A clear conscience, no lies. Clear conscience

Clear conscience as a personal quality - the ability to live in accordance with the internal moral law, nobly and decently; establish an ideally pure connection with God.

The less time remained until night, the more often the rich man sighed, the more melancholy his gaze became. For the third year now, the greedy rich man was tormented by insomnia. Doctors prescribed him pills, massages and warm salt baths. Everything was useless. The rich man changed many sofas and beds, but nothing helped. An old servant, seeing the torment of his master, said one day: “You need to find a person who sleeps soundly and sweetly, and buy a pillow on which he sleeps.” Then sleep will return to you. “Go and find me such a pillow,” the banker was delighted. All the banker's acquaintances and friends had problems sleeping. Then the servant remembered that in his native village people always slept soundly and sweetly, and he went there.

He arrived in the village on Sunday, early in the morning. He got out of the carriage, walked down the street and suddenly heard loud snoring coming from the rickety house. The servant banged on the door for a long time. Finally, a peasant climbed out onto the porch and said: “Why, you shameless one, don’t let a man sleep on Sunday?” - Don’t you suffer from insomnia? - asks the servant. - Instead of asking nonsense, it’s better to go your own way! — the man got angry. - Dear man, sell me your pillow. I will pay dearly. “Maybe it will help my master sleep, otherwise he is completely exhausted from insomnia,” the servant asked. The man grinned and answered: “I don’t have a pillow.” I'm already sleeping soundly. They say the softest pillow is a clear conscience. Let your master try it.

Benjamin Franklin said: “If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience to bed with you.”

A clear conscience is an open road to peace of mind and comfort. Conscience is called the internal moral law, a particle of God, the Oversoul. All these definitions are correct. As soon as a person thinks or does something reprehensible, an “alarm” goes off inside: “Attention! You are acting dishonestly!” A person experiences an unpleasant feeling in the center of his chest - this is called the voice of conscience. When, after an action, the soul rejoices and the mind rubs its hands joyfully, the conscience remains silent.

A person in passion, having done something indecent, begins to bargain with his conscience, to persuade it. He activates his powerful justification mechanism, takes the mind, feelings, ego as allies and tries to crush conscience with all his might. “Yes, I acted dishonestly, but...” People in passion are distinguished by this “but.” They simply do not want to admit to an unseemly act because accepting the voice of conscience means experiencing real pain in the mind and mind.

Paul Henri Holbach wrote: “Conscience is our inner judge, unmistakably indicating how much our actions deserve the respect or censure of our loved ones.”

If conscience is considered in isolation from the conditioning of the vicious qualities of the individual, it is always crystal clear. However, people in ignorance and passion manage to stain their conscience with vices, or even completely lose touch with it. Therefore, a clear conscience is understood as such a qualitative state of a person when no one or nothing interferes with the connection with God: neither envy, nor lust, nor greed, nor pride, nor self-interest.

The voice of conscience is directly related to reason. When a person finds himself in a situation, he evaluates it through the voice of conscience and comes to a true understanding of things - what “is good and what is bad.”

A woman doctor cannot sleep - her conscience and reason are arguing. Conscience: - You can’t sleep peacefully after cheating on your husband! Reason: - It depends on what! If the husband is always busy and doesn’t have enough time for sex, then the saint will cheat. It's right that I cheated... I'm telling you... Conscience: - Treason and betrayal are different! Copulation with a patient is a violation of medical ethics! Reason: - Yes, but remember Ivanova from the 25th clinic. She regularly has sex with patients - everyone is happy, everyone is fine. Conscience becomes silent. The woman falls asleep... and suddenly her conscience whispers caustically: - Yes, but Ivanova is not a veterinarian...

A person who trusts his own mind is a fool. The mind always says what is beneficial to it, what promises it pleasure, that is, it always speaks in its own favor. He is not called upon to think about whether it is useful or harmful, right or wrong, whether it is possible to do this or absolutely not. A reasonable person, knowing the nature of his mind, does not trust it.

