Lesson summary on self-knowledge “On the path of goodness. Class hour "school is my second home" I group - "Students of the Miracle School."

"Our school is our second home"


    Relive in memory interesting points school life.

    To help realize the individual and collective achievements of the classroom community.

    Determine the role of the school and class in the life of graduates, the contribution of each of them to the life and development of the school community.


    Teacher:Good afternoon……………Today we are conducting our last class hour entitled “Our school is our second home.” At this class time we decided to talk about us, what we have achieved, how well we know each other, what memories you will have about the school, and what the school has given you.

    School years fly by quickly, and you and I are already at the finish line. We only have two months of school and final exams ahead of us, our whole school life is behind us

    Let's look at each other, smile at each other and start our class hour.


    Whatever you become in life,

    If only you weren't tired

    Open and be surprised

    To conquer, not to submit.

    Believe in miracles, believe in people

    And, of course, smile!

    Teacher:Let's open our family album and the first page of our album - Business card class.

    There is a slide show - photos of the class, class teacher, head teacher, achievements, recreation. Music is playing.


    It would seem one and the same

    What day, what year,

    But again, as in childhood, we are worried

    Another day's arrival.

    Any lesson, any meeting

    More valuable than all contributions on earth.

    After all, every school moment is marked

Its uniqueness.


School life is like a ladder of knowledge. You rise higher and higher - from one step to another, more difficult. We overcame all difficulties together. We studied science and learned to be friends. After all, the main thing is for each of you to become good, kind people.

And now I We invite you on a journey through our school country, to our home school. It is unique, it has a rich history, in which the most interesting pages stories. The school still retains its uniqueness. Let's turn to history.

Main achievements of the school

Our school is:

Winner of the competition of educational institutions introducing innovative educational programs– in 2007;

Member of the National Register of Leading educational institutions Russia - 2010";

Winner in the “Eager for Victory” relay race, thanks to the school museum “Glory”;

Winner in the national project “Education” - “Best Schools in Russia”.

Our school is the only school in the republic that has a museum of “Glory”, which became Peter of patriotic education with the local history and search team “Patriot”.

Every day teachers and students come to our school. They have one common task - we need to make sure that all boys and all girls become real people: smart, educated, hardworking, happy and useful members of society. They solve this problem together, but in different ways: some teach, others learn.

Our school is our second home, because we spend most of our time there, here we learn to make friends, here we gain knowledge. We want our school to become bright from the desire to increase your knowledge and skills, warm from a kind attitude towards each other!

Student: Every childhood has its own address.
Having parted with him, we will become more mature.
And our childhood will remain to wander
Within the walls of my small school.

Student: The road will take us further and further
You can’t return your school years, you can’t forget them.
And today we want a little
To be sad about the past with you.

Student: 11 years ago we came to school with our eyes wide open, expecting a miracle. We were like blank white pages on which you, our parents and teachers, wrote your text, created a person.

Student:Our path was not strewn with roses because there was no room for them. This place was occupied: by Pechorin’s quest and Tatyana’s suffering, by syntax and punctuation, biquadratic equations and triangles named after Pythagoras.

Student: The periodic table and that lucky apple that fell on the head of the thinking Newton. And also continents and oceans, battles and battles, cross-country races and races.

Student:Our main task all these years has been to eat from the tree of knowledge. We tasted it, and some of us had indigestion.

Student:We tried to destroy the granite foundation of science and as a result, through our joint efforts, we gnawed a huge hole in it. Where the trade winds constantly blew on us, that’s why many of us have a chronic runny nose.

Student:And despite all this, we are still as cheerful and cheerful as we were 11 years ago. A whole life fit into these 11 years.

Student:This life would be boring and joyless if we were not accompanied by our parents and teachers - reliable comrades, excellent advisers.

Student:Which were the guiding and guiding force of our growing up. They tried to pour their souls into us without a trace.

Teacher: The first assistant in achieving success today is school teacher who helps you acquire knowledge in a particular area, prepares you for independent life, and gives advice in difficult times for you.

