Modeling in the 2nd junior group ladybug. Notes on visual arts (modeling) for the second junior group “Ladybug. Progress of educational activities

Program content:

1. We continue to work on modeling with salt dough. We enrich the child’s experience of sensations and perceptions (sensory experience).

2. We strengthen the children’s ability to: roll a ball between the palms of a large red ball (torso), a small black ball (head); use different types of techniques to add expressiveness to the image (poking technique - black spots on the back).

3. We develop the child’s ability to work neatly at the table, to see beauty in living nature.

Methods and techniques:

A surprise moment, a show, an examination, questions for children, artistic expression, an outdoor game, an explanation, a problem situation, instructions.


Red and black salt dough, “pokes”, black gouache, wet wipes, boards; ready-made leaves of green colored paper.

Preliminary work:

The ladybug was examined: during a walk and in the illustration.

Learned physical education exercises" Ladybug".

Progress of the lesson:

In the group there is a table on the carpet. On the table there is a slide of multi-colored leaves, and under them on a green leaf sits a toy ladybug. A teacher comes into the group with children.

Educator - Guys, what are these leaves lying on the table, let's see what's under them. The teacher and the children come to the table and remove the leaves. Look guys, who is it?

Educator - That's right, this ladybug flew to visit us today. Guys, look, our guest is sad because today is the “Spring” holiday in the forest, and she has no friends with whom she could fly to this holiday. Guys, let's make friends for her?

- Okay, let's take a closer look at what the ladybug has.

- Body and head.

- That's right, what color is the body?

- Red.

Educator - What color is the head?

- Black.

Educator - What is that on her back?

- Black spots.

Educator - How many spots does a ladybug have on its back?

Educator - Guys, who can tell me what shape the ladybug’s body is?

- Round.

Educator - What shape are the black spots on the back?

- Also round.

Educator - What shape is Leysan’s head?

- Round.

Educator - Guys, tell me, what is larger, the body or the head?

- Torso.

Educator - Correct, the body is large, the head is smaller, and what size are the spots?

- Small ones.

Educator - Well done, that’s right, very young.

Guys, let's show our guest the game "Ladybug".

Physical education game “Ladybug”

Ladybug, black head

Fly to heaven, bring us some bread

If it's raining, then sit

If the sunshine fly.

(During physical education, children pronounce words and perform movements.)

Now guys, please take your seats. Sit up straight, your hands are friends, your eyes are looking at me. Today we will make friends for the ladybug from salt dough. You must try very hard because only the best ladybugs will be invited to the party. Educator - Guys, first we need to make the body, so what size piece will we take?

- Biggest.

Educator - Correct! I take the largest piece of red dough, roll it between my palms, and I get a big ball, you need to put the ball on a piece of paper and press it a little. The ladybug's head is black and we will make it from a small piece of black dough.

And now I take a piece of black dough, roll it between my palms, it turns out to be a round head. Now I attach the head to the body, helping with my fingers. I got a ladybug. What is my ladybug missing?

- Spots.

Educator - The ladybug has black spots. I take a poke, dip it in black paint and poke round spots on the back of the ladybug. Guys, you can apply as many spots as you want. You already have on your tables: pieces of red and black dough; poke, black gouache; ready-made leaves on which you will plant your ladybugs.

Now you yourself will make friends for our guest. And at this time the ladybug will watch how you diligently and carefully do your work.

During the work, the teacher approaches and helps children whose motor functions are poorly developed.

At the end of their work, the children bring their ladybugs on leaves and place them next to the guest. The guest (ladybug) thanks the children for making so many friends for her, now she and her new friends will be able to fly to the Spring Festival. The teacher praises all the children and highlights particularly successful works.

When introducing children to plasticine creativity, it is advisable to practice the easiest and most understandable crafts. These include a small ladybug. Children call this insect the sun and always send it to the sky for candy. Nobody is afraid of red bugs with black dots, because they are cute creatures that are associated with a peaceful sky and a happy childhood. Having looked at the master class given in this lesson on sculpting a ladybug, you can be convinced of the ease of such work. This is an option for children junior group kindergarten.

1. To sculpt a charming bug you need red, black and white plasticine. Children can choose the right shades themselves; they will be able to do this task.

