What tablets from stress. Soothing preparations: a list of effective means in stress. Folk sedatives

Non-believe tablets - medicinal products For oral use, eliminating the main manifestations of the disease (panic attacks, fear attacks, obsessive thoughts, emotional instability, increased excitability). Preparations normalize sleep and intellectual activity, possess a stimulating effect.

Features of drug treatment neurosis

Applying pills and neurosis injections, you need to remember what they have:

  1. Contraindications. Reception of drugs is prohibited in certain diseases and conditions of the body, therefore, only a psychotherapist can prescribe medications. The doctor conducts a survey aimed at identifying indications and contraindications.
  2. Side effects. Possessing a number of positive qualities, drugs can negatively affect the work of the internal organs. It is impossible to assign drugs on their own or adjust the therapeutic diagram compiled by the doctor.

Preparations for neurosis treatment

According to the principle of operation, prescribed drugs are divided into:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • nootropics;
  • sedatives;
  • homeopathic preparations;
  • local nutritional supplements.

Antidepressants in neurosis

Antidepressants are effective tablets used in the treatment of depressive neurosis. They possess the following actions:

  • remove the alarm and fear;
  • prevent the emergence of panic attacks;
  • eliminate concentration in rituals;
  • deliver from vegetative manifestations.

Preparations are released by the doctor's prescription, the psychotherapist controls the treatment of treatment and adjusts the dose depending on the patient's condition. Gumoril, amitriptyline or fevents are starting with minimal dose. The doctor monitors the change in the behavior of the patient and the tolerance of the medicinal product. With absence side effects The dose gradually increase.

Therapeutic action occurs 10-14 days after the start of treatment. In the first days of taking tablets, the disease is sharpened, therefore antidepressants are used in combination with drugs of other pharmacological groups.

Tranquilizers at neurosis

Tranquilizers help:

  • normalize sleep;
  • eliminate muscle tension;
  • prevent the development of convulsive syndrome;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • get rid of disturbing thoughts.

Preparations are used for neurosis, accompanied by increasing anxiety and a sense of fear. The active ingredients suppress the activities of the brain departments responsible for emotional experiences: hypothalamus, the reticular formation of the barrel, Talalamic centers. The following tranquilizers are considered the most effective:

  • Diazepam;
  • Phenazepam;
  • Hydroxyzine.

The means of this pharmacological group cannot be taken in combination with alcohol. The treatment is carried out under the control of the psychiatrist in the hospital.

Sedative medicines

Soothing drugs for neurosis (Afobasol, Persene) do not cause addiction and severe side effects. They quickly eliminate the manifestations of panic attacks: tremor extremities, undefree fear, reinforced sweating, dizziness, abdominal pain, breathing problems. Preparations normalize sleep, have a sedative effect. They are used in the treatment of neurotic disorders arising against the background of alcohol and narcotic dependence.


Neuroleptics have a pronounced effect on the nervous system. They have antipsychotic and stimulating action. Preparations of this group eliminate the alarm and fear, remove psycho-emotional tensions. They are prescribed with neurosis, accompanied by the oppression of the CNS functions. Modern neuroleptics have the minimum number of side effects. The best tools of this group include:

  • Ariprizol;
  • Quentiacs;
  • Azleptin.

Medicines should be applied to the appointment of a doctor. Doses are selected depending on the type of neurosis and the susceptibility of the organism to the active substance.

Homeopathic drugs from neurosis

The means of this group have a cumulative effect, contain minimal amounts of active ingredients. Tablets are selected depending on the form of the disease:

  1. Ignatia. It is assigned in hysterical states accompanied by imperitory and increased sensitivity. The drug eliminates headaches and improves mood.
  2. Pulsatilla. Used with rarely exacerbating forms of the disease. Eliminates signs of depression, improves mood.
  3. Nuks Nomika. It is recommended to patients suffering from obsessive ideas and sleep disorders.
  4. Aktiya Raceozoz. The drug helps to cope with the manifestations of menopause neurosis: imperitus, irritability, digestive disorders and weakness.

You can purchase such medications without a recipe.


In neurons, taking food additives containing:

  1. Tiamine. Vitamin B1 normalizes the work of the nervous system, heart and intestines. Eliminates the somatic manifestations of neurosis: pain behind the sternum, gastrointestinal disorders, breathing problems.
  2. Pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 normalizes metabolism, eliminating convulsive syndrome, aggression and irritability associated with violation of the nutrition of brain tissues.
  3. Cianocobalamin. Vitamin B12 prevents the destruction of nerve cells, is used to prevent neurotic disorders.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations do not apply when:

  • pregnancy I. breastfeeding;
  • acute liver and renal failure;
  • presence of malignant tumors;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • transferred earlier hemorrhagic stroke.

Most often, the reception of drugs in neurosis leads to the development of side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • headaches;
  • tremor limbs;
  • dryness in the mouth;
  • disorders of intestinal peristals;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • general weakness;
  • infertility of the functions of the central nervous system.

The above side effects are temporary and disappeared after the cessation of treatment.

What tablets from stress and nerves best use, you need to know everyone who has listed problems. On the modern pharmacological market there are many drugs to reduce negative influence external factors on the psyche.

What to drink from and stress when on face all signs of increased anxiety? In this case, the means is selected depending on the frequency and brightness of the manifestation of symptoms. Sometimes you can do and folk methods. They also give a good result with regular use.

Currents from stress are divided into several groups depending on the composition and destination. If the increased nervousness is provoked by constant anxiety, then weaker relaxants are used, which gently calm and eliminate irritability. Vegetable preparations are suitable for weak symptoms, which is manifested only by minor signs. Take them need for a long time.

Some medicines will not give good results. Additionally, it is necessary to eliminate the main provocation factor. If it is completely impossible to get rid of it, then at least reduce the frequency of its impact.

Medicia treatment

Medical treatment of stress is aimed at eliminating the negative impact of factors that cause certain symptoms. The pathological process is often accompanied by various psychosomatic disorders. A person feels heightened irritability, sometimes apathetic. The slightest trouble may take it out of equilibrium.

Tablets from nerves and stress, the list of titles of which is very extensive, help reduce increased susceptibility to provoking factor. The most common and safe include:

  1. Novopalsit. It is a vegetative preparation that has a sedative effect. It is necessary to apply it for a long time. The medication allows you to get rid of neurosis, stabilize emotional state and improve sleep.
  2. Afobazol. Refers to a group of weak tranquilizers. When the question arises, how to calm the nerves, this drug is best suited. It eliminates increased anxiety and even has a positive effect in irritable intestinal syndrome on the background of emotional stress.
  3. Tenothen. Is an anxiolytic. Improves brain circulation, Helps calm the nerves and remove stress. Additionally increases the mood and allows the body easier to transfer the load of different character.
  4. Pans. Refers to preparations based on vegetable extracts. It has a sedative effect, it is able to calm the nerves and remove stress. The medication is shown at elevated mental excitability, irritability and insomnia.

