Distribution of speech development in children. Speech violations in children. An integrated approach in corrective work with speech violations. Symptoms of violations of speech

  • Chapter 15 Family of the Child With Earlings in Development 431
  • Introduction
  • Section 1 Theoretical problems of special psychology Chapter 1 Special psychology in the system of psychological knowledge
  • Content
  • 1.1 Subject of special psychology as science
  • 1.2 Interprecotement of special psychology, its theoretical and practical importance
  • 1.3 Development Category in Special Psychology
  • 1.4 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control
  • Chapter 2 Child with the features of development in the public consciousness
  • Content
  • 2.1 The attitude of society to people with physical and mental constraints (socio-historical aspect)
  • 2.2 Concept of ensuring the quality of life and normalization of the child's life and his family
  • 2.3 Stereotypes of public consciousness regarding persons with physical and mental constraints
  • 2.4 A brief historical essay of scientific study of children with physical and mental disadvantages
  • 2.5 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control
  • Chapter 3 Deviationing Mental Development as the basic concept of special psychology (etiology, content and driving forces of mental disonatogenesis)
  • Content
  • 3.1 General characteristics of deviating mental development
  • 3.2 Dichotomy "Norm - Pathology" in special psychology
  • 3.3 Scientific contribution L.S. Vygotsky to a special psychology (the theory of cultural and historical development of higher mental functions)
  • 3.4 Factors of deviating mental development (mental disonatogenesis)
  • Causes (factors)
  • Biological social
  • 3.4.1 Biological factors
  • 3.4.2 Social factors
  • 3.5 Patterns of deviating mental development
  • 3.5.1 Psychological structure of violations as a manifestation of regularities of deviating mental development
  • 3.5.2 Age and age Periodization with deflecting mental development
  • 3.5.3 Compensation in the process of deviating mental development
  • 3.5.4 Factors of variability of deviating mental development
  • 3.5.5 Classification of deviating mental development
  • 3.6 Questions for reflection, check and self-control
  • Section 2 Characteristics of different types of deviating development Chapter 4 Mental underdevelopment: children with intellectual failure
  • Content
  • 4.1 General characteristics of mental retardation (intellectual failure)
  • 4.2 Intellectual failure at oligophrenia. Mental underdevelopment
  • 4.2.1 Phenomenological characteristics of children with oligophrenia
  • 4.2.2 Clinical characteristics of oligophrenia
  • 4.2.3 Clinical and psychological characteristics of mental underdevelopment
  • 4.2.4 Age Dynamics of the Mental Development of Children with Oligophrenia
  • 4.2.5 Classifications of mental retardation
  • 4.2.6 The structure of the violation in mental underdevelopment. Psychological foundations of integrated assistance to children in mental underdevelopment
  • 4.3 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 5 Children with Down Syndrome
  • Content
  • 5.1 Clinical characteristics of Down syndrome
  • 5.2 Features of the mental development of children with Down syndrome
  • 5.3 Psychological Fundamentals of Integrated Assistance to Children with Down Syndrome
  • 5.4 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 6 Damaged Mental Development: Children with Dementia
  • Content
  • 6.1 General Characteristics Dementia
  • 6.2 Classification and clinical and psychological characteristics of dementia
  • 6.2.1 Progressive Dementia
  • 6.2.2 Residual Dementia of different etiology
  • 6.3 Clinical and psychological characteristics of damaged mental development
  • 6.4 Psychological Basics of Help Children with Damaged Mental Development
  • 6.5 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical task
  • Chapter 7 Detained Mental Development: Children with Learning difficulties
  • Content
  • 7.1 The concept of mental delay
  • 7.2 Phenomenology and clinical characteristics of the detainee mental development
  • 7.3 Classification of forms of detainee mental development
  • 7.4 Psychological characteristics of detainee mental development
  • 7.5 Structure of violations and differential diagnostics in the detained mental development
  • 7.7 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 8 Deficient Mental Development: Children with Violations
  • Content
  • 8.1 The role of visual perception in the process of mental development of the child
  • Etiology and classification of violations of vision in children
  • 8.3 Mental development of children with violations
  • 8.3.1 General characteristics of the mental development of children in conditions of visual deprivation
  • 8.3.2 Mental Development of Children in early and Preschool ages
  • 8.3.3 Mental development of children with violations at school age
  • 8.4 Structure of violations in shortness of vision in children
  • 8.5 Psychological Basics of Helping Children with Violations
  • 8.6 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 9 Deficient Mental Development: Children with Hearing Disruption
  • Content
  • 9.1 Hearing value for the psychic development of the child
  • 9.2 Etiology and classification of hearing disorders
  • 9.3 The patterns of mental development and the structure of the violation in the lack of hearing
  • Structure of violation in deficient mental development (hearing deficit)
  • 9.3.1 Mental Development of Sad Children at Early Age
  • 9.3.2 Mental Development of Sad Children in Preschool Age
  • 9.3.3 Mental Development of Sad Children at School Age
  • 9.3.4 Mental development of poor children
  • 9.3.5 Development of the identity of children with hearing impairment
  • 9.4 Specific Speech Speech People
  • 9.5 Psychological Basics of Helping Children in Hearing Disruption
  • 9.6 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 10 Deficient Mental Development: Children with impairment of the functions of the musculoskeletal system
  • Content
  • 10.1 Psychophysiological characteristics of human movements
  • 10.2 Violations of movements in children as a result of the disease of the nervous system
  • 10.3 Mental development of children with children's cerebral paralysis
  • 10.4 Structure of Violations and Psychological Basics of Assistance to Children with Motor Violations
  • 10.5 Questions for thinking, checking, self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 11 Distorted Mental Development: Children with autism and autistic violations
  • Content
  • 11.1 General characteristics of child autism and autistic violations
  • 11.2 Clinical and Psychological Characteristics of Children's Autism
  • 11.3 Psychological characteristics of distorted mental development
  • 11.4 Differential diagnosis
  • 11.5 Psychological Basics of Assistance to Children with Autical Disorders
  • 11.6 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 12 Children with Speech Violations
  • Content
  • 12.1 Psychophysiological and Psychological Speech Mechanisms
  • Types of speech External speech Inner speech oral speech Written speech Monologue reading letter
  • 12.2 Patterns of speech development in children
  • 12.3 Etiology and classification of speech violations in children
  • 12.4 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of speech disorders in children
  • 12.5 Violations of speech under different types of deviating development
  • 12.6 Psychological Basics of Helping Children with Violations of Speech
  • 12.7 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 13 Disharmonic Mental Development: Children with Emotional Disorders
  • Content
  • 13.1 General characteristics of disharmonic mental development
  • 13.2 Psychological characteristics of psychopathies
  • 13.3 Pathological personality formation
  • 13.4 Violations of the pace of puberty
  • 13.5 Psychological characteristics of neurosis in children and neurotic identity development
  • 13.6 Psychological Basics of Helping Children with Disharmonic Mental Development
  • 13.7 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Section 3 Applied Problems of Special Psychology Chapter 14 Psychological Help Children with Deviations in Development
  • Content
  • 14.1 Psychodiagnostics of deviating development as an applied section of special psychology
  • 14.2 Psychological support and rehabilitation of children with developmental deviations
  • 14.3 Psychocorrection of deviating development as an applied section of special psychology
  • 14.3.1 Theoretical Basics of Psychological Correction
  • 14.3.2 The problem of content and methods of psychological correction
  • 14.4 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Chapter 15 Child Family with Earlings in Development
  • Content
  • 15.1 Characteristics of a family having a child with features of psychophysical development
  • 15.2 Appearance in the family of a child with developmental deviations as a situation of a life crisis
  • 15.3 Recognition between sibling in a family having a special child
  • 15.4 Psychological assistance to a family having a special child
  • 15.5 Questions for thinking, checking and self-control; Practical tasks
  • Glossary
  • 12.5 Violations of speech under different types of deviating development

    In this paragraph, we will consider secondary violations of speech, in which speech pathology does not arise in itself, but in connection with other developmental impairment. In these cases, the violation of speech is not an independent violation, it is a consequence of the child's development in a different kind of deviating development. In addition, as secondary violations of speech, such as changes in speech in the state of emotional stress, characteristics of speech under character accentuations and psychopathy, with neurotic disorders, in schizophrenia, with manic-depressive psychosis and other mental disorders.

    When characterizing various types of deviating development in chapters of 4-11 of this study manual, we considered some features of the development of speech in the context of the patterns of development specific for certain types of deviating development. In this paragraph, we will focus on the most common features and laws speech development in children with different types of deviating development.

    Speech development in children with intellectual failure. The study of the development of the speech of children with intellectual insufficiency was carried out in the works of V.G. Petrova and S.Ya. Rubinstein. Since under oligophrenia there is a law of totality underdevelopment, the underdevelopment of speech is a mandatory feature. In accordance with the law of hierarchyness, underdevelopment suffer, first of all, the highest mental functions, to which we are talking. The underdevelopment of speech can be caused by slowly emerging and unstable conventional bonds in the area of \u200b\u200bthe auditory analyzer, which is why the child does not differentiate the sounds of speech surrounding, long does not absorb words and phrases, and the sounds of the speech addressed to him as inseparable. The process of selection of individual words from the speech of the surrounding occurs very slowly.