2. From red plasticine, sculpt the body of a small bug - a small rounded part.

3. Slightly stretch the ball into an oval, then make a longitudinal cut along the back to separate the wings, and proceed to the fun part - sculpting the black dots. These miniature details are the hallmark of the sun bug. Glue an arbitrary amount onto the wings.

5. Attach the head to the front and the legs to the body. Now the ladybug can quickly run across the flowers.

6. Place convex white balls-eyes and antennae on the muzzle. The insect is ready to travel to heaven.

7. To complete the composition, create a green leaf from an oblong cake, draw the veins with a knife.

8. Put the bug in its place.

9. If you wish, pick a living leaf from any plant while walking with your baby in the park. This more realistic option is also suitable to complete the composition.

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

This is how the ladybug turned out. A bug can flutter from flower to flower and give joy to children.

Galina Zemlyanskaya
Summary of GCD for modeling in the junior group “Ladybug”

Summary of GCD for modeling in the younger group

« Ladybug»

Complementarity of educational regions: "Cognitive Development", “Artistic and aesthetic development”. "Social and communicative development", « Physical development» , "Speech development".


Artistic and aesthetic development:

Continue to teach children to pinch small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll them into balls, press the index finger on the plasticine ball, attaching it to the base;

to develop an interest in working with plasticine and to develop fine motor skills.

Cultivate an interest in music, a desire to listen to music, and sing along.

Cognitive development:

To stimulate children's interest in knowledge about ladybug.

To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.

Evoke in children an emotional response to the content of the poem about ladybug.

Continue to develop fine motor skills.

“Social and communicative development”

To form in children the experience of behavior among their peers, to cultivate a feeling of sympathy for them.

Form a habit (first under the supervision of an adult, and then independently) wash your hands after working with plasticine, wipe your hands dry with a personal towel.

"Physical development"

To develop in children a desire to play outdoor games with simple content together with the teacher;

Learn to walk and run without bumping into each other4 to develop the ability to maintain a stable body position and correct posture.

"Speech development"

Practice correct reproduction of onomatopoeias, words and simple phrases (from 2-4 words);

Develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary;

Promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Preliminary work: the day before, a conversation is held with the children about ladybug, looking at pictures and illustrations.

Preparation for class

For the teacher: toy - ladybug, audio player.

For children: blank sheet with ladybug(applique) by the number of children; black plasticine.

TECHNIQUES MOLDINGS: Pinching, rolling, pressing.

Direct educational activities.

1 Interesting techniques.

The teacher turns on the recording "Flight of the Bumblebee".

Children go to the carpet, where there are colorful flowers.

IN: Guys, what color are our flowers?

D: Red, yellow.

IN: Right.

The teacher turns on the recording "Flight of the Bumblebee"

IN: Guys, do you hear someone buzzing?

D: Children's answers.

IN: Let's get a look. Who could it be? The teacher and the children walk around group and find a ladybug on the table under the indoor flower.

IN: Who are these guys?

Children answer: Ladybug(if children find it difficult, the teacher helps them).

The teacher picks up the toy and reads on its behalf poem:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.


Sits on a leaf.

On her back

Little black dots.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today we will sculpt something like this ladybug.

3. Consideration.

Let's look at it

Educator: What color is her back?

Children's answer: Red.

Educator: Right.

Educator: What color are the spots?

Children: Black.

Educator: What color is her head?

Children: Black.

Educator: What else do you have? ladybug.

Children: Mustache, she also has legs and a tummy.

Educator: Right.

I clarify the goal for the children.

you will sculpt ladybug.

4. Show with explanation.

A blank with an image is attached to the easel for children ladybug.

Look, we also have it in the picture ladybug.

There's just something missing from her.

Have you guessed it? That's right, black spots on the back. Let's make spots!

How are we going to do it? spots: pinching off small pieces

plasticine with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, roll from

them balls. Then attach the balls to the back ladybug,

using the pressure method. Help the children begin to complete the task and monitor its completion.

5 Reminder.

When starting work, don’t forget that you need to sculpt on a board, don’t forget to big piece pinch off small ones.

Part II of the lesson. Techniques individual work with kids.

