Speech therapist is soft, what should I do? Making the sound “L” is articulatory gymnastics. Pronunciation of the hard sound L

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Difficult consonants: b;p | w;w | z;s | g;k | s;ts | v;f | r;l | p;l | r;p;l | z;s;c | h;f;sh;sch;ts;x |

A lot of the required material teachers of speech therapy and mass groups will find on the website. Try to perform speech therapy exercises correctly yourself, and then start working with your child. Individual lessons help solve diction problems in children. Thanks to the site (), the child will learn to overcome speech disorders and build confidence in your abilities. It is better to study often and in short portions than to arrange long lessons, but with long breaks. A child, first of all, needs your attention, care and love. Use tongue twisters, riddles, retellings (teaching retelling), stories, fairy tales to develop speech. The more active you are with your kids, the faster he will learn to speak correctly.


Articulation gymnastics exercises.

  1. Proboscis frog.
  2. Spatula.
  3. Let's punish the naughty tongue.
  4. Delicious jam.
  5. Cup.
  6. Sweet tooth.
  7. Swing.
  8. Steamboat.
  9. Turkey.
  10. Painter.
  11. We brush the upper teeth.
  12. Count the top teeth.
  13. Let's catch the sound "L"

L - consonant, oral, transitive, anterior lingual, sonorant, hard.


Normal setting when pronouncing a solid sound.

1) The tip of the tongue is raised and comes into contact with the front part of the palate (alveoli), and remains motionless when the voice is turned on. A gap is formed on the sides of the tongue through which air passes.

2) Lips are open.

3) Teeth are open.

4) The air is exhaled in a moderate stream; a warm stream of air is felt in the palm of the hand raised to the mouth.

5) Sound l voiced.


Exercises for lips and jaws.

Open your mouth wide, as when pronouncing the sound A. Jaws and lips are tense and motionless. The teeth are open to the width of one and a half fingers. The tongue should lie at the bottom of the mouth. The child should hold this position for some time. Close your mouth. Repeat the exercise.

Exercise for the tongue.

1) Stick your tongue out. Bend the tip and edges of the tongue so that a “cup” (“bucket”) is formed. The middle part of the tongue lies on the lower lip and does not come into contact with the upper teeth. Relax your tongue and pull it into your mouth. Repeat many times.

2) "Chatterbox". With a tense, curved tip of the tongue, with the voice turned on, move (scrape) across the palate back and forth, either slowly or quickly. The teeth are separated to the width of a finger. The lips are open and do not cover the teeth. The jaws should be motionless, only the tongue works.

Note. The following inaccuracies may occur: the tip of the tongue does not reach the palate, scrapes in space, and the goal of the exercise is not achieved; lips and teeth are close together, so there is no clarity of sound; The exercise is carried out without turning on the voice, so a dull sound is heard, but it should be ringing.

3) As in the “talker” exercise, make the tongue “cup”. Round your lips. Open your teeth to a distance of one and a half fingers. Without changing the position of the tongue, insert it into the mouth and reach the palate with the curved tip at the alveoli. The convex part of the tongue is located between the teeth and gives the tongue a comfortable position. The lips take an oval shape. Repeat the exercise several times.

Note. The tip of the tongue may rest not on the alveoli, but on the middle of the palate, and therefore the convex part of the tongue will be too far from the teeth. This will interfere with the formation of the correct l sound.

4) Pronouncing a long sound l.

Make the tongue a “cup” and raise it to the alveoli, as in the previous exercise. Turn on voice. The tongue should be motionless. A long sound is heard. The lips are oval in shape, the teeth are open and, together with the jaw, are motionless. Control with the palm of the hand: a warm air flow is felt.

Note. The following must be avoided: the tongue moves (but should be motionless), and therefore the sound turns out to be intermittent, unclear sounding; a stream of air passes into the nose, and instead of the sound L, the sound N is heard. This happens because the edges of the tongue, pressing tightly against the upper molars, do not allow the air to escape freely.


Vowel A seems convenient as an initial auxiliary sound, since its structure includes a spread-out and fairly protruded tongue. They offer to pull the sound A and at this time push your tongue between your teeth, and then bite it in the middle. At this moment the sound A turns into sound L. If it is immediately possible to lift the spread tongue onto the upper lip or behind the upper teeth, you can immediately make a dental sound L.

Vowel pattern Y most convenient for transition to sound articulation L, since the root part of the tongue is raised, the front part is wide; protrusion of the tip of the tongue, biting it lightly with the teeth, or raising the tongue to the upper teeth against the background of a continuous sound Y gives good sound quality L. Sound production L from sound Y It is especially indicated when replacing the sound l - l, since in this case the incorrect sound depends on the tension of the tongue in the anterior-middle part of it, and not in the back.

Sometimes all attempts to raise the root of the tongue, i.e. get a soft sound instead L sounding it firmly turn out to be unsuccessful.

In these cases, you can apply the following techniques:

propose to apply possible tension in the area of ​​the shoulder girdle and neck, for which you need to bend your head forward and in this position pull out the sound L at the lowest possible pitch.

You can also use mechanical assistance: with two fingers - index and ring - apply light pressure from the outside of the neck so that each finger is at a point at the inner edge of the back third of the left and right sides of the lower jaw.

During these exercises, it is important to pay attention to the kinesthetic sensation that arises from the lifting of the root of the tongue.

With bilabial or labial-dental pronunciation of the sound L articulation of the tongue is replaced by simpler articulation of the lips. It is necessary to slow down the forward movements of the lips, strengthening the grin of the lips, and then move on to sound production L using one of the indicated methods.

At nasal pronunciation It is useful to pay attention to the expiratory stream coming out of the mouth on the sides of the tongue, and also to push the tongue forward in one way or another.

All cases paralambdacism are eliminated by mandatory work on sound differentiation L with a substitute sound.


1. The child is asked to open his mouth slightly and pronounce the combination ya. Wherein Y pronounced briefly, with tension in the organs of articulation (as if on a firm attack of the voice). The speech therapist shows a sample pronunciation. As soon as the child has mastered the desired pronunciation, the speech therapist asks him to pronounce this combination again, but with his tongue clamped between his teeth. At this moment the combination is clearly heard la. When performing the task, the speech therapist ensures that the tip of the child’s tongue remains between the teeth.

2. You can use another technique. Using soft as a base sound LH, ask your child to repeat the syllable several times LA, then insert probe No. 4 so that it is between the hard palate and the middle part of the back of the tongue; press the probe down on the tongue - to the right or left, and ask the child to say the combination several times LA. At the moment of pronunciation, adjust the movement of the probe until the acoustic effect of a solid sound is obtained. L.

The main difficulty in producing sound L lies in the fact that, pronouncing a sound correctly, the child continues to hear his previous sound. Therefore, it is necessary to attract the child’s auditory attention to the sound that is produced at the moment of its production. Sound L It can be obtained by auditory imitation if, at the preparatory stage, the child has learned to recognize it and distinguish the correct sound from the incorrect one.

Often these days you can hear a disturbed pronunciation of the sound L. This violation is called labdacism. So, instead of the word “shovel”, they say, for example, “uvapata”, “ropata” and so on. If a child who is three years old talks like this, then sometimes it can even be touching. However, if an adult speaks like this, it is more likely to cause ridicule. To prevent this from happening, you need to consult a speech therapist in a timely manner. And this needs to be done as early as possible.

Speech therapists sometimes believe that incorrect pronunciation of the sound L can be corrected in elementary school or high school. preschool age. Believe me, such experts are wrong. After all, how correctly a child speaks depends on his mastery of reading, writing and sound-letter analysis of words. And in general the formation of a child, how successful person. And if this problem is still not cured in adults, then you should start taking action, and a start can be made with the help of our tips and recommendations.

What should be the position of the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of the sound L?

  • The vocal cords vibrate.
  • The soft palate should be positioned so that it covers the passage into the nasal cavity.
  • The root of the tongue is raised.
  • The sides of your tongue should not touch your upper molars to allow passages for the air you exhale.
  • The tense tip of the tongue should rest against the gums or upper teeth.
  • The lower and upper teeth should not be too far apart from each other.
  • The position of the lips should change and depend on the vowel sounds that come after the sound L.

The most common mistakes when pronouncing the sound L

  • Forced exhalation, as a result of which you can hear a sound that resembles the sound N (air goes through the nose) or the sound F (with the participation of the cheeks).
  • Replacing L with R, for example, “redheads”, not “skis”.
  • The position of the lips is incorrect, the sound combination “uva” is heard, for example, “pashuva”, and not “went”.
  • The tongue is in the depths of the mouth, the sound Y is heard, for example, “yoozhka”, not “spoon”.

Preparing the speech apparatus to pronounce the sound L

  1. 1. To do the exercise called “Smile” you need to do the following: smile so that your lips stretch, and then return to their original state.
  2. 2. “Tube” can be done in two ways. The first is to clench your teeth, pull your lips forward and transform them into a square. Second - imitate the pronunciation of the sound U (only without voice).
  3. 3. “Needle”: Smile and stick your sharp tongue out of your mouth.
  4. 4. “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”: Place a wide tongue on your lower lip. You can make a small hollow. It is important that the tongue is not too tense.
  5. 5. "Turkey": open your mouth slightly, place your tongue on your upper lip, and then make stroking movements from top to bottom. You can add the sound combination “bl-bl-bl”.
  6. 6. "Let's ride a horse": smile, lift your tongue up to the alveoli and “suck.” Then click it, imitating the “clatter of hooves.”
  7. 7. "Let's go on the swings": smile. First, lower the sharp tip of your tongue by the lower teeth, and then lift it by the upper ones.

Several ways to make the sound L

First way. Open your mouth wide. Make sure your upper and lower teeth are visible. Then stick your wide tongue out between your teeth, pronounce the sound A and immediately press it with your teeth. As a result, you will get a combination of the sounds A and L. As soon as you are able to pronounce the sound L in this position, move your tongue to the correct position - it should be raised up and rest against the gums or teeth.

