Personality types in social psychology. Types of people in psychology: how to learn to understand yourself and loved ones


HYSTEROID is an upstart for whom it is important to be the center of attention. This type receives energy for life from the outside, by receiving emotions from others. At best, emotions of admiration, but if this is difficult, then any emotions will suit him. If ignored, he achieves his “doping” with hysterics, hence the definition of this type.

Many other psychotypes build this quality into themselves and cultivate it, because the hysterical model of behavior attracts more attention, fans, and social significance to the individual.

Appearance of a hysteroid

  1. Brightness, contrast with others. It is important for him to be different from everyone else.
  2. Plasticity - light, relaxed gait, flexibility of the hands, ease.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of a hysteroid

  1. He always fits his role. He instantly grasps what role he needs to get used to, and instantly turns out to be who he needs.
  2. Often overplays, getting overly involved in the game. Sometimes he instantly leaves the character as soon as the need to shine with his acting talent disappears.
  3. Flirty, constantly flirts, shows off, shines, is able to carry on a conversation on any topic, but does not possess deep knowledge. Therefore, when he needs to delve deeper into a topic, he prefers to change the audience so as not to be branded stupid.

Thinking and speech of a hysteroid

  1. Easily suggestible, overly emotional. It’s easy to catch him emotionally and persuade him to cooperate. This is exactly the “spy’s find” that the proverb refers to.
  2. There are many “I”s, he is not able to talk about anyone other than himself. Constantly draws attention to himself and his loved one.
  3. Good creative thinking, great imagination. Talks a lot about nothing.
  4. The erudition is extensive, but not deep. Under no circumstances should you be an accountant or other responsible employee.
  5. Unusually artistic, always in different images. All for the sake of attracting more attention (energy).

Communication and behavior of a hysteroid

  1. Superficiality - it is easier to change the flock than to delve deeper into the topic of conversation.
  2. Ability to interest
  3. Great manipulative abilities
  4. He loves gifts, although he can flirtatiously declare that gifts are not important to him. For this type, gifts are more important than for a representative of any other psychological type.
  5. Scandalist, starts with half a turn.


3. Showbiz figure

5. Seller. Variety and attention from others are very important.



EPILEPTID- prone to seizures, to a state of passion, irritable. Aimed at preserving information and one’s own well-being. Achieves this by establishing order and control everywhere.

Routine is very important for him, sleep, food, sex on a schedule. Anyone who brings discord into his life is an enemy. This psychotype can be compared to a balloon that is constantly inflating and is about to burst. It is important for him to constantly deflate in order to avoid an explosion.

An individual in this category is greedy for representatives of the opposite sex to satisfy natural physiological needs, loves food because it helps maintain vital activity and health, loves order in business, because everything should be in order and that’s right. Often he teaches others about life.

He doesn't like displays of emotion. All government bodies built according to their template, that is, everything according to the instructions. They make good accountants and administrators.

It has a scanner running all the time. He subconsciously identifies strong people, identifies weaknesses in a person and knows how to use this information for his own benefit.

Very executive type, controlling, disciplined. Will succeed where you need to dig deep. A good specialist with a narrow profile.

Appearance of the epileptoid:

  1. Strong constitution, well developed muscle mass. Athletic build.
  2. A well-defined chin, a strong jaw, possibly thick eyebrows and powerful brow ridges.
  3. Heavy look
  4. Short functional hairstyle
  5. Accuracy
  6. Clothes according to the script. That is, if it is customary in a certain place to be dressed in something specific, he will dress exactly like that. Even if the situation turns out that circumstances have changed. For example, the weather is not right. But he will endure the weather, but he will dress correctly.

Facial expressions and pantomimics of an epileptoid:

  1. Discreet
  2. Limited by certain stereotypes
  3. Harshness with those who prevent him from performing certain functions and distract him from performing his duty

Thinking and speech of an epileptoid:

  1. Clearly focused on action, not on empty blah blah. These are the ideal military. In moments of danger, the brain turns off and reflexes turn on. Without panic, he resolves issues as they arise.
  2. The individual depends on physiological needs - food, sleep, sex.
  3. Rough or neutral progressive
  4. Clumsiness, clumsiness
  5. Doesn't like to explain

Communication and behavior of an epileptoid:

  1. Responsibility. But if they sit on his neck, he quickly notices it and gets rid of the manipulator mercilessly
  2. Subordination, difficult to let people into your circle. Very restrained in expressing feelings.
  3. It is even possible to be aggressive to test the recruit's strength. Thus, he weeds out those who are not suitable for him.
  4. Vengefulness, remembers the insult for a long time
  5. Strives to control everything
  6. Can't sell

Emotions, feelings of an epileptoid:

  1. The process of discharge is important, there will be no tenderness
  2. Manipulates partner


1. Monotonous affairs (accounting, tax accounting, administration)

2. Power structures (army, police)

3. Local officials

4. Security guards



PARANOYAL- called upon to carry out global reform, to transform the world. Able to manage human resources in order to achieve a great goal. Without pity, without conscience, he will walk over the bones to complete the task.

Unlike the previous type, he knows the goal, but does not know HOW to go towards it. But having chosen a direction, he will achieve his goal, no matter what the cost. He inspires and motivates those around him to carry out their own programs.

He is inclined towards a Spartan lifestyle and thinks little about health. The stomach often “flies”, thanks to hard work and dedication in the name of an idea.

It is dangerous to get help from him. When he needs it, he will receive the debt in the amount that he needs. He doesn't have irreplaceable people. As soon as one person (cog) wears out, he will replace it with another.

