The main signs and symptoms of mushroom poisoning. Main signs and symptoms of mushroom poisoning Save a person poisoned by deadly poisonous mushrooms

Biology Olympiad for 8th grade high school

You have 90 minutes to complete the tasks.

Exercise 1. The task includes 24 questions, each of them has 4 possible answers. For each question, select only one Answer that you consider the most complete and correct.

1 .Bacteria curved in the shape of a comma are called:

a) cocci;

b) vibrios;

c) spirilla;

d) bacilli.

2. Yeast, developing without oxygen on sugary media, causes fermentation:

a) lactic acid;

b) butyric acid;

c) alcohol;

d) acetic acid.

3.Mycelium of the fungus of the genus Penicillium:

a) non-cellular structure;

b) unicellular, mononuclear;

c) unicellular multinucleate;

d) multicellular.

4.Save a person who was fatally poisoned poisonous mushrooms, is difficult, since the toxins of these mushrooms:

a) very poisonous;

b) different actions and there are a lot of them;

c) the toxins of these mushrooms are quickly absorbed into the blood;

d) cause symptoms of poisoning after 12 - 20 hours, when their effect is irreversible.

5. The figure shows the structure of a cap mushroom. Designation 2 corresponds to:

a) a hat;

b) mycorrhiza;

c) mycelium;

6.Algae has adapted to terrestrial life:

a) chlamydomonas;

b) chlorella;

c) pleurococcus;

d) nitella.

7. Mosses reproduce:

a) only seeds;

b) only by disputes;

c) spores and vegetatively;

d) only vegetatively.

8.When a radish seed germinates, the following appears first:

a) main root;

b) lateral roots;

c) main and lateral roots;

d) adventitious roots.

9.The plant shown in the figure belongs to the family:

a) Rosaceae;

b) Lamiaceae;

c) Liliaceae;

d) Solanaceae.

10. Pollination in Scots pine is carried out:

a) insects;

c) by the wind;

d) animals.

11.Cruciferous flower formula:

a) H 4 L 4 T 6 P (2)

b)*H 4 L 4 T 4 P (2) ;

c) *H 2+2 L 4 T 2+4 P (2) ;

d) *H 4 L 4 T 8 P (2) .

12.Cell membraneabsenty:

a) rhizomes;

b) flagellates;

c) ciliates;

d) all protozoa.

13.The main host of falciparum plasmodium:

a) person;

b) larva of malaria mosquito;

c) malaria mosquito;

14. Infection with dysentery occurs:

a) through the bite of an insect that carries the disease;

b) when eating poorly cooked meat from a sick animal;

c) by airborne droplets;

d) when swallowing cysts of dysenteric amoeba with food or water.

15.According to their lifestyle and feeding habits, coelenterates are aquatic:

a) autotrophs;

b) omnivores;

c) filters;

d) predators.

16. The main part of the mesoderm of flatworms is:

a) skin;

b) muscles;

c) nervous system;

d) parenchyma,

17.Circulatory system of annelids:

a) open;

b) closed, the spinal vessel pulsates;

c) closed, the abdominal vessel pulsates;

d) closed, ring vessels pulsate in the anterior part of the body.

18. Belt on the body earthworm takes part in:

a) movement;

b) mating;

c) nutrition;

d) regeneration.

19. The mantle of mollusks is called:

a) the outer part of the shell;

b) a fold of skin covering the body;

c) part of the reproductive organ system;

d) part of the digestive system.

20. Four-branched cephalopods are:

a) cuttlefish;

b) octopuses;

c) squid;

d) nautiluses.

21. Of the listed arthropods, abdominal limbs are developed in:

a) crustaceans;

b) arachnids;

c) insects;

d) centipedes.

22.The spider’s poisonous glands are located:

a) at the base of the chelicerae;

b) at the base of the legs;

c) in the front of the abdomen;

d) in the back of the abdomen.

23. Of the named insects, limbs of the burrowing type have:

a) housefly;

b) bedbug;

c) mole cricket;

d) red ant.

24.Worker bees are:

a) females who have laid eggs and begun caring for their offspring;

b) females whose gonads are not developed;

c) young females capable of laying eggs in a year;

d) males developing from unfertilized eggs.