The listed drugs have a pronounced effect with an average and weak degree of expression of anxiety and stress. The best remedy for stress, soothing and raising the resistance of the psyche with negative factors, should not have a large list of side effects. The listed drugs act softly and safe.

Additional drugs

What sedatives against stress is better to drink, only a neuropathologist or psychotherapist can determine. If plant-based medicines are not effective, potent drugs are used.

One of these funds are phenibut and phenazepam. They have a pronounced effect, possess a sleeping pills. If drinking such drugs from nerves and stress, they will show themselves after 20 minutes, in contrast to the means on a vegetable basis. Instructions for use contains information about the large list of side effects, so it is impossible to apply them without a recipe.

When there are signs of depression, a medication enhancing a mood is added to therapy. The most common means on a vegetable basis is negristin, the main ingredient of which is St. John's wort. He slightly increases blood pressure, can speed up the pulse. This drug also has a number of contraindications.

The list of funds is quite extensive, however, most of the medicines of these groups contribute to addiction. The high-speed medicine always affects blood pressure.

Soothing means in stress that do not cause drowsiness are most popular to date. These include: adaptol, glycine and cipramil. The cure for nerves is selected depending on the severity of manifestations and additional symptoms. Additionally effective vitamins from stress. You can purchase a special neurulivitiv complex complex that will improve the psychological state.

What pills are sedatives? The most cheap tools that have a sedative effect are Valerian and the dyeing. Preparations are available in several dosage forms. The dyeing in the tablets is very cheap, but gives a good result with long-term use.

Preparations when stress need to be taken with caution. It is necessary to control its condition and respond to any negative manifestation from the body.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies from nerves and stress are also quite effective if applied to them correctly. Well helps the road. For the preparation of sedative, 20 g of dry raw materials will be required. It needs to be thoroughly crushed and pour 250 ml of boiling water, let it stand in 2 hours and take 2-3 times a day.

To treat the body from stress and anxiety can be angement. Dry grass in the amount of 2 h. You need to pour 200 ml of boiling water. Interest for 40 minutes and drink instead of tea. Such a drink will increase the mood and will act as a sedative in stress.

Oregano also affects emotional state. When alarm and stress offer its course. The grass has a positive impact on the gastrointestinal tract, but during the exacerbation period is contraindicated. To treat the consequences of emotional shocks need not less than a month. At the same time it is necessary to brew raw materials every day instead of tea. 2 glasses per day are enough.

Valerian, dispatch, souls, hunter and motherboy are helping to remove stress. Such mixtures can be brewing, insist and cook champs. Remove stress and manifestation of anxiety can be a labaznik. 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials need to pour 400 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. Then profile and take daily.

Treatment by folk remedies can be used for any age and gender. Some recipes are allowed not only for men and women, but also used for children. However, the feasibility of application must be stirred with a doctor.

Treat the effects of emotional overload and remove stress will help the Pijm. Dry raw material in the amount of 5 g must be insist on 1 liter of boiling water within an hour. Then strain and take several times a day.

If it is necessary to reduce anxiety without side effects, it is necessary to drink Ivan tea. 1 tbsp. l. Raw materials need to pour 400 ml of boiling water and drink throughout the day after insistence. Brewing follows at least 20 minutes.

Soothes nerves and fees, which includes peony and wormwood. Plants possess a weak anti-stress action.

Plant components that remove the voltage and delivering from nerves, a great set. But you need to use with caution. What helps best, and how to accept this or that remedy for nerves, only a doctor can tell.

Today's rhythm of life practically does not leave a person a chance to do without medical drugs, including sedatives.

Many turn it into a personal problem, not wanting to devote not only close people into it, but not even trying to get a qualified profession from experts, hoping to drink something soothing "from the nervous breakdown" on the recommendation of the pharmacist or pharmacist.

Meanwhile, the huge majority of information on this issue are offered thematic forums and specialized sites on the Internet.

Anticipating exorbitant for the wallet of our readers costs for expensive, but fashionable sedatives, we offer an overview of the sedatives of the most different price range and approximately close to the action.

Dialing peace

Soothing drugs are also sedative.

  • They are designed to strengthen braking in the nervous system and weaken the excitement in it.
  • In parallel with the assimilation of the rapidness of the orphanage: irritation, aggressiveness, butterness, swirl, tendency to tear.
  • These tools are put in order and a vegetative nervous system: heartbeat replete, reduce sweating, hand shakes, weaken the intestinal spasms.
  • Another big plus of sedsatics is that they help when falling asleep. Not being hypnotic and without causing a slowdown in the rhythm of the cerebral cortex, these funds are nevertheless normalized physiological sleep and facilitate falling asleep, removing increased sensitivity to external or internal stimuli.

In combination with soothing, such strong pills, like, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, painkillers increase their effect. Therefore, combining these medicines with sedatives, you can reduce their dosages and weaken side effects.

Soothing drugs are used in the treatment of neurosis, neurosis. As auxiliary means, strong sedatives are suitable for elimination of sleep disorders. In combinations, preparations are used for therapy of early stages of hypertension, neuroses of the cardiovascular system, climacterphic about the syndrome and irritable intestinal syndrome.

Soothing preparations without recipes

Ideally, any calming remedy for nerves should be prescribed by the doctor. After all, for the ordinary nervous breakdown, the beginning of a serious mental disorder may be, and ordinary stimuli can hide a hormonal failure or heavy illness internal organs.

Nevertheless, the people are made independently buying and taking sedatives, the list of which is expanding every year. Therefore, it is better to familiarize readers with the features of various sedsitic offered by pharmacies today.

The drugs of the sedative group have a slight number of side effects that are relatively rare. For sedatives are not characteristic of a ricochet syndrome and cancellation, they do not cause addiction and drug addiction. Therefore, most sedative drugs are sold in pharmacy chains without a recipe.

Names of the best sedatives

Effective vegetable sedatives

Preparations based on vegetable raw materials are most safe, environmentally friendly, load the pancreas less, biliary and liver. Humanity accumulated thousand-year experience in the treatment of nerve disorders. Of course, today's capabilities of chemical analysis of plant raw materials fully confirm the effectiveness of both single-component drugs from medicinal herbs and plant fees.

Valerian-based preparations are prepared from rhizomes and roots, less often leaves and stems. Alcohol tincture, tablets and extract Valerians, Valevigran (capsules), rhizome briquettes, Filter packages for making tea reduce nervous excitability, improve sleep, enhance the effect of sleeping pills, reduce intestinal spasms. Alcohol tincture is more effective than tablets. Forty drops can work in 80 kilogram men, suffering from neural, provided that it does not suffer from alcoholism and does not take psychotropic drugs. High dosages are able to cite heartbeat and even cause bradycardia.