Philosopher Oleg Torsunov writes: “People are divided into two categories, mainly: reasonable and unreasonable. And the difference in these people is that some are constantly in illusion, while others are constantly breaking this illusion within themselves. And, speaking in psychological language, the difference between them lies in the fact that some people trust what their mind tells them, or, in another way, their inner voice, as it were, the feeling that this is so. But other people don’t trust this feeling. It should be understood that intelligent people can distinguish between the voice of the mind and the voice of the Supersoul. Because the voice of the mind always speaks in its own favor. And the voice of the Oversoul, it always speaks in such a way that at first one gets the feeling that this voice is calling for a difficult path, but then it turns out that this is the best path. And the most correct one."

Announcement on the entrance door: “Dear residents, have a conscience, throw garbage into the neighboring yard!”

A person with a pure consciousness can communicate with his conscience without interference. A noble, decent person with a pure consciousness has a strong, stable connection with God. Only with pure consciousness will conscience, as the representation of God in man, suggest the only correct decision. Conscience never makes mistakes, for it is a delegate from the Absolute Truth - God. God speaks to man through conscience. If a person’s mind is polluted by selfishness, pride, envy, ignorance, the connection is interrupted. A person has no one to consult with, so he does stupid things, makes mistake after mistake.

A person with a pure soul, under the influence of the energy of goodness, makes friends with his conscience - a channel of communication with God. Pay attention to what syllables the word “conscience” consists of - so and news. Conscience is communion with the message, communion with spiritual knowledge. The message is knowledge. So, God through conscience gives us infallible knowledge in the heart. Psychologist Oleg Gadetsky writes: “Conscience is nothing more than a channel of spiritual intuition. This is the inner guidance that every living being has. But can we live at this level? If we learn to recognize these signals, if we learn to live in accordance with this inner guidance, our life will become error-free. Simply unmistakable."

“Yes, the one whose conscience is not clear is pitiful,” wrote A.S. Pushkin. As a judge, Mulla Nasreddin could not establish who was to blame: the defendant or the plaintiff - and decided to punish both with blows with a stick. Having completed this procedure, he sighed with relief: “Now my conscience is clear, because the culprit probably did not escape punishment.”

There is nothing in the world more vigilant than a clear conscience. The keen eye of a clear conscience is purer than a diamond. A keen conscience unerringly evaluates the most complex and delicate situation and always gives the only good advice. To gain a vigilant, clear conscience, you need to work hard: cleanse your consciousness from the filth of low material desires, try not to do stupid things, remove yourself from sinful actions, and establish a strong connection with the Absolute Truth - God.

The keen eye of a pure soul, only through it can one see the world without illusions and embellishments. If the soul is not conditioned by vices, if it has not come under evil influence negative qualities personality, which means that it fully generates and conveys to others the energy of joy and happiness. The soul is determined to see in every person the prospects for his development, his personal potential. At the same time, she vigilantly identifies vicious inclinations in any person. Correct diagnosis becomes possible precisely because of the purity of the soul and conscience. The polluted, conditioned soul is short-sighted. When you yourself are dirty, you are not particularly worried about the untidiness of others. The environment and surroundings affect consciousness.

The opposite of a clear conscience is a stained conscience. Stain is a blot on the conscience. When the conscience is stained, the connection with God is lost. In the Sermon on the Mount, the Lord Jesus Christ likened conscience « oku » (eye), through which a person sees his moral state (Matt. 6:22).

With a stained conscience it is impossible to see the truth of life. There is no one to get advice from. The connection with the Absolute Truth is severed. A person is left alone with difficult life situations. No one can tell you how to react to them.

A person under the influence of the energy of ignorance, that is, with a stained conscience, says: “Where my conscience should be, my reproductive organ has grown.” To the question: - Name some rudiment of a person, the degenerate will answer: - Conscience. The best wish for a scoundrel is: - No shame, no conscience.

Advertisement in the newspaper: “Conscience is lost. If anyone finds it, they can take it for themselves...”

In general, in the context of conscience, a person in ignorance speaks like this:

“My conscience is so pure and transparent that it is practically invisible.

