"Prison Escape" - passage of a fascinating puzzle

Click on the grate on the right. which is above the electric chair, take the black wire. Next to the chair leg, pick up the green wire.

Move to another room with a desk and closet. Take the brown (yellow) key from the blue box on the table. There is a fan above the closet; take the black key there. Turn on the fan using the switch, when the fan starts, in the box on the cabinet you can take the yellow key that will fall out of the fan.

We open the closet, left and right doors with keys (yellow and brown), take away the neon stick, film and mannequin. We go to the switch again and turn off the light in the next room on the right. Let's go there, use the neon stick in the dark to see the password on the wall (the password is random)

We head to the room with the pipes, raise the taps, the first, penultimate and last taps up to open the water. We place a mannequin in the water inside the bathtub so that it becomes wet. let's take him. Take the blue wire under the bathtub, and take the screwdriver in the right corner of the bathtub.

We return to the room with the electric chair. There is a metal box on the left; the film we took out of the box shows the correct combination of colors. On this box we set the colors yellow - blue - green - red. We open the safe on the right, enter the code that we saw in the dark.

The switch will open, insert all the wires, then lower the mannequin onto the electric chair. We go to the room where we collected the keys and use a screwdriver to break the lock on the door. Walkthrough of the game Prison Escape 2 is completed.

Having arrived at the prison, go up to the second tier, where, on the way to your new home, the main character of the game will be groped by a zealous admirer. Free yourself from his hot embrace and go into the cell.

Solve the mystery

Leave your monastery and go along the corridor to the inner prison yard. After talking with one of the prisoners and realizing that he does not understand verbal arguments, use your fists on his face. Having noticed what a tough guy you are, you will be advised to talk to the local leader of the black bros (he stands near the door, dressed in a bandana and hung with a healthy chain). This boss will ask you to go into the boiler room and bring a bag of drugs from there. There is nothing to do - we go through the door and go down the stairs. We make our way to the upper level of this room past the guards and reach the desired place there, climbing the pipe. Take the package with the potion and go back, jumping like a monkey along the beams and stairs. Having given the “package” to the customer and following the conversation of the prisoners, go to the pay phone and report your success to your superiors. Now talk to the bald, bespectacled man sitting nearby, and then head to the prisoner named John Ambruzzi. Having received a new order from this subject through the bars, we begin to carry it out. Having carefully slipped past the security room, go into the next room and hide in the linen closet. Having overheard the conversation, we leave here and go towards the back room. Find a ventilation hatch in it and make your way through the tunnel. Having entered the operational space, hide in the locker again and wait for the guards to talk. From the corridor we go into one of the rooms and climb into the next ventilation vent there. We carefully crawl forward (you can fall down) and pick up the letter, carelessly left on the table unattended. We get out of here using the elevator shaft, avoiding a collision with the cabin. After crossing several rooms, you will find yourself in the very back room where you started your journey to get the letter. After this, you will have to fight in the showers with the prisoner whose conversation you overheard earlier and return to Ambruzzi in victory.

On the yard

Go out into the courtyard, and there, follow the guy who is being taken somewhere by a young doctor. Follow this couple with your gaze and go to the other side of the bars, behind which a plump nurse enters the door. Jump over the fence and follow it. After passing through the corridors and finding yourself in the courtyard, go up the stairs and climb to the open window. After climbing the air duct to your heart's content, you will finally get to the doctor's office and pull out the medical record from there. With this wealth, make your way towards the prison yard, avoiding unnecessary glances, and go to the phone there. After talking here with old acquaintances, we again climb over the fence and go through the door with the sign “Cafeteria”. After climbing the pipes to your heart's content, avoiding the eyes of the guards, your hero ends up in the kitchen. Carefully make your way from one stove to another until you reach the table on which the knives are stored. With this scrap metal we go out through the double doors and give this culinary device. Now you have to play a mini-game to break open the door and move on. After crossing the room with standing forklifts, you will find yourself on the street near the prison truck. Crawl under its bottom and run through the door located on the other side of the road. After wiping the ventilation shaft with yourself, you will see water dripping from the fire alarm into a bucket on the floor. Go out into the corridor and climb into the little room where you need to turn off the valve to turn on the water. Wait until all the people have evacuated and go into the opened room. Here you need to quickly pick the lock, otherwise a vigilant guard will catch you doing this illegal activity. Take the healing potions from the table and go out into the corridor. There you will be attacked by another enemy and you will have to vigorously click on the keys indicated on the monitor in order to reach the end of this level.