    The formation of a child's speech with intellectual insufficiency occurs with a large delay, and the lag is revealed from the first months of his life. This is due to the reduced pace of development of the child in all areas, a violation of the formation of bonds between different phenomena, which is caused by the primary insufficiency of the intellect, the reduced cognitive activity of the child. The child later and less actively comes into contact with adults. At the age of one year, the sound complexes pronounced by children are poor and weakly emotionally painted, they have almost no desire to imitate the speech of an adult. The establishment of connections between the subject and the word in children with intellectual deficiency is very late, so the understanding of speech has also moved to a later date. For a long time, the sounding speech does not attract the attention of the child, so he is not inherent to it and does not perceive it, and begins to use it much later than the regulatory deadlines. Many preschoolers with intellectual failure pronounce the first words only in 3-5 years, and this is mainly the name of household items, the names of loved ones and verbs denoting frequently performed actions. The speech initiative in children is very low, and they prefer to use not in words, but gestures, faithful, informing about the desire to receive an item expressing their attitude to what is happening.

    Vocabulary also has its own characteristics. Both in passive and active form in the speech of children is extremely few adjectives, adverbs, communion, verbalia. Especially pronounced violations of phrase speech and its grammatical system: the phrases are insufficiently common, phrases consist of monotonous structures, there are no complex and complex designs.

    Communication of children with intellectual insufficiency with adults and peers is also difficult due to underdevelopment of understanding of speech and self-speech. Children do not sufficiently understand what they say they cannot answer the asked question, they cannot express their requests themselves or ask a question. In the conditions of familiar everyday situations, children can use learned words and phrases, but the new unusual situation puts the child in a dead end, and he discovers his inconsistency.

    In the process of schooling, children with intellectual insufficiency are even more difficult to find difficulties in understanding speech and in its use. Children have no sound impactings, so their speech is unlikely for others, which leads to a decrease in the circle of communication, to the rejection of children with peers. The vocabulary of younger schoolchildren is poor, it still consists of nouns and verbs, the adjectives and prepositions are rare in speech. But the words that children enjoy are not always used in the exact meaning, often these words with excessively broad generalizations (shoes are all kinds of shoes), in other cases the value of the word does not fulfill the generalizing function, and the word is only a "nickname" only for One object or person. Such a function of the word is typical for a normally developing child at the age of one and two years old.

    The gap between the passive and active dictionary is very large, much more than normal or with a delay in mental development, children understand much more words than using them. Children with intellectual insufficiency poorly distinguish between similar sounds, especially consonants, so they take some words for the other and cannot accurately perceive the meaning of audible information (barrel \u003d kidney, concrete \u003d bidon, etc.). Due to the weakness of phonderatic analysis, the child poorly distinguishes on the hearing of the end of words, which prevents the assimilation of grammatical forms (hammer \u003d hammer \u003d hammer \u003d hammer).

    The first scant phrases may appear in children with intellectual insufficiency only by 5-6 years. Children enjoy simplified proposals that consist of 1-4 words have a pretty primitive structure, built with deviations from the norm. native language For pronunciation, the composition of the word, grammar. During the school training, the vocabulary increases through the enrichment of the child's experience, but the connected speech remains the same poor. Schoolchildren with intellectual insufficiency are difficult in understanding of logic-grammatical structures, so they are not available to understanding the relationships and relations between objects, relations between people, generalized ideas and concepts. However, children continue to develop a dialogic speech, and they can enter into a simple dialogue, to keep a meaningful conversation, while remaining at home the domestic subjects of communication.

    The process of mastering reading and writing, a connected speech in school age children with intellectual insufficiency also occurs with a large delay and is characterized by serious difficulties. These difficulties are found in the sound analysis of words, in the writing errors, in the compilation of stories and retells. When teaching a letter and reading, violations of visual perception and spatial orientation are found, since children are difficult to distinguish between similar letters, they often have a mirror image of letters. The coherent speech of schoolchildren is distinguished by poverty and situitation, the presentation of events is in inaccurate and inconsistent, based on adverse associations.

    In children with intellectual failure, it actually does not fulfill the regulatory function, they do not perceive and do not perform instructions of adults or do it inaccurately and incompletely, especially they cannot be adjusted using speech their own behavior. Moreover, with age, it does not begin to perform regulating functions, especially the functions of self-regulation.

    Thus, the most important characteristic of the speech of children with intellectual insufficiency is the difficulty inormarization of the generalizing speech function and verbal (speech) mediation of their activities.

    Speech children S. epilepsy (damaged development, acquired intellectual failure) is very peculiar. Initially, their speech is very similar to the speech of children with intellectual failure. But gradually it becomes viscous, hard, children are inclined to repetition of the same words and speech revolutions, their stories are replete with unnecessary details (this is called detail). Children with epilepsy often use diminishing suffixes ("Ruchchka", "pencils").

    Detergery in children with hydrocephalus distinguished by uniqueness. Sometimes there is a deceptive, as if very good development of speech, which creates the illusion of the normal intellectual development of the child. The child says a lot, in his speech, he has detailed phrases, often grammatically properly decorated. Vocabulary is striking by his abundance, children remember and use complex words, scientific terms. The arguments of such children are deployed, instructive, which can be designated as a phenomenon of resonance. However, the speech of children in such cases is an unconference, "empty", it is based on good mechanical memory, with which the child automatically remembers phrases, their combination, but when trying to find out that the child understands from what has been said, you can make sure that the understanding of the point is actually absent.

    Development of speech in children with delayed mental development. In children with ZPR, speech pathology is found in 75-95% of cases: in the structure of the violations of the speech prevailing the defects of sound-proof (95%), lexico-grammatical disorders (32%), multiple errors in the preparation of proposals (60%). Research E.S. Slepovich was specially devoted to identifying the characteristics of the speech of children preschool age With mental delay. It has been established that, although the household speech of such children differs little from the speech of normally developing children, they have significant impairment of sound suspension, vocabulary, grammatical system, that is, all sides of speech. Children are difficult to sound a sound analysis of words, they insufficiently own words soundly and allow errors with a consistent allocation of sounds in the word. Vocabulary in children is not rich enough, it is especially noticeable for the active dictionary. In normally developing children, such a discrepancy is significantly less. Children with development delay also experience difficulties in the activation of the vocabulary stock. It is especially difficult to use adjectives (for example, when describing items, normally developing children used an average of 3.2 adjectives, and children with mental retardation are 2.3 adjectives). Description Even a simple picture for children with a delay in mental development is a certain difficulty: Children simply list the objects depicted in the picture, their speech when listed is replete with agrammaties. In the dictionary in children are limited in a margin of words that designate and specify generalized concepts, reveal them in its entirety and diversity. Children consume some words inaccurately, mixed when used similar to the pronunciation of words, characterized by one or two sounds. Children experience difficulties in understanding complex speech revolutions, logic-grammatical structures, although they understand the simple phrase.

    Particularly obvious is the fact that for children with the SRR is particularly characterized by the insufficiency of monologic speech, that is, the ability to make a story on a given topic, describe the picture, tell a consistently about the event. When analyzing the oral compositions of children on a given topic, the following features were found: in writings, children quickly slipped from one topic to another, more familiar and easy, in the story, side associations and inert stereotypes were often brought into the story, the same thoughts were often repeated, the same thoughts phrases and words, children were constantly returned to the same phrase.

    Thus, the features of the development of children with delayed mental development testify, firstly, on the overall pattern of development of such children, namely, to reduce the level of development of all mental processes. Secondly, there is a close relationship between the development of speech and thinking in children with this type of deviationing development: the underdevelopment of speech leads to underdevelopment of verbal and logical thinking.

    Development of speech in children with violations. The development of the speech of children with violations of violations at an early age reflects the insufficiency of visual experience, although in blind children in the normal development of intelligence and the absence of organic lesions of speech centers, spectacle is developing in approximately the same deadlines as in silent.

    The speech of the adult attracts the attention of the blind child to the survey of objects and thereby creates strong links between the word and tangible subject, the circle of understood speech situations is also expanding. Already at the beginning of the second half of the life, he begins to look for a source of sound, pulls his hands to him. Gradually, the word begins to communicate with a specific subject, but much later, with the appearance of ideas in a child when it becomes able to understand the word without the presence of an object. By one and a half years, the child knows the names of a limited circle of surrounding items, actions with them and the names of individual qualities of objects, can evaluate them.

    In ten and eleven months, a blind child is already able to repeat new sounds for adults, and then new words accompanying them. An early-age vocabulary is not different from the vocabulary of normally developing children (for example, at the age of 1, 1.5 years, 3 years). The blind child, imitating an adult, mastering the huge stock of words and entire proposals, not always understandable to him due to the lack of reinforcement with visual experience. The repetition and consumption of words with unknown values \u200b\u200bdo not confuse the blind child, as in response to their use, he gets an emotional response from the adult. This is an incentive for further accumulation of even a formal dictionary that it can use in a certain situation and which is for it a means of active communication with adults. On the third year of life, the child can already perform the simplest assignments of the adult type: "come to me", "put a doll ...".