“I have so much conscience that I don’t even dare to think about bad things.” You have to do something dirty right away, without thinking.

— A clear conscience is a sign of bad memory.

— A clear conscience indicates the beginning of sclerosis.

- The worse the memory, the clearer the conscience.

— The art of fucking your own brains is called conscience!

- Have you completely lost your conscience?! “I didn’t lose anything, I just threw it away as unnecessary.”

- If conscience is not in the know, then it is in the lot.

“Nothing bothers people more than a bad conscience,” says Erasmus of Rotterdam. When conscience is stained, a person does not understand how to behave correctly, so he commits bad actions, even a crime. A stained conscience becomes the cause of indecent behavior. Moral guidelines are lost, a person loses the idea of ​​what coordinate system he is in, what boundaries should not be violated, so as not to become a scumbag and a scoundrel in his own and others’ eyes.

In a word, with a stained conscience, a person sees the world distortedly, as if he perceives it through a window with dirty stains. A clear conscience always indicates the limits beyond which there is lack of culture, unbridledness and degradation.

Petr Kovalev 2016

Conscience is the memory of society assimilated by an individual.
Lev Tolstoy

Conscience is a thousand witnesses.

Conscience loving man- Guardian angel of the woman he loves.
Victor Hugo

Conscience is the correct judgment of a good person.

The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law.
Immanuel Kant

Conscience is a mother-in-law who comes to your house without asking.
Henry Louis Mencken

Conscience usually does not torment those who are guilty.
Erich Maria Remarque

Conscience is a mongrel that lets you pass freely, but will certainly bark at you.
author unknown

Conscience is the best judge: you can always come to an agreement with it.
Konstantin Melikhan

The “conscience” of the privileged is, after all, a privileged conscience.
Karl Marx

Conscience is a clawed beast that gnaws at the heart.
Alexander Pushkin

Conscience what bat: sleeps during the day, and at night flaps its wings and tries to suck your blood.
Dmitry Pashkov

The highest justice is conscience.
Victor Hugo

Conscience is a moral lamp that illuminates the good path; but when they turn to a bad one, they break it.
Georg Hegel

Conscience is the best moral book we have and should be consulted most often.
Blaise Pascal

Conscience is the emotional guardian of beliefs.
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Conscience depends on knowledge and on the entire lifestyle of a person. A republican has a different conscience than a monarchist, a have has a different conscience than a have-not, a thinker has a different conscience than someone who is unable to think.
Karl Marx

You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind.
Maksim Gorky

Conscience reigns, but does not govern.
Paul Valéry

Conscience always warns as a friend before punishing as a judge.
Denis Fonvizin

A person with a clear conscience probably has a weak memory.
Marcel Pagnol

The less conscience, the more everything else.
Karabchievsky A.

The awakening of conscience is a sign of the greatness of the soul.
Victor Hugo

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience - this is an ideal life.
Mark Twain

Conscience is a well-mannered young lady and she quickly stops talking to those who do not want to listen to her.
Samuel Butler

Only fleas bite the dog; and a bad person has dogs, fleas, and conscience.
Ryszard Podlewski

Remorse is often caused by an overly virtuous life.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

Moral people feel complacency when they have remorse.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A person’s conscience may be mistaken, but the person himself may not be unscrupulous, just as one can have false taste without falling into bad taste.
Jean Paul

A clear conscience is not afraid of lies, rumors, or gossip.
Publius Ovid Naso

A clear conscience is the best pillow.
Henrik Ibsen

A person has friends and conscience until they are needed.
Gabriel Laub

Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which illuminates only the person himself and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, bringing it to its senses, and following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case.
Alexander Suvorov

It's nice to follow the dictates of your conscience.
Honore de Balzac

If you have nothing, at least have a conscience.
Grigory Yablonsky

If you don't have a conscience, what else are you missing?
Victor Zhemchuzhnikov

Better paint on your face than a stain on your heart.
Miguel Cervantes

Never act against your conscience, even if state interests require it.
Albert Einstein

