How to perform taraweeh. Tarawih prayer: detailed analysis. Procedure for performing Eid prayers

Tarawih prayer is performed only in the month of Ramadan. It consists of 20 rakats and is included in the category of actions of a Muslim believer in Sharia, designated as “sunnah muakkada”. The sunnah of muakkada is the acts of worship that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, strictly observed. Ancient sources of Islamic law testify that the Prophet, peace be upon him, and his four righteous companions performed this prayer and recommended it to other Muslims. Performing this prayer collectively is “sunna kifaya,” that is, an action desirable to be performed by at least a group of people from all residents settlement. If all residents of a locality do not gather in the mosque to perform taraweeh collectively, then this will contradict the sunnah of the Prophet, peace be upon him.

The word “tarawih” is the plural form of the word “tarviha” (rest). After performing four rak'ahs, the worshipers rest a little, therefore, performing each four-rak'ah cycle of Tarawih prayer is called one “tarwiha”. This prayer consists of five “tarvikhs”.

It is advisable to perform Taraweeh in a mosque with a group; if a person prays alone at home for no reason, he will not commit a sin, but at the same time he will distance himself from the dignity of this type of worship. If he performs this prayer at home with a group, he will achieve the reward of reciting Taraweeh with a group, but will be deprived of the reward given for performing a congregational prayer in a mosque, since performing a congregational prayer in a mosque is more rewarding.

Before performing Taraweeh, as well as before performing any other prayers, it is necessary to make an intention in which a person must designate for himself the type of prayer he is performing. When making an intention, a person must indicate that he intends to perform the Tarawih prayer. According to reliable sources, a believer can also designate tarawih prayer as nafil (additional prayer) in his intention.

It is better to perform this prayer in two rak'ahs (giving a final greeting after every second rak'ah), but you can do it in four. It is also permissible to perform it by giving a greeting after 8 rak'ahs; one can perform all twenty rak'ahs at once, giving the final greeting after 20 rak'ahs, but this type of performing taraweeh is undesirable from the point of view of Shariah.

The order of performing tarawih of two rak'ahs corresponds to the order of performing sunnat in evening prayer, the order of performing tarawih of 4 rak'ahs corresponds to the order of performing 4 rak'ahs of additional prayer before the obligatory part of the night prayer. When performing tarawih with a group, the person standing behind the imam must make an intention to perform taraweeh and indicate in his intention that he is performing it behind the imam. The imam pronounces all the takbirs out loud, loudly pronounces the tasmi (pronouncing the words “samiAllahu liman hamidah” - “may Allah hear the one who praises Him”), reads the surahs loudly.

It is advisable for the imam to read surahs approximately equal in volume in each of the two rakats. A short reading of the verses and surahs of the Koran, as well as performing taraweeh of 2 or 4 rakats, will not allow the worshiper to be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

It is mustahabb (desirable) to read 10 verses in each rak'ah. This is how tarawih is performed by the hafiz of the Koran, who know the holy book by heart. By reading ten verses in each rak'ah, they complete the reading of the entire book in a month. Some scholars believe that it is advisable to complete the full reading of the Koran in Taraweeh by the 27th night of the month of Ramadan.

A person leading Tarawih prayer, in addition to reciting the Qur'an in a beautiful voice, first of all, must read the verses of the Koran correctly. There is nothing reprehensible in a person leaving a mosque where the imam reads the Koran with errors and prays after the imam of another mosque.

It is not advisable for the imam to read a large number of verses because people may get tired, but at the same time, the verses read after the fatiha should not be less than one sura or one complete verse. Salawat should be read in the seats of the second rak'ah after the attahiyat.

It is undesirable to perform Taraweeh prayer in a half-asleep state, as well as to perform Taraweeh while sitting if there is no reason for it. It is not advisable for someone who is late for prayer to wait until the imam makes a bow and then join the prayer.

A person who is late for tarawih and joins the collective prayer, after completing the collective prayer, must perform the remaining unfulfilled rakats of the prayer. After this, he should perform Witr prayer himself and this will be better, although it is permissible to perform Witr with a group, and then perform the unfulfilled rak'ahs.

Anyone who has not performed the collective night prayer can join the group when performing taraweeh, that is, if a person came to the mosque, and the imam has already started leading taraweeh, he must perform the night prayer himself, then join the group to perform taraweeh. He will perform the remaining rakats of Taraweeh separately. Anyone who has not performed Taraweeh behind the Imam can perform Witr prayer behind him. This is a valid opinion. But neither the imam nor the community can perform collective Taraweeh without collectively performing the night prayer, because the collective performance of Taraweeh is associated with the collective performance of the night prayer. Tarawih, being a voluntary, additional prayer, is not performed separately and collectively.

Tarawih is the sunnah of time, not fasting, that is, it is the sunnah of the month of Ramadan, therefore, it is advisable for people who are unable to fast due to illness or because they are traveling to perform the taraweeh prayer, just as it is advisable for those who are fasting to perform it. For a woman whose menstrual cycle has ended, it is advisable to perform taraweeh on this day. For a convert to Islam, it is advisable to perform taraweeh on the day of accepting Islam.

