Essay on the topic my favorite animal is dog. “my faithful friend” competition for the best story about a pet A story on the topic of my favorite animal, dog

1. My kitten's name is Dymok. He loves to play with laser and rope.
When Smokey is outside, I also go out to play with him.
When I go over the hill, Dymok runs after me. He is a cheerful and funny kitten.
His paws are white, and he is all gray. I love him very much, and he loves me too.
We miss each other.

2. I have a cat. His name is Max. He is fast and cunning.
He loves sausage very much. He has a gray tail and a white muzzle.
I love my cat very much.

3. My cat's name is Cupcake. Our family loves Cupcake very much and loves cupcakes, that’s why we named the cat that way.
He is very smart, he understands everything. He is playful, rushing around the rooms, playing hide and seek with me.
He purrs pleasantly when you pet him. His fur is shiny and fluffy.
The cupcake is kind, affectionate, and warms me up at night.
He is a very wonderful cat!

Essay on the topic: My pet (dog).

1. My dog's name is Laima. She loves to run races. She has a long tail and long ears. Her breed is Shepherd. She has big eyes, sharp teeth and a black nose. When Laima whines, she wants to go out into the garden to run around. When I'm near the enclosure, she jumps, runs and barks.

2. My favorite dog. My dog's name is Heimer. He is short. My dog ​​loves to play with me and when I run, he runs after me. But when I leave for school, he sits down and looks at me with sad eyes and whines. And when I come home from school, he barks and waits for me at home as if he’s saying, “My master has returned and is happy.” My dog ​​is very smart and loves me.

3. I have a four-legged friend. This is my doggie. His name is Beethoven. He is beautiful. His coat color is black with brown stripes. The story of his childhood. He was born in the fall when it was cold. We took it home. He loved to lie near the radiators. When he grew up he became active and made many friends. Now he's big!

4. My pet's name is Fluff - it's a dog. She is very beautiful and kind, she loves to play with me. Her favorite game is catch. When I hide in the tall grass, she looks for me. She black and white colors. She loves everything, but her favorite thing is chocolate. When I go to the store I don’t refuse and give her chocolate. He loves me. And I him, although he is already old. We hope he lives long.

5. My friend's name is Druzhok. He is six years old. He is small in stature, white and black in color. And his tail is very interesting. It is bent back. Ears hang like leaves. My friend loves potatoes, meat, milk and fish. My sweet dog is very beautiful and affectionate! I love Druzhka very much and I am very glad that he is always with us!

6. My dog's name is Barsik. Its color is black, and its legs are slightly light in color. His ears are small, but Barsik is very sensitive and hears well. At night he hardly sleeps, but guards the house. Our family and I love Barsik very much. How did we ever live without him? I take care of him every day. His mother also makes special soup for him every day. We all go for a walk every Sunday and have fun with Barsik.


A story about a pet. Bertha is my favorite dog.

Target: message about a pet.
1. Talk about your favorite pet.
2. Give a sample message about the dog for the sponsored guys.
3. Foster interest and love for animals.
Purpose: use in work with preschoolers and first graders; for chief counselors, educators, parents.

Guess the riddle:
She guards the border
Following the trail he will catch the swindler,
They let her go where it's hot,
And the name is German... (shepherd)
The German Shepherd is versatile. It can serve equally well as a companion dog, guard dog, protective dog, detective dog, service dog and guard dog. Successfully used in livestock farming as a herding dog. More often than other breeds, they are used in the army, the police, and to protect state borders.

According to some sources German Shepherd is not a monogamous person and quickly gets used to the new owner, but...personally, I don’t believe in it. For example, in the city of Togliatti, a Monument of Devotion was erected - a monument to a dog who patiently waited for its owners for 7 whole years. The dog was a German Shepherd breed.

I have many pets: dogs, chickens, turtles. But I want to tell you about one of them. As you guessed, of course, this is a dog.
Bertha is a German Shepherd. She has a big black nose. Brown eyes that will always look at you so pitifully that you will give everything you want and don’t want. The ears stand and hear every rustle, the slightest sound. Cone is a shaped cute face. A long tail that twirls all the time. Her fur is black and red, with white spots visible in some places.
Bertha is an active dog, she is always on the move. Either he jumps from the stump to the ground and back, then he carries a stick, or he runs around his owners without stopping. But she is not stupid and follows basic commands: “Come to me!”, “Sit!”, “Place!”, and others. My Bertochka is very affectionate. He will definitely crawl under your arm or hug you with his paws; he loves to lick your hand and face.
This is such an amazingly smart and beautiful animal that lives in my house. An intelligent and well-mannered dog is an example of loyalty and devotion to its owner, that is, to me.