The Anglo-Saxon conscience does not prevent one from performing certain types of actions, but it does prohibit one from enjoying them.
Salvador de Madariaga

Think more about your conscience than your reputation.
Publius Syrus

Living according to the dictates of your conscience is like driving a car with your brakes on.
Budd Schulberg

Power is dangerous when conscience is at odds with it.
Shakespeare William

A clear conscience is a constant holiday.
Seneca Lucius Annaeus

Be the master of your will and the servant of your conscience.
Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

Our conscience is an infallible judge until we kill it.
Honore de Balzac

Remorse begins where impunity ends.
Claude Helvetius

Suspicion always haunts those whose conscience is burdened with guilt.
William Shakespeare

Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Many are afraid of rumors, some are afraid of conscience.
Pliny the Younger

A clear conscience quenches the thirst for frivolous fun.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The power of conscience is great: it makes one feel equally, taking away all fear from the innocent and constantly picturing in the imagination of the culprit all the punishments he deserves.

If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed.
Benjamin Franklin

The wounds of conscience are never completely healed.
Publius Syrus

Conscience does not appear with age, like a beard. To acquire a conscience requires some experience.
Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Your conscience is the measure of the sincerity of your desire to be yourself.
Richard Bach

The most pleasant property of conscience is that it is always on your side. She won't bother you as long as you feel good.
Robert Orben

The whole strength of moral conscience lies in the awareness of the evil done.
Denis Diderot

Don't get close to people whose conscience is too flexible.
Eugene Delacroix

A person who behaves with dignity from the very beginning is freed from remorse.
Abul Faraj

Every person's God is his conscience.

There are no rules more changeable than those inspired by conscience.
Luc de Vauvenargues

Conviction is the conscience of the mind.
Nicola de Chamfort

Conscience, unlike laws, has no rights in the state, because if a person appeals to his conscience, then one may have one conscience, and another may have another.
Georg Hegel

A bad conscience is a tax that the invention of a good conscience has imposed on people.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Yes, no matter how dear life is to us, one thing is even dearer: the consciousness of rightness.

Don’t close your eyes when you want to sleep without having sorted out all your actions over the past day.
Pythagoras of Samos

Do not think that if you have done something bad, you can hide, because if you hide from others, you will not hide from your conscience.

...Conscience is the correct judgment of a good person.

To awaken the conscience of a scoundrel, you need to slap him in the face.

The power of conscience is great: it makes itself felt equally, taking away all fear from the innocent and constantly picturing in the imagination of the culprit all the punishment he deserves.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

My calm conscience is more important to me than all the gossip.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

The most important decoration is a clear conscience.
Cicero Marcus Tullius

Having a clear conscience means not knowing your sins.
Horace (Quintus Horace Flaccus)

Conscience is a thousand witnesses.
Think more about your conscience than your reputation.
Publilius Syrus

Many people care about their reputation, but only a few care about their conscience.
Publilius Syrus

The wounds of conscience are never completely healed.
Publilius Syrus

A clear conscience is not afraid of lies, rumors, or gossip.

A clear conscience is a permanent holiday.
Seneca Aucius Annaeus (Younger)

Do not do what your conscience condemns, and do not say what is not in accordance with the truth. Observe this most important thing and you will complete the whole task of your life.
Marcus Aurelius

The power of conscience is great, for those who neglect it condemn themselves.
Unknown author

Appeal to someone's conscience.
Unknown author

Live with a clear conscience. Don't compromise your convictions!
Unknown author

Conscience is the spectator and judge of virtue.
Unknown author

If Guria kisses you passionately on the mouth,
If your interlocutor is wiser than Christ,
If a musician is better than the heavenly Zukhra -
Everything is not a joy if your conscience is unclean!
Omar Khayyam

When you have chosen the right path,
Only your conscience be your judge!
Hans Sachs

Nothing bothers people more than a bad conscience.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Better paint on your face than a stain on your heart.
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Remorse is the only virtue remaining to criminals.