Ready for a riot

After changing into a fashionable janitor's uniform, go out into the prison park and talk with Ambruzzi there. We climb onto the roof of the neighboring building and jump down from the other side. We quickly cross the road and climb up the stairs to another roof. Here we quietly unscrew the bolts of the grille so that the local “roofer” does not catch you. Going down from the attic and picking the lock on the lattice door, you will get rat poison. We quickly deal with the next lock in the next room before the dozing master of the rubber baton wakes up, and we run across the street, ducking through another door. Find the control panel here and use it to open the locked grille. A little further in the ward you will have to fight with a violent patient and hide in a locker so that the nurse does not catch you. Make your way to another room and replace the bottle of medicine there with poison. Having completed this crime, we return through the roof to the prison park and report on Ambruzzi’s successes. After talking a little with the local public, go to the phone and call the management. After this, you will find yourself in a laundry room, where you will have to take part in impromptu gladiatorial battles. For your hero, this will end with a visit to the hospital, where he will wake up. We get out of the room, quickly breaking the lock and hiding in the closet from the guard, after which we make our way into the room where another guardian of Themis is sleeping on the sofa. Do not disturb his sleep, but rather quietly climb out onto the roof. Go down the grate, avoiding the spotlight, and run to the opposite side of the roof. Climb the pipe onto another building and go through the window. Go down the stairs and, after some time, you will again have to pick at the door lock to steal valuable incriminating evidence from the table. After fooling the guard by disappearing into the closet, go downstairs into the courtyard. There will be a lot of police cars here, which can easily be used as cover in order to get to the drainpipe through which to climb onto the roof.

New roomie

During a prison riot, there is no need to hide from the guards, but avoid the beams of laser sights that will break into the premises through the windows. Also, beat everyone who wants to fight you on the way to the roof, and be on your guard there, otherwise you will be shot from a helicopter. Having gone down to the attic, throw gas grenades away from you and make your way below to the service premises. Find a room with a control panel there and use it to open the passage forward. Go straight, throwing punches left and right, until you reach a locked room, which you will open with the help of your “colleague”. There, activate another panel and go to the entrance to the ventilation shaft through the corridor shot by snipers. After getting out of there, head to the boiler room, avoiding the jets of steam there (close the valves). On the way you will have to overcome one “lumberjack” who rushed at you with an ax. Having climbed to the very bottom through numerous pipes, you need to pick up the prison diagram from the pocket of the corpse lying here and run towards the room with the cells. Near your “dwelling” you will have to fight Burrows, who was trying to push you down. After your victory, you will be unobtrusively locked away.

