How to split fb2 file into several parts. How to split a file. How to connect the resulting volumes using WinRAR

Many users ask this question when they need to cut a file into smaller parts, copy it somewhere, and then just as quickly assemble it. There are many methods and utilities that allow you to split files into parts. Let's look at three ways to split and assemble a file: using the WinRAR archiver, the Total Commander file manager and the Free FileSplitter utility specially designed for this.

In many cases, splitting is required to transfer a file in several stages to another computer, for example, using a flash drive. Also, files are divided for uploading to file hosting sites, which have restrictions on the maximum size and for ease of downloading by users.

Dividing a file with WinRAR archiver into volumes

The proposed method allows you to split a file using the WinRAR archiver. Open the program, go to the folder with the file and right-click and select (Add to archive...) from the menu.

In the settings window, open the tab Are common, enter the desired archive name, and select the size of the archive parts from the list. You can also specify it yourself.

The list already contains several preset sizes, designed specifically for the capacity of floppy disks and CDs; they can be selected if all parts of the file will then be recorded on similar media. We enter our size based on the calculation that there are 1024 bytes in one kilobyte, and you need to enter the size in bytes. In other words, if you need to split a large file, for example 4.5 GB, into several parts of 100 MB each, you will need to specify the size of one part. We count: we multiply 100 by 1024, we get the size in kilobytes, and we multiply again by 1024, ultimately we calculate the size in megabytes. Using the same principle, to calculate the size of a part of a file in Gigabytes, we multiply by another 1024 and so on. For 100 MB we get the number 104857600, which we enter in the field Divide into volumes of size (in bytes). If all these calculations seem tricky, you can simply enter the size and the letter M, for example 100M.

Here in the field Compression method you can choose an option Without compression to speed up the process of splitting the file into several archive parts. Don't forget that many media files are poorly compressed, including many video file formats, MP3, JPG, EXE and others. So to split a file it is quite enough to do it without compression. Creating the archive will take some time.

WinRAR will create several files with the archive name and prefix part1, part2, part3... Thus, we divided one large file into several parts. The last part is usually smaller in size compared to the others, since the size of a large file is not always divided into proportional parts.

The system determines the size of part of the file exactly as 100 MB, as required.

In order to get the original large file again in the future, just start unpacking any volume of the archive - the archiver itself will collect all parts of the archive. Select the archive and press the button [Extract to] or in the context menu [Extract without confirmation].

Splitting a file in Total Commander

If the Total Commander file manager or any analogue is installed on the system, you can use one of its functions. Select the file, go to the menu File and select the item Split file...

As in the archiver, here we can select the size of the parts or specify another one, also in bytes. It is also acceptable to use abbreviations k – kilobyte and M.B. – megabyte, for example 100 MB. You can also specify the directory into which parts of the file will be placed after splitting.

Splitting a large file in Total Commander is quite fast.

And at the end of the process we have several files with a given size. Their extensions are simple, in the form of a serial number of a part of the file.

File with extension crc contains data about the source file and a checksum that allows you to determine the integrity of the file. It must be left until the file is assembled.

To collect all parts of a file broken down in Total Commander, just specify the first file with the extension 001 and in the menu File choose Collect files...

Assembling a file is as fast as splitting it.

At the end of the process, Total Commander will check the checksum, and if everything is in order, it will display a message indicating successful completion.

Split large files into small parts using Free FileSplitter

The proposed utility is far from the only one; there are many similar ones. The choice of this program is due to the fact that it is free, does not require installation and is small in size. The only drawback of the utility is the English interface, but it is so simple that this practically does not interfere.

So, download Free FileSplitter and launch it. The program has only two bookmarks, the first is for splitting files, the second for assembling.

All you need to do is specify the original large file and the folder where you want to save the parts after splitting.
Source file– file location
Destination folder– folder for saving parts
Size of a chunk– size of file parts, you can select the suggested one or enter any other value. Let us note the convenience of the program - here, next to the number that determines the size, you can select bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes.

Click and wait for the process of splitting the file into parts to complete. The output is several files with extensions chunk001 , chunk002 etc…

For the reverse operation - assembling the file, select the second tab Join files and in the field Source chunk indicate the location of the folder and any part of the file, and in the field Destination file enter the name of the final file. All you have to do is press the button and wait until the file is collected.

All proposed methods for dividing a large file into parts require only the presence of the programs discussed; the remaining actions will not cause any difficulties.

In this lesson we will learn how to divide files into parts. This need most often arises when you need to transfer a large file from one medium to another. Let me give you an example.