Usually this “L” sound is placed easily and quickly, but only if the exercises are performed very accurately and correctly, for example, according to our method. All exercises are performed in front of a mirror so that you can control the position of the child’s lips and tongue.

So, first things first. In order to correctly pronounce the sound “L”, the lips must be in a smile, the teeth must not be closed, the distance between the lower and upper teeth is about 1 centimeter. The tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth. Children usually either skip this sound or replace it with the sounds Y, Y, L, or V. If the back of the tongue is raised and the tip of the tongue is lowered and moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is replaced by the sounds “Y” or “Y”. If the tip of the tongue is at the top, but moved away from the teeth, then the sound “L” is produced. If a child raises his lower lip towards his upper teeth, then instead of the sound “L” the sound “V” is heard.

Now let’s begin performing tongue articulation exercises to correct the soft sound “L” to a hard one.

Lip exercises:

Fence - Teeth closed, lips in a wide smile. The upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

TV - The teeth are closed and visible, the upper and lower lips are raised, the corners of the lips are moved to the center. The lips form a wide square, as with the sound “Sh”. Two upper and 4 lower teeth are clearly visible. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Smile - Lips are closed and stretched in a wide smile. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Proboscis - Lips are closed, the corners of the lips are moved towards the center. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Rabbit - Lips closed and stretched in a wide smile. Lower the lower lip so that only the lower teeth are visible, and the upper ones are covered by the upper lip. Hold motionless for about 5-6 seconds.

Each exercise must be repeated 4-5 times.

Then you need to alternate exercises in pairs:

Fence - TV, Smile - Proboscis, Smile - Rabbit. First alternate in at a slow pace, repeat everything 5-6 times, holding each lip position motionless for 2-3 seconds. Then alternate at a fast pace 5-6 times.

Setting the sound "L"

Donkey song - The mouth is slightly open, the lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower teeth are clearly visible. Make the sound “Y-Y-Y”. (Possible errors - the sound “Y-Y” is pronounced “in the nose”. To check the correct sound, place the back of your hand on the child’s neck and feel a slight vibration). Then open your mouth wide and add the sound “A-A-A”. Pronounce the syllable -Я- together, drawing out both sounds. (Possible errors - replacing the sound -A- with the sound -Z-).

Repeat the syllable “Я” several times and make sure that both sounds are pronounced correctly. Then pinch the tip of your tongue with your teeth (do not change the position of your lips) and pronounce the syllable -Я-, pulling both sounds, when sounding -A- mouth open wide. If both sounds are pronounced correctly, the syllable “LA” will be heard. Pay special attention that the lower lip does not rise, otherwise instead of “LA” you will get the syllable “BA”. If instead of “LA” you hear the syllable “LA”, then you should repeat the syllable “YA” several times, without pinching the tip of your tongue with your teeth, make sure that the sound “A” is not replaced by the sound “I”.

Very often, a child, having heard the resulting syllable “LA”, involuntarily tries to say the syllable “LA” instead of “YA” and comes up with the habitually distorted sound “L”. Therefore, at first, when performing the exercise, it is advisable that you suggest the child say “YA” and not “LA”.

The resulting syllable “LA” must be repeated many times to reinforce the correct pronunciation. To make repetition interesting, play the game “Shooting Range”. Game "Shooting Range" - draw 10 target circles on a piece of paper. Repeat the syllable "La". If the syllable is pronounced correctly, then the target is hit - cross out 1 circle; if the syllable “LA” is pronounced incorrectly, then put a dot next to the target circle to indicate a miss. Agree in advance with your child that after how many “misses” you will move on to the next target. When finished, count the number of targets hit and misses. Repeat the game 3-5 times and compare the results. First repeat the syllable “LA” one at a time, and then in groups of 2-3 syllables. You can draw targets of 2-3 circles.

Having achieved the completely correct pronunciation of the syllable “LA”, proceed to practicing the correct pronunciation of the syllables “LO, LU, LE, LY”. Make sure that the tip of your tongue is clamped between your teeth. Most often, it is difficult to correctly pronounce the syllable “LU”, since it is necessary to change the position of the lips.

When the child learns to pronounce all these syllables, you can move on to pronouncing words with the sound “L”. First, you should repeat words starting with the sound “L”. In these words, it is easier to pronounce the sound “L” correctly, since the child clamps the tip of his tongue with his teeth, pronounces this sound and only then the whole word. It is more difficult to pronounce a word after a preposition, because in this case it is necessary that immediately after pronouncing the previous sound, the lips and tongue quickly take the correct position for the sound L.” Therefore, it is better to first repeat individual words with the sound “L”. Select 10-15 words that begin with the syllable “LA” and repeat them like this (pull out the “L” sound, achieve a clear, hard “L”):

- 1st time - sound - syllable - word (LL - LLA - LLAk, LL - LLA - LLApa, LL - LLA - LLAmpa and so on);

- 2nd time - syllable-word (LLA - LLAk, LLA - LLApa, LLA - LLAmpa and so on.);

- 3rd time - one word at a time, pull out the sound “L”;

- 4th time - game “correct the adult” - You repeat the words, alternating the correct and distorted “L”. The child must determine whether the word is said correctly and repeat it correctly;

- 5th time - in groups of 3 words (1st, 2nd, 3rd word, 2nd, 3rd, 4th word, 3rd, 4th, 5th word and etc.). This task is the most difficult, since the child is old.

If the child can easily pronounce the sound “L” correctly, then you can start with the second task (syllable - word).

Here is an approximate set of words for practicing the sound “L”

At the first stage, repeating syllables and words, hold the tip of your tongue at the sound “L”. But this position of the tongue is preparatory. When positioned correctly, the tip of the tongue is behind the teeth and rests on the upper front teeth. Therefore, gradually try to move your tongue by the teeth and try to achieve a clear, hard “L” sound with the tongue in the correct position.

Very good, consistently selected and varied speech material can be found in the book by Yu.B. Norkina “Home notebook for speech therapy sessions with children” issue 1, sound “L”. In addition to words, sentences, poems and stories, the book contains many exercises for the formation of the correct grammatical structure of speech, as well as tasks for the development of a child’s coherent speech.

In this article we will talk about how to teach a child to pronounce the letter l. Everything is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. The problem may be that the baby simply does not understand what articulatory pose should he take?. He may begin to be capricious and shout “I can’t pronounce the letter L!” just run away from you into another room.

There is no need to criticize or point out the shortcomings of your baby's speech. Find the pleasant aspects, and in an accessible language for him, point out the consequences of such pronunciation. Children will happily accept this approach and quickly learn to speak correctly.

First you need to figure out What specific mistakes does the baby make? and what are the reasons behind such mistakes:

Speech therapy games for producing the sound l

Such games not only promote the correct pronunciation of sounds, but train memory and thinking, which is very important in the formation of a future member of society.

How to learn to pronounce the letter l for an older child?

When the incorrect pronunciation is already formed, things are much worse. It’s not easy for you to retrain your child; you still need to make sure for quite a long time that the child does not confuse the correct and incorrect pronunciation of the sound l.

But the cause of incorrect sound pronunciation can be not only the inattention of parents or the laziness of the child, but also serious problems of the speech apparatus. So before you teach yourself to say the letter L, you need to show your baby to a number of specialists. These include:

  • child psychologist;
  • speech therapist;
  • pediatrician.

If experts have not identified any problems, then the cause of incorrect pronunciation of sounds is pedagogical neglect. How to teach a child to pronounce the letter l? It’s worth working on this and not letting things take their course. The baby should feel your support. You must give your child confidence that you are there and will help at any moment. At the same time, regular activities with your child will bring a lot of pleasure to both you and the child. Children will learn faster with happy and caring parents.

An integral part of the sound production process is breathing exercises. Don't neglect these simple ones, but effective exercises. You can come up with absolutely any fantastic story or create a play environment to make it more interesting for your child to do breathing exercises. With their help, the baby learns to control the flow of air and learns the correct articulation of the tongue and lips. While playing, you can and should learn, you just have to be patient and get to work!

Preparatory stage

Lesson 1

Birds are preparing to fly. They have strong wings (tension). Flight simulation (relaxation).
- Look and tell me which bird is in front of you. Look around and see who is behind you. Who do you see on the left, on the right?
Development of finger motor skills

Forty, forty.
White-sided magpie.
Cooked porridge
I jumped on the threshold,
I called guests.
Guests in the yard -
Porridge on the table.
This is on a plate,
This is on a platter,
This one is in a cup,
This one is in a bowl,
And she didn’t give anything to this.
- You didn’t carry water,
You didn't cook porridge.
- Here's a spoon for you
Cook yourself some porridge.
There's a stump here
There's a deck here
There's firewood here
There's hot water here.

Massage or self-massage
Breathing exercise
Developing correct diaphragmatic breathing.
Game task “Ball - dimple”.
- Take a deep breath. Your tummy has become like a ball. Exhale air - a dimple has formed.
Static exercise for the development of oral exhalation “Strong winds blow, weak winds blow.” Blowing on leaves.

- Draw sad storks. They don't want to leave their native land. Smile at them and convey your good mood.
Lip exercises
“The chicks have their beaks wide open and are asking for food.” Open your mouth wide, as when pronouncing the sound [a]. The jaws and teeth are tense and motionless, the teeth are open to the width of 1.5 fingers. Place the tongue at the bottom of the mouth. Hold this position for a count of 5, then 7. Close your mouth.
"The green woodpecker says goodbye to the nightingale." Pronounce the sound combinations kiei-kiei-kiei. Open your mouth, smile, exposing all your teeth. Hold your lips and teeth in this position for a count of 5, then close your mouth.
Tongue exercises
“The tongue fits through the crack of the door. He wants to say goodbye to the birds." Biting the tip of the tongue with the teeth and pushing it forward.
"Beaks of different birds." Show how wide the duck's beak is. Open your mouth wide, place your wide tongue on your lower lip and hold for a count of 5-7.
"Stork's Beak" Stick your narrow and sharp tongue out of your mouth. In case of difficulties, invite the child to reach with his tongue for candy or another object.
Development of the voice and switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus
"Songs of the Chicks."
- Once, in the summer, in a forest clearing, the chicks were learning to sing.
Pronunciation of sounds: a-aaa, o-oooo, uuuuu, yyyyy with exaggerated articulation; with changes in the strength and pitch of the voice.

