October 28 signs and rituals. Always be open and active. The name of the day is Athanasius. Characteristics of a person named Afanasy

Many autumn signs that we inherited from our ancestors are important even now. Most of them will help you avoid troubles and misfortunes in the future, as well as properly prepare for winter.

First autumn month came to an end, and with it the Indian summer ended. In October, as usual, cold rains, falling leaves and the first reminders of the onset of winter await us. At this time, there is a sharp change in weather conditions, and many signs are a kind of forecast for the coming months. Signs for October will help you find out what changes await you in the near future and whether it is worth taking out warm clothes from your wardrobe, or whether autumn will still delight us with warmth.

Signs for every day

In October, every day is associated with certain signs...

October 1st. If you see a flock of cranes flying away on this day, it means that the first snow will fall on Pokrov (October 14).

2 October. On this day the hives were collected. The bee harvest began - the period from October 2 to October 10, when it is customary to collect honey. Anyone who eats a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach during these days will be happy all year. For girls, this day could be a harbinger of a wedding. If you look into your lover’s eyes on October 2, he will soon fall madly in love with you.

October 3. If today the wind blows from the north it means cold weather, from the south it means clear and warm weather, from the west it means rain, from the east it means dry weather.

The 4th of October. It was believed that if the weather was clear but cold on this day, it meant that there would be severe frosts in winter.

October 6. This day was considered the most suitable for fortune telling with money. To do this, take water from a river or lake into a glass and leave it on the windowsill with the window open. If something falls into a glass overnight, next year awaits you financial well-being, if not, get ready for difficulties with money.

October 9. If snow falls on wet ground on this day, it will lie for a long time; if it falls on dry ground, it will melt quickly.

October 10. If there are few cones on the spruce and pine trees at this time, there will be severe frosts in winter.
If on this day warm weather, which means autumn will be warm and dry.

October 11. Among the people - Kharitonov Day. It was believed that October 11 devilry walks the streets, and many did not go outside to avoid damage, the evil eye or misfortunes.

October 12- Day of Theophan the Merciful. It was believed that on this day Feofan blocked the sun from frost. If the weather is warm on this day, it means there will be no cold weather.

October 14- Pokrov day, religious holiday dedicated to the appearance of the Virgin Mary. It was believed that the first frosts began on this day. People were harvesting crops and finally completing agricultural work. If it snowed that day, they prepared for cold and snowy winter, and clear weather foreshadowed a warm winter.

October 15. People believed that on this day demons go for a walk. Therefore, people went to church in the morning, prayed and asked to take away troubles and misfortunes from them. However, those born on this day were promised happiness and good luck for life.

October 16. On this day, people with an evil eye were avoided: it was believed that if damage was caused on October 16, it would be very difficult to remove it later.

17 October. In Rus', a sharp cold snap was always expected on this day. If it was warm on October 17, it means there will be no frost in winter.

October 18. If you see a lot of crows or jackdaws on this day, cold winter will soon come.

October 19. On this day, the quantity and quality of the harvest was assessed. If there is a lot produced over the summer, the next year will pass comfortably. If the harvest is poor and rotten, financial difficulties are expected next year.

The 20th of October. If snow falls on fallen tree leaves today, it will soon melt. If the weather is clear, you will have to wait a long time for winter.

October 21. On this day it is good to buy winter clothes. It was believed that purchased warm clothes would last a long time.

22 of October- Yakov Day or Day of the first porridge. People expected the first snow on October 22 and associated it with cereals. If it snowed, they said that “Yakov sent grain.” Anyone who serves porridge on the table on this day will live in abundance throughout the next year.

October 23. If by this day there are still fruits on the rowan tree, there will soon be a lot of rain.

October 24. If by this day the ice on the river is already strong, then you can walk on it, and the whole year will pass in prosperity.

the 25th of October. The starry sky today portends a rich harvest for next year. Bright stars indicate the coming cold, dim stars indicate warmth.

October 26. If on this day you see a cat licking itself, it means that severe cold and snowfall are approaching.