  • Medicines based on passiflores incarnative (passionworthy). Using this liana to facilitate falling asleep and increase sleep depth, in complex neurasthenia therapy (uniforms of fears, anxiety, obsessive state syndrome, increased irritability b). These effects are implemented due to the passiflores of alkaloids and flavanoids contained in the grass. Still in passiflore there is an antispasmodic and light anti-dryer E action (can reduce hand shakes and heads). Also, on the basis of this grass, curses were created from Klimaks (Alora in tablets and syrup), which, in addition to the sedative effect, the heartbeat replete, help with headaches.
  • Soothing from the dyeing - It is an alcohol tincture and a lonely-strand of nickname drops, as well as herbal grass or pills with a latter extract.
  • Peony tincture is very effective with neurasthenia and vegetual-vascular dystonia.
  • (Negrustine tablets, neuroplant, deprim, etc., see instructions in the article) combine the properties of soothing and.

  • Alverogeny Relax (BAA)

Valerian, Passiflora, hawthorn, 24 caps. 200-280r.

  • Putcheric extract

10 table. 20 rubles.

  • Landyshevo-dyeing drops
  • Tincture peony
  • Peony extract

30 table. 60-70 rubles.

  • Negrustine

Hypericum extract

  • Neoplant

Hypericum extract 20 pcs. 200 rubles.

  • Delim

hypericum extract 30 table. 150-180 rubles. Defin Forte 20 Cape. 240 rub.

  • Hypericum grass

30-50 rubles. 20 bags

  • Mother trawl

30-50 rubles. 20 bags

Combined vegetable sedatives

Good sedative pills on herbs are obtained from combinations of plant raw materials. Charges allow us to summarize the effects of different medicinal plants And complement one other, reducing the dosage of each of the components.


Ingredients: a mixture of a dying, hop, oats, melissa, coriander, a donon on an alcohol basis.
Action: Removes mental stress and anxiety, improves sleep, compensates for increased fatigue. In addition to the capsules, the drug is produced in the form of alcohol tincture.
Contraindications: The drug is contraindicated with reduced blood coagulation, with breastfeeding. Unwanted pregnant women and those who control the transport.
Assign inside 1 teaspoon (5ml) in a small amount of water 3-4 times a day and 1 time before bedtime. Course treatment from 10 to 30 days. Before use to shabby.

Phytosedan 2 and 3

Phytosedan 2 and 3 50-70 rubles. 20 Packing Filter or 50 gr. Collection.
The collection contains:

  • Phytosedan 2 - herbal grass, hops, valerian, licorice roots
  • Phytosedan 3 - the grassland of grass, the souls of grass, Valerian rhizomes, herbal, grass, the grass.

Plant fees have a spasmolytic, soothing effect.
It is shown: with disorders of sleep, arterial hypertension (in complex treatment), increased nervous excitability, migraine, neurosis ,.
Contraindicated: with the individual intolerance to the medicinal herbs that are part of.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Dosing: 2 tbsp. Spoons are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled 45-60 minutes, filtered, bring up to 200 ml. boiled water, take 1/2 or 1/5 cup for half an hour before eating 4 p / day.

Pans and Pans Forte

Different - in Pans Fort 125 mg. Valerians, and in Pans 50mg Valeriana, the rest is identical. Neckless drug.
Composition: Dry extract Valeriahs, Melissa, peppermint.
Indications: prescribed with irritability, increased nervous excitability, falling asleep disorders or shallow sleep. Contraindicated with, intolerance of fructose, low arterial pressure, inflammation of bile ducts, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, children under 3 years for Table, up to 12 years for capsules.
Side effects: Allergies, with long-term use - constipation
Dosing: 2-3 p / day 1-2 caps. or 2-3 table., With insomnia 1 p / day an hour before sleep. It is impossible to take Persen, Person Night and Person Forte more than 1.5-2 months.

New Passitis

  • table. 10 pieces. 170 rub, 30 pcs. 350-380 rubles.
  • solution 100 ml of 170 rubles., 200 ml. 270 rub.

Ingredients: Valerian rhizomes, Melissa grass, reinforced Hypericum, passiflora, leaf and hawthorn flowers, hopnation, elderberry with the addition of Gweefenes.
A mixture of medicinal herbs has a soothing effect, Givephenesin removes fears and suppresses anxiety.
Indications: The drug is prescribed with light shapes of neurasthenia, sleep disorders and headaches on the background of overwork or stress. In the manager's syndrome, insomnia, migraine, when climax (see), itching dermatoses caused by the psychological burden.
Contraindications: Children under 12 years old, during myasthenia, with a tendency to allergic manifestations, with caution in acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, head injuries, epilepsy.
Side effects of the drug: lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, allergy, stool instability, allergic reactions, muscle weakness, fatigue, examine.
Dosing: 3 r \\ day 1 Table or 5 ml. Syrope before meals, if nausea occurs, it is better to take during meals.


50 pcs. 350 rub.

Ingredients: Valerian Extract, Melissa, ethanol. Helps with difficulties with falling asleep and nervousness.
Contraindications: Children up to 6 years, increased sensitivity, renal failure, pregnancy and lactation, reduces the speed of psychomotor reactions - not recommended when driving transport.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Dosing: 2 p / day 2 Table with nervous excitability, 2 tab. For half an hour before sleep when breakdowns.

Liquid forms based on alcohol solutions are used in drops dissolved in water


Valokordin 60-70 rubles, known as Milloordine, has a sedative, soft sleeping pills, reduces the excitation of the CNS.
Ingredients: phenobarbital, bromisovalerelric acid ester, hop oil, peppermint dissolved in ethyl alcohol and water mixtures.
Indications: Indispensable for heart neurosis, insomnia, neurosis, accompanied by fear, irritability, anxiety.
Contraindications: Pregnancy and lactation period, renal and liver function.
Side effects: Causes drowsiness and dizziness, with long-term use, it is possible to break the coordination of movement, depression, apathy, hemorrhagic diathesis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis.
The dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.


Structure : Peppermint oil, phenobarbital, ethylbromisovalerianate.
The composition is similar to vocal, so they are close to it, but the effect of the means is weaker. Corvalol works as a sedative, soft sleeping pills. It can remove the spasms of cardiac vessels, capillaries, replete heartbeat, therefore it helps with functional cardiovascular disorders (vegetual-vascular oh dystonia, arterial hypertension). It is also effective as an intestinal spasmolitic.
Contraindications: for drops - children under 3 years old, for tablets - up to 18 years old, pregnancy, lactation, renal and. For drops, also crank-brain injury and brain disease.
Side effects: causes dizziness and drowsiness, slowing down heart rate, allergic manifestations, decrease in the concentration of attention. With prolonged reception - cancellation syndrome, addictive.

Drops of Zelenina

25 ml. 10-30 rubles.
Ingredients: mixture of Valerian infuses, beauties and levomentol.
Indications: chronic heart failure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, increased excitability, gastrointestinal spasms, decreased appetite, dyskinesia biliary tract, chronic cholecystitis.
Contraindications: prostate gland hyperplasia, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity, ulcerative disease duodenal gut Both the stomach, children under 18, expressed endocarditis, an indoor glaucoma. With caution in alcoholism, brain diseases, CMT.
Side effects: muscle weakness, allergic reactions, diarrhea, vomiting, heartburn, arrhythmia, headache, urine delay in prostate hyperplasia.

