Thin gel insoles. Shol insoles - reviews. Negative, neutral and positive feedback. What problems do Scholl insoles solve?

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterized by the inability to absorb glucose, which is vital for the human body. It is this that allows all systems and internal organs function fully.

Unfortunately, chronic pathology is an incurable disease that can only be compensated through adequate therapy and lifestyle correction - special nutrition (health diet), optimal physical activity, constant sugar control.

In the vast majority of cases, doctors reserve medications for the treatment of diabetes as a last resort. Initially, many prefer to fight through medicinal plants and herbal preparations.

It is necessary to consider which herbs are needed to lower blood sugar during diabetes mellitus second type? And also find out which herbal preparations are characterized by the greatest efficiency and effectiveness.

Traditional treatment: general principles

As a rule, monotherapy with plants is acceptable in the following situations: prediabetic condition, early stage of pathology, mild diabetes.

It should be noted that despite the effectiveness of plants and their preparations, such treatment is in no way a substitute for drug therapy or proper nutrition.

An exceptionally comprehensive fight against pathology helps to compensate for the disease and stabilize sugar at the required (target) level in this particular situation.

Basic safety rules during treatment folk remedies:

  • Before using any diabetic preparation, it is recommended to consult a doctor about its compatibility with medications (if the patient is taking medications).
  • Any collection of herbs for diabetes must be carefully studied so that the development of an allergic reaction due to intolerance to the product as a whole or its individual components can be ruled out in advance.
  • It is recommended to buy medicinal herbs and infusions only at a pharmacy. The packaging must be marked that the plants have undergone radiological control and meet all sanitary standards.

If the patient takes simultaneously medicines, and drinks herbal tea for type 2 diabetes, he should not reduce the dosage of medications on his own. A doctor can do this.

This rule also applies to the first type of disease; the insulin dose should not be reduced without permission.

How do medicinal herbs help?

Healing plants have been used for hundreds of years to treat many diseases, including diabetes. Diabetes supplements do not help to completely get rid of the disease, but they can be an excellent support for the human body, reduce sugar, and improve overall well-being.

Roughly speaking, for people suffering from diabetes, all medicinal plants can be divided into two categories: herbs that reduce sugar and “other” plants.

The first category of plants helps reduce the concentration of glucose in the body, since they contain insulin-like components. The second category consists of plants that provide regulation of metabolic processes in the body and help restore the functionality of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs.

Generally speaking, treatment with folk remedies is as follows:

  1. For type 2 diabetes, the patient takes medications, plus exercises and eats right. If the form of diabetes is severe, then you may be taking medications.
  2. In the first type of disease, the patient drinks decoctions based on the necessary plants, injects insulin, and follows other doctor’s recommendations.

Despite the fact that herbs can be taken to support the body against the background of type 1 diabetes, medical practice shows that they really are of “little use.” Since, no matter what “magic” plant it is, there is no escape from insulin, and it is unlikely to be possible to reduce its dosage.

However, for type 1 diabetes, plants classified as “other” can be used.

As mentioned above, herbs must be purchased at a pharmacy. But you can also collect it yourself, provided that the collection is carried out in an environmentally friendly place and the person has the appropriate knowledge.

Collection 17 for diabetes

Herbal collection for diabetes mellitus No. 17 is a complex of medicinal plants that, in their combination, affect not only the symptoms of the pathology, but also help to some extent suppress the causes of this condition.

Contains many medicinal herbs, each of which carries a specific function. The agrimony herb provides increased functionality of the pancreas; chicory rhizome includes natural inulin (not to be confused with insulin), which should normally be produced by the pancreas.

Dried blueberries effectively cope with the normalization of sugar in the body at the target level, and beans improve the digestion process and normalize work gastrointestinal tract, are establishing metabolic processes in organism.

Generally speaking, the composition includes not only plants, but also plants that normalize internal processes.

The process of preparing a collection for diabetics is as follows:

  • Take one tablespoon of the medicinal mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling liquid.
  • Cover the container with a blanket or other warm thing and leave for 60 minutes.
  • Then strain.
  • Take 125 ml 30 minutes before meals.
  • There should be four doses per day, the last one is taken immediately before bedtime.
  • The duration of treatment is one month.

