it is better to entrust this task to professional craftsmen.

Video - beautiful 3D car body tuning:

Many children and adults want to know how to draw cars simply and realistically. With the help of step-by-step lessons, even a preschooler can cope with this task.

How to draw cars with children

Let's draw a simple and bright car.

"Mercedes Benz"

Let's move on to more advanced lessons and learn how to draw cars with a pencil. There are several ways to start working on a picture: repeating the main outlines, using line markings on the sheet, or starting with the wheels. This lesson will focus on the first method.

Let's learn to draw cars step by step:

Fast and crazy "BMW"

Now let's look at another way to draw cars with a pencil. The operating procedure is as follows:

How to Draw Racing Cars

Boys of all ages are delighted with the cars. How to draw them? Quite simple actually.

Now you know how to draw Formula 1 racing cars. Take a photo of your favorite car and use these instructions to draw it.

If you are not a professional, but an ordinary parent who needs to somehow entertain a restless son, then this article is for you. Drawing is a very useful activity. Most children love to do this. Often they want to get a good result quickly the first time. For mom and dad who do not understand the learning process, it is quite difficult to help the baby. However, there are simple and obvious ways. After studying the article, you will be able to explain to your child how to draw a car with a pencil step by step.

What are the benefits of such a hobby?

WITH early childhood It's worth teaching your child to draw. This is a great way to develop fine motor skills, as well as an opportunity to explore the world and yourself. As you know, the development of speech in children directly depends on the ability of the hand to perform various movements. Early artistic activities have a positive effect on children. From this article you will learn how to draw a car. Photos will clearly demonstrate the process. Taking the material presented as a basis, any parent will become an excellent teacher for their child.

Children up to one year old can be given pencils, finger paints, and felt-tip pens. At first, it is enough to show simple lines and shapes on the sheet. Gradually the child will master new and more complex things. Preschoolers already want to depict the objects that they like most: girls - dolls, boys - cars. Children dream of being the best in everything, so the drawing should be like the real thing. A child is unlikely to be able to do it beautifully and correctly without a sample. We need visual instructions. Parents can buy manuals that tell them how to draw a car, a ship, an airplane, a helicopter and many other interesting objects for boys step by step. The same books are sold for girls.

How to stimulate your child

Girls are usually more diligent. They like to color and sculpt. Boys prefer active games: running, jumping, practicing on horizontal bars. If your son loves artistic creativity, he has probably asked you more than once about how to draw a car with a pencil step by step. In this case, you can simply invite the boy to work with the allowance. Your child may not even want you to be there during the creative process. He will prefer to please you with a finished painting.

If the child is not very good at drawing or is not very diligent, you need to interest him in the process by showing him how easy it is to draw a car. Even if you don’t know how to do it, follow the example to definitely complete the task. Any step-by-step instruction makes it possible to depict any object step by step. The point of these actions is to decompose a complex object into simple lines, by completing which you get the desired image.

Practical lesson

Now we’ll tell you how to draw a car with a pencil step by step. The first option shows a thumbnail image. In the second case, drawing tools will be used. You can take a ruler with ready-made stencils of circles, ovals and other geometric shapes. This will make the work much easier.

A special grid will be a significant help in drawing for an inexperienced artist. It helps to maintain the proportions of an object without measuring the sample. This is done as follows:

  1. On a transparent film, draw vertical and horizontal lines at a certain distance, for example, 1 cm. The finer this length, the more accurate the drawing will be.
  2. Apply the mesh to the finished sample.
  3. See how each image outline intersects the cells.
  4. On your sheet, where a cell of any size is also drawn, try to repeat the pattern.

Using this method, you can scale objects, increasing or decreasing your drawing relative to the original.

Making a three-dimensional car

Draw a parallelepiped that limits the shape of the car on all sides.

Indicate where the wheels will be located.

Outline the windshield and side windows.

Draw the lines of the headlights.

Making side racks.

Mark the rear view mirrors.

Draw the lines of the doors.

Smooth out the silhouette of the car.

Detail the image.

Erase extra lines.

Now you can color the picture with a felt-tip pen or watercolor.

Drawing with stencils

The easiest way is to depict any object without volume. The second example shows how to draw a car from the side.

The sequence of actions will be as follows. Take a ruler and draw rectangles as shown in the example. Outline the contours of the car.