Performing collective holiday prayer is a symbol of brotherhood and unity of believers. Holidays are the mercy of Allah; they play a big role in reconciliation and bringing Muslims closer together.

There are two Muslim holidays:

1. Holiday of Breaking the Fast (Arabic: “id al-fitr”, Turkic: “Uraza”- bayram") - 1st day of the month of Shawwal;

2. Feast of the Sacrifice (Arabic: “id al-adha”, Turkic: “tourbanbayram") - 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah.

Holiday prayers fall into the category wajib(necessary) for those for whom Friday prayer is obligatory ( al-jumA). The holiday prayer consists of 2 rakyaats and is performed collectively. In this prayer, azan and iqama are not recited. Holiday Sermon ( khutbah) is desirable ( sunnA) and is read after prayer, in contrast to the sermon of Friday prayer ( al-jum'a), which is mandatory ( fard) and is read before performing the prayer itself.

The procedure for performing the holiday prayer differs from other prayers in that six additional takbirs are performed in it: three in the first rakyaat and three in the second.


1st canceryaat:

  1. Those praying behind the imam stand in even rows behind him. They make an intention: “I intend to perform the holiday prayer ( Eid al-Fitr or Kurban Bayram), following the imam for the sake of Allah Almighty";
  2. The imam, raising his hands, says: "Allahu Akbar". Those praying behind him repeat the takbir, then fold their hands, as in other prayers.
  3. The imam and those praying behind him read in a whisper du'a "S"ana» ;
  4. After this, three additional takbirs are said. The imam speaks out loud, and those praying behind him pronounce the takbir in a whisper. "Allahu Akbar", while raising your hands (as during the opening takbir (TakbirAl-iftitah) ), then give up. After a short pause, the second takbirs are made in the same way, and after another short pause, the third takbirs are made.
  5. The imam reads in a whisper "A'uzu-Bismillah", reads Surah Al-Fatihah and another sura from the Koran aloud. Those praying behind the imam at this time do not read anything and listen to the imam.
  6. The imam and those praying behind him perform the waist ( hand') and 2 prostrations ( Sujud), after which they stand for the 2nd rakyaat.

2nd canceryaat:

  1. Imam reads in a whisper "Bismillah", then read out Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah.
  2. After this, just as in the first rak’ah, the imam and those praying behind him in a whisper, raising their hands to ear level, pronounce three takbirs "Allahu Akbar", pausing between them. After the third takbir, without raising your hands, with the words "Allahu Akbar" commit waist ( hand') and 2 prostrations ( Sujud).
  3. After which the last sitting takes place, during which the imam and those praying behind him successively read in a whisper: "At-tahiyat", "Salavat", du'a "Rabbana Atina". Then perform the greeting ( As-salaam) and complete the prayer.

After prayer, the imam rises to the minbar and reads a festive sermon ( KhutbA).

Exalting Allah during the Eid al-Fitr holiday - Takbir


Beginning with morning prayer day of ‘Arafah (9th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah) and ending with afternoon prayer ( al-‘asr) 4 days of the Feast of Sacrifice (13th of the month of Dhul-Hijjah) after each fard prayer (23 prayers in total) wajib(necessary) is the recitation of the special takbir “at-tashrik”:

Reciting this takbir is wajib both during collective and individual prayers. Men read the takbir out loud, and women silently. After prayer "al-v"ITr» takbir "at-tashrik" is not read.

Making up for missed prayers ( when) in these holidays It is also necessary to read takbir “at-tashrik”. When making up for missed prayers on these holidays at other times, takbir “at-tashriq” is not recited.

Actions that are advisable to perform on holidays.

On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to get up early in the morning and do a complete ablution ( ghusl), wear the most beautiful clothes. Men perfume themselves with incense and go to the mosque. Along the way, be friendly and give alms ( sadaka), congratulate fellow believers on the holiday.

On holidays, you should visit friends and relatives, forgive offenses and reconcile quarrels. It is also advisable to give each other gifts, especially to children. In addition, you can visit graves, read Holy Quran and do du'a.


Namaz "At-tarawih» takes place in the month of Ramadan. It consists of 20 or 8 rakiats. Namaz « at-tarawih» belongs to the category of desirable ( sunnAmuakkada) for both men and women, both for those who fast and for those who do not fast. Perform namaz « at-tarawi x" collectively in the mosque is more desirable ( sunnah), but you can do it individually.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

« The one who performs namaz"at-tarawih» in a monthRamadan, believing in the blessings of this month, WithhopesOuchreceive rewards only from Allah, all his past sins are forgiven» .

“Allah has made fasting the month of Ramadan obligatory for you. I did the standingnight prayer, that is, prayer"at-Taraweeh», sunnah. The one who believesoh inheart,WithhopesOuchgetreward (sawab) will fast in the month of Ramadan and perform namaz"at-Taraweeh», will be delivered from sins, becoming like a newborn.”.

