Affirmations from Natalia Pravdina for every day. The best money affirmations from natalia pravdina Affirmations with the truth about money and success

Natalia Pravdina is one of the first to successfully apply the practice of positive thinking. Through daily affirmations and teachingsFeng Shui Natalia managed to achieve incredible success and happiness.

What are affirmations and how they work

Affirmations are certain statements, verbal formulations that act on the subconscious of a person. After a certain number of repetitions, such statements are removed. indoor units and the limitations that so often prevent us from achieving what we want. Applying affirmations every day, any person begins to change and attract what he wants into his life. Unlike other methods of influencing the subconscious, the use of affirmations smoothly brings us to our goal. Specialist in Psychology and Feng Shuistates that there is no hard influence in them, so the action of affirmations does have a long and long-term effect.

It is best to say affirmations in the morning, right after you wake up, or before going to bed. At this time, our subconscious mind most actively perceives information. It is not for nothing that it is at this time that they usually readprayers- we become much more receptive at the border of day and night.

There are many affirmations for all occasions, but not all will work for you as they should. Before reading any statement, try to feel if it works for you. If you do not like something in the words of the affirmation, it is better to choose a different wording.

Many people prefer to write affirmations on their own. In this way, their effect can be made much stronger, because the statements written in your hand are created specifically for a particular case.

How to come up with affirmations yourself

Phrases that will be used for subconscious influence should always be affirmative and in a positive way. It is recommended to always speak as if you already have what you want. If you want your wish to come true, then you need to pronounce the phrase confidently, in the present tense, for example: “ I'm flying to rest at the sea».

In such affirmative verbal formulas you cannot use the "not" part, and if you write: " I'm not late for work anymore”, This will be the wrong method. This sentence can be rephrased as follows: “ I always come to work during».

Daily affirmations from Natalia Pravdina

If you have not studied this topic so deeply, you can always use ready-made affirmations, but you already know how to choose the appropriate ones. A feng shui specialist formulates approximate formulas as follows:

  • "I accept gifts from the Universe with joy and gratitude."
  • "Success constantly accompanies me in my life"
  • "My life is beautiful and is getting better every day"
  • "Luck accompanies me throughout the day"
  • "I attract love, wealth and happiness"
  • "I rejoice at every gift of Destiny"
  • "I thank the Universe for the love and happiness that are present in my life"

Affirmations can be combined with... If you pronounce monetary affirmations while at the same time in your apartment in the wealth zone, then this will greatly enhance the effect and help to speed up getting what you want. The same applies to the love zone and the health zone. Natalya Pravdina says that by saying positive affirmations daily, you make your life more successful and better.

Love yourself.

Often, our childhood experiences and the erroneous beliefs of adults in the family about money prevent us from attracting wealth over the years. Here are a few phrases that I myself heard many times as a child: "You were born a fool - you will die a fool"; “It's all for the rich”; "Stretch your legs over your clothes"; "We don't need much"; “Modesty adorns a person”; “Money is obtained only by hard work”; "You can't earn a lot of money by honest work"; “You need to know your place”; "Every cricket - know your six"; "Need to save for a rainy day".
Book Natalia Pravdina "I attract money" dedicated to changing "Poverty mindset" on "Wealth and prosperity mindset"... One of the most effective methods of this process is affirmations - positive affirmations that contribute to a change in consciousness, giving strength, good mood and self-confidence. The book also provides some simple tips for abundance and well-being in your home.

List of selected affirmations based on Natalia Pravdina's book "I Attract Money"

I am always at the right time and in the right place and do everything well.
I am the center of attraction for money, success and love.
I am always completely safe.
Money brings me peace and satisfaction in my life.
I radiate success and prosperity at every turn.
I attract money like a magnet.
I choose a happy life with money.
My income is growing every day.
I live in absolute harmony with the world.
I allow myself to embrace wealth.
Money flows to me easily now and always.
I always have more than enough money.

