Files with the extension nes. NES file extension. My computer does not show file extensions, what should I do?

And at the same time a ZIP file. It is fully functional as both an NES ROM and a ZIP file at the same time.

What's in this ZIP file? ROM source code.

What happens if you compile this source code? It will create a NES ROM, which is also a ZIP file containing the source code of that NES ROM.

Launched ROM

This NES ROM can be "burned" onto an NES cartridge and will work on the NES. Even if you convert all the data from the cartridge, the NES image will still be a ZIP file.

Source of inspiration

Issue 0x14 of PoC||GTFO was both a PDF, a ZIP file, and an NES ROM. It was this release that inspired me to create an NES game from scratch for Tymkrs.

The method I used to create the NES ROM, which is also a ZIP file, is NOT the same method used in issue 0x14 PoC||GTFO. My method embeds the ZIP file into the NES ROM and allows you to burn the NES image to the cartridge while preserving the data in the ZIP file. In the method used by PoC||GTFO, the ZIP file data is stored outside ROM file NES, so release 0x14 PoC||GTFO cannot be written to a cartridge with ZIP file data saved.

NES ROM File Format

This NES image uses the iNES file format. The iNES file format is actually quite simple.

At the beginning of the ROM there is an iNES header that tells a bit of information about the NES ROM so that emulators can understand the NES image data. Following the iNES header is PRG data, which is the NES ROM software logic data. Then comes the CHR data, that is, sets of background tiles and sprites. All the empty space in the PRG is padded, and there can be a few bytes at the end of the PRG data (this NES ROM has 6 required bytes at the end of the PRG data that I can't change).

iNES File Format

ZIP file format

There are quite a lot of components to ZIP files, so we'll focus on the parts that are important to us.

For each file and directory contained in a ZIP file, there is a Central Directory File Header. Any central directory file header can be found by searching the 0x504B0102 header signature bytes in the ZIP file. The important piece of information is the Local Header Offset because when we embed the ZIP file into the NES ROM we will be changing each offset.

ZIP Central Directory File Header Format

ZIP files determine their beginning and end by going to the end of the file and moving toward the beginning until they reach bytes 0x504B0506 of the End of Central Directory Record signature. When embedding the ZIP file into the NES ROM, it is important for us to update the Central Directory Offset at the end of the Central Directory entry. We can also specify the length of the ZIP file comment (ZIP File Comment Length) and this number of bytes after the end of the ZIP file data will be the ZIP file comment.

ZIP Central Directory Entry End Format

Hiding the ZIP file in the NES ROM

If we find enough padding in the PRG data, we can simply replace that empty data with a ZIP file. In my NES ROM, I counted the padding bytes from the end of the PRG data until I had enough space to embed the ZIP file and recorded how far into the NES ROM I started embedding the ZIP file. I then updated all the ZIP file data offsets by adding the distance where the ZIP file starts in the NES image. I then set the ZIP file's comment length size to equal the size of the rest of the NES ROM data, i.e. the end of the PRG data and all of the CHR data.

NESZIP file format

This file remains an NES image because none of the required PRG data and CHR data are corrupted. It is also a ZIP file because all offsets are correct and all data after the ZIP data is declared as a ZIP comment.

Let's first test the file to make sure it is both an NES ROM and a ZIP file. After downloading the file as an NES ROM, I make a copy of it.

Copy of NES ROM

Renaming the file allows me to change the extension from .nes to .zip.

Changing the extension of the NES ROM copy to .zip

After changing the extension to .zip, the file is considered a ZIP file.

When you unpack this file, a directory is created.

If we look at the contents of the directory, we can see the source code of the file. We simply took the NES ROM, renamed it to a ZIP file, and successfully extracted it.

While updating the ZIP file data offsets, I decided to have a little fun with the ZIP file. The central directory file headers indicate the Host OS on which the ZIP file was created, so I decided to make the ZIP file claim to have been created on an Atari ST.

Create a recursion

In fact, this part is the easiest. The zipped source code became a ZIP file small enough to be easily embedded into an NES ROM, so I decided to make the NES/ZIP recursive. It didn't take much work to automate the process of creating a source code ZIP file, or to automate the process of embedding a ZIP file into the NES ROM.

Let's sum it up

This project is a simple proof of concept, demonstrating the ability to embed a ZIP file into an NES ROM in a way that creates a file that becomes both a ZIP file and an NES image, and allows the data to be written to a cartridge with all its properties preserved.

Since I chose to make this NES ROM compatible with NES-NROM-128 PCBs (due to their simplicity), the process will work for almost any NES ROM as long as it has enough padding in the PRG data to embed the ZIP file.

Implementing this process on other NES ROMs may require additional work because different 6502 assemblers may indent PRG data differently. I have not tested this method with more complex NES games that have bank switching. I also have not tested the ability to add padding to the PRG data size to accommodate larger ZIP files.