    In the development of speech, the vocabulary and grammatical system of speech usually does not suffer. But there is an inevitable gap between the sensual perception of objects and phenomena and their designation with the help of words, that is, between the word and manner. As a result, typical of children is "Verbalism", that is, the use of words and verbal expressions that are not filled with sensual cloth. Speech for children is increasingly performing a compensatory function, since with the help of speech, children fill the lack of impressions and information about the surrounding. There is also a gap between the verbal and practical plans of the child's action, when the action performed and its designation in speech does not correspond to each other. The blindness and visually impaired children suffer significantly to sound expressiveness and the faithful support of speech statement, since children when pronouncing sounds are focused only on their hearing image and are not focused on visual and kinesthetic images of pronounced sounds. Children do not see the face of another person, the movement of his lips and language, so among the blind children of preschool and younger school ages, a violation of sound suspension is common.

    Speech development in children with hearing impairment. Children with hearing impairment have serious difficulties in mastering the speech. First of all, this is due to the difficulties of the perception of sounding speech on the rumor, which then lead to the difficulties of mastering their own speech. Such children master the verbal speech by other, bypass paths, compared to children with severe hearing. For speech mastering, children with hearing impairment need special training.

    In hearing impaired children, the development of speech in the first years of life occurs according to ordinary laws, and others do not always recognize the decline in hearing. The main problems in the development of speech in children arose to three years, but they are experiencing special difficulties when they start schooling, master reading and writing. This is written in more detail in paragraph 12.3.1.

    The development of speech of unsolving children from the very beginning occurs in other ways, compared to children with normal hearing. Children in mastering speech rely on the visual perception, supported by kinesthetic sensations. Sad children do not have the ability to perceive speech samples, speech intonation, imitating which determines the speech development of a hearing child, as it is controlled by hearing.

    J.I. The Schifer allocates four psychological conditions that determine the features of the formation of verbal speech from unsolvable children.

    1. Special sensory bases for the formation of primary word images. If the hearing words are in primaryly, the auditory is, then in the unshaw - a visual image, supported by motor sensations (written, dactilated or articulated word). In children with a violation of hearing, the visual perception of words ("global reading") written on the signs, begins with an unintended perception and recognition of the tables (first - in color, texture, later - on the first letter of the word). These teacher signs correlate with certain objects and actions, i.e. Thanks to the auditorium perception of words from unsolving children, ideas about their signal functions and phonetic strictly laid. For inappropriate children, the visual perception of words is the first stage of acquaintance with the language.

    2. Another order of analyzing speech material. Having mastered the speech, the hearing child grabs the phonetic image of the word, divides it to the syllables, then on the "as-tech sounds." The ability to highlight the word from the speech stream at the hearing child appears much later than the ability to speak. The exact phonetic analysis of the composition of the word is achieved even later - when taking a diploma. The discreteness of words is easier perceived on the eye than hearing. In hearing children, familiarity with the Word begins with his visual perception. When teaching oral speech at a certain level of mastering, they appear for the names of the words. Thus, at a sisteless child who perceives the word erectingly, who learns to pronounce it in syllables, the visual perception should be influenced by the effects of speech components.

    3. Others Compared to Hearing Children Types of grammatical transformationsThe reason for which is a different sensory basis for speech mastery. The sounding word is perceived by hearing as a whole, in the case of transformations, it often begins to sound differently (for example, emphasis changes). The words of the word is perceived by visually, and its transformations are pure "external".

    4. Peculiar i. unfavourable conditions forming speaking skills. The spoken of speech is in the most closely dependent on hearing impairment, and its formation is extremely difficult. The nature of speech errors varies depending on the stage of mastering the speech. In the early stages of her assimilation, hearing children often do not distinguish part of speech and do not always enjoy them, with difficulty mastering pronouns and pretexts, suffixes and endings are used incorrectly. Then the amount of rough error decreases, but errors are saved associated with distinguishing more subtle signs of the language system (for example, categories of the genus and number).

    Elegants related to the assimilation of the laws of the combination of words (coordination and management) are preserved for senior school age. In some cases, they depend on the peculiarities of the sensory experience of inadvertent children, in others - from the originality of the development of their thinking, thirdly - from the difficulties of knowing the nature of the language.

    An important feature of the mental development of unsolvable children, and especially their speech development, is that they almost simultaneously master in several types of speech - verbal (oral and written), dactile and gesturing (see about it in chapter 12).

    The development of speech in children with impaired functions of the musculoskeletal system. In children with children's cerebral paralysis, various violations of speech are noted. According to E.M. Mastyukova, from 70% to 85% of children with cerebral palsy have speech violations.

    Speech violations in children with cerebral palsy are observed in the first year of life. So, in children impaired sucking functions, swallowing, breathing and cry. Reflexes of oral automatism appear or enhanced, which leads to violations of the movements of the language and lips due to changes in muscle tone and hypercines. Loading the deadlines for the appearance of basic movements (control of the head, crawling, grabbing) also lead to the retardation of speech in children.

    Violations of the understanding of speech and their own speech statement can be due to the organic lesion of the central nervous system (dysarthria of different types, motor and sensory alalia, dysgrafy). Functional speech disorders are also found due to specific conditions for the development and education of the child. Features of the structure of violations of speech and the degree of their severity depend primarily from the localization and severity of brain lesions. Violation of speech development is associated with the secondary insufficiency of the subject-practical activity of children due to their motor failure, as well as the limited circle of their communication. The most typical speech violation in cerebral palsy is a dysarthria as a result of the defeat of different departments of the speakerphone (cortical and subcortical disorders of motor functions, innervation impairment of the muscles of the speech apparatus).

    Not only a violation of sound suspension, but also a disorder of articulation, voice formation, tempo, rhythm and speech intonation (E.S. Kalizhnyuk, E.M. Mastiukova, LM Shipitsyn). The relationship of violations of common and speech motility is manifested in the fact that the severity of violations of the articulation corresponds to the severity of the disruption of movements in general, and especially the movements of the hands. Therefore, the most severe violations of articulation are observed in children with the defeat of the upper limbs.

    Several forms of dysarthriasis are distinguished for cerebral palsy, which are associated with the forms of children's cerebral paralysis. In spastic diplegegia in 80% of cases observed pseudobulbar dysarthria. With a light degree of dysarthria, expressive speech in children is intelligible, but with fuzzy pronunciation of individual sounds. In children with an average degree of dysarthria, the pronunciation of one third of sounds is distorted, spasticity is observed in all parts of the articulation apparatus, synctanese in the mimic muscles. With a severe degree of this dysarthritia, an expressive speech is insensitive, consists of individual words, no phrases, the pronunciation of most sounds is distorted. The speech of the child is usually explosive, it is interrupted by long pauses due to excessive tension of muscles and sharp spasms. In the most difficult cases, the child cannot control the articulation apparatus at all, and he has anartria (Full absence of expressive speech).

    In the hyperkinetic form of cerebral palsy in children is observed and hyperkinetic, or extrapyramidal, shape of dysarthria.This form is associated with the defeat of the subcortical departments of the brain. Children violated the total and articulator motility, which is due to muscle dystonia, the presence of involuntary violent movements, the lack of emotional expressiveness of the speech act. There is a pronounced insufficiency of the proper component of speech. Rachatial disorders increase due to the presence of tonic spasms, which can apply to the articulation and respiratory muscles and the muscles of the larynx, causing disorder and respiration disorders. We are talking about such children, with voice and respiratory spasms, with the lack of differentiated lip and language movements. The child's voice can periodically disappear, which is associated with the hyperkinosis of voice ligaments. If the voice jet enters the nasal cavity in the hyperkinosis of a soft nose, the pronunciation will be with a nasal tint.

    The hyperkinetic form of the PPC is often combined with hearing impairment, so in these cases, children may also have a violation of speech understanding, typical of hearing impaired.

    In the atony-astatic form of cerebral palsy, a cerebellum is observed, in which cerebellum ties with the front brain departments are disturbed. Therefore, with this form, cerebrals is diagnosed cerebellar dysarthri. The leading disorder in the cerebelic dysarthria is a gross violation of the intonational design of speech and its monotony.

    Children with cerebral palsy are typical of various forms of letters violations, that is, the disgrace. Violations of the letter are explained by violation of the movements of the hands, the kinesthetic sensitivity of the hands, as well as optical disorders, which leads to difficulties of distinguishing and memorizing letters.

    Generalized data on speech violations in children with cerebral palsy are presented in the work of L.M. Shipitsina and I.I. Mamaychuk. They argue that speech disorders for cerebral palsy include:

    Phonetic-phonematic, which are manifested in the framework of different forms of dysarthria;

    Specific features of the assimilation of the lexical system of the language;

    Violations of the grammatical system of speeches that are associated with lexical and phonetic-phonemactic disorders;

    Violations of the formation of a coherent speech and understanding of the speech message;

    All forms of dysgraphy and dyslexia, due to the non-formation of visual motor and optical-spatial systems.

    Development of speech in children with autistic violations. The speech development of children with autism is subject to the general laws of distorted development. Distorted development is the result of a reduction in the need and capabilities of a child in communicating with others. The main characteristic of speech development during autism is a pronounced reduction in the communicative function of speech, and this is observed in the first year of life. The classic triad of symptoms during autism described by L. Kanner, as one of the symptoms includes "peculiar violations of speech". The speech of the child with autism is developing insulated, in itself, outside the communicative situation.