The procedure for performing the at-tarawih prayer.

Namaz « at-tarawih» can be performed only after the obligatory night prayer ( al-'isha'). Namaz « al-witr» in the month of Ramadan is usually performed after prayer « at-tarawih» , however, performing namaz « al-witr» before prayer « at-tarawih» allowed.

20 or 8 rak'yats of prayer « at-tarawih» perform 2 or 4 rak'yats.

"at-tarawih » 2 cancers eachyaata.

Namaz « at-tarawih» performed after performing 4 rak'ahs of fard and 2 rak'ahs of the sunnah of night prayer ( al-'isha').

« at-tarawih»

takbir al-iftitah) du'a "S"ana» . The imam reads in a whisper "A'uzu-Bismillah"hand') and 2 prostrations ( Sujud).

"Bismillah"hand') and 2 prostrations ( Sujud), then sit down.

Sitting, reading sequentially "At-tahiyat", "Salavat", du'a "Rabbana Atina", then perform a greeting ( As-salaam).

The above actions are repeated 10 times for 2 rakyaats, and thus the number of rakyaats reaches 20. After this, they collectively perform 3 rak’ahs of prayer. « al-witr» .

Performing prayer"at-tarawih » 2 cancers eachyaata alone.

2 rakyaats are performed in the same way as the Sunnah prayer of the morning prayer ( al-fajr « at-tarawih» for the sake of Allah Almighty." A prayer of 2 rak'yats is repeated 10 times. After this, perform 3 rak'ahs of prayer. « al-witr» .

Performing congregational prayer"at-tarawih » 4 cancers eachyaata.

An intention is made: “I intend to perform prayer « at-tarawih» for the sake of Allah Almighty." The imam also stipulates in his intention the desire to be an imam, and those praying behind him that they will follow the imam.

Raising your hands, the introductory takbir is performed ( takbir al-iftitah). Then the imam and those praying behind him read in a whisper du'a "S"ana» . The imam reads in a whisper "AUzu-Bismillah", then reads Surah Al-Fatihah and another sura from the Koran aloud. Those praying behind the imam at this time listen to him in silence and do not read anything. After this, the waist ( hand') and 2 prostrations ( Sujud).

Standing up for the 2nd rak'ah, the imam reads in a whisper "Bismillah", then reads Surah Al-Fatiha and another Surah aloud. Those praying behind him at this time listen to him in silence and do not read anything. Next, everyone performs the waist ( hand') and 2 prostrations ( Sujud), then they sit down and read “At-tahiyat” and “Salavat” in sequence.

Having risen to the 3rd rakyaat, the imam and those praying behind him read in a whisper du'a "S"ana» . Then the imam reads in a whisper "A'uzu-Bismillah" and reads Surah Al-Fatihah and another Surah aloud. Those praying behind him at this time listen to him in silence and do not read anything. After this, a bow is made ( hand'), 2 prostrations ( Sujud) and get up on the 4th rakyaat.

In the 4th rak'ah, the imam reads in a whisper "Bismillah" and read out Surah Al-Fatiha and another Surah. Those praying behind him at this time listen to him in silence and do not read anything. Then everyone bows from the waist ( hand'), 2 prostrations ( Sujud) and sit down.

Sitting, reading sequentially "At-tahiyat", "Salavat", du'a "Rabbana Atina" and perform a greeting ( As-salaam).

The above actions are repeated 5 times for 4 rakyaats, so the number of rakyaats reaches 20.

After this, they collectively perform 3 rak’ahs of prayer. « al-witr» .

Performing prayer"at-tarawih » alone 4 cancersyaata.

4 rak'ahs are performed in the same way as the sunnah of the afternoon prayer ( al-‘asr). Only the intention is different: “I intended to perform prayer « at-tarawih» for the sake of Allah Almighty." A prayer of 4 rakyaats is repeated 5 times. After this, perform 3 rak'ahs of prayer. « al-witr» .

Following the example of the companions of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, after every four rak'yats of prayer "at-tarawih"(it does not matter whether prayers are performed for 2 or 4 rakyaats), it is advisable to take a short break, during which it is recommended to praise and remember the Almighty, listen to a short sermon or indulge in reflection on God.

One of the forms of praising the Almighty, accepted for reading after every 4 rak’ahs of prayer "at-tarawih":

“Subhana zil-mulki val-malyakut. Subhana zil-'izzati wal-'azamati wal-kudrati wal-kibriyai wal-jabarut. Subhanal-malikil- hithil-lyazi la yamut. Subbuhun kuddusun rabbul-malaikyati var-rukh".

It is called Tarawih and is performed after night prayer, before Witr prayer. The Tarawih prayer is performed both individually and collectively.


The word "tarawih" is the plural of the Arabic word "tarwiha", which translated into Russian means "rest". The prayer is called so because after every four rakats, those praying sit and rest, praising the Lord or listening to the admonitions of the imam.