Communicating with the first teacher every day, you learned, in addition to the school curriculum, simple truths...

That in the morning it wouldn’t be a bad idea to come to class on time...

That you should write not on your desk or on your hands, but only in a notebook...

That you can’t be rude to your elders, but you definitely need to protect your kids...

And many other wisdoms that an educated person should know.

Who was your first teacher? What can you tell us about her?

Students: The story of the first teacher

Student:At first, the first teacher was the most important person in school for us.

Studentseven in the country! Even more important than the president!

Student:Then we found out that the school has a director.

Student:And something depends on him too.

Student:Yes, not just some things, but practically everything!

Student:Windows, doors, desks...

Posters, boards, cards...

Electric light bulbs.
And student lunches.
Student: Method of teaching

And sanitary condition.

Both learning and behavior.

And our good mood -

Together:It all depends on the director!

Student: Guess what was the worst thing at school?
Student: Well, of course, get on the carpet with the head teacher!

Student: When we broke a window or when we ran away from an algebra test.
Student: Or when they conducted unauthorized experiments in chemistry.
Student: It all ended in the head teacher's office!

Student:The head teacher creates the weather at school, the school climate depends on it!

Student:And we are grateful that the climate in our school was favorable for us.

Student:And that the weather during our 11 school years was warm and sunny!

Teacher:You grew up every year, became smarter and smarter, so now we will check what knowledge you have acquired in 11 years.

General topics

    Why is a student kicked out of class? (Outside the door.)

    What can’t a person live without? (No name.)

    What branch does not grow on a tree? (Zheleznodo horny.)

    What will you never get tired of doing for the rest of your life? (Breathe.)

    “School is home”

    How many windows are there in the corridor on the first floor?

    How many photographs are there on the “Our Pride” stand?

    How many doors are there in our school?

    Which office is the largest in area?

    How many tables are there in the history room?

    How many steps does the staircase to the second floor consist of?

    Whose portraits adorn the walls of the chemistry and biology classroom?

    How many steps are there in the staircase before entering the school?

    Our teachers

    1.When is the birthday of your first teacher?

    2.How old is the director of our school?

    3.Name your class teachers?

    4. What color are the math teacher’s eyes?

    5. What is the hobby of the physics teacher?

    6. Which teacher, in your opinion, has the most beautiful voice?

    Student: Wishes to teachers from students

    Teacher:Well done! You can say that the school has truly become your home.

In addition to the first teacher, director and head teachers,there are others at our schoolteachers who have given a lot of years and efforteducation of the younger generation, including you.

Student:What can you take from our teachers on the road? adult life? What's the best thing about our teachers?

Let's take determination._____________________


Let's add some brains__________________________________________

And also kindness_______________________________________________

And ---------all like that, like that. Let's add her beauty.

Seriousness take it from _________________________________

And humor, don’t forget humor. We'll take it from ___________________________________

And the lightness of _____________________________________________________

Let's add some pepper ___________________________________________________

And smartness ___________________________________________________

But what about without the ability to program?

We'll grab this from ______________________________________________________________

Determination _______________________________________add.

Let's throw in some more lightness, from ________________________________________________

Originality _________________________________________________

Ability to speak English from _____________________________________

And finally, responsibility from _____________________________________.

well, that seems to be it.

So, our class is now the most









Worthy of all praise

Wonderful class.

Teacher:Throughout your 11 years, from birth onwards, your dear helpers who loved you were... your parents, who worried about all the failures, rejoiced at the success and are now ready to help with everything...

Dear parents! I tell you my teacher’s “thank you” for your children. They know how to behave, they are well-mannered, and most importantly, they are kind and open. This is your merit. I am very grateful to you thatYou and I have always been like-minded people. This is probably why there were no problems with your children. Thank you.

Now let's listen to one parable.

Vessel of life.

