Where to take out construction waste. Costs for disposal of construction waste in a landfill. Options for solving the problem of construction waste

Until recently, recycling of construction waste consisted of loading construction waste into garbage trucks, followed by removal of the waste to a landfill. Construction waste generates over 300 million tons of waste per year from construction and demolition activities, so the construction business has a huge impact on the environment. However, with rising costs and increasing environmental regulations requiring waste to be disposed of properly, recycling construction waste has become more than just a necessity, it offers significant economic benefits to contractors.

What is construction waste

Construction and demolition waste may consist of drywall, wood, metals, plastics, masonry materials, stone, clay, cardboard and others. The most commonly recycled material remains metal, while wood remains the largest contributor to local landfills. Construction waste accounts for more than twenty percent of the waste stream entering landfills, despite the fact that virtually all components of construction waste can be reused or recycled.

Why recycle building materials

And although at first glance it may seem that recycling is the best solution for environment than recycling, there are perhaps more compelling reasons for reuse or recycling construction waste. The fact is that reusing and recycling construction waste reduces costs and the overall cost of the project. Many landfills that include construction waste recycling as part of their industrial structure have free and reduced-price recycling programs. Thus, some waste removal companies can go to the construction site for free to collect and remove recyclable waste. Some may pay a contractor for construction waste because they receive exclusive recycling privileges from the municipality.

As the green movement continues to grow and evolve, more and more consumers are beginning to demand that contractors participate in green programs and use environmentally friendly construction methods. This means that materials left over from construction, demolition or renovation can be recycled or reused. The process may entail the disposal of lumber, windows, light fixtures, paint disposal, sanded drywall, and some materials can be used to fertilize the soil. Provided that a building is dismantled in the proper manner, all construction debris from building dismantling that can be reused, salvaged or recycled can be identified and properly collected to improve cost efficiency and enhance the supply of natural resources.

The two best resources for finding companies that specialize in the disposal and recycling of construction waste are newspapers and the Internet.

Cost and investment efficiency

Since construction and demolition are carried out in stages, the costs associated with the associated disposal of construction waste can be easily managed. Firms that specialize in processing construction waste can provide the construction site with a team of specialists who will deal with the disposal of construction waste at the construction site for each stage of work. This is a simple procedure that will reduce waste sorting time.

Simply changing your point of view is enough. When materials that are left over from a construction project, or materials generated as a result of demolition, are considered as waste, recycling them becomes a necessity for almost every builder. By treating waste as products that can have a second life through recycling or reuse, waste disposal becomes a source of income and reduces construction and demolition costs.

After the completion of construction or renovation of a building, house, or apartment, there is always construction waste left behind. In other words, this is waste that remains after dismantling or after organizing new structures.

Below is an example of construction waste:

  • various metal fragments (parts of parts);
  • broken brick;
  • torn pieces of linoleum;
  • broken window and door frames;
  • remnants of dried paint, etc.

At http://artal.com.ua/sbor-i-vivoz-musora you can order a truck that will allow you to quickly dispose of construction waste.

The persistent violators pack all the construction waste after the repair into cement bags and, as if nothing had happened, throw them into containers for household waste.

Needless to say, such behavior is unacceptable. A company that deals with the removal and subsequent disposal of household waste may impose a very large fine to repay.

Moreover, it will no longer be possible to challenge it. Or in most cases, workers simply do not pick up this garbage, refusing to remove it.

In accordance with the laws Russian Federation, construction waste can only be transported to those landfills that have equipment for sorting and processing it.

For example, metal remains of parts can be melted down and used in the future as recyclable materials. Not many people know that all plastic pipes today, which are used not only in organizing a sewer system in an apartment (just like pipes for water supply), are made from former plastic containers.

The remains of the brick can be crushed into crushed stone, which can later serve as a filler when organizing the foundation of a building.

All of the above suggests that it is imperative to call a truck to dispose of construction waste. In any case, the price for renting it and disposing of construction waste will be less than the fine.

We urge you to be honest. Many people say that a person should not litter where he lives. This thesis is not complete enough. In principle, a person should not litter.

Tatyana Pashina will demonstrate in her video how construction waste is disposed of:

The customer refuses to pay the contractor's costs for disposal of construction waste in a landfill. At the same time, he refers to page 18 of the book by I.Yu. Nosenko “Estimation file in construction” volume 1, which contains the answer to the question of which chapter of the Consolidated Estimate should include the costs for the delivery of construction waste. In particular, the response says the following:

“The costs associated with the removal of construction waste during the construction of new structural elements, including the removal of waste and its delivery to a landfill, are considered overhead costs and are not subject to inclusion in the estimate documentation.”

Is the Customer right?


The customer is wrong in this matter.