Number of rakats

During the time of the Prophet Muhammad, tarawih was performed in 8 and 20 rak'ahs, but tarawih consisting of twenty rak'ahs was finally approved by Caliph Umar with the consent of the Sahabah. According to the opinion of 4 Sunni madhhabs, the Tarawih prayer is performed in 20 rakats (10 prayers of 2 rakats).

Prayer time

Tarawih prayer is performed every day throughout the month of Ramadan after night prayer and ends before Witr prayer. According to the Hanafi madhhab, compensation for missed Tarawih prayers is invalid.

Prayers between Taraweehs

Shafi'i madhhab

In the Shafi'i madhhab, it is customary to read the following prayers between taraweehs:

  • Arabic text:لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله اللهم صل علي محمد وعلي آل محمد وسلم اللهم انا نسالك الجنة فنعوذ بك من النار
Transcription:“La hawla wa la quwvata illya billah. Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammadin wa 'ala aali Muhammadin wa sallim. Allahumma inna nas’alukal jannata wa na’uzubika mina-n-nar.” Translation:
  • Arabic text:سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا اله الا الله والله أكبر سبحان الله عدد خلقه ورضاء نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته
Transcription:“Subhana Allah wal-hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha illa Allahu wa Allah Akbar. Subhana Allah ’adada halqihi va rizaa nafsihi va zinata ’arshihi wa midada kalimati.” Translation:
  • Arabic text:سبحان الملك القدوس سبحان الملك القدوس سبحان الله الملك القدوس سبوح قدوس رب الملائكة والروح سبحان من تعزز بالقدرة والبقاء وقهر العباد بالموت والفناء سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلام علي المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين
Transcription:“Subhana-l-maliki-l-quddus (twice). Subhana Allah-l-malikil quddus, subukhun quddus rabbul malaikati var-pyx. Subhana man ta'azzaza bil-qudrati val-bak'a va kahharal 'ibada bil-mauti val-fana'. Subhana rabbiqa rabbil 'izzati 'amma yasifun wa salamun 'alal-mursalina wal-hamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin.' Translation:

Hanafi madhhab

In the Hanafi madhhab, it is customary to read the following prayers between tarawihs:

  • Arabic text:
Transcription:“Subhaana zil-mulki wal-malyakuut. Subhaana zil-'izzati val-'azamati val-kudrati val-kibriyayi wal-jabaruut. Subhaanal-malikil-khayil-lyazii laya yamuut. Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-ruuh. Laya ilyayahe illya llaahu nastagfirullaa, nas’elukal-jannata va na’uuzu bikya minan-naar...” Translation:“Holy and Ideal is He Who possesses earthly and heavenly dominion. Holy is He Who is characterized by might, greatness, boundless strength, power over everything and infinite power. Holy is He Who is the Lord of all, Who is eternal. Death will never befall him. He is praised and holy. He is the Lord of angels and the Holy Spirit (angel Gabriel - Gabriel). There is no god except the One and Only Creator. O Almighty, forgive us and have mercy! We ask You for Paradise and we resort to You, praying for removal from Hell...”

Hadiths about Taraweeh

“Whoever performs the Tarawih prayer on the 1st night will be cleansed of sins, like a newborn. If he performs it on the 2nd night, his sins will be forgiven both to him and to his parents, if they are Muslims. If on the 3rd night - the angel near Arsh will call: “Resume your deeds, Allah has forgiven all your previously committed sins!” If on the 4th night, he will receive a reward for the person who read Tavrat, Injil, Zabur and Koran. If on the 5th On the 6th night, Allah will reward him with a reward equal to performing prayers in Masjid-ul-Haram in Mecca, Masjid-ul-Nabawi in Medina and Masjid-ul-Aqsa in Jerusalem... If on the 6th night, Allah will reward him a reward equal to performing tawaf in Bayt-ul-Mamur (a house made of noor, located above the Kaaba in heaven, where angels constantly perform tawaf). And every pebble of Bayt-ul-Mamur and even clay will ask Allah for the forgiveness of the sins of that person. If and on the 7th night - he is like the man who helped the prophet Musa (peace be upon him) when he opposed Firavn and Haman.If on the 8th night - the Almighty will reward him with what he gave to the prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him). If on the 9th night, he will be credited with worship similar to the worship of the prophet of Allah. If on the 10th night, Allah will give him all the good things of this and the next world. Whoever prays on the 11th night will leave this world, like a child leaving its mother’s womb (sinless). If on the 12th night, he will rise on Judgment Day with a face shining like the full moon. If on the 13th night, he will be safe from all the troubles of the Day of Judgment. If on the 14th night, the angels will testify that this person performed tarawih prayers, and on the Day of Judgment he will be spared by Allah from interrogation. If on the 15th night, he will be blessed by angels, including the bearers of Arsha and Course. If on the 16th night, Allah will save him from Hell and give him Paradise. If on the 17th night, Allah will reward him with a reward similar to the reward of the prophets. If on the 18th night the Angel calls out: “O servant of Allah! Indeed, Allah is pleased with you and your parents.” If on the 19th night, Allah will raise his degree in Paradise Firdavs. If on the 20th night, Allah will reward him with the reward of martyrs and righteous people. If on the 21st night, Allah will build a house of nur (radiance) for him in Paradise. If on the 22nd night, this person will be safe from the sadness and worries of the Day of Judgment. If on the 23rd night, Allah will build him a city in Paradise. If on the 24th night, 24 prayers of this person will be accepted. If on the 25th night, Allah will deliver him from the torment of the grave. If on the 26th night, Allah will exalt him, adding to his reward for 40 years of worship. If on the 27th night, he will pass through the Sirat Bridge with lightning speed. If on the 28th night, Allah will raise him 1000 degrees in Paradise. If on the 29th night, Allah will reward him with a reward similar to the reward for 1000 accepted hajjs. If on the 30th night, Allah will say: “O My servant! Taste the fruits of Paradise, bathe in the water of Sal-Sabil, drink from the heavenly river Kawsar. I am your Lord, you are My slave."