Let's say I have a 10 gigabyte movie on my laptop in cool Blu-ray quality, which I want to transfer to my desktop computer, where I have a 27-inch monitor. To watch this film there in awesome quality. I will transfer it to a flash drive from the laptop, and then from this flash drive to the computer. But the fact is that I have only 4 gigabytes memory on it.

And if split the file into parts? Let’s say a 10 gigabyte file is divided into three parts of 3 and a little change, then you can easily download it in three approaches.

Or let’s say we want to put some program on the Internet, and it weighs about 500 megabytes. And as you know, sites that allow you to exchange files (file hosting services) most often allow you to place files no more than 100 megabytes. In this case, you can split the program into 5 parts of 100 megabytes each and upload all these parts. Then download all these files into one folder and put them together.

To separate files into parts, the WinRAR program will help us. Most often it is installed on every computer. It’s very easy to check if you have it on your PC.

To do this, right-click on ANY file. In the context menu that opens, if you see items for this program, it means you have it installed. If not, then you need to find it on the Internet, download and install it.

Once the problem with the program is resolved, you can begin the process itself. So let's take a look, how to split a file into parts.

We will learn from my example. Down with theory, long live practice. This way everything will be much clearer to you.

Let's get started.

I have on this moment There is a film that weighs a little more than one gigabyte. I need to send it to my friend, but I can’t send it at once more than 400 megabytes. This means that I need to divide it into 3 parts and give them all to my friend. And he will collect them all into one file using the same WinRAR program.

I start dividing the file into 3 parts.

I right-click on the movie and in the context menu that appears, select “ Add to archive».

In the window that opens, first use the “Browse” button to select the location where all parts of the broken film will be saved. If you leave them as they are, they will be saved in the same place as the original movie file.

Now comes the most important point. You need to select the size of the volumes that are obtained when dividing files into parts. I indicate 400 and next to it IMPORTANT do not forget to indicate that this is the size in megabytes (MB). Now all that remains is to click “OK”.

The creation of archives has begun, which will be divided into several parts, and each of them will weigh no more than 400 megabytes, as I indicated.

After the operation was completed, 3 archives appeared in my folder. Each of them added part1, part2 and part3 to the end of their name.

I send these three files to my friend one by one. What does he need to do to get a single file, in this case a movie?

He needs to right-click on the first archive and select “Extract files”.

You need to split a large file into several parts for many reasons, for example, you need to write a file larger than 2 GB to a flash drive, but it won’t allow you to do this. You can read why and how to fix this in the article. I’ll just write briefly that this is not possible due to the standard file system of USB flash drives. And in that article it says that you need to format the flash drive into another file system. Of course, all data will be lost.
But what if you don’t want to tinker with this for a long time (transfer files to your computer, format, record everything again) for the sake of one file? Then you need to read this article...
By the way, such a division can also help in the case of email services or file sharing services. The former do not allow you to attach large files, while the latter often, on the contrary, divide files to make it more convenient to download. After all, if you download a file in parts, then the speed will be higher and there will be no risk of losing what you downloaded if the Internet connection is interrupted.

Let's look at several ways to split a large file into parts.

I’ll write right away that standard Windows utilities will not be able to help you with this. Therefore, you need to use third-party utilities.

First, let's try through the well-known one that almost everyone has - this WinRAR.

How to split and join (recover) a file using WinRAR

Right-click on the required file and select in the context menu Add to archive...

In this window of the Winrar program we need a section Divide into volumes of size in which we select the size we need for partitioning. Here you can either specify the size yourself (just remember that the size is indicated in bytes, but there is one trick, so as not to calculate the size, you can simply specify 100M and then the file will be broken into pieces of 100 megabytes), or choose from the existing ones: for 3, 5 FDD floppy disks (I don’t recommend using it, because there will be too many files), for recording on CDs (each “piece” is 700 Mb), for evenly dividing 100 Mb, for DVD discs (4.7 Gb each) and Autodetection.

I recommend using Compression method How Without compression. This will speed up the process a little.

Click OK and wait until everything is separated...

As a result, we get evenly divided parts of the archive:

Please note that archives are indicated with additional extension partX, where X is the number of parts. There can be many of them. The last file will always be smaller than the others.

Now you can do whatever you want with them. The file is broken.

If you want to return everything as it was, then just start extracting any of the archives and the archiver itself will understand that you need to create the source file from the pieces:

Here you can only add that you can immediately specify the folder for extraction and then everything will be even simpler.

Thus, you can use not only this archiver, for example, 7zip can do this too.

Now let's move on to a less common program on users' computers - Total Commander. For those who still don’t have it, you can with . I’ll just add that this program is a very functional file manager.