If you want to sleep soundly, take a clear conscience with you to bed.
Benjamin Franklin

A clear conscience quenches the thirst for frivolous fun.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

The whole strength of moral conscience lies in the awareness of the evil done.
Denis Diderot

A hypocrite, conscience does not realize that it is a hypocrite.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

There are no rules more changeable than those inspired by conscience.
Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Remorse begins where impunity ends.
Claude Adrian Helvetius

The feeling... listening to moral truths is called conscience... it could be called the evidence of the heart, for, no matter how different it is from the evidence of the mind... it has no less power over us.
Jean Leron d'Alembert

Conscience is our internal judge, unmistakably indicating how much our actions deserve respect or censure from our loved ones.
Paul Henri Holbach

Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which illuminates only the person himself, and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, bringing it to its senses, and following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case.
Ekaterina II Alekseevna

Conscience, like a friend, always warns before punishing like a judge.
Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin

The suggestions of conscience in connection with repentance and a sense of duty are the most important difference between man and animal.
Charles Darwin

The strongest feature that distinguishes humans from animals is their moral sense, or conscience. And its dominance is expressed in the short but powerful and extremely expressive word “must”.
Charles Darwin

A bad conscience as awareness of oneself in spite of oneself always presupposes the presence of an ideal...

A bad conscience reproaches a person with increasing force for the fact that he has turned property and things into absolute...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

To the pedantic moralist it may be said that conscience is the moral lamp that illuminates the good path; but when they turn to a bad one, they break it.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Conscience, unlike laws, has no rights in the state; after all, if a person appeals to his conscience, then one may have one conscience, and another may have another. For conscience to be right, it is necessary that what it recognizes as right should be so objectively...
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

An overly sensitive conscience means that a person values ​​his moral self so highly that he no longer forgives himself for anything. Such a conscience makes people hypochondriacs, unless, of course, it is balanced by vigorous activity.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Our conscience is disgusted by an immoral means that can be beneficial.
Johann Friedrich Schiller

A person’s conscience may be mistaken, but the person himself may not be unscrupulous, just as one can have false taste without falling into bad taste.
Jean Paul

The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law.
Immanuel Kant

...Conscience depends on knowledge and on the entire way of life of a person. A republican has a different conscience than a royalist, a have has a different conscience than a have-not, a thinker has a different conscience than someone who is unable to think.
Karl Marx

The “conscience” of the privileged is, after all, a privileged conscience.
Karl Marx

My conscience is nothing other than my Self, putting itself in the place of the offended You...
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

Conscience originates from knowledge or is associated with knowledge, but it does not denote knowledge in general, but a special department or type of knowledge - that knowledge that relates to our moral behavior and our good or evil moods and actions.
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

Conscience represents things differently than they appear; she is a microscope that magnifies them in order to make them distinct and noticeable to our dulled senses. She is the metaphysics of the heart.
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

...A clear conscience is nothing more than joy at the joy caused to another person; a bad conscience is nothing more than suffering and pain over the pain caused to another person...
Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach

Since the will is not subject to time, remorse does not go away with time, like other sufferings do. Crime oppresses the conscience even after many years, just as painfully as immediately after it was committed.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Since character is innate to us by nature, actions are only manifestations of it, and reasons for great crimes are very rare, and besides, fear and threat keep us from them; since, further, our own mood for ourselves is revealed in desires, thoughts and affects, remaining invisible to outsiders, we can assume that there are people with an innate evil conscience who, however, do not commit crimes.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Conscience is a clawed beast that scratches the heart.
Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

Without the power of thought, what we call conscience degenerates into dreams, a justification for evil. The most cruel deeds in the world were committed in the name of conscience.
William Ellery Channing (Channing)

Our conscience is an infallible judge until we kill it.
Honore de Balzac

Anything that appeases a guilty conscience harms society.
Pierre Buast

Conscience and cowardice are essentially the same thing. "Conscience" is the official name for cowardice.
Oscar Wilde

The desire for the herd is older than the attraction of one’s own “I”: and while a good conscience means the will of the herd, only a bad conscience will say “I”.
Friedrich Nietzsche

A clear conscience is an invention of the devil.
Albert Schweitzer

In matters of conscience, the law of the majority does not apply.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