Task 2. The task includes 6 questions, with several answer options (from 0 to 5). For each question, select the correct answers that you consider to be the most complete and correct.

1. Separated corolla:

a) violets;

b) cloves;

c) fragrant tobacco;

d) tulip;

d) lily of the valley.

2.Protozoa(Protozoa) can move with the help of:

a) pseudopodium;

b) flagella;

c) eyelashes;

d) tentacles;

e) parapodium.

3.Kcharacteristic features of coelenterates include:

a) radial symmetry;

b) three-layer;

c) the presence of a gastric cavity;

d) ganglinous type of nervous system;

e) predatory lifestyle.

4.The development of the circulatory system of arachnids depends on:

a) body size;

b) development and structure of the respiratory system;

c) heart size;

d) heart shapes;

d) blood volume.

5. Representatives of the type of mollusks, according to the method of reproduction, can:

a) be dioecious;

b) be hermaphrodites;

c) be parthenogenetic females;

d) change your gender throughout your life;

e) reproduce asexually (by tearing off body parts).

6.The housefly has sensory organs on its legs:

a) vision;

b) sense of smell;

c) touch;

Task 3. A task to determine the correctness of judgments. Place a “+” sign next to the numbers of correct judgments or a “–” sign next to incorrect ones.

(7 judgments).

1. During the dormant period, the vital processes of the seeds stop.

2. All ferns need water for fertilization.

3. Bryophytes are a dead-end branch of evolution.

4. All flagellates are characterized by the presence of a green pigment - chlorophyll.

5. In protozoa, each cell is an independent organism.

6. The honey bee's vision is the same color and three-dimensional as that of mammals.

7. Scarab beetles, which feed on dung, have long intestines.

Task 4. Choose the appropriate term for this definition.

1. The arrangement of leaves in the crown of a bush or tree relative to each other, due to the characteristics of illumination - ________________________________.

2. The larva of lepidopteran insects is ___________________________.

3. A modified ovipositor in some insects, performing the functions of defense and attack - ___________________________.

4. The anterior end of the tapeworm’s body, which bears the organs of attachment to the host’s intestines -________________________.


8th grade [ max 60 points]

Exercise 1 [max24 points, 1 point for each correct answer]:

Task 2 [mah 14 points, each error minus 1 point]:

2 - a, b, c;

3 - a, c, d;

Task 3 [max8 points, each error minus 2 points]:

Correct judgments are 2, 3, 5, 7.

Task 4 [max4 points, 1 point for each correct answer]:

1 - sheet mosaic;

2 - caterpillar;

Poisoning edible mushrooms and, moreover, inedible causes severe intoxication of the body. Most often, poisoning occurs when eating mushrooms that look like edible ones, but there are cases when a person is poisoned by spoiled salted or even boiled mushrooms. It is important to know the symptoms of mushroom poisoning, how long it takes for them to appear, and how to provide first aid to the victim.

Death cap

Causes of mushroom poisoning:

  • the toxicity of the mushrooms themselves is due to chemical composition product, and those substances that they absorb from the environment;
  • long-term storage of mushrooms without cooking or long-term storage of cooked products;
  • damage to mushrooms by pests, most often they are damaged by mushroom flies;
  • consuming certain types of mushrooms with alcoholic beverages;
  • frequent consumption of morels;
  • abuse of mushrooms - even frequent consumption of mushrooms of the first category can cause harm to the body, for example, porcini mushroom poisoning occurs as a result of the fact that it is difficult for the intestines to digest such food, the remains of the product remain in the gastrointestinal tract, where they begin to rot and poison the body. It follows from this that the answer to the question of whether one can be poisoned by porcini mushrooms will be positive.

Types of poisonous mushrooms

In total, there are more than 3 thousand varieties of mushrooms, and only 400 species of them are edible. The rest are dangerous not only to human health, but also to his life. It is interesting that not all mushrooms are always poisonous; many become poisonous under certain conditions - when they are eaten raw, when consumed together with alcohol, and so on.

The most poisonous mushroom for humans is death cap, as well as its closest “relatives” - the spring and white grebes. These are deadly poisonous mushrooms; eating just one quarter of the cap can cause severe poisoning to an adult; the consequences of such poisoning can be coma and death. The venom of the toadstool, amanitin, cannot be destroyed by any means. high temperatures, nor by drying.