He can easily steal an idea, he is a workaholic, cruel and without rules.

Appearance of paranoid:

  1. Tension, officialdom, like a core.
  2. Commitment to style, depending on your own goal. Carries his idea through clothes.
  3. Status of your own style

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the paranoid:

  1. Total suppression of emotions
  2. Cynical, suspicious look (tense lower eyelid)
  3. Lips become thinner thanks to self-control
  4. Motivating gestures, wider than those of an epileptoid
  5. Slashing movements
  6. There is an accusation in the speech, very suspicious

The thinking and speech of the paranoid:

  1. Not suggestible. To influence him, it is necessary to destroy the halo of the goal, to introduce a shadow of doubt. Another way is to hint at the transience of life, that he may not have time to complete his mission on earth.
  2. Speech is smooth, strong, reasoned, inspiring
  3. Able to persuade
  4. Focused on business

Emotional and sensual sphere of the paranoid:

  1. There is no time for love, he chooses a partner according to necessity - who is more suitable for the business.
  2. Wedding - staged for the right people
  3. Uses a partner to achieve his own goals, often very cynically
  4. This is a strategist; a hysterical steroid is most suitable for him in a partnership - it will work as a beautiful screen in his affairs. Or the epileptoid is the executor of his grandiose plans.


1. Lawyer

2. Career growth is important. Salesperson with the opportunity to become a director

3. Politician

4. High level official

Motto: “The end justifies the means”


EMOTIVE- the man is God's dandelion. He treats everything around him kindly. He wants to harmonize and humanize everything around him.

This is a brilliant actor because he does not dress up the role, but lives the life of the hero he plays. They have extraordinary empathy for people, they are very sensitive to any manifestations of lies. But they will never offend their partner with suspicion.

A person does not know how to refuse people, and those around him take advantage of this. Often the emotive person promises more than he can deliver due to his inability to say NO. This implies that he is not obligated; he simply cannot do some things.

This is the most faithful psychotype. He will never cheat on his partner, he will wait for him all his life if fate separates them. Often they love unrequitedly, while the other party lives with another partner.

If an emotional person flares up, he then becomes very worried, tormented by a feeling of guilt, etc.

Appearance of emotive:

  1. Dresses with taste, cute, aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, comfortable. The tones are calm and soft.
  2. Women most often long hair
  3. No contrasts
  4. Proper facial features

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the emotive:

  1. Sad, mournful, heartfelt.
  2. Sincerity, naturalness
  3. Kindness, honesty
  4. Romance
  5. Tact

Emotive thinking and speech:

  1. Reflects the premonitions and experiences of the individual
  2. Quiet
  3. Melodic
  4. Apologetic
  5. Competent
  6. Knows how to listen

Communication and behavior of emotive:

  1. Goodwill
  2. Statement
  3. Hyperresponsibility
  4. Shyness, shyness
  5. Patience
  6. Reliability
  7. Sacrifice
  8. Inability to say NO
  9. Guilt
  10. Love is a deep feeling
  11. Can't lie


1. Teacher, educator

2. Nanny, nurse, doctor

3. Psychologist

4. Designer

5. Actor, poet, artist

Motto: “Guys, let’s live together”


HYPERTIME- eternal child. Lives to gain new emotions through high social activity.

He lives quickly and immediately enters into communication. This is an emotional addict, he feeds on new impressions and adrenaline. Loves adventure.

Rarely works in one place, on one project. Freedom is important to him.

This is an ideal seller as long as there is a sense of newness

Thinking and speech hyperthymia:

  1. Focus on immediate resolution of issues
  2. Excitedly
  3. Adrenaline junkie, joint inside
  4. “Simplicity is worse than theft.” He may give out confidential information without thinking about the consequences.
  5. Emotionally colored

Treatment and behavior of hyperthymia:

  1. Non-binding
  2. Focus on emotions and novelty
  3. Unreliability
  4. Love is like entertainment. Pickup, Free Love - for him
  5. Noisy, restless, like all children
  6. Active
  7. Positive, sociable, adrenaline junkie

Appearance of hyperthyma:

  1. Functional (dressed to go everywhere). Ingratiates oneself, but cannot be placed in responsible positions
  2. Some confusion due to haste

Facial expressions and pantomimics hypertim:

  1. Movable, bright
  2. Other-oriented
  3. Fast-paced, full of ideas. It is important to write down these ideas, otherwise the hypertrim quickly switches and gets distracted.
  4. Widespread
  5. Charging


1. Tour guide

2. Teacher, counselor

3. Animator, toastmaster at a wedding

Motto: “Oh, grief is not a problem!”


SCHIZOID- strange, “out of this world.” They live in their own world and seem not entirely adequate from the point of view of other people. A striking example is Dr. Brown from the movie "Back to the Future".

Constantly looking for something new. This new thing will not necessarily be practical or necessary, but he is fully involved in the process.

Society does not accept him, he is an object of ridicule. Therefore, a schizoid person often withdraws into himself and goes into the virtual world of the Internet. No one understands him, so he rejoices and opens up to those who understand him. It is through this channel that it is easy to gain confidence in him.

He doesn't understand life. Having started one thing, you may end up with the opposite. A creative person, trying to understand everything, a deep inner world. He doesn't feel time. Order is not necessary for him.

