Papillomas appeared during pregnancy - what to do. Papillomas are removed during pregnancy. Influence of a papilloma virus on pregnancy. HPV and pregnancy: features, risk for the fetus, symptoms, influence on the conception of papilloma cervix prevents

The good health of the future mother is very important for the normal course of pregnancy and the correct development of the baby. But during the battery period, the woman more than others is subject to different diseases. In addition, many diseases may develop even until conception. The appearance of papilloma during pregnancy is not uncommon, mainly due to the decrease in the immunity of the future mother and the presence in its body of the human papilloma virus (HPV). It is also called papillomavirus infection, it provokes the development of diseases such as papillomatosis and condylomatosis.

Consider how papillomas are manifested during pregnancy, how they affect the human body and fetus and what methods of treating papillomavirus infection exist.

Causes and symptoms by papilloma during pregnancy

The papilloma virus is striking the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the top layer of the skin. Infection occurs when contacting the mucous membranes or the skin of the patient. After such contact, the causative agent remains at the place of implementation and is developing there, it does not fall into the blood and other organs.

The genital form of the disease is usually transmitted by sexual path. If the woman had papillomas during pregnancy, then there is a big risk of transferring the virus to a child from the mother.

For this infection, the latent (hidden) current and sufficiently long incubation period (from 3 months to 2-3 years) are characterized. In such cases, it is possible to detect it only with the help of blood test. In some patients, the papilloma virus asymptomatically exists in the body from birth, and only with weakening immunity can manifest itself in adulthood. As a result of its activation, the virus begins to multiply strongly and the patient has symptoms of the disease.

Signs of the presence of a papilloma virus during pregnancy depend on what type of pathogen struck the woman. There are more than 100 different HPV strains. But most often there are strains provoking the appearance of pointed ward, papilloma (warts) and flat cervical conceons.

Pointed Condylomes are usually localized in those places that are injured during sexual contact. They may be single or multiple (focal). In women, condylomas are most often formed on small and large sex lips. The size of the neoplasms is 1-30 mm, they are located on a narrow "leg" and shaped resemble a cauliflower or a roastish comb. With a large size and / or quantity, the circuit breeding is often traumatized. Such growths often impede normal sexual life, cause discomfort.

Warts (viral papillomas) can independently appear and disappear. The frequent appearance of viral papilloma during pregnancy is associated with a decrease in the protective forces of the female organism during this period. Warts grow in any place of the body, their color is no different from the color of the skin.

The Flat Cervical Cervical Cervices is a manifestation of a chronic viral infection that caused changes in the cells of the mucosal cervix. Quite often it combines with pointed wives on the genital lips of a woman.

How does the papilloma virus affect pregnancy

Papillomas during pregnancy tend to increase in size, which in rare cases causes complications during the generic process. Primary infection of HPV during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage. It remains a controversial question of whether such an infection causes malformations of the fetus. Most experts believe that the causative agent penetrates the body of the baby through the cervical channel and the fetal shells as a rising way or infection occurs during the passage of the child by generic paths.

Very rarely in children born from patients of mothers developing papillomatosis of bronchi, trachea and larynx, warts in the field of anus and outdoor genitals are formed. The presence of a papilloma during pregnancy is not a contraindication to natural breeds. The cesarean section can be carried out in the case of a giant condyloma, which is able to make it difficult to pass through the child's way.

Diagnosing papilloma virus during pregnancy

The main diagnostic method is the usual gynecological examination of a woman. To confirm the diagnosis, a cytological study is used (take the scraping from the surface of the cervical and cervical canal) or colposcopy (study of the mucous membrane and the uterine neck with the help of Colposcope).

In addition, the analysis of the papilloma virus during pregnancy is appointed to all women during registration. If necessary, the future mother is conducted by a study that allows you to identify most of the HPV strains.

Treatment of the disease

In the arsenal of modern medicine there are no such therapeutic measures, with which it would be possible to completely get rid of papillomavirus infection. As a rule, doctors treat not the virus itself, but its manifestations. The effectiveness of such therapy is 50-70%, while in 25% of cases it manifests itself a few months after the completion of treatment. Along with this, spontaneous cure is often observed.