Game "Catch the Sound". The sounds [s], [z], [l], [z], [sh], [zh], [l], etc. are pronounced. The child should clap his hands if he hears the sound [l].
Is there a sound [l] in the words harrier, swallow, fell, waved, woodpecker, nightingale?

Lesson 2

Development of spatial perception
Vegetables or dummies are laid out on the tables.
- Look and say what you see in front, what is behind, what is on your right, what is on your left. Where did the carrots grow - in the ground or on bushes?
- I turn you into vegetables. I plant seedlings. Plants grow, reach for the sun (tension). The sun is hot, the vegetables are wilted (relaxation).
Development of finger motor skills
Five cheerful little fingers went to the garden.
They have a lot of things to do, a lot of things to do:
Pick tomatoes, dig up potatoes,
Pull out the carrot
Cut the dill and pick the peas.
Breathing exercises
Learning proper diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale through your nose, pause (counting 1, 2), and exhale long through your mouth.
Teaching a calm, short inhalation and a free, smooth, extended exhalation. "The wind is howling." Open your mouth slightly and pronounce the sound [u] for a long time on one exhalation.
Mimic-articulation exercises
“What a big watermelon!” Express surprise with the sound: “Oh-oh-oh-oh!”
"Goat in the garden."
- Portray a cunning goat who decided to eat cabbage. Show how angry the owner was with the goat. Draw a scary garden scarecrow, show how the crows were afraid of him.
Convey the emotional state of a mother peeling and cutting onions. Show how surprised grandfather was when he saw a huge turnip in his garden.
Lip exercises
"Angry Watchmen" The owner placed the angry dog ​​to guard the garden. Raising the upper lip. Show only the upper teeth. Pronounce the sound combinations aw-aw-aw-aw.
"Angry Bulldog" Pulling down the lower lip, exposing only the lower teeth.
"Wide pipe" The puppy saw such a wide pipe and decided to climb there. The teeth are closed, the lips are extended in a wide “tube”.
Tongue exercises
“The tongue goes to visit the nose.” Raise the wide tip of the tongue towards the nose and cover the upper lip with it.
"Delicious watermelon." We ate the watermelon and licked our lips. Circular movements of the tongue along the surface of the lips from left to right, and then vice versa.
“Zucchini, zucchini, show me your side.” Bend the tip of the tongue, lift it by the upper teeth and hold it in this position for a count of 4-5.
"Onion feathers."
- Show me how sharp the feathers of the onion are.
Stick your narrow and sharp tongue out of your mouth and hold it in this position for a count of 5.
"Shovel". Let's dig potatoes. Need a shovel. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold for a count of 5.

“Garden scarecrows learn to talk and then sing songs.” Pronunciation of sound row a-o-o, o-i s, a-u-o-i.
Development of phonemic awareness
"Catch the sound." Isolating the sound [l] from the syllabic series for, la, shu lu chi, ly.
Determining the position of the sound [l] in the words onion, eggplant, shovel, dug, leveled, cleaned.
Where is the sound [l] heard in the word onion? Designation of sound [l] with a color symbol. Put a circle of blue color on a strip of paper with marks indicating the beginning, middle and end of the word.

Lesson 3

Development of auditory perception
Games “Silent”, “What did you hear?”, “What sounded?”.
Breathing exercises
Learning proper diaphragmatic breathing. Inhale through your nose, pause (counting 1, 2), exhale through your mouth.
Teaching a calm, short inhalation and a free, smooth, extended exhalation.
"The steamer is humming." Open your mouth slightly and pronounce the sound [s] for a long time on one exhalation.
Development of finger motor skills
Visiting the big toe
They came straight to the house:
Index and middle
Nameless and last
Little finger himself
Knocked on the threshold:
- Knock-Knock.
Mimic-articulation exercises
- Convey your mood, state, intention and attitude towards another person using facial expressions.
pleasant - unpleasant happy - upset
satisfied - dissatisfied angry - kind
happy - unhappy, outraged, furious - kind
brave - cowardly sad - cheerful
fearless - scared exhausted - cheerful
calm - angry obedient - disobedient
happy - sad
Lip exercises
"Angry Bulldog" Raising the upper lip. Show only the upper teeth. You can pronounce the sound combinations aw-aw-aw-aw ( in a low voice).
Pulling down the lower lip, exposing only the lower teeth.
"Big round bagel." The teeth are closed, the lips are extended in a wide “tube”.
"Little bagel."
Tongue exercises
"Clock hands". Circular movements of the tongue along the surface of the lips from left to right, and then vice versa.
“The tongue goes to visit the nose.” Raise the wide tip of the tongue towards the nose and lower it onto the lower lip.
"Scratchy teeth." Scratch the upward-curved tip of the tongue with your upper teeth.
“The tongue came to visit the teeth.” Open your mouth wide, press the tip of your tongue against your upper teeth and hold for a count of 5-7.
"Mosquito sting."

Development of the voice, switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and coordinated work of the lips and tongue
"Teasing Buki and Byaki." Pronouncing the syllables be-bya, be-bya, bi-bya-be, byu-be-bya in a quiet and loud voice, cheerfully and sadly.
Development of phonemic awareness
"Catch the sound." Isolating the sound [l] from the syllabic series for, la, shu, lu, chi, ly.
Determining the position of the sound [l] in the words palm, lamp, light bulb.

Lesson 4

Development of auditory perception
"Guess the sounds." Guessing the sounds produced by a speech therapist behind a screen (playing musical instruments).
Breathing exercises
"Snort's foal snorts." Take air into your lungs and blow it out forcefully, causing your lips to vibrate.
- The little squirrel got lost. Let's help Mama Squirrel find him. Let's call him: “Ay!” The little squirrel doesn't hear. Let's shout: “Ah-oh! A-i-e!”
Mimic-articulation exercises
"Morel mushroom" Wrinkle your face. Stretch your facial muscles. Frown your eyebrows. "Angry Old Forest Man."
"Good and evil wizards." “We quarrel - we make peace.”
Lip exercises
"Hide and seek." "The sponges hid." Squeeze your tense lips tightly so that they turn into a thin string. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 3, then snort.
“We’ll show and hide all our teeth.” A grin followed by closing of the lips.
"The teeth are playing hide and seek."
- Let's show the upper teeth first, and hide the lower ones. Now let's hide the upper teeth and show the lower ones.
“Let’s knead the dough for the bagels.” Movements of the lips with the inclusion of the cheek muscles.
"Big and small steering wheel." Alternating wide and narrow “tubes”.
Tongue exercises
“The tongue plays hide and seek with the upper lip.” Close your upper lip with your wide tongue, then click, opening and closing your mouth.
The "cup" on the outside of the mouth.
- I brought you a treat. Prepare a cup. Today you have made a clay cup with thick edges.
Alternating exercises “Sting” - “Scapula”.
Development of the voice, switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and coordinated work of the lips and tongue
Pronouncing syllable combinations. "Squirrel teasers." Pronouncing the syllables by-ba, bu-bo; ba-bu-ba; boo-bo-bo in a quiet and loud voice, cheerfully and angry.
Development of phonemic awareness
Game "Catch the sound [s]". Words sleigh, strawberry, rainbow, table, chair, goat, poppy, goal, Masha.
"Right wrong". A number of words are pronounced correctly and with a modified composition of sounds, for example: doll, vukla, fist, boulak, forehead, nob, and the children answer whether the word was said correctly or incorrectly.
Determining the position of the sound.
- Where is the sound [l] heard in the words onion, onion? Where is the sound [l] heard in the words table, chair?

Lesson 5

Development of auditory-verbal memory. Follow 2-3 step instructions
- Go to the table, take the monkey, put it on a chair and sit in front of the mirror.
Mimic-articulation exercises
"Cranky monkeys." Performing imitation exercises. Squinting of the eyes, alternate opening and closing of the eyes, etc. Express fear, joy, grief and other emotions.
Lip exercises
Let's pretend to be a monkey. Place your tongue under your upper lip. Then lower your tongue under your lower lip.
Raising and lowering both lips in 4 steps. Raise the top one, lower the bottom one. Raise the bottom one, lower the top one.
"Banana and orange." The monkey loves bananas and oranges. Let's treat her. Smile, close your lips (banana), stretch out your lips in a wide “tube” (orange). Alternating wide and narrow “tubes”.
Tongue exercises
"The monkey swings on the vines." The wide tongue first rises to the nose and then falls to the chin.
"The leader's message to the monkeys about danger."
- Do you know how monkeys give signals of danger?
"Chatterbox." The mouth is open, the lips do not cover the teeth. The teeth are open to the width of a finger, the jaws are motionless. Quickly move across the palate (with the voice turned on) with a tense, curved tip of the tongue.
Development of the voice, switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and coordinated work of the lips and tongue
"Monkeys fight and make up." Pronouncing syllable combinations mna-mna-mna, mno-mno-mno (in a whisper, quietly and in a voice of moderate strength); mnu-mny, mno-mny, mna-mno-mnu (dissatisfied and satisfied in tone).
Development of phonemic awareness
Game "Catch the sound [l]". The sounds are pronounced [р], [л], [ш], [л], [ж], [л]; the syllables ry, ly, sha, la, ru, lu, lo, ro, and then the words rose, lamp, puddle, rainbow, palm tree, and the child raises his hand or claps his hands when he hears the sound [l].
Determining the position of the sound.
- Where is the sound [l] heard in the word sun? Jumped in the word! Fell in a word!