Thinking and speech of a schizoid:

  1. Philosophizing
  2. Designing something new that doesn’t exist yet. Not necessarily useful
  3. Non-standard
  4. Doesn't know life
  5. Slurred speech
  6. Confusion of the speech algorithm

Communication, behavior of schizoid

  1. Not clear
  2. Communicates with someone who understands him
  3. Irresponsibility
  4. We hurt easily
  5. Internalizes stereotypes

Schizoid appearance:

  1. Hoodie, hood, headphones
  2. Something new, non-standard
  3. Untidy
  4. Ungroomed hairstyle
  5. Strange, it's a black sheep
  6. Possible beard
  7. Hands get in the way
  8. Unusual pose
  9. Loves backpacks and big bags

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the schizoid

  1. This is an orchestra in which everyone plays whatever they want.
  2. Doesn't understand his size, so he's quite clumsy
  3. Splitting - can be in several processes at once
  4. Complexly structured speech
  5. Doesn't understand jokes, reacts inappropriately


1. Programmer

2. Inventor, if you have the ability

3. Minimal communication with people



PSYCHASTHENOID- an unusually timid and indecisive person. He will spend hours talking about empty, uninteresting things in order not to take decisive action. He is more afraid of making decisions than nuclear war. He is terribly suspicious, shy, always afraid for his loved ones, which can drive them crazy. An ideal performer, trouble-free at work. What everyone and anyone is using.

Appearance of psychasthenoid

  1. Just in case, he is pedantically careful, because he is afraid of trouble. With the help of impeccable appearance tries to neutralize additional fears
  2. The tones of clothing are gray and beige. Tries to be inconspicuous so as not to attract attention to himself
  3. He wears the same clothes for a long time, which is why he lags behind fashion.
  4. Women hide their hair in a ponytail or bun. They say about such women: “Gray mouse.”

Facial expressions and pantomimics of the psychasthenoid

  1. Without strong emotions
  2. Extremely indecisive
  3. Often there is a frozen emotion of sadness on the face
  4. The movements are minimally sweeping, not completed.

Thinking and speech of a psychasthenoid

  1. Speaks quietly, hesitantly, “eats” the end of words
  2. Stutters
  3. Does not use gestures to illustrate speech
  4. When talking, does not make eye contact, lowers jaw
  5. Does not expect attentive attention from people. And if someone took care of him, the psychasthenoid will remember this for the rest of his life

Communication and behavior of a psychasthenoid

  1. He never asks for anything because he is afraid of refusal.
  2. Prefers solitude
  3. Finds a more courageous and decisive person, and voluntarily submits to him
  4. Loyal in friendship, as he finds it difficult to get along with new people


HYPOTHYME- a terribly negative, pessimistic type. Moreover, with low self-esteem. Depression is his eternal state. Eternal self-digging drives him to madness.

Appearance of hypothyma

  1. Treats everyone with caution, takes offense for a long time at the slightest provocation
  2. Direly needs friends to complain about life, but pushes everyone away
  3. Makes new acquaintances with difficulty, practically does not make them at all

Facial expressions and pantomimics hypothyma

  1. Always sad and angry. Emotions of sadness and anger on the face
  2. Tries to be less visible to avoid possible shocks
  3. Behind the mask of a bore, he can show affection and support to loved ones. But he doesn’t know how to accept gratitude, so after he’s helped, he may leave or even become rude.

Thinking and speech hypothyma

  1. Doesn't like and doesn't know how to communicate
  2. Avoids people
  3. Speech is poorly developed, although he may be well-informed intellectually

Communication and behavior of hypothyma

  1. Never expects anything good
  2. Can ruin the mood of any person, even the most positive one
  3. Constantly analyzes his mistakes, even the most insignificant ones. Inflates them to the size of the Universe and suffers. He counts himself among the losers, and revels in his torment.
  4. Works conscientiously and is especially critical of the results of his work
  5. Chooses a profession where he can be in solitude and peace

Hypotyma's motto: “Not everything is as bad as it seems. Everything is much worse."


CONFORMAL- a representative of the gray mass of opportunists. He quickly changes his mind as soon as he comes under the influence of a new leader. Always supports someone whom he sees as an authoritative person.

Appearance of conformal

  1. As everybody

Facial expressions and pantomimics of conformal

  1. Ingratiating

Conformal thinking and speech

  1. Never have an opinion
  2. Captures the general mood of the crowd well and clearly voices the general opinion

Communication and behavior of conformist

  1. Tries to be convenient for the one he considers a leader

The motto is “Think like everyone else, do like everyone else, and have everything be like everyone else.”


UNSTABLE- extremely mobile, unable to concentrate. Having absolutely no opinion of his own, and easily falling under the influence of any person.


ASTHENIC- extremely tired, painful, suspicious. An unusually capricious greenhouse flower.

No. 13. LABILE

LABILE- a person with severe mood swings from minor events. Any little thing can make him angry, at the same time the same little thing brings him into a state of joyful ecstasy


CYCLOID- a person with cyclical mood swings. Absolutely unpredictable and unbalanced. The mood changes for no apparent reason. In life it is very difficult to communicate.