VOLOSEDAN - Used to brake the central nervous system during neurosis or stress. The effect of the drug is enhanced by small doses of Barbital sodium. In addition to him, as part of the drug tincture of hawthorn, rhubarb, hop, Valerian extract, ethyl alcohol.
Valocormid. - The preparation of choice for heart neurosis with bradycardia (pulse demolition less than 60). Medicine based on Valley's tinctures, beauties, valerians, menthol and sodium bromide.
Voserdin - a mixture of phenobarbital, ethyl ether of bromisovalryano oxygen, oily oils and peppermint. The medicine other than the sedative effect reaches the heart rate, removes intestinal spasms used in cardion times with pains in the heart and pulse, enhanced arterial pressure, intestinal colic, sleep disorders. Released without a recipe.
Sedariston - (St. John's wort, Valerian, Melissa) - an effective drug with vegetative manifestations of neurosis.
Nervoflux - prescribed in chronic stress, insomnia. This is a vegetable mix for the preparation of tea, consisting of colors of orange, lavender, mint leaves, a lacrichnik root, valerian root extract and hop cones.

Calmness, only calm

Twenty years ago Bearded stories about how the bromine tincture is poured into army tea to eliminate nervousness and excessive sexuality of the defenders of the Motherland, were no less popular than children's cartoon about Carlson, who was a favorite prominent of which the phrase appeal Generally everyday. Since there is nothing about the bromine of the author of the story about the baby and Carlson, it is not written anything, we will take away the gap.

Bromides (sedatives based on bromine) help to strengthen the braking processes in the brain and balance the excitation and braking. it inexpensive drugs More often in the form of mixtures or droplets.

If these tools are taken uncontrollably, long and in high dosages, it is possible to obtain poisoning, known as bromisism. Its main manifestations are dry cough, tearing, snot and skin rash, resembling vulgar acne.

Adonis Brom.

20 table. 80 rubles.
Ingredients: Bromide potassium And the horizon of spring grass glycoside.
It has sedative and cardiotonic effects appointed with a neurotic syndrome with healing, with a vegetative-vascular dystonia. In pharmacies sold without a recipe.
Contraindications: Stenzardia, bradycardia, ozor of esophagus, stomach, pregnancy, lactation, children under 18, with fructose intolerance.
Side effects: Nausea, vomiting, allergic reactions, weakness, skin rash, conjunctivitis, weakening of memory, cough, rhinitis, apathy.
Application: 3 p / day 1 Table.


30 table. 100 rubles.
Like other bromides, this is a remedy with a soothing effect that improves heart activities, strengthens the brain inhibition processes.
It is used: with elevated excitability and sleep disorders, with the lability of blood pressure, cardialgia, tachycardia, asthenia.
Contraindicated: children up to 7 years old, with renal, liver failure, high sensitivity.
Side effects: drowsiness, allergic reactions, inhibition.
Dosages: adults and children after 14 years 2-3 p / day 1-2 tab., From 10-14 years 2/3 p / day 1 Tab, 7-10 years old - 2 p / day 1 Table. Course of treatment 10-14 days.

Funds from other groups

Magnesia - A 25% solution of magnesium sulfate, known as magnesia and an antique remedy for hypertensive crises and increased intracranial pressure, when administered to a vein, depending on the dose, can cause a soothing effect or work as a sleeping bag. Also, the solution removes the spasm of smooth muscles, reduces the intestines and the uterus. When overdose may cause poisoning, which is treated with calcium chloride.


  • 10 table. 100 rubles
  • 20 table. 130-200 rub.

Tablets are sold, like all strong sedatives, according to the doctor's prescription, but no calming in its pure form. This is nootrope (hydrochloride aminophenyl oil acid) in tablets. It improves neurocyte nutrition and speeds up the transmission of the nerve impulse. It also shows the properties of the sedator: reduces tensions and anxiety, helps to normalize sleep. It is used before operations to enhance the action of anesthesia, as well as in the complex with the sleeping pills, the action of which it enhances. Additionally eliminates headache and system dizziness.
Indications for its use is quite wide: neurosis, disturbing states, vegetative disorders, insomnia, in children with teaks, with alcoholism to eliminate psychopathological disorders, during vestibular disorders, when making, when.
Contraindications: in 1 trimester of pregnancy, lactation, children up to 2 years old, with individual intolerance, liver failure, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
Side effects: Nausea, headache, drowsiness, anxiety, dizziness, excitation, allergic reactions - itching, rash. With prolonged use of the drug, it is necessary to control blood indicators and the function of the liver.
Dosing: Cousses of treatment for 2-3 weeks, the drug is accepted after eating 3 p / day 1-2 table. Adults, children 2-8 years to 50-100 mg 3 p / day, 8-14 years old 1 Tab. 3 p / day. With alcohol abstine syndrome 1-2 table. 3 p / day or 3 table for the night. For the prophylaxis of the brand, once 1-2 tables per hour before the start of the instruction or when the first signs of marine disease occurs.


60 table. 270-300 rubles.
Refers to tranquilizers, but sometimes erroneously is called sedative, which is not deprived of meaning, as the medicine suppresses the irritability of b, the alarm, the conversion, waiting for trouble, buggy, helps to relax and fall asleep. Also, the tablets are removed organic manifestations of anxiety and fear (heartbeat, hand shake, breathing, intestinal colic, dry mouth, dizziness, sweating). When recalled about strong sedatives without recipes, Afobazol is primarily called.
Contraindications: Children under 18, pregnancy, lactation, increased sensitivity.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Dosage: After meals, 3 p / day of 10mg for 2-4 weeks, according to the testimony, the course can be extended to 3 months.


40 pcs. 160 rub.
This is a popular drug recent yearsmanufactured in tablets. It contains antibodies to the specific protein of the central nervous system, improves the emotional background, increases the mood, reduces the irritability of b and nervous voltage. Dustiness or inhibition do not develop.
Indications: Psychosomatic diseases, increased irritability, stress, anxiety, vegetative disorders, reducing memory, neurosis and neurosis-like states.
Contraindications: Children under 18, increased sensitivity.
Side effects: not found.
Dosage: 1-2 table. In the break between a meal of food to keep in the mouth to complete resorption 2-4 p / day, a course of 1-3 months.

Homeopathic sedatives

Soothing homeopathy is presented in the main mixtures of vegetable herbs with the addition of sweeteners. Since the drugs are most often recommended to dissipate in the mouth, the active substances are quickly absorbed into the sublingual veins and medicines begin to work almost immediately from the start of reception.