And remember five simple rules:
1. Free your heart from hatred - forgive everyone you were offended by
2. Free your heart from worries - most of them are useless.
3. Live a simple life and appreciate what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

In my hands you see an envelope with the words “My dreams are my hopes” written on it. 2016-2021, write your dreams and put them in this envelope. Let's meet in five years and see what has happened in your life.

I wish you well, I wish you to choose your path in life, so that your life brings joy to people. Live it honestly and with dignity. And one more thing - never forget the school that brought you together.

Sad moments of parting,
But we won't cry now.
Everything is behind: excitement, anticipation,
And I would like to say in memory:
“The whole path is the one we went through together,
Walking up the steep steps,
I will remember it for a long time, honestly!
For a century you became my family.
I've enjoyed you all these years,
I gave my whole soul to you,
Like a mother, I admired my children,
I had tender feelings for you.
Thank you for your honesty,
For your sincerity. Patience.
For those eyes that looked at me,
Understanding everything, without a doubt.
Each of you has your own path,
Whatever path you choose.
I'm waiting for you all at the school door
With an open, pure soul."

Students: Our dear teachers!

Our journey through life has just begun,
Thank you - it started as it should.
We wish you health and good luck,
Students - good and obedient!

Thank you, dear teachers,
For kindness and patience,
For forgetting peace,
Gave your soul, without a doubt,

1) development of imagination, fantasy, creativity, creative thinking of students;
2) developing in students an idea of ​​the diversity of the Earth’s nature;
3) strengthening teamwork skills;
4) fostering a correct understanding of environmental problems, careful attitude to nature;
5) instilling interest in learning and love for school;
6) show students how parts make up a whole.

Equipment: Lego set.

1. Announcement of the topic and goals of the class hour.

Guys, today we are holding a class hour in the form of a competition. During competitions there are always winners. In our competition, all participants can become winners if you combine your efforts and manage to build a school of the future.

2. Introductory conversation.

Our school is our second home, because we spend most of our time there, here we learn to make friends, here we gain knowledge. We want our school to become a center for environmental education. Now our goal is to present the project of our school in the future, where there will be an extraordinary laboratory for the study and research of the flora and fauna of our planet.

We are all one team. Team name: “Moor-meow”, which means: “We are skillful guys, we are clear minds.”

Teacher:– You were familiarized in advance with the topic and objectives of the class hour, and each group received assignments. And now, united, we will build the school of the future together.

The team was divided into three groups: “Oceanarium”, “Plateau” and “High Mountains”.

3. Presentation of groups.


- Talk less, work more,
So that everything boils in your hands.
Remember - the team is nearby,
Don't be afraid of tasks.
Together we can build
Lots of Lego buildings.
The main thing is that everyone finds it interesting.
It is important that we overcome difficulties together.


- We want to live joyfully,
We want to play together
We want to be strong friends
We want to study for 4 and 5!
We know how solve problems,
We can write without errors,
We can come to the rescue
And we will make every effort to find happiness.
We love to work for the benefit of people,
We love to listen to the nightingale sing,
We love to read and computer play,
We love to win competitions!

“Highlands”: (The phonogram “School Waltz” sounds, music by I. Dunaevsky)

– There are new buildings all around, and we are 50!
Hundreds of children studied at the school.
Each of them is grateful to fate for this.
Because he was trained and raised here,
They walk boldly through life,
The days are filled with work and creativity.
And we are dealing with Logomirs,
And we write our future,

This is an assistant.
And we are dealing with Logomirs,
And we write our future,
And we fantasize - and Legogame
We need!

Teacher:– Each group must build its own floor and talk about its laboratory.

4. Working with Lego constructors.

Groups assemble their “laboratory” from Lego sets, and then build three floors: “oceanarium”, “plateau” and “highlands”.

5. Presentation of their project by each group.

Teacher:– You built a wonderful building.

Tell us what the students do here.

1st group (“oceanarium”).

We invite everyone to come to our school oceanarium. The dolphin Flipper swims towards us - he is our assistant, and today he is on duty at the oceanarium. Let's go to the intercom. The decoder will help us understand the dolphin's speech.