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The human psyche is least inclined to “fall into pieces.” In it, like in an attic, everything is scattered in disarray. Nevertheless, psychologists do not give up attempts to carry out an inventory of property in our “attics”. That's why they come up with different types of personalities. What they came up with is of course arbitrary, but it still gives some orientation. That’s what I want to introduce to you.
Carl Jung divided people into two types - extroverts and introverts. Extrovert - means living an “outside” life (extra - outside of something). Such a person is flighty, not prone to reflection, analysis, loving communication and life’s pleasures.
An introvert (intro - inside something) is a person who lives “within himself”, does not need constant “feeding” from the outside world, and is prone to loneliness, philosophizing, collecting, and order.
Not only Jung, but most of us divide people into two types. Only the criteria are different, more down-to-earth: friend - foe, smart - fool, son of a bitch - son of a bitch, but not a son of a bitch. And Venichka Erofeev, the author of the cult work “Moscow - Cockerels,” divided people into those to whom he would pour and those to whom he would not pour. Everyone, undoubtedly, has their own point of view on their location in one or another “camp” and this point of view, of course, is absolutely correct and cannot be doubted. After all, we are polite people, aren’t we? And politeness is the ability to hide how highly we value ourselves and how insignificant others seem to us.

The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, divided people into three types - psora, sycosis and syphilis. These are response options similar to psoriasis, gonorrhea and syphilis. A very original psychological classification. But I cited it not as an anecdote (I have respect for Hahnemann), but as an example of the fact that there are such, at first glance, strange approaches. Who is interested in learning how “gonorrhea” reacts to various life situations - rummage through the homeopathic literature.

Options for dividing people into four types. Here, undoubtedly, the most worthy is the Hippocratic classification, although, strictly speaking, this is a classification not of psychological types, but of temperaments. It has many similarities with the classification of I.P. Pavlov, but since Hippocrates published his work a couple of thousand years earlier, the copyright most likely belongs to him.
I will not describe in detail the difference between choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic, since I assume that you know it. In general something like this:

Of the options for dividing people into many psychological types, the most interesting is the classification of Karl Leonhard. Leonhard introduces the concept of “accentuated personality”. Accentuations are psychological characteristics that give a person his individual traits. According to a German psychiatrist, half the population of any country consists of accentuated individuals, and the other half is a standard type of people. But the “standard type” also has certain individual traits, only they are not clearly expressed.
Leonhard also considers all possible combinations of character traits and temperament. Let's simplify. Let’s discard the specific terminology and translate everything into understandable language (may experts forgive me for such a free interpretation).

The demonstrative, hysterical type is an “artist.”

The core of such a person’s personality is ostentation. He is called demonstrative because he loves to demonstrate himself, as if to present himself to the public.
Hysteria is a psychological concept that has nothing to do with hysterics and breaking dishes in the kitchen. Hysteroids (that is, “artists” in life, not necessarily by profession) prefer bright, tasteful clothes, they are characterized by mannered behavior, he (she) loves when others pay attention to him (her). These people are lively, interesting, bright, talkative, with a good imagination, but deceitful - it costs them nothing to get out of any situation with the help of a quickly invented fable. Self-praise and self-pity are characteristic. Everything about them is exaggerated. As children, they try to be the center of attention of adults and peers, for which they constantly commit various ridiculous acts. However, any child is hysterical to one degree or another.
Such people are characterized by recklessness - they often make rash decisions, for which they later have to pay. Sometimes they make demonstrative attempts at suicide, which never, unless by accident, end in real suicide.
“Artists” see themselves not as they really are, but as they would like to see themselves. You cannot rely on them - they will promise and forget. They avoid difficulties, often by escaping into illness. "Exhaustion nervous system“,” “weak heart” with a normal cardiogram, migraines, phobias and other psychosomatic disorders are their inseparable companions.

Pedantic personalities

Everything is clear here. A pedantic person performs any work scrupulously, without missing a single detail, often “drowns” in these details and therefore cannot complete what he started. He's never late. The house is in complete order, everything is on its shelf, everything is in order, not a speck of dust anywhere. The folder neatly contains medical reports, cardiograms from thirty years ago, morning and evening blood pressure readings, and the daily presence or absence of stool is recorded. If you need to take medications, not only the hours of administration are observed, but also the minutes.
I would prefer to have my car repaired by a pedant (do such auto mechanics exist?). The pedantic doctor endlessly sends the patient for all necessary and unnecessary tests, knows perfectly and follows all the indications and contraindications for prescribing medications. A pedant accountant (by the way, only a pedant can be an accountant) will clearly explain to the director how, following imaginable and inconceivable instructions, he will have to bring the enterprise to bankruptcy.
Is being a pedant good or bad? Such a criterion does not apply here. Is it raining - is it good or bad?

Stuck Personalities(in psychiatric terminology, paranoid or paranoid orientation).

But this is more likely bad than good (although there is no friend in taste and color). Translated into everyday language - vindictive people. What comes to the fore is the persistence of grievances, suspicions, and obvious and imaginary injustices committed against them. If a “not stuck” person, having been offended by someone, “sulks” the next day, and the next day forgets about the insult, then the “stuck” person, the next day, and a week later, and a month later, when remembering the “injustice”, internally reacts with such with the same force as in the beginning, mentally scrolling through various plans for “revenge”, conducting legal proceedings for years.
These people are extremely suspicious, they are sure that at work “behind their back” a certain group of employees is weaving intrigues against them. They are definitely jealous. Any action of the spouse is interpreted by them as “proof of infidelity” - the wife came home from work half an hour late - “probably chatted with this bald guy”, someone on the phone “got to the wrong place” - “bald, bastard, checking if I’m at home.”
Or maybe “if he’s not jealous, it means he doesn’t love”? Maybe so, but then “if he doesn’t hit, it means he doesn’t love.” In taste and color, you know, there is no bald person.

Excitable Personalities
Not exactly a good term, but Leonhard couldn’t come up with a better one.