I bought Scholl insoles without even reading reviews... I just saw the system on which they are built and immediately understood - it Of course, all advertising promises can be safely divided by 2, but they still have an effect. But perhaps not on the points you expect...

  • Scholl gelactiv shock-absorbing gel insoles for closed shoes

Why do I need such insoles at all, and why did I decide to try them, without fear that they would turn out to be another advertising gimmick, like Instagram black mask ?

Shock-absorbing insoles are not just a fad.

Using insoles ( as one link in the whole COMPLEX of activities) I'm trying to reduce the load on my spine and joints.

In principle, comfortable shoes are now a necessary measure due to spinal injuries, exacerbations of osteochondrosis, stress on the joints ( especially the knees) etc. Moreover, I walk a lot ( compared to a year ago), and began to do it abruptly. Therefore, I am trying to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system as much as possible - to help both the bones, joints and muscles.

So, when I saw the new product from Scholl, I just couldn’t resist

The promises are so tempting.

Scholl gel insoles are used for:

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In principle, even if you don’t have any health problems, Shol gelactive gel insoles can be very useful

For example, do we always remember that shoes should be anatomical, comfortable... and with a 4 cm heel?! Especially when we see cute sneakers that we fall madly in love with... with the flattest and most “wrong” sole you can think of

This happened to me too...with demi-season high-tops...hmm, I don’t even know where to classify them according to the Chelsea classification, but with laces?

More likely, deserters, but with a narrow nose) Here I focus attention precisely on type of shoes and toes, in order to further describe what type of shoes the Sholl will fit ideally, and where it will not be very convenient to cut the insole.

**yes, gel insoles are needed trim

In general, derbies, deserts, etc. I love them very much... but not all of them can boast of comfortable soles. And when I took boots for the warm winter and spring, I realized from one of the pairs that it was not comfortable to walk in them for a long time... yes, they were warm, soft, etc. But here my leg gets tired, and that's it.

So this was one of the reasons for the search for anatomical shock-absorbing insoles... yes, it was a pity that the warm sheepskin through the insole would not warm the foot... but walking only a hundred meters in them is also not an option, and then “unsolder” your feet digits to relieve fatigue and return to normal.

And just in time, scholls caught my eye...

Scholl has released several insoles Scholl GelActiv, so you can choose one to suit your needs.

I didn’t even think about which ones to take...


This is exactly the option for full-fledged insoles for closed shoes, as if for the entire foot. Sholl also has small insoles for high-heeled shoes ( like, only under the toes and under the heel). But I needed an option specifically for low-speed shoes that would relieve the load from all over the foot.

I have separate sports shoes, and with such a sole that they simply do not require such insoles ( more about this below), and the Sport option was no longer available. And for the marathon, I thought that the best option would be WORK.

What is the difference between the EVERYDAY and WORK options? EVERYDAY has blue gel, WORK has black foam, and the placement of zones is different. That is, WORK is, in fact, more foam-gel insoles)

The SPORT version also has white inserts.

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Where did the IDEA for Scholl insoles come from?

Yes yes, this is already the case was))) And not only in circulation from manufacturers, but also in my use.

Not in the form of insoles, but a full-fledged shock-absorbing sole

It's nothing more than Reebok EasyTone. The same shock-absorbing pads

and the insole is very similar...

so let's spring back

Since I am well acquainted with these “spring” shoes, and felt the effect on myself, the purchase of Shol Gelaktiv insoles immediately became a necessity for me.

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In two types of gel...although, it seems, even in three

Scholl gelactiv gel insoles are made from two types of gel to absorb shock from walking or running. Soft black foam acts as a shock absorber, taking on even the smallest impacts, which allows you to avoid pain from standing for a long time and relieve fatigue from your legs. Yellow gel- to support the arch of the foot. He It has a denser structure and supports the foot in the area of ​​the heel tubercle and under the base of the toes.

There is also a blue insert;) It is the toughest)

By the way, you can touch them through the plastic packaging in which the insoles are located. before purchase- there is a hole right above the blue part of the heel with the inscription shol.

