Patients in a vegetative state understand what is being said to them. Patients in a vegetative state understand what they are being told Who are vegetable people

There are vegetable people in the world who live like vegetables. And there are human vegetables who think like people. First of all, they seem to be people who do not represent any value to society... antisocial otherwise. There are many definitions of the concept of vegetables. This is how vegetables are interpreted in classical literature.

- “Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away..."

Enough! - The boy's indignation probably reached its limit. - Why do they endure?!

Well, Prince Lemon has a large guard, an army... - Mom judiciously smooths out the page.

But there are more others! There are a lot of them! - the boy, in despair, hits the book with his small fist, and it slams shut. - Why are they?!

The mother, slightly frightened by such a violent reaction from her son, is trying to find a calming remark when the man opposite looks up from his newspaper and, looking over his glasses at the revolutionary-minded boy, says loudly and clearly:

Because they are vegetables. This is a fairy tale about vegetables...

Vegetables are also sick, unable to do what those around them are doing, and because of this they lie listlessly, as well as drug addicts or alcoholics, but these do not lie, but stagger. Vegetables include lazy, sedentary slow people. This topic was revealed in the “Professions Reporter” episode on NTV and was called “We are not vegetables.” Vegetables also include office workers and senior managers. There is even a joke about this.

Putin, Medvedev, Gryzlov and Shoigu come to the restaurant. The waiter runs up and starts fussing:

Vladimir Vladimirovich! What will you eat?

Only meat? What about vegetables?

Vegetables will also be meat...

In medical slang in the West, patients with a dead cerebral cortex are cynically but accurately called “vegetables.” They live, breathe, eat for years (usually with the help of devices), but do not react to the outside world - they do not understand speech, do not speak, do not realize their condition, do not react to pain, light, voices of relatives, etc.

But there are exceptions here too. British and Belgian neurophysiologists conducted a study in Cambridge that ended in a sensation. It turned out that the patient in a “vegetative state,” that is, with a completely damaged cerebral cortex, hears and understands speech addressed to her.

Scientists stipulate that this is only the very first result; additional research will be required more sick. The brain may suffer from injuries and diseases different people differently. However, the findings again raise the vexing moral question of whether it is acceptable to take a person's life without their consent, even if they are in a vegetative state.

Who knows, maybe such a vegetable person is even happy in his condition and somewhere he may even be happy, but without asking, they want to deprive him of the pleasure of living as a vegetable by people who believe that maintaining such a life is an expensive pleasure. In our country, General Romanov has been living in a similar status for many years, whose wife, by the way, has repeatedly claimed that he hears and understands her and reacts to her speech, although doctors are firmly convinced of the opposite.

Any person, even a healthy one, wants to live like a vegetable: eat, sleep, rest, do nothing. And only the spirit (from consciousness) resists the body’s desire to drag a person into a state of degradation, turning into the status of a zombie vegetable striving for a comfort zone. If the spirit is weaker than the body, then this person is an ordinary vegetable, whose body orders the spirit “I want to rest, I want to eat, I don’t want to work.” And the spirit gives way.

If you notice that your butt is telling you “that it wants to sit a little longer,” make an effort, take courage and give your ass a good kick. If you can’t do it yourself, ask someone else to do it. Be the master of your body!

We will cover the topic of human vegetables in the second part.

Author Maria Danilova asked a question in the section Other about health and beauty

What does "vegetable man" mean? and got the best answer

Answer from Bulatov Rimma[guru]
The psyche is absent, the person is not aware of either himself or the world, there are no voluntary movements of the eyes and limbs. Meanwhile, the brain stem is working, the patient is breathing freely, the heart, intestines, and others are functioning normally. internal organs- the so-called vegetative state, or apallic syndrome, sets in, the personality turns into a “vegetable”, a figurative, albeit unfair comparison.
Source: Yandex.

Answer from Ѓstim Karmelyuk[newbie]

Answer from Sunny[guru]

Answer from . [guru]
Not a fruit

Answer from Mila Chugurovich[expert]

Answer from Bart Simpson[guru]

Answer from Zina Sergeeva[guru]

Answer from MARINA[guru]
This is a person who completely lacks will and sense of self in time and space, lacks emotions and all types of sensations - hunger, cold, wet, dirty, painful... All. This condition can be brought about with medication. Used in psychiatric

Answer from Igor Vasilenko[guru]

Answer from Valiusik[guru]

Answer from Darina Petrova[newbie]
it's a shame

Answer from Ѓstim Karmelyuk[newbie]
This means that he is neither fish nor fowl.