27th October. The day was considered women's day. Young girls and women were forbidden to do household chores, and those who neglected this sign could attract misfortune to themselves and their home. If labor begins on this day, it will pass quickly and painlessly.

28 of October. The most favorable day for cleaning. It was believed that today, along with the garbage, all troubles and misfortunes are swept out of the house.

29th of October. If you get caught in the rain on this day, illness will bypass you all year.

October 31. The last day of the month was considered the last day for leaf fall. If the leaves have not yet fallen by this day, the winter will be long and cold.

It was not for nothing that our ancestors attached great importance to signs. After all, thanks to them, they learned what awaited them in the future and could prepare themselves for unforeseen circumstances. Many signs have reached us. If you follow them, you can attract happiness and good luck and

On October 28, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Euthymius of Thessalonica (824-898), who before his tonsure bore the name Nikita. Euthymius was born into a Christian family. His mother insisted that he marry early. When the guy turned 18, he left his wife and daughter and went to a monastery on Mount Olympus, where he took monastic vows. He was sent to the cenobitic monastery of Pisidion, where he stayed for about 16 years.

In 858, the saint accepted the great schema and went to Athos, where he began to live with the hermit Joseph. They began to compete with each other in mortification. When rumors about his asceticism began to spread, Euthymius went to the island of St. Eustratius, located next to Athos.

In 863, Euthymius came to Thessaloniki, where he took on the feat of pillar-bearing. When his friend Joseph died, he moved to Mount Peristera, located on the eastern side of the city of Thessaloniki. There he restored the dilapidated monastery of St. Andrew and organized a monastic community in it. Later Euthymius founded convent, in which many of his relatives settled, who believed in Christ after the sermons of Euthymius. When life in the monasteries he founded improved, he returned to Mount Athos.

A few months before his death, Euthymius went to Palestine. From there his relics were transported to Thessaloniki, where they are kept today in the Basilica of St. Demetrius.

October 28: rituals and traditions of the day

It's getting colder every day. People said about this date: “ Efimy closes the roots of trees and grasses with the ground with cold, covers insects in the grass, induces sleep».

At this time, our ancestors carried out crumpling and fraying of flax. The crumpled flax was ruffled to clear the remains of the fire. They worked very quickly so that the flax did not have time to fill with moisture. Otherwise, it had to be dried again.

Ruffled flax different ways- hitting the fiber against a wall or pole, but more often they did this using a “ruffle” - a board made of coniferous tree knife-shaped or spade-shaped. Each house had several such instruments, some of them were passed down by inheritance.

During work, the direction and force of the impact were carefully measured. For chatting, women gathered in a bathhouse, in an empty stable, in an uninhabited but warm hut. Scraping is a dirty and difficult task. During the day's work, the walls and windows of the room were covered with gray flax dust. If the weather allowed, we worked outdoors. While chatting, they discussed various events, sang songs, and composed ditties.

The torn flax was sorted by quality and color. The remaining waste was used for household needs - they made coarse ropes, made ropes, bedding for livestock, and caulked wooden buildings.

The flax was carded 2-4 times, using different brushes: iron, wooden, and pig bristles. Flax combed and prepared for yarn was called tow.

On this day, healers read a conspiracy to crave the female body. To do this, they took a bone left over from the dinner of a person indifferent to the female sex and threw it to a stray dog. When the dog takes the bone, you need to say:

Like a dog throwing itself at a bone,

This is how the servant of God (name) awakens his desire for a woman’s body.

Now, forever, for all time!

October 28: signs and beliefs

  1. If snow falls on this day, then next autumn there will be a rich harvest of bread.
  2. If the moon is in circles, but the sky is clear, frost will soon strike.
  3. Reddish and blurry circles near the moon indicate snow and wind.
  4. A cloud is visible above the rising sun - a sign of bad weather.
  5. A cat drinks water more than usual - this means bad weather.
  6. If the dog refuses to eat, then bad weather is approaching.
  7. There are a lot of mice on the threshing floor - there will be winter with thaws.
  8. If a rooster crows 12 times before taking off to roost, then tomorrow the weather will change.
  9. Chickens scratching means rain.
  10. If mosquitoes appear, then the winter will be warm.

