Why it is worth abandoning meat. Why do people refuse meat? What is generally harmful and what is useful

Olga Shestakova

The refusal of meat in the modern world is practiced quite often, and it should be attributed to the fashion canon rather than to ethical beliefs. But some people become vegetarians exclusively in order to lose weight or improve their own organism. How justified this action, is it harmful to refuse meat?

Myths and false statements about vegetarianism

Vegetarian food adherents unanimously argue that animal products used in eating on a daily basis only harm human health. Myathers protest against such statements, emphasizing that the man was originally omnivorous, and was so conceived by nature.

Indeed, any nutrition coming to our table in the usual mode performs certain functions for the body.

Around "Plant" Nutrition hoveings many myths that we decided to partially debunk.

Therefore, if you decide to become a vegetarian, it is important to know how harmful it can be, and is the benefit of this venture for your well-being. In this material, we present the most neutral assessment of a vegetarian diet based on a variety of facts and medical research. Before abandoning the products of animal origin, you should find out what could be the consequences of a radical change of lifestyle.

How joined the rejection of animal food, and whether its causes in the true position of things are weighted? Under the influence of mass propaganda, each of us, at least once, thought about how "badly" he comes, absorbing the calf chop. This is added publicly available documentary videos from scothes, seeing which many people began to experience a resistant disgust for meat products.

Let's analyze the main, the most common misconceptions about vegetarian food systems in order to understand what propaganda is true, and what is the root of false.

Myth 1: "I am a man, I'm talking, I do not live instincts. In my favor, with refusal of meat, the salvation of hundreds of animals includes

In fact, you do not save anyone. Maximum - increase the waste of the meat processing industry, and that, together with you, at the same time, a couple of thousand people dwelling near the product are refused.

You think that you can not have a living being. But do not mushrooms, vegetables and fruits are not alive organisms?

Why don't you feel a shame, tearing off a unwanted apricot from the tree branch, but feel like a scary man, having a fright chicken steak?

Is it worth saying that in view of the doubtful idea, you deprive your own body mass of useful substances, jeopardized your health condition?

The most strange vegetarians with "Moral-ethical" Attractors are those that are happy to absorb the bird, fish and seafood, but fiercely defend the rights of cows and pigs. In addition to them, there are other individuals - vegans that do not consume even dairy products. Do they know what flour is not a subsidy cow, and what would happen to all the animals of the world if people completely refused milk?

Myth 2: "If the meat fails, you can easily lose weight in a short time"

In fact, everything is exactly the opposite.

A person who complies with a vegetarian diet, due to the lack of some extremely important substances for him, actively "lines" for carbohydrates, often not the most "complex".

There are waffles, cakes, cookies, cakes, pasta -slovsa, which can saturate and help forget about meat. Corollary - extra kilograms, and often obesity.

By the way, the most fashionable, and truly effective diets are built on the principle of protein advantage in the diet. And protein, as is known, concentrates only in animal products.

Nourishing vegetable elements quickly "burn" in the body, provoking a resistant feeling of hunger, while meat is digested much longer and saturates much more substantially. If your excess weight is due to love for fastfood and sweets, if you have hypodynamia, if you are prone to completeness genetically, know - vegetarianism only aggravates your position.

Myth 3: "To be healthy, you need to refuse meat forever"

In fact, all people on Earth are equally susceptible to diseases, and protection from them provides an exceptionally strong immunity. Vegetarians suffer from various pathologies much more often than messenger. Lack of calcium and iron, anemia, hypovitaminosis B12 - this is an incomplete list of typical support syndromes of only vegetable food. Those who eat pork beef firing less prone to colds in epidemiological periods.

If you compare veal and apple, iron concentration in the second product will be much higher. But do not forget that it is absorbed only by 1/4, and extremely slow, in comparison with the substance from the "animal" analogue. As for life expectancy, in places of population of a large number of vegetarians, it is only 63-65 years. Therefore, if you really face your health and configured to saturate the body with vitamins - rational balanced nutrition should be the basis of your lifestyle.