Many poisonous representatives of eukaryotes can easily be confused with edible mushrooms - umbrellas; the most dangerous are the white talker, the plush cobweb, and the beautiful cobweb. In case of poisoning with these mushrooms - lepiots, the manifestation of symptoms of intoxication occurs after 2-3 weeks.

What mushrooms can cause poisoning:

  • red fly agaric;
  • satanic mushroom;
  • pig;
  • false honey mushrooms;
  • parterre mushroom;
  • smelly mushroom.

Can you get poisoned by edible mushrooms? If you do not properly salt, pickle and preserve milk mushrooms, morels, strings and volushki, symptoms of intoxication appear.

Symptoms of poisoning

Signs of mushroom poisoning most often appear within 1-2 hours. Depending on the type of product eaten, its processing, joint consumption of alcohol, as well as age and body weight, it can be reduced to 30 minutes - 1 hour or increased to 6-12 hours. In case of consumption of lepiot mushrooms, the incubation period takes 2-3 weeks.

The first signs of mushroom poisoning:

  • nausea and severe bouts of vomiting;
  • diarrhea:
  • pain in the abdomen.

Depending on the type of mushroom and the amount of toxins and poisons they contain, the clinical picture differs.

When eaten, mushroom poisoning results in muscle pain, severe nausea and vomiting, copious loose stools, often with blood, convulsions occur quite quickly, heart failure, impaired vascular function, renal failure, jaundice may appear, the patient often falls into a coma.

How long does it take for intoxication symptoms to appear when poisoned by fly agarics and talkers? As a rule, after 1-2 hours, the poisoned person may show the first signs of the condition - increased salivation, excessive sweating, lacrimation, constriction of the pupils, convulsions, bronchial edema and shortness of breath, bradycardia, decreased blood pressure, hallucinations, coma.

When poisoning with parterre mushroom, symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, dilated pupils, a feeling of thirst, dry mucous membranes and skin may appear.

In addition to the general symptoms, stitches and morels cause convulsions, enlarged liver and the appearance of yellowness of the organ, enlarged spleen, hemolysis, kidney damage, and loss of consciousness.

Mushroom poisoning occurs faster in children, this is due to the fact that the child’s body is more sensitive to the effects of toxins.

Mushroom poisoning during pregnancy is more dangerous; toxins can penetrate the placenta and infect the fetus. In this case, the risk of miscarriage increases. Signs of mushroom poisoning in pregnant women are severe headaches, dizziness, attacks of nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, diarrhea, abdominal pain. In some cases, increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and fainting occur.

First aid

In case of mushroom poisoning, first aid is an important stage in starting therapy. Timely measures can not only alleviate the general condition of the patient, but also increase the chances of survival. To provide first aid, it is important to know the symptoms of mushroom poisoning and how long it takes for them to occur.

What to do if you are poisoned by mushrooms? When the first signs of intoxication develop, you should first call an ambulance. If there is such a possibility, the remains of the eaten product should be set aside for examination; laboratory testing will help determine the type of poison, based on this, doctors will carry out appropriate treatment. Before doctors arrive, it is necessary to provide assistance to the injured adult or child.

First aid in case of poisoning:

  • the patient needs to rinse the stomach, use at least one and a half liters of water for rinsing, then induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue; vomiting should not be induced in pregnant women;
  • in the absence of diarrhea, give the victim one tablespoon of Vaseline or castor oil;
  • take any drug from the group of sorbents –,;
  • provide the victim with plenty of fluids;
  • put the patient to bed, put a warm heating pad on his feet.

Note! It is difficult to save a person poisoned by deadly poisonous mushrooms, since symptoms of intoxication appear only after 12-20 hours, and sometimes on the second day, at which time the toxins already have an effect on tissues and organs, but due to the absence of signs of intoxication, treatment cannot be started in a timely manner.


Treatment for mushroom poisoning is carried out in a hospital setting. First of all, the patient is given a tube for gastric lavage, and is also prescribed a saline laxative, administration of medicinal solutions through the veins, and forced diuresis.

On the first day of therapy, a hemosorption procedure is performed, through which toxins are removed from the patient’s blood by passing the blood through sorbents.