It's very easy to work with affirmations. Repeat them whenever you want. Better early in the morning, immediately after waking up, and in the evening before bedtime. In the morning, for a positive attitude towards the coming day, it is best to repeat the affirmations that you especially like. Always respond with an affirmation to any impulse of fear or erroneous belief like the ones above. You can repeat affirmations to yourself at the bus stop while waiting for the bus, in line at the cashier of a store, in crowded transport, and in other similar situations from which we often get annoyed. Over time, such positive statements will become our normal way of thinking. We can easily get used to being rich in the same way that we once got used to being poor. When the results of such work appear, and they will certainly appear, you can say to yourself with a sense of pride and pleasure: "I radiate success and prosperity at every turn!"

Useful tips for abundance and well-being in the house from Natalia Pravdina

1. There is a golden rule: “Love it or lose it! Use it or lose it! " “Love it or throw it away. Use it or throw it away! "... Periodically, you need to get rid of the trash that has accumulated in the house, which blocks the appearance of new things in the house. Fix anything that needs fixing and throw away anything that you can't fix. Keeping unnecessary things is the psychology of poverty in action!

2. In the refrigerator it is useful to hold a bottle of champagne. I would also add - a bottle of good cognac and a jar of red caviar - symbols of abundance. The stove in the kitchen should always be clean, because it is a symbol of nutrition and well-being in the family. I think you can add a microwave to it, which should also be clean.

3. On the dining table it is good to hold a dish with fruits, and over the dining table hang a picture depicting fertility, an abundance of fruits to attract the appropriate energy.

4. Garbage do not leave overnight, and dirty dishes should be washed immediately after eating.

5. In the bedroom the fewer things, the more restful your sleep. It is better not to store newspapers, magazines, crosswords in the bedroom.

6. In the living room it is better to place family photos, diplomas, relics, souvenirs from distant countries. All items that contribute to creating a pleasant atmosphere for communication will come in handy.

7. Portraits of people who have passed away, hung out in rooms, negatively affect living people. Natalya Pravdina also recommends throwing out all photos with former lovers and those on which you yourself do not like. Instead of old portraits, you can hang paintings depicting palaces, castles, fountains, fruits, jewelry and anything that displays wealth.

8. Don't store unnecessary gifts. Use only those things that make you happy.

9. Do not wear second-hand clothes. An exception is only for children, because they "Creatures are energetically stronger, capable of overcoming negative layers"... Store and buy only beautiful and expensive things.

10. Treat your car and another household appliances as living beings, give them names, please them with your love and gentle care.

Natalia Pravdina is one of the leading experts in the field of feng shui. Her knowledge of energy balance allowed her to createbest affirmations to increase income and money luck.

The essence of affirmations

Success and luck will not come to you on their own. To do this, you need to make room in your soul and be ready to accept the gifts of the Universe and space. As for the financial sphere of life, it is important to understand one important thing - 90 percent of your success depends on your actions. The other 10 percent is pure luck.

Affirmations are motivational phrases that make you think in the right direction and tune your energy field to the right wave. Their meaning is to learn how to attract a positive aura and keep it inside yourself, clearing itself of negativity and debris.

The fact is that we and our life are a product of thoughts and desires. First of all, you need a strong desire to become richer, and then resort to the help of affirmations. By repeating the same thing several times a day, you begin not only to say something important to yourself or out loud. You start to think like that, and the right thoughts are happiness and the key to success for everyone who wants to get rich and start a new bright life.

Affirmations for Monetary Success and Wealth

Natalia Pravdina advises everyone to use the following phrases for repetition and meditations ... Repeat them thoughtfully, in complete silence, when no one bothers you:

  • I am ready to become a rich person.
  • My life needs a makeover.
  • I attract money to me.
  • The money is mine best friends and helpers.
  • I am a successful person.
  • I prosper, develop and grow above myself.
  • Abundance is my true path that I walk through life.
  • I know what I want, so I am successful.
  • I respect money, so I let it into my life.
  • I rejoice at my successes and the successes of the people around me.
  • Money keeps me going.
  • Everything I touch blooms.
  • I believe in myself, so I get richer.
  • I can appreciate what I have.