As a rule, these are quite primitive people with an athletic build and a sports-gangster appearance. Tolerance is alien to them. In conflict situations, it doesn’t even occur to them that the dispute can be resolved without fists. And they enter into conflicts over the most trifling reasons, sometimes deliberately looking for a victim (using the “let me smoke” method). Professionally, these people find themselves either in security or among those from whom they need to protect something.

(hypomaniacal, “fast” type, choleric).

He is constantly on the move. Thoughts instantly replace each other, new ideas appear before the old ones have time to be forgotten. Such people go to bed late and wake up early. They take on a hundred things at once, but since everything quickly gets boring, they rarely finish anything. They constantly need to run for something, go somewhere, help someone, call, promise, remember the promise but not keep it. They disappear for days, eat little, a lot of people are involved in their “activity” - everyone is looking for them and rarely can find them, eternal financial debts, unpredictable sexual encounters (they can’t date one person for a long time - it gets boring quickly). Such people don’t say, “What’s new? “Yes, everything is as before.” For them, so many events happen in a week that others would not experience in a year.
In general, these are interesting people, everyone is drawn to them, they are the “life of the party”, possessing an excellent command of words and a sense of humor.

Distimik(in psychiatric terminology, a subdepressive person, and in everyday terminology, a pessimist).

If you try to express in one phrase what such a person says, it will sound: “Everything is bad.” If some event can be interpreted in two ways, both from the good and the bad side, a pessimist will definitely find only a negative connotation in it. (“It’s raining, does that mean there will be a good harvest? No, everything will be flooded with water and nothing will grow”). If something can only be interpreted as good (my daughter finally entered university), a pessimist again interprets it only as bad (“what will they teach her there - just drink and smoke?”). If a pessimist has a great family, then for him this may mean “I’m bothering them all, I’m taking up so much of their time, they’re spending so much money on me”), if it’s an excellent job, then “well, it was broadcast on the radio that the miners are on strike, that means school teachers, including me, will be laid off, and the money will be given to the miners”). A pessimist is in a constant feeling and expectation of unhappiness, and the interpretation of everything that happens is based on this expectation.
These are very difficult people for those around them, especially for close relatives who are forced to endure the black energy of depression. It is almost impossible to convince such a person of anything. In severe cases, an attempt to persuade is interpreted as a “confirmation” of the fact that “I am a superfluous person” and real, and not demonstrative (like a hysteric) suicide is just around the corner.
Affectively labile temperament

This is the so-called cycloid.

Cycloids are characterized by alternating “fast” psychological phases (hypomaniacal) and depressive (“pessimistic”) phases.
For most of us, it is natural to alternate between good and bad moods, depression and optimism, happiness and unhappiness. The difference between cycloids and all others is that, firstly, these poles are clearly expressed, and secondly, they have clearly defined boundaries.

Exalted type

Close to hysteroid. Less artistry, more impressionability and emotional extremes. They say about such people - “either from happiness in seventh heaven, or severe grief.” There is no middle ground. Extremely naive. They perceive everything with wide open eyes, “Oh, this is so unusual and interesting!!! Fantastic!!!". They believe in UFOs and “boomers,” and “melt” from compliments, taking them “at face value.” They remain little children all their lives.

Anxious (fearful) individuals

In childhood, people of this orientation tend to be afraid of something all the time - dogs, teachers, older children, the dark, thunderstorms. Peers quickly recognize them and turn them into objects of ridicule and bullying.
For adults, the picture is somewhat different - fear fades into the background, and indecision, self-doubt, timidity, and humility come to the fore. They are not able to defend their position in a dispute, they are not able to be persistent. They have a developed “inferiority complex.” They worry about others and themselves, and are concerned about their health.
Among such people, the largest number are hypochondriacs - it seems to them that they are sick with some hidden illness that no one can identify.

Emotive Personalities

What psychological type are you? This is probably the question that a psychologist or psychotherapist will ask you if you come to see him.
What will he do next? It depends on his specialization. What I will now describe in no way pretends to be a comprehensive and detailed presentation of the methods of psychotherapy. The goal is to show that psychotherapy is not just “close your eyes... you feel good... open your eyes... you're healthy”, but something more extensive and interesting.

The efforts of a large number of prominent scientists are aimed at developing a classification that most accurately describes all personality types. In psychology, this work is recognized as one of the main tasks. Currently, several thousand classification options have been formulated, but, obviously, not all of them have received practical dissemination and recognition by the scientific community.

Personality types

Personality is a complex, complex concept that includes several individual characteristics of a person. The term denotes a set of psychophysiological characteristics that determine the behavior of an individual, as well as his interaction with society and the outside world. All existing classifications describing psychological personality types are not universal, and their practical significance is sometimes limited to quite specific tasks.

The classification of accentuations - peculiar borderline states of the psyche - has become widespread. The term was proposed in 1968 by K. Leonhard. Accentuations are recognized as problems that complicate a person’s normal life. They, unlike mental disorders, are not absolutely destructive in nature, since they do not lead to complete social maladjustment, do not appear continuously throughout the patient’s life and distort only individual reactions to psychogenic influences.

