Spelling of verbs. “Spelling verb suffixes. Vowels in suffixes

1 educate the will

2 explore the area

3 steps creaked

4 roll up the tent