Answer from Sunny[guru]
Have you seen a vegetable in your life? buy it, put it on the table and watch.

Answer from . [guru]
Not a fruit

Answer from Mila Chugurovich[expert]
This is the name given to people with serious illnesses (such as paralysis).

Answer from Bart Simpson[guru]
Neither fish, nor meat - SOY)))) and so well, no, what it is, what it is not

Answer from Zina Sergeeva[guru]
means that he is brain dead, and he can only eat and go to the toilet (under himself)

Answer from MARINA[guru]
This is a person who completely lacks will and sense of self in time and space, lacks emotions and all types of sensations - hunger, cold, wet, dirty, painful... All. This condition can be brought about with medication. Used in psychiatric hospitals for particularly violent clients. Therefore, in feature action films, such an expression is very often used when they want to apply it to a person whom they want to humiliate, trample, and subjugate to their will as much as possible.

Answer from Igor Vasilenko[guru]

Answer from Valiusik[guru]
requires constant care, cannot speak, move limbs, swallow, is fed through a tube, pees and poops on himself

Answer from Darina Petrova[newbie]
it's a shame

There are vegetable people in the world who live like vegetables. And there are human vegetables who think like people. First of all, they seem to be people who do not represent any value to society... antisocial otherwise. There are many definitions of the concept of vegetables. This is how vegetables are interpreted in classical literature.

- “Cipollino, Cipollino, son! - the poor old man called, looking around in confusion, as the soldiers took him away..."

Enough! - The boy's indignation probably reached its limit. - Why do they endure?!

Well, Prince Lemon has a large guard, an army... - Mom judiciously smooths out the page.

But there are more others! There are a lot of them! - the boy, in despair, hits the book with his small fist, and it slams shut. - Why are they?!

The mother, slightly frightened by such a violent reaction from her son, is trying to find a calming remark when the man opposite looks up from his newspaper and, looking over his glasses at the revolutionary-minded boy, says loudly and clearly:

Because they are vegetables. This is a fairy tale about vegetables...

Vegetables are also sick, unable to do what those around them are doing, and because of this they lie listlessly, as well as drug addicts or alcoholics, but these do not lie, but stagger. Vegetables include lazy, sedentary slow people. This topic was revealed in the “Professions Reporter” episode on NTV and was called “We are not vegetables.” Vegetables also include office workers and senior managers. There is even a joke about this.

Putin, Medvedev, Gryzlov and Shoigu come to the restaurant. The waiter runs up and starts fussing:

Vladimir Vladimirovich! What will you eat?

Only meat? What about vegetables?

Vegetables will also be meat...

In medical slang in the West, patients with a dead cerebral cortex are cynically but accurately called “vegetables.” They live, breathe, eat for years (usually with the help of devices), but do not react to the outside world - they do not understand speech, do not speak, do not realize their condition, do not react to pain, light, voices of relatives, etc.

But there are exceptions here too. British and Belgian neurophysiologists conducted a study in Cambridge that ended in a sensation. It turned out that the patient in a “vegetative state,” that is, with a completely damaged cerebral cortex, hears and understands speech addressed to her.

Scientists stipulate that this is only the very first result; additional studies on a larger number of patients will be required. The brain can suffer differently from injury and disease in different people. However, the findings again raise the vexing moral question of whether it is acceptable to take a person's life without their consent, even if they are in a vegetative state.

Who knows, maybe such a vegetable person is even happy in his condition and somewhere he may even be happy, but without asking, they want to deprive him of the pleasure of living as a vegetable by people who believe that maintaining such a life is an expensive pleasure. In our country, General Romanov has been living in a similar status for many years, whose wife, by the way, has repeatedly claimed that he hears and understands her and reacts to her speech, although doctors are firmly convinced of the opposite.

Any person, even a healthy one, wants to live like a vegetable: eat, sleep, rest, do nothing. And only the spirit (from consciousness) resists the body’s desire to drag a person into a state of degradation, turning into the status of a zombie vegetable striving for a comfort zone. If the spirit is weaker than the body, then this person is an ordinary vegetable, whose body orders the spirit “I want to rest, I want to eat, I don’t want to work.” And the spirit gives way.

If you notice that your butt is telling you “that it wants to sit a little longer,” make an effort, take courage and give your ass a good kick. If you can’t do it yourself, ask someone else to do it. Be the master of your body!

We will cover the topic of human vegetables in the second part.

Vegetables in a dream can have different meanings. See interpretation: vegetables by name.

However, there are features that are characteristic of all dreams about vegetables. In general, a dream about vegetables often reminds you that you will have to pay debts.