That is, you don’t take a pig in a poke.

Full composition of Shoal insoles:

100% thermoplastic elastomer.

M/F are marked very inconspicuously - just at the bottom of the box, in the left corner there is a drawing.

In the package, the insoles are separated from each other by a transparent liner so that they do not stick together.

At first I was surprised that I couldn't choose insole size. It turns out that they are universal They are simply cut along the lines that are marked on the insole itself (A, B, C).

I would advise not to cut at once at random, but ( if your shoes allow) pull out the original insole and attach it to the Gelactiv insole. You can even circle it with chalk)) And cut it according to the size of the original insole.

Why? There are shoes with a pointed toe, and some with a blunt toe. And, for example, size 38 in one and the other will be different, the insole may not fit perfectly.

Since my insole is not removable, I cut it at random and slightly missed on one leg)))

Selecting the size of women's insoles scholl gelactiv:
Suitable for sizes 38 to 42, products must be trimmed according to designation
A - size 38
B - size 39
C - size 40
Do not trim for size 42

Each insole has a L/R designation ( left/right).

They are cut, I’ll tell you, so-so... not like in advertising, easy and simple)) I conquered them greatly.

Well, how did it turn out?

But on the cut, the foam material is clearly visible.

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Shol gel insoles - do they have any effect?

The fabric part is in contact with the foot, so there is no difference from a regular insole.

There were no calluses or any unpleasant sensations when wearing it.

The foot does not sweat more than usual thanks to the ventilation holes... but not less than always ((

The insole does not fit into the shoes very well ( it is not soft like many insoles, so the narrow toe of the shoe requires some contrition to get into). But then it is fixed securely, does not move, does not slip, and does not wrinkle in shoes.

Yes, shoes with insoles have become denser.

But, as I wrote above, my shoes have the original insole didn't come out.

The manufacturer advises replace the insole.

Then the difference in thickness will not be felt so much, and the shoes will not become denser in the instep.

Mine are already “loose” in terms of model, so such compaction did not harm them.

and here's what I said about narrow shoes:

The insoles really make walking easier and reduce stress on the legs.

I’m telling you as a buyer of various “jumpers”. I’ve been using these things for a long time, and they really do have an effect, but in complex.

GelActiv technology cushions every impact and offers long-lasting support - especially useful if you spend a lot of time on your feet at work.

The “trick” here is not only in the gel, but also in the fact that the foot does not move inside the shoe ( because this creates additional stress, your legs get tired faster).

Feet with insoles actually get less tired.

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The only thing that confuses us about Scholl gel insoles is their price...

  • 760-990-1100 rub. / pair depending on the store! (most expensive on Ozone)
  • 365 UAH/pair

I got it on sale for perfumes, and for that price I got insoles and shoe deodorant as a gift.

If you buy for each pair of shoes, it’s expensive..

Well, or change the gel insoles back and forth. I don’t have many pairs of shoes that require such softening and shock absorption, so depending on the season, the insoles can be switched from boots to sneakers and vice versa)

Although the Shol insoles cannot be washed, they care very simple.

You can also clean them regularly using a cloth soaked in soapy water and then rinse under running water and dry away from direct sunlight and heating devices.

By the way, the side that is in direct contact with the foot is not gel, but fabric, but it absorbs little odors and does not get dirty more than a regular insole.

As a last resort, you can treat it with shoe deodorant.

By the way, the new Scholl insoles did not paint the inner white fur insoles, that is, the gel does not fade blue/yellow/black.

I found some very interesting contraindications to wearing Shol gel insoles:

I admit, I was surprised that it cannot be used for diabetes... on the contrary, in such cases when the foot is damaged (in any of these ways), softening of the strokes is exactly what is needed. But the manufacturer should know better...

**and you can’t tell that there’s some kind of miracle insole inside

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I recommend Scholl GelActiv orthopedic gel insoles, the product turned out to be up to par.

I'm deducting a point for, nevertheless, slightly exaggerated promises, they say, “your legs won’t get tired at all.” They will, of course, just be much smaller) So, as before, you need to approach the loads wisely.