Think positive - this is the main rule of affirmations. Make them not just thoughts or words, but the meaning of life. Only in this way the energy of the cosmos will come to you and make you happy. Let your words come from the heart.

The main emphasis should be made on only a few motivational phrases, gradually moving on to others. Do not read everything in a row, but choose only the most important for yourself.Natalia Pravdina wishes you every success and financial prosperity.

Pravdina offered affirmations that help people achieve success in all areas of life. Consider the most popular and effective positive affirmations for working with the subconscious.

Affirmations are well-formulated positive statements that are used to work with the subconscious. It is believed that by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, you can change the reality around you for a more favorable one.

  1. When you wake up in the morning, you can freely take any affirmation - it will become your motto for the next day. Read the text thoughtfully and carefully, ponder why the choice was made on this particular statement. Perhaps higher powers want to give you some kind of signal.
  2. Also read the bedtime affirmations that are appropriate for your situation. Out loud or inwardly - it doesn't matter. The main thing is that you fully concentrate on thought, fill your consciousness with it, believe in the magical power of your own subconscious.
  3. After repeating the affirmations, close your eyes and start visualizing: draw in your imagination pictures of a happy future that you are dreaming of. Imagine that happy events are already happening in your life.

After that, you can go to bed. Reading affirmations before bedtime will fill you with positive energy, you will receive a huge reserve of strength that you will need to solve problems. next day... The quality of sleep will also improve.

Examples of positive statements

Here is some of them:

  • To gain self-confidence: “I believe in myself, in my abilities and in the powerful power of my thoughts. It helps me get what I want and achieve my goals every day. "
  • To call for help higher powers: "I believe that my Guardian Angel always protects, protects me, helps in all my endeavors, fills me with love and faith."
  • For filling vitality and energy: “My strength is growing every day. I attract love and luck. I accept and give love to all who inhabit this planet. "
  • To create a positive energy radiation around me: “I fill all the space around me with goodness. I receive exactly as much as I give. I love people and they love me. "
  • To attract Divine help: “I believe that God is within me. He is always with me, he guides me on the right path, I have found my destiny, and my lucky star protects me. "
  • For the fulfillment of desires: “All my desires are easily fulfilled for my and the general good. I know what I want and I get it in simple ways. "
  • To change the attitude towards everything that happens in life (change of negative to positive, exit from the role of a victim): “I always have time for things that are important to me. I have clear goals and desires that meet the needs of my soul. Everything in my life happens on time. "
  • For spiritual growth and harmony: “I grow and develop, become stronger spiritually every day. My thoughts are free of limiting beliefs. I am an example inner strength and harmony for the people around them. "
  • To find happiness: “People rejoice at my appearance. When I am in the world, everything around me blooms and fills with light. I radiate happiness and harmony and share them with the people around me. "
  • For the search for purpose and life mission: “My highest goal is before me, and I do my best to achieve it. I know what I want and I go to it step by step. "
  • For gaining youth, health and beauty: "I am getting younger every day, my skin is smoothed, health is getting better and better, I become more attractive and I look fresh."
  • For forgiving myself and offenders: “I am free from offenses, I sincerely forgive everyone, all my negative thoughts dissolve in a stream of light. I and the people around me are one whole in the world of Divine truth. I can forgive and I do it all the time. "

Watch the video on how to write your own affirmation:

How to write a positive statement yourself

After you've gotten enough practice with the ready-made examples, you can start writing your own affirmations.

  1. The proposal must be in the present tense and in the affirmative.
  2. Only in a positive way - you cannot wish bad things either to yourself or to someone from your environment.
  3. Avoid denials and negative language.
  4. Your desire should be truly yours, ask only what you want yourself, do not try to meet the expectations of other people (mother, boss, husband or children).
  5. Start simple - first ask the Universe for little, and only then increase the "difficulty level".
  6. Repeat statements regularly. It is advisable to devote at least 10-15 minutes a day to practice.
  7. Pleasant music will enhance the efficiency of working with thoughts, which will relax your mind and allow you to fully concentrate.

You can use affirmations for meditation. In a state of meditative trance and relaxation, the subconscious mind is most receptive to whatever you want to put into it.

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