Hello Flipper! How do you like life in the school aquarium?


Are you used to following our instructions?

I love it.

What are you doing now?

I have collected a collection of sea shells and mollusks for you, because tomorrow you have

What is the situation in the depths now?

Everything is fine. The flora and fauna of the oceanarium are in natural conditions.

Where is your friend Liding now?

He swam to the coral reefs. He has a “beacon” and you can contact him.

Turn on the monitor screen. Let's see what task Liding the dolphin performs. Here we see the streamlined body of a dolphin, and on its fin there is a thermometer. This means that Liding measures the water temperature in the coral reef area.

2nd group (“plateau”).

Let's move to the plateau. Tomorrow the 4th grade children will have a topic on the surrounding world: “Forest Zone”.

We watch the wolf. Pay attention to his serious appearance, how slowly and importantly he walks. He's probably thinking about some task.

Let's turn on the intercom.

Akela, we welcome you! Do you know who is on duty for the “Red Book” today? We wanted to know if rare plants were being exterminated in the forest?

An angry bee just flew past me. Probably, honey plants have been picked somewhere.

Akela, what are you doing now?

I, as a forest orderly, inspect my area to see if there is any contamination.

So how is it?

Everything is fine! My site is environmentally friendly.

Thank you, Akela. See you!

3rd group (“high mountains”).

Now let's climb the mountains. We turn on the air ionization installation and, thus, we find ourselves high in the mountains, at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. A cautious and majestic eagle soars above us. He descends, and we see his powerful wings and hear his guttural scream. What does he want to tell us? We turn on the intercom.

Eagle-sharp eye, what are the forecasts for the near future?

Guys, be careful! The snow begins to melt and avalanches are possible.

Thanks for the warning, Eagle Eagle.

Teacher:- Well done boys! You managed to create a wonderful project for the school of the future.

6. Summary.

Yes, our school is our second home, because, most importantly, here we learn to preserve and build our common big house, in which we all have to live in the 21st century. And Lego helps us with this.

In conclusion, V. Dubravin’s song “Nature Built a Huge House” sounds.

Subject: School is our second home. Rights and responsibilities of a student

Target: 1. Give a holistic perception of the concept of “school” and everything

what is connected with it.

2. Consider the rules of behavior for students at school.

3. Identify the basic rights and responsibilities of schoolchildren.

4. Foster respect for the rights of others;

Progress of the lesson:

Listen to the riddle, what does it say?

The house is standing

Who will enter it -

He will gain that mind.

What is this?


The topic of the lesson is “School is my second home.”

Why do you think school is called a second home?

Game "Association"

The class is divided into two teams. Participants take turns running up to the teacher and calling out the association with the word school. The team that names the last association wins the game.

Teacher:- Guys, do you know the rules that exist at school?

Let's remember the basic rules of behavior at school?

Rules of behavior at school:

1. When you enter the classroom, say hello to the teacher and your friends.

2. If you are late for class, apologize and ask permission to go to your seat.

3. During the lesson, listen carefully, answer, complete all tasks.

4. Don't distract your neighbors with your conversations.

5. In the dining room you need to be quiet, don’t jump, and follow the rules of etiquette while eating.

6. During recess, don’t push your comrades, don’t fight.

Plot - role-playing game

The class is divided into small groups. Each group is given a task. After five minutes, each group takes turns going to the board, playing out the situation and proving their point of view.

Situation No. 1. The boy and girl were late for class, greeted the teacher and went to their places.

Situation No. 2. The teacher called the student to the board. He stood up noisily and waddled towards the blackboard, touching notebooks and textbooks along the way.

Situation No. 3. Two teachers are talking. A student passes by and says: “Hello, Marina Petrovna.”

Situation No. 4. The girl needed a ruler in class. She loudly asked her friend if she had a ruler, and then she got up, went, took the ruler and then sat down.

Situation No. 5 The teacher explains the topic of the lesson, at this moment the student raises his hand and asks a question.