Patients are also prescribed symptomatic treatment for cardiovascular failure and renal failure. In case of poisoning with red fly agaric and talkers, the patient is given the antidote Atropine, the dosage of which is selected individually.

If you have mushroom intoxication, you should never use alcoholic drinks, take painkillers, antiemetics and medications for diarrhea.


How to avoid poisoning from mushrooms? Prevention of mushroom poisoning requires compliance with certain rules, the main one of which prohibits collecting and eating unknown and little-known mushrooms. You should not collect mushrooms that are similar to those you know edible species, but still raise suspicions. If there is the slightest doubt, the mushroom should be thrown away immediately; it should not be allowed to come into contact with other specimens.

How to avoid poisoning from edible mushrooms? The product must be processed under high temperatures; you should not try mushrooms raw; you should not collect old and wormy mushrooms. When choosing mushrooms, you must inspect the caps and sponges, determine the presence of plates and their color, and the presence of a ring on the stem. Mushrooms should be collected in a basket, not in a bag; they should not be collected near roads and industrial enterprises. Collected mushrooms must be cooked immediately; they should not be stored for a long time.

Before any type of cooking, mushrooms should be boiled and the broth should be discarded. Prevention of mushroom poisoning also includes the ability to provide first aid in the event of intoxication, since the body itself cannot eliminate such poisoning.

How not to get poisoned by mushrooms? It is not recommended to eat a lot of mushrooms; you should not eat mushrooms in the morning and on an empty stomach, as this is a difficult to digest product, and the intestines are not always able to fully cope with this task. It is not recommended to eat mushrooms for people with pathologies of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Now you know the symptoms of mushroom intoxication, and how long it takes for mushroom poisoning to occur. Delicious product can be very dangerous, so you need to be as careful as possible when collecting and preparing it.

Infectious disease doctor, private clinic “Medcenterservice”, Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".

In Russia they love and know how to pick mushrooms. In many countries, such as England, the USA, Australia, etc., they eat only specially cultivated mushrooms, such as champignons, oyster mushrooms, etc. Those that grow in forests are ignored, considering them poisonous. This is hard for us to understand, because... Mushroom dishes are popular in Russia. Fried mushrooms with potatoes, pies, salads, gravies - there are many recipes for delicious dishes.

In Russia they love and know how to pick mushrooms

Residents of other countries can be understood, because mushrooms can lead to the death of a person if emergency assistance is not provided. Previously, in 90% of cases of poisoning with toadstool, the patient died. Now we have managed to reduce this percentage to 40%, but there is a danger, especially in cases where they come to the doctor too late.

Prevention of poisoning

Since the consequences of eating some mushrooms can be very sad, prevention of mushroom poisoning is important. What to do to protect yourself and your loved ones, what precautions would be useful?

Mushrooms are inedible

Poisoning with poisonous mushrooms leads to human death. In Europe, this is the pale grebe and some types of fly agarics. It is also scary that the symptoms do not appear immediately, and only emergency medical care can save you. Often the doctor is not able to help the patient, because... toxins have already affected vital organs, treatment is late.

Death cap

Whereas the red fly agaric we know from childhood is not as dangerous as many people think. To die, you need to eat 3-4 kg of red fly agarics at once. Any poisoning requires treatment under medical supervision. And if it is caused by toadstool, emergency care is required. It is impossible to save a person at home. Poisoning occurs because a mushroom picker confuses an edible mushroom with a poisonous one.

  • Pale grebe looks like green russula or greenfinch.
  • Galerina bordered - like a mushroom.
  • The fly agaric is white and smelly - for mushrooms.
  • False honey mushrooms are similar to ordinary ones.
  • Gall and satanic mushrooms are easily confused with white mushrooms.

Conditionally edible mushrooms

There are also mushrooms that are called conditionally edible. So, if you have collected morels, you cannot eat them right away, because they contain helvellic acid, which can cause not only health problems, but also deaths. What can you do to prevent these undesirable consequences?

You can get rid of it either by drying the mushrooms, or by boiling them for at least 10-15 minutes. You cannot try the broth, because all the acid has passed into the water. It is also advisable to wash them after boiling. Morels can only be eaten if they have been dried for 1.5–2 months.