The feasibility of treatment with papilloma during pregnancy is solved individually for each patient. In any case, the doctor recommends that the future mother avoid those factors that can provoke exacerbation of this disease, in particular hypothermia, chronic fatigue, strong psychological stresses, avitaminosis. In the treatment of papillom, during pregnancy, trichloroacetic acid preparations and physical methods (cryodestruction, diathermocoagulation, laser and therapy, electrosurgical excision) are usually used. At the same time, immunological agents are often used with local applications - special proteins produced by the immune system in response to a viral infection. These drugs include: Viferon, Refaferon, Keeferon, etc. Often the woman is prescribed vitamins A, C and beta-carotene.

Papillomavirus is sick with almost 90% of the total population. In gynecology, this virus is the most frequent disease of the sexual sphere. A variety of this virus is so wide that they allocate up to hundreds of strains. Some of them are quite dangerous and can lead to cancer. A person can find out that he has an oncological disease on the soil by papillom only 10-15 years after infection.

Papilloma of the cervix is \u200b\u200ba neoplasm on the neck of a single or multiple nature, which consists of epithelial and connective tissue. Such warts and growths begin to form after infection with the virus. How can I get infected with this disease?

Causes of the disease

There is a common belief that papillomas can be infected only by sex, but is it? Independent sexual intercourse with an infected partner entails infection with this virus. However, this is not the only reason for infection. Pay attention to the list below.

  • The papilloma virus can get from the partner to the partner even if the pair uses a condom. Sometimes to get on the mucous meat, he even a kiss with a sick person.
  • Infection can occur even by the household. For example, when visiting the sauna, swimming pool, solarium and the beach. Try not to use other people's sheets and washcloths.
  • Papillomavirus is transmitted from the mother to the child through the generic paths.
  • The decrease in immunity creates a favorable soil for breeding candidal. Immunity may decrease by the following reasons:
  • Stress;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Tobacocco;
  • Sick stomach.

All varieties of papillomavirus are quite racks in the conditions of the external environment. Therefore, try to avoid using personal things and hygienic tools of other people. Not contacting with an infected person can personally be infected with this infection by the household.


Papillomas on the cervix have a variety of forms and manifestations depending on the strain of the virus that caused them.

  • Pointed Condylomes. These highlights of the cervix are talking about the viral etiology of the disease. Ultimately causes acute infection. They appear instantly and have the shape of sea cabbage on a small leg. There are single and grouped. Signs of this type of papilloma - itching, burning and sometimes bleeding. If you do not pay attention to the disease in time, then they can go to the external genitals.
  • Flat stitching papilloma cervix. This type of neoplasms is the most dangerous. The flat-mellular species indicates that the virus in the genitals moved to the chronic phase and multiply deeply in the tissues. Manifests in the form of itching, burning and pain. This type of papilloma most often develops into oncology.
  • Inverted education. Papilloma data behave like malignant. They germinate deeply in the tissue and destroy the cervix.
  • Papillomatosis. This disease caused by the spread of formations on mucous tissues and on the surface of the skin. They look like flat-belling, as well as pointed conclimates. Often, group growth is observed by armpits, in hand, eyelids, larynx. The genitals are the most affected part of the body with papillomatosis.

Papilloma cervix in pregnancy

Viral papilloma in pregnancy with exacerbation is a danger to the life and health of a woman. Papillary Condylomes are characterized by a strong exofite (outside epithelium) growth.

Danger is a compression of surrounding tissues by large formation. Inverted flat warts with endophyte growth represent a smaller danger.

To identify these morphological forms allows the colposcopic examination. With the help of the probe introduced into the Woman's vagina, it is possible to examine the genitals, the cervix.

Microscopic examination allows you to clearly define the boundaries of the lesion. Special screening tests make it possible to differentiate between the main morphological forms of the disease:

  • Giant Kondyloma Bushke-Levenshtein;
  • Bovenoid Papulose;
  • Cervical neoplasias;
  • Bowen's disease;
  • Epidermodesplazia Levandovsky Lutz.

Genital conglishers are located in the following places:

  1. Cervix;
  2. Vagina;
  3. Small sex lips;
  4. Penis head;
  5. Perianal region;
  6. Endooreral.

The incubation stage of the disease continues for about a year.