According to the classification of A. E. Lichko, the following personality types are distinguished:

  • hyperthymic or overactive personality type. The person is constantly in high spirits. He is extremely active and sociable, does not tolerate loneliness, monotony and monotonous work. A person with such an accentuation often takes on many things at once, but rarely brings them to the end;
  • cycloid personality type. In this case, a person’s behavior and feelings are cyclical. Periods of hyperthymia are replaced by subdepression. Each phase is not always pronounced and lasts no longer than 2 weeks. There may be a long pause between them. During the period of subdepression, a person becomes extremely sensitive, takes public criticism painfully, and abandons previously started work;
  • labile personality type. A person is characterized by frequent and sudden changes in mood. He is extremely sensitive, especially in relationships with other people. For labile type also characterized by kindness, responsiveness, sociability and sincerity;
  • astheno-neurotic personality type. A person is characterized by irritability, a tendency to hypochondria, fatigue, discipline and accuracy. Competitive activity is perceived negatively. The destruction of planned plans can lead to an emotional breakdown;
  • sensitive personality type. This type of accentuation is characterized by increased impressionability and self-doubt, which often leads to problems in relationships with other people. Social recognition is important for a person. He is also distinguished by calmness, empathy, kindness;
  • psychasthenic personality type. A person is subject to reflection, it is difficult for him to make important decisions, any responsibility is perceived painfully. In everyday life, he shows conscientiousness, a critical attitude to his actions, prudence and accuracy;
  • schizoid personality type. The person is reserved. He is immersed in his inner experiences and fantasies, but rarely shares them with others;
  • epileptoid personality type. Accentuation is characterized by authoritarianism, high excitability, and constant psycho-emotional stress. A person is often in an angry, melancholy mood, which is interspersed with outbursts of aggression. He is distinguished by pedantry and pettiness. While intoxicated, he often behaves aggressively;
  • hysterical personality type. A person is characterized by egocentrism, sociability, and initiative. He tolerates criticism painfully and is prone to ostentatious suicide;
  • unstable personality type. This form of accentuation is characterized by laziness, craving for entertainment and idleness, sociability, openness, but relationships with other people are sometimes superficial. A person strives to get rid of external control;
  • conformist personality type. A person tries to match his surroundings as much as possible, but sudden changes in the situation are perceived painfully.

In everyday practical activities, in particular, when recruiting personnel in large companies, the Myers-Briggs typology is often used. The method is based on identifying the following groups of individual attitudes and preferences:

  1. Orientation of consciousness (scale E-I):
  • E, extraversion - orientation of a person’s consciousness towards the environment;
  • I, introversion - the orientation of consciousness towards a person’s internal experiences.
  1. The way a person is guided when making decisions in specific situations (S-N scale):
  • S, common sense - specific information about the problem is taken into account;
  • N, intuition - the decision is made on the basis of generalized information.
  1. The principle on which decision-making is based (T-F scale):
  • T, thinking - all options are subject to critical analysis;
  • F, feeling - the final decision is made based on emotional feelings.
  1. Method on the basis of which the final decision is prepared (J-P scale):
  • J, judgment - each stage of activity is planned in advance and carefully, all data is systematized;
  • P, perception - activity is carried out based on current and newly emerging circumstances.

Determination of personality type occurs using special questionnaires, the exact content of which depends on the specific variation of the methodology. The result of testing is various combinations of preferences that guide a person in his professional and everyday activities. Despite its widespread use, the method is criticized by the scientific community. The main complaints come down to two problems:

  • the results of testing and clinical diagnosis very often differ;
  • During the survey process, a person can lie, and the method does not allow one to recognize distorted data.

Another popular classification defines social types personality. The method is based on the assumption that a person’s character is largely determined by the external environment and the prevailing norms in society. As a result, the following stand out:

  • traditionalists, for whom duty, responsibility, and compliance with laws are primary, but the desire for self-realization is weak;
  • idealists are critical of existing norms and authorities, strive for their own development and independence;
  • realists, who combine equally the desire for discipline, self-control and personal development;
  • hedonistic materialists strive for pleasure and do not build long-term strategies;
  • a frustrated personality type is characterized by a feeling of detachment, isolation from society, accompanied by passivity and low self-esteem.

How to determine your personality type?

Since none of existing classifications is not universal, the question of what type of personality corresponds to a particular person does not have a clear answer. The choice of one technique or another depends on practical problems.

Thus, the corresponding characteristics of personality types can be used in career guidance, personnel selection, organizing the work of educational and correctional institutions, etc. For example, the information obtained allows us to identify students who are unable to adequately resist external aggression and provide them with additional protection or psychological support.

The vast majority of methods involve questionnaires. The personality type test contains a fairly large number of questions, divided into certain groups, each of which allows you to identify a corresponding characteristic. The questions involve an individual assessment of the respondent’s current or usual state, as well as a typical reaction to certain life situations. Some methods allow you to identify unreliable, deliberately distorted data.

All people on planet Earth look approximately the same: two legs, two arms, an oval head with a demolition in the middle... But, finding themselves in the same situation, each person behaves differently: someone accepts all the gifts of fate with cold calm, others vigorously manifest their emotions. Back in the days of the ancient Greeks, the famous physician Hippocrates, being a very observant person, analyzed the behavior of a group of people and systematized his observations into a theory that we know today as the classification of personality psychotypes.

Psychotypes of personality - external signs and behavioral characteristics

So, how many human psychotypes are there according to the Hippocratic classification? The answer to this question is four. Moreover, this indicator has not changed even after thousands of years. This means that the essence of a person, the difference between the conditions surrounding him and the level of comfort in life, remains unchanged.

Hippocrates associated the presence of one or another psychotype in a person with the predominant “vital juices” in his body:

  • Choleric - bile predominates.
    - blood predominates.
  • Sanguine - lymph predominates;
    - “black bile” predominates.

