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Party and statesman, member of the CPSU Central Committee (1981-1990), secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (1985-1990), member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee (1986-1990); born in 1923 in Tula; graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute in 1963; began his career in 1940 as a patternmaker's apprentice at a factory in Leningrad; worked as a mechanic at defense enterprises, a group leader, a foreman, a senior foreman, a deputy chief, a workshop manager, and a production manager at factories in Moscow and Leningrad; 1961-1974 - plant director, CEO production and technical association; 1974-1976 - General Director of the NPO "Leninets" (Leningrad); 1976-1983 - Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council, from June 1983 - First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU; 1987-1989 - First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU (replaced B. Yeltsin, who was removed from this post); member of the CPSU since 1957; Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 10th and 11th convocations; People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991); Hero Socialist Labor(1971); laureate State Prize USSR (1975); since 1990 - retired; was an advisor to the general director - chairman of the board of OJSC Energomashbank (St. Petersburg); died January 7, 2001

View value Zaikov, Lev Nikolaevich in other dictionaries

a lion- m. lioness f. a predatory beast of hot Africa and Asia, a genus of cats, called the king of beasts, Felis leo. does not crush mice. sleeps, but sees (looks) with one eye, belief. | , fifth sign of the ecliptic........
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a lion- leva, m. (Bulgarian lev). Monetary unit in Bulgaria. We paid two leva.
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Ablamsky Dmitry Nikolaevich- (? - ?). Anarchist-syndicalist (?). Arrested in Cherkassy for distributing leaflets. He was kept in prison in Kyiv, and in 1932 he was sentenced to 5 years in the camps. In 1932 he was in the Kuznetskstroy ITL,........
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Abramovich Lev Khaimovich.- (? - ?). Social Democrat. In December 1922 he was in Taganskaya prison in Moscow. Sentenced to 2 years of exile in Kyrgyzstan, where he arrived in January 1923. In January 1926 he was on the lists........
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Aksentovich Alexander Nikolaevich- (? - ?). Anarchist (“by misunderstanding”). Lived in Astrakhan province. In June 1925 he was exiled to Urdu for 3 years. In November 1928 he was released, by March 1929 he was living in Kozelsk. Further fate unknown.
NIPC "Memorial".
Political dictionary

Akulinin Timofey Nikolaevich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP. From February to May 1925 he was in Butyrka prison, from June 1925 to at least November 1925 - in the Suzdal concentration camp. According to other sources.........
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Akulov Andrey Nikolaevich— (1889 - ?). Member of the PLSR since 1918. Higher education. Doctor. In 1919 he lived in Nizhny Novgorod. Arrested on December 11, 1919, accused of counter-revolutionary activities, sentenced to 2 days in prison.........
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Alekseev Nikolai Nikolaevich (1879-1964)— - theorist of state and law, philosopher, ideologist of Eurasianism. Main works: “Fundamentals of the Philosophy of Law” (1924), “Theory of State. Theoretical State Science, State......
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Alovert Nikolai Nikolaevich- (? - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP. Student. Arrested in 1922 in Moscow. In February 1923, in exile in Cherdyn. In February 1924 he was in Butyrka prison. In March 1924 again in exile........
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Altman Lev- (? - ?). Member of the Hitahadut Party. Arrested in Odessa on the night of September 2, 1924. I received a replacement link for deportation to Palestine. In 1929 he lived in the USA. Further fate is unknown.
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Anisimov Alexey Nikolaevich- (1889 - no earlier than September 1937). Member of the PLSR since 1918. At the end of 1921 he lived in the Vyatka province and worked as head of the post office. In the mid-1930s. lived in the village Akbulak and worked........
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Akhlopkov Vladimir Nikolaevich- (? - ?). Anarchist. In January 1931 he was in exile in Narym. In June 1932 he lived in Krasnodar. Further fate is unknown.
NIPC "Memorial".
Political dictionary

Bazhenov Nikolay Nikolaevich- (1899, Mozhaisk, Moscow province - ?). Anarchist. Son of a merchant. Secondary education. In 1918 he worked as a timekeeper at a special purpose artillery warehouse, in 1919-21 - as a food crewman........
Political dictionary

Bakin Alexander Nikolaevich- (approx. 1895 - ?). Social Democrat. Employee. Member of the RSDLP. Higher education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Ryazan province, worked as a teacher. Local security officers characterized him as a “private man”.......
Political dictionary