Situation No. 6 Two teachers are having a conversation during a break. A student comes up to them and complains that her classmates are offending her.

Listen to A. Barto's poem "The Fly".

Alyosha is glad: spring has come,

The garden is warm and dry,

And in the classroom near the window

A fly is buzzing today.

He began to watch the fly:

She flew through the window,

She will sit down on a notebook,

That's on a piece of chalk.

She's right at the ceiling

Flying in the bright light

And he goes down on foot

According to the wall newspaper.

It crawled along the oilcloth,

Got into the abacus

She has her own business

And your worries.

The fly fled away lightly,

And now he’s not in a good mood -

Note in the diary

Because of this fly!

Is Lyosha to blame?

The fly is to blame!

She now rushed off into the garden,

Gone somewhere...

When to admit your guilt

I don't have enough spirit

You can blame the fly:

“It’s the Fly’s fault!”

What is this poem about?

What can you say about Lyosha’s behavior?

Did the teacher give Lyosha a fair reprimand in his diary?


On the teacher’s desk there is a “magic” chest with “school” riddles. Children take turns coming to the teacher’s table, taking out a riddle from the chest and answering the question.

1. There is a house,

Who will enter it -

That mind will gain.


2. In black and white

They write every now and then.

Wipe with a rag -

Blank page.


3. The white pebble melted,

He left marks on the board.


4. There is a wonderful bench,

You and I sat on it.

The bench guides both of us

From year to year, from class to class.


5. Either I’m in a cage, then I’m in a line.

Write about me!

You can also draw

What am I?


6. I am in the notebook

Oblique and straight.

In its other meaning

I am a drawing board.

And finally, sometimes

I'll line everyone up.


7. In this narrow box

You will find pencils

Pens, quills, paper clips, buttons,

Anything for the soul.

Pencil case

7. Guess what this thing is:

A sharp beak, not a bird,

With this beak she

Sows - sows seeds.

Not in the field, not in the garden -

On the pages of your notebook.


Creative task “New schedule”

One day he was assigned to one school new director, who decided to redo everything at school. And he began to redo everything from the names of school lessons - he was terribly tired of the old names. This is how “color-smearing” and “letter-writing” appeared in the school schedule...

Help the cheerful director and come up with at least three names for lessons, such as mathematics, music, physical education, labor, Russian.

Physical education


Everyone stands in a circle. Looking your neighbor in the eyes, you must say: “I respect your right to safety and will not hit you.” The interlocutor nods his head, thanks and says to his neighbor (the game goes in a circle): “I respect your right to study and will not distract you in class...”

Exercise "Collect a proverb"

Task: Collect a proverb from individual words.

1. In a book they look not for letters, but for thoughts.

2. Knowledge, not water, will not flow into your mouth on its own.

3. Gold comes from the earth, and knowledge comes from books.

4. A bird is red in its feathers, and a man is red in his learning.

6. The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.

7. It’s not a shame not to know, it’s a shame not to learn.

8. Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness.

9. Reading is the best learning.

10. A person does not go astray from learning.

Teacher - What is law? (The rules by which people live.)

What rights do you have? (For life, for family, for study.)

It all starts with the right to life. This is the first step towards the future. But this right was not always the case. In Ancient Sparta, a child born weak was thrown from a cliff into the abyss. In Paris in the old days, children who were a burden to their parents were given to the poor.

Discussion of the situation

Let us remember the fairy tale by G.Kh. Andersen's "The Ugly Duckling". Did all the inhabitants of the poultry yard have the same rights?

Why did they offend the little duckling? (He was not at all like the others.)

Do people have the right to treat a person who is not like them in skin color this way? appearance, suit, speaks a different language?

Why did the Bunny cry bitterly in the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”?


Why can’t you give your comrades a nickname?

Why can't you go on a trip with strangers?

Why can't you play in attics and basements?

What will you do if someone comes to your front door and asks you to let them in to make a phone call?

How will you act if you and your parents have lost each other?