Person born 28 October, has excellent organizational skills. He is almost always full of strength and energy. His stone is Amazonite.

Video: church calendar for October 28


    • . In other words, a horoscope is an astrological chart drawn up taking into account place and time, taking into account the position of the planets relative to the horizon. To construct an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies were located in given time and in this place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors (zodiac signs. Referring to natal astrology, you will be able to better understand yourself and others. A horoscope is a tool for self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope130
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future using dominoes; this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes using tea and coffee grounds, from the palm of their hand, and from the Chinese Book of Changes. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, accept them not as an immutable truth, but as a warning. Using fortune telling, you predict your destiny, but with some effort, you can change it.">Fortune telling67

What is important to do today? Signs for every day of October will help you! This is important to know - they will help you avoid troubles and misfortunes in the future, as well as properly prepare for winter.

The first month of autumn has come to an end, and with it the Indian summer has come to an end. In October, as usual, cold rains, falling leaves and the first reminders of the onset of winter await us. At this time, there is a sharp change in weather conditions, and many signs are a kind of forecast for the coming months. Signs for October will help you find out what changes await you in the near future and whether it is worth taking out warm clothes from your wardrobe, or whether autumn will still delight us with warmth.

Signs for every day

In October, every day is associated with certain signs. The experts of the site dailyhoro.ru have prepared the most important and useful of them for you.

October 1st. If you see a flock of cranes flying away on this day, it means that the first snow will fall on Pokrov (October 14).

2 October. On this day the hives were collected. The bee harvest began - the period from October 2 to October 10, when it is customary to collect honey. Anyone who eats a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach during these days will be happy all year. For girls, this day could be a harbinger of a wedding. If you look into your lover’s eyes on October 2, he will soon fall madly in love with you.

October 3. If today the wind blows from the north it means cold weather, from the south it means clear and warm weather, from the west it means rain, from the east it means dry weather.

The 4th of October. It was believed that if the weather was clear but cold on this day, it meant that there would be severe frosts in winter.

October 6. This day was considered the most suitable for fortune telling with money. To do this, take water from a river or lake into a glass and leave it on the windowsill with the window open. If something falls into a glass overnight, financial well-being awaits you next year; if not, get ready for difficulties with money.

October 9. If snow falls on wet ground on this day, it will lie for a long time; if it falls on dry ground, it will melt quickly.

October 10. If there are few cones on the spruce and pine trees at this time, there will be severe frosts in winter.
If the weather is warm on this day, it means that autumn will be warm and dry.

October 1st. Among the people - Kharitonov Day. It was believed that on October 11, evil spirits were walking through the streets, and many did not go outside to avoid damage, the evil eye or misfortunes.

October 12- Day of Theophan the Merciful. It was believed that on this day Feofan blocked the sun from frost. If the weather is warm on this day, it means there will be no cold weather.

October 14- Intercession Day, a church holiday dedicated to the appearance of the Mother of God. It was believed that the first frosts began on this day. People were harvesting crops and finally completing agricultural work. If snow fell on this day, they prepared for a cold and snowy winter, and clear weather foreshadowed a warm winter.

October 15. People believed that on this day demons go for a walk. Therefore, people went to church in the morning, prayed and asked to take away troubles and misfortunes from them. However, those born on this day were promised happiness and good luck for life.

October 16. On this day, people with an evil eye were avoided: it was believed that if damage was caused on October 16, it would be very difficult to remove it later.

17 October. In Rus', a sharp cold snap was always expected on this day. If it was warm on October 17, it means there will be no frost in winter.

October 18. If you see a lot of crows or jackdaws on this day, cold winter will soon come.

October 19. On this day, the quantity and quality of the harvest was assessed. If there is a lot produced over the summer, the next year will pass comfortably. If the harvest is poor and rotten, financial difficulties are expected next year.