The big riot

After talking with Ambruzzi, go inside the room and, avoiding unnecessary attention from the guard, jump over the fence. Get to the sharpening machine here and use it to build a sharpener, and then quickly hide in the closet. After that, make your way into the room where another guard is listening to the radio. Turn off this unit and hide in the closet. When this music lover goes to find out what’s going on, quietly dive behind bars behind his back. Once in the basement, turn off the electricity by opening the panel located to your right. Now, using night blindness guards, go through this room. Then, having made your way through several halls, rise into the fresh air to hand Ambruzzi the shiv. A little later, pick the lock on the door and get out of the room the guard led you into. Go down the stairs and turn off the lights there, and then climb out through the elevator shaft to another floor. Having reached the attic, do a somersault to avoid being seen by the local electrician and climb through the bars into the room with the prison model. In one of the offices, squeeze the required documents from the table and climb into the closet. When the girl leaves, get ready to go back. After passing the next shaft and security rooms, you will reach the working locker room, where you will change into a janitor's uniform. The law enforcement officer who came in will take you to talk with Ambruzzi. After this conversation, go to another guard and punch the two “inmates” in the face. A little further, cross the courtyard and climb up the fire escape into the technical room, where you will need to close two valves. Having overcome the sewer, cut down the distribution panel, stopping the blades of the huge fan. Having passed through this opening and passing through a series of technical rooms, you will find yourself in some kind of warehouse. Find the electrical panel on the left wall and turn off the light. Now climb along the pipe to the opening near the ceiling, avoiding the flashlight beam. Having reached the room with the computer, take the data printout and make your way outside through the hall with the loader. Finding ourselves next to the prison cars, using them as shelters, we climb up the stairs to the roof. Move along it carefully, because a guard with binoculars is watching you (you need to move when he is not looking at it). We get down to the ground and hide behind an approaching truck, and then make our way to the gate, behind which we will meet with Ambruzzi.

First of all, break out of the warm embrace of Ambruzzi's henchmen, and, having fallen down, engage in further assault. Fortunately, your friends from the corporation will arrive in time and give new instructions, as well as arrange a meeting with your partner. Use it to climb under the ceiling and move to another room. Then go downstairs to the cafeteria area and exit onto the roof by breaking the door. Avoiding the spotlights, climb into the prison chapel, and from there go outside. Climbing up the drainpipe into the open window, break open the lattice door, pulling the required item from the table, and immediately turn off the light. With your find, go down the stairs and cross the patrolled corridor to get out into the fresh air. After walking around a bit, we go through the door of the cafeteria, and from there we return back to the room where the visitor is waiting for us.

The tables are turned

First of all, we go to talk with the guard, who demands 500 dollars from you. With this news, we approach a local authority so that he can organize an underground battle for you. We hit our opponent in the face, and after that we break open the door near the basketball court and change into a uniform there. We go out into the street and climb over the roof beyond the yard fence. We go into the building and open the locker to get money in it. We return to the corrupt policeman and hand him the bills, having previously changed into our usual attire in the work locker room. We go into the next door, but they won’t let us go further than the “hallway”. You will have to go around this building and enter through another door, where in one of the rooms you will have to tear off a sheet of paper from the stand next to the flag. Go outside, without catching the eye of the guard with binoculars, go into another room. Use the radio to fool the law enforcement officer and get out into the yard. There we penetrate the next door and climb through numerous pipes. Get to the switchboard, which is hidden behind one of the doors, turn off the power to the fan blades, and then calmly crawl through it. After passing the prison workshops, go out through the window to climb on your hands along the pipe to the roof of another building. From here, go down the drain and reach the grate leading to the waterworks. Here we tighten another valve to move forward along the first level of the station. A little ahead you can find your plastic card that fell out during the fight. Go to the beginning of this location and go up to the second tier of the room, and from there go out onto the street. Climb from the loader onto the roof of the building and jump down into the courtyard. Take advantage of the bustle to go into the room from which you were kicked out earlier (next to the place where you bribed the guard). Take a box of washed clothes from there to give it to another law enforcement officer. Carefully break open the door behind which the guard disappeared with the luggage. Get to the kitchen by pulling a set of uniforms from the drawer with the clothes you brought. Having done this, you can clear conscience leave the area. Break down the door (if necessary, hide from the guard in the closet) in order to throw the previously obtained clothes through the bars. Exit here through the forklift hall, ending up at the same van where you started on your way to get the uniform. Once in the cell, follow your escaped neighbor through the tunnel until you reach the broken cable. Turn off the power to the circuit so as not to get fried and get to the closet, behind which there is a huge hole in the wall. Once in the courtyard, climb up the drain onto the roof, avoiding the spotlights and the stern gaze of the lone guard. Go down on the other side of it and run straight, diving into the door, having previously broken it. Inside the building, find a room with recordings of negotiations and erase them. Get out into the street, following the two guards ahead. As soon as you reach the safety grate, the alarm will be raised. Don't worry - she's not your type, it's just that another less fortunate late-night reveler was caught.