There are many breeds in the dog world.
They go through life, they can’t be counted,
But, despite changes in fashion,
You won’t find another dog like this:
Stern look, erect ears,
All muscles and an exquisite saddle cloth.
They contain souls devoted to man,
And the brave heart beats in time with the master's.
Who is this dog? German Shepherd!
It’s impossible not to guess her portrait.
And it’s just unbearably pitiful,
That this one has been consigned to oblivion.
Their run is like a shot of an arrow,
And their appearance is filled with beauty.
In any work and in any battle
These dogs have proven their loyalty.
Smart, obedient, sensitive and loved...
German Shepherds, you are unique!

Pets always surround the child. In some families, cats, dogs, and rabbits are their favorites. In others - turtles or Guinea pigs, even more exotic ones, for example, iguanas. All of them are our four-legged friends since childhood. I really want to tell my friends and relatives about them, especially since they teach this very topic at school. About (2nd grade) will be discussed in this article. This material can serve as a good help both for children planning to write an essay on a given topic, and for parents who traditionally help them with this.

How to make a plan

So, where do we begin to plan a story about a pet (2nd grade)?

A story about a cat

“Once my mother and I bought a little kitten, he was very tiny and fit on his mother’s folded palms. We named him Tikhon, and affectionately Tishka.

Tisha has grown up a little. His fur is long and the color is white and red. The paws are thick and pink on the pads, there are almost no claws. And he himself is affectionate and gentle. He comes and purrs in the evenings in the arms of his mother or me. He also loves to be petted and scratched under the chin.

A little more time passed, and my mother and I learned that it was a cat. But that’s okay, I didn’t even have to change my name: Tishka remained that way. Moreover, she already responds to her nickname and runs to the kitchen, especially if she is given food. And soon we are expecting kittens and will distribute them to all our friends.

I love Tisha because she is affectionate and purrs. It’s also very funny that we bought a cat, but in the end we got a cat, but this is even better!”

A story about a pet: a dog

“I’ve been wanting a dog for three years now. Something that’s not too big and very friendly, like a spaniel, for example. And for my birthday they gave me a puppy. I named him Rocky. And he’s already starting to respond to his name.

He is fluffy, his ears hang almost to the floor, and his colors are white, gray and black. Very sociable and affectionate. You come home from school, and he jumps around and barks - he greets you. He is still very small and sleeps on my bed, but his mother wants to move him to her place near the door.

Sometimes we go for a walk with Rocky. We have to put him on a leash, but he doesn’t like it very much. He also chases pigeons and sparrows on the playground!”

Option #1

All children and even adults love to keep pets. Some people keep fish, while others have cats, dogs, rabbits, and parrots. I have a dog.

My pet's name is Boss. He's a Rottweiler. Boss is a very large dog, he has large brown eyes and a characteristic coloring for this breed.

I adopted a dog from my friend. He was going abroad and wanted to find good house for his dog, who was a puppy at the time. So the Boss began to live with me. My parents immediately approved of my desire to have a dog, because at that time we had no animals at all.

The boss guards our house, he always barks at strangers. But as soon as you tell him “you can’t”, he immediately becomes silent. Boss is a very obedient and smart dog. He also knows the commands: “sit”, “lie down”, “give me a paw”, “fu” and “crawl”.

The boss likes to eat meat, fish and drink milk. I always take him out on a leash because many people are afraid of him because of his menacing appearance. But, in fact, he is a very kind dog!

The boss loves to bathe, I usually wash him in the bathroom, and dad helps him get in and out. Boss is a very clean dog, he never spoils the house.

Option No. 2

Pets usually give people joy and pleasure. But my beloved dog Mochi is also a source of security and protection. No other animal is as sincere and loyal a friend as a dog. Dogs have been in the service of man since the very beginning of civilization. Originally, the dog was as wild as the wolf.

Mochi is a German Shepherd. Now I can no longer imagine life without him. My mom gave me Mochi for my birthday. Then he was a little mischievous puppy. We played a lot with him, walked on the street, I literally did not leave Moti a single step. We even had lunch and dinner at the same time!

Now Moti is already a big adult dog. She is very kind and loyal, knows many different commands, such as “sit”, “down”, “give me a paw” and “fu”. But if strangers knock on the house, she immediately barks until you tell her “ugh” or “no”. She understands very well that if the owner pronounces these commands, then there is no reason to worry.