    In the first year of life, a child with autism, like an ordinary child, publishes individual sounds, but his vocalization is not addressed to another person, the child does not express his needs and desires with speech. At the same time, it can repeatedly uttered certain sounds, having fun, listening to his own sounds, and it can even become one of the stereotypical forms of behavior. The same relation to speech is observed in an older age. In the early and preschool age, the child repeats repeatedly on a different style manner, phrases, attracts complex and interesting words to sound. But in communicating with others or when performing some kind of activity, it uses an extremely primitive set of words or phrases. The child is experiencing addiction to rhymes, poems, reading, can constantly repeat the same verses or excerpts of texts, clearly enjoying this process. "With a general violation of the development of targeted communicative speech, a passion for individual speech forms is possible, a permanent game of sounds, syllables and words, rhyming, singing, patches of words, the declamination of poems." Speech becomes the subject of autostimulation, speech stereotypes develop. For children with autism typical becomes "Echolalia" - the literal repetition of speech statements, as a rule, outside the situation of communication and activities, is not related to the content of Echolalia, with the fact that the child does.

    The problem of speech diagnosis with autistic violations is very complex and controversial. So original is the path of development of speech in children with autism, and herself is so peculiar that its features can be correlated with some kind of speech diagnosis only with a certain degree of approximation, rather even conditionally.

    Mutism, elective mutism neurotic violation of speech, lack of response and / or spontaneous speech while maintaining the ability to talk and understand the speech of others; Refusal of speech communication. Mutism is a rare pathology that is found only in childhood, he is most often susceptible to children of preschool and younger school ages, and after 9 years, Mutism as an independent disorder is practically not found. Some authors also use the name "selective Mutism", or "Elective Mutism". These terms indicate the fact of selective disappearance of speech: the child may not talk in communication with some people, while maintaining speech communication with people of another circle, for example, with close adults. Some researchers use the term "psycho-mutism", assuming that mutisms are due to psychological factors.

    For Mutism, the following features are characterized:

    The emergence of violation of speech communication after a period of normal communication with others (that is, the child ceases to speak and begins to be silent);

    Lack of global violations of behavior, motility and facial expansion (the child can express his eyes and gesture);

    Mutism has a selective nature associated with a certain situation or man;

    Frequent combination of mutism with speech and mental delay;

    In families of children, long and tense conflicts are found, negative psychological climate.

    Mutizm assistance must be complex, including psychological or psychotherapeutic assistance. To the correction of such a disorder, it is necessary to approach, first of all, from the positions of neurotic disorders (see about this also in Chapter 13).

    Violation of speech development means the presence of various types of deviations in the development of speech. Violations of speech can occur for various reasons. These are unfavorable external (exogenous) and internal (endogenous) factors, as well as environmental conditions. To the reasons of violation of speech development include: internal pathologies in the development of the fetus, generic injuries and insufficient supply of the brain with oxygen, disease in the first years of the child's life, skull injuries, heredity and bad habits Mothers during pregnancy. The diversity of speech violations is due to the complexity and multistageness of speech mechanisms.

    Violation of speech development

    Dyslavlia This is a defective pronunciation of some sounds. Dysarthria - violation of pronunciation caused by insufficient work of the nerves connecting the speech apparatus with the central nervous system (that is, insufficient innervation); With dysarthria, the pronunciation of all groups of sounds suffers. Features: "Lubricated" speech, violation of voice formation, rhythm, intonation and speech pace.

    Stuttering it is a violation of the pace, rhythm, smoothness of speech caused by convulsions of the muscles of the facial apparatus; Arises at the age of 2 - 2.5 years. Features: Forced stops in speech, repetition of individual sounds and syllables, adding unnecessary sounds to individual words ("A", "and").

    Alalia - this is a complete or partial lack of speech in children (up to 3-5 years); It is due to the underdevelopment or damage to the speech areas in the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex, coming in the intrauterine or early development of the child. Varieties of Alalia:

    • Motor Alalia (the child understands speech, but does not know how to reproduce it);
    • sensory Alalia (the child does not understand someone else's speech; there is an automatic repetition of other people's words (instead of an answer to the question, the baby repeats the question itself)

    Mutismetopreculation of speech development due to mental injury. Mutism varieties may be as follows:

      general Mutism (the child does not speak at all);

      electoral Mutism (his silence the baby protests against any circumstances or people).

    Children's autism This state of the psyche, in which the child completely goes into its experiences and is removed from the outside world; In this case, there are no elementary household skills and speech. Features of the disease generally underdevelopment of speech (ONR) - various complex speech disorders in which the formation of all components of the speech system is violated, i.e. Sound side (phonetics) and semantic side (vocabulary, grammar). ONR is characterized by a violation of the pronunciation and distinguishing sounds, a small vocabulary, difficult to form and the word formation, underdeveloped by a coherent speech.

    Aphasiathis disorder of previously formed speech activities, in which partially or completely loses the ability to use their own speech and / or understand the treated speech. Afaja's manifestations depend on the form of a speech violation; Specific speech symptoms of aphasia are speech emboli, paraphalia, persvement, contamination, Logori, Alexy, Agraphia, Akalkulia, etc. Patients with aphasia need a survey of neurological status, mental processes and speech functions. At the Afazha, the underlying disease is carried out and special recovery training.

    In Bradylalia, there is a violation of the rate of the speech produce, characterized by a slow realization of the articulator act. In Bradylalia, the pace of internal and external speech, reading, letters are slowed down; The voice becomes non-modulated, monotonous, articulation becomes fuzzy. A comprehensive medical, psychological and speech therapy examination is required, aimed at clarifying the causes of the violation of the tempo of speech and related violations. The technique of overcoming Bradylalia implies medical influence, namely:

      medication therapy;


    • speech therapy classes;



    Dysarthria is a pronunciation of speech organization associated with the defeat of the central selection of the spectavatic analyzer and the innervation of the muscles of the articulation apparatus. The structure of the defect in the dysarthria includes a violation of speech motility, sound-proof, speech breathing, voice and a selection side of speech; In severe lesions, anarterium occurs. In suspected dysarthria is held neurological diagnostics(EEG, EMG, ENG, MRI brain), speech therapy examination of oral and written speech. Correctional work in dysarthria includes:

      therapeutic impact (drug courses, leaf, massage, ftl);

      speech therapy classes;

      articulating gymnastics, speech therapy massage.


    Dyslexia - Partial disorder of reading skills caused by insufficient formation (or decay) of mental functions involved in the implementation of the reading process. The main signs of dyslexia are durability, typical and repeatability of errors while reading (mixing and replacing sounds, contaminated reading, distortion of the syllated structure of the word, adgrammatyisms, disturbance of understanding read). Diagnostics of Dyslexia implies an estimate of the level of formation of oral speech, letters, reading, neustal functions. To overcome dyslexia, it is necessary to develop violated sides of oral speech (sound-proof, phonemematic processes, dictionary, grammatical system, connected speech) and neustic processes ....

    Speech delay - Later in comparison with the age norm, mastering the oral speech of children under 3 years old. The delay in speech development is characterized by high-quality and quantitative underdevelopment of the vocabulary stock, the incidence of expressive speech, the lack of a child of phrase speech by 2 years and a connected speech by 3 years. Children with speech development are needed in consulting a child neurologist, a children's otolaryngologist, a speech therapist, a psychologist; If necessary, conduct a medical examination. Correctional work in the delay in speech development should include psychological and pedagogical and medical care ....

    Stuttering in children

    Stutteringit is characterized by the convulsive movements of the articulation and gentle muscles, which arise more often at the beginning of speech (less often in the middle), as a result of which the patient is forced to delay on any sound (group of sounds). These symptoms of stuttering are very similar to clonic and tonic convulsions. When clonic stuttering, there is a re-education of words, syllables and sounds. Tonic stutter does not allow the patient to move from a sound stop to go to the articulation of another sound. In its development, stuttering passes 4 phases from rare attacks of periodically arising stuttering to a serious personal problem, limiting the human ability to communicate ....

    Stuttering in children is a disorder of the tempo-rhythmic side of the speech caused by repeating convulsions in the articulation, voice or respiratory department of the speech apparatus. Stuttering in children is characterized by a "jam" on individual sounds, their repeated, involuntary repetition, accompanying movements, speech tricks, logophobia, vegetative reactions. Children with stuttering must be examined by a neurologist, a speech therapist, a psychologist, a psychiatrist. Correction of stuttering in children includes a medical and wellness complex (compliance with regime, massage, hydrotherapy, LFC, FTL, psychotherapy) and system speech therapy occupation.

    Causes of violation of speech

    All variety of reasons causing violation of speech development can be divided into biological and social. So, biological factors causing violations of speech can affect different periods of ontogenesis. At the stage of intrauterine development and labor, the most adverse effect on the ripening and the subsequent functioning of the child's brain structures is provided:

      hypoxia fetal;

      intrauterine infections;

      generic injuries.

    Violations of speech in older people are usually associated with vascular brain lesions (stroke, rupture of the aneurysm of brain vessels), severe head injuries, brain tumors, neurosurgical interventions.