New plan

We climb over the bars and go into the door behind which another prisoner disappeared a minute earlier. Inside, go to the place where the guard and the prisoner are talking, and then follow further to dive through the next grate and find yourself in the sewer. Having reached the surface, turn off the power to the switchboard and, taking advantage of the darkness, sneak past the spies. After walking through the tunnels, we go up the stairs following the guards to the third floor, where these two cheerful geese will sit down to watch TV. Do not disturb them, but rather get through the door nearby. Walk past the body of the disabled guard and get ready for a fight with your old acquaintance, who will steal the hero’s voice recorder. On the way back, the guard will wake up and you will have to knock him out a second time, and then climb into the hatch on the ceiling.

Mannix in Fox River

Go up to the cells and prevent one of the fugitives from leaving his apartment (if you are not dexterous enough, you will get hit on the top of the head with a toilet bowl). Dive into the prepared tunnel and pursue your main goal. Having climbed numerous pipes and ladders to your heart's content, you will catch up with the fugitive and engage in a fist fight with him. Alas, he will wriggle out of the tenacious embrace and fight. Continuing the pursuit, your hero will change into a previously prepared uniform and overtake the adversary on the roof of the prison. Realizing that there is nowhere else to run, he will try to put up desperate resistance, but will predictably fail and fall down. By victoriously taking the precious voice recorder, you will finish this game and be able to study the end credits.

You will have to put in a lot of mental effort before you can overcome the next level. You will have to find answers to various logical problems, remember mathematical equations, geometric figures and many more useful things from the school course. But not only! In an effort to open the treasured door, you will shake and twist your Android smartphone/tablet, blow into the microphone, etc. On your journey through the rooms you will also encounter “classic” arcade games that require the gamer to react quickly and accurately.

So, get ready to really strain your gray cells and use the remarkable abilities of a detective, scientist and extreme sports enthusiast! And if, being carried away by the game, you get stuck somewhere, you can take a look at the walkthrough presented below on this page. Without a doubt, this will help you open any door!

Level 1

You just need to click on the door and it will open.

Level 2

Click on the window and pull it up.

Level 3

Look at the floor? What do you see? That's right, boards. So, one of them needs to be moved. You will see a button, click it to open the window.

Level 4

Again, pay attention to the floor and move away the board lying there. Shake your device and a red button should appear. Press it and open your door.

Level 5

Here is the first task - read it. You need to have time to drive all the ghosts into the pumpkin, do this before the time runs out.

Level 6

Look at the puddle. The numbers 915 are displayed there. This is the code, enter it.

Level 7

Just shake the device and the figures will fall.

Level 8

The key is marked on the board. This is A = 05. In the lower corner we read the following FDB formula. The decoding is as follows: F = 10, D = 8, B = 6. Now you need to enter - 10 8 6 .

Level 9

The key is on the floor, pick it up and try to break into the door with it, click on it again.

Level 10

Read the next task. You need to combine all the hammers in a limited period of time.

Level 11

Place the four triangles in the order shown in the picture - see above. To do this, you need to twist them.

Level 12

Shake the device and a key will appear in the drawer. Now you can open the lock without any problems.

Level 13

Now for the math task. You need to change the "x", "+" and "-" signs. We warn you that this number is random and therefore the answer will be different for each player.

Level 14

To get the right picture, complete the jigsaw puzzle.

Level 15

Hint: Touch blocks of cubes of the same color to destroy them and earn 1500 points, but do not forget to watch the time. Perform the exercise in any order, using five fingers.

Level 16

For convenience, you will need to place your phone (or tablet) on the table. Then slowly rotate it until you reach a horizontal position and 4 green dots immediately appear.

Level 17

At this level you need to click on the point located next to the door. Done? Now you need to determine the location of the positions of the numbers. Start clicking on the squares, following the sequence of numbers from 1 to 9.