  • Silent
  • Valericel
  • Sedalia.
  • EDAS 306 and EDAS 111

  • Gelarium
  • Nervohel
  • Leovoit
  • Notta
  • Nevroid

According to statistics, each second adult man on the planet is constantly experiencing nervous shocks and stressful states. Some people take themselves in their hands and cut the situation, while others are forced to resort to sedative pills to get rid of the manifestations of stress and anxiety.

Stress can be caused by negative, and joyful factors.

The danger in the other case consists in a vulnerable reaction of the nervous system leading to:

With the short-term phenomena, health damage can be insignificant, with long-term stress there are incredit depression, health problems, the development of mental disorders. Distress is considered dangerous when a person is not able to cope with emotions.

As a result, it may be observed:

  • lowering immunity;
  • failures in the work of the digestive system;
  • disorders of the functions of the nervous system;
  • problems with heart and vessels;
  • worsening and memory;
  • reduction of working capacity;
  • development of primary mental disorders (imperitiousness, unprecedented panic).

The main symptoms of stress

The tightened nervous voltage can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

Chronic stress destroys the brain, so during this period the doctor's advice and the reception of special drugs is necessary.

Types of preparations from nerves and stress

Soothing tablets from stress, anxiety presented in pharmacies make it possible to choose the most optimal treatment regimen, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Preparations are divided into several groups, depending on what exposure to the body they possess.


This group is aimed at:

  • reducing the excitability of the nervous system;
  • lowering nervousness;
  • restoration of normal sleep;
  • temporary stabilization of heart work.

Preparations usually contain draws of medicinal herbs and their components. Sedative means (for example, Validol, Valokordin) do not cause addiction.

Nootropics or neurometabolic stimulants

Nervous tension, stress entail:

  • violation of blood tone;
  • jumps hell;
  • cardiac problems;
  • reduction of working capacity;
  • insufficient blood flow to the brain.

In this situation, nootropic drugs are used (such as piracetam, vinpocetin).

  • contribute to the restoration of normal blood circulation;
  • remove spasmodic phenomena in vessels;
  • establish the power of the brain;
  • promote memory improvement.

Preparations do not cause dependencies.

Normatimic drugs

Soothing pills from stress, anxiety can be represented by a group normatimic drugs that affect the psycho-emotional sphere:

  • fighting apathy;
  • increasing the spirit of the Spirit;
  • an increase in endurance and physical activity;
  • normalization of mood;
  • smoothing of such traits such as irritability, impulsivity.

Means stimulating the central nervous system

Funds stimulating CNS are divided into:

  • psychostimulants (caffeine, chemicals);
  • analentics (Cordiamin, Camfora);
  • means acting on the spinal cord (Strychnine);
  • preparations for tone (ginseng, lemongrass).

Preparations containing caffeine, fenamine and similar substances contribute:

  • increase the tone of the whole organism;
  • an increase in endurance;
  • stimulation of physical and mental activity;
  • combat with unmotivated fatigue.

The mechanism of action of drugs is based on mobilizing the physical and mental potential of the body during the period of therapy, in connection with this, after completing the reception of these funds, the patient may return to the previous state.

When receiving some drugs (for example, derivatives of the phenamine), a long effect is possible, but it can also be addictive to them.


Tranquilizers are considered strong soothing means.

After their reception:

  • the attacks of the unreasoned panic disappear;
  • cease to torment fears and insecurity;
  • the feeling of anxiety and nervousness is reduced;
  • sleep improves;
  • muscle tension relaxes.

Daily destination medications (buspid, adaptole) do not have a pronounced sleeping recycling.

"Night" Tranquilizers (Lorafen, Diazepam) are not recommended for a day, as they can call:

Remedy should be accepted only for the night.

Preparations may form addictive.

Which groups of drugs are released only by recipe, and which without it

Depending on substances that are part of the sedatives, their implementation in pharmacies has a prescription or non-prescription.

Without a recipe you can buy preparations on a vegetable basis (Hypericum, Valerians), "daytime" tranquilizers and drugs such as Afobazole, glycine, intended for the treatment of light forms of depression and standing closer to the sedative medicinal group.

Many of these drugs are allowed to elderly, patients with heart problems and children, but should be used with caution:

  • with reduced blood pressure;
  • suffering from chronic liver diseases, kidneys;
  • having malfunctions in the endocrine system;
  • during the tooling of the child and feeding his breasts.

According to the recipe, funds relating to the following groups are released:

  • "Night" tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • neuroleptics;
  • means stimulating the central nervous system.

Strict control over the use of drugs is explained by serious problems with their overdose and the formation of dependence close to the narcotic, with a long application.

How to choose tablets from stress and anxiety

Soothing pills from stress, anxiety is not recommended to "assign" themselves alone, even those sold without recipes.

  • do not cause addiction;
  • have a small number of contraindications;
  • do not cause serious disorders in the work of the CNS in overdose;
  • used to relocate the initial manifestations of stress.

Individual intolerance, chronic, acute diseases should be taken into account.

With the final choice of the drug, pay attention to 5 factors:

  • the focus of the action (for example, from insomnia, to increase activity);
  • use method (before meals, after it, duration);
  • interaction with other drugs and alcohol;
  • contraindications;
  • shelf life.

Anxiolytic (for example, Afobazole), which operate "on all fronts" are used to obtain a more effective therapeutic effect.

  • eliminate the feeling of anxiety;
  • reduce breeds of somatic or vegetative nature;
  • normalize the work of the CNS;
  • have the minimum number of side effects.

Tablets from nerves and stress: list of titles, prices, review

Drugs from nervous states are diverse, short review It will help to sent in their properties and prices.


Preparations have an impact on the work of the brain, eliminate nervous stress and increased psycho-emotional reactions.

Most common:

  • Diazepam - Receptar drug in the form of tablets, solutions, candles. The daily dose for an adult is no more than 60 mg. It is considered an effective, fast-acting means preferred in ambulance practice. It is not recommended to apply:
  1. with sleeping pills;
  2. with alcohol;
  3. with painkillers;
  4. during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug may cause medicinal dependence. Packaging price (24 tab.) - 620-670 rubles.

The drug is considered a potent, prescription is released, may have a number of side effects.

The average cost - 95-110 rubles.

  • Ataraks. - Produced in tablets. 25-100 mg is accepted per day (for the elderly, the dose is reduced by 2 times) depending on the degree of the disease. The tool helps with:
  1. irritability;
  2. depression;
  3. light shapes of neurasthenia;
  4. panic attacks;
  5. besonians.

Atarax does not cause drug addiction. Packaging price (25 tab.) - 295-320 rubles.

  • Grandaxin - Refers to "daytime" tranquilizers, produced in tablets. An adult is prescribed 50-100 mg / day, the elderly people dose decreases by 2 times. Helps with:

The drug has contraindications. average price (10 tab.) - 385-410 rubles.

Sedative medicines

Sedatives are designed to receive the following effects:

  • slowing down the excitation of the CNS;
  • lowering the degree of aggressiveness, plasticity;
  • fighting the tremor of limbs and sweating in stressful situations;
  • formation of healthy sleep;
  • participation in combination therapy with drugs of psychiatric directions.