With that said, don't be surprised if I give you an NES cartridge with a secret ZIP file hidden in the NES ROM data.


The source code for this project is available on GitHub (or can be obtained by extracting the NES ROM file) and is licensed under a BSD 2-Clause License.
NES file is corrupted

If, after installing the required program from the list, you still cannot open a file with the NES extension, the reason may be that it is damaged. The solution may be to find a new copy of the NES file you are about to open

NES file extension not associated with corresponding application

In this case, the easiest way is to use the tools built into the operating system for connecting the NES file with applications to support it. Double-click on the file you can't open - operating system will show a list of programs that are likely to work with your NES file. Select one of them, or indicate on the disk the location where you installed one of the offers from our list. Windows should open the NES file using a pre-installed program.

The entry relating to the NES file in the "Windows System Registry" has been deleted or corrupted
NES file is infected with a virus

It may happen that a computer virus is attached to the NES file. In this case, it will probably not be possible to open such a file. Download any good antivirus program and scan the NES file. If the antivirus program detects dangerous data, this may indicate an NES file indication.

And so... You downloaded your favorite game on dandy and decided to launch it. Having stumbled upon a file with the extension ".nes" or archive ".zip" you suddenly realize that you need help. In fact, you can’t play these games just like that, without the help of special programs. These programs are called emulators.

An emulator is a program that reproduces the work consoles on your personal computer. And the game file itself (by the way, it’s called rum) - This cartridge(exaggerated). Naturally, you can’t play dandy with just one thing. Therefore, for a full game you need download both rom and program to launch it.

I found dozens of emulators on the network, but I decided to take only the three best of them, besides, they all have support for the Russian language, which is very important for the Russian audience.

Russian emulators Dandy

Virtual NES Nestopia FCE Ultra
Virtual NES is an excellent dandy emulator that is best for opening Japanese-made games. Works on windows 7, XP, 2000. Excellent compatibility with most games. The Russian version of this emulator (version 0.93) is available at this link: Nestopia- a relatively young dandy emulator, but it has already gained enormous popularity! Opens probably 99% of all roms without any problems. It supports online play, many filters for adjusting image and sound. Works on win xp, 7, 2000. The downside is that it is quite demanding on hardware, at least Pentium 3. FCE Ultra- an excellent dandy, nes emulator that can handle most games. It is something between the two previous emulators. It eats few resources, but at the same time has a bunch of settings that will satisfy even the most experienced gamer. To enable the Russian language, you need to go to options, then click on language and select Russian. Version 0.98.15 is available at this link:

How to run the game (rom) on Dandy

Let's say you downloaded the emulator and the rom itself, i.e. you should have two files: one with the extension “.nes” (game rom), the second “.zip” (emulator). To run the game, you need to extract the emulator program and run it. I'll show you how to run a rom using an emulator as an example Nestopia:

After starting the emulator, click on file / open ( file/open). Next, you need to select the folder in which you have a file with the extension ".nes" i.e. the downloaded game file itself. Open it in this program and you can play. The only thing that would be nice is to customize the control buttons, graphics, and sound. But it’s difficult to give any recommendations here, because everything will depend on the player’s personal preferences and the hardware on which the emulator runs. You can also configure where saves will be made, look at which buttons make quick saves, if your emulator has the ability to record video and sound - also specify in advance the folders where all this will be saved. If you actively use this program, the disk can contain a decent amount of photo and video materials, up to several gigabytes!

That's basically the whole discovery of Roma...

An emulator for playing on a smartphone with ANDROID OS can be downloaded

You have found for yourself suitable game, which we would like to remember and play. You downloaded it and now you have a question: how to play dandy games on computer?

All dandy games exist in the following format: NES. This format cannot be opened just like that. To open the NES format we need dandy emulators games.

There are a lot of dandy emulators, but there are only a few that are convenient and normal.

Below are the dandy emulators, which can be downloaded immediately by clicking on the link.

For myself, I selected two emulators that I use.

The first is VirtuaNES 0.97e, which I use for almost all games.

And the second Nestopia 1.40, which I use to open multi-games.

Using the VirtuaNES 0.97e emulator as an example, I will now explain: how to play dandy games on a computer?

First download it to your computer:

Then unzip the archive and open the unzipped VirtuaNES folder.

Then open the file "VirtuaNES.exe".

Having opened it, we will see a black screen and at the top the inscription “File (F)”, etc. This is the emulator.

Step 1. Open the game.

To open the game, click "File(F)" at the top and select "Open(O)". Or just press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+O".

The “Open Rom file” window will appear in front of us. Here we indicate the path / select the dandy game itself that we want to open.

And click the "Open" button.

When you open some games, a window will appear that says:
"Because a NES header is illegal, there can be the thing that does not work normally. Do execute?".

When this window appears, click the “Yes” button.