Invite the children to make 2-4 balls themselves and attach them to the back ladybug. If kids find it difficult, you can draw dots in the places where the balls should be stuck to make it easier to navigate.

Part III. Analysis of children's works.

So beautiful you got ladybugs! Well done!

Now let's take ours ladybugs, and they fly.

Outdoor game "Beetles"

Target: train children to run in all directions, take their house when given a signal, and be attentive.

Progress of the game: Children- "bugs" sitting in their houses (on the bench) And They say: “I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here, I buzz, buzzing: w-w-w".

At the teacher's signal "bugs" fly to a clearing, bask in the sun and buzz, at a signal "rain" return to the houses.

The teacher tells a nursery rhyme and shows the movements. The children repeat after him.


They shake their palms rhythmically.

Fly to the sky, make waves with crossed hands

Bring us bread, They wave their hands towards themselves.

Black and white, Rhythmically clapping their hands.

Just not burnt! They threaten with their index fingers.

3. Frozen ladybug, can't take off. Let's warm her with our breath.

Children breathe on their palms.

Got warm ladybug, let's blow it off our palm.

Children take several deep breaths through their nose and exhale through their mouth. As you exhale, stretch out your lips with a tube and place your palms under the streams of air.

4. – Now, guys, let’s turn into ladybugs.

We were spinning around ourselves and ladybugs have turned.

ladybugs show your heads, noses, mouths, wings -

Arms, legs, tummies. Show named body parts.

ladybugs turn the heads to the right,

ladybugs turn the heads to the left,

Stomp your feet, flap your wings

They turned to each other and smiled sweetly.

- Like the insects flew away,

They sat down quietly at the tables.

- Amazing!

6. Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of children's drawings. (Let's put our ladybugs to a clearing with flowers.)

So beautiful You got ladybugs, Guys. Like real, alive ladybugs. Well done!

Let's let the bug fly, open your palms, raise it up, won't the bug fly away? Frozen ladybug, can't take off. Let's warm her with our breath.

Educator: “ladybug“We really liked it, she made a lot of friends.

She had already arrived and brought us black and white bread, but not burnt.

Surprise moment (baked insect-shaped sponge cakes) .

Just before you treat yourself, you need to wash your hands well.

To the melody of the song “ Ladybug“The children leave the hall.

Publications on the topic:

TOPIC: “LADYBUG”. OBJECTIVES: Social and communicative development: Foster love for native language. Continue work on familiarization.

Ladybug is a symbol of good luck and goodness. Agree that everyone loves her. In the old days it was believed that the ladybug was a messenger of God. If.

Summary of direct educational activities in the second junior group “Ladybug” Educational area: artistic and aesthetic development Type: integration Integration of types of children's activities: playful, productive.

Notes on drawing in the second junior group “Ladybug” Goal: To develop children’s ability to draw the image of an insect. Improve.

Summary of GCD for sculpting “Ladybug”

Zemlyanskaya Galina Aleksandrovna, teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1 SP kindergarten No. 27 “Firefly” Chapaevsk, Samara region

Complementarity educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”. “Socio-communicative development”, “Physical development”, “Speech development”.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Continue to teach children to pinch small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll them into balls, press the index finger on the plasticine ball, attaching it to the base;

to develop an interest in working with plasticine and to develop fine motor skills.

Cultivate an interest in music, a desire to listen to music, and sing along.

Cognitive development:

To stimulate children's interest in knowledge about the ladybug.

To cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature, understand its fragility, and evoke a desire to protect it.

Evoke an emotional response in children to the content of the poem about a ladybug.

Continue to develop fine motor skills.

“Social and communicative development”

To form in children the experience of behavior among their peers, to cultivate a feeling of sympathy for them.

Form the habit (first under the supervision of an adult, and then independently) of washing your hands after working with plasticine, wiping your hands dry with a personal towel.

"Physical development"

To develop in children a desire to play outdoor games with simple content together with the teacher;

Learn to walk and run without bumping into each other4 to develop the ability to maintain a stable body position and correct posture.

"Speech development"

Practice correct reproduction of onomatopoeia, words and simple phrases (2-4 words);

Develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary;

Promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Preliminary work: the day before, children have a conversation about the ladybug, looking at pictures and illustrations.