Level 18

In front of you is a large clock, and next to it are squares that indicate certain time. You should put it on the Big Clock. Once the time matches, click on the corresponding square. Do this for all hours.

Level 19

Here you will need basic school knowledge. You see different animals and special cells with flags. Place all animals in cages correctly. Elephant = Thailand, Panda = China, Kangaroo = Australia, Snake = India.

Level 20

Shoot all the pumpkins. Click on each pumpkin and then press the shoot button.

Level 21

There is a pumpkin on the floor. Click on it and release all the ghosts. Now quickly catch them all before they run away.

Level 22

The prompt on the door means you need to press "volume" until the door opens.

Level 23

The green arrow on the compass, as a result of your actions, should point to the cross located next to the picture.

Level 24

Drive the balls into the holes with numbers (do this sequentially), carefully tilting the device.

Level 25

The goal of this level is to connect the dots and get 320 points. Don't rush, connect carefully, there is plenty of time.

Level 26

If you pull the rope, a hidden room will open, and in it - an apple and a banana. Look carefully. What's in front of you? 2 fruits, 1 smiling doll, and three buttons on the door. Now you need to select the desired algorithm. We press the buttons: apple (2 times), smile (1 time) and clock (3 times).

Level 27

Pull down the rope and the ball will be able to hit the door. Repeat this action several times until you break down the door.

Level 28

Give the gorilla bananas. They are upstairs - in a hiding place, on the ceiling.

Level 29

Here is a simple combination - 1, 4 and 5 buttons. And then all the flowers will bloom.

Level 30

Let's clear your screen of this creepy web. To make it quick and effective, it is better to place your mobile device on the table and clean it with several fingers at the same time.

Level 31

At this level we will level the weight, and the buttons below will help us. Here are three ways:
- apple 3 times, watch 1 time, smile 1 time.
- apple 1 time, watch 2 times, smile 1 time.
- apple 1 time, smile 2 times.
However, maybe you will find your own combination - you are most welcome!

Level 32

You will need to click on the door squares until you get the hammer symbol.

Level 33

Do you see the knife on the wall? Take it and cut out an "X", from top to bottom.

Level 34

Press the rock in the door and hold until 3 green dots light up in sequence above the door.

Level 35

Place the balls correctly in the holes.

Level 36

First we get three yellow balls. We transfer the balls to the inventory and now tilt the phone (tablet) to the right so that the balls move into the round hole. Next, you need to identify the balls in diamonds, they will fall, but we do not change the location of the device until the door opens.

Level 37

Place identical symbols opposite each other.

Level 38

The arrow will point you correct sequence selection of items. Boat, Man, Home, Cloud.

Level 39

Pull the rope and a board will appear. It shows arrows - three up, two down, as well as a sound (volume) symbol. Press the volume button on the device: up three times, down twice.

Level 40

Everything is simple here. We clear the screen of leaves, find the buttons and press them.

Level 41

Let's cut the map and find the musical note. Now click on the drum in a certain sequence. The reels are numbered from left to right: 2nd need to hit 3x, 4th hit 1x, 1st reel hit 2x, 3rd hit 1x and 1st hit 1x.

Level 42

You need to set the time on the Big Door Clock, exactly the same as on your smartphone/tablet.

Level 43

Now let’s calculate the difference between the pictures shown on the left and right of the door: top = 2, bottom = 3. Let’s dial these numbers on the left of the door and then press the button on the right.

Level 44

Let's remove the leaves and flowers of different colors will appear in front of us. You need to press the buttons located around the flower bed as many times as one or another color appears on the field. Yellow, red, green - once each, blue 3 times.

Level 45

Here, like in Fruit Ninja, cut the pieces of wood, but don't touch the gears.

Level 46

Let's remember geography! We have opened a map, the pieces of which have been mixed. They need to be placed correctly, and we will take the missing piece from the globe.

Level 47

Just select all the squares.