Who protects your rights? (State.)

How can you protect your rights when communicating with your peers? (Be friendly.)

What rights do you consider the most important for a person?

Another responsibility of a student is to take care of his things and school supplies.

Finish the sentence

Students complete the endings of the sentences:

At school I have to...

At school I have the right...

At home I have to...

At home I have the right...

On the street I have to...

On the street I have the right...

How do you understand the expression “the right to make mistakes”? (Children's statements.)

Think about it: are there people who don’t make mistakes? What mistakes do you make yourself? (Children's answers.)

How do you understand the expression “learn from mistakes”?


It's okay to make mistakes. We learn from mistakes. The main thing is to learn not to repeat your mistakes in the future.

Talking about household chores

Each family member must have permanent work responsibilities performed for the entire family. Remember and tell us what kind of housework your loved ones do: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, etc. (Listen to the children’s answers.)

Which of you has your own responsibilities at home? What are you doing?

(Children list the duties they perform around the House.)


Sample Responsibilities

Apartment maintenance. One of the household responsibilities of all family members is to create comfort in the apartment. A cozy, clean, tidy apartment gives pleasure; its appearance improves mood, productivity, and prolongs life.

You can help your parents wash the floor and wipe the dust.

If you litter, collect the trash and sweep the floor.

Keep your room tidy.

Rules related to cooking and eating food

Know how to set the table, sit correctly at the table, use cutlery, and eat politely.

Wash the dishes after yourself.

Know how to prepare food (simple dishes: salad, scrambled eggs, tea and others).

Rules related to self-service

Keep your hair cut, combed or braided.

Check if your suit or dress is in order and if your shoes are clean. Check if all the buttons are in place; if necessary, sew on a button.

When you come home from school or a walk, hang your suit on hangers, remove dust from your shoes with a brush or wash them. If your boots are wet, dry them. Lubricate dried shoes with a special cream.

Know how to wash a handkerchief and socks.

Know how to mend small holes in clothes and sew on buttons.

Make your bed, clean your room and ventilate it before and after bedtime, and before doing your homework.

Keep yours in order workplace Houses. After classes and games, put books and toys in their places, and put everything you need for lessons in your backpack.

Conclusion . Those who have learned to do a lot themselves will never be a burden to others or feel helpless. You must master all types of self-service and household work while studying at school in order to be able to fully serve yourself.


What rights do students have?

What are the responsibilities?

What household responsibilities can you already take on?

Teacher: School is your second home. You spend most of the day in it. School not only gives you valuable knowledge, but teaches you how to build your relationships with people, treat adults with respect, communicate with comrades, and win friends. And your future life largely depends on how you prove yourself at school.

Lesson in self-discovery
2nd grade

Topic: “School is ours common Home»
Goal: to summarize students’ ideas about school and the value of school friendship.
reveal the meaning of the concepts “school house”;
develop a desire to acquire knowledge, be inquisitive, learn more;
cultivate a caring and respectful attitude towards school, a respectful attitude towards teachers and classmates.
Resources: music “Dreams” by R. Schumann, phonogram of the song “Chunga-Changa”, “Little Country”, audio recording of the song “What they teach at school”, pictures of school supplies.

Circle of Joy
Good morning, Guys. I am glad to meet you at our favorite lesson, “Self-knowledge.” To start the lesson, I suggest going to the Carpet of Friendship. Let's join hands and form a circle of Good. Guys, today I came to class in a cheerful mood, because I was looking forward to meeting you after a long parting. And it looks like a bright flower.