Myth 4: "Vegetarianism helps save"

In fact, such doubtful benefits should not be taken into account at all. Some people claim that vegetation production will be cheaper to the world, and every individual person. But it is scary to imagine how much the land will have to plant to ensure that the population is saturated with the population, if it suddenly refuses meat.

Vegetarian diet is the most expensive. You can see this, practicing an experimental refusal of fish and meat for 1-2 weeks. Vegetables, fruits and nuts, especially in the winter season, cost extremely expensive.

Myth 5: "Monkeys do not eat meat, and since the person happened from them, he also should not do that"

In fact, a person - not gorilla and not Orangutang. With the same success, you can declare that the wolf feeds exclusively with meat, and vegetable food is not needed for its livelihoods.

It has long been proven that the correct, balanced vegetable diet is not only not inferior to meat, but also represents a more healthy choice.

Plant diet

The myth that meat needs to human body is steadily replaced by irrefutable facts and evidence in favor of plant food.

This does not mean that the use of meat in food is a priori harmful, but vegetable food is able to completely replace it, without any flaws. Vegetarianism and veganism are a more ethical, healthy and biologically reasonable form of nutrition.

According to the Medical Faculty of Harvard, the plant diet not only provides the body with all the necessary nutrients, but also brings great benefits to overall health, lengthens life expectancy, helps to combat chronic diseases, such as heart failure, cancer, diabetes and others.

These are the changes occur when moving to a vegetable diet.

Reduced harm caused by the environment

Today, meat production has become a huge, multi-billion dollar corporate industry, which takes care only to provide the world market in goods - so much meat, which would be enough to feed the entire population of the Earth, including vegetarians. Despite the fact that we do not need such a number of meat products, we still kill more than 70 billion goals of large cattle per year.

And not only the murder, but also the content of animals on meat farms is a cruel crime. The living conditions of animals cannot be called no other word, except for "torture." These horrors themselves can be caused by refusing to consume meat, reduce the number of meat products in a diet or more informed and organic meat selection.

In addition to the murder of billions of animals grown in order to eat, the meat industry destroys the ecology in incredible, unthinkable accommodation. The main reason for the destruction of tropical forests is the lack of fields for the cultivation of feed. To feed animals that grow on slaughter in disgusting conditions, the planet loses hundreds and thousands of hectares of the forest per day. Our thirst for meat leads to the complete destruction of hundreds of types of flora and fauna daily. Water costs for the production of meat phenomenally high: kilograms of processed beef requires about a hundred tons of water.

Reduced risk of diabetes mellitus

Millions of people around the world are pre-diabetics, that is, are in the risk zone of the raising of the disease. Several medical research binds the high risk of diabetes with the consumption of processed meat products, which contain vegetation protein. Mixed diet is twice as much more dangerous.

The body receives the right proteins in the required quantity.

Meat lovers protect their crave for the fact that the lack of proteins in the body leads to harmful consequences. However, excess proteins are also harmful as the disadvantage. With constant meat consumption, the body receives one and a half times more proteins that settle in a fat layer, leading to obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

The vegetable diet is characterized by the fact that even the excess protein is not harmful, because plant proteins, on the contrary, contribute to the prevention of listed diseases. In addition, vegetarians receiving balanced nutrition should not worry about excessive amounts of proteins. There is a simple rule: enough calories - enough proteins.

Few inflammation in the body

A huge number of people in the world consume meat semi-finished foods, despite the fact that they are closely related to the risk of growth of cancer cells in the body. The use of treated meat helps to strengthen and spread inflammatory processes not only in the gastrointestinal tract, but also in the body as a whole.

Chronic inflammatory processes are associated with atherosclerosis, heart failure, diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Vegetable products contain natural anti-inflammatory elements, besides, in nature, they cannot contribute to the strengthening of inflammatory processes, because they do not contain saturated fats and toxins.

Reduced cholesterol levels

The high level of cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of heart disease. Saturated animal fats, which are rich in meat, cheeses, butter and egg yolk, contribute to increasing cholesterol.

Turning to a vegetable diet, it is worth expecting significant drops into cholesterol in the blood. Many medical studies insist that the correct vegetable diet can also be as effective as pharmaceutical preparations. Therefore, those who need cardiovascular medicines can use them with a vegetarian diet for greater efficiency.

Improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract

A healthy stomach is extremely important for the overall health of the body and for the quality of life. The condition of the microflora of the stomach and intestines is especially important, which consists of a huge set of microorganisms living in the human body and perform various functions, for example, protect against diseases, infections and autoimmune infesses.

Vegetable food contributes to the maintenance of healthy intestinal microflora and the growth of useful bacteria accelerating metabolism. The fiber obtained from animal products, as opposed to vegetable, provokes the growth of harmful bacteria.

The stomachs of omnivorous mammals, including people, in the consumption of choline and carnitine, located in the meat of animals and birds, eggs, fish and dairy products, produce trimethylamininoxide - toxic organic compound. Trimethylamine accelerates the formation of cholesterol plaques and increases the risk of heart disease.

The stomach of vegetarians do not produce trimethylamine even after eating meat, because they have a healthier and strong microflora.

Increases life expectancy

A number of medical research has proven that the regular post contributes to the regeneration of the cells of the whole organism. In addition, a limited amount of calories consumed by the body during the post contributes to the destruction of cancer cells, reduces the amount of blood sugar and prolongs life.

Last year, the Person-Release of the University of Southern California revealed these studies confirming that compliance with the post with chemotherapy with chemotherapy reduces the number of cancer cells. This method is especially effective in combating colorectal cancer, as well as breast cancer and lungs.

Since the post consists mainly of vegetable food, refusal of meat or reduce its consumption in two or three times capable of extending life and maintain health.

The genetic structure of the body changes

A recent study showed that a number of factors may affect how active or passive genes in the human body are active. One of these factors is a vegetable diet. Vegaism or strict vegetarianism reduces the activity of genes causing prostate cancer in men with a low risk of disease. Vegetable food also contributes to the preservation of healthy DNA, reducing the risk of mutations and changes.

Vegetarianism is a power system based on a full or partial refusal of meat. Of course, such a "diet" has a moral side of the issue. But, you need to say right away, in this article it will not be taken into account. Consider vegetarianism precisely as a power system and try to understand its advantages and disadvantages.

Refusal to meat today in the trend. Most Hollywood actors and other famous people are proud to do not eat animal products in food. At the same time, they look great.

Making vegetarianism excellent advertising. But, you need to understand that the possibilities of the average person and the film actor will gently say, they differ slightly. Therefore, before abandoning food of animal origin, you need to learn all the advantages and disadvantages of this choice.

Vegetarianity benefits - Vegetarian advantages

Since planting food contains a minimum amount of fats, the refusal of meat allows you to lose weight. This is one of the main advantages of the vegetarian power supply system. Moreover, many joined this power system precisely because of the possibility of bringing their body in order.

  • Vegetable food has a small energy value, but it satisfies well the stomach
  • If the meat is replaced with vegetables and fruits, then you can not only reduce the subcutaneous fat, but also remove toxins and slags from the body. Eating vegetable food helps normalize metabolic processes in the body
  • As many studies show, adherents of vegetarianism suffer less from hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
  • Dishes from vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and microelements. Minerals such as potassium and magnesium, without which the human body will not work normally, can be obtained most of the products of plant origin: potatoes, bananas, buckwheat
  • In plant food, many complex carbohydrates, which are an excellent source of energy and are not postponed on the sides and buttocks in the form of fat. That is why vegetarians look more slender and tightened

Vegetarianism - Minuses

  • In plant food a lot of useful substances and vitamins. But, there is extremely few of the most important substance for all living things - protein
  • Yes, it is present in vegetables and fruits. But, vegetable protein has a small amino acid composition. What does not allow it to be used as a change in meat protein. Moreover, the vegetable protein is worse than the organism
  • The lack of protein over time can affect the work of the immune and reproductive system.
  • Of course, it is possible to replace the animal protein vegetable. To do this, it is necessary to combine products in its diet with different amino acid composition. But, it is very difficult to take into account and at least need to have a special education.
  • But, not only the lack of protein should worry vegetarians. If you decide to abandon meat, you need to include products rich in iron in your ration. This macroelement is widespread in the plant world. But, the iron is absorbed from plant products much worse than meat

The lack of iron can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin and endocrine failures.

Important: Iron is best absorbed with lemon or ascorbic acids. As well as fructose. This must be considered by selecting your vegetarian power mode.

If you decide to abandon meat, you also need to know about what is likely that your body will suffer vitamins: B2, B12, A, D and trace elements: selenium, copper, zinc and calcium. Therefore, it is very important to increase the consumption of plant products in which these substances are presented in large quantities.

It is also worth considering the financial side of the issue. Prices for fresh fruits and vegetables are quite high today. Especially in winter. In addition, many vegetarian recipes require imported vegetables and fruits that are difficult to replace with domestic products.

Refusal of meat - pluses

Failure to meat can really give its advantages. According to the British cancer research magazine, vegetarians have 12% less risk of oncology than people who regularly use meat. But, unfortunately, English specialists did not led the data on what the amount of meat lovers consumed.

  • Vegetable food is easier to digest. Especially if it is not exposed to heat treatment. Therefore, vegetarians, and especially raw foods, are restored faster
  • They need to sleep less time. This is due to the fact that vegetable food, thanks to enzymes, relieves the load from the digestive system. And the body spends less energy to digest
  • If the meat failures, it is possible to reduce cholesterol levels in the body. First, one of the reasons for increasing this substance in the body is fatty food of animal origin. Secondly, vegetable products contain substances that can derive extra cholesterol from the body. Especially this garlic is famous
  • You also need to know that with excessive use of meat products, the intestine will not be able to quickly recycle them. This will lead to the emergence of grinding processes in the body. It will begin to form slags, which, when entering the blood, will cause various problems

Minuses of refusal of meat

  • Refusal of animal products has its drawbacks:

    If you still decided to abandon meat, then seriously consider your diet. Some amino acids from this product are indispensable for the human body and can only get into it from the outside.

  • And if the first time the vegetarian will not notice the changes, then after 5-7 years, the representative of such a system will decrease immunity
  • Especially negatively affects the absence of animal products in the children's body. Child for growth is needed meat and fish. In addition to the protein, such products contain a large number of nutrients that are necessary for children for the right development.
  • With the help of vegetable food, you can "close" the need for the body in alpha-linolenic acid, but not in Omega-3. But, it is this fatty acid that is necessary for the body for the proper operation of the musculoskeletal system, the nervous and cardiovascular system.
  • Without Omaga-3, it is impossible to keep hair and the skin in order. Of course, it can be included in your diet more walnuts and linseed oil. But, then these products have to have all day

Creatine falls into the body with meat. This substance in large quantities is contained in beef. If the vegetarians refuse, creatine failure can develop. What will affect the fast fatigue, a decrease in physical activity and memory.

Important: The rejection of meat first will give many positive moments. But when the body will begin a lack of useful substances that can only be obtained from meat, failures in its work can begin. That is why vegetarians need to be 5 days a week, allocating for themselves two days to replenish the body's needs in animal food. Remember, at the beginning of the article, no moral parties were promised. Only science.

How to refuse meat?

If you have weighed everything and against and decided all these to refuse meat, then you should not immediately begin to agitate the rest of the seven, but even more so install the floral diet for your children.

Before the final refusal of meat, you need to prepare your gastrointestinal tract. To do this, make several unloading days: kefir, vegetable and fruit. After that, it is necessary to gradually refuse first from the meat itself, and then from the broths on its basis.

IMPORTANT: Some directions of vegetarianism imply eating fish, eggs and other animal products. And, unlike the strict directions of such a system, it affects the body is not so negative.

After you excluded from your diet sausages, smoked meat and other "harmful" meat food can be moved on and exclude other less harmful products. But, at the same time, you need to follow your diet and fill the loss. With the help of beans, nuts and soybeans, you can increase the number of proteins consumed, iron and vitamins.

It is very important to include in the diet products rich in calcium. For example, asparagus, raisins, cabbage and, if you allow beliefs, milk and eggs. Soy cottage cheese Tofu helps to fill the need not only in vitamins, but also in protein. And as a source of zinc, you can choose buckwheat and corn.

After refusal from meat, it is necessary to diversify your diet. Be sure to buy a book of vegetarian recipes and discover a new dish every day. Ragu with mushrooms, paws from beans, stuffed vegetables, pizza with pepper and mushrooms, pancakes with fruit filling, etc. .. All this can help forever refuse meat. Of course, if such a task exists.

Refusal of meat consequences

Vegetarianism has undoubted advantages. Vegetable food is a natural antibiotic, which suppresses pathogenic bacteria breeding in the intestines. In addition, food without animal products is able to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol. Which reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

But, vegetable food does not contain any important amino acid, which our organism cannot synthesize. What makes it defective. Moreover, such a power system does not allow to obtain the body in full vitamin D.

His number in products of plant origin is minimal. Moreover, the remaining substances of such products prevent the normal absorption of this vitamin. The rejection of meat in childhood is especially dangerous. In the US, there is even such a diagnosis as "Early Nutritive Rahit of Teenagers." And it usually put the children of vegetarians.

Changes in the body after the failure of meat

  • If the meat failures, a person begins to hate several important substances. Including vitamin B12. The importance of this vitamin is difficult to overestimate. It is necessary for the formation and growth of blood cells
  • Therefore, its lack can lead to irreversible consequences. Some clinical studies have shown that the lack of this substance in milk-vegetarian mom even causes a anemia in a child, which is in breastfeeding. About such studies you can see the article by the magazine CLINICAL CHEMISTRY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE, 2009
  • Another negative change, which occurs in the body when the meat products fails, is the weakening of bone tissue. By the way, the aforementioned vitamin B12 also meets for it. In addition, vegetarians are not allowed and vitamin D, which is also responsible for the quality of bone tissue
  • That is why the mineral density of bone tissue in vegetarians is low. What leads to frequent fractures among representatives of such a power system. You can read about it in the journal Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetes, And Metabolism, №3, 2010

Kirill. It all depends on the person himself. If he shouts at every corner that he is a vegetarian, and he sits on buns and other flour products, then the benefits of such a system will not be. Rather, even on the contrary. Vegetarianism is not just the absence of meat in the diet. This is the power system. It must be studied and selecting a balanced diet. Otherwise you can harm your body.

Svetlana. My mother works as a gastroenterologist. She says, notes many advantages of vegetarianism, but also says that it is impossible to completely refuse meat. Only in meat protein is absorbed by 98%. Yes, and iron from such products get easier. Usually vegetarians feel great for several years. And it strengthens their faith in the failure of meat. But, then some substances are fully produced by the body. What can lead to problems with the conception of a child and even anemia.

Video: Nutrition of vegetable food - benefit and harm!

We often hear that with healthy diet, it is necessary to limit meat consumption, and some nutritionists are completely compared for the refusal of this product. But how to eat without meat, so as not to harm your health and ensure the saturation of the body with the necessary proteins and fats, which are contained in meat?

Refusal of meat as a food product is called vegetarianism. Some come to vegetarianism from the considerations of compassion for animals that are killed for food, and for others this step is dictated by concern about their health. Whatever motives have not pursued a person who has decided to eliminate meat from his diet, he must remember that proteins that are contained in meat require replacement in the form of other products, otherwise such a diet will be exclusively harmful to the health and overall body.

How to eat without meat:

  1. Replacing meat fish.
  2. Products that should always be on the table at Vegetarian.

Nutritionists do not recommend abandoning all the products of animal origin. Those. In case of refusal of meat, the source of the necessary protein organism can become dairy products. It is cottage cheese, and cheeses, and milk who will be saturated with proteins. Consumption of such products should be regular.
To calculate the required amount of protein in the diet for a day, we should take into account the mass of your body. Experts argue that the daily rate of the protein is one and a half grams per kilogram of weight. A glass of natural milk contains about 8 grams of protein.

Another alternative source of proteins is grain and legumes. To fill the shortage of the protein associated with the refusal of meat in the diet, it is necessary to regularly eat beans, peas, lentils, soy, rice and other cereals. A glass of beans, for example, contains about 15 grams of protein.

Replacing meat fish

Fish and seafood are very useful food, which is rich in various elements, which are vital for the normal state of the human body. In addition, fatty fish is a product that is able to give a man longevity and strengthen his health.

But can the fish completely replace meat? By the number of vitamins and useful trace elements, fish significantly exceeds meat products. For example, in fish there are many vitamins of groups in and and what can not boast meat. However, iron that enters the body along with the fish is much worse than that, the source of which is meat. But fish fat is much more useful meat, so the fish diet is not suitable for people who suffer from the overaffect of cholesterol and concomitant diseases with this phenomenon.

If you have decided to abandon meat as a food product, do not hurry and do not make any cardinal changes quickly. The human body gets used to and adapts to the circumstances of its livelihoods. And if you used daily meat, but suddenly decided that it was time for you to revise your diet, the body negatively responds to such a change. Therefore, it is impossible to refuse meat overnight. Stretch this process, make it gradual, gradually reducing the amount of meat in the diet, as well as the number of days when you eat meat products. Over time, the meat will disappear at all from your plate, and you do not feel discomfort from such a change in nutrition.

Not everyone and not under all circumstances will be equally useful to refuse to eat meat products. Therefore, before it decides to such a step, you need to take advice from the doctor who will appreciate the condition of the body and its readiness to revise the usual diet. If a pregnant woman declined to refuse meat, she should simply wait with such a decision. And to level the harmful effects of meat on the body, by changing the used varieties of meat and abandoning fatty pork in favor of dietary meat of birds and rabbit.

Many articles of vegetable or just healthy nutrition, ministers of various cults and religions are the case proclaimed the refusal of meat is hardly the most important in the history of human development. If you remove the moral side of the issue of refusal from meat or unconditional love for dishes from it, as evidenced by the data of anatomy, biology and dietology? Will there be a complete renewal and rehabilitation of the organism after the refusal of meat products - or, on the contrary, the state will soon deteriorate? Consider the consequences of such a refusal, the main advantages and disadvantages that objectively may arise if the meat can be removed from the daily ration.

Structure of man

Our body is designed to fully comply with the functions and objectives that were originally conceived by nature. The millennium of civilization brought their fruits: Today, for example, some vegetarians tend to say that it is necessary to abandon the usual food model with animal proteins and culinary food treatment, because it reduces the term of human life and leads to various diseases from early age. How is a man and whether our biological structure initially does not imply food with meat?

The structure of man's teeth is closest to predators: we have sharp cutters, not too developed, but noticeable fangs and flat chewable indigenous teeth. They are covered with enamel, which is quite quickly thinned and erased if only coarse vegetable food will be present in the diet. In other words, the lack of vitamin D, iron and calcium rather quickly leads to sad consequences: the destruction of the teeth, for example. These trace elements can be obtained in other ways, but most of them enters the body with protein food - in particular, with meat.

It is important to take into account this moment in the case of a conscious or forced refusal of meat - regardless of the reasons that the person prompted to make such a choice. Caring for teeth should be particularly thorough, it is necessary to conduct constant prevention of damage to enamel and, of course, take vitamins.

The composition of saliva brings us to herbivore

It is quite curious that saliva predators are chemically sour and no enzymes. Herbivore saliva is alkaline and it contains many enzymes that help to digest a large amount of starch. The human saliva is approximately in the middle, it is a very weak alkaline character. At the same time, the body conditionally healthy person is able to digest the grass, and meat - and chemical treatment of food of both types begins at the time of contact with saliva. It is not known whether this happened as a result of evolutionary processes or the person was originally "designed" under the diet, which includes both types of food.

The structure of the intestine

It is about the same, partly paradoxical, the situation: predators have a rather short intestine, and in herbal animals it can easily exceed growth up to 25 times, since vegetable food is digested much slower than the same proteins.

The intestine is longer than the growth of about eight times - and this is another proof that we can digest and light vegetable and vegetable food, and energetically heavy meat. It is worth it, however, to take into account that the number of one or the other should be small or medium, otherwise the consequences in the form of problems with digestion can not be avoided. This is especially true of those situations where proteins, carbohydrates and dietary fibers are used by a person at the same time in large volumes.

Moral and spiritual arguments of vegetarians

It can be said that vegetativeness and various subspecies, including full raw food of monopodes, are becoming popular to the degree of trendness. More and more people cease to eat meat from considerations of humanism and love for animals. These arguments are quite easy to understand and even agree with them, but the adherents of almost any nutrition system can lead exactly the same slim base of arguments, including those who recognize the presence of mind in the grass and colors.

Perhaps, in our time it is impossible to regulate artificially, whether a person will have meat or goes only on plant food. Everyone does the choice of conscious age, often independently of religion and social environment, although they play a very big role.

Even if the kid from childhood was fed only by fish or fruit - there is no guarantee that it will not be a meat in the future - the consequences of this kind of predict is impossible. One who received bifhtectes for lunch since childhood can grow a pacifist. Sometimes such a person, even raised in the culture of meat, becomes a vegetarian from banal considerations of a diet or physiological necessity, while his children, for example, can safely continue meat.

Antibiotics in meat

Some species of birds and meat, which we have on the table, unfortunately, can be infected with Salmonella - especially for private and small farms, whose products do not pass hard state quality control. In living animals, this ailment can cause sharp intestinal diseases, so for the treatment and prevention, meat manufacturers often use antibiotics. Of course, they do not have time to completely get out of the blood and muscle fibers before the animal becomes a steak or cutlet - and such food carries harm.

Thermal and chemical processing only partly destroy residual antibiotics, so that some part of them inevitably falls into our bodies together with meat eaten. It is for this reason that our body sometimes resumes many drugs from the pharmacy and requires an increasing and greater dosage.

The exact same situation with dairy products - but, according to conscience, speaking, and with the industrial cultivation of vegetables and fruits things are not so beautiful, as advertising tells us. With them, we also obtain many chemicals and compounds, including very harmful - and sometimes the benefits are very dubious.

Is it possible to fully live without meat?

Of course, it is possible - moreover, the centenary experience of ancient cultures like Indian or some Asian suggests that the diet can be quite rich, nutrition - full and tasty, even without using animal proteins. Vegetable protein in large quantities is contained in legumes, nut and cereals. Subject to a sufficient number of fresh vegetables and fruits on the table, such a diet will not be called meager or insufficient.

Products of plant origin contain a large amount of fiber, which stimulates the processes of digestion and metabolism, improves the condition of nails, leather and hair and contributes to harmony due to low energy value. There will be no full-fledged replacement for an animal protein, but there are many additives and vitamins, including synthetic, which successfully compensate for this flaw.

Amino acids in plant products

Amino acids whose values \u200b\u200bsay so many supporters of meat, it can be found in plant cultures. For example, in a sesame - he, by the way, also the champion in the content of calcium, cottage cheese and milk lose to him in this indicator. Peanuts and even pumpkin are very rich in the amino acids necessary for human health.

Gisin is contained in solid quantities in both peanuts, the amino acid valine - in mushrooms and fermented soy products. Isoleucine can be found in nuts - almond, cashew, hazelnut or nute. Leucine is part of the brown and brown rice, cereals, lentils and nuts. In all, without exception, methionine and threonine are contained.

Is it worth refusing meat completely?

How else to find the golden middle, it is still worth abandoning meat completely, given all the pros and cons, benefits and harm, or make a diet in some other way? Most nutritionists are currently holding a very careful opinion on this issue: even if there are indications for the restriction of animal proteins, they gently continue to advise not to abandon completely from meat.

Much wisely, experts believe, approach any choice without too much fanaticism and reasonable. If the meat for your use remains on the table, you need to choose only high-quality varieties from respected manufacturers and prepare it so as to maintain all nutritious and useful quality.

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