Barsov Nikolay Nikolaevich- (1902, village of Dubrovki, Bogorodskaya volost, Ufa district, Ufa province - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP from February 1917 to 1919, member of the “minority” of the AKP - the “People” group from 1920. Father......
Political dictionary

Basorgin Pavel Nikolaevich- (approx. 1893 - ?). Social Democrat. Employee. Secondary education. Member of the RSDLP since 1908. At the end of 1921 he lived in Bryansk province, worked as head of the chemical department of the State Economic Council. Local........
Political dictionary

Batkhan Lev Iosifovich— (1902, Mogilev province - ?). Social Democrat. Member of Odessa youth organization RSDLP. Arrested in March 1924 by the Odessa provincial department of the GPU. By resolution of the Special Meeting........
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Begunov Pavel Nikolaevich— (1884, Tashkent - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Member of the AKP. Until 1917 he was repeatedly arrested and exiled. In February 1933 he was arrested by the OGPU. Accused of participating in 1921-25 in........
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Bedenkov Fedor Nikolaevich- (approx. 1886 - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Low education. Member of the RSDLP. At the end of 1921 he lived in Kaluga, worked at the Kaluga station depot. Local security officers characterized him as “inactive”.......
Political dictionary

Bednyakov Alexander Nikolaevich- (approx. 1884 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Worker. Member of the AKP since 1918. Low education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Zlatoust, Ufa province, and worked at a factory. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Bezrukov Ivan Nikolaevich- (approx. 1891 - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Low education. Member of the RSDLP since 1912. At the end of 1921 he lived in Ufa province, worked as a mechanic. Local security officers characterized him as a “private man”.......
Political dictionary

Beigman Lev Borisovich (labor Bentsianovich)- (? - ?). Member of the Zionist Socialist Party and the National-Class (Left) He-Halutz. Arrested in Odessa on September 2, 1924 and sentenced to exile. In November 1925, in exile in Turinsk.........
Political dictionary

Belovodsky Karp Nikolaevich- (? - ?). Social Democrat. Worker. Member of the Rostov City Committee of the RSDLP. Arrested in 1923 in Rostov-on-Don, in January 1924 he was in Tagansk prison, sentenced to 3 years......
Political dictionary

Belokurov Ivan Nikolaevich- (approx. 1868 - ?). Socialist revolutionary. Peasant. Member of the AKP since 1897. Low education. At the end of 1921 he lived in Saratov province, engaged in arable farming. Characterized by local security officers........
Political dictionary

Berezin Nikolay Nikolaevich- (approx. 1884 - ?). Social Democrat. From the philistines. Secondary education. Member of the RSDLP. At the end of 1921 he lived in Irkutsk province and worked in Rupvoda. Local security officers characterized him as “energetic,........
Political dictionary

Bernstein Vladimir Nikolaevich- (? - ?). Social Democrat. Member of the RSDLP. In September 1923 he served his sentence in SLON. 21.5.1925 transported from Solovki. Arrested on July 21, 1925 in Leningrad, taken to Moscow to Butyrka prison.........
Political dictionary

Birman Lev Iosifovich- (? - ?). Member of the National-Class (Left) "Ha-Shomer Ha-Tzaira". In 1927 he was kept in the Ekaterinoslav dorm. He was sentenced to exile in Kazakhstan. Received permission to emigrate.........
Political dictionary

Blumin Lev Lazarevich- (? - ?). Anarchist. Arrested, served 3 years in the Solovetsky special purpose camp, then sentenced to 3 years of exile. By the end of 1930 he was in exile in the Urals, seriously ill. Further........
Political dictionary

Bulgakov Sergey Nikolaevich— - Russian religious thinker and political figure (deputy II State Duma). Development of problems of political economy, attempts to find its justification in........
Political dictionary