Lesson 6

Development of spatial perception
“Where did the bell sound?” The child closes his eyes, and the teacher acts with the bell, changing location.
“The hedgehog curled up into a ball.”
Here the hedgehog is curled up into a ball,
Because he was cold.
The ray touched the hedgehog.
The hedgehog stood up and stretched.
Breathing exercises
Static exercise. Blowing away butterflies. Whose butterfly will fly farther?
"Songs of forest animals."
- Little Fox, Little Hare, Little Wolf and Little Bear gathered in a forest clearing and sang songs.
Pronouncing ta-ee-ee; a-e-i; a-e-i; a-e-and on one exhale.
Mimic-articulation exercises
"A frightened bunny, a brave hedgehog, a funny little bear, a cunning little fox."
Lip exercises
"Let's ride a horse." Clattering with variable tempo. The distance between the teeth should be at least 1.5 fingers, the jaw should not move.
- We met a friend, let's smile at him. Smile.
- A friend gave us a pipe, let's play it.
Alternating exercises “Smile” and “Wide Tube”. "Swing".
- We saw a swing and wanted to swing.
Raise and lower the tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums.
"The turkey is chattering." Open your mouth. Raise your tongue to your upper lip and make quick movements with your tongue back and forth, without lifting your tongue from your upper lip. First make slow movements, then the tempo speeds up and a voice is added.
Development of the voice, switchability of the organs of the articulatory apparatus and coordinated work of the lips and tongue
"The animals talk to each other." The Little Fox, the Hedgehog, the Little Hare and the Little Wolf are talking to each other. Pronouncing syllable combinations fta-fto, ftu-fta, fta-fto-ftu in a gentle and angry, calm and indignant voice.
Development of phonemic awareness
Determining the position of the sound.
- Where is the sound [l] heard in the words squirrel, hollow, jackdaw, fir-tree, needle?
Choose from a number of other toys that have the sound [l] in their names.
Distinguishing words. Show me which picture has varnish and which one has cancer.
Game "Right - Wrong". A number of words are pronounced correctly and with a modified composition of sounds, and the children answer whether the word is said correctly or incorrectly.

Sound setting [l]

The position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus when pronouncing the sound correctly [l]

When pronouncing the sound [l], the lips take the position of the subsequent vowel. The distance between the upper and lower incisors is 2-4 mm. The tip of the tongue is raised and pressed against the base of the upper incisors (but can also occupy a lower position). Between the lateral edges of the tongue and the molars there is a gap for the passage of an air stream. The root part of the tongue is raised and pulled back, a spoon-shaped depression is formed in the middle.

Creating an auditory image of sound

Gaming techniques
- Listen to the fire truck siren. A police car gives this signal.
The sound [l] is pronounced repeatedly.
Formation of a visual image of sound (l]
Show articulation of sound. Articulation profile display. Clarification of the position of the lips, teeth and tongue. Description of the position of the organs of articulation.
Formation of a sense of the position of the organs of articulation
Formation of a kinesthetic image of sound
Invite the child to bring his palm to the speech therapist’s mouth and feel a warm air stream on the side of his mouth. Showing the position of the organs of articulation using the fingers. Squeeze the fingers of your right hand tightly and give them the shape of a “bucket” - this is our tongue. Slightly bend the fingers of your left hand (it’s like our mouth), then touch the fingers of your right hand (it’s like our tongue) to the junction of the fingers with the right palm. Pay attention to the gap between your palms. These slits on both sides are needed for the air stream to escape.
Using toys (monkey or any other).
- Look how the monkey lifts its tongue by its upper teeth.

Sound production [l] according to M.E. Khvatsev (1959)

Open your mouth wide. Place the narrowed tip of the tongue (“sting”) to the necks of the upper teeth, draw out the sound [a] loudly and in a chant. At the same time, against the background of [a], the tip of the tongue rises and falls, touching the upper incisors, and then the upper gum several times per exhalation.

Sound production [l] according to R.E. Levina (1965)

1. Hold the tip of your tongue between your teeth and, without changing the position of your tongue, pronounce the sound [a] or [s] in a drawn-out manner. The speech therapist articulates in front of the mirror without a voice. With this position of the speech organs, a drawn-out sound [l] can be produced.
2. It is useful to do the same exercise first in a whisper with intense exhalation, paying attention to the stream of air coming out from the sides of the mouth. If there is difficulty, ask the child to hold his tongue wide between his teeth and exhale air so that his cheeks swell. Having achieved the goal, you should turn on your voice. First, the sound [l] is heard mixed with noise, which gradually disappears during further work.
3. The resulting correct articulation of the sound [l] is fixed in syllables with a vowel [a], first in a closed syllable (al), then between vowels (alla) and, finally, in an open syllable (la). Next, syllables with vowels [ы], [о], [у] (ala, alo, alu, ly, lo, lu, etc.) are included.
4. If it is difficult to form side slits, you should use a probe or a round plastic stick, which is placed across the tongue. The child is asked to raise the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth and pronounce the sound [s]. This way you can get a long sound [l]. In this case, the exhaled air rushes into the passages between the lateral edges of the tongue and the upper molars, formed with the help of a probe or stick.

Setting the sound [l] according to O.V. Pravdina (1973)

1. Make the sound [a] and at this time push your tongue between your teeth, and then bite it in the middle.
2. When softening the sound [l], give the opportunity to feel the tension in the shoulder girdle and neck. To do this, you need to bend your head forward and in this position pull out the sound [l] as low as possible.

Setting sound [l] according to A.D. Filippova, N.D. Shuravina (1967)

1. The child is asked to insert the tip of his tongue between his teeth, biting it lightly. Then pronounce the vowel sounds [u] or [s] in a drawn-out manner. The result is a sound close to the correct sound of the sound [l]. Then vowels will be added to this sound: l-a, l-y, etc.
The interdental position of the tongue can be maintained at the first stage when pronouncing syllables and words. When the sound [l] is heard clearly, move the tip of the tongue behind the upper teeth.
2. When pronouncing the sound [l] softly, you can use the following technique: place your thumb between the chin and larynx (in the chin dimple), apply light pressure and pronounce the sound [l].
3. Connect your fingers and press them on your chin.
4. If [l] is pronounced with the participation of the lips, then the movement of the lips should be held back with the fingers.

Setting the sound [l] according to A.I. Bogomolova (1979)

Round your lips (give them an oval shape). Open your teeth at a distance of 1.5 fingers. Place the tongue in the “cup” position, without changing position, insert it into the mouth and touch the alveoli with the curved tip.

Setting the sound [l] according to L.S. Volkova (1989)

The speech therapist shows a sample pronunciation. The child is asked to open his mouth slightly and pronounce the combination ya. In this case, [s] are pronounced briefly with tension in the organs of articulation. After the child has mastered the desired pronunciation, the speech therapist asks to pronounce this combination, but with the tongue clamped between the teeth. At this moment the combination la is heard. When performing the task, make sure that the tip of the tongue remains between the teeth. Auditory attention should be drawn to the sound that was produced at the time of its production.
Consolidation of the auditory image of the sound [l] in isolated sound
Game tasks: “The whistle of a steamship”, “The siren of a police car”, “The rumble of an airplane”.

Automation of the sound [l] in syllables

Lesson 1

Automation of the sound [l] in reverse syllables
Organizational moment
Relaxation exercises. “Wooden Pinocchio (feel tension) and rubber doll Lola” (relaxation).
Development of finger motor skills
Massage or self-massage

- One day, the Elephant Child wanted to visit the Wolf Cub. He hurried to the ship. "The steamer is humming." (Pronounce the sound [l] in a low voice.) The baby elephant is late. (Express disappointment.) Made it in time for the steamer to depart. (Express joy.)
Pronouncing syllable combinations
Game task
"The Little Wolf Meets the Little Elephant."
- Yl-yl-yl. (timidly) - Ul-ul-ul. (saddened)
- Al-al-al. (embarrassed) -Al-ol-il-ul. (confident)
- Il-il-il. (cheerfully) - Ul-al-ol-il! (joyfully)
- Ol-ol-ol. (upset) - Yl-ul-ul-yl. (angrily)
Development of phonemic awareness
- Let's show the Little Elephant and the Little Wolf how we can listen to sounds and designate them with circles.
Determining the position of the sound [l] in the syllables al, ol. Designation of syllables al, ol, color symbols.
- Repeat the syllables yl-ol-al. Listen again: yl-ol. Which syllable has disappeared from the syllabic series?
- Which syllable is extra in the syllabic sequence al-ol-ul-iv?
“Which syllable is missing?” Wok...(hall), pe...(cash), ho...(dil), vo...(zil).
Determining the position of the sound [l] in the words lamp, doll, chair, crowbar. Designation of the place of sound in the “sound house” or on the “sound track”.
Tapping the rhythmic pattern of the words swallow, chair, lamp.
Introducing the letter l

Lesson 2

Automation of the sound [l] in syllables (intervocalic position)
Organizational moment
Development of spatial and auditory perception.
- Where did the flying saucer come from?
Determine the direction of the sound (signal).
Relaxation exercises. Depict robotic aliens (tension) and living aliens (relaxation).
Development of finger motor skills
Massage or self-massage
Development of articulatory motor skills
Performing articulation exercises taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.
Exercises to develop facial expressions, speech breathing and voice
Game task
“A flying saucer lands and hums.” Pronouncing the sound [l] in a low voice. "Siren spaceship- in a high voice.
Mimic exercises. Depict the surprise of aliens, frightened children who find themselves next to a flying saucer.
Game task
Pronouncing syllable combinations on behalf of the aliens Allan and Lola.
- Ala-ala-ala. (scared)
- Yly-yly-yly. (wary)
- Aly-ala-ala. (surprised)
- Aly-alu-alo! (joyfully)
- Ala-alo-alu. (sad)
- Ala ala. (regretfully)
Development of phonemic awareness
Determining the position of the sound [l] in the syllables la, al, ala. The designation of the syllables yl, il, ul with color symbols.
- Tell Allan and Lola where the [l] sound is heard.
Determining the position of the sound [l] in the words floor, hall, ceiling, light bulb. Designation of the place of sound in the “sound house”.
Working with letters.
- Show Allan and Lola the letter l. Lay out a letter from the elements.