Morels are conditionally edible mushrooms

Edible mushrooms

If you collected old mushrooms, then they contain protein decomposition products that are harmful. Poisoning can be caused by improper preparation or canning of mushrooms. In addition, mushrooms are difficult to digest, so they are not suitable for everyone. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from such delicacies, as are preschool children.


Mushroom poisoning is one of the most serious and severe food poisonings. Children and the elderly are at risk. What to do if you don't feel well? As soon as symptoms of mushroom poisoning appear, you need to call an ambulance. Whether a person survives depends on the experience of doctors. Urgent Care cannot be provided at home; only doctors can save a person.

Severe poisoning

If a person has eaten toadstool (mortality rate - 50–95%), signs of mushroom poisoning may not be immediately noticeable. There are toadstool-like fly agarics. The symptoms are similar, and the mortality rate is also high (30–70%). If treatment is started immediately, the chances of survival increase.

In case of poisoning, immediate medical attention is required

If you are poisoned by toadstool

It takes from 6 to 40 hours, but most often about 12 after the mushroom or its broth has been eaten. They include.

  • Abdominal pain.
  • Uncontrollable vomiting. The poisoned person feels very thirsty, but cannot quench it due to vomiting. There is a rapid loss of water.
  • Diarrhea. If at first the feces are yellow-green or clay-green in color, then later it is a discharge similar to swamp mud.
  • My head hurts and I feel dizzy.
  • Weakness, very strong.

The patient's appearance also changes greatly: the face is pale, the skin is dull, the facial features are pointed, the eyes are sunken. Due to the loss of chlorine, circulatory disorders begin. Hands and feet become cold, and cramps may occur. After some time (1.5–2 days), these signs subside and the person feels better. Drowsiness appears. Often the patient is sure that all the bad things are behind him and he is recovering.

This calm is temporary. A few more hours - and the person will not be alive. Or diarrhea appears again, jaundice develops, and after 5–6 days the person still dies. But it also happens that the jaundice gradually disappears, and the patient recovers. If medical assistance was provided on time and treatment was prescribed, there is a chance. This is a deadly poisoning.

The fact that liver failure has begun is indicated by disseminated intravascular coagulation, a syndrome that can be recognized by bleeding gums, vomiting and diarrhea mixed with blood, etc. The patient’s kidneys are also affected. If the case is advanced, even medical care will not save the person.

The stitches are edible if dried and boiled several times

Signs of stitch poisoning

The stitches are dangerous because they contain gyrometrin and gelwellic acid. They act in the same way as the poison of the toadstool. If the mushrooms are dried for at least 2-3 weeks, the gyrometrin will disappear, and the gelwellic acid will be destroyed during prolonged cooking. If you dry the mushrooms and boil them several times, pouring out the broth, it is impossible to get poisoned. But if you dine on mushrooms that are undercooked or eat broth made from them, then after about 6-10 hours the following symptoms will appear:

  • I have a stomachache;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

After some time, hemolytic jaundice and hepatic-renal failure develop. The consequences of poisoning are serious: after 3-4 days a person can die. 10-50% of poisoning cases result in death.

Mild poisoning

Not all types of poisoning lead to death. If symptoms make themselves felt after a short period of time, this is a good sign.

False honey mushrooms

Poisoning with false honey mushrooms

Deterioration in health begins after 1–6 hours. They resemble common food poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • I have a stomachache.

In a few days the patient will fully recover; treatment at home is possible. Poisoning with false honey mushrooms is not scary, but treatment is still necessary, since gastroenteritis and dehydration can harm the body.

Pig poisoning

It would be a mistake to consider pigs to be edible mushrooms. It has long been listed as poisonous. Doctors have noticed that the initial consumption of mushrooms rarely causes poisoning, but repeated consumption, after some time, is dangerous for human life. If it is mild, then it does not threaten human life. Its signs appear after 1–3 hours, sometimes after 5–6 hours.

Svinushka - a poisonous mushroom

Mushroom poisoning symptoms are the same as for regular poisoning: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea. Much depends on exactly how many mushrooms a person has eaten and on his state of health. Weak people get sick. In 2-3 days the patient feels better, and after 4-6 days he recovers. If the mushrooms were eaten raw or poorly cooked, the poisoning is severe, and the consequences can be very sad.