Bile does not allow a choleric person to sit still. It is characterized by mobility, vividness of expressed emotions and impulsiveness. Such people make decisions quickly, are fickle and often have an explosive nature. Sometimes they are aggressive and cannot tolerate defeat. Choleric people rarely make concessions or compromises.

The phlegmatic person, like the blood that flows through the veins, is distinguished by calmness and regularity. It is almost impossible to get such a person out of his mind and to get him to display violent emotions. He reacts to any bright events with icy calm. He is used to keeping everything under control and makes decisions only after he has thought everything through thoroughly.

Lymph is a light and transparent liquid. The same sanguine person - easy-going, calm and friendly. Sanguine people get along well with people, are always positive and moderately active. It is impossible to find a better interlocutor; they are always trying to understand, help and suggest.

Melancholic people are filled with “black bile,” which is why their life is so dark and joyless. They cannot enjoy life and constantly find reasons for sadness and anxiety. Melancholic people love to complain about their lives without trying to change anything. I like to dig around and find more and more reasons for sadness.

Each of the psychotypes is almost never found in its pure form. Usually a person has signs of several psychotypes at once, but some of them are more pronounced, some less pronounced. Each of the psychotypes of the Hippocratic theory contains good and bad qualities. Even a sad melancholic person can become a good and reliable friend. A benevolent sanguine person is also distinguished by excessive naivety.

Many modern psychologists say that the Hippocratic classification is hopelessly outdated, and prefer to be guided by others, more modern definitions human psychotypes.

Classification of psychotypes according to socionic type

This theory was developed in the 70s of the twentieth century. Accordingly, a person’s psychotype is determined depending on how a person perceives incoming information and reacts to it. The mechanism for perceiving information is built on the totality of a person’s thinking, behavior and outlook on life. Each psychotype has its own strengths and weaknesses.

Socionics suggests determining a person’s psychotype by assigning it to one of two characteristics, each of the categories below:

  • logician/ethicist - communication - exchange of information or energy;
  • sensory/intuitive - guided by facts or intuition;
  • rational/irrational - adheres to the intended goals or changes them slightly;
  • extrovert/introvert - able to immediately absorb a large amount of information or prefers to concentrate on individual details.

Finally, four indicators of a person’s psychotype are determined. Depending on which characteristics were chosen, a person is assigned to a code of sixteen psychotypes.

  • Balzac - critic;
  • Huxley - advisor;
  • Hugo enthusiast;
  • Gaben - master;
  • Gorky - inspector;
  • Hamlet is a mentor;
  • Dostoevsky is a humanist;
  • Jack London - entrepreneur;
  • Don Quixote - seeker;
  • Dreiser-keeper;
  • Dumas is a mediator;
  • Yesenin - lyricist;
  • Zhukov - Marshal;
  • Napoleon - politician;
  • Robespierre - analyst;
  • Stirlitz is an administrator.

One can guess that each historical personality, after whom a certain psychotype was named, most clearly characterizes all the character traits inherent in a certain type.

Psychotype test

There are a huge variety of tests to determine a person’s psychotypes. They can be easily found on the Internet and in psychology books. Such tests are used not only to have fun, but also for more important tasks. For example, during interviews, hiring managers often test candidates for a job to determine whether a person is suitable for a particular job. No matter how beautiful and meaningful the theory of distribution of psychotypes to a socionic type is, most often during interviews they prefer to determine a person’s type using only four or five psychotypes.

The simplest test for personality type is geometric. To carry it out, you just need to arm yourself with a pen or a piece of paper. A person is asked to draw on paper one of the five geometric shapes that first came to his mind: a circle, a square, a rectangle, a triangle, and then he is asked to draw the remaining shapes in the order that he likes best. Thus, the first figure is the dominant psychotype of a person, and the order of the others shows how clearly the qualities of the remaining figures are manifested to him.

As already mentioned, a person always has several mixed psychological types, but one of them certainly dominates:

  • The circle is kind and highly moral people. They get along well with people, fit well into any team, but they are bad bosses and managers, since they cannot command and give orders. The circle really dislikes conflicts and tries with all its might to smooth them out.
  • Square is characterized by hard work, organization and decency. The square is very neat and punctual. Before completing the task, he will definitely clarify all the details and do everything in accordance with the instructions, without any changes, on his own initiative. He gets lost when he needs to make a quick decision, because he is used to being measured and working according to plan. Therefore, such a person will not make a good manager, but as a performer he is ideal
  • Rectangle is an unpredictable and unstable person. This is the type of person who often moves from one geometric figure to another. Children are usually squares during the period of personality formation. They are characterized by low self-esteem and a constant search for something new. Often the work they start is not completed.
  • Triangle - has strong leadership qualities. A good leader, confident in everything, who goes to the goal no matter what. He categorically refuses to admit his mistakes. They love it when their orders are carried out unquestioningly. The main thing for such people is a career.
  • Zigzag is a creative and extraordinary personality. Usually such people are called geniuses. They are capable of creating a masterpiece, but they live surrounded by constant chaos. Idealists do not tolerate clear rules and instructions. They know how to prove they are right.

Such a psychotype test allows recruiting managers to determine whether a person is suitable for the position for which he is applying. Naturally, confident triangles are best suited for leadership positions; as an idea generator, a zigzag would be best.

Knowing these tricks, you can mislead the HR manager and get the desired position. But it should be taken into account that if a person is a pronounced circle, then in the place of the boss he will feel uncomfortable. A zigzag will never be a good performer of monotonous work; an aquadrat is incapable of creativity and gushing with ideas. Therefore, you should think carefully before going against your nature.