Lesson 3

Automation of the sound [l] in direct open syllables
Organizational moment
Relaxation exercises.
- Draw a clockwork doll (neck, muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms are tense). The battery has deteriorated, and the wind-up doll can no longer perform these actions (relaxation).
Development of spatial perception
"Listen and follow."
- Draw clockwork dolls. I give commands, and you carry them out. Raise your right hand, place your left hand on your left shoulder, clap twice above your head.
Development of finger motor skills
Massage or self-massage
Development of articulatory motor skills
Performing articulation exercises taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.
Exercises to develop facial expressions, speech breathing and intonation expressiveness
Game task
- The dolls Lana and Mila came to visit us.
Pronouncing syllable combinations on behalf of the dolls Lana and Mila.
- Ly-ly-ly. (they say hello joyfully)
- La-la-la? (ask each other how things are going)
- Lu-lu-lu! (talking about their affairs)
- Lo-lo-lo. (say goodbye sadly)
Pronunciation of syllables in combination with movements.
- Lana and Mila approached the lake and saw the waves. Let's draw waves with our finger and pronounce the syllables la-lo, lu-ly, la-lo-ly, ly-la-lo-lu, la-lo-lu-ly, lu-ly-la-lo, lo-lu-ly- la.
Development of phonemic awareness
Complete the syllable. Kuk...(la), pi...(la), Mi...(la), ig...(la); hundred...(ly), by...(ly); weight...(lo), etc.
Analysis and synthesis of syllables
- What is the first sound in the syllable la? What's the second sound? What sounds did you hear in the syllable lu? The sound [o] “made friends” with the sound [l]. What syllable did you get?
Designation of syllables with color symbols. Determining the position of the sound [l] in the words Lana, doll, Mila.
Composing syllables from letters of the split alphabet

Lesson 4

Automation of the sound [l] in syllables with consonant clusters
Organizational moment
The fireman holds the hose (tension), lowered the hose (relaxation).
Development of spatial and auditory perception
- Where is the sound of the radio beacon heard?
Development of fine motor skills of the fingers
Massage or self-massage
Development of articulatory motor skills
Performing articulation exercises taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.
Pronouncing syllable combinations. Coordination of breathing, articulation and phonation
Game task
"Alien Conversation" Pronounce syllables with changes in stress and intonation:
- Pla-plo, plu-plo! (expression of surprise, the aliens were surprised to see us, houses and trees)
- Pla-plo-plu, plo-plo-pla. (expression of sadness - their spaceship broke down)
- Blah-blah-blah-blah! (expression of joy - we were glad that we helped fix the ship)
- Fla-flo-flu-fly. (let's calm them down, help fix the ship)
- Kla-klo-klu-kly. (expression of sadness - they are sad to part with us)
- Gla-glo-gloo-gla. (we wave to them with our right hand)
- Sla-slo-slu-sly. (wave with both hands)
Development of phonemic awareness
Determining the position of the sound [l] in the words moon, alien, planet, hum. Designation of syllables with color symbols. Composing syllables ly, ly from letters.
Complete the syllable.
- I’ll say part of the word, and you can guess what word I have in mind? ...neta (planet). Which syllable disappeared from the word planet?
Tasks used at the stages of sound automation [l]
in words, phrases, sentences and coherent speech
Automation of the sound [l] in words with the syllable and sound combination al
Say the words correctly
Alphabet, diamond, pencil case, station, glass, dump truck, oval, jackdaw, stick, beam, halva, rolling pin, skipping rope, balcony, violet, robe, halibut, carnival.

Determining the position of the sound. Name the words in which the sound [l] is heard at the end of the word. Repeat the words in which the sound [l] is heard in the middle of the word.
Sound analysis of the word hall. Circle the sounds of the word hall.
Replace the first sound in the word jackdaw with the sound [p]. What word did you get? (Stick.)
Place the sound [m] before the syllable al. What word did we hear? (Small)
A similar task is performed with the sounds [d], [z], [v]. (Dal - hall - shaft.)
Repeat the words rolling pin - skipping rope. How are these words similar? What is the difference? “Let’s send” the second sound [k] from the word rolling pin “to take a walk.” What new word did you get? (Rock.)
“Developing memory and voluntary attention”
Look, remember and name the objects. How many items do you want to remember?
Remember and repeat after me. Which word doesn't fit?
Did the train speed away or break me?
The cat lapped milk, meowed, lay down, dozed, slept.
Did you hear it with your ears, listen to it, or swallow it?
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech”
Mastering past tense verbs.
What did you do in kindergarten?
Drawing, playing, reading, leafing through a book, helping a friend, arranging dishes, having breakfast, lunch, dinner, wiping the table (a), walked on the street, dug a garden bed, spread the bed, made it.
I drew it, what did you do? I drew an oval, read a book, played outside, walked, etc.
Tell me the right word.
On a horse I... (galloped)
Yes, he fell and... (fell).
I didn't cry, I didn't... (screamed)
And he stood up and said:
- Al-al-al,
I rode a horse.
Automation of sound (l] in words with sound combinations ol, el, ate
Say the words correctly
Ox, floor, stake, wolf, regiment, salt shaker, column, straw, tree, table, shelf, bangs, bee, football, goal (goalkeeper and ball in goal), goldfinch, trunk, prick, case, donkey, goat, cauldron , squirrel, chalk, crayons, woodpecker, knot, ash, quail, broom (grass and broom for cleaning), business.
"One word - many meanings." Lightning is a fastener, lightning is an instant spark discharge in the air of accumulated atmospheric electricity, a needle is a sewing accessory, a needle on a Christmas tree branch, a needle on a hedgehog.
Name the pictures.
Do you know these words? What is lightning? Trunk? Panicle? Goldfinch?
“Developing phonemic awareness”
Name the objects. What identical sound is heard in the named objects?
Determining the position of the sound. In the names of which objects the sound is heard at the beginning of the word? In which words did you hear the sound at the end of the word? Name the words in which the sound is in the middle of the word.
Add the sound [k] to the words ox, floor. Name new words. (Ox - wolf. Paul - regiment.) Replace the first sound in the word floor with the sound [k]. (Kol.) Replace the first sound in the word kol with the sound [g]. (Goal.)
Repeat the words. Chopped, weeded. Stake, prickly, cleaver. Long, long, long.
Change the words. Add the syllable ka to the word gender. (Floor - shelf). How to turn the word shelf into the word stick? The word stick for the word jackdaw? (Shelf - stick - jackdaw.)
Replace the vowel [o] in the word table with the sound [a]. (Became.)
I will say the syllable, and you are naked. What word did you get? (Goldfinch.)
"Word in word." What short words are there in the words prick, column, trunk, shelf?
A ladder of words:
pencil case
Collect “scattered” sounds into words: [v], [l], [k], [o] (wolf); [a], [p], [l], [o], [k] (shelf).
Collect the syllables into a word: i-ka-gol (needle), so-ka-lom (straw).
Make a word from the letters: v, l, k, o (wolf); s, t, l, o (table).

Automation of the sound [l] in words with sound combinations st, il

Say the words correctly
Aul, bun, volcano, stockings, muscle, chair, dove, silt, fork, saw, drinking bowl, mower, stretcher, thresher.
He climbed, walked, carried, mowed, stroked, pounded, begged, pitched, poured, drank, threshed.
"Developing memory"
Listen, remember and repeat the words. In which words is the sound [l] heard at the end of the word? In which words do we hear the sound [l] in the middle of the word?
“Developing phonemic awareness”
Add the sound [p] to the word il. What word did you get? (Drank.) Add the syllable ka to the word drank. What word did you get?
Replace the first sound in words. Drank - beat - mil - pitched.
Replace the sound [a] in the word stick with the sound [i]. (Pilka.) How to turn the word file into the word shelf?
Replace the vowel sound in the middle of the word. Chalk - small - crumpled - mil - they say - chalk - mule.
Collect the “scattered” sounds [b], [u], [k], [l], [l] into a word. (Bun.)
Collect the “scattered” letters s, t, u, l into a word.
Guess the word. The first sound in it is [b], and the last is [th]; the first sound is [g], the last is [b"].

Carrying out actions according to instructions. What did you do? (Jumped, jumped over, jumped, stepped, stepped over.)
Answer the question “What did you do?” The wind... (blowed, blew), a branch... (bent), a bear for the winter... (fell asleep), and in the spring... (woke up, yawned, stretched, licked his lips.)
Complete the word. A wolf in the forest... (lived), he loudly... (howled).
Glory to the tea... (poured it, cooled it, drank it), the cup... (put it down).
Volodya went to the store... (went, went), cake... (bought), guests... (invited), cake... (treated), tea... (gave him drink).
On a chair... (sat), a pie... (ate), a song... (sang), out the window... (looked), a cat... (saw), loudly... (whistled) ).
Say it right. Pants... (put on), sister... (put on). Shirt... (put on), brother... (put on).
Snow... (melted, melted). Grandfather... (sowed) the seeds, and... (sifted) the flour.
Which word got lost? The dog barked, barked, laughed, got lost.
Prompt the word in plain language.
Ul-ul-ul, we bought a new... (chair).
Ulom-ulom-ulom, don’t run with... (chair).
Kan-kan-kan, erupts... (volcano).
Words with sound combinations ыл
Soap, bottle, bottlenose, swam, washed, howled, lived,
Words with the syllable yal
Complete the words. Snow... (melted, melted). Grandfather seeds... (sowed), flour... (sifted). The table... (stood).
Which word got lost? The snow barked, the dog melted. The handkerchief laughed, Pavel was lost.
Automation of the sound [l] in words with the syllable la
Say the words correctly
Varnish, doe, chest, manhole, fret, lava, paw, laurel, lama, lamp, weasel, lapta, noodles, paw, husky, palm - palm, palms, stall, flippers, lily of the valley, avalanche, lobster, gourmet, swallow, bulb.
Saw, spinning top, ash, bowl, rock, bee, beet, shark, school, broom, flounder, resin, scale, marshmallow.
Pin, scarf, tent, patch, balalaika, fist, kulan, closet.
"Developing memory."
Repeat, make no mistake! Saw, spinning top, ash, resin. What word appeared? Saw, bee, spinning top, ash, resin.
Just name the animals.
Name similar words. Tent - patch, kulan - closet.
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech.”
Answer the questions.
Who's doing what? Cat... (licks, caresses, climbs, feasts on itself).
What did Lana do? (I came, I went, I left, I left, I approached, I bought.)
What was Mila doing? (I sat, ate, drank, played, wrote, read, walked, carried, washed, got dressed.)
How did Alla help mom? What was Alla doing at home? The floor... (swept, washed), dust... (wiped), dishes... (cleaned), pan... (cleaned), etc.
What was Mila doing? Mila in the morning... (woke up, got up). The bed... (made). To the bathroom... (went, washed), teeth... (cleaned), hair... (combed), braids... (braided), etc.
What did Klava do? Dress for the doll... (sewed), buttons... (sewed on, fastened), bow... (tied), with the doll... (played with), etc.
What can you say a kind word about? (Sunny.) Mom’s son... (affectionate).
Make up the names of the dolls from two words. Brown eyes - Brown Eyes, blue eyes - Blue Eyes.
What words are used to make up the name Snow White?