Clause 11 “Costs for the improvement and maintenance of construction sites” of Section III “Costs for organizing work on construction sites” of Appendix 6 “List of overhead cost items in construction” to the “Methodological guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction” provides information about , that overhead costs take into account the costs: “- for labor costs (with deductions to the unified social tax from labor costs) and other expenses for cleaning and cleaning (with garbage removal) of the construction area and the adjacent street strip, including sections of roads and sidewalks, the construction of paths, bridges and other work related to the improvement of the territory of construction sites;.”

The costs of the contractor for the disposal of waste transported to a landfill are not taken into account by overhead standards and must be paid separately. On this issue there was an explanation from the Russian Gosstroy, given below:

State Committee of the Russian Federation
for construction and housing and communal services (Gosstroy of Russia)
dated December 28, 1999 No. 10-466

The Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and Housing and Communal Services clarifies this issue.

In accordance with paragraph 10 " Guidelines on determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-1.99”, adopted by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 26, 1999 No. 31, the estimate documentation includes the costs of cleaning and clearing waste from the construction site as part of overhead costs. Accounting for the costs of disposal of unusable soil and waste transported to a landfill is not provided for by current regulatory documents.

Head of Department V.A. Stepanov

It should be noted that the above applies to the disposal of technological waste generated during construction and installation work during new construction, which, for example, includes brick waste and mortar residues from the production of brickwork.

If we are talking about construction waste generated during the dismantling of buildings or their parts, then the cost estimate documentation should take into account the costs of loading, unloading and transporting construction waste from the dismantling of buildings. In addition to these costs, the estimate documentation must take into account the costs of paying for services for the placement and disposal of waste at waste processing sites (“landfills”).

If the work on dismantling buildings is a preparatory stage for further construction, then the specified costs in the estimate documentation can be reflected in Chapter 1 of the consolidated estimate “Preparation of the construction site” with the assignment of loading, unloading and transportation work to construction and installation work. Services for the placement and disposal of waste at waste treatment sites are considered other costs and can be taken into account in chapters 1 or 9 of the consolidated estimate.

The letter of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 05/03/2011 No. 11086-IP/08 recommends taking into account the costs of disposal and disposal of construction waste in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate.

“The costs of placement and disposal (neutralization) of construction waste, contaminated soil and waste are determined by estimates based on the data in Section 8 “List of Environmental Protection Measures” project documentation, and if it is necessary to demolish (dismantle) an object or part of an object capital construction also a description of solutions for the collection, decontamination and disposal of waste and contaminated soil, given in section 7 “Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects”, and a certificate (calculation) of the enterprise on the cost of placement and disposal of construction waste and waste. Costs associated with payment for these services are determined by calculations and taken into account in accordance with clause 4.85 of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation in chapter 9 “Other work and costs”(columns 7, 8) summary estimate of construction costs. Costs for loading construction waste and materials unsuitable for further use, resulting from the dismantling of buildings, structures and equipment, in vehicle and its removal from the construction site to the storage site or landfill are determined according to current tariffs and are taken into account in local estimates.”

During the construction of a house, every developer is faced with the problem of removing construction waste, which always appears and accumulates in huge quantities during the work process. Especially a lot of it is formed during the demolition of old buildings. Owners of city apartments face the same problem during major renovations.

This article will help you figure out where to remove construction waste so as not to violate current legislation. It will also be useful to people making a move, during which it is often discovered that something was stored in an apartment or private house. a large number of unnecessary things. Such junk may even include large-sized furniture and various household appliances, and not just small items stored in secluded corners of residential buildings.

The optimal option for removing waste from the site

Most property owners, including land owners, try to solve the problem of garbage disposal on their own. However, when there is a large amount of it, people quickly give up, since performing such work requires a lot of time, physical strength and the use of special equipment. Moreover, we still have to decide where to unload construction waste.

It is to solve all such problems that it is recommended to contact a professional company specializing in the removal of construction waste. Today, the services of such a company are available to most property owners. The low price of the work is explained by the new principle of interaction with customers. So, if the company is a truly professional organization in this field, then it uses special containers of different capacities to collect waste. The maximum volume of such drives is 30 cubic meters. meters. These containers are placed on the customer’s premises or near a multi-storey building. Once filled, they are immediately removed. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to use the services of movers, which is very important when renovating an apartment.

Garbage removal is paid upon delivery. The price of the service depends on the equipment used and the volume of waste. The final cost of waste removal is calculated by company specialists after studying all the details of the upcoming work.

Self-removal of garbage from the site

You can always get rid of construction waste yourself if a person has free time to do this kind of work. To do this, one of the following methods is suitable:

In St. Petersburg and Moscow there is an opportunity to take advantage of the special project “Dump”. It allows you to get rid of items such as old furniture and various other unnecessary things for which you can still receive a monetary reward. To take advantage of such a project, you must prepare your own waste for removal. They will come for it in Moscow if it is located within the Moscow Ring Road. In another case, you can independently take him to the company’s territory, but to do this you need to contact her first.