Studies of recent decades indicate a high frequency of HPV infection in women with cervical neoplasias. The different severity of pathology in women of the reproductive and post-glimacteric period indicates a significant impact on the nosology of immune factors.

With good protection, the pathology is asymptomatic. The decrease in immunity leads to active replication of the virus.

Among the combined with HPV infections occurs:

  • Chlamydia;
  • Cytomegalovirus;
  • Herpetic infection;
  • Mycoplasmosis;
  • Dysbiotic disorders.

The result of their influence on the course of papillomavirus infection is chronic flow, strengthening the pathological process, the development of inflammation of the urinary bodies, the difficulties of performing therapeutic measures.

During pregnancy, papillomatosis treatment and genital condylomate is based on the following principles:

  1. The presence of genital diseases associated with the human papilloma virus impair the prognostic forecast 3 times;
  2. Frequent recurrences of the disease require a long comprehensive treatment;
  3. Epithelization of erosive defects of the cervical cervical after the removal of condylomate is achieved faster. A similar situation is traced after the elimination of bacterial intrafinal vaginosis.

Ten years have continued clinical studies of the relationship between neoplasia of the cervical and venereal diseases. An increase in cancer frequency is revealed with a combination of HPV infection with syphilis, gonorades, chlamydia.

A person's papilloma virus has a feature - during pregnancy to get out of a persistent state into clinical forms.

The danger of the papillomas of the cervix during pregnancy consists in possible infection with the larynx virus, pathogenic effect on the trophoblast, which will cause a spontaneous abortion.

All drugs with destructive action (subophylline, subofillotoxin, etc.) have a damaging effect on the fruit, which is a direct contraindication to use.

If there are pronounced growths, it is possible to carry out a laser or current treatment, but only in 3 trimester.

Sometimes, to turn off the moment of passing the fetus for infected generic paths, resort to cesarean section.

Symptoms and signs

Clinical manifestations of papillomavirus infection are directly dependent on the state of immunity and the type of virus.

Symptoms of the disease can be transit (passing), latent (hidden) or persistent (periodically repeating).

About 80% of patients with HPV are facing the transient type of infection, this is the most favorable option in which the virus is output from the body without treatment.

The urogenital papillomavirus infection is manifested by polymorphic changes on the skin and mucous membranes of genital organs.

With the defeat of the cervix, the HPV uterine develops foci of lesions, which are accompanied by a sensation of itching, discomfort, discomfort during sexual intercourse, sometimes with bleeding discharges during vessel trauma. This statement is more suitable for the clinical and subclinical form of infection.

Independently, a woman is unlikely to be able to see the papillary cervix, because education is deep in the vagina and is visualized during the gynecological examination on the chair.

For latent flow, the absence of complaints, clinical and morphological manifestations is characteristic. In this case, observation is shown in the dynamics for the state of the cervix, vagina and vulva.

Diagnostics: What surveys are needed in papillomavirus infection

If the doctor suspected the presence of papillomavirus infection in the patient, it will act according to the following plan:

  • Inspection on the chair. With the help of a gynecologist mirror overlooks the cervix surface. So he visually sees whether there is neoplasms, papillomas, kondilomas, warts. Papillomas can perform on outdoor genital organs.
  • The next step will be the taking of material on PCR. This is the most effective method of detecting papilloma virus in the body.
  • In addition, it will be necessary to take the material for research on cytology. This will help determine whether women develop atypical cells.
  • Histology will determine the degree of development of papilloma and the degree of its processing in cancer.

Inspection on the gynecological chair

If, when inspection, the woman visualizes the erosion of the cervix, then the diagnosis of HPV will be justified, since papillomavirus infection may be caused by the cause of the ectopic defect formation.

Instrumental diagnostics

Extended colposcopy.

Liquid colposcopy.

Tests with acetic acid and a solution of Lugol allows diagnosing manifestations of papylummavirus infection.

Acetobal epithelium,
The presence of an atypical focus.

Papilloma on the neck of the uterus, after treatment with a solution of Lugol, acquires a flight similar to the "semolina".

Cytological confirmation.

A characteristic feature is the detection of cells with coylocyte and discratosis. In this case, it is possible to assume the development of CIN malignization (in place).

Biopsy with papilloma cervix.