Level 48

Let's carefully count how much each gear rotates, and then enter the number of rotations: red 3, yellow 3, blue 4, green 4.

Level 49

Click on the torch and a hint appears on the door. Now you need to hit the drums again. Look at the hint: left drum - twice, middle drum - three times, right drum - one hit.

Level 50

Find the board located on the floor, and now you need to use it to catch it, but avoid the stars.

All smartphone and tablet users have at least once heard about games like “100 doors” - many have even played such projects, tried several similar ones and are now looking for something new. For those who are not in the know, such games are a logic puzzle in which you need to find a way out of a certain room using everything you see on the screen. Each game is somewhat different from the previous ones: the story that creates the plot of the project, the type of puzzles, the setting, and so on. This article will look at one of the most intriguing projects called “Escape from the Room”. The passage of this game will delight you both with its riddles and storyline, which is incredibly powerful for such a small project.

Game plot

In most cases, these games have no plot - only a specific setting that creates a thematic mood. For example, in the 100 Doors series there was an episode dedicated to an alien ship, but there was nothing deeper hidden behind all the rooms. But everything is completely different with the game “Escape from the Room” - the passage here is not just opening doors, but moving along the storyline. Naturally, this is not a powerful story that can take different turns, as happens in large projects - nevertheless, the emphasis here is on mysteries. But you will always know what exactly you are doing, who your hero is, and what awaits you next. If you are interested in history, then your character is an escape specialist. He checks the cells of various prisons for their reliability - whether the prisoners will be able to get out if they want and have the necessary resourcefulness. But in some incredible way main character ends up in a medieval castle, from which he has to escape. In the game "Escape from the Room" the passage will also include one hundred levels, each of which will be more difficult than the previous ones.

Completing simple missions

As you already understand, the difficulty in the game increases as you progress, that is, at first it will be very easy for you, then a little more difficult, until it becomes completely unbearably difficult. But if you try hard, don’t let your guard down and can turn it on to the maximum, then it won’t be difficult for you to complete the “Escape from the Room” project. The passage starts off quite harmlessly. For example, in the first mission you just need to click on the door to make it open, and in the second you need to swipe up on the screen to open a window. But already the tenth mission will offer you an extraordinary task of mixing hammers - you will need to drag them on top of each other to open the treasured door. In the twentieth task you will need to shoot all the pumpkins that appear on the screen, and in the thirtieth task you will need to erase the cobwebs from the screen. The tasks are not very difficult, but sometimes you need to be smart. At the fortieth level, you will need to clear the screen of leaves behind which emoticons are hidden - you need to collect them in order to move to the next level. Well, the middle of the game will mark the level at which you will need to save animals, dodging spinning blades. As you can see, there are a lot of tasks in the game, so only a few of them are offered to your attention so that you can understand the essence of the game "Escape from the Room" (Escape). The passage, however, will not always be so straightforward, and in the second half of the game everything will become much more difficult.

Completing difficult missions

After the middle of the game, you will notice a significant increase in difficulty in the Room Escape project - completing the levels will become more difficult, and will also require you to use logic and resourcefulness. At level 60, for example, you will need to figure out that you need to click on all the gears on the screen in turn, starting with the smallest and ending with the largest. Level 70 will offer you a large number of watering cans, among which you will need to find ones filled with water. At level 80 you will need to really think about what you need to do. If you don't have the time or desire, then you can simply click once on the watering can, and then three times on the bud until it turns into a flower - do this with each bud. At level 90, you will need to carefully paint over the letter, avoiding colors that will disturb you. Well, the most interesting point- this is the last level. Here you will need to hit a moving pumpkin 18 times with the ball. After this, the game will be completed.

Difference from other games

As you know, this game is not very different from other games of this genre - in some places it is simpler than the projects in the 100 Doors series, but this is compensated by an excellent story and storyline. If you want to find out what will happen next to the main character, you will need to play Escape the Room: Christmas - the passage in this game is no less exciting.