What mood did you have when you came to class? Let's greet each other by playing the game "Man to Man." Lean your palms and toes against each other, hug and form our circle of Good. Give each other a smile.
-Good afternoon!
And the birds sing fervently.
Good afternoon
The lakes are smiling.
Good afternoon
The mountains nod from above.
Good afternoon
And the wind blows through your window
Knocked at dawn -
Wake up, get up,
Good afternoon

Alone with myself
The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet, close their eyes and imagine, to the music, how a small ray of sunlight has separated from the sun, as small and playful as they are. He comes down from heaven and tickles children's cheeks, kisses their eyes and jumps on their heads, gets tangled in their hair, and then comes down. It is light, light as a feather.
The teacher suggests taking it in your hands and imagining how a light breeze picks them up and carries them upward! They rise higher and higher above the houses and trees. People look at them and smile. Then everyone is invited to slowly return to their class and open their eyes.
- Who could fly. How did you feel?
- Sit more comfortably, you can close your eyes again.
- Peace and quiet on earth... The air is motionless. Only the clouds were slowly moving in the sky... But then the sky lit up with a soft pink light. This sun woke up and illuminated the earth with its rays... You found yourself in your beloved home. You feel good and pleased. Take a deep breath... Open your eyes...
- Do you want to know what kind of house you find yourself in?
In this establishment
Everyone has been there.
Losers, geniuses
Received marks.
Artists studied here
Singers, artillerymen.
I go here too
And you, my friends.
- What kind of house is this? (School)
- Yes, this is our school. Today I propose to talk about our school.
- Guys, what can you compare school to?
- From your words, I concluded that the school can really be called our common home, because... This is where we spend a significant portion of our time. Here we live a special school life.
- So, the topic of our lesson is “School is our common home”
- What role does school play in our lives?
- What qualities does the school foster in each of you?
- You will learn many of these qualities in Self-Knowledge lessons. Name them.
- Who do you communicate with at school?

Guys, I suggest you continue the proposal:
At school we learn...

Game "Islands of Knowledge"
- While playing, we will check what knowledge you have already acquired by at this moment.
Three circles are drawn on the floor. The melody of the song “What They Teach at School” plays. Students move freely around the room. As soon as the music stops playing, children need to take a place in one of three circles - “islands”. Then the children are given tasks.
First task: place in alphabetical order pictures of school supplies.
Second task: list the names of animals in Kazakh.
Third task: list words on the topic “School” in English.

- What interesting things will you learn at school?
- What did you learn at school?
- What feelings do you have when you hear the word “school”?

Creative activity. Project "Miracle School".
- Our wonderful home school, special, unlike any other. The school is filled with light and warmth.. Let's mentally walk through the corridors of our school, look into each classroom.
- What do you especially like about our school?
- Would you like to change anything here?
- I suggest you complete the creative project “Miracle School”.
The class is divided into 3 groups. Each group receives a task.
1st group
Assignment: create a school operating schedule.
- What academic subjects will be taught at school?
- How many minutes will one lesson last?
- How many lessons should there be per day?
- How long will the changes last, and how will they take place?
- Will there be a five-day or six-day period at school?
- What grades should teachers give?
- Will the holidays remain the same as in ours? regular school? How many days will they last?

2nd group
- What school uniform will the students have?
- How many times a week will a physical education lesson be held?
-Does our school need a canteen? What delicious things do you suggest cooks cook in it?
- What should teachers be like at school?
- What new things would you like to have at school for students?

3rd group
Assignment: draw a picture “Miracle School”. What will the school look like?

Game "Magic bag"
The teacher offers the children the game “Magic Bag”. Cards with word names are placed in a small bag school subjects: mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, music, knowledge of the world, self-knowledge, Physical Culture, Kazakh language, English language, art, labor training. Children take turns taking cards with words from the bag and telling them what this or that item is for.

Reflecting on the situation
The teacher asks you to reflect on the situation. (Children are divided into groups and act out the designated situation).
1. Friends call a friend outside, but mom asks him to help her around the house...
2. The guys decided to go play on the construction site, but...
3. On Sunday morning, parents ask their son to walk the dog, but he still wants to sleep...
4. The sister needs to prepare for independent work, and her brother invites her to watch an interesting film.
- Do you think it’s difficult to do something you don’t want to do?