  • Ali-zade A.A. Tarawih // Islamic encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Ansar, 2007.
  • Wensinck, A.J. Tarāwīḥ // Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition.
  • Sh. Alyautdinov Prayer “Tarawih” / Umma.Ru
  • Prayer "Tarawih" / Muslim holidays. Muslim.Ru

This prayer is an obligatory sunnah (sunnah muakkyada) for both men and women. The Prophet said: “Whoever stands up for prayer in the month of Ramadan with faith [in its significance] and expectation of reward [for it only from the Lord], his previous sins will be forgiven.” /2/ .

The time for performing the Tarawih prayer begins after the night prayer (‘Isha’) and lasts until dawn. This prayer is performed every day throughout the month of Ramadan (the month of obligatory fasting). The Witr prayer is performed these days after the Tarawih prayer.

It is best to perform this prayer together with other believers (jama'at) in the mosque, although it is permissible to perform it individually. Today, in conditions of a certain prostration /3/ , spiritual emptiness and lack of positive communication, attending collective prayers, and especially such as “Tarawih,” contributes to the emergence in a person of a sense of community and unity. A mosque is a place where people communicate indirectly by praying together, praising God, and reciting the Qur'an, regardless of social, intellectual or national differences.

“The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) performed this prayer together with his companions in the mosque on the 23rd, 25th and 27th nights of the month of Ramadan. He did not do this every day so that people would not perceive this prayer as obligatory; so that it does not become obligatory (faraid). He read eight rak’ats with them, and they finished the rest of the rak’ahs at home.” /4/ .

The fact that the Prophet and his companions read up to twenty rak’ahs in Tarawih became clear from the actions of the second righteous caliph ‘Umar. He canonically enshrined twenty rakyaats in this prayer. ‘Abdurrahman ibn ‘Abdul-Qari reported: “I entered the mosque with ‘Umar in the month of Ramadan. In the mosque we saw that everyone was reading separately, in small groups. ‘Umar exclaimed: “It would be very good to make them a single jama’at!” This is exactly what he did, installing ‘Ubayya ibn Ka’ba as imam.” /5/ . Imam Malik adds: “In the time of ‘Umar, twenty rak’ahs of the Tarawih prayer were read.”

From that moment on, twenty rak'yats were established as the sunnah /6/ . At the same time, there is a mention of eight rak’ahs.” /7/ . However, the “Tarawiha” ritual, consisting of twenty rakyaats, was finally approved by Caliph ‘Umar with the consent of the companions of the Prophet, which was recognized by a significant part of theologians of a later period /8/ .

The Tarawih prayer is performed after two rakyaats of the sunnah of the night prayer (‘Isha’). It is advisable to perform it in two rakyaats, the order of which corresponds to the usual two rakyaats of the sunnah. The time for this prayer ends with the onset of dawn, that is, with the beginning of the time of morning prayer (Fajr). If a person was unable to perform the Tarawih prayer before its expiration, then there is no need to make up for it /9/ .

Following the example of the Prophet’s companions, after every four rakyaats it is advisable to take a short break, during which it is recommended to praise and remember the Almighty, listen to a short sermon or indulge in reflection on God.

One of the formulas for praising the Almighty could be the following:

“Subhaana zil-mulki wal-malyakuut.
Subhaana zil-'izzati val-'azamati val-kudrati val-kibriyayi wal-jabaruut.
Subhaanal-malikil-khayil-lyazii laya yamuut.
Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-ruuh.
Laya ilyayahe illya llaahu nastagfirullaa, nas’elukal-jannata va na’uuzu bikya minan-naar...”

“Holy and Ideal is He Who possesses earthly and heavenly dominion. Holy is He Who is characterized by might, greatness, boundless strength, power over everything and infinite power. Holy is He Who is the Lord of all, Who is eternal. Death will never befall him.

He is praised and holy. He is the Lord of angels and the Holy Spirit (angel Gabriel - Gabriel).