A clear conscience is the best pillow.
Henrik Ibsen

His conscience is clear. Not used.
Stanislav Jerzy Lec

You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind.
Maksim Gorky

Only those who have clothed themselves in the armor of lies, impudence and shamelessness will not flinch before the judgment of their conscience.
Maksim Gorky

If you judge yourself, you will always judge with bias, either more towards guilt, or towards justification. And this inevitable hesitation in one direction or another is called conscience.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

Human conscience encourages a person to seek the best and sometimes helps him to abandon the old, cozy, sweet, but dying and decaying - in favor of the new, at first uncomfortable and unlovable, but promising a new life.
Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Conscience is social shame, and shame is natural conscience.
Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov

The voice of conscience can always be distinguished from all other spiritual impulses by the fact that it always demands something useless, intangible, but beautiful and achievable through our own effort.
This distinguishes the voice of conscience from the voice of love of glory, which is often mixed with it.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Conscience is the memory of society, assimilated by an individual.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The instructions of conscience are unmistakable when they require us not to assert our animal personality, but to sacrifice it.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Often people are proud of the purity of their conscience only because they have a short memory.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Conscience is the emotional guardian of beliefs.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

A clear conscience that dares to assert itself is strength. The state and society were forced more than once to take into account the opinions honest man, who had no other weapon than moral strength.
Romain Rolland

Looking at people with a broken conscience is even worse than looking at people who have been beaten.
Julius Fucik

People who like to delve into themselves are well aware that the more you torture your conscience, the more confused you become.
Benedetto Croce

... where is the true greatness of a person recognized, if not in those cases in which he decides it is better to suffer forever than to do something contrary to his conscience.

V.G. Belinsky. Op. T. 1. P. 434

Anything that appeases a guilty conscience harms society.

P. Buast 2, 74

In matters of conscience, the law of the majority does not apply.

Mohandas Gandhi

Conscience is our internal judge, unmistakably testifying to how much our actions deserve the respect or censure of our neighbors.

P. Holbach 12, 237

Have a clear conscience and not know your sins!

Horace 1,183

The law that lives inside us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law.

I. Kant 12, 236

Conscience is a thousand witnesses.

Quintilian 5, 218

The God of every person is his conscience.

Menander 1, 183

A clear conscience is not afraid of lies, rumors, or gossip.

Ovid 1, 183

Live in harmony with your conscience, and let people tell themselves whatever they want.


If you judge yourself, you will always judge with bias, either more towards guilt, or towards justification. And this inevitable hesitation in one direction or another is called conscience.

MM. Prishvin 12, 237

A shameful profit is worse than a loss.

Publilius Syrus

The wounds of conscience are never completely healed.

Publilius Syrus

Ah, I feel: nothing can do us

In the midst of worldly sorrows, to calm;

Nothing, nothing... is there only one conscience!

So, healthy, she will triumph

Over malice, over dark slander;

But if there is only one spot in it,

One thing started up accidentally,

Then trouble: like a pestilence

The soul will burn, the heart will fill with poison,

Like a hammer, it hammers in your ears with reproach

And everything feels nauseous and my head is spinning,

And the boys have bloody eyes...

And I’m glad to run, but there’s nowhere... terrible!...

Yes, pitiful is the one whose conscience is unclean!

A.S. Pushkin("Boris Godunov")

Conscience is painfully sensitive. You can use your conscience, but, like your imagination and your stomach, you cannot overload it.


A clear conscience is nothing more than joy at the joy caused to another person; a bad conscience is nothing more than suffering and pain over the suffering caused to another person.

L. Feuerbach 12, 238

The most important decoration is a clear conscience.


Nothing bothers people more than a bad conscience.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Always be the master of your will and your conscience a slave.

M. Eschenbach 6, 109

To want to deceive your conscience means to deceive yourself.