You went to prison, and not very deservedly: you were imprisoned for a murder that you did not commit. What to do? We need to get out, try to find the slightest chance of freedom. To ensure that you still manage to escape, watch the walkthrough. There are 9 levels in the game in total, and we will describe each of them in detail for your own benefit.

Level 1:

Click on the picture with the girl hanging above the bed. We see code 3041. Now click on the table that is on the right. There is a box on the table, look at it and enter the hint from the picture. It’s not clear why, there’s a spoon there. Let's take it. We look again at the picture with the girl above the bed. The girl seems to be hinting to us that we need to scrape the spoon over it, so we do just that. We see a brick wall. We grab a brick from there. There is a mirror hanging on the wall on the right above the washbasin, switch to it and break it with a brick. We take the fragment. Now let's damage the property. We switch to the bed and use a splinter to cut the pillowcase of the pillow. We see the keys, grab them and run forward to freedom. We open the first door with the key. Level completed.

Level 2:

We look at the table on which there is a yellow table lamp. There we find a strange board with notches. Please note that there is an inverted iron cup near the yellow lamp. This is what interests us. Click on it. We see English letters. Something is fishy here. We place the board on the letters. Now you see this cunning way to hide the password from us, but no such luck. Remember the password: VPZL. On the table we see a rectangular black box. We switch to it and enter the password that we just calculated. We open it and take away the most valuable thing, cigarettes. We poke at the lamp. And, of course, we again see new incomprehensible numbers: 4822. We leave the table view and click on the wooden box, which is located on the right, between the washbasin and the bedside table. Enter the code. We see some neat sneakers, but you guessed it, we’ll just remove the laces from them. Now we switch to the prisoner, take pity on him and give him cigarettes. He gives me a paper clip. A guitar stands out among the gloomy surroundings, let's examine it. Take a stone near the damaged wall. On the right, above the bedside table, there is a grille covered with glass. Let's look at her. We break the glass with a stone. Now let’s get creative and tie the paper clip with laces. Now let’s cast the “fishing rod” and take out the pliers. We go to the guitar and do something terrible: we tear out the strings from the guitar using pliers. We go to the cell door and, by some miracle, cut the metal bars with strings. Congratulations, you've moved on

Level 3:

We switch to the shelf with the drawer, which hangs at the top left. Let's take a corkscrew. Maybe we can open the wine? We switch to the huge table on the left. There is a bottle of wine there. You know what to do. We take out the cork and a piece of paper with the code. Have you seen the same box on the shelf? Go there. Open the box using the hint. We take the valve. We switch to the sink, which is on the right. We screw in the valve and plug the hole in the sink with a plug. Clearly, let's turn on the water. We look at the mirror above the sink. Someone wrote the password (1287). We look at the table, namely at the wooden box with a combination lock. Enter the password. We take the coin. We switch to the shelf that hangs above the table. We throw a coin into the column. Let's take the part from the column. Switch to the bed and you will see blue sneakers. Let's pick up the laces again. Well, what kind of people are they? If you don't want to take the shoes, they steal the laces. We connect the part from the column with the laces. There is a small hole in the floor, let's put our device into it. We got the key, now we can get out of here.

Level 4:

Behind the bed there is a huge wooden wardrobe, click on it. We see code 3427. There is a table on the left. And on the wooden box we enter the found code. We take the fly swatter. We click on the chair and hit it intensively with a fly swatter. We take the tormented corpse of a fly, the door handle, which lies right on the chair. We click on the bed, we see a cobweb there. We give the unfortunate corpse of the fly to the hungry spider, take away the glue and donut. We click on the table and give the parrot a donut, take the cage from the deceived parrot. We switch to the closet, coat it with glue and attach the door handle. We open the closet and put the parrot’s cage there, click on the cage and take the key. We open the door with the key and feel the imminent approach of freedom.