It just so happened that since the first year I always cut in heels) it has already become a habit; for some reason I feel terribly uncomfortable on flat soles. But, of course, this causes pain in my legs, my feet suffer from this ((

By the end of the day, you especially feel your legs getting very tired and sometimes even swelling, like after a long flight. Therefore, I decided to look for some insoles so that it wouldn’t be so hard to walk in my favorite heels. A friend recommended Sсholl to me; they also have an option for high-heeled shoes. She tried them herself recently and is very pleased, although she rarely wears heels, so I decided to try them on myself)

At first I had concerns that the insoles would slip down every now and then, but they are attached very securely inside, they did not move even a centimeter)) And they themselves are very thin, they do not interfere in any way, but on the contrary make walking in heels more comfortable)

On the first day I was on my feet all day, I had to run a lot, and by the end of the day my legs didn’t hurt AT ALL) it became very comfortable to walk, I’m very happy with these insoles.

Summer is coming and it's time to change your warm shoes to loose, light and open ones. Every girl and woman knows that shoes are one of the most important details wardrobe And shoes, be they boots or high-heeled shoes, make us elegant and feminine. But high heels are not always comfortable. Walking in high heels every day can cause serious damage to your feet.

But what should we do now? Alternate shoes with high heels on a flat sole. It's all in the past. Now you no longer have to endure the inconvenience of walking in high heels. At first I didn’t even believe that this was even possible. But I decided to try the current new product from Sholl and bought myself these insoles. They probably cost the same as average shoes. But they can be used for a long time. I put it on for the first time and simply didn’t believe my feelings. It was comfortable, like wearing slippers. It was just comfortable to walk, and for a while I even forgot that I was walking in high heels.

All this had a positive effect on my gait, and, probably, on the expression of my face. Now it wasn’t so stressful) Therefore, I recommend these insoles, wear them with pleasure and wear heels more often, they are suitable for everyone without exception.

I am one of those people who really respect open shoes, but walking in them causes discomfort. I don’t want to give up open-toed stilettos; they’re beautiful and elegant. So I decided to buy new Shol insoles specifically for open shoes. I liked the insoles from the very first day of wearing them - at a fairly affordable price, they are of the highest quality and they really prevent your feet from slipping. And the load on the forefoot has greatly decreased)

I usually buy inserts for shoes, but they don't give the desired result - I feel them and they fly off instead of staying in place. Recently I was shopping for ozone and accidentally found new insoles from Scholl, especially for shoes with medium heels.

I will say right away that I love and respect the Scholl company, after all, German quality is felt, I have been using their products for several years. I ordered one pair of insoles and after a couple of days I was able to evaluate my purchase. The insoles are made of a material that is pleasant to the touch, gel - something transparent and quite soft.

I figured out how to place them in the shoes without difficulty - the insoles are glued into the shoes and fit securely into place, which is very important! But I got a little confused with gluing, I re-glued it a couple of times, because I didn’t understand how to place them along the protrusion. But at the same time, I wore shoes with insoles for more than a week and during this time they never moved out of place! During the warming period, I even wore shoes outside, and even on not very smooth asphalt, the insoles perfectly softened my step. Now I know firsthand that shoes can be beautiful and comfortable at the same time. Very comfortable)

Like many true ladies, I love wearing high-heeled shoes and can no longer imagine my life without it. But my legs don’t care about fashion; they get very tired and hurt by the end of the evening. And sometimes the calluses on the feet are terrible.

I found the right solution for myself in the form of the insoles that you see above. They are a universal size, so there is no need to trim anything. Maintenance is simple, wipe with a damp cloth and dry. They do not absorb the smell of sweat, unlike built-in insoles. I think they should last a long time.

Thanks to this find, the legs seem to be sleeping. No fatigue, you can calmly wear heels all day. The gait is easy, excellent prevention of varicose veins.


  • durable and comfortable
  • don't slip
  • good shock absorption


Girls, I must definitely leave my review about these insoles! In general, joy knows no bounds, I found a very cool thing.