There is no god except the One and Only Creator. O Almighty, forgive us and have mercy! We ask You for Paradise and we resort to You, praying for removal from Hell...”

“Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-rukh” (He is praised and holy. He is the Lord of the angels and the Holy Spirit (angel Gabriel - Gabriel)... Some rivayat mention that the angel Gabriel (Gabriel) turned to Allah with the question: "O Almighty! Why is the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) so distinguished that he is considered "halilullah", Your friend?"

In response, the Lord sent him to Abraham with the words: “Greet him and say “Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayakati var-rukh.” As you know, the prophet Abraham was very rich. The number of dogs guarding his herds alone numbered in the thousands. But he was rich both materially and spiritually. So, when Gabriel (Gabriel) appeared before Abraham in the form of a man and, having greeted him, said these words, Abraham, feeling their Divine sweetness, exclaimed: “Say them again, and half of my wealth is yours!” Angel Jabrail (Gabriel) said them again.

Then Abraham again asked to repeat it, saying: “Say them again, and all my wealth is yours!” Gabriel (Gabriel) repeated it a third time, then Abraham said: “Say them again, and I am your slave.”

There are things whose splendor, beauty and value can only be understood by specialists. For example, a diamond. Before cutting, it will seem like an ordinary natural fossil to someone, but a professional will notice a valuable stone in it and find a way to turn it into a sparkling jewel. Moreover, only an expert will be able to determine the degree of its value. Also the words “Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-rukh.” Abraham, having felt their beauty and splendor, could not satiate his ears and each time asked to repeat them again.

/1/ Tarawih (Arabic) - plural of “tarwiha”, which translates as “rest”. The prayer is called so because after every four rakyaats, the worshipers sit and rest, praising the Lord or listening to the admonitions of the imam. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha'. P. 127.
/2/ Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, an-Nasai and Abu Dawud. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 536, Hadith No. 8901, “sahih”.
/3/ Prostration is a state of extreme exhaustion, relaxation, lack of orientation in time; loss of strength, accompanied by an indifferent attitude towards the environment. See: Latest Dictionary foreign words and expressions. Minsk: Modern writer, 2007. P. 664.
/4/ Hadith from Abu Dharr, and also from ‘Aisha; St. X. Muslim, al-Bukhari, at-Tirmidhi, etc. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. P. 1059; aka. In 8 vols. T. 2. P. 43; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-awtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 54, 55.
/5/ See: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vols. T. 5. P. 314, 315, Hadith No. 2010; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 57, hadith No. 946.
/6/ The Prophet Muhammad said: “My path [Sunnah] and the path of the righteous caliphs are obligatory for you.” ‘Umar was one of them - the second righteous caliph.
/7/ The celebration of twenty rakiats in Tarawih was supported by theologians of the Hanafi madhhab. Theologians of the Shafi'i madhhab consider eight rak'yats sufficient, which also corresponds to the Sunnah. See, for example: Imam Malik. Al-muwatto [Public]. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1993. P. 114; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 57, 58.
/8/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. S. 1060, 1075, 1089.
/9/ Ibid. P. 1091.

Tarawih Namaz

“Tarawih” (plural) from the word “tarviha” (Arabic) means spiritual pleasure, relaxation. The prayer is called so because between rakahs the worshipers rest, taking short breaks and praising Allah. Possible praise formula:“Subhaana zil-mulki wal-malyakuut. Subhaana zil-'izzati val-'azamati val-kudrati val-kibriyayi wal-jabaruut. Subhaanal-malikil khayil-llazii laya yamuut. Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-ruuh (3 times). Laya ilyayahe illya llaahu nastagfirullaah, us elyukal-jannata va na'uuzubikya minan-naar" . This prayer is a sunnah (sunnah muakkadah) for men and women, which is performed every day during the month of Ramadan. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) performed the Tarawih prayer together with his companions in the mosque on the 23rd, 25th, and 27th nights of the month of Ramadan. Therefore, performing this prayer in the mosque together with other believers is sunnah, i.e., a desirable religious act. He did not do this daily because he did not want it to become obligatory (fard). The time for prayer begins after the night prayer (Isha) and lasts until the time of morning prayer. Usually they perform eight rak'ahs: four prayers of two rak'ahs each. At the end of the tarawih prayer, three rak'ahs of the witr prayer are performed. It is advisable to perform Tarawih prayer two rakats and take short breaks after every four rakats. Taraweeh prayers not read on time will not be replenished. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever maintains prayer in the month of Ramadan with faith and expectation of reward from Allah, his past sins will be forgiven” (hadith from Abu Hurayrah). If you are late for Tarawih, you must act as follows:

1) First perform the night prayer ('isha namaz). 2) Then perform the second sunnah of the night prayer. 3) Then express the intention and join the jamaat to perform taraweeh from the moment from which this is possible. 4) After the jamaat finishes the entire prayer and After making the final greeting, the imam should stand up and make up the missed rakyaats on his own. 5) After this, perform the Witr prayer yourself. But the one who has time to perform Witr together reads this prayer together with the jamaat.
Ali bin Abu Talib narrates: I once asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) about the merits of the Taraweeh prayer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) replied:
Who will perform the Tarawih prayer on the 1st night Allah will forgive him his sins.