Level 5:

We approach the washbasin and take the pipe from there. There is a shelf hanging above the table, we steal the drawing with bears from there. We place the drawing on the table, which is located under the shelf. There is a chair in the middle of the room, switch to it and take the stone. There is a vase under the sink that we will break with a stone. We take the knife. Again we look under the chair and open the box with a knife. There we see a cassette player with headphones. So that the other prisoner will not be so bored, we will give the player to him. In return he gives us points. Remember the picture with the bears? We point our glasses at it, it ignites. A security guard comes to this event. We hit him on the head with the pipe. We leave the cell safely and with impunity.

Level 6:

No matter how disgusting it may sound, we go to the toilet, open the lid and take the toothbrush from there. We switch to the shelf and carefully wipe the stain with a brush. There is a password behind the layer of dirt, remember it. We approach the table and open the wooden box using the password. It’s strange, but there is a part from the cistern there, let’s take it. Of course, we’ll put the part back in place and drain the water from the toilet. Lo and behold, there we find pliers. Let's go to the table and disassemble the razor, we will need a blade. We approach the bed and rip the pillow with a blade. We'll find a traffic jam there. Now let's plug the stopper into the washbasin. Turn on the water. It is not clear why, the guard falls. Fainted, or what? We approach the bed, remove the mattress and take out the wire using pliers. We approach the door and use the wire to get the key. With a calm soul, we open the door and go out.

Level 7:

Of course, the first thing we do is go to the table. From there we will take a metal ruler and a whole aquarium with fish. Switch to the bottom bunk of the bed. Let's move the mattress again. We take away the plug for the sink. Now it’s clear what to do - plug the sink. We turn on the water and throw the unfortunate fish from the aquarium into the sink. There is a hatch behind the bed; pour water from the aquarium into it. A pencil floats out. Let's go to the table. We see an interesting magazine with the quiet name Maxim. No, you didn’t guess right, let’s sketch it with a pencil Blank sheet, not a magazine. We see code 4311. Under the table lies a familiar box with a combination lock. You know what to do. We take the wire cutters. Now let’s go and break the bed completely: we’ll bite off a piece of wire with wire cutters. We use wire cutters to modernize the ruler and make a file out of it. We go to the toilet and take away the rag that is lying next to the toilet paper. For safety reasons, wrap the file with a rag and secure it with wire. We are sawing our way out to freedom.

Level 8:

According to the canon, we go to the table that is on the left. We need a knife, let's take it. We look under the bed and take away the metal bucket. There is a nondescript hanger hanging next to the bed. Take a rag. We look at the bottom bunk of the bed and cut the box with a knife. There we find a lovely figurine of a dog. We also take a bottle of water from the bed. There is a shelf at the top left, we look at it and see various figurines with animals. Let's return the dog to the family. Now we arrange the animals in ascending order, starting with the largest animal. It turns out a lion, a dog, an ermine and a hare. A cache opens, and from there we will take matches. Click on the chair on the left in the corner of the room. We place the bucket on the apparatus, which is located on the chair. Let's pour water into a bucket and light the apparatus with matches. The water boils and we soak a rag in it. We go to the table, there is a black cup, we pour boiled water into it, it seems that it changes the pattern under the influence high temperatures. We see the code: 2771. On the nightstand in front of the table there is again a wooden box with a combination lock, open it, take out the key and runs out of this chamber.

Level 9:

There are metal cabinets on the left. There are maps on every door, but only one has no map. Let's open it. We take the metal rod from there. We look at the free space behind the cabinets. There are two holes there. We pick out the sand from there using a metal rod. We take the paper with the hint. There are maps drawn there, you know what to do. The cards on the boxes should be placed in the following sequence: hearts, spades, clubs, diamonds. Now you can see the password: 7399. On the table lies a wooden box with a combination lock, already boring from the beginning of the first level. We open it and find an extremely useful tool - a hammer. We look under the table. A nailed bedside table catches your eye. Use a hammer to remove the nails. We take the hammer and crutch. We turn our attention to the bed. A drawing of a BelAZ hangs above it, we take it. Using a hammer and a crutch, we knock out the wall that was behind the drawing. Hurray, finally we are truly free, like birds in the sky. The game is over.

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