    Socio-psychological factors leading to a violation of speech development in children can be expressed in the absence of due attention to the formation of children's speech by adults; incorrect speech surrounding; The need for a child-preschooler at the same time two language systems; Excessive, not corresponding to the age-related possibilities of stimulating the speech development of the child, stress, etc.

    The predisposing conditions for the occurrence of violations of speech in children are the so-called critical periods in the development of speech function: 1-2 years, 3 years and 6-7 years. These periods are sensitive for speech development: at this time there is the most intensive formation of the psycho-physiological basis of speech, and the nervous mechanisms for regulating speech activity are extremely wound. Therefore, any, even seemingly minor biological or social factors operating in critical periods can lead to speech violations.

    Treatment of violations of speech

    Professional dooropedian It will help the child to cope with the disease. Violations of speech more often will be a persistent nature and, having arisen under the influence of a factor, do not disappear independently, without specially organized speech therapy assistance. They manifest themselves at an early age and adversely affect the development intellectual sphere, behavior and personality as a whole. At the same time, in most cases, the violation of speech is reversible, and a targeted and prompt correction allows you to return the joy of communication and prevent the development of secondary mental layers.

    The speech therapy assistance to children suffering from violations of speech is in the education system and in the health system (speech therapycases with polyclinics, dispensary, hospitals, specialized medical center-raids). In these institutions, speech therapists conduct consultations, a comprehensive diagnostic examination and correction of speech disorders.

    The course of speech therapy occupations is carried out according to a special program in accordance with the specifics of the vision of speech. In class of speech disorders are used:

    The speech therapy effect with violations of speech is actively combined with medicinal therapy, psychotherapy, massage, physiotherapy, medical physical education, if necessary, surgical intervention.

    Prevention of violations of speech It actually begins with the moment of the birth of a new life and continues throughout life. It includes care for favorable pregnancy, neuropsychic and physical health of pregnant and children, early detection of risk factors of speech violations and their elimination. The most important in the prevention of speech violations in children has Speech medium.

    Speech disorders can be the most different, and they may appear not only in children, but also in adults. Violation of speech - general conceptcharacterizing any deviation associated with oral (and sometimes writing) communication. There can be similar defects in different ways - the inability to pronounce separate letters, incorrect phonetic perception of speech, uncontrolled sound reproduction and others. There are several classifications of such violations.

    In adult speech defects typically differ from those characteristic of children. They can be both chronic and unexpectedly appeared. If the problem arose suddenly, it is better to consult with a specialist, as this may be a symptom of any disease.

    Symptoms of speech violations in adults

    Communication defects are manifested in different ways - it all depends on what causes of them caused. Often there are such manifestations:

    • salivation;
    • stuttering;
    • hoarseness voices;
    • very fast speech;
    • unjustifiably slow progress of phrases;
    • stiffness of muscles responsible for facial expressions;
    • the difficulty of speech expression;
    • fuzziness words;
    • too frequent reduction of voice muscles.

    Typically, several similar symptoms are developing at once.

    Forms of violation of speech

    There are several forms of speech defects that in adults develop most often. Among them are:

    1. - slowness and fuzziness of the story due to muscle pathology or nerve endings responsible for speech;
    2. spastic dysphony - suturing or hoarseness of voice due to involuntary vocal ligament reductions (sometimes a person begins to fall in the process of speech);
    3. - difficulties in the perception of oral text and the selection of words to express thoughts (sometimes also manifests itself in the form of incorrect pronunciation).

    Violation of speech in general - any negative change in the functions of the human speech apparatus - for example, if the pronunciation of words is changed or it becomes severe for perception.

    Why can the communication function be disturbed

    The reasons for changing the pronunciation or perception of speech can be much - it all depends on the specific violation.

    For example, if a person has an aphasia, it could become a result of stroke, thrombosis, the appearance of neoplasms in the brain or head injuries. In some cases, adults it becomes difficult to select words and interpret them in Alzheimer's disease or senile dementia (dementia).

    Communicative functions in humans may violate under the following pathologies and conditions:

    • parkinson's disease;
    • paralysis (including cerebral);
    • multiple sclerosis;
    • muscle dystrophy;
    • jaw pathologies;
    • head injuries;
    • strokes;
    • lyme disease;
    • excessive use of alcoholic beverages;
    • bella paralysis or other states at which facial muscles weaken;
    • brain tumors.

    For the quality of communication, dentures can affect both the dentures - if they are incorrectly or too tight, it can be fuzzy.

    As a result of stress or overvoltage, speech problems in humans may appear due to the development of spastic diffony. The voice becomes tense or vice versa air. Some experts argue that this state develops due to a violation of the work of the brain, which is responsible for the muscle and motor activity of the voice apparatus.

    • oncology larynx;
    • excessive use of coffee, CNS stimulants and antidepressants (substances affect the quality of the voice, making it compressed, deaf);
    • growths and polyps on bundles (they interfere with a net pronunciation);
    • too active voice activity (ligaments are overloaded, and because of this voice changes; often such happens at singers).

    If the violation has arisen not because of the neoplasms in the larynx or voice ligaments, it is not as dangerous, as it is easily corrected.

    If we are spent suddenly, you can suspect the presence of serious health problems that require emergency care (For example, if a person has a speech perception and pronunciation, he does not exclude stroke).

    Therapy of speech violations

    Specific therapeutic measures depend on the detected disease. Usually for quick recovery, specialists are appointed and home treatments and medical care.

    What will the doctor help

    The specialist will definitely determine the pathology, which began problems with speech. For this purpose, diagnostic measures are appointed, which include:

    • MRI or CT brain;
    • x-ray of the skull cavity;
    • neurological tests;
    • blood and urine tests;
    • analysis of the patient's diction for rumor and analysis of speech perception.

    In the latter case, the doctor is usually talking to the patient to listen to his speech and determine how well a person understands what he is talking about (if difficulties arise with understanding, deviations can be assumed to affect not only voice bundles, but also a brain).

    To normalize speech, there may be a course of classes with a speech therapist. This specialist is sent almost all patients who have any speech disorder, regardless of the causes of the state.

    Surgical intervention may be required when there are neoplasms in the field of voice ligaments. If spastic dysphony is diagnosed, spasm is sometimes removed by bangs of Botox directly into bundles.

    How can you help at home

    Spast dispony can be a serious interference to communicate. In difficult situations, the patient picks up special electronic devices that convert the printed text in speech message. It can simplify communication until the patient's recovery.

    When Afani, especially if a person has a confusion of reality perception, it is better to communicate with simplified phrases and suggestions. In order for the patient to focus on what is happening around him, it is better to talk about it with him, not forgetting to indicate time and place.

    At the time of treatment it is better to limit external stimuli. It is better not to allow a person to find a person with an aphasia without escort, as it can be lost.

    If a person has a voice problem, the first thing he should do is carefully treat voice ligaments and not strain them once again. It is also better to exclude the use of aggressive chemicals (for example, preparations from depression or coffee, as they can additionally stimulate overvoltage).

    If a person is dysarthria, it is better to go when communicating with him on written communication or language of gestures. Patients with dysarthria do not always perceive the oral speech of other people, so they need to say slowly, with pauses - the patient will be easier to answer questions.

    Violation of speech in children

    The child begins to use the verbal and non-verbal speech from birth. It helps to assess the degree of its development - is it sufficiently well the child owns communication skills for its age.

    Signs of development delay

    • in the first month of life - a cry with any inconvenience;
    • by the fourth month, the lack of a kid's reaction to appeal to it;
    • by the fifth sixth month - does not pronounce certain combinations of sounds and does not follow the objects that adults indicate;
    • by the seventh month - does not attract attention to the pronunciation of sounds;
    • the ninth month does not pronounce simple syllables;
    • by the tenth month, it does not pronounce syllables and does not respond to gestures (nodes, breath on forgiveness);
    • by the year - one and a half years of life does not fulfill simple requests and does not pronounce simple words (mom, dad, give);
    • to the second year of life can not mean clearly.

    But you should not perceive these delays too seriously, all the kids develop in different ways. If you notice a small lag in this there is nothing terrible, just watch this.

    At the older age, speech deviations can manifest themselves in the fuzziness of speech (problems with diction), its complete absence or the impossibility of properly pronunciation of some sounds.

    Diagnosis of pathology

    To accurately establish the nature of pathology, you need to consult a doctor. These violations are engaged in the following specialists:

    1. neuropathologist (determined the state of the toddler's brain, will exclude the pathology of the central nervous system);
    2. otolaryngologist (will reveal the child's hearing impairment if available);
    3. psychologist (a children's specialist is necessary: \u200b\u200bhe will define the state of the psyche of the child).

    If previous experts did not reveal deviations, the development of the Kid's speech apparatus should be done by a speech therapist.