Satanic mushroom poisoning

Mushroom pickers often confuse white and satanic mushrooms. The latter is very poisonous, especially in its raw form. It affects everyone differently. The effect of its toxins has not been studied, because they are constantly mutating. Within 20–30 minutes, signs of poisoning appear. They can be different, they are stored for no longer than 3 days. Most often, a person feels sick, has diarrhea, vomiting, and convulsions are possible. Hallucinations, loss of memory and self-control, and conditions similar to lethargic sleep (lasting up to 72 hours) are not excluded.

Often confused White mushroom and satanic

Red fly agaric poisoning

Symptoms appear quickly: from 30 minutes to 6 hours. Sweat and saliva flow profusely. The person feels sick, vomits, becomes dizzy, and has watery stools. There is also confusion, hallucinations, pupils constrict, and difficulty breathing. Most often, signs of poisoning disappear after 12 hours. But if the poison was strong, and the person was not given help for mushroom poisoning, he begins to become very agitated. But after 6-10 hours it will give way to apathy, drowsiness, after which death occurs.

What to do

What to do if you or your loved ones are poisoned by mushrooms? First of all, you should know that treating these poisonings at home is strictly prohibited; providing assistance to the victim is the job of a doctor. Even if the poisoning is mild and there is no threat to life, emergency medical attention is needed. Children and the elderly are especially at risk. If measures are not taken in time, a person may die, i.e. the consequences of poisoning are the most serious.

The poisoned person should drink a pale solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting.

Treatment prescribed by a doctor is good, but what to do before the ambulance arrives, how to help the patient at home, to alleviate his condition? First aid for mushroom poisoning is as follows.

  • Rinse the stomach. The poisoned person must drink a pale solution of potassium permanganate and induce vomiting until the water becomes clear.
  • Take sorbents and a laxative. You can drink activated charcoal and a saline laxative.
  • Replenish fluid loss. Regidron solution is suitable for this or mineral water, salted water, sweet tea. The more a person drinks, the better.

It is important to remember that a poisoned person should not drink alcoholic beverages. It would also be a mistake to throw away those mushrooms that were prepared at home. You can’t eat them, but they are useful for making an accurate diagnosis. Even if you are worried about your loved ones, you need to be prepared to answer the doctor’s questions. He needs to know how long it took for signs of poisoning to appear, what mushrooms were eaten, etc.

It is also important how many people could have been poisoned. Gastric lavage will be done to everyone who ate mushrooms that day, even if they have no signs of poisoning. Antidotes for the toxic substances of mushrooms have not yet been invented, so treatment is helping the patient’s body: detoxification, reinforcing, symptomatic treatment.

Doctors will be able to keep the patient’s condition under control, conduct the necessary tests and, if necessary, alleviate his condition. When treated at home, the chances of surviving severe poisoning are minimal. Therefore, calling an ambulance is mandatory. Let the doctor decide whether this is a serious case or not, and he will not scold you for calling, because mushroom poisoning is a reason to seek help. Sometimes a person’s life depends on the speed of response.

Assignments for the school stage of the All-Russian Biology Olympiad for schoolchildren in the 2012 academic year in 9th grade.

You have 90 minutes to complete the tasks.

Task 1. The task includes 30 questions, each of them has 4 possible answers. For each question, select only one Answer that you consider the most complete and correct. Place a “+” sign next to the index of the selected answer. In case of correction, the “+” sign must be duplicated.

1. Yeast, developing without access to oxygen on sugary media, causes fermentation:

a) lactic acid;

b) butyric acid;

c) alcohol;

d) acetic acid.

2.Mycelium of the fungus of the genus Penicillium:

a) non-cellular structure;

b) unicellular, mononuclear;

c) unicellular multinucleate;

d) multicellular.

3. It is difficult to save a person who has been poisoned by deadly poisonous mushrooms, since the toxins of these mushrooms:

a) very poisonous;

b) different actions and there are a lot of them;

c) the toxins of these mushrooms are quickly absorbed into the blood;

d) cause symptoms of poisoning after 12 - 20 hours, when their effect is irreversible.

4.Algae has adapted to terrestrial life:

a) chlamydomonas;

b) chlorella;

c) pleurococcus;

d) nitella.

5. The plant shown in the figure belongs to the family:

a) Rosaceae;

b) Lamiaceae;

c) Liliaceae;

d) Solanaceae.