Phonemic analysis and synthesis of the words varnish, doe, scrap. Indicate the sounds with circles. How many sounds are in the word varnish?
“Scatter” the sounds of the word lar.
Collect the sounds [p", [l], [i], [a] into a word.
Collect the syllables pa-la, pa-lam into a word.
"Word in word." Find the same short word in the following words: flounder, beam, balcony, fishing. (Ball.)
Guess the name of the dolls. In her name there are sounds [m", [i], [a], [l]. (Mila.) In the name of another doll - [l], [a], [l], [n]. (Lana. ) The boy's name begins with the sound [p], and ends with [l]. (Pavel.) The name of this doll has three syllables, the first syllable is la. (Larissa.)
Let's come up with names for the girl dolls. Lana, Mila, Bela, Alla, Larisa, Lola, Klava. The boys' names are Volodya, Mikhail, Pavel.
Working with letters
Write the letter L. Mi...a, ba..., ...ama.

Automation of the sound [l] in words with the syllable lo

Say the words correctly
Forehead, crowbar, lotto, vine, lotus, pilot, boat, spoon, shovel, lair, burdock, galoshes, quitter, elbow, elk - moose calf, well, column, lapdog, pendant, stocking, galoshes, milk, swamp, pilot, catch (fish in a bucket), oar, ceiling, hammer, glass, mirror, drill, soap, case, blanket, cold, gold.
"Developing auditory memory."
Repeat, make no mistake! Listen and repeat the words. Hunger, cold, ear, voice, hair.
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech.”
Answer the question. Is it warm or cold in winter?
"Family of Words"
Boat - boat - boatman - boatman.
Elk - moose - moose cow - moose calves - calf.
Cold - cold - cold - cold - getting cold.
Say it kindly. Forehead - (forehead), crowbar - (crowbar), boat - (boat), horse - (horse), spoon - (spoon), elbow - (elbow), lapar - (lover).
Words are “enemies”. Cold - warm, dark - light, rose - fell. Which words have the syllable lo?
Phonemic analysis and synthesis
What sound disappeared from the word? A slice is a crowbar.
Change the words by replacing the sound. Crowbar - forehead - ENT - elk - lie. Crowbar - house, forehead - Bobik.
Choose rhyming words. Hunger - (cold), ear - (voice), voice - (hair), ceiling - (corner, hammer)
"Learning to think."
Say the extra word. Boat, oar, catch, boatman, swamp. Explain why the word swamp does not fit this group of words?
Working with letters.
Place the letters in order according to the numbers.
4 2 1 3 2 1 4 3
n l s o o l i s (Elephant. Moose?)

Say the words correctly
Meadow, bow, ray, Lusha, puddle, moon, ray, radiant, lunar rover, lawn, basket, onion (vegetable), onion (architectural element), onion, value, beluga, beluga, sheepskin coat, cabbage rolls, deck, naughty, moon -fish, lunatic, lunar.
“Developing phonemic awareness.”
Inverted words. Gul-meadow.
Replace the sound (letter) [n] in the word moon with the sound (letter) [p]. (Magnifying glass.) Replace the sound [p] with the sound [z]. (Puddle.)
Sound analysis of the words moon, puddle. What sound pattern goes with these words?
Working with letters.
Write the letter L. ...snake. (Puddle.) Make up the words Lusha, rays from the cut alphabet.
Read the words. Underline the same letters. Bow, puddle, chair.
Make a ladder of words.
hole... hole
Divide the words onion, moon, puddle, onion into syllables. Which word has one syllable? Name a word that has two syllables. How many syllables are in the words puddle, onion?
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech.”
"One is many." Dove... (pigeons), boulder... (boulders), acorn... (acorns).
Words - "relatives". Which word doesn't fit? Puddle, puddle, puddle, lawn. Dove, dove, dove, dovecote, blue.
Say it kindly. Meadow - (meadow), onion - (onion), ray - (ray), onion - (onion), basket - (onion).
Automation of the sound [l] in words with the syllable lu
Say the words correctly
Smile, peg, pitchfork, skis, baby, ski track, tables, saws, sharks, bees, glasses, pencil cases.
Repeat, make no mistake! Naked, white, scarlet, warm, ripe, bold.
“Developing the grammatical structure of speech.”
"One is many." One table, and when there are several of them, they say that it is ... (tables), floor - ... (floors), saw - ... (saws), pencil case - ... (pencil cases), bee - .. . (bees), glass - ... (glasses), station - ... (stations), donkey - ... (donkeys), goat - ... (goats).
Choose the words “relatives”. Skis - ski track - skier - skier.
“Developing phonemic awareness.”
Change the sound in the word. What word will you get if you replace the sound [o] with the sound [i] in the word floors? (Floors - saws). Replace the sound [p"] with the sound [v"]. (Vi-ly.)
Guess the word: the first sound in it is [a], and the last sound is [s]. (Sharks.)
Guess the word. Words have sounds...
Syllable. Divide the words table, saw, skier, vacation into syllables.

Automation of the sound [l] in words with the syllables kla, klo, klu, kly

Say the words correctly
Keyboard, treasure, pantry, pantry, treasure hunter, keys, class, clown, strawberry, fang, toothfish.
Complete the word lad. Lad - treasure - warehouse. Store room, storage room.
Find 8 differences. Figure 37. 4 clowns in different caps, blousons, galoshes. Each of them has a torch in one hand, a dove in the other.
Pronouncing the syllables kla, klo, klu, kly with different intonations on behalf of the clowns: clown Pavel - sad, clown Danil - cheerful, clown Volodya - surprised, clown Slava - scared.
Words with the syllables pla, plo, plu, ply, blo, blue
Pronounce words and phrases correctly
Raincoat, scarf, handkerchief, swimming trunks, lampshade, planet, plates, plastic-line, platform, swimmer, poster, pilaf, raft, dam, roach, bowl, plow.
Plastic lampshade.
Plastic plate, bowl.
Plastic plates.
Plastic chair.
Blouse, blouse, blouse, heel, notebook, form, block, gratitude, thank, blond, blonde.
Words with syllables gla, glo, glu, gly
Say the words correctly
Eyes, peephole, big-eyed, little eyes, little eyes, little eyes, little eyes, glazed, glaze, satin surface, ironing, ironer, ironed, fried eggs, smooth, iron.
Globe, depth, wilderness, capercaillie, depth, deep, deep, fulmar.
Block, corners.
Words with syllables fla, flo, flu
Say the words correctly
Flag, flag, bottle, flamingo, flannel, navy, naval, flora, felt-tip pen, phlox.
Words with the syllables vla, hlo
Say the words correctly
Moisture, wet, possession, lord, clapper, clap, cotton.
Words with syllables evil, evil, evil, evil
Related words. Do you know what the words evil, malice, villain, villainess, villainy, malicious, slanderous mean? A good person cannot be... (vicious, slanderous, evil).
What does the word cereal mean?
What two words make up the words lacewing, Goldilocks, golden-maned, golden-haired, golden-headed? About whom can we say golden-maned?

Automation of the sound [l] in words with syllables sl, sl, sl, sl

Say the words correctly
Glory, sweet tooth, sweets, puff pastry, sweet, glorious, puff pastry, hear, listen.
"Items on balls." Name the pictures. In the names of which objects the sound [l] is heard at the beginning of the word? Connect these balls with a red thread.
Name the objects in whose names the sound [l] is pronounced at the end of the word. Connect the balls with a blue thread.
In the names of which objects does the sound [l] sound at the end of a word? Connect the balls with a green thread.