All dandy game is open. You can already play.

Step 2: Setting up controls

You can already play, but how? We don't know the control keys. Let's set them up.

To configure the control, click "Option(C)" at the top and select "Controller(C)".

To configure the first player's controls, you must have the "Controller1" tab open.

For the second player, the "Controller2" tab.

In the first player tab, you should have “10FPS” selected in two columns.

For myself, I installed the control keys, which are shown in the screenshot below. This control setup is quite convenient.

We set it up for the second player in the same way, only the control keys are different.

Step 3. Open the file immediately and always

In order for the dandy game to open immediately upon double-clicking, that is, download it from our website, open it and you can already play.

You need to open the game in nes format, then select “Select a program from the list manually” and click “OK”.

Check the box next to “Use this for all files of this type” and click “OK”.

Now you can launch all the games you downloaded from our site at once.

You won't need to open the emulator and press "File(F)" etc. You will just need to open the game.

If the inscriptions do not appear on your monitor, then you need to hover the cursor over the game and click right button mice.

Then click “Open with” and “Select program”. Then click "Browse".

Select the emulator and check the box next to the option “Use this for all files of this type.”

Click "OK" and we can safely play.

To pause the game you need to press the space bar, and to continue the game you need to press the P key.

By constantly pressing the space bar, the game runs in slow motion mode.

If while passing the game you need to close it, and then when it appears free time To play, continue the game from the same moment. You need to press the S key to save and L to continue the game.

Best emulator NES / Dendy And Famicom Disk System open source. Supports saves, joysticks, emulation of various controllers, archives (including 7z), movie recording, etc. It also has excellent compatibility. Ported to countless systems (old name FCE Ultra). Has built-in tools for creating tool-assisted superplay.

Size: 8.5 MiB | Downloads: 292188 | Download

Emulator NES / Famicom / Dendy And FDS open source. Many settings, various filters, support Kaillera, launching ROMs directly from the archive, the ability to autosave and excellent compatibility. Undoubtedly one of the most sophisticated and best NES emulators.

Date: 06/08/2008 | Size: 1.2 MiB | Downloads: 134522 | Download

Great emulator NES / Famicom And Famicom Disk System. Support large quantity mappers, saves, filters, emulation mode Dendy and other possibilities.

Not a bad emulator NES / Dendy from the author of Project64, written using the DirectX API. It supports a large number of mappers and is mainly focused on launching USA roms. Jnes has save support, also online play via Kaillera.

Date: 12/25/2016 | Size: 502 KiB | Downloads: 62747 | Download

Mednafen is an excellent multi-platform emulator that emulates the following platforms:

  • Atari Lynx
  • GameBoy (Color)
  • Game Boy Advance
  • Neo Geo Pocket (Color)
  • Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom
  • PC Engine (CD)/TurboGrafx 16 (CD)/SuperGrafx
  • PC-FX
  • Sega Game Gear
  • Sega Genesis/Mega Drive
  • Sega Master System
  • Sony PlayStation
  • Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom
  • Virtual Boy
  • WonderSwan
The emulation quality is very good.
There is support for graphic filters.

Attention: the emulator starts only from command line. But you can use a shell: Mednaffe or MedGui Reborn.
To fully work with the emulator, you should familiarize yourself with. And also, don’t forget about the F1 key.

Date: 01-09-2015 | Size: 17.5 MiB | Downloads: 57456 | Download

An unofficial release of the famous emulator of the most famous eight-bit console from Nintendo. Fixed a bug causing a slow joystick reaction that appeared on some computers in the official release and some other annoying glitches.

Corrected build of Nestopia 1.37 (stable for recording movies). It now supports unlimited AVI dump video size as well as RGB32 color space.

Date: 2.09.2012 | Size: 866 KiB | Downloads: 5794 | Download

Quite advanced emulator NES/Dendy open source for Windows. Among its features: dandy mode (hybrid), debugger, video recording, color palette adjustment, game genie, ROM title editor, etc.

Date: 2019-01-02 | Size: 7.1 MiB | Downloads: 10958 | Download

Emulator NES for Windows. This is a concept emulator, main feature which is a reverse revision of the gameplay in real time (real-time rewind).

Date: 2012-03-12 | Size: 490 KiB | Downloads: 4923 | Download

Multisystem emulator consoles Sega Mega Drive, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, Nintendo Entertainment System and arcade machine Sega System E. It has an original 3D interface in the form of a game room with slot machines and TVs. There is also a built-in database of games and covers.

Date: 05/16/2011 | Size: 18.3 MiB | Downloads: 23823 | Download

One of the oldest, continuing development, emulators NES / Dendy. It has a graphical interface (in DOS style because... for a long time the emulator was for DOS), the ability to record and save the game, create a screenshot, support for game genie codes, saves from nesticle and archives. For lovers and nostalgics.

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