Mochi never jumps on our beds or sofas. She always behaves civilly, we do not allow her to climb onto our sofas, because she has her own place in the house, which she knows very well.

I feed Moti porridge, which my mother prepares especially for her. She also loves crackers and dairy products. I never give her sweets because they spoil the dog's health. I take her for a long walk in the morning and evening. We often play together with a ball and a stick. I feel safe in Moti's presence.

Read along with the article “Essay on the topic “My favorite animal is a dog”:


We have a cat living at home. As soon as he appeared, we named him Marquis for his beauty and proud disposition. But he did not want to respond to this name. But he liked the name Fluff. It suits him very well, because he is a Siberian breed and his fur is long, fluffy and soft, as if it were real fluff.

Nature painted Fluffy smoky gray, and her belly, paws and triangle on her face white. The tail is fluffy, like a fan. And he wears it proudly, like a flag.

He also uses his tail to express his mood: he tugs when he’s angry, hits grandma’s legs when they don’t let him eat, and quietly moves the tip when he’s happy.

Our cat is a little predator, so he caught all the mice in the basement of our two-story house. He is dexterous and smart. And how interesting he is, just a funny guy. Can jump over one leg, from chair to chair.

Fluff loves potatoes, meat, and fish very much. He knows no limits when it comes to food. And when he eats too many fish bones, his tummy starts to hurt. then he gives him injections. As soon as Fluff sees that she took the syringe, she immediately hides either under the closet or under the sofa.

And what a sweet tooth he is! Loves candies and chocolate. And also valerian. If someone smears a bottle with it, he chases it around the room.

Our cat is very affectionate. Loves to sit in your arms to be petted or brushed.

And my mother says that he is a real doctor, because he cures headaches better than pills.

We all love our real family member – Pushka.

Pet essay about cat | February 2016

An essay about "My pet". About the dog

Probably every person has his own favorite pet. Most of my classmates and friends have cats, hamsters, and dogs at home. It seems to me that without a pet it will become boring and uninteresting, because how much joy these furry creatures bring us. In my essay I want to tell you about the pet that lives in my apartment. This - dog.

Our four-legged faithful friend is already five years old. The story of his appearance is simple: the whole family went to the bird market to choose a kitten. But when we passed by owners selling puppies, a fluffy white lump caught our attention. The lump turned out to be a small mongrel dog puppy. A woman was selling a puppy, she assured us that with such a “miracle” we would have fun. Despite the fact that the purpose of our visit to the bird market was to purchase a purebred cat (my mother really wanted it), everyone immediately forgot about it. The puppy amazed us with his intelligent look, we made a unanimous decision that he would live with us.

The puppy, and it was a girl, was named Kashtanka. You probably already guessed that the name we chose for the dog is the same as that of the “heroine” of Chekhov’s story. And they were not mistaken. Our Kashtanka turned out to be a very smart dog. I tried not to make trouble in our absence, I understood everything the first time. In addition, the further she grew up, the more obvious her resemblance to Chekhov's Kashtanka became: she was also small in size, only she could perform in the circus.

In our yard she immediately became the mistress. It was funny to watch how she faithfully guarded the territory of the playground when “strange” cats or dogs entered it: small, but barked so loudly. All our neighbors immediately fell in love with Kashtanka.

Now our Kashtanka is already five years old. I'm so glad that we bought her at the poultry market. She brings us many positive moments. If someone is in a bad mood or is upset about something, Kashtanka will definitely “sympathize.” We value and care for our pet.

Pet essay about dog | February 2016

An essay about "My favorite animal" 6th grade

It seems to me that every person has their own favorite animal. As a rule, when talking about our pets, we mean the pets that live next to us in our apartments. It's about about dogs, cats, turtles, hamsters.

Indeed, these furry creatures make our lives more interesting and varied. Probably, without pets we were just bored and lonely. I also have Pets(these are two cats). Of course, I love them, I care about them, just like the rest of my family. But in my essay I want to tell about horses. I boldly call this animal mine loved ones.

A horse is also a domestic animal. Man domesticated wild horses many millennia ago. Since those times, horses have become real for people.

Horses attract me with their grace, intelligence, greatness, and courage. Throughout the history of mankind, these animals have provided invaluable assistance to people. Remember, for example, the years of the Great Patriotic War. During this difficult time, horses were a help both on the battlefield and in the rear. These slender and hardy animals also deserve respect and admiration.

In the post-war period, horses helped people plow fields, harvest crops, and carry building materials to restore cities and villages.