The most common sedatives include:

Groups Preparations (tab.) Properties Prices (rub.)
Homeopathic, single-component (funds on herbs)Valerian (50 pcs.)- reduces excitability;

- stands out normal sleep;

- removes the intestinal spasm during stress.

Mother (100 pieces)- relaxes;

- calm heartbeat;

- reduces nervous tension.

Hunther- antidepressant;

- increases the total tone;

- It affects positively on the mood.

from 15.
Combined (multicomponent)Fitoshed.- struggling with anxiety;

- relaxes nervous tension;

- improves performance and endurance.

Pans (60 pcs.)- fights irritability;

- reduces nervousness;

- Provides healthy sleep.

New Passitis (60 pcs.)- reduces nervous stress;

- removes anxious feeling.

BromidsBromomfora (30 pcs.)- fights with insomnia;

- reduces irritability;

- Stabilizes psycho-emotional reactions


Sad preparations, tranquilizers, in addition to basic functions, have sedative properties.


Preparations are designed to block the manifestations of psychosis and other serious mental disorders, discharge are discharged, require special attention during dosages.

Usually assigned:

  • Teralyjnzhen - has its own method of admission depending on the disease: with psychotic manifestations - 0.2-0.4 g / day, with a breakdown of sleep - 5-10 mg for an adult (dose is broken by 2-3 receptions). The tool is used when:
  1. neurosis;
  2. anxious depressive states;
  3. attairs of panic and anxiety;
  4. night sleep violations;
  5. psychopathy of various nature.

There are contraindications. The average price (50 pcs.) - 630-650 rubles.

  • Etperazin - Produced in tablets, daily dose for children from 12 years and adults - 4-80 mg. Equipment is appointed in the following cases:
  1. increased activity in mental disorders;
  2. overexcitation of the nervous system;
  3. schizophrenia;
  4. neurosis;
  5. nausea or vomiting as associated phenomena with a stressful situation.

The drug is contraindicated in some chronic and systemic diseases. Means (50 pcs.) You can buy on a recipe for 350-400 rubles.

  • Sonopax - Produced in tablets, the treatment diagram is individual in each case. Sonopax applies in cases:
  1. schizophrenia;
  2. psychoses of a manic-depressive nature;
  3. neuroses;
  4. drops in the mood, apathy;
  5. voltage nervous system, insomnia;
  6. aggressive behavior and lowering concentration.

It has a number of contraindications. Packaging price (60 pcs.) - 295-305 rub.

  • Trucal - Appointed by the doctor according to the testimony. The medicine has a wide range of impact on the nervous system:
  1. psychosis;
  2. hyperactivity, twilight consciousness in people of old age;
  3. behavioral violations in children;
  4. sleep disturbance.


Soothing, influencing positively on the mood and protecting against stress and anxiety, the tablets of the normotimikov group are possessed.

These include drugs such as:

  • Actorval - acts as an antipsychotic agent with antidepressant properties. The treatment diagram is assigned individually. Used in case:
  1. psychosis;
  2. panic attacks;
  3. manifestations of schizophrenia;
  4. aggressiveness accompanying organic brain lesions;
  5. depression.

The average price is 170-200 rubles.

  • Finlepsin Retard - It has a prolonged action. The course of therapy is appointed by a doctor and depends on the diagnosis. Applied at:
  1. inorganic psychosis;
  2. disturbing disorders;
  3. epilepsy;
  4. sleep disorders;
  5. elevated excitability and concern;
  6. mood disorders.

Contraindicated in faults in bone marrowing. Possible side effects. Price (50 pcs.) - 215-260 rubles.

  • Contemn - It has sedative and antipsychotic properties. Usually 1 p / day is prescribed to 1 g. It is applied in the following cases:
  1. manifestation of physical aggressiveness;
  2. psyche disorders and behavior associated with the reception of psychoactive funds;
  3. manifestations;
  4. alcohol addiction.

It is not prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, women when entering the fetus. You can buy at a price of 110-150 rubles.

  • Lithosan-cf. Assigns 400 mg 2 p / day. Applied at:
  1. bipolar disorders;
  2. manic manifestations;
  3. delta in the mood;
  4. aggression or deep apathy.

Cost (100 pcs.) - 65-80 rubles.



  • positively affect the psycho-emotional human background;
  • help to cope with the depressive state;
  • reduce the consequences of long-term location in stress;
  • lower nervous excitement.

One of the side effects is the appearance of hallucinations, so many antidepressants are released in pharmacies for the prescription, and the treatment regimen is determined by the doctor.

  • Ataras. The drug with the properties of the tranquilizer is used:
  1. to relieve unfortunately anxiety;
  2. with increased aggressiveness and irritability;
  3. to reduce psychomotor activity;
  4. with the state of dissatisfaction and depression.

The daily dose of medication is 50 mg, calculated for 3 receptions (12.5, 12.5 and 25 mg). The diagram and dose can be changed by a doctor depending on the age and diagnosis of the patient. Price (25 tab.) - 290-315 rubles.

  • Zoloft. - Designed in cases:
  1. depression (as prevention and treatment);
  2. attacks of unreasonable panic;
  3. obtaining nervous disorders in the postproatramatic period;
  4. the appearance of social phobia.
  • Trittyko - prolonged action is appointed in the following cases:
  1. an alarming-depressive state with a long stay in a stressful situation;
  2. manifestation of anxiety and depression for diseases of the CNS (dementia, atherosclerosis);
  3. manifestations of depression during long-term pain;
  4. depression, which arose on the basis of alcoholism;
  5. poland disorders.

The medicine is beginning to take from 50 mg 1 p / day, gradually increasing the dose to the required. Trittyko is contraindicated to women in the period of tooling the fetus and children. Package cost (20 tab.) 705-720 rubles.

Packaging cost (30 tab.) - 780-830 rubles.


Preparations relate to psychotropic and aimed at:

  • improving mental, physical possibilities;
  • improved perception of external factors due to the exacerbation of hearing and vision;
  • fighting fatigue, lethargy, apatine;
  • increase the tone of the whole organism;
  • formation of good mood.

With long-term use of psychostimulants, it is possible to get used to, with an overdose, hypertonus, hyperactivity, psychosis may be observed.

  • Fevarin - prescribed with a different kind of depression minimally 50-100 mg in the evening. It is not recommended to apply for the treatment of children's depressive states.

Price for 15 tab. - 840-850 rubles.

  • Cipralex - It is used with varying degrees of depressive manifestations and panic attacks in patients over 15 years old. Possible side effects from the head of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system and the central nervous system.

Packaging price (28 tab.) - 2020-2035 rub.

Cost - 240-255 rubles.

  • Amitriptyline Nicomed - Applies 2-3 rubles per 25 mg for reception. Assigned to:
  1. emotional disorders;
  2. depression;
  3. behavioral disorders;
  4. social phobias.

Price (50 tab.) - 60-65 rubles.