Zaikov Lev Nikolaevich - General Director of the production and technical association "Leninets" (Leningrad). Born on April 3, 1923 in the city of Tula in a working-class family. He began his career in 1940 as a patternmaker's apprentice at plant No. 133 in Leningrad. During the Great Patriotic War worked as a fitter at defense enterprises. He ran away to the front three times, but was returned each time. Then the head of the group, foreman, senior foreman, deputy head and head of the workshop, head of production at factories in Moscow and Leningrad. In 1963 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute. Since 1961 - plant director, general director of the Leninets production and technical association (Leningrad). Under his leadership, a number of complex radio-electronic systems and equipment complexes for military and civil aircraft were created. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ("closed") in 1971, Lev Nikolaevich Zaikov was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "Sickle and Hammer.” From 1974 to 1976 - General Director of the Leninets research and production association in Leningrad. From June 1976 on Soviet party work. In June 1976 - June 1983 he was chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. From June 21, 1983 to July 8, 1985 - First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU. Replaced G.V. in this post. Romanova. Made a good impression on M.S. Gorbachev, during his visit to Leningrad in May 1985. From July 1, 1985 to July 13, 1990 - Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, at the same time from November 11, 1987 to June 21, 1989 - First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU (after the resignation of B.N. Yeltsin from this post), and in 1989-1990 - Deputy Chairman of the USSR Defense Council. As Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, he oversaw the defense industry and mechanical engineering. He headed the Politburo Commission of the CPSU Central Committee on the reduction of nuclear and conventional weapons. These responsibilities remained with him during the period of leadership of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. During the discussion at the Politburo meeting on December 24, 1987, a note by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR V.I. Vorotnikov “On the consequences of the anti-alcohol campaign in the RSFSR” spoke out against a further reduction in the production of wine and vodka products. Since July 1990, he has been a pensioner of union importance. In 1990-1997 he lived in Moscow. At the same time, until January 1992, he was listed as a military consultant to the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. At the end of 1997, he returned to the city of St. Petersburg. In 1997-2002 - Advisor to the President of the Leninets Holding Company. Died on January 7, 2002. Buried at the Serafimovskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975). Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin and medals. Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee (1986-1990). Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1984-1986 and 1988-1989). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1979-1989. People's Deputy of the USSR in 1989-1991. The materials for the biography use photos from the RIA Novosti archive (

In 1957, Lev Nikolaevich joined the party, and in 1963 he received a university diploma. It is curious that by that time he had already headed his native enterprise as a director for two years. In 1973, “Novator” and two more “registered” radio-electrical plants “Leninets” and “Radiopribor” became part of the production and technical association “Leninets”, of which Zaikov became director. His merits in this post were awarded the USSR State Prize (1975), and in 1976 Lev Nikolaevich received the post of Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council. Over the next seven years, he established himself as Romanov's right-hand man and the prime candidate to succeed him. And indeed, immediately after the transfer of Grigory Vasilyevich to the Kremlin Secretariat of the Central Committee, Zaikov took the position of 1st Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee.
His reign turned out to be a kind of epilogue to the Soviet era for Leningrad.
The growth rate of the Leningrad economy remained quite high, which was greatly facilitated by the territorial and sectoral program “Intensification-90” adopted thanks to Zaikov, as well as the unified Master Plan for the development of the city and region for the period until 2005. Unlike his predecessor, Lev Nikolaevich did not He was distinguished by his toughness and rudeness, being able to get along equally well with workers and the intelligentsia. All this was noted by Gorbachev, who visited Leningrad in June 1985.
Zaikov was transferred to Moscow and appointed (instead of Romanov) Secretary of the Central Committee for Defense Issues. A little later (1987), Lev Nikolaevich replaced B. N. Yeltsin as 1st Secretary of the Moscow City Committee. The American magazine Newsweek considered Zaikov one of the most promising Soviet politicians and called him “the third man in the Kremlin hierarchy” (after M. S. Gorbachev and E. K. Ligachev).
However, over time, Lev Nikolaevich became very disillusioned with Gorbachev’s perestroika. The course towards rapprochement with the West has led to a sharp reduction in weapons, as well as funds allocated for their production and modernization. At the same time, democrats grouped around the disgraced Yeltsin intensified their activities in Moscow.
In 1990, Lev Nikolaevich decided to retire. Apparently, to some extent this decision was influenced by his death. only son. In 1998, together with his family, Zaikov returned to St. Petersburg and settled in his apartment on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt. In the fall of 2000, at the Legislative Assembly he was awarded a diploma “For services to the development of Leningrad - St. Petersburg.” In his response speech, he took the initiative to rename St. Petersburg to Leningrad.
Lev Nikolaevich died of a heart attack on Christmas Day, January 7, 2002, and was buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery next to the grave of his son.