If he fulfills it on the 2nd night, then ALLAH will forgive the sins of him and his parents if they are Muslims.

If on the 3rd night- the angel will call under Arsh: “Truly Allah, He is Holy and Great, has forgiven your previously committed sins.”

If on the 4th night- he will have a reward equal to the reward of the person who read Tavrat, Inzhil, Zabur, Quran.

If on the 5th night- Allah will reward him with a reward equal to performing prayer in Masjidul Haram in Mecca, Masjidul Nabavi in ​​Medina and Masjidul Aqsa in Jerusalem.

If on the 6th night- Allah will reward him with a reward equal to completing Tawaf in Baitul Mamur. (Above the Kaaba in heaven there is an invisible house of nur, where angels constantly perform tawaf). And every pebble of Baitul Mamura and even clay will ask Allah for forgiveness of the sins of this person.

If on the 7th night- he reaches the level of Prophet Musa and his supporters who opposed Fir'avn and Gyaman.

If on the 8th night- The Almighty will reward him with the degree of Prophet Ibrahim.

If on the 9th night- he will be equal to a person who worships Allah, like slaves close to Him.

If on the 10th night- Allah gives him barakat in food.

Who will pray on the 11th night- will leave this world like a child leaves its mother’s womb.

If on the 12th night he commits- On the Day of Judgment this man will come with a face shining like the sun.

If on the 13th night- this person will be safe from all troubles.

If on the 14th night- the angels will testify that this person performed the Tarawih prayers and Allah will reward him on the Day of Judgment.

If on the 15th night- this person will be praised by the angels, including the bearers of Arsha and al-Kursi.

If on the 16th night- Allah will free this man from Hell and give him Paradise.

If on the 17th night- Allah will reward him with greater dignity before Him.

If on the 18th night- Allah will cry: “O Servant of Allah! I am pleased with you and your parents.”

If on the 19th night- Allah will raise his degree to Paradise Firdaus.

If on the 20th night- Allah will reward him with the reward of martyrs and righteous people.

If on the 21st night- Allah will build him a house of Nur (radiance) in Paradise.

If on the 22nd night- this person will be safe from sadness and anxiety.

If on the 2nd night- Allah will build him a city in Paradise.

If on the 24th night- 24 prayers of this person will be accepted.

If on the 25th night- Allah will free him from the torment of the grave.

If on the 26th night- Allah will increase its degree 40 times.

If on the 27th night- this man will cross the Sirat bridge with lightning speed.

If on the 28th night- Allah will raise him to 1000 degrees in Paradise.

If on the 29th night- Allah will reward him with the degree of 1000 accepted hajjs.

If on the 30th night- Allah will say: “O My slave! Taste the fruits of Paradise, drink from the heavenly river Kausar. I am your Creator, you are My slave.”

Prayer "Taraweeh"

This prayer is an obligatory sunnah (sunnah muakkyada) for both men and women. The Prophet said: “Whoever stands up for prayer in the month of Ramadan with faith [in its significance] and expectation of reward [for it only from the Lord], his previous sins will be forgiven.”/2/ .

The time for performing the Tarawih prayer begins after the night prayer (‘Isha’) and lasts until dawn. This prayer is performed every day throughout the month of Ramadan (the month of obligatory fasting). The Witr prayer is performed these days after the Tarawih prayer.

It is best to perform this prayer together with other believers (jama'at) in the mosque, although it is permissible to perform it individually. Today, in conditions of a certain prostration /3/ , spiritual emptiness and lack of positive communication, attending collective prayers, and especially such as “Tarawih,” contributes to the emergence in a person of a sense of community and unity. A mosque is a place where people communicate indirectly by praying together, praising God, and reciting the Qur'an, regardless of social, intellectual or national differences.

“The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) performed this prayer together with his companions in the mosque on the 23rd, 25th and 27th nights of the month of Ramadan. He did not do this every day so that people would not perceive this prayer as obligatory; so that it does not become obligatory (faraid). He read eight rak’ats with them, and they finished the rest of the rak’ahs at home.”/4/ .

The fact that the Prophet and his companions read up to twenty rak’ahs in Tarawih became clear from the actions of the second righteous caliph ‘Umar. He canonically enshrined twenty rakyaats in this prayer. ‘Abdurrahman ibn ‘Abdul-Qari reported: “I entered the mosque with ‘Umar in the month of Ramadan. In the mosque we saw that everyone was reading separately, in small groups. ‘Umar exclaimed: “It would be very good to make them a single jama’at!” This is exactly what he did, installing ‘Ubayya ibn Ka’ba as imam.” /5/ . Imam Malik adds: “In the time of ‘Umar, twenty rak’ahs of the Tarawih prayer were read.”