Using a compass or using stencils, draw the circles of the wheels.

Hello friends! In today's lesson we will tell and show you how to draw a car. We will learn to draw using the example of BMW and many other modern popular car brands. So let's start our step by step lesson about drawing cars.

Step 1

First we need to sketch an oblong rectangle. This will be the main part of the machine.

Step 2

Draw a trapezoid on the right side of the rectangle. Using circles, draw the shape of the wheels.

Step 3

Using half rings, depict the wheel arches. On the left side of the rectangle, outline the hood of the car. Round off the top of the trapezoid slightly. Draw the back of the car.

Step 4

On the front of the car, sketch out the headlights and grille. Then, the windshield and rear windows, as well as the glass on the doors. Outline the side panels between the wheels.

Step 5

Let's continue drawing. Erase sketch lines initial stage and move on to the next step.

Step 6

Using simple lines draw the doors and the border of the hood. Add cornering lights, side mirrors and taillights as shown.

Step 7

We have reached the last step of our lesson. Draw the door handles and wheels. Please note, there is a large number of different car rims for wheels and you can draw any at your discretion.

We hope you enjoyed the lesson. Let us know if you want more tutorials about drawing cars. Read on and learn how to draw a wide variety of cars from all angles!

How to Draw a Sports Car Step by Step

Here we will show you how to draw a sports car step by step.

Step 1

Let's start with the baselines. Since we are drawing a sports car and using Lamborghini as an example, we need to use a lot of straight lines and sharp corners. Using light lines, sketch the “body” of our sports car.

Step 2

Now let's add the basic details. On the front of the car, sketch out the long polygons of the headlights. Add some grid lines just below. Draw wheels on the bottom of the sports car, and side windows on the side.

Step 3

The basic lines of the sports car are ready and now we start working on the details. We use straight, rich and clean lines and draw out the headlights.

Step 4

Let's go down a little lower and draw the bumper and radiator grille lines.

Step 5

Now a little higher, draw the lines of the hood. We also need to draw the logo of our sports car in the center of the hood.

Step 6

We rise even higher and draw the roof and side of the car. Since this is a sports car, the roof has to be very low and sloping.

Step 7

We draw the side windows and distant mirrors. Another distinctive feature of sports cars is their narrow side windows.

Step 8

We add lines of doors and door handles, we also draw the back of the car, the air intake next to the wheel.

Step 9

The most difficult step is to draw the wheel and wheel arch. The lines should be round and smooth. It should be remembered that, unlike regular cars, sports cars have large and wide wheels.

Step 10

We have reached the last stage, namely, we need to draw car rims. We chose this type of disk, but you can choose your own.

How to draw BMW

Here we will draw BMW car 7 step by step!

BMW is the most common car brand in the world and has been one of the favorite car brands of many people for many years. This brand always competes with another German automobile company - Mercedes-Benz.

Step 1

First sketch out the basic lines of the BMW as in the example. Use light pressure on the pencil to create soft lines. Remember, the lines don't have to be exactly the same.

Step 2

On the front of the car, sketch out the long headlights and the famous BMW grille. Afterwards, draw the wheel arches, the wheels themselves, doors and windows. The lines should also be very light.

Step 3

Now, carefully draw the headlights and grille. As you already know, the BMW grille is divided into two parts and resembles nostrils.

Step 4

Using a long and curved line draw the hood. Then, the bumper, fog lights and license plate. Don't forget to erase all the starting lines we drew in steps 1 and 2.

Step 5

Draw the wheel arch using a semi-oval and an oval-shaped wheel. Inside the wheel, add a rim in the shape of another oval.

Step 6

Outline the roof of the car. Try to keep the line clean and smooth. Divide the windows as shown in the example and draw a rear view mirror.

Step 7

Finish drawing the doors and door handles. Draw the bottom of the car and the molding. Draw the trunk of our BMW and the rear wheel, just like we drew the front one.

Step 8

There is one last step left to complete the drawing of our BMW. You need to finish drawing the wheels (you can use any shape of wheels), add details and lines inside the radiator grille.

How to draw a Range Rover

And in this lesson we will show you how to draw a Range Rover.

As you know, Range Rover is a full-size, luxury and all-wheel drive SUV. It is produced by the British company Land Rover and is the company's flagship model.