Psychotypes of personality was last modified: December 18th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

To date, several thousand classifications have been developed according to personality type in psychology, differing in the level of internal consistency and classification grounds. At the same time, the boundaries between psychological types in any classification are quite blurred. In each, under certain circumstances, one can see manifestations of one or another psychotype. However, careful observation of a person reveals a characteristic way of reacting emotionally and thinking in most life situations. These individual characteristics are of interest to psychologists.

The problem of personality typology was raised by Carl Jung back in 1921 in his work “Psychological Types.” The Swiss psychiatrist explained the fundamental theoretical disagreements of many prominent scientists by differentiating people by psychological type. For example, Jung explained Sigmund Freud’s desire to look for the reasons for human behavior in the unconscious by the psychoanalyst’s introversion. Alfred Adler's attempts to consider the development of the psyche in the social context of his extraversion.

Despite the fact that it is easier for a person to perform activities characteristic of his psychotype, the scientific division into psychological personality types does not imply negative labels, does not impose restrictions on freedom of choice, and does not prohibit development in any desired direction.

  1. Asthenic (ectomorph) with narrow bones, undeveloped muscles and an almost complete absence of subcutaneous fat layer. The corresponding type of temperament is cerebrotonic. Prefers thinking to direct action, and is constrained in social contacts. When problems arise, he withdraws into himself. Predisposition to schizophrenia.
  2. Athletic (mesomorph) - the owner of a developed skeleton and muscles. Type of psychology - somatonic - purposeful, persistent, energetic, risk-taking, somewhat tough in communication. When faced with a problematic situation, he resorts to active decisive actions in search of a solution. Predisposed to epilepsy.
  3. Picnic (endomorph) with a tendency to obesity and accumulation of fat mainly in the torso. Visceronic temperament - good-natured, open, social, inclined to seek physical comfort and enjoy food. In critical situations, he tends to seek help from those around him. Predisposed to depression.

Leonhard's typology

German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard identified 6 types of people in psychology according to temperament.

  1. Hyperthymic temperament: elevated mood, thirst for activity, disorganization, dislike of strict boundaries and restrictions.
  2. Dysthymic: depressed mood predominates. Tends to be solitary, slow. Stands out for his serious ethical position.
  3. Cyclothymic - characterized by periodic changes in mood: when elevated, it develops vigorous activity, when decreased, performance drops sharply.
  4. Anxious and suspicious - fearful, efficient, worried about failures for a long time.
  5. Emotive - soft-hearted, compassionate type.
  6. Affective - exalted temperament: characterized by a wide range and severity of emotional reactions. He easily becomes delighted for minor reasons, and just as easily falls into despair at the slightest failure.

Leonhard also considered 4 types of people based on the psychology of accentuation. Accentuation of character is the expression of certain psychological traits, as a result of which a person becomes vulnerable to certain psychogenic influences. When accentuation is pronounced, the same type of difficulties and conflicts with others arise. In advanced cases, psychology considers these types of people as a deviation from the norm - psychopathy, which prevents them from adapting to society.

If a person has pronounced psychological problems, for example, fears, phobias, panic attacks, addiction, etc., he needs the help of a qualified specialist, for example, psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

The main features of accentuated personalities:

  • demonstrative type - a tendency towards posing, artistry, the desire to rise in the eyes of others, which leads to deceit and embellishment of information about oneself;
  • pedantic - rigidity, slowness, indecisiveness, accuracy;
  • stuck - rancor, a tendency to “get stuck” for a long time on certain thoughts and feelings, especially when it comes to hurt pride, suspicion, jealousy;
  • excitable type - impetuosity, impulsiveness, intolerance, immunity to criticism.

Personality types: psychology of conflicts

Researchers note manifestations various types personalities in the psychology of a person caught in a conflict situation.

  1. Demonstrative. Emotionally superficial psychotype. He does not avoid conflicts; when sorting out relationships, he admires his suffering and perseverance. To get your way from such a person, you need to express your point of view in such a way that you get the impression that this is his brilliant idea, and you are just supporting it. To soften the mood of a demonstrative psychotype, do not skimp on compliments.
  2. Rigid. He has high self-esteem, is suspicious and overly critical of others. He fears that he may be treated unfairly. To neutralize the conflict, it is advisable to use the organization’s charter and previously established rules. If the rigid type does not have a specific status, you need to provide it.
  3. Ungovernable. Impulsive, unnecessary, non-self-critical. When problems arise, I am ready to blame anyone but myself. Maybe provocatively. When a conflict arises with such a person, it is important not to show the reaction that he is seeking - to hide fear or irritation.
  4. Ultra-precise. Places increased demands on both himself and others. Therefore, others often feel that their work has become the object of his petty quibbles. Such a person should not be given control over others - he will run away. It is advisable to give assignments with a focus on the subject, for example, the person responsible for the office.
  5. Conflict-free. Indecisive, often fluctuates in his assessment of the situation. He is afraid to take responsibility for decisions made and to openly express his point of view. Can change his mind under the influence of another person. When talking with this type of personality, you can rely on the opinion of authorities or the majority, and demonstrate a desire to come to a compromise.

Psychotypes should not be divided into good and bad. Nature rarely makes mistakes. Each type of personality is indispensable in its field. It is important to learn to accept the psychological characteristics of others and help them find a place in which they can express themselves at their best.

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