Preparation for class

For the teacher: toy – ladybug, audio player.

For children: blank sheet of paper with a ladybug (applique) according to the number of children; black plasticine.

MODELING TECHNIQUES: Pinching, rolling, pressing.

Direct educational activities.

Part I.

1 Interesting techniques.

The teacher plays the recording “Flight of the Bumblebee.”

Children go to the carpet, where there are colorful flowers.

Q: Guys, what color are our flowers?

D: Red, yellow.

Q: Correct.

The teacher plays the recording “Flight of the Bumblebee”

Q: Guys, do you hear someone buzzing?

D: Children's answers.

Q: Let's see. Who could it be? The teacher and the children go around the group and find a ladybug on the table under an indoor flower.

Q: Who are these guys?

Children answer: Ladybug (if the children find it difficult, the teacher helps them).

The teacher picks up the toy and reads a poem on its behalf:


black head,

Fly to the sky

Bring us bread

Black and white

Just not burnt.


Sits on a leaf.

On her back

Little black dots.

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today we will sculpt such a ladybug.

3. Consideration.

Let's look at it

Educator: What color is her back?

Children's answer: Red.

Educator: Correct.

Educator: What color are the spots?

Children: Black.

Educator: What color is her head?

Children: Black.

Educator: What else does the ladybug have?

Children: Mustache, she also has legs and a tummy.

Educator: Correct.

I clarify the goal for the children.

You will sculpt a ladybug.

4 . Show with explanation.

A blank with a picture of a ladybug is attached to the easel for children.

– Look, we also have a ladybug in the picture.

“She’s just missing something.”

-Did you guess? That's right, black spots on the back. Let's make spots!

How will we make spots: by pinching off small pieces

plasticine with the thumb and forefinger of the right hand, roll from

them balls. Then we attach the balls to the back of the ladybug,

using the pressure method. Help the children begin to complete the task and monitor its completion.

5 Reminder.

When starting work, do not forget that you need to sculpt on a board, do not forget to pinch off small pieces from a large piece.

Part II of the lesson. Techniques for individual work with children.

Invite the children to make 2-4 balls themselves and attach them to the back of the ladybug. If kids find it difficult, you can draw dots in the places where the balls should be stuck to make it easier to navigate.

Part III. Analysis of children's works.

What beautiful ladybugs you made! Well done!

Now let's take our ladybugs and let them fly.

Outdoor game "Beetles"

Goal: to train children to run in all directions, take their house when given a signal, and be attentive.

Progress of the game: Children “beetles” sit in their houses (on a bench) and say: “I am a beetle, I am a beetle, I live here, I buzz, I buzz: zh-zh-zh.”

At the signal from the teacher, the “bugs” fly to the clearing, bask in the sun and buzz, and at the signal “rain” they return to the houses.

The teacher tells a nursery rhyme and shows the movements. The children repeat after him.

Ladybug, They shake their palms rhythmically.

Fly to the sky Make waves with crossed hands

Bring us bread They wave their hands towards themselves.

Black and white They clap their hands rhythmically.

Just not burnt! They threaten with their index fingers.

3. The ladybug is frozen and cannot fly. Let's warm her with our breath.

Children breathe on their palms.

The ladybug has warmed up, let's blow it off our palm.

Children take several deep breaths through their nose and exhale through their mouth. As you exhale, stretch out your lips with a tube and place your palms under the streams of air.

4. – Now, guys, let’s turn into ladybugs ourselves.

We spun around ourselves and turned into ladybugs.

Ladybugs show your heads, noses, mouths, wings -

Arms, legs, tummies. Show named body parts.

Ladybugs turn their heads to the right,

Ladybugs turn their heads to the left,

Stomp your feet, flap your wings

They turned to each other and smiled sweetly.

- Like the insects flew away,

They sat down quietly at the tables.

- Amazing!

6. Summary of the lesson. Exhibition of children's drawings. (Let's plant our ladybugs in a clearing with flowers.)

What beautiful ladybugs you guys made. Like real, live ladybugs. Well done!