What sedatives can be taken during pregnancy

The change in the hormonal background on the basis of pregnancy can provoke psychological discomfort and nervous states in women.

In this case, the attending physician may prescribe such drugs as:

  • Glycine - Suppresses the work of those brain sites that are responsible for the appearance of anxiety.
  • Persen. - on the basis of mint, valerians and dyeing, relieves irritability, improves sleep.
  • Magne B6. - serves to stabilize the CNS;
  • Tenaten - improves the state of the nervous system, does not cause drowsiness.

From stress and alarming states there are many soothing tablet tools, their correct use leads to positive results. The effect will be more noticeable if you adhere to the right lifestyle: to play sports, have a hobby, be able to let go of the situation.

Article clearance: Vladimir Great

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Stress treatment: What methods help get rid of symptoms and consequences?

In mad rhythm modern life Stress pursues a person constantly. But what is hiding behind this situation? Today, there is a stress to call any emotional shocks, painful experiences, bitterness of unjustified hopes. However, the medical interpretation of the term is significantly - stress is far from every fear, pain or disappointment.

Not all people subjected to a powerful emotional attack break, lose their vital tone and fall into a depressive state. At the same time, true stress has a devastating force and is a danger to health. That is why it is so important to recognize it and start treatment in time. Consider more, how to distinguish stress from nervous tension, what consequences entails this phenomenon and how to deal with it.

Stress or not stress: That's the question

An accurate description of stress is made up 80 years ago. Austro-Hungarian Biologist Hans Selre indicated that stress is a complex of adaptive reactions of the organism to the requirements of the requirements made him due to the impact of factors that caused the violation of homeostasis (the body's ability to maintain the constancy of the internal environment). In other words, this is a tension that causes a set of external, as a rule of unfavorable, factors.

A stress factor can be any change in the familiar life of a person. Emotional shocks often provoke not only external circumstances, but also a subconscious attitude towards specific events. The death of a close relative, a break with a loved one, trouble at work, the lack of confidence in the future, mad rhythm of life and permanent zeietot - all this is capable of withdrawing equilibrium. Causes can also be "internal" character: poor nutrition, deficiency of minerals and vitamins, violations in the work of endocrine and immune systems, allergies. Nervous stress is much deeper than the usual excitement, this is the physiological response of the body to the impact, which has specific symptoms, phases and consequences.

American psychiatrists Thomas Holmes and Richard Rey on the basis of large-scale studies amounted to the table of stressfulness of life events. On the top row with the result of almost 100 points - the death of the spouse. On the second - 78 points - divorce. On the third - 65 points - parting with a partner. Thus, the cessation of relations with his beloved person is stronger than the prison (63 points), the death of a relative (63 points), a serious illness (53 points).

With unfavorable exposure, the hypophies begins to actively produce adrenocorticotropin. This hormone, in turn, affects the adrenal glands, which are manufacturers of "stress hormones" - cortisol, norepinephrine, adrenaline. There is an increased generation of glucose, cholesterol, fatty acids. The person increases the pressure and the heartbeat is enhanced. In small doses, it is even useful - stress stimulates activity and encourages actions.

With prolonged stress, the level of cortisol in the blood is constantly overestimated. It becomes the cause of hypertension, thyroid problems, blood glucose level growth. Gradually lose the strength of the bone, the fabrics begin to collapse, the immune system suffers. The brain constantly serves a signal about the need to stock fats, arises for sweet, flour and fat, an increase in body weight occurs. Although the inverse clinical picture can also appear, leading to the absence of appetite and physical exhaustion.

Unfortunately, not everyone can immediately recognize the origin of chronic stress. The first signal of the problem is insomnia. Other symptoms appear later. A person loses the ability to adequately react to stimuli. Without a visible reason, it comes to rage or rushes into tears. The ability to concentrate is lost, important items fall out of the memory. Gradually loses interest in labor and entertainment. Frequent headaches are not excluded and an incessant anxiety. Risk of serious diseases increases. Cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal. Ulcers, hypertension, angina, stroke and even oncology - all these are the real consequences of the long-term stay of the body in stressful state. Therefore, it is important to detect the problem in time and begin treatment of stress before it becomes destroying the body.

Species and phases of stress, or whether from light anxiety to depression

Medical practice shares stress into two types: Eustess (positive form) and Distress (negative). In the first case, mobilization occurs life resources The body follows active activity. In the second - negative impact on the somatic and mental health of the person. The psycho-emotional sphere of a person is frustrated, which entails a severe depressive state.

The above-mentioned Hans Selre allocated three stages of stress development:

  1. Alarm - Stage of Anxiety. The body reacts to stress factors, an alarm increases, a self-control is weakened, self-control is lost. Behavior is often changing to the opposite: a subside man can become aggressive, and vice versa. It is possible to exacerbate psychosomatic diseases: gastritis, migraine, ulcers, allergies. The duration of the phase is individual - from several days to many weeks.
  2. Stage of resistance, or resistance. It comes if the stress factor continues its impact. The protective forces of the body are ready to give an instant rebuff with angrim. At this stage, a person is able to realize that it is in the authority of stress, and choose effective method Fighting him. Diseases in the second phase usually disappear, but in the third manifest with double power.
  3. Stage of exhaustion. Physiological and psychological protection mechanisms have exhausted themselves. A person feels fatigue and emptying. Anxiety appears again, but it no longer leads to the mobilization of internal reserves, and the patient is not able to independently take any actions. Following the alarming, fear and panic develop, pathological psychosomatic states appear, requiring urgent treatment.

Psychologists argue that it is impossible to avoid stressful situations. The more we try to live quietly and calmly, ignoring problems, the more we are vulnerable. Instead of "running away" from emotional drops and shocks, it is necessary to learn to own themselves, develop the ability of self-regulation. A person should be able to restrain, be patient, suppress the inner "explosions", then there is probability not to suffer from severe stress and depression.

Nevertheless, each person has an individual scenario for the development of stress and behavior in an emotional shock situation. Frequency, shape and reaction type can differ significantly. Someone is experiencing stress regularly, finding the forces to fight them independently. And someone from the first time experiencing the power of painful manifestations, needing help from the outside. It is believed that at the first two stages, a person under the power will overcome the alarm and stress without medical treatment. It is necessary to eliminate the factor that has caused the cause of emotional discord, to revise the lifestyle, resort to trainings and methods of psychological unloading. It will not be superfluous to contact a specialist who can prescribe plant preparations, vitamins, biodendering. At the third stage, medical support is necessary. Treatment of long stress is likely to be comprehensive, with an obligatory intake of antidepressants or tranquilizers.