6.Cruciferous flower formula:

a) Ch4L4T6P (2)


c) *H2+2L4T2+4P(2);

d) *Ch4L4T8P(2).

7. The cell membrane is absent in:

a) rhizomes;

b) flagellates;

c) ciliates;

d) all protozoa.

8.The main host of falciparum plasmodium:

a) person;

b) larva of malaria mosquito;

c) malaria mosquito;

9. Infection with dysentery occurs:

a) through the bite of an insect that carries the disease;

b) when eating poorly cooked meat from a sick animal;

c) by airborne droplets;

d) when swallowing cysts of dysenteric amoeba with food or water.

10. In coelenterates, jellyfish and polyps are:

a) various stages of asexual reproduction;

b) larva and adult animals, respectively;

c) manifestation of alternation of generations;

d) various species of coelenterates.

11.According to their lifestyle and feeding habits, coelenterates are aquatic:

a) autotrophs;

b) omnivores;

c) filters;

d) predators.

12.Circulatory system of annelids:

a) open;

b) closed, the spinal vessel pulsates;

c) closed, the abdominal vessel pulsates;

d) closed, ring vessels pulsate in the anterior part of the body.

13.An earthworm has blood:

a) does not contain special pigments;

b) contains free hemoglobin;

c) contains red blood cells with hemoglobin;

d) absent, because breathing is carried out over the entire surface of the body.

14. The mantle of mollusks is called:

a) the outer part of the shell;

b) a fold of skin covering the body;

c) part of the reproductive organ system;

d) part of the digestive system.

15. Four-branched cephalopods are:

a) cuttlefish;

b) octopuses;

c) squid;

d) nautiluses.

16. Of the listed arthropods, abdominal limbs are developed in:

a) crustaceans;

b) arachnids;

c) insects;

d) centipedes.

17. Late blight - a disease of tomatoes and potatoes, which manifests itself in darkening of leaves and fruits, causes:

a) bacteria;

b) virus;

c) mushroom;

d) lichen.

18. Of the listed spiders, the following are poisonous to humans:

a) cross spider;

b) silver spider;

c) karakurt;

d) house spider.

19.The spider’s poisonous glands are located:

a) at the base of the chelicerae;

b) at the base of the legs;

c) in the front of the abdomen;

d) in the back of the abdomen.

20. Of the named insects, limbs of the burrowing type have:

a) housefly;

b) bedbug;

c) mole cricket;

d) red ant.

21. Of the named insects, the oral apparatus of the gnawing type has:

a) dragonfly;

b) blowfly;

c) bell mosquito;

d) swimming beetle.

22.Worker bees are:

a) females who have laid eggs and begun caring for their offspring;

b) females whose gonads are not developed;

c) young females capable of laying eggs in a year;

d) males developing from unfertilized eggs.

23. Lancelets live:

a) only in warm seas;

b) only in warm weather fresh water bodies;

c) in cold seas of high salinity;

d) in swamps and shallows of fresh water bodies.

24. The endosperm of an angiosperm may contain:

a) 14 chromosomes;

b) 24 chromosomes;

c) 34 chromosomes;

d) 44 chromosomes.

25. The hearing organ of fish is represented by:

a) lateral line organ;

b) external ear;

c) middle ear;

d) inner ear.

26. Snakes have eyelids:

a) free, transparent;

b) free, opaque, mobile;

c) fused, transparent;

d) fused, only the upper eyelid is transparent.

27. From the ventricle of the heart of reptiles comes:

a) only one aortic arch;

b) only two aortic arches;

c) one aortic arch and pulmonary artery;

d) two aortic arches and the pulmonary artery

28. Unlike bony fish, cartilaginous fish lack:

a) scales;

b) liver;

c) intestines;

d) swim bladder.

29.The body temperature of a newt depends on:

a) the nature of the food;

d) ambient temperature.

30. The most important factor in the regulation of such seasonal migration of birds as migration is:

a) change in average daily ambient temperature;

b) reduction in the abundance of food supply;

c) change in the length of daylight hours;

d) formation of a married couple.

Task 2. The task includes 10 questions, with several answer options (from 0 to 5). Place "+" signs next to the indices of the selected answers. In case of corrections, the “+” sign must be duplicated.