From the film “The Law is the Law”

From the book Genesis and Time author Heidegger Martin

§ 57. Conscience as a call of care Conscience calls forth the self of presence from lostness in people. The called self remains in its own way vague and empty. How does presence, coming in interpretation from the preoccupied, most closely and for the most part understand itself,

author Fromm Erich Seligmann

A. AUTHORITARIAN CONSCIENCE Authoritarian conscience is the voice of internalized external authority, the authority of parents, the state, or whoever turns out to be an authority in a particular culture. If people's relationships to authorities remain external,

From the book Basics of Metasatanism. Part I. Forty Rules of a Meta-Satanist author Morgen Fritz Moiseevich

From the book Stratagems. About the Chinese art of living and surviving. TT. 12 author von Senger Harro

From the book On Truth, Life and Conduct author Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich

JUNE 19 (Conscience) Conscience is the consciousness of one's spiritual origin. And only when she has such consciousness, she is a faithful leader of people’s lives.1 During the period of conscious life, a person can often notice in himself two separate beings: one - blind, sensual, and

From the book Humanistic Psychoanalysis author Fromm Erich Seligmann

SEPTEMBER 10 (Conscience) The instructions of conscience are unmistakable when they require us not to affirm our animal personality, but to sacrifice it.1 The Christian who does not know where the Spirit comes from and where he goes (John 3:8), who animates him, is the Spirit whom God does not give by measure (John 3:34), he cannot

From the book Lesson author Bogat Evgeniy

OCTOBER 23 (Conscience) Conscience is the consciousness of the divine principle living in us.1 “Conscience! Childhood delusions, prejudices of upbringing - I hear the friendly voices of imaginary sages. “There is nothing in the human mind except what is given by experience,” they say. Even more, they

From the book A Man for Himself author Fromm Erich Seligmann

Conscience “Whoever speaks and reflects on the evil he has done, on the meanness he has committed, the fact that he thinks about it means that he is absorbed - with his whole soul completely immersed in his thoughts, and therefore he is still not free from of his meanness. And he probably won't be able to

From the book EXISTENCE ENLIGHTENMENT author Jaspers Karl Theodor

V. The Humanistic Conscience The humanistic conscience is not the internalized voice of an authority that we try to please and whose displeasure we fear; it is our own voice, independent of external sanctions and approvals. What is the nature of this voice?

From the book Ethics author Apresyan Ruben Grantovich

Conscience Sometimes tragedies play out in life with a plot so mathematically verified that it seems: it was composed for an instructive analysis in an ethics lesson or during a discussion on a moral topic. Sometimes they are actually composed for lessons and discussions, or rather

From the book Man for Himself author Fromm Erich Seligmann

2. Conscience Whoever speaks and reflects on the evil he has done, on the meanness he has committed, the fact that he thinks about it means that he is absorbed - with his whole soul completely immersed in his thoughts, and therefore he is still not free from his meanness. And he probably won't be able to

From the book Legal Ethics: A Textbook for Universities author Koblikov Alexander Semenovich

4. Conscience. - If ignorance is the turning point from which the source of all possibility affects us, if dizziness and horror compel us to move, if fear as the consciousness of the possibility of being destroyed in a mixed freedom (das bewu?tsein m?glichen Vertilgtwerdenk?nnens in verwirrter

From the author's book

Conscience Conscience is a person’s ability, critically assessing his actions, thoughts, desires, to realize and experience his inconsistency with what should be done - failure to fulfill his duty. Just as duty is autonomous, so a person’s conscience is essentially independent of opinion

From the author's book

A. Authoritarian conscience Authoritarian conscience is the voice of an internalized external authority: parents, the state, or someone whom a given culture recognizes as an authority. As long as people's relationship to authority remains external, devoid of ethical sanction,

From the author's book

b. The Humanistic Conscience The humanistic conscience is not the internalized voice of an authority whom we strive to please and whose displeasure we fear; it is our own voice, resounding in every human being and independent of external sanctions and

From the author's book

§ 4. Conscience Conscience is sometimes called the other side of duty. Conscience is a self-evaluating feeling, experience, one of the oldest intimately personal regulators of human behavior. Conscience is a category of ethics that characterizes a person’s ability to carry out moral

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