We treat stress without drugs

Non-media methods are the first, where to start struggle with stress. These include:

  • Psychotherapy. The psychotherapist reveals the factor that has caused stress, determines the depth of the problem and reserves of the body to confront the situation. Therapy combines different techniques. Usually this is a trustworthy conversation, during which the doctor can put experiments, paying attention to the patient on his feelings, fears and experiences. As a result, a person should look at various situations and life as a whole at an angle, allowing to see the possibility of choice. It forms the desire to create the most comfortable conditions and avoid stressful scenarios. This group includes hypnosis.
  • Relaxation, trainings.Relaxation helps reduce the psychophysical activity of the body in a state of wakefulness. Relaxation technician Many: respiratory-relaxation training, autogenous training, progressive and muscular relaxation and others. In the process of classes, the patient decreases muscle tension, blood pressure decreases, the heart rate is reassured, which allows minimizing the negative effect of stress on physiology. Trainings are aimed primarily on the removal of emotional stress, for example, through a decrease in the significance of problems, fighting fear through humor, etc.
  • Physical activity. Physical exertion allow you to naturally "dispose of" excess adrenaline. With long-term classes (more than half an hour) in the body, "hormones of joy" - endorphins begin to stand out. The sport and the number of workouts is selected individually: from walking in the fresh air to active work in the gym.
  • Lifestyle correction.This is a prerequisite for recovery. Changes must occur in all areas. This is the consumption of natural products, and a decrease in the amount of alcohol, and the fight against overweight, and the full mode of work and recreation with a waste to sleep no later than 23 hours.

Therapy natural antidepressants can not be underestimated. The human body has a huge potential, to overcome stress, if only a person is aware of the need for this. For example, in the event of parting with a loved one, you should not pill a pillow around the clock with tears. It is necessary to spill the aggression in sports, master breathing equipment and yoga, to devote time to care for their body, communicate with new positive people, ride travel, etc. All this gives a tangible effect with a pharmacology, which underlies the treatment process.

Pharmacotherapy in stress

In a situation where it is not possible to cope with the manifestations of stress, the feeling of fear and anxiety increases, the condition worsens, the rightful decision will appeal for professional help and treatment. Psychologist will, if necessary, will send to a consultation to a psychotherapist or a neurologist for specific appointments.

The spectrum of drugs is wide.

  • Vitamins, Homeopathic Tools and Bada. These are the most "harmless" drugs that have a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Homeopaths are prescribed during stress ARGENTICUM NITRICUM, AURUM METALLIC, GELSEMIUM - 6 or 30 consecutive dilutions of the active substance in the proportion of 1: 100. Polyvitamin complexes are shown at frequent stress. This is due to the acceleration of anabolism and an increased need for vitamins, without which protein biosynthesis is impossible. These are vitamins of group B: in 1, 2, in 3, in 6, at 12. As opposed to stress, the body begins to actively produce a hormone serotonin, which causes a feeling of calm, well-being, happiness. For the synthesis of serotonin, the amino acid L-tryptophan is necessary. It has a beneficial effect on sleep and reduces cravings to oily and calorie food. In conditions of stress, L-tryptophan is recommended to be taken in addition in the form of a biologically active additive.
  • Preparations with concomitant sedative action. This is all familiar "Valokordin", "Corvalol" and similar means based on phenobarbital and vegetable oils. Used as a sedative substance that helps cope with sleep disorders, anxiety, excitation and tachycardia of unspecified origin. It is well tolerated, rarely have side effects, although during long-term use has a toxic effect on the liver. Therefore, they are contraindicated pregnant and patients with impaired kidney and liver. In the same group, nootropics can be attributed - drugs that are neurometabolic stimulants and have a specific effect on the nervous system. They enhance the stability of the neurons of the brain to damaging factors, stimulate mental activity. The famous representative - Piracetam, which is prescribed when depressed, reducing memory, demoralization, apathy, etc. Another drug for the treatment of anxiety and stress is "Glycine". It has a similar effect, in addition, improves the mood and normalizes sleep.
  • Medicinal products based on vegetable components. In their composition - vegetable agents with the addition of chemically synthesized substances. These are soft sedatives based on the extracts of the Hypericum, mint, Melissa, Hop, Passiflora, etc. The most famous "new-passite", "Persen", "Nervoflux". They do not cause addiction and do not provoke life-threatening states even overdose.
  • Prescription preparations. This group includes medicines that have a strong impact on the body, therefore it is categorically prohibited to use them. These are antidepressants who prescribe a psychiatrist. The course of treatment with them can reach several months. The most common blockers of the reverse seizure of serotonin: "Prosak" (fluoxetine), "Paksil" (Paroksetin), "Fevarin", "Azapane". They are prescribed for the treatment of protracted stress and depression, including severe cases, to reduce the feeling of anxiety, longing, lethargy. The so-called heavy tranquilizers of benzodiazepine row are released in a prescription. These are medicinal preparations, inhibiting brain zones responsible for the emotional sphere: "Penazepam", "Dazepam", Mespamp, Alprazolam and others. Possess anxiolytic, sedative, sleeping pills, muscle relaxant and anticonvulsant action. Effectively eliminate the alarms and fear, have contraindications and side effects.
  • Neckless anxiolitics. Strong action substances often possess by-effect. During the intake, hypotension, arrhythmia, dry mouth, skin itch, etc. may occur, etc., what doctors and pharmacists honestly warn patients. Over the years, scientists have tried to create a selective anxiolytic with the effectiveness of traditional benzodiazepine tranquilizers, but devoid of side manifestations inherent in them. As a result of long-term developments in the Laboratory of Pharmacology Guards. V.V. Zasakov Ramne was created by the preparation "Afobazol". The data was submitted to WHO for consideration, as a result of which in 2012 it was decided to assign the "FaboMothizol" the international non-state name "Afobazol". This is the first Russian non-receptive anxiolytic, which received the code of international classification.

Expert's opinion: the drug "Afobazol" tells a specialist of the pharmaceutical company otisiFARM

The drug really does not affect the central nervous system. It restores the receptors of nerve cells and protects neurons from damage, so that they can properly perform their work. This is a natural mechanism, therefore, the "Effect of Vatability" is not manifested, nervous system Does not lose the sharpness and speed of the reaction.
The action was repeatedly studied during the experimental and clinical studies. 78% of patients who had previously experienced emotional stress and had neurotic disorders with pronounced symptoms of vegetative dystonia, noted the decrease in irritability and poor mood. 70% decreased fatigue and increased performance. The level of rapid fear and anxiety after treatment decreased twice. By the way, Afobazol investigated not only in neurology and psychiatry, but also in cardiology, dermatology, gynecology. In all directions, the effectiveness and safety of the drug is confirmed. However, to avoid individual reactions should not neglect the consultation of the doctor.

The action of pharmacological agents may not appear immediately. On average, no less than two weeks passes to the appearance of the effect, although the sharp manifestations of stress can be soldered immediately. Separate patients note positive changes earlier. The choice of medication to treat strong stress - the procedure is extremely responsible. The doctor takes into account the complex of factors: the severity of the disease, age, sensitivity to components, the effectiveness of the previous treatment and even the mood of the patient - after all, the absolute majority of medicines are designed for long-term treatment and a strict reception scheme.

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