How to split and join (recover) a file using Total Commander

We launch TC, go to the folder where our file is located and select it. Then go to the top menu Files(in some versions File) -> Split file:

and either manually specify the size of the parts to be split, or select from the list. Don't forget to indicate the save location:

As a result, we get something like this list of files:

the most “important” file here is the one with the crc extension. It contains all the necessary information. The remaining files are parts with an increasing extension.

You can now forward parts of the split file.

To put them together, go to the folder with the files, click on the top menu Files(in some versions File) -> Collect files:

and specify the folder in which the file will appear:

Well, now I’ll show you how you can split a file using the utility FileSplitter. It is quite popular because it is small in size, free and does not require installation. In connection with this, the disadvantage is the lack of Russian language, but this is not particularly important, because... it's quite simple and you can figure it out.

Download from my website:

How to split and join (recover) a file using FileSplitter

On the tab Split file in field Source file indicate the location of the file. You can specify either manually or by clicking the "Browse..." button to open Explorer and go to the desired folder with the file.
In the same way, specify the folder where the parts will be saved (line Destination folder).
Well, in the field Size of a chunk write the size for partitioning. You can also select the unit of measurement - bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. You can also choose from existing sizes:

All you have to do is click the “Split” button and the splitting process will begin.

Split files also have their own extension - chunk001, chunk002, etc...

To put it all together we now need a tab Join files. In it in the field Source chunk indicate the location of the folder and any part of the file, and in the field Destination file enter the name of the file in which what will be collected will be named.
We press the button and rejoice.

That's all I have. Now you can split the file, as well as reassemble it later.

Question from a user


Tell me, I have one video of 20 GB (video recording of one game). I want to transfer it to another computer, but the file does not fit on my flash drive (it is 16 GB).

Now there is an option - either buy a new large flash drive (or portable disk), or find a way to somehow transfer the file in parts (for example, split the file into 2 parts). I tried to re-encode the video - but you have to wait a whole day, and it’s not a fact that it will be re-converted and become smaller...

Arthur, Petrozavodsk

Good day!

In general, a similar problem was encountered quite often earlier, when the Internet was not so developed and there were no capacious storage devices (now one external hard drive can solve this problem ☺).

In this article I will give several ways in which you can quickly split any file into several parts (the size you need), and then, when you transfer it to another medium, assemble it (so that everything opens and is readable).

Method No. 1: creating a multi-volume archive

One of the simplest and quick ways splitting absolutely ANY file(s) (or even folder) means placing it in a multi-volume archive. Moreover, the volume size can be set manually, exactly the one you need.

For those who are afraid that the archive creation time will be too long, I will say that the archive can be created WITHOUT COMPRESSION! Those. The archive will only be needed to pack information and split it into volumes (by the way, an uncompressed archive is packed quite quickly).

The best free archivers -

We find the folder or file that needs to be divided: right-click on it and select from the Explorer context menu "7-Zip > Add to archive" (see screenshot below).

In the archive creation settings you need:

  1. compression level: recommended “No compression” (this way you will spend much less time. Moreover, the video file will not be compressed this way);
  2. Split Volumes by Size: Enter the maximum file size in megabytes here. Let's say, for a 16 GB flash drive, it will be about 14500 MB (i.e. 14500M), example below.

After creating the archive, you will see that it consists of many parts of the same size. Now, to extract it, you need to extract the very first part of the archive (001) - see the screenshot below. In general, 7-Zip is a fairly “smart” program and will highlight the file you need with its icon ☺.

Method number 2: breakdown in Total Commander

Another very good one reliable way to split a file is to use a special function in the Total Commander program.

Total Commander

A very functional and convenient file manager (in my opinion, much more convenient than the classic Explorer). Allows you to browse directories without any problems, containing thousands of files. It also allows you to easily and quickly work with all popular archives: ZIP, 7ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE, etc.

There are unique features: group renaming of files (with custom filters and masks), file splitting, working with FTP, etc.

And so, first of all, we launch Total Commander and find our file. In my case, this is an archive with a photo ("photo.7z") - the size of this file is about 1 GB. Task: break it into parts, each of which is no more than 250 MB.

Let's split one large file into 5 parts

First select this file and then click on the menu "Files/Split file..." . See screenshot below.

As I said above, I indicated 250 MB (by the way, the program has all the most popular sizes: for Floppy 3.5 floppy disks, CD/DVD disks, etc.), and indicated the same folder in which the original file is located.

After which, the file was divided into 5 parts (plus the sixth part - the checksum of the file (necessary to check the integrity of the archive, I also recommend saving and not deleting!)).