1. After receiving atypical cells during cytological analysis,
2. With explicit signs of infection of HPV,
3. With colposcopy (oncogenic virus is not taken here to the calculation),
4. With minor changes on the neck of the uterus, but with the existing confirmed laboratory data on the presence of highly alcoholic types of HPV.


Condylomes with discratosis and acanthosis,

Cin varying

Malignant tumor cervix.

The person's papillomavirus virus is very common: about 90% of the world's population are its carriers. Infection can occur by sex, contact-household or during childbirth. For a long time, the disease may not appear in any way, but the woman comes pregnancy, and Papilloma passes into the stage of exacerbation. The neoplasms more often appear on the skin of the neck, cheeks, chest, armpits and in the groin area.

Papilloma is the name of the whole group of viruses. Therefore, in order to answer the question of its danger during pregnancy, it is necessary to determine the type and localization. Sometimes the infection does not pose any threat to the child, sometimes requires treatment.

Papillomirus infection for a long time can flow in a hidden form. The exacerbations occur with the decrease in immunity, for example, during pregnancy. According to statistics, about 80% of future mothers detect papillomas on their skin. Externally, the rash is the same as all other people: bodily color or just darker, rounded shape, often on the leg. But during this period they appear more largely and quickly.

The neoplasms themselves are painless, but inesthetical, so many women want them to eliminate them as soon as possible. The human papilloma virus can be non-uncogeneous and oncogenic, low or high risk of rebirth into the cancer tumor.

In order to find out how rashes include, it is necessary to carry out laboratory diagnostics.

Discomfort Deliver papillomas located in places of contact with the edge or seam of clothing, as well as on the bends of the limbs. In these cases, there is the likelihood of their damage and development of bleeding.

Especially kondylov fragile - similar to warts of growths that are attached to the surface with a thin leg. Often they are found on genitalia and can cause a feeling of discomfort, itching, suction or yellow-green vaginal discharge.

Effect on the body of pregnant and fruit

Since papillomas are viral disease, many women are concerned about their possible impact on the intrauterine development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy in general. If the neoplasms are not located on genitalia, then they do not represent any danger.

When papillomas are located on the genital organs, the rash growth is accelerated, the risk of damage and bleeding increases. Also appear vaginal discharge - a wet environment, ideal for the reproduction of HPV and other pathogens of infections. Against this background, violations of hormonal background and the decrease in immunity can occur.

In rare cases, genital papillomas can pass the child during childbirth. Often the infant body copes independently and the disease passes into the asymptomatic phase, not representing the danger. Sometimes after infection, the baby develops neoplasms on voice ligaments (papillomatomatosis of respiratory tract) or in other places. Such states are dangerous and require treatment, but they are extremely rare.

The reasons

The future mothers on the skin appear quickly and often cover large areas of the skin. The reasons for the exacerbation of papillomirovirus infection during pregnancy are as follows:

  • natural decrease in immunity required for successful baby toal;
  • aggravation of some chronic diseases;
  • hormonal changes that cause changes in the upper layers of the skin;
  • more frequent damage to the skin, which are associated with an increase in the weight of a woman, as well as with immune and endocrine changes;
  • sugar diabetes, exacerbating against the background of hormonal splashes.


The detection of papillomirus infection has a dermatologist or venereologist. Each type of virus is manifested in its own way. Based on the inspection data, it is possible to determine the diagnosis only in the case of pointed wings. However, it is impossible to determine their type and degree of oncogenicity without laboratory research methods.

The main method of diagnosis in papillomorovirus infection is the analysis of the PCR method. To obtain the material, the doctor makes scraping from the cervix (less often from the urethra). The essence of the method is that under the action of special enzymes, the amount of DNA of the virus in the sample increases in geometric progression. After that, the infection is easier to see with a microscope.

PCR diagnostics helps to detect the human papilloma virus, set to which type it refers to how oncogenene, as well as give it a quantitative assessment. The combination of these parameters is significant, it helps to determine when the infection occurred, and therefore those people who were carriers and need treatment.

In some cases, biopsy is appointed to obtain more accurate information about the characteristics of the structure of the tissue and the correctness of the layers. These histological analysis make it possible to judge the stage of the disease and the risk of rebirth formations into cancer.