Today horses are also used. In villages, they have long been replaced by modern harvesting and sowing machines, but only horses will be able to get to the right place, despite bad weather or washed-out roads.

Horses today are true friends for children and adults who learn horse riding. They give their owners joy and good mood. Without horses, our life would be boring and uninteresting.

The horse is my favorite animal. By the way, this animal has always been admired not only by ordinary people, but also by creative people: poets, artists, singers. Remember how many songs and poems have been written about horses! And how many paintings exist with their images! I will always be in awe of the capabilities of this majestic animal.

Essay “My favorite animal” about a horse, grade 6 | February 2016

An essay about "My favorite pet is a dog"

I love all animals, but most of all I like dogs. Dog- This is man's true friend. I can completely agree with this statement. These animals bring joy to people, they are always ready to play with you, be it a ball, a stick or a bone. They protect their territory from strangers and protect their owners. Dogs are loyal to their owner and are easy to tame and train.

There are a lot of dog breeds. There are small dogs, there are big ones, there are fluffy and short-haired ones, there are red, white and black ones. Every dog ​​breeder gets exactly the dog that he likes best. But they are all loyal to their owners, no matter what breed they are. They become attached to their owners like no other animal. Dogs sense changes in the mood of their owners and take on the feelings themselves.

Sometimes it happens that the behavior of dog owners leaves much to be desired, but the dogs still consider them the best and most beloved.

Dogs need to be looked after. They give us warmth and love, protect us and our home. Often our four-legged friends cure our illnesses. If they do not see their owner for a long time, they begin to get bored and sad. But when we meet again, we are very happy, because the dog is really waiting for us and is happy about our arrival.

Dogs are our most faithful and devoted friends. We need to love them and just be glad that we have them, to know that someone is waiting for you at home, misses you and loves you.

Essay on Pets Grade 7 | February 2016

Composition My pet. About the cat

I want to tell you about the cat. This furry animal lives with my grandmother. I really like him, despite the fact that I have never seen such an arrogant cat anywhere. His name is simply Gray or Gray for his silver coat color. This is a lively and bouncy young animal, like a ball. Just recently he was still a kitten.

Gray always demands to eat, no matter how much he is fed! Without any remorse, he meows loudly in the kitchen, spins around underfoot, climbs on the table, and rummages through bags. If grandma doesn't feed him right away, this impudent guy bites her legs! And at the same time the cat looks quite well-fed.

The cat is afraid of my grandfather. When grandfather is in the kitchen, Gray does not climb onto the table, but puts his front paws there and sniffs the plates.

But it would be boring without the gray cat! When he walks in the yard, you feel that something is missing. It would seem that the house is calm. No one meows in a bad voice, no one sucks up, no one gets in your face with a wet mustache. And you don’t have to look at your feet all the time so as not to accidentally step on Gray. But for some reason you look forward to this harmful cat coming!

I love it when I sit on the couch and the cat, finally fed, jumps onto my lap. By the way, Gray does this without invitation. On his knees, he begins to prepare a place for himself to rest. The cat amusingly tramples with its soft paws, tickles, and caresses. And then he purrs loudly, as if a tractor is rumble! For this affection my beloved cat can be forgiven everything!

pet cat essay on literature | October 2015

Mini-essays about pet

Option 1. I have pet - dog. Her name is (name). She is very affectionate and kind. In the morning and evening, she and I go for a walk, and after we come home we play. Sometimes when I go to school, it sometimes seems to me that (name) is very bored without me. Going out into the street, I see her sitting on the window and watching me with a sad look. At these moments it is especially difficult for me to forget her. But when I come home she greets me with joy and barking. She marks, jumps around me, waits for me to change clothes and start playing with her. I love my pet very much.

Option 2. I have pet. It's a cat. His name is…

Moore. We named our cat that because he always purrs. He is very kind and sweet. Every day when I get up, he runs up to me and starts rubbing himself against me. But to be honest, the first time he ran up, I thought he wanted to bite me, but he came up and started purring. Because of his loud purr, I often call him Purrpaw. He and I play together very often after I do my homework. He has various ribbons, colored balls, and all sorts of soft toys. In general, I’ll tell you this, my cat is the best!