Circle “From Heart to Heart”
- Our school is a large, beautiful, bright house. Here you will learn a lot of new and interesting things, you yourself will become better and kinder, more inquisitive. Your loving teachers, your friends, your classmates are always next to you. Together we are one big, friendly family. School is a home where you are always welcome. Let’s finish our lesson with the phrase: “I wish my school...”

The phonogram of the song “Chunga-Changa” is played. Children and their teacher sing the song “Miracle School.”

How we live together and have fun,
We learn notes and sing songs.
School, school is our home,
And we cannot live without school.
Our school is a miracle
It's so fun for all the people,
It's so great for all the people,
Let it be so!
Every student knows for sure
That without school the world becomes dim in an instant.
Our kids love school.
School, school is the best time!

The melody of the song “Little Country” sounds and the children sing the second song.
Behind the stadium, behind the houses
There is such a school.
There are children with smart eyes,
The certificates are countless.
There the school sparkles with purity,
There are no microbes there either.
Everyone dreams about our school,
Gives light to everyone.
Little country,
Smart country
Lots of knowledge and skills
She gives it to us all.

Item "Self-Knowledge" class 2 № 7 date__________

Subject: School is our common home

Value: righteous behavior Qualities: respect for everyone

Target: - show the significance of the value love as the basic principle of human interaction. Tasks:-promote children’s awareness of the value of knowledge; - develop desire to acquire knowledge; - bring up responsible attitude towards learning, self-confidence and self-confidence.

During the classes:

1.Org.moment.2. Positive attitude "Journey to the Bottom of the Sea."

Reading text to quiet and calm music.

Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, relax your body. In a few seconds we set off on a journey to the bottom of the sea.

Imagine that you are walking along the seashore. Listen to the crash of the waves and the cry of the seagulls. Feel the sand under your bare feet. In the distance you see a black dot: when it gets closer, you realize that it is a dolphin. He has come to take you on an underwater journey. Slowly climb onto his back, hold on tight and hit the road. How wonderful it is to swim underwater. Look around: how many bright, beautiful fish there are, how many fancy algae are swaying around. Now look over there... that huge octopus. How funny and amazing world under the water. Have you noticed how deep, complete silence there is? Stay in this state of peace .(pause) Now get ready to head back up to our world. Look around, look again at all the amazing colors, listen to the silence. The dolphin sets off on its way back. You reach the surface of the water and approach the shore. Get off the dolphin, pet it and thank it for taking you on such an interesting journey. Return to class, to your seat. After a few seconds, you will open your eyes, but maintain a feeling of peace and quiet. Condition analysis:How did you feel when you sank to the seabed?What interesting and unusual things did you see?Did you manage to feel the peace and quiet?
Draw what you saw after a positive attitude.

5.Creative activities, group work. Warm-up game:

Children are invited to stand up. When asked a question, they answer: “It’s me, it’s me, these are all my friends,” accompanied by gestures, pointing to themselves, and then spreading their hands in front of them - to their friends). And if not about them, then they wave negatively with their heads, stomp their feet and say: “This is not me and not my friends!” * Who is in our class today Did it bring shine and beauty? Who is always for friendship, affection,Honesty, loyalty, kindness?Who always goes on a hikeFun and friendly?Who will always help in trouble,If necessary?Who's in class today?Chatting like a magpie?Whoever yawned didn’t know the answerWere you waiting for someone to tell you?Who is always ready with an answer?Did you learn your lesson by five?Cleanliness in his notebook,Everything is always fine with him!Who pulled Dana's braid? Who offended friend Vanya? Who teased the dog yesterday?Who started a fight with Jean? And to which of you will I boldly entrust any task?

6.Group singing.What they teach at schoolWords by M. Plyatskovsky

Write different letters
With a thin feather in a notebook

Subtract and multiply
Don't hurt kids
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Add two to four
Read words syllable by syllable
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Finding East and South
Draw a square and a circle
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
And never be confused
Islands and cities
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
About the verb and about the dash
And about the rain in the yard
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
To be firmly and firmly friends,
Treasure friendships from childhood
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.
Love good books
And be educated
They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

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