If a woman has pregnancy and papilloma, depending on how dangerous the virus, treatment can be carried out with or postponed until the end of the beating process. When localizing rashes in the future mom in places where skin injury often occurs, papillomas need to be removed.

To do this, surgical excision with local freezing of skin, cryodestruction, laser processing, electrocoagulation can be applied. But it is worth remembering that most of the papillomes disappear independently after delivery, therefore such intervention is an extreme measure required in the expanding of genital royal.

From the 28th week, the fetus has already formed all organs and the placenta partially protects it from harmful substances coming with the blood of the mother. From this period it is possible to use medicines. Mazi and gels are locally used: visiferon, solcoderm, acyclovir, oxolin ointment. Medications with immunomodulatory action are prescribed inside: Keeferon, Anaferon, Refaferon, Viferon.

Treatment of papillomorovirus infection is best carried out before pregnancy. This will help to avoid discomfort and unnecessary experiences in such a responsible period.


The most dangerous complication of papillomorovirus infection - cervical cancer, vagina or vulva. More than 30 types of genital HPV, 15 are oncogenic. In 70% of cases, viruses 16 and 18 types become the cause of a malignant tumor.

In addition to oncological diseases, without timely treatment of papillomas can be a source of infection. For example, Condylomes, raging, begin to be fused and bleed, with the result that the mucosa is covered with ulcers. Pump together with blood contribute to the spread of the inflammatory infection process. Immunity decreases, chronic diseases of various organs occur.

When pregnancy, the expressed growth of genital papillomes can prevent the natural process of childbirth. In such cases is carried out. The risk of complications in a child is low. Occasionally, infection occurs when passing through the generic paths, the disease manifests itself in the infant with papillomas in the respiratory tract, as well as on genitalia, anus, neck and armpits.


Despite the fact that the main way of transmission of sex infection, condoms do not protect against infection. Vaccine from papillomorovirus infection is under development. Therefore, prevention is based on maintaining the activity of the immune system: walking in the fresh air, balanced nutrition, receiving vitamin and mineral complexes, etc.

Also, in order to prevent the rashes, the pregnant woman needs to follow the weight gain and wear comfortable underwear made of natural fabric to avoid irritation of the groin area. If papillomas during pregnancy still appeared, then it is worth reporting to the doctor as soon as possible and discuss the need for treatment.

Pregnancy and papillomorovirus infection often proceed at the same time. The aggravation of the disease is provoked by a decrease in immunity, hormonal changes, weight gain. In most cases, it does not require treatment, since it does not pose a threat to the fetus and the process of carrying. But if the rashes deliver discomfort, local antiviral agents are used, immunomodulating drugs, and also practiced by papilloma surgically.

Useful video: Pregnancy planning for papillomolus infection

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Papillomas in women may appear during pregnancy, and it causes a certain concern. Can viral infection affect the course of pregnancy and child health? Specialists argue that it is hardly possible. Of course, there is a chance that papillomas at intimate places will increase in the amount due to changes in the immune system, hormonal restructuring of the body or increase vaginal discharge, but for a woman and child it is usually not dangerous. The virus can be transmitted from the mother to the child, but the kid's body itself copes with it, without any visible problems. Extremely rarely in the child can develop recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, but it is very unlikely.

How to treat papillomas during pregnancy

There are no drugs that could destroy the papilloma virus. Therefore, papillomas during pregnancy doctors advise not to touch at all. After childbirth, they often disappear by themselves. And the existing methods of treatment with papilloma pregnant women may not come true, it is not absolutely safe for the health of the mother and the child.

If a doctor considers it necessary and possible, sometimes acid calying, cryosurgery, removal of a laser, electrode or scalpel is used for treatment. Do not attempt to treat pointed papillomas during pregnancy tools from warts offered in a pharmacy. If suspicion of cervical cancer does not arise, treatment is postponed for the period after delivery.

When the precancerous cells are found, one of the listed methods of treatment will be prescribed. These procedures can cause problems when entering a child, or prevent a woman to get pregnant. Complications depend on the severity of the disease caused by Papillomavirus, and on what amount of tissue is removed. If the precancerous cells are left without treatment, cervical cancer can develop and subsequent removal it. And this eliminates future pregnancy. Fortunately, cervical cancer, discovered in the early periods, cure.