    Causes of violations

    Most often, problems with sound-proof in children arise due to the following factors:

    • genetic disorders (late speech from one of the parents, the wrong bite, the abnormalities of the teeth, the nose, stuttering, the wrong functioning of the brain centers responsible for oral communication);
    • diseases that have been in the child in the first years of life (infectious and bacterial infections, throat injuries, neba or oral cavity, head injuries, ears inflammation);
    • injuries obtained during childbirth (stroke, low weight of a child at birth, injuries due to a narrow pelvis of mother or medical instruments);
    • intrauterine deviations (hypoxia, infectious diseases, which mother has undergone during pregnancy, injury, rezes-conflict of the child and mother, misunderstanding or rejunction of the child, the threat of abortion, bad habits, reception medicinesStresses).

    The social and consumer medium in which the child is located can affect. If parents do not communicate with the baby, it can develop very slowly.

    Forms of violations of speech

    A child may have several types of oral speech deviations. Among them:

    1. incorrect intonation;
    2. voice formation problems;
    3. fuzziness of sound pronunciation;
    4. incorrect formation of a tempo speech.

    If the child has no mental abnormalities that need to be eliminated with the help of specialists, it may develop such communication violations (provided that the baby understands speech):

    • tachilalia - unreasonably fast speech;
    • bradylia - pathologically slow pronunciation;
    • dispony - deterioration of voice qualities due to the pathology of the ligaments;
    • alalia - Speech Disorder due to violations in the work of the brain;
    • afazia - loss of the possibility of pronunciation of words with already formed speech;
    • rinolalia is a violation of the pronunciation of sounds due to anatomical features;
    • dilac is a violation of communication in normal hearing and the absence of deviations in the structure of the brain.

    Speech violation therapy in children

    To set an accurate diagnosis to see a doctor. The specialist will also help to choose a treatment plan that the child is suitable for his pathology.
    Most often, if there are no violations in the work of the brain, it is enough to perform speech therapy exercises and respiratory gym to improve the work of the speech apparatus.

    If communication defects are caused by anatomical or mental disabilities, surgery may be required or long-term treatment with drugs. In such cases, speech therapy exercises are also used.

    Pronunciation defects may occur not only in childhood, when the speech apparatus only develops: due to some diseases and injuries, adult communication skills can also worse. It is important to determine the nature of pathology in time and eliminate it: then the subsequent recovery will be far easier and faster.

    Violation of speech - These are various speech disorders in which the formation of the structures of the speech organization (sound and semantic) during normal intelligence and hearing is disturbed.

    Violations of speech are known with deep antiquity. Without a doubt, these diseases also exist as long as the human word. This is a fairly common phenomenon and among children, and among adults.

    The Greeks and Romans who have a public word played an important public role and learning elegant speech and was part of the circle of objects of general education, have already had the concept of many speech disorders, which was reflected in a large number of terms used for their designation. Hippocrates already have a mention of almost all the forms of speech disorders known to us: voice loss, loss of speech, kosonasia, vague speech, stuttering, etc.

    Causes of violations of speech

    Among the reasons that cause violations of speech, differ biological and social risk factors. The biological reasons for the development of speech disorders are pathogenic factors acting mainly during the period of intrauterine development and childbirth (hypoxia of the fetus, generic injuries, etc.), as well as in the first months of life after birth (cerebral infections, injuries, etc. )

    A special role in the development of speech violations is played by such factors such as family burdensity by speech disorders, left-hand activities and porception. Socio-psychological risk factors are mainly associated with the mental deprivation of children. Of particular importance is the insufficiency of emotional and speech communication Child with adults.

    The negative impact on speech development can also need to assimage the child of the younger preschool age at the same time two language systems, excessive stimulation of the child's speech development, inadequate type of child education, pedagogical nestry, i.e., the lack of due attention to the development of the child's speech, speech-free defects.

    As a result of these reasons, the child may have a violation of various sides of speech. Violations of speech are discussed in the speech therapy in the framework of clinical and pedagogical and psychological and pedagogical approaches. Mechanisms and symptoms of speech pathology are considered from the standpoint of a clinical and pedagogical approach.

    At the same time, the following disorders are allocated:

    • dyslavlia;
    • violation violations;
    • rinolalia;
    • dysarthria;
    • stuttering;
    • alalia;
    • aphasia;
    • disgrave;
    • dyslexia.

    Types of violations of speech

    Dyslavlia (Kosonasia)

    Until a certain age, this violation does not require intervention from experts. The essence of the dilacs in violation of sound impact, namely: sounds can be distorted, replaced with others, mix or simply absent. They put this diagnosis when the child is more than 4 years old, it has a good hearing, a sufficient vocabulary, is correctly building proposals, not allowing grammatical errors, but at the same time pronounces the sounds of childish as small. Such a child will say instead of "cap" - "Sacca", not "cancer", but "Lac."


    This is a violation of voice timbre and sound impact, due to anatomy-physiological defects of the speech apparatus. At the same time, the child speaks as it were, "in the nose" or bent. This occurs when splitting a solid and soft sky, the injuries of the oral and nasal cavity, paralysis of the soft sky. With Rinolalia, all sounds of speech are distorted.

    Such a child is difficult to understand: he says monotonously and unintelligible. In addition, changing the voice of voices is possible and when a sufficient amount of air does not fall into the nasal cavity. Often this happens in adenoids, polyps, curvature of the nasal partition, which greatly makes a nasal breathing. At the same time, the pronunciation of nasal consonants and vowels.


    Due to the organic lesion of the central nervous system, another speech violation occurs - dysarthria. In this case, the pronunciation of individual sounds suffers, but the entire spoke side of the speech. Dysarthria occurs when the speed, strength and volume of movements of speech organs are limited. For example, it is difficult for the child to control his language, which becomes awkward, naughty, and the dug out can be deviated to the side.

    It is difficult for such a child to make elementary: inflate the cheeks, frowning or lifting eyebrows, as the muscles of the face are sediments. With dysarthritia, all components of the spoken side of speech are disturbed:

    • sound reading;
    • vote;
    • speech breathing;
    • intonation;
    • shared melody of speech.

    But it is necessary to know that this is not an independent disease, but some of the violations of the wide motor sphere. In this case, the child is treated with complex.


    Speaking about Alalia, meaning a complete or partial lack of speech in children with good physical hearing. At the same time, the child is in a speech environment, seeks to communicate with others (but it does with the help of facial expressions and gestures), is not mentally retarded, his speech apparatus without anomalies, paralysis or paresis.

    What is it connected with? Experts note that the emergence of this violation is due to the underdevelopment or damage to the speech areas in the left hemisphere of the brain. What do such violations occur in the intrauterine or early period of development of the child.

    Alalia is divided into sensory (when the child does not understand and, therefore, cannot reproduce human speech) and the motor (in this case, the child understands the address facing it, but can not master it).

    Speech Delay (VIR)

    This diagnosis is usually put on young children. With a speech, the child is quite normal, but much later and slower than its peers, mastering speech. Among the causes of the SIR - an infallible speech environment, poor physical and mental health of a child or a special, slow-down razing of nerve cells responsible for speech.

    Stuttering (logoneurosis)

    Mechanisms (causes and essence) of the occurrence of the logo formation are not fully disclosed. This type of speech violation is based on the repetition of sounds (in most consonants), "stretching" vowels, stop speech, repeating a syllable or words and is often due to fear. Often, the coordination of the movements of the speech apparatus and respiration is broken.

    Usually in everyday life in a relaxed state, such children do not stutter, but it is worth it to go on stage or become in front of a school board, like excitement, and with him and stutter, makes itself felt.

    Dysgraphy and Dysxia

    If the child has no intellectual or auditory violations, but it is not able to master the letter and reading (or does it with great difficulties), talking about the dysgram and dyslexia.

    Treatment of violations of speech

    Speech disorders (in adults) are a symptom of a number of diseases in which the so-called "speech" brain zones are involved in the pathological process.

    This can be both steadily progressive pathology (sclerosis, an aptzheimer's disease, a number of degenerative diseases) and the consequences of focal brain damage as a result of a stroke, cranial injury, radically operated tumors, etc.

    If in the first case the therapeutic effects is ineffective, then in the situation of "otmonysh" brain disasters early began rehabilitation gives a good clinical result.

    The decision to expediency and the complexity of impact is made after diagnostic measures, including surveys and testing in order to assess the nature of violations and the severity of lost functions.

    The rehabilitation of patients with speech pathology consists of a comprehensive impact on:

    • medication treatment;
    • transcraial magneto-electro stimulation (TCMES);
    • speech therapy correction classes with a patient.

    Medicase treatment is selected individually taking into account the existing disease, the degree of violation of lost functions, the state of the body as a whole. The goal of drug therapy is to improve the integrative ability of the brain (speech, memory, attention, learning ability) by enhancing the neuroplasticity processes.

    Speech disorder can be a symptom

    What doctors to contact when a speech disorder

    Questions and answers on "Violations of Speech"

    Question: Hello! In my childhood, I had an injury to the base of the skull, since then I do not tell me badly, with I do not hear defects during the conversation. Engaged with a speech therapist for many years, but did not led to anything. What can the methods of treatment can advise?

    Answer: Hello! The speech therapy work to overcome the amphias is very long and time-consuming, requiring the cooperation of the speech therapist, the attending physician, the patient and its loved ones. The recovery of speech during the Afaja flows the more successful than the correctional work before. The prediction of the recovery of speech functions during amphias is determined by the localization and size of the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, the degree of speech disorders, the period of principle of restoration training, age and the overall state of the patient's health. The best speaker is observed in patients of young age. At the same time, acoustic-gnostic aphasia, which has emerged at the age of 5-7 years, can lead to a complete loss of speech or subsequent gross violation of speech development (ONR).