Step 1

First of all, let's draw a sketch of the “body” of our car, visually it is two parts - top and bottom. Please note that this tutorial will use a lot of straight lines to draw the Range Rover.

Step 2

Now, using straight lines we sketch out the grille and the front part. Next, we draw the wheels, arches and distant mirrors.

Step 3

At this point we will start using clear lines. Using straight lines we draw the headlights and the radiator grille, which is located between the headlights.

Step 4

Draw the hood with a clear and straight line. After that, we add a bumper, an additional radiator grille and fog lights.

Step 5

We're moving towards the top of our Range Rover. There will also be a lot of straight lines with which we will draw the roof and windows of our SUV. At the same stage we will sketch the mirror.

Step 6

Continuing the lines of the windows on the side we draw the doors. Following the lines of the roof we draw the back of the car. Next, add the taillights and door handles.

Step 7

Let's move on to the wheels. But first, let's draw the wheel arches, and then using smooth lines we sketch the wheels themselves. They should be the same.

Step 8

And the last stage, you just need to finish drawing the disks. In our example, you can see the disks in the form of five beams, but you can use any. You can also add shading.

So, our Range Rover is ready. If you liked our lesson, don't forget to visit our other lessons!

How to draw Mercedes-Benz SLC

We love Mercedes-Benz cars and we know you love them just as much.

Here we want to continue drawing cars of this brand. As you may have guessed, here we are drawing a Mercedes-Benz SLC.

Step 1

First, let's draw a sketch of the "body" of the car using light lines. Please note that today we are drawing a car without a roof. So, the first step of this tutorial will be different.

Step 2

Now we add the base lines and body details of our Mercedes-Benz SLC. On the front part we draw the headlights, grille and bumper. Next, draw the wheels, mirrors and seats.

Step 3

Starting from this stage we will use clear and dark lines. Using these lines we complete the grille and headlights. In the center of the radiator grille we depict a large Mercedes-Benz logo.

Step 4

We continue to refine the front part of the Mercedes-Benz SLC. You need to finish drawing the bumper, license plate and hood lines. Now you can erase all unnecessary lines on the front of the car.

Step 5

Now we move to the top of the car. Continuing the line of the hood, draw the windshield. Next, draw the visible parts of the seats and rearview mirrors.

Step 6

And now we need to finish drawing the back of the car. Draw the door and door handle. Don't forget to add an air intake on the side of the body.

Step 7

Now we will have to try, since we will be making wheels and arches. They should be as round and smooth as possible, as in our example.

Step 8

Now we will draw the disks. Please note that we have drawn classic Mercedes-Benz car rims, but you can of course draw any rim design you like.

Step 9

Use intersecting lines to create the texture of the radiator grille. Then add shadows and highlights using dense shading as we did.

If you followed our instructions exactly, then now you know how to draw a Mercedes-Benz SLC. Don't forget to write your opinion about this lesson in the comments or social networks.

How to draw Tesla Model S

Finally, a lesson: how to draw Tesla Model S. This is probably the most advanced car of our time.

This car is very different from such stylish cars as Mercedes-Benz, BMW or Ferrari - it is the world's first full-fledged electric car.

Step 1

At the first stage of car drawing lessons, we always outline the main contours of our future car. Apply very soft and smooth lines at this stage.

Step 2

This is also a very standard step in all of our car drawing tutorials - we draw the wheel arches using curved lines and the wheels themselves using ovals.

Step 3

So, it's time to add details. And as always, we'll start doing this from the front of the car. First draw the headlights and hood.

Step 4

Draw an oval radiator grille with the Tesla logo inside. Below we continue to draw additional radiator grilles. But it's worth noting that these are just fake grilles.

Step 5

We rise a little higher and draw the roof using a smooth curved line. Next we draw the windows and side mirrors.

Step 6

Continue the roof line and draw the trunk. Go a little lower and draw the doors of our Tesla Model C and the bottom edge of the car. At the end of this stage, draw unusual door handles.

Step 7

Very carefully draw the wheel arches and the wheels inside the arches. Please note that the lines should be as smooth as possible.

Step 8

A very simple step in which we draw the wheel rims (they can be of any shape) and add shadows using shading.

Well, our drawing lesson on how to draw a Tesla Model S has come to an end. Share this and other lessons and follow us on social networks.

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