Actually, now you can transfer all these separated files in any order to another PC, and then also select Total Commander in the menu "Files/Collect file..." . In general, everything is quite simple and fast...

Method number 3: cut the video into parts (without conversion)

If you are dealing with video, then in this case it is not at all necessary to pack it into an archive or resort to the help of Total Commander... You can use some video editor and split the video into certain parts (however, this is not very suitable in this case , if you don’t want to cut the video completely, because gluing the video together can be a longer procedure...).

How to do this simply and without “nerves” ☺?

You will need one video editor - VideoMONTAGE.


One of the simplest and most intuitive video editors. The developers specifically made it very simple with a step-by-step wizard so that any user (even a complete beginner) could easily figure out how to edit and create their own video (perhaps the very first!).

The editor has all the most necessary functions for video processing. So, this option is one of the best for solving simple problems and for learning how to process video.

After installing the editor, open the function in it "Video cutting"(this opportunity appears in the first window that appears immediately after starting the program).

Then, when saving the video, be SURE to indicate that you want to save the video in original quality(see screenshot below). This way, the video will be saved without conversion and very quickly. In fact, we simply divided the video into 2-3-4 (or more) parts without editing it!

Well, that's all for me, good luck to everyone!

Additions are welcome...

Greetings to all readers of my blog! In today's article I will tell you , how to split a file into parts using archivers. I think that every user at least once in his life has encountered a situation where he needs to write a file of, say, 800 mb (megabytes) in size, but there is simply no suitable storage medium at hand. Or there is a CD, but, as you know, you can write a maximum of 700 mb on it.

One way out of this situation would be to use Winrar or 7-Zip archivers (archive the file by breaking it into parts), but you must understand that some file types have a minimum compression ratio. If the data is in text form, then archivers will cope with this task without any problems, significantly reducing the total amount of information. The same cannot be said about video files.

Let's imagine that we have a video of 800 mb in size. How can we burn it onto a CD? I already mentioned above that we will handle this task with archivers, and now I’ll tell you in more detail about how they can split a file into parts and then reassemble it into the original file.

This method is widely used on the Internet, when files of 100-200 mb are posted on file hosting services. So you download a large file in parts. If the Internet is lost while downloading data, then you will not need to re-download the entire file, but only the part where the Internet was lost.

Also, file hosting sites often have restrictions on downloading files, for example 200 mb. If you need to upload a video to the server, it is uploaded in parts. This method of separating files can be used in different cases.

We've learned the theory, so let's get down to practice and see how to split files into parts. I will show an example with which you can split a file into 200 mb parts, since this size is considered the most common on the Internet.

First, install any archiver (if it is not installed) that you like. You can read about how to install the archiver in my article “”.

Winrar program

Right-click on the file and select “Add to archive” from the drop-down menu.

The “Archive name and parameters” window will open, go to the “General” tab; by default in the Winrar program you should be in this tab.

Now you need to enter the size into which you want to split your file. Enter the number 209715200 in “Split into volumes of size (in bytes)” and click the “OK” button.

In new versions of Winrar, you can not enter numbers in bytes, but select unit sizes (let's say megabytes and specify the number 200).

For you to understand why I indicated the number 209715200, you need to know that there are 1024 kilobytes in one megabyte, each of which has 1024 bytes, which means that in a megabyte there are 1024 * 1024 = 1048576 bytes. To divide a file into exactly 200 megabytes, you need to specify 209715200 bytes. With these calculations you will know what number is needed to split a file of a different size.

After this, you will need to wait until the archiver splits the file. The waiting time depends entirely on the size of the source.

Please note that "part1", "part2", "part3" and "part4" have been added to the end of the file names. This means that the file has been split into 4 parts. The first file in this case is “part1”, which means the beginning of the file, and “part4” is its end.

Sometimes, pdf files are made large and for some users they are downloaded for a long time. Therefore, if you have a task to transfer pdf file, then know that you can also split a pdf file into parts using any archiver.

Archiver 7-Zip

Right-click on the file and select “7-Zip” - “Add to archive...”.

Enter the size 209715200 in “Split into volumes of size (in bytes)” and click the “OK” button. Now we wait for the process to complete.

This is how the files created by the 7-Zip archiver look like:

As you noticed, in the 7-Zip archiver file names end with “001”, etc.

If you are thinking about which archiver to choose, then feel free to click on the following link: “”

Combining separated files into one

So, you learned how to split a file into parts, but now you need to assemble these files into one. To return a file to its original state using the Winrar archiver, right-click on the first archive whose name ends with “part1.rar” and select “Extract files...”.

See you soon!

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