The 20th of October. If snow falls on fallen tree leaves today, it will soon melt. If the weather is clear, you will have to wait a long time for winter.

October 21. On this day it is good to buy winter clothes. It was believed that purchased warm clothes would last a long time.

22 of October- Yakov Day or Day of the first porridge. People expected the first snow on October 22 and associated it with cereals. If it snowed, they said that “Yakov sent grain.” Anyone who serves porridge on the table on this day will live in abundance throughout the next year.

October 23. If by this day there are still fruits on the rowan tree, there will soon be a lot of rain.

October 24. If by this day the ice on the river is already strong, then you can walk on it, and the whole year will pass in prosperity.

the 25th of October. The starry sky today foreshadows a rich harvest for next year. Bright stars indicate the coming cold, dim stars indicate warmth.

October 26. If on this day you see a cat licking itself, it means that severe cold and snowfall are approaching.

27th October. The day was considered women's day. Young girls and women were forbidden to do household chores, and those who neglected this sign could attract misfortune to themselves and their home. If labor begins on this day, it will pass quickly and painlessly.

28 of October. The most favorable day for cleaning. It was believed that today, along with the garbage, all troubles and misfortunes are swept out of the house.

29th of October. If you get caught in the rain on this day, illness will bypass you all year.

October 31. The last day of the month was considered the last day for leaf fall. If the leaves have not yet fallen by this day, the winter will be long and cold.

It was not for nothing that our ancestors attached great importance to signs. After all, thanks to them, they learned what awaited them in the future and could prepare themselves for unforeseen circumstances. Many signs have reached us. If you follow them, you can attract happiness and good luck and avoid troubles and misfortunes.

Folk signs for October 28 - Smotriny Flax, Efim the Pious On October 28, it was supposed to be processing flax. But it was not worth sewing and washing on October 28 - it promised misfortune.

People noticed the weather and said that winter was gradually coming. IN Orthodox Church On October 28, the memory of Saint Euthymius of Solunsky was revered, who, according to historical information, lived around the 9th century in Palestine. At birth he received the name Nikita and was born into a Christian family. Nikita married early, but at the age of 18 he decided to devote himself to God, which he did by taking monastic vows in a monastery on Mount Olympus. After some time, Euthymius, who received given name after tonsure, he went to Athos, where he lived there with the hermit Joseph, with whom he competed in mortification. Subsequently, the news of his asceticism began to spread more and more. It is not surprising that pilgrims subsequently began to come to Euthymius. After his comrade Joseph died, Euthymius founded a small monastic community near Thessaloniki, restoring the ruins where the monastery of St. Andrew had previously been located. People said that on October 28, along with winter, evil spirits also become active. So, for example, a kikimora can sit down at a spinning wheel and ruin the work. If this happens, you should make the sign of the cross over the evil spirits and pray to Euthymius. The peasants remembered this and did not stop their work: they prepared yarn, ruffled flax, removed the last hives in omshaniks, etc. Kikimoras, according to beliefs, were the souls of children who died or were kidnapped by evil spirits. They do not go outside because they are afraid that they will be blown away by the wind. A kikimora may look like an old woman or a small woman. The peasants believed that if they caught a kikimora and cut a cross on its head, it would become human again. But staying in the previous form will still leave its mark even in this case - the person will either be ugly or weak-minded.

Before the wedding, brides usually spun the thread backhand from themselves, which guaranteed protection from evil forces. It was believed that the thread spun on October 28 was an excellent remedy for various ailments.

If a person was born on October 28, then his talisman is the Amazonite stone. Such people are usually full of energy and have excellent organizational skills.
In the evening, large circles are observed around the moon, but the sky itself remains clear - frost will hit very soon. Reddish and blurry circles, according to signs, portend snow and wind
Mosquitoes appeared on October 28 - winter will be warm
A cloud is visible above the rising sun - a sign that bad weather will set in in the coming days.

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