Penalties for improperly disposed construction waste

The country has a mechanism regulating waste disposal. This law provides for penalties if citizens violate it. Thus, in accordance with Article 8.1 of the Administrative Code, punishment will be imposed in case of non-compliance environmental requirements when carrying out construction work. Moreover this law applies to municipal and private areas.

More detailed information can be found if you read the comments to the Administrative Code of Russia. For example, it states that a construction site that is not surrounded by a fence is considered a violation. This article also covers the arbitrary release of construction waste outside the construction site.

Article 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for the imposition of a fine, the amount of which can range from 1000 to 2000 rubles. This punishment is for individuals. In this case it will be necessary to mandatory remove garbage, and for this process, if it is not performed on your own, you will have to pay extra. Legal entities are subject to a fine for violating waste disposal rules in the amount of 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Note! If construction waste is not removed within the prescribed period, then a new fine will be imposed. Its dimensions will already be for ordinary person 6000 rubles. Wherein legal entity you will have to pay a maximum of 100,000 rubles.

It is also necessary to take into account laws that apply only in a specific region. Thus, for organizing a landfill in the wrong place, the fine can be 50,000 rubles for individuals. If the release of construction waste was committed by an organization, then the amount of punishment will be equal to a maximum of 200,000 rubles.


In order not to violate the current law, you must comply existing rules regarding the release of construction waste. Ideal option is the help of specialized companies in this area, such as moemmir.ru. In addition, each property owner can independently organize the procedure for removing construction waste to special polygons where it is disposed of. In most cases, waste at such sites is accepted for a fee.

After any major renovation, as a rule, a large amount of construction waste remains. What should the apartment owner do in this case and how should construction waste be removed after renovation from a legal point of view? This problem can also arise when moving from one place to another, when a person gets rid of unnecessary things.

Construction waste - what is it?

Construction waste during renovation includes the following materials:

  • fragments of brick, concrete, plaster, cement bags;
  • pieces of wood, frames, doors;
  • wallpaper scraps, pieces of tiles;
  • containers for paints, putty, construction mixtures, glue.

In addition, it can be divided into categories:

  • The primary residue of building materials, mainly of overall dimensions, appears during dismantling work.
  • Immediate balance during construction work.
  • Waste finishing materials and containers.

Depending on the repair itself, one of the items may be missing.

What should an apartment owner do?

According to the new edition of Federal Law No. 458-FZ, all persons involved in the collection and disposal of waste are required to obtain a license to carry out their activities. Since July 2016, waste collection and removal is prohibited.

In addition, according to SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, waste after repair and construction is transported only to certain areas provided for this purpose. Non-recyclable waste from enterprises is transported to special facilities for neutralization and disposal. That is, if previously it was possible to hire a car and take any waste to a landfill, now it is prohibited to do this.

From January 2018, it is planned to hold auctions on the basis of which prices for waste removal will be determined (Government Decree No. 1280 of October 20, 2017). Also, the basic rules for waste disposal are prescribed in Federal Law No. 89-FZ.

All residents of high-rise buildings and the private sector were required to sign contracts for the removal of municipal solid waste. Only a licensed company can provide such services.

The government has obliged the relevant structures to develop new programs for the operation of waste processing enterprises and to tighten control over unauthorized waste disposal without obtaining a special permit to determine the place of delivery.

First of all, what the apartment owner needs to do is contact his Management Company and find out if it has entered into an agreement with a company that specializes in the removal of construction residues and has the appropriate transport for loading, containers for storing and storing residues, and a package of permits .

If an agreement exists, then a container can be installed for you at the appointed time or special vehicles can be delivered to you. In this case, for a small fee, the company will perform the entire list of works that will comply with the requirements of the Legislation.

How to dispose of waste after renovation yourself?

You can use a developer’s container if a residential building or other facility is being built nearby. This option is feasible if the volume of waste is small. You can try to return new untouched finishing materials to the store or sell them by placing an ad in the newspaper.

In large cities there is a “Dump” project, where they accept old furniture and unnecessary things, and they can also pay a small sum of money.

Fines for unauthorized garbage disposal

A citizen who has made repairs can take the remains to permitted landfills himself, but there are many nuances that ultimately make the whole procedure completely unprofitable. In addition, some remnants of construction waste: paper, metal, plastic will not be accepted by landfills since 2018. This is due to the expansion of the recycling program.

According to Art. 8.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, when unloading waste in unauthorized places due to violations of environmental requirements, this citizen is subject to fines of up to two thousand rubles for ordinary citizens, with the mandatory removal of removed residues within a strictly defined period.

Legal entities will have to pay a fine of twenty to one hundred thousand rubles. The amount may vary depending on the region. If conditions are not met, an additional fine will be charged.

As we see, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation in almost all regions of Russia, the state at the legislative level regulates and controls the removal of all types of waste and its processing.

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