    Question: At my child adenoids. ENT recommended to seem to the speech therapist. Why?

    Answer: Indeed, adenoids or excessive growth of nasophaling almonds may cause speech violations in children. The weakness of the muscles of the speech apparatus, a violation of speech respiration, a decrease in physical hearing and phonderatic perception - that's not all the symptoms of this disease, which adversely affect the development of the child's speech.

    Question: Why does the child speak badly?

    Answer: In most cases, the delay of speech development appears due to the immaturity of the child's nervous system. It's no secret to anyone that recently the level of child health has recently decreased. Surveys of young children have shown that it is the most frequently speech disorders - 50.5%, as speech is the most complex mental function. Work on the correction of speech violations should be carried out immediately as soon as the emergence of speech delay. It is important not to miss so significant in the full-fledged development of the child's sensitive period (up to 3-5 years).

    Question: How long do you need to do with the speech therapist?

    Answer: The duration of classes with speech therapist depends on the severity of the speech violation in the child. After the initial survey, the speech therapy makes the primary forecast for the duration of speech therapy occupation.

    Speech function, as well as other higher mental functions (memory, thinking, perception, attention, etc.), formed by the child gradually, starting from the intrauterine period, and this process does not always flow smoothly.

    Deviations in speech development are possible due to different reasons. These may be various pathologies during the period of intrauterine development (the most rough defects of the speech arise when influencing adverse factors on the period of 4 weeks to 4 months of pregnancy), toxicosis, the incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the child in the rhesis factory, viral and endocrine diseases, injuries, hereditary Factors, etc.

    The reason for the excitement can be generic injury and asphyxia during childbirth, the pathological flow of childbirth, various diseases in the first years of the child's life (skull injuries, accompanied by a concussion, and so on). Not the last place occupy adverse socio-domestic conditions, leading to the pedagogical neglence of children, violations of their emotional-volitional sphere and a shortage of speech communication.

    Parents need to pay attention to the development of the baby needs to speak. Often, when communicating with a small child, adults are trying to understand and fulfill his requests, without waiting until he tries to express them.

    Depending on the duration of the impact of adverse factors and on which section of the brain is damaged, speech defects of various types arise. Speech problems can only be one of the manifestations of the overall impairment of the nervous system and are accompanied by intellectual and motor failure.

    Currently, speech disorders have been studied very well and many of them are successfully corrected. The main thing is to turn to a specialist in time, in order to diagnose them in a timely manner and understanding: Violation of speech is the only problem or this is a consequence of other serious diseases (autism, hearing impairment, the work of the central nervous system, deviations in intellectual development, etc.).

    Parents, concerned about the delay of speech from the child or her violation, it is very difficult to understand how serious the problem is the problem of their baby, what to do. As a rule, they hope that everything will go through itself, and misses the precious time.

    Main types of speech violations

    Speech disorders can be divided into four main types:

    Violation of sound suspension;

    Violation of rhythm and speech pace;

    Speech disorders associated with hearing impairment;

    Underdevelopment of speech or loss of previously used speech.

    Violation of sound suspension

    The most common violation of sound suspension is Dilac, in which either the absence of some sounds is observed (the child misses them in words), or their distortion (the kid misinterpacing them), or replacing one sound to others.

    Dislavlia is functional and mechanical.

    With functional disliers, there is no disorders of the structure of the speech apparatus (jaws, teeth, nose, tongue). It is observed in the period when the process of absorbing sounds occurs. Functional dilacium may arise due to the general physical weakening of the child due to various somatic diseases (especially during the active formation of speech), mental development delays (minimum brain dysfunction), delays in speech development, violations of phonderatic perception, restrictions on communication, imitation of incorrect speech. In this case, it is necessary to develop the ability to listen to sounds, actively communicate with the child. It may be effective to be gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the language.

    With mechanical dislons, the sound testing is due to the anatomical defects of the articulation bodies, such as the improper structure of the teeth, the absence of cutters or their anomalies, bite defects, pathological changes in the language (too large or too little Language), shortened bridle.

    It is less likely to violations of sound suspension due to lifting anomalies, since congenital defects (deformations) are corrected surgical in early age. If there are anatomical defects, consultation is needed (and in some cases and treatment) surgeon and orthodontist.

    Dyslavlia can develop and when communicating with children who have no correct sound testing. It affects the residence in the bilingual environment, as well as the attitude of adults to the wrong pronunciation (many of them do not adjust the child's speech, believing that after some time he will learn to speak correctly).

    Defects of sound-proof in children can be caused by the underdevelopment of phonderatic hearing (the child is difficult to distinguish between sounds close to acoustic signs: sh-g, s-s, etc.), a decrease in physical hearing, insufficient mental development.

    But it is necessary to distinguish complex disliers from other similar disorders, in which the lateral pronunciation of many backgrounds may be observed, there is an excessive saliva at the time of speech, the child is difficult to retain the language in the right position for a long time, the mobility of the language, strength and accuracy of movements changed.

    A more serious impairment of sound-proof arising from the organic lesion of the central nervous system is dysarthria. With dysarthritia, not only the pronunciation of individual sounds suffers. Such children have limited mobility of speech and mimic muscles. In speech, a fuzzy, lubricated sound reader, voice is quiet, weak, and sometimes, on the contrary, sharp; The rhythm of breathing is disturbed, the speech loses its smoothness, the tempo of speech can be accelerated or slow.

    The causes of the occurrence of dysarthria are various adverse factors that can affect intrauterine during pregnancy (viral infections, toxicosis, placenta pathology), at the time of birth (protracted or rapid labor, causing hemorrhage in the Baby Brain) and at an early age ( infectious diseases Brain and Brain Shells: Meningitis, Meningoencephalitis, etc.).

    This violation may be observed in a heavy form (within the framework of the cerebral paralysis), or in a light, so-called coat form of dysarthria (disartric component). Children with such a diagnosis receive comprehensive speech therapy and medical assistance in special institutions. In a more easy form, violations of the movements of the articulation apparatus organs, common and shallow motors, as well as sound-proofs, are clearly understood for others, but fuzzy.

    Children with embossing forms of dysarthria do not always immediately pay attention, but they can be distinguished by some features. They illegally utter words, eat badly, refuse to chew solid food, as it is difficult for them to do it (such children need to gradually teach fierce food, it will contribute to the development of muscle muscles and shoes). Many skills requiring accurate movements of various muscle groups are difficult, so you need to develop them. The teaching of the child is carried out in different directions: the development of motility (common, shallow, articulation), correctness of sound suspension, formation of the rhythmic melodic side of speech and improving the diction.

    Baby need to master the rinsing of the mouth. To do this, you must first learn how to inflate the cheeks and hold the air, and then move it from one cheek to another; Tighten the cheeks, while the mouth is open and lips closed.

    It is necessary to develop fine motility of the hands using special exercises. It is necessary to teach a child to flash buttons (first large, then small) on clothes dolls or on a dress shot, coat. At the same time, an adult not only shows movements, but also helps them produce the hands of the child himself. To train the ability to cord shoes, various exercises are used.

    Children with this violation have difficulty in fine activities. Therefore, it is necessary to teach them to keep the pencil correctly, adjust the power of pressure when drawing, use scissors.

    Also noted difficulties when performing exercisedance. Children are taught to keep equilibrium, stand and jump on one leg, relate their movements with the beginning and end of the musical phrase, to change the character of movements by impact. Parents need to know that if not to start a correctional work on time, in the future this can lead to violations of reading (dyslexia) and letters (disgrave). For the early achievement of results, work should be carried out together with the speech therapist, consultations of a psychoneurologist and a specialist in therapeutic physical education are also needed.

    I would like to stop on one violation of sound testing of speech - Rinolalia, the main difference of which is the presence of a nasal column of voice. The nasal shade of speech (bent) occurs when the jet of exhaled air almost completely passes through the nose. At the same time, sound formation is disturbed, which depends on the activity of the muscles of the soft nose, pharynx and language, and from the deformation of the solid coat (cleft), the alveolar process, the improper arrangement of the teeth (in the presence of lips cleft), from the violation of the nose wing shape (nostrils).

    The occurrence of cleft influence genetic factors - unfavorable heredity (the presence of degrades in direct or indirect relatives); biological - mothers disease during pregnancy (flu, ORVI, steaming, toxoplasmosis); Chemical - contact with harmful substances (by pesticides, acids); Poor environmental state; The effect of alcohol, nicotine, drugs; uncontrolled reception medicinal preparationsIn particular, the abrasion of the body of the fetus by vitamin A and the drugs of the Cortison group.

    Usually, at an early age, this violation is corrected using surgical intervention. Basically, speech therapy occupations start immediately after the plastic operation of the nose.

    Violation of rhythm and speech pace

    Let us dwell on one of the most common types of rhythm violations and the speech pace - stuttering. This disorder is characterized by a convulsive spasm of speech muscles. It manifests itself in two forms - the so-called stuttering of development and reactive stuttering.