Automation of sound [l] in phrases

Pronounce the phrases correctly
Figure 38. Blue glass, blue bell. Blue plate. Blue cloud, blue dress.
Blue clouds, blue bells, blue glasses.
Yellow calendula, yellow moon. Yellow sun, yellow blanket. Yellow sunflower, yellow spikelet.
Yellow scarves, yellow blouses, yellow flippers.
Answer correctly. What kind of chalk is there? What else can you say white?
“Pick up a word.”
Marmalade... (sweet), and halva... (sweet). Pastila too... (sweet).
Sweet apple. A prickly needle.
Sweet apples. Sticky needles.
Sour dogwood. Golden sunflower.
Sour cherry plum. Evil Polkan.
Sour apple. Bad boy.
Sour apples. Wavy hair.
Affectionate Slava. Radiant sun.
Affectionate Mila. Moonlight night.
Tender sunshine. Deep well.
Tender rays. Soup plate.
Cheerful clown. Deep wells, plates.
Light scarf. Plastic lampshade.
What are the objects made of? (Made of plastic.) So, what are these objects? (Plastic.)
Plastic spoon.
Plastic chair.
Plastic plates.
Find a word or two. Scarlet... (shawl), white... (chalk), white... (cloud), ripe... (strawberry), sad... (Mila), skillful... (man), brave. .. (pilot), sweet, nice... (baby).
Who will find more words? What kind of apple is this? (Whole, ripe, sour, sweet, yellow.)
Automation of the sound [l] in sentences and coherent speech
Two word sentences
Mikhail is brave. Volodya left. The chair fell. Mila sang. Volodya was running.
Make up proposals
the wolf was jumping
the squirrel ran
the kids smiled
Three and four word sentences
Pavel drank milk. The cat lapped milk. Mila knocked over her chair. Mila put on a robe. Lana slept for a long time. Slava made a chair. Mikhail watered the horse.
Volodya sat down at the table. There is a chair near the table. Klava planted phloxes. Slava made the raft. Gladioli grow near the house.
The ball rolled under the chair. Lana stood near the chair. Mikhail sat down in a chair.
Imagine that you are an artist. I order you a blue painting. What will you paint with blue paint? (I'll draw blue clouds.)
Sentences with conjunctions a, and
Lana goes to school, and Mila goes to kindergarten.
The jackdaw sat on a stick, and the stick hit the jackdaw.
Mila is affectionate, but Klava is more affectionate.
I put the book on the table and sat the doll on the chair.
Lola took a broom and swept the floor. The baby fell and cried. The goat went into the garden and ate cabbage. Pavel took a saw and a hammer and made a shelf.
Execution of orders. Take the doll and sit on the chair. What have you done)? I took the doll and sat down on a chair. Take the squirrel and put it on the shelf. What have you done)? I took the squirrel and put it on the shelf.
Development of prosody
Say the phrase “What a bee” with different intonations. What bee? (interrogatively) What a bee! (with admiration.) What bee?! (with fear.)
Name the extra words in the sentence. Repeat the sentence.
The lamp hung, shone, then went out very brightly. (The lamp shone very brightly.)
The boat rowed, sailed, flew along the river.
The table hung, sat, stood in the room.
The snow melted, sparkled, ran in the sun.
At night the moon and sun shine.
Volodya walked, sang, and sat along the street.
Klava sang, ate, and threw out songs.
Slava made, made, knocked together, hung, sawed a birdhouse.
Lana baked, broke and threw the pies.
Mila sewed, knitted, and threw a scarf to the doll.
“Like it - don’t like it.”
I like sweet marmalade. What do you like?
Would I like to eat a sweet apple? And you?
I love blue bells, how about you?
Which flower do you like better - calendula or gladiolus?
“Finish the sentence.”
On the way, Pavel... (walked). Pavel... (approached) to the forest. He... (went into) a dense forest and there... (found) a little wave. I cut off the fungus and put it in the box. He... (walked) along the path, loudly singing a song... (humming). Pavel went to the river... (approached), he forded the river... (crossed).
Repeat the whole story.
"Learning to think."
Figure 39. Think and say what connection exists between the drawn objects. I will say a word, and you name an object that has some connection with the word.
Lightning storm.
Hay - pitchfork.
Table - spoon.
Light - lamp, light bulb.
Borsch - beets.
Needle - Christmas tree, trunk.
The bed is a shovel.
Cutlet - fork.
"Developing attention."
Figure 40.
Find 10 differences. Two Christmas trees decorated with flags. Which flag came off? What's missing from this tree?
"The fifth is odd."
Figure 41. Row of flowers and strawberries.
How do you understand the words stupidity, stupid?
What do the words headwash mean? Puzzle? Sip, swallow?
Topics for composing stories and fairy tales
"Sea". Key words: scuba diver, scuba gear, fins, balloon, halibut, lobster, flounder, diver, boat, oar, icebreaker, boat, deck.
Have you been to the sea? Who needs scuba gear, fins and a tank?
"Geologists". Key words: hammer, pickaxe, tent, mineral, diamond, gold.
"Room". Figure 42. Support words: table, lamp on the table, ceiling, lampshade with a light bulb above the table, chair, armchair, floor, shelf, lilies of the valley on the shelf, ball under the chair. The cat is near the table. Mila is sitting in a chair, Slava and soldier Danil are at the table.
Names: Mila, Pavel, Volodya, Klava, Slava, Danil, Lusha.
"Football game". Key words: Pavel, Volodya, hit, played, football, broken glass, fragments.
What did Pavel and Volodya do? What's happened?
"For mushrooms". Key words: Christmas trees, waves, squirrel, Pavel, Mila, basket.
Give the children names that contain the sound [l]. What did the children take with them? What trees grow in the forest? (Fir trees grow in the forest.) Who is sitting on the tree? (A squirrel sits on the tree.) What mushrooms grow near the tree? (There are little waves growing near the tree.) Who hid behind the tree? (A runner hid behind the tree.) What lies under the tree? (There is a stick under the tree.) Who jumped out from under the tree? (A hare jumped out from under the tree.)
Where did Mila and Pavel go?
"Garden". Key words: scarecrow, vegetables, beets, onions, eggplant, sunflower, lettuce.
"Cloth". Key words: dress, scarf, tights, blouse, T-shirt, baseball cap, leggings, pullover. Cotton, patch, patch.
"Animal world". Key words: elk, fallow deer, wolf, she-wolf, cubs, jackal, raccoon, manul, squirrel, elephant, donkey, wild ass, goat, deer, weasel.
"Dishes". Key words: plate, fork, spoon, salt shaker, salad bowl.
"Fridge". "Products". Name the items in the refrigerator. What should not be in the refrigerator?
Key words: balyk, sausage, milk, sunflower oil, butter, lard, apples, eggplants, halva, marmalade, marshmallow, strawberries, lettuce, onions, onions, beets, blueberries, apples, strawberries, cherry plums, doll, pita bread.
What can you enjoy? What do the words dainty, feast on, tidbit mean?
Do you know these words? Creamery, creamery. What is glaze? What does the word slice mean? Big piece is a chunk, and a small piece is a slice.
"Aquatic Animals" Key words: crested whale, sperm whale, serval, beluga whale, narwhal, minke whale, bottlenose whale, northern swimmer, manatee, llama, lobster, weasel, sunfish, beluga, beluga whale, tadpole.
"Deep - shallow." Who swims deeper than others?
"Birds". Key words: harrier, eagle, swallow, cormorant, pigeon, nightingale, capercaillie, woodpecker, jackdaw, oriole, falcon, nuthatch, harrier, coot, sea eagle, phalarope, warbler, flamingo, goldfinch.
"Everything for the home" store. Key words: needle, pin, broom (mother’s things).
"Tools". Key words: shovel, jigsaw, brace, crowbar, chisel, awl, saw, file, hammer (dad's things).
"Toys". Key words: doll, spinning top, wolf cub, Christmas tree, squirrel.
Say it kindly. Shovel - spatula, spatula. A needle is a needle. Saw - file, file.
Dad bought himself a big shovel, and Lana bought a shovel. Little Volodya - a spatula.
"In the meadow." Key words: bells, bees. Pure sayings with the word bee.
- Bee, bee, where have you been?
- I flew to the meadow,
I collected honey there.
"Sporting goods store." Key words: fins, paddle, scuba gear, skis, poles, bicycle, motorcycle, baseball cap, T-shirt, ski suit.
Imagine that you are looking at products. Share your impressions with your mother. What would you like to buy for your sports activities? Tell me what you saw in the store.
"Sport". Key words: track cycling, cyclist, bicycle racing, basketball, volleyball, football, slalom, rock climber, swimmer.
"Ski trip." Key words: Christmas tree, squirrel, skis, skiers, track, sticks, Mikhail, Alla and Volodya, Christmas tree, squirrel's pantry, fell, stood up, went down, saw, looked, jumped, galloped, nibbled.
Where is the ski track? Where did the children put their skis and poles? (Near the Christmas tree.)
"Rescuers". "Volodya is a rock climber."
Key words: rock, rocks, rock climber Pavel, clouds, swallow, eagle, mountain goat, blue gorge, cave, stalactites, transcendental.
What two words make up the word climber?
"School". Key words: school, pencil case, globe, class, atlas, paints.
"The sound is lost." What sound is lost in the word g...bus?
"The sound got lost." What sound has taken the wrong place - shkoal?
Make up sentences with the words Lola, came out, came up, left, came, moved.
Analysis of the word school. Reading words.
Imagine that you are in a zoo. What animals have the sound [l] in their names? Invite your friends to watch them. Look what big elephant! What an evil wolf!
Who else did you see? Whose cells are located next to each other? Children's questions about animals.
Who will the zookeeper feed? What can you feed an elephant?
Create a sentence outline of three or four words. Sound analysis of one or two words. Find out the name of the animal using the proposed sound pattern.
"Klava and the doll." Restoring the sequence of events. Retelling.
Klava began to cry. The doll fell to the floor and broke. Klava loved her doll very much. Dad fixed the doll. Klava had a doll. Klava was bathing the doll. Klava went for a walk with the doll. Klava dressed the doll.
Lana was given a doll. The doll was all in white. She was wearing White dress, white Panama hat, white socks, white bow. The shoes were also white. Lana loved her doll. She rolled her in a stroller, rocked her, dressed her, and walked with her down the street. One day the doll fell and got dirty. Lana washed the doll with soap for a long time.