The fact is that I like to walk in heels, especially high heels, but my feet often get tired. I thought and thought about what to do and saw Scholl helium insoles for high heels on the Lamoda. I immediately realized that I had to take it! I ordered it, it arrived, everything is fine.

It turned out that my husband and I just had to go to the theater in the evening, so I decided to test the insoles there. It turned out that they are very comfortable. Firstly, during the performance and after we walked and sat in the restaurant, our legs were not at all tired. Next, what was very pleasing was that the foot was fixed with an insole and stood neatly and firmly on the heel. At the same time, the gait becomes easier. And you can't even see them at all! Overall, this is such a great item!

Legs take on high loads during jogging, walking, and performing work duties. Therefore, various disorders often arise that cause related problems, including:

  • Edema
  • Rachiocampsis
  • Calluses
  • Arthritis
  • Varicose veins
  • Thrombophlebitis, etc.

Knowing that many people have foot problems, experts have developed a unique product - Scholl Gel Active gel insoles. They are significantly superior to all orthopedic designs, allowing you to relieve additional stress and improve the condition of your legs.

What are the insoles made of:

  • A soft gel that takes on all external loads and reduces leg fatigue.
  • Rigid material is used to support the foot and provide the best fit. It is used for overlays on the most problematic areas.

Main directions of action:

  • Blood circulation improves.
  • Correct weight distribution occurs.
  • Wearing shoes becomes even more comfortable.
  • It manages to soften impacts of varying strengths.
  • The degree of fatigue decreases.
  • The occurrence of painful sensations is excluded.

When using insoles, it is possible to get rid of existing problems, gradually restore the legs and prevent the development of disorders.

The insoles are sold at an attractive price. This is an innovative solution and you can fully use them with different shoes.

How to use Scholl Gel Active

Doctor's review

Combating foot irregularities and various diseases is a particularly complex process. Previously, specialized shoes were used for this, which had to be worn for a long time. Even this did not always allow us to achieve a positive result.
Now the Scholl Gel Active insoles have been created. They significantly surpass in their parameters all available solutions and products in this category. During manufacturing, specialists have created a thoughtful design that ensures uniform weight distribution.
What can I note among the advantages of these insoles:

  1. Innovative materials. The insole consists of several parts and the load is evenly distributed between the areas.
  2. They are recommended for various disorders and are suitable for patients with a variety of leg problems.
  3. Reduce external stress on the feet and reduce fatigue.
  4. The gel is high-quality and durable; it retains its desired shape and ideal characteristics for a long time.
  5. Conducted clinical researches. During them, it was found that the insoles have a positive effect on the condition of the feet and allow them to cope with many problems.
Anatoly Ivanovich Tikhomirov, orthopedic surgeon

Real reviews

IN Lately My legs began to get very tired and I had to give up my heels. But at the end of the day, I still felt a certain discomfort and could not fully relax.
I have tried many special insoles. They improved the condition somewhat, but still did not allow us to achieve a confident result. When I found out about Scholl Gel Active, I decided to purchase them.
I liked the high reliability, I have been using the insoles for more than two months, they are still in perfect condition. The structure is soft and absorbs all impacts. My legs began to feel much better, I’m glad I found such an effective solution! Evgeniya, 35 years old

Tired legs after a hard day have become quite common for me. I tried many options for shoes and insoles, but I never noticed any significant differences. A friend recommended purchasing Scholl Gel Active, saying that she had been using them for a long time.
I ordered the insoles from an official seller so as not to get a fake. Their price is slightly higher than a number of other solutions, but I hoped for high efficiency. I’ll say right away that they fully met all expectations. I managed to unload my legs and feel unprecedented lightness. I will use them in the future, the insoles retain their shape perfectly and do not deform during use. Varvara, 29 years old

The work of a cook requires a long period of standing; it is not possible to rest during the day very often when the cafe is very busy. By the end of the shift, my legs were so tired that I could hardly walk home.
Having learned about Scholl Gel Active insoles, I decided to evaluate their properties for myself. They fit my boots perfectly, soften external influences, and have a soft and pleasant structure.
I consider one of the main advantages to be the optimal price and long service life. The insoles are insensitive to any external influences, the material does not deform under constant loads. Gennady, 44 years old

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