    Stuttering of development is usually noted in early childhood, when the child does not yet well say well, he has poorly formed articulation of the language, lips and shoes. And if the kid during this period is taught to pronounce difficult words (frying pan, snowman, policeman, etc.), he can start stuttering.

    The emergence of such stuttering is the overexcitation of brain speech zones. Therefore, the first measure aimed at restoring normal speech should be the "silence mode" for 7-10 days. We must try to exclude all types of emotional impact, completely limit the speech of the child, to communicate with a whisper and to a minimum to reduce conversations with the baby. Sometimes it helps, but in some cases the disorder is pretty resistant.

    As soon as the child has a stuttering or something similar to him (the baby is difficult to start talking, he finds it difficult to pronounce difficult words, repeats the same syllable, etc.), it is necessary to contact the speech therapist and strictly perform all its instructions.

    Reactive stuttering (evolving as a reaction to some strong impact) most often there is a consequence of frightened, mental injury (heavy conflicts in the family) or depleting long-term diseases.

    Children with a weakened nervous system begin to stutter, who have a predisposition to this violation of speech (stuttering in close relatives). Such children often have signs of a neurotic state: bad appetite, restless sleep, night fears, urinary incontinence, etc.

    Stuttering child must be under the supervision of a neuropathologist. He needs both medical and speech therapy assistance. The main thing is not to record the attention of the baby on this defect, do not oppose it and not repeat the wrong words for him. Your task is to teach him to speak slower. Most likely, the child rushes not only to say, so it is necessary to normalize the entire motor mode of the kid using quiet games. The family atmosphere should also be smooth, calm.

    Parents must be remembered that if the child is easily excited, there is a restlessly sleeping and the like, you should not read too much, telling long fairy tales, in a hurry to teach difficult words and complex phrases. This is especially true of children who have speech disorders allowed for this age. Against the background of unrequited articulation, the abundance of new words will easily lead to the "breakdown" of nervous activity. In other words, the level of development of the speech must correspond to the level of development of the baby as a whole. When this does not occur, the risk of stuttering appears.

    It should be borne in mind that stuttering after treatment can resume. There are age periods in which the beginning of the disease or its renewal is most likely (from 2 to 6 years). The reasons for relapse are the same as the reasons originally caused by stuttering: conflicts in the family, overwork, weakening the body of infection. Consequently, the resumption of stuttering can be warned if the surrounding people try to create a calm atmosphere for the child.

    Speech disorders associated with hearing impairment

    Already in the first year of life, you can draw conclusions about the level of speech development of the child. You should pay attention to the consultation. "If in 3-4 months it is not complicated and does not go to the bow, but gradually fades, it may indicate serious hearing impairments. It is necessary to examine the child's rumor as soon as possible, to turn to the otolaryngologist, to make an audiogram.

    How to check the rumor of the child at home?

    The simplest method of checking the hearing is to study it with the help of a honest and usual spoken speech. Being at a distance of 5-6 meters from the kid (he's back to you), say the words well-known words with the whisper. Children having a full-fledged hearing usually capture a whisper. If the child does not hear at such a distance, it is necessary to gradually approach him until he can repeat all the words you have said.

    In the process of the survey, it is necessary to take into account the overall condition of the baby: fatigue, attention, readiness for the task. The tired child is easily distracted, does not perceive the meaning of the task set before him and can give inaccurate answers. In the case when Kroch does not have an oral speech and does not understand verbal instructions, you can use sounding (tambourine, whistle) and voiced (bird, barking dog, etc.) toys.

    If the child does not hear a whisper, go away from it to the old distance and say other familiar words to him with the voice of the usual spoken volume. This way you can install, at what distance the baby hears a normal speech. I suspect that he hears badly, it should be referred to as an otolaryngologist. If an early child's child hears the speech of the usual colloquial volume at a distance of 3-4 meters (that is, physical hearing is normal), you can help developing his speech at home (19).

    With a hearing impairment, the greatest positive effect gives early correctional work. If the baby is shown the auditory apparatus, it must be used - with the help of the device it can be developed sufficiently successfully. It is necessary to talk with the baby leisurely, so that he had the opportunity to see your face, facial expressions, articulation during the pronouncement of words you will develop the skill to read on lips.

    Underdevelopment of speech or loss of previous speech

    There is a violation of speech activity - alalia, which may arise due to the late ripening of nerve cells of the speech zone of the left hemisphere or as a result of early damage to these cells in infections, intoxications, generic injuries, shortly after birth. There is a motor alalia when the child's speech is poorly developed, and the sensory, when the understanding of the speech of other people is disturbed. Most often there is a mixed form of alalia with a predominance of motor or sensory disorders. The speech of children suffering from Alalia is developing late, the stock of words is replenished slowly, they do not change words by numbers, cases, there are no words ligaments in the sentence, so at 7-8 years old, the child says as a 2-3-year-old baby ("Katya walks the garden" ). It is difficult for them to be given the sequence of sounding sounds, so they are poorly read and poorly understood. Such children are not well developed as a common motorcycle (they are sedimed, awkwards, slower) and the movements of the fingers.

    With this diagnosis, exercises are very effective, exercises for the development of finely coordinated movements of the hands (examples of such tasks, we give further). Not only a speech therapist, but also a psychologist, a defectologist, psychoneurologist and other specialists (LFK, Massage) should take part in working with such children.

    If the speech was already formed, but it turned out to be lost due to the focal lesion of the brain's speech zones, we can still talk about one speech violation - aphasia. Even a very heavy form of this violation passes in children relatively quickly, if the main reason for the disorder of speech is eliminated - the brain tumor has been removed, hemorrhage resulted after injury, etc.

    An important part of the correctional work with the invalid children is the games and exercises aimed at improving the movements of the articulation organs, the removal of their muscle tension, the formation of the ability to feel and monitor their movements.

    In relation to early children (up to 5 years), which are mastering speech skills in a later date, experts often use the diagnosis of the VIR (speech development delay). This diagnosis can be placed both independent and be a sign of some serious violation. To understand this, it is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe ageal features of the development of the speech, which will be discussed below.

    When you need to seek help from specialists

    By the end of the first year of life, at a stored hearing, a child begins to develop an understanding of speech. If this does not happen, that is, the baby does not turn on to the work on the imitation of the actions and speech of adults, is not active in classes with toys, then you can suspend the underdevelopment of intelligence.

    In this case, the sense side of speech will be more suffered, so the main assistance should be aimed at developing cognitive interests.

    If a child has a normal hearing in 2 years, and it is not developed, he needs active communication with adults through gestures and any sounds, and then words will have to appear in the near future.

    2 years old baby 2 years old, and he still does not say? It is necessary to start special classes to form a conversation need. At this age, if the baby has problems with speech, it must be shown to those skilled in the art and examine.

    Adults in no case should the child be reproached for experiencing certain difficulties in the process of speech communication, as it can cause fear before the need to speak, fear of allowing a mistake. The baby must be encouraged and maintaining the slightest attempt to use the words. It should be specifically to create such situations in which Kroch will be forced to say anything.

    If, with a stacked hearing and normal intelligence to three years, there is no phrase, or it uses the wrong sentences, we can talk about systemic violations of speech (in understanding the meaning of words, changes, application).

    The speech of such children is better developed in the process of any activity, so you need to carry out joint games, attract the baby to work around the house, read it simple on the content of the book, give comments to everything that sees and makes a child. When communicating with the baby, it is necessary to use simple few-sending proposals, and words for repetition should be used in different case of case.

    If a four-year-old baby, sound-proof is significantly lagging behind the norm, that is, there are numerous substitutions in the speech: instead of hissing, whistles are pronounced (sh-s, zh-s-s), the sound of p is replaced by l, el or th, the replacement of solid consonants relevant Soft, - This indicates a violation of the phonamatic hearing and, accordingly, the need to hold classes in order to develop it.

    There may also be distinguished pronunciation of individual consonants: p thoring; R mon space (i.e. pronounced without vibration of the tip of the tongue); l two-minded, similar to English W; Whistling sounds with, s, c, pronounced with the exposure of the tip of the tongue between the teeth.

    These speech defects are not age and themselves will not disappear, so parents do not need to postpone their correction at a later date, so as not to fix in the speech incorrect pronunciation. To set the sound, contact a specialist, and help the child to work out the ability to use the supplied sound can also themselves. The first time the kid in some words can pronounce the sound as it should, and in others - still replacing it. The role of adults is to correct the baby and ask to repeat the word true. When fixing the sound, those words that the child utters is used correctly.

    By the five-year-old age, underdeveloped connected speech, low speech activity, lack of curiosity, poor vocabulary can talk about mental delay (CPR).

    A child with ZPR needs to intensify cognitive interests, for which he needs to read more books about nature, about animals, encourage him to retelling texts.

    Summing up the above, I would like to note that it is necessary to pay attention to the problems that can appear in the early stages of the child's development. If your baby is the second year, and it does not mean, low-effective, poorly goes on contact, little emotional, - all this should alert the parents. Such a child should show a neurologist, a otolaryngologist, a speech therapist, make the EEG - the electroencephalography of the brain, if necessary - an audiogram for hearing check. It is better to prevent those problems that may occur later than to face them.

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