Educator: That's right, they call it “Ladybug”, look and tell me what color the wings are, and what color are the dots on the wings? Is there one or many of them? She has paws, eyes, and a tummy. Do you have these body parts? (show). And now we will become the same bugs (we put on masks). Bugs can buzz, like this J-J-J-J, flap their wings, and their little legs run like that.

Let's let the bug fly, open your palms, raise it up, won't the bug fly away? The ladybug is frozen and cannot fly. Let's warm her with our breath.

Educator: “Ladybug” really liked it with us, she made many friends.

She had already arrived and brought us black and white bread, but not burnt.

Surprise moment (baked sponge cakes in the shape of insects).

Just before you treat yourself, you need to wash your hands well.

To the tune of the song “Ladybug,” the children leave the hall.

Yulia Pankova

Summary of a modeling lesson for the second junior group

Subject: « Ladybug»

Target: Continue to teach how to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll them into balls, press the index finger on the plasticine ball. Develop an interest in working with plasticine. Develop fine motor skills.

Material for classes: toy - ladybug, audio player, black plasticine, board for sculpting, sample « Ladybug» .

Basic Techniques: plucking, flattening, pressing.

Preliminary work: the day before, a conversation is held with the children about ladybug, looking at pictures and illustrations.

Progress of the lesson

IN: Guys, look at what a beautiful clearing we came to, and how many beautiful flowers there are on it (children go to the carpet where there are colorful flowers).

Educator: Guys, what color are our flowers?

Children: Red, yellow.

Educator: Right.

The teacher turns on the recording "Flight of the Bumblebee"

Educator: Guys, do you hear someone buzzing?

Children: Children's answers.

IN: Let's get a look. Who could it be? (The teacher and the children walk around group and find a ladybug on the table under the indoor flower)

Educator: Who are these guys?

Children answer: Ladybug.

The teacher picks up the toy and reads on its behalf poem:


Crawling along a blade of grass.

U ladybug

Circles on the back

Graceful spots

Black color.

The cow sighs,

Hearing about this:

“I'm so careful!

I'm so neat!

Where did they come from?

These black spots?


Sits on a leaf.

On her back

Little black dots.

Educator: Today you and I will sculpt something like this ladybug. Let's look at it. What color is her back?

Children's answer: Red.

Educator: Right.

Educator: What color are the spots?

Children: Black.

Educator: What color is her head?

Children: Black.

Educator: What else does God have? cows.

Children: Antennae, she also has legs and a tummy, wings.

Educator: Right.

A blank with an image is attached to the easel for children ladybug.

Educator: Look, we also have a picture of ladybug. Is she just missing something? Have you guessed it?

Children's answer.

Educator: That's right, black spots on the back. Let's make spots! Sit down at your desks.

Educator: How are we going to do it? spots: pinch off small pieces of plasticine with the thumb and forefinger of your right hand and roll them into balls. Then attach the balls to the back ladybug using the pressure method.

Reminder for children:

Educator: When starting work, do not forget that you need to sculpt on a board, do not forget to pinch off small pieces from a large piece.

Educator: And now let's thank our hands for the spots that we made with you ladybug:

She sculpted and rolled (shows her right hand,

This pen helped (shows left hand).

Thank you I say (strokes hands,

I take care of my hands (presses hands to chest).

Educator: So beautiful you got ladybugs! Well done!

Now let's take ours ladybugs, and they fly.

Outdoor game « Ladybug fly»

Target: train children to run in all directions, on a signal occupy your house, Be careful.

Ladybug can be caught,

One two Three. Did not make it!

My ladybug flew away!

Publications on the topic:

If you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary or used disks, then I would like to offer you an interesting flight fake, it is possible.

Ladybug is a symbol of good luck and goodness. Agree that everyone loves her. In the old days it was believed that the ladybug was a messenger of God. If.

Depending on what material preschoolers create their structures and buildings from, they distinguish between: construction from building materials.

Summary of GCD for sculpting “Ladybug” Program tasks: improve the ability to sculpt an expressive image of an insect (ladybug) from plasticine, consolidate rolling techniques,.

It had already become quite warm, nature woke up, and insects woke up with it. From childhood I remember a funny nickname: Grandma-box.

Dear colleagues, allow me to begin my Master Class, Look quickly at the screen, I will speak for you. And to begin with, I will introduce you.

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