Option 3. Last year I was given a kitten for my birthday. I named the little one Marquis. Now she has grown up and turned into a beautiful cat.
Marquis is a Persian cat. He is very beautiful, fluffy, as if dressed up in a fur coat. Like all cats, Marquis is smart, cunning and loves his owners very much, that is, our entire family: mom, grandma, me, and even dad.
Marquis has his own character. He loves to meet me after school, he is happy, he caresses me, he rubs me on my knees, he purrs. We don’t let Marquis go outside after he was almost killed by a huge Rottweiler. But our cat doesn’t worry too much, he’s very lazy.
Marquise is loved not only by our entire family, but also by our neighbors and friends. All guests like him for his affection and beauty.

Option 4. I believe that animals- these are our friends. My cat lives in my apartment, Barsik, and our whole family loves him very much. When he was little, he was very fast, we couldn't keep track of him. Now he has grown up and become a beautiful, fluffy cat. Barsik's fur color is red and his eyes are green. I take care of him: I feed him, play with him, etc. He loves to sharpen his claws on our sofa, to which mom always yells at Barsik, but then she calms down and pets him again, as if nothing had happened. In general, our red-haired friend is obedient. I really love my green-eyed cat - Barsik, he is part of my family.

… « Mini-essay My pet. pet cat essay»

Composition My favorite pet

I never really wanted to have home animal. Unless, when I was still very little, I asked my parents to get a little kitten. I didn’t get a kitten - my parents were very busy, and my grandmother didn’t agree to take care of the animal.

One autumn morning, rushing to class, I saw a crowd of children and adults near a tree. On it, very high, sat little red kitten and meowed pitifully. No one knew how to remove it - the tree was quite thin, the branches could not support the weight of a person.

I ran to class; a busy day lay ahead. I didn't remember the kitten. In the evening I went to the pharmacy to buy medicine and suddenly heard a quiet squeak. It turned out that the frightened animal I sat there all day on the tree.

At first I was confused, and then I stretched out my palms and shouted: “Jump quickly, otherwise I will leave. I won’t beg for too long.” A couple of minutes later the ginger kitten was sitting on my shoulder. It was obvious that he was completely cold and hungry.

I brought my find home. I fed the small, skinny one animal. It turned out to be a cat. His nose was bruised and his eyes were swollen. Most likely, the cat fell from the window of a high-rise building. I woke up in the morning and found a cat on the closet. This is how Sibirka appeared in our house.

For three days Sibirka sat on the cabinet, carefully studying what was happening below. She ate only from my hands and shuddered at any noise. A year and a half has passed since then. The Siberian has become a real beauty with an independent character.

My observations of the animal.

I really love watching my beautiful cat. It was a real discovery for me that there was something to learn from her. Moreover, the cat does everything with enviable consistency and is never lazy. For example, how to wake up correctly.

First, the cat listens, opens its eyes, and yawns. It rises silently, stretches its hind and front legs, bends its back, and washes itself. The fur is always licked, clean, shiny! I may be lazy to do exercises or wash my face, but the cat never is!

And how gracefully she moves! How does one choose natural products? He will never eat my favorite sausages, it’s unclear what they’re made from. But he will never refuse fresh fish. That's how smart my Sibirka is!

… « essay description of a pet»

Composition Cat is a favorite pet

Already in my early childhood I dreamed of having a pet. I dreamed that a funny little puppy or a fluffy little ball in the shape of a cat appeared at home. Then my mother and I read (watched a cartoon) about “The Kid and Carlson,” and then my desire became constant and ineradicable.

For many years I begged for a pet from my parents, and every time I came across a refusal. But I still wanted to have a real live furry friend at home.

And, just like in the book, my wish suddenly came true. I myself didn’t believe my eyes, but on… my birthday I opened the door to my room and saw there… a real live kitten! I couldn't believe my eyes!

At first everyone swore at his appearance in the house. Mom that he constantly tears something and tears up furniture, dad that he chews on the TV remote control and sleeps in his favorite place on the sofa, even I realized that a kitten is not only a living toy, but also a living soul, and the source of constant problems. I should get up - he peed in his slippers, I should go for a walk - he tore my down gloves, I should do my homework - he lay down on the table, I should go to sleep - and the cat decided to play or meow.

But over time, we all got used to the cat, and he got used to us. And it turned out that the cat is a wonderful creature! He is my friend for many games. Helper for mom in cleaning the kitchen - spill milk there, and the cat will happily lick it, and at the same time wipe the entire floor, dad - a wonderful heating pad, they enjoy watching football, dad watches, and the cat warms him up, and his younger brother (sister) got a wonderful nanny - the cat happily crawls with the baby (baby) on the floor and purrs and falls asleep in his (her) arms, lulling the baby (baby) with its purring.

So now we can’t imagine life without our beloved and necessary cat!

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