1. The figure shows options for the position of the ovary in a flower. The inferior ovary is presented under the numbers:



at 3;



2.Elementary inflorescence of a spikelet in a panicle:

a) wheat;

b) barley;

c) rice;

d) oats;

d) reeds.

3.Protozoa can move using:

a) pseudopodium;

b) flagella;

c) eyelashes;

d) tentacles;

e) parapodium.

4.K characteristic features coelenterates can be classified as:

a) radial symmetry;

b) three-layer;

c) the presence of a gastric cavity;

d) ganglinous type of nervous system;

e) predatory lifestyle.

5. Bivalve mollusks that live in fresh water bodies include:

a) pearl barley;

b) pond snails;

c) balls;

d) scallops;

d) toothless.

6.The development of the circulatory system of arachnids depends on:

a) body size;

b) development and structure of the respiratory system;

c) heart size;

d) heart shapes;

d) blood volume.

7.The housefly has sensory organs on its legs:

a) vision;

b) sense of smell;

c) touch;

d) taste;

d) hearing.

8. They have a four-chambered heart:

a) lizards;

b) turtles;

c) crocodiles;

d) birds;

e) mammals.

9. The cerebellum is well developed in:

a) fish and amphibians;

b) fish and birds;

c) amphibians and reptiles;

d) reptiles and mammals;

e) birds and mammals.

10. There are always no fangs in the dental system in:

a) rodents;

b) proboscis;

c) artiodactyls;

d) lagomorphs;

e) equids.

Task 3. Task to determine the correctness of judgments. Place a "+" sign next to the numbers of correct judgments. (10 judgments).

1. The main substance of the plant cytoplasm is dominated by polysaccharides.

2. All flagellates are characterized by the presence of a green pigment - chlorophyll.

3. In protozoa, each cell is an independent organism.

4. The honey bee's vision is the same color and volume as that of mammals.

5. All sturgeon fish are characterized by spawning migrations.

6. The disappearance of the tail in frog tadpoles occurs due to the fact that dying cells are digested by lysosomes.

7. Lateral line organs are present in all chordates that constantly live in water.

8. Some modern birds have free fingers on their wings with spears for climbing trees.

9.Epithelial tissues are divided into two groups: integumentary and glandular.

10. A person who receives part of the blood for transfusion, other tissues or an organ for transplantation is a recipient.

Task 4. Choose the appropriate term for this definition.

The larva of lepidopteran insects is ___________________________.

The anterior end of the tapeworm’s body, which bears the organs of attachment to the host’s intestine, is _____________________________.

3. The anterior end of the tapeworm’s body, which bears the organs of attachment to the host’s intestines -________________________.

9th grade

Exercise 1 :

1-c, 2-d, 3-d, 4-c, 5-a, 6-c, 7-a, 8-c, 9-d, 10-c, 11-d, 12-d, 13- 6, 14-6, 15-g, 16-a, 17-c, 18-c; 19-a; 20-in;

21-g; 22-b, 23-a, 24-6, 25-g, 26-c, 27-g, 28-g, 29-g, 30-c.

Task 2:

1 - b, c;2 - c, d, d;3 - a, b, c;4 - a, c, d;5 - a, c, d;6 - a, b;7 - c, d; 8 - c, d, d;9 - b, d;10 - a, 6, d.

Task 3:

Correct judgments are 1, 3, 6, 8, 10.

Task 4

Exercise 1 [max24 points, 1 point for each correct answer]:

1-6, 2-v, 3-d, 4-d, 5-d, 6-v, 7-v, 8-a, 9-a, 10-v, 11-v, 12-a, 13- in, 14th, 15-g, 16-g, 17-g, 18-b, 19-b, 20-g,

21-a, 22-a; 23-v, 24-6.

Task 2 [mah 14 points, each error minus 1 point]:

1 - a, 6; 2 - a, b, c; 3 - a, c, d; 4 - a, b; 5 - a, b; 6 - in, g.

Task 3 [max8 points, each error minus 2 points]:

Correct judgments are 2, 3, 5, 7.

Task 4 [max4 points, 1 point for each correct answer]:

1 - sheet mosaic; 2 - caterpillar; 3 - sting; 4 - scolex

A. N. Rudnev, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Krasnaya Kudryavka, Saratov region.

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