From that moment on, twenty rak'yats were established as the sunnah/6/ . At the same time, there is a mention of eight rak’ahs.”/7/ . However, the “Tarawiha” ritual, consisting of twenty rakyaats, was finally approved by Caliph ‘Umar with the consent of the companions of the Prophet, which was recognized by a significant part of theologians of a later period /8/ .

The Tarawih prayer is performed after two rakyaats of the sunnah of the night prayer (‘Isha). It is advisable to perform it in two rakyaats, the order of which corresponds to the usual two rakyaats of the sunnah. The time for this prayer ends with the onset of dawn, that is, with the beginning of the time of morning prayer (Fajr). If a person was unable to perform the Tarawih prayer before its expiration, then there is no need to make up for it/9/ .

Following the example of the Prophet’s companions, after every four rakyaats it is advisable to take a short break, during which it is recommended to praise and remember the Almighty, listen to a short sermon or indulge in reflection on God.

One of the formulas for praising the Almighty could be the following:

“Subhaana zil-mulki wal-malyakuut.

Subhaana zil-'izzati val-'azamati val-kudrati val-kibriyayi wal-jabaruut.
Subhaanal-malikil-khayil-lyazii laya yamuut.
Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-ruuh.
Laya ilyayahe illya llaahu nastagfirullaa, nas’elukal-jannata va na’uuzu bikya minan-naar...”

“Holy and Ideal is He Who possesses earthly and heavenly dominion. Holy is He Who is characterized by might, greatness, boundless strength, power over everything and infinite power. Holy is He Who is the Lord of all, Who is eternal. Death will never befall him.

He is praised and holy. He is the Lord of angels and the Holy Spirit (angel Gabriel - Gabriel).

There is no god except the One and Only Creator. O Almighty, forgive us and have mercy! We ask You for Paradise and we resort to You, praying for removal from Hell...”

(He is praised and holy. He is the Lord of the angels and the Holy Spirit (angel Gabriel - Gabriel)... Some rivayat mention that the angel Gabriel (Gabriel) turned to Allah with the question: “O Almighty! Why did the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) so distinguished that it is considered “Halilullah”, Your friend?

In response, the Lord sent him to Abraham with the words: “Greet him and say “Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-rukh”. As you know, the prophet Abraham was very rich. The number of dogs guarding his herds alone numbered in the thousands. But he was rich both materially and spiritually. So, when Gabriel (Gabriel) appeared before Abraham in the form of a man and, having greeted him, said these words, Abraham, feeling their Divine sweetness, exclaimed: “Say them again, and half of my wealth is yours!” Angel Jabrail (Gabriel) said them again.

Then Abraham again asked to repeat it, saying: “Say them again, and all my wealth is yours!” Gabriel (Gabriel) repeated it a third time, then Abraham said: “Say them again, and I am your slave.”

There are things whose splendor, beauty and value can only be understood by specialists. For example, a diamond. Before cutting, it will seem like an ordinary natural fossil to someone, but a professional will notice a valuable stone in it and find a way to turn it into a sparkling jewel. Moreover, only an expert will be able to determine the degree of its value. Also the words “Subbuukhun kudduusun rabbul-malayaikyati var-rukh”. Abraham, having felt their beauty and splendor, could not satiate his ears and each time asked to repeat them again.

/1/ Tarawih (Arabic) - plural of “tarwiha”, which translates as “rest”. The prayer is called so because after every four rakyaats, the worshipers sit and rest, praising the Lord or listening to the admonitions of the imam. See: Mu'jamu lugati al-fuqaha'. P. 127.
/2/ Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. al-Bukhari, Muslim, at-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, an-Nasai and Abu Dawud. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 536, Hadith No. 8901, “sahih”.
/3/ Prostration is a state of extreme exhaustion, relaxation, lack of orientation in time; loss of strength, accompanied by an indifferent attitude towards the environment. See: The latest dictionary of foreign words and expressions. Minsk: Modern writer, 2007. P. 664.
/4/ Hadith from Abu Dharr, and also from ‘Aisha; St. X. Muslim, al-Bukhari, at-Tirmidhi, etc. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. P. 1059; aka. In 8 vols. T. 2. P. 43; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-awtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 54, 55.
/5/ See: Al-‘Askalani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 vols. T. 5. P. 314, 315, Hadith No. 2010; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 57, hadith No. 946.
/6/ The Prophet Muhammad said: “My path [Sunnah] and the path of the righteous caliphs are obligatory for you.” ‘Umar was one of them - the second righteous caliph.
/7/ The celebration of twenty rakiats in Tarawih was supported by theologians of the Hanafi madhhab. Theologians of the Shafi'i madhhab consider eight rak'yats sufficient, which also corresponds to the Sunnah. See, for example: Imam Malik. Al-muwatto [Public]. Cairo: al-Hadith, 1993. P. 114; al-Shavkyani M. Nail al-avtar. In 8 vols. T. 3. P. 57, 58.
/8/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 2. S. 1060, 1075, 1089.
/9/ Ibid. P. 1091.

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