Zaikov Lev Nikolaevich – director of the Leningrad state plant “Novator” of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry.

He began his career in 1940 as an apprentice patternmaker at plant No. 133 in the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). During the Great Patriotic War he worked as a fitter at defense enterprises. He ran away to the front three times, but was returned each time. In subsequent years - group chief, foreman, senior foreman, deputy chief and workshop manager, production manager at factories in Moscow and Leningrad. In 1963 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute.

In 1961-1971 - director of plant No. 283 of the Leningrad Economic Council - Leningrad State Plant "Novator" of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry. Under his leadership, a number of complex radio-electronic systems and equipment complexes for military and civil aircraft were created.

By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (“closed”) of April 26, 1971 Zaikov Lev Nikolaevich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

In 1971-1973 - General Director of the Leningrad Production and Technical Association (LPTO) "Novator" of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry. In 1973-1974 - General Director of LPTO, and in 1974-1976 - of the Leninets Research and Production Association of the USSR Ministry of Radio Industry.

Since June 1976 at Soviet party work. In June 1976 - June 1983 he was chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. From June 21, 1983 to July 8, 1985 - First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU. Replaced him in this post. He made a good impression on the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee M.S. Gorbachev, during his visit to Leningrad in May 1985.

From July 1, 1985 to July 13, 1990 - Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, at the same time from November 11, 1987 to June 21, 1989 - First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU (after the resignation of B.N. Yeltsin from this post), and in 1989-1990 - Deputy Chairman of the USSR Defense Council.

As Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, he oversaw the defense industry and mechanical engineering. He headed the Politburo Commission of the CPSU Central Committee on the reduction of nuclear and conventional weapons. These responsibilities remained with him during the period of leadership of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. During the discussion at the Politburo meeting on December 24, 1987, a note by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR V.I. Vorotnikov “On the consequences of the anti-alcohol campaign in the RSFSR” spoke out against a further reduction in the production of wine and vodka products.

Since July 1990, he has been a federal pensioner. In 1990-1997 he lived in Moscow. Moreover, until January 1992, he was listed as a military consultant to the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

At the end of 1997 he returned to the city of St. Petersburg. In 1997-2002 - Advisor to the President of the Leninets Holding Company.

Member of the CPSU Central Committee in 1981-1990. Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee (1986-1990). Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1984-1986 and 1988-1989). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 10th and 11th convocations (1979-1989). People's Deputy of the USSR (1989-1991).

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975).

Lev Nikolaevich Zaikov(April 3, 1923, Tula, - January 7, 2002, St. Petersburg) - Soviet statesman and party leader, member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, secretary of the CPSU Central Committee.


Born into a working-class family. He began his career in 1940 as a patternmaker's apprentice at a factory in Leningrad. During the Great Patriotic War he worked as a fitter at defense enterprises. He ran away to the front three times, but was returned each time.

Then the head of the group, foreman, senior foreman, deputy head and head of the workshop, head of production at factories in Moscow and Leningrad. In 1963 he graduated from the Leningrad Engineering and Economic Institute. Since 1961 - director of the plant, general director of the production and technical association, since 1974 - general director of the research and production association "Leninets" in Leningrad.

From June 21, 1983 to July 8, 1985 - First Secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU. Made a good impression on Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU M. S. Gorbachev, who made his first trip to Leningrad (May 15-18, 1985). Managed to present it in a favorable light economic program region, demonstrated personal activity and assertiveness, the inspiration of Leningraders in connection with the election of the young Secretary General.

From July 1, 1985 to July 13, 1990 - Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, at the same time in 1987-1989 - First Secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU (after the resignation of Boris Yeltsin). In 1986-1990 - member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee. In 1989-90 - Deputy Chairman of the USSR Defense Council. In 1990, he left this post and became a federal pensioner. Until January 1992, he was a member of the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Member of the CPSU Central Committee (1981-1990). Deputy of the Council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 10-11 convocations (1979-89) from Leningrad. Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR (1975-80). Member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1984-86 and 1988-89). People's Deputy of the USSR in 1989-1991.

At the end of 1997 he returned to St. Petersburg. In 1997-2002 - Advisor to the President of the Leninets Holding Company.

He was buried at the Serafimovskoye cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Awards and Titles

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (1971).
  • He was awarded three Orders of Lenin and other awards.
  • Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1975).
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