Class notes

Lesson 1 notes

based on a fairy tale

"Kolobok's Journey to the Blue Country"
Material: drawings depicting the Blue Country, bell tower, moon, well, clouds, Kolobok, Wolf, Elk, Elephant, Squirrel, Calf, Woodpecker, fairy in a blue dress, two girls in blue outfits.
Organizational moment
A toy or picture depicting a kolobok is brought in.
- Who is this? (Kolobok.) Where is the sound [l] heard in the word kolobok? What short words can be heard in the word kolobok? (Kol, side, forehead, kok, about.)
- Today we will compose a new fairy tale about Kolobok. Show how grandfather wanted to eat. What a pleading and pleading look he had when he asked the woman to bake a bun.
Motor development
- Depict how the woman swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the tree, kneaded the dough, made a bun. What did the woman do? So you have a bun!
- What did she do to him? (Put it on the window.) Kolobok... lay, lay, bored, and then fell asleep and had a dream that he was in the Blue Country. He decided to find this country. The bun from the windowsill... (rolled down), along the road... (rolled).
A picture depicting the Blue Country is displayed. -
This is the magical Blue Country. Let's compose a fairy tale about how Kolobok got to this country, who he met on his way, who helped him get there.
Development of prosody and speech breathing
- Kolobok rolled along, singing songs: la-lo-ly-lu, klo-kla-klu-kly. Repeat these songs. What song by Kolobok do you still know? (I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother, I left the hare....) Sing this song in a joyful and then a sad voice.
Case management
The toy is on display.
-Who was the first person Kolobok met? (Wolf.) Kolobok met... (Wolf). What did the Wolf tell him? (The Wolf said: “I am the Wolf, click my teeth. And who are you?” “I am Kolobok, round side.”) What could Kolobok Wolf ask for? (Wolf, don’t eat me, please. Wolf, please tell me the way to the Blue Country.) The wolf says that he will not eat Kolobok and will let him pass further if you complete his tasks.
Sound-syllable analysis and synthesis
Tasks are given on behalf of the Wolf.
- Explain what the words elephant, elk, and wolf have in common? (These words have a consonant sound [l], there is a vowel sound [o], the words have one syllable.) Guess the names of the animals that are encrypted here.
The sound diagram of the words wolf and elephant is shown.
- Guess the name of the bird from the “scattered” sounds [g], [l], [k], [a], [a]. (Jackdaw.) Guess the names of the birds based on the rearranged syllables lub-go, wey-so-lo. (Dove, nightingale.)
The wolf let Kolobok pass, and he rolled on.
Pictures are displayed.
- Who else did Kolobok meet? (Moose, Moose and Elk Calf.) How are these words similar? (The word elk is heard in them.) What did Kolobok ask the Elks for?
Writing pure proverbs
Assignment on behalf of Losenok.
- I will show you the way if you complete my task. Teach me how to write simple sayings.
Composing pure phrases with the words moose, moon, etc., using words in different case forms. Axis-axis-axis, ... moose, noah-noah, ... the moon.
- Where did Elk show Kolobok the way - to the right, to the left or up? What did he see in the sky? (Clouds) Where are they? Say a kind word about the cloud. (Cloud.) What could Cloud offer Kolobok? (Get on me, I'll take you to the Blue Country.)
Agreement of nouns with adjectives
- Who did Kolobok see in the Blue Country? (The ruler of the Blue Country and her daughters.) Give them names with the sound [l]. Describe them in rows. What is the difference? What did Kolobok see in the Blue Country? Name all the objects with the sound [l] that you see in the Blue Country. (Blue well, blue bells, violets, blue bells, bell towers, woodpecker, hollow, etc.) The Fairy of the Blue Country asks you to teach her daughters Mila and Lola to read.
Reading words
Reading the words Mila, Lola, wolf, elephant.
- Advise how Kolobok can get home.
Telling a tale
- Tell the whole tale about Kolobok’s new adventures.
Lesson summary
Lesson 2 notes
Automation of the sound [l] in connected speech
based on the plot of the fairy tale "Cinderella"
Material: flat figures of characters from the fairy tale “Cinderella”, object pictures (strawberry, apple), marshmallow; color symbols of sounds and words.
Progress of the lesson
Organizational moment
Psycho-gymnastics. A figurine of Cinderella is on display.
- Who is this? (Cinderella.) Show how Cinderella suffered when she was not taken to the ball. Depict an evil stepmother, lazy and evil sisters. Show what a kind face the Sorceress had.
Lesson topic message
Today we will remember the fairy tale “Cinderella” and repeat the sound [l].
Sound characteristics [l]
Pronunciation of the sound [l] in words
-What was Cinderella like? (Affectionate, sweet, nice.) What work did Cinderella do? Tell the right words. Cinderella floors... (washed, swept, wiped, scraped), stove... (heated), dinner... (cooked, cooked), linen... (washed, rinsed, ironed), beds... ( weeded), dishes... (washed, cleaned). How are these words similar? (They end with the syllable la.) Why was she called Cinderella?
Children's answers.
- What is ash?
In case of difficulty, the speech therapist explains the meaning of these words.
-What was her dress stained with? (Ash.) It was in... (patches).
Development of the language analysis and synthesis function
- Guess what word I have in mind if it contains the sounds [b], [l], [a]. (Ball.) Did I define this word correctly?
There are four circles in the diagram.
-Where did Cinderella want to go? (To the ball.) Who went to the ball? (Her sisters.) Come up with names for her sisters with the sound [l]. (Lana, Klava, Lola.) Who helped Cinderella? (Sorceress.) Say this word syllable by syllable. (Wizard-ni-tsa.) Say the word Cinderella syllable by syllable. Which word is longer? Why is the word ball short?
Children's answers.
- I give you the mixed up syllables, and you give me back the word: ka-pa-loch... (stick). What kind of stick is this? (Magic wand.)
Pronunciation of the sound [l] in sentences
-Where did the Sorceress send Cinderella? (The sorceress sent Cinderella to the garden.) What did Cinderella do? (Plucked a large pumpkin) What happened then? (The sorceress hollowed out a pumpkin. She touched it with her magic wand. The pumpkin turned into a gilded carriage.) What did she turn the mice into? (Horses.) And lizards? (To the servants.) What else did the Sorceress do? (Turned a dress with patches into a golden, elegant dress.)
Show how Cinderella got ready for the ball. One child shows, and the children guess, name and repeat the actions.
Analysis of the proposal composition
- Help Cinderella go to the ball. Lay out a path of word strips for her. Make up a sentence using the words leave, Cinderella, ball, to. Label the words with stripes.
Analysis of sentences by children.
Updating the verb vocabulary
- What happened at the ball? Cinderella and the prince... (met). She... (danced, had fun, laughed, danced).
- Show how beautifully Cinderella danced with the prince.
The music turns on. Children dance to the music.
Case management
- What were the guests treated to at the ball? I give you words with mixed up syllables nik-koy-klub, loy-pas-ti, and you name them correctly. (Strawberries, marshmallows.) Name the consonant sounds of the word strawberry. Try how delicious the marshmallow is.
The speech therapist treats the children to marshmallows.
Clarification of the semantic meaning of the word midnight
The tape recording starts with the clock striking.
- The clock struck midnight. How do you understand this word? (Midnight has passed.)
Development of coherent speech
- Tell me, what happened on the second day? How did you find Cinderella? How did the fairy tale end?
A short retelling of the fairy tale by children.
Lesson summary

Lesson 2 notes

Automation of the sound [l] in connected speech

based on the plot of “Our Guest is an Alien”
Material: subject pictures with images of the Moon, Earth, vegetables, fruits, berries, animals and birds, aliens and a flying saucer; pencil, sheets of paper.
Progress of the lesson
Organizational moment
- Listen to the riddle. “There’s a piece of bread hanging over grandma’s hut. The dogs bark, but they can’t get it.” What is this? (Moon.) What is the name of our planet? (Earth.)
Isolation of sounds [l], [l "] from the words moon, earth. Characteristics of sounds. Comparison of them according to acoustic and articulatory characteristics
Pronunciation of sounds [l], [l "] in syllables
- Children, look what a flying saucer has landed here.
The picture is displayed.
- Who is this? (Alien.) Why is it called that? (He flew to us from another planet.)
The alien addresses the children in his language, and the children repeat: “La-la-la (they say hello); lu-lu-lu (affirmative, with joy); ly-li-li (with chagrin).”
- What is your name? (Lolik.) The alien says that he wants to find out about our objects. Let's tell him.
Sounds [l], [l "] in words and sentences. Development of phonemic representations
- Invite the alien to sit down.
The alien sits on the table.
- This is a table - they sit at it, this is a chair - they sit on it. What similar words are in this sentence? Explain to Lolik how they are different and how they are similar.
Analysis of the words table, chair, furniture
“Scatter” the sounds of the word table. Collect the “scattered” sounds [s], [l], [t], [u] into a word. (Chair.)
Representation of these words by color symbols.
- What one word can be used to describe these two words? (Furniture.) Indicate the sounds of this word with circles. What is the last sound in this word? (Sound [l"].) Now let’s show Lolik the clothes.
Objects or their images are laid out: coat, dress, tights, scarf, shawl, blouse, raincoat, vest, swimming trunks, swimsuit. First, words with the sound [l] are highlighted, then - with the sound [l"]. The color symbols of the sounds [l], [l"] are raised accordingly.
- Say the shortest word. (Shawl.) Why is it short? (It has few sounds.) Name the longest words. (Swimsuit, tights.) Why are these words long? What are our words made of? (From sounds.) The more sounds, the longer the word.
- Let's tell Lolik what we're eating. I will tell you the first syllable or mix up the syllables, and you will add or guess and name the full word: sa...(lat), gu...(lyash), pel...(meni), la-shi-be (belyashi), let-you-cat (cutlets), ki...(sel). Now let’s show Lolik fruits, vegetables and berries.
Guessing words by the first and last sound, by the last syllable. The last syllable in the word is jean, which is a vegetable. (Eggplant.)
- In the word, the first sound is [m], the last is [a], what is this? (Raspberry.) Three or four similar tasks are proposed.
Working on a stressed syllable
- What will Lolik choose?
The words are pronounced with the wrong accent on behalf of Lolik. (Strawberries, lemon, cherry plum, raspberries.)
- We will show how different animals move - elk, deer, fox, wolf, squirrel.
Children imitate the habits of animals and identify the animal by its movements.
Sounds [l], [l "] in sentences. Analysis of the composition of a sentence with a sketch of the diagram
- What animals live in our forests? First, name the words with the sound [l". (Deer, fox.) Tell me what the baby deer is called. (Fawn.) Now name the animals whose names have the sound [l]. (Wolf, squirrel, elk.) Compose sentences with the words elk, deer, squirrel, wolf.
Children make up sentences, determine the number of words in them, lay out or draw diagrams of them.
Problem situations
- What would happen if all the animals and birds suddenly disappeared? What will you do if you see that there is an unextinguished fire in the forest? What would you like to do to make life on our planet better and more beautiful?
Children's reasoning.
Communication of new knowledge
- Lolik really liked your answers, and he wants to tell you why there are winter and summer.
A story on this topic is given. Children drawing a diagram of the movement of the Earth around the Sun according to a model drawn by a speech therapist.
Children's questions
- The “Club for the Curious” opens. What do the words inquisitive, inquisitiveness mean? Ask me questions about Earth and space.
Lesson summary

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