Seeing vegetables growing in a garden in a dream is a sign that your position is precarious and, in general, you are dissatisfied with your position. To dream that they are growing and rejoice that you will have a rich harvest means that your ambitious desires will come true. A dream in which you see vegetables at the market is also favorable, as it predicts good luck in your planned enterprise.

Cutting them in a dream is a sign that you should be careful with money and not enter into risky ventures. Cooking vegetables for lunch in a dream is a sign of a quarrel with a close friend. Eating raw vegetables in a dream means that empty troubles await you. Throwing away vegetables in a dream means that you will face failure in the business you have started. Seeing vegetables prepared for salad in a dream means that obstacles in business, grief and trouble await you. It is always better to see ripe vegetables in a dream than unripe, sour, bitter, rotten, rotten, unfit for food. Such vegetables portend tears, grief, disputes, squabbles, and disagreements. Seeing or smelling vegetables that have a strong smell (onions, garlic, turnips, radishes) in a dream is a sign that you recognize something that was hidden from you. This discovery will not be pleasant and will entail a number of family scandals. Tasteless vegetables (cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini) seen in a dream bring good luck to the sick and predict a speedy recovery.

Sweet vegetables in a dream are a sign of satisfaction and reconciliation. See interpretation: fruit, bite, apples or by name.

Interpretation of dreams from

A group of doctors from medical and research organizations in Cambridge (UK) and Liege (Belgium) proved that so-called “vegetable” people with a complete lack of reaction to external stimuli are capable of self-awareness, thinking, and cooperation with doctors. A 23-year-old “vegetable” patient was able, at the request of doctors, to imagine a given sequence of actions, while the magnetic tomograms of her brain did not differ from the tomograms of healthy volunteers.

Contrary to our aspirations, fate is rarely fair. This fully applies to those unfortunate people who, by the will of a cruel accident, find themselves forever chained to a bed. Some of these patients receive the terrible diagnosis of a “vegetative state,” or simply “vegetables” in medical jargon. In these patients, life support systems continue to function - respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, excretory, but there is no reaction to external influences, all motor functions are disabled. It is impossible to understand whether such a person feels anything, whether he is able to think, whether he hears those around him, whether he is aware of himself.

In order for doctors or loved ones to understand this, there must be at least some kind of feedback, but there is none. Scientists from the Medical Research Council's Mind and Brain Unit, the Department of Neurosurgery at Addenbrooke's Hospital, the Wolfson Center for Brain Imaging in Cambridge (UK) and the University of Liège (Belgium) under the leadership of Adrian Owen suggested that such a feedback channel could be the brain itself of the severed person. from the patient's world. Modern methods functional nuclear magnetic tomography allows you to see on a computer screen the instantaneous reaction of brain neurons that occurs in response to a particular stimulus.

Their assumption was confirmed by a 23-year-old girl who received a serious head injury in a road accident. After 5 months of hospital treatment, doctors were unable to restore motor activity patients. A council of doctors pronounced a verdict: “vegetative state.”

Encephalograms of this girl's brain recorded a normal sleep-wake cycle, that is, she lived in the rhythm of a normal person. Tomograms of her brain turned out to be much more informative. Responses to vocal utterances, such as “a stream flowed in the forest,” showed activation of the auditory areas. A more complex phrase with words that are homonyms, that is, having a double meaning, for example, “a key rang in a forest beam,” caused the excitation of neurons in the left inferior frontal cortex, where semantic processing of speech occurs.

More complex tests were also carried out, since a positive reaction to the voice does not yet prove the presence of consciousness. As is known, auditory receptors and auditory centers continue to work even when consciousness is turned off, and sleep learning techniques or hypnosis are associated with this. The patient was asked to imagine herself playing tennis and then walking through the rooms of her house. In the first case, excitation was recorded in the motor center of the cortex, in the second - in specific parts of the cortex and cerebellum. Exactly the same patterns of arousal in both the first and second cases were recorded in healthy volunteers who received a similar task! Neurosurgeon Paul Matthews of London Imperial College counters that this plausible reaction could have arisen in response to the word "tennis." Adrian Owen rejects this possibility, since the reaction to a word, as studies have shown, lasts no more than 5 seconds, and our patient “played tennis” for at least 30 seconds.

The researchers draw readers' attention to the willingness with which the vegetable patient cooperated with the doctors. This means that she is aware not only of her condition, but also of her surroundings, and understands what is happening to her.

Naturally, the question arises whether there were other vegetable patients who proved the activity of their consciousness. Unfortunately, the publication does not say this. But in any case, this study shows that a person in a vegetable state can think. This means that these patients must be treated accordingly.

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