As for the remaining cases of the disease, human papilloma virus is not associated with miscarriages, premature childbirth or other pregnancy complications. To the treatment of papilloma during pregnancy should be extremely careful. Some available natural agents can be used for this purpose.

For example, several times a day rub the affected fabric sections with fresh slice of garlic. With the daily use of the specified procedure, papillomas on the body must soon disappear. Similar effects are on the papillomas of onion slices, painted in vinegar and fresh berries of red rowan. They should be applied to the affected location overnight and binding.

The most important thing is that every woman must learn, any viral disease, including a person's papilloma virus during pregnancy, should be observed by the attending physician. Therefore, the appearance of characteristic signs of the disease or nonypical discharge from the vagina is the reason to immediately contact the appropriate medical institution.

According to the Research Institute of Virology. D.I.Ivanovsky, each third woman in reproductive age is infected with the papilloma virus. As is known, any chronic pathology in the human body can significantly weaken the protective properties of the body, lead to a number of sideils and complications. A reasonable question of each woman infected with HPV: "Is it possible to get pregnant in papillomavirus, and what are the risks for the health of the future child?"

Experts claim that a woman infected with HPV has a fairly high probability of having a docking and healthy kid. By itself, the papilloma virus cannot affect the conception of a child or to wear it, and you can pregnant with infected women. But getting into the human body, it contributes to the active development of epithelium cells, so the HPV-infected woman should minimize the effect of the virus on the fruit.

During pregnancy, the future mother is significantly reduced hormonal background, and many chronic diseases are exacerbated. It was during this period that the protective functions of the body weaken that it directly affects the activity of the virus.

In addition, in the period of the child's rings, the woman is significantly gaining in weight, leads a sedentary lifestyle, relieves stress of harmful food. This leads to the formation of fatty folds and microcracks on the skin. Activated, papillomas in large quantities are localized in the appeared folds, under the breast, on the neck.


As soon as you discovered papillomas on the skin or mucous membranes - immediately contact the clinic. Treatment of neoplasms during pregnancy requires an individual approach, and does not provide such emergency measures as removal.

Surgical intervention or cavity by papilloma is possible only in cases where they grow in the field of genitals, and cause discomfort in the form of a burning or itching. Events are carried out in the first and in the second trimester.

If directly before childbirth, HPV and numerous papillomas were identified, capable of preventing the toddler through the birthday paths, a woman is invited to make a cesarean section. Such kinds significantly reduce the risk of infection.

Antiviral gel - alklomen. Prevents the reproduction of affected cells in places of location of neoplasms. Ideally justified myself in the treatment of warts and herpes on the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Intimate spray - Epigen. It is used as a healing preparation. It is applied to the epithelium or mucosa place after the use of surgical treatment.

Useful additives

Bada - Epugallative, Indinol. These biological supplements greatly increase the protective functions of the body, directing the main forces to combat the papilloma virus. Well established themselves with complex drug therapy when removing the royal and treatment of the cervical erosion.

Tooling means - Derinate. It can be taken, both after the main treatment, as well as a preventive tool before pregnant.

Each of the drugs affects the further development of the virus, suspends the growth of neoplasms and blocks the reproduction of cells, strengthening immunity. However, other medicines recommended by the doctor can also be included in the drug complex, as applied to your case.

Diagnosis during pregnancy

If you have a papilloma virus during pregnancy - follow all the recommendations of specialists. Remember that the most important factor in having tooling the child should now become the strengthening of immunity. Even if the child is born infected, strong immunity will allow the baby to overcome pathology.

Throughout the period of pregnancy, attend a gynecologist regularly. It is necessary in order to track possible changes in the cervix and detect danger in time. The same is necessary when numerous ones, which have the ability during pregnancy to grow to very large sizes.

The main treatment of the virus by papillom in women is carried out after childbirth, so after 2-3 weeks after leaving the maternity hospital, you need to visit the gynecologist and pass the analysis of cytology.

The survey results will say how to conduct treatment and what methods to use when the neoplasia is deleted. According to statistics, 90% of women after childbirth, without having signs of an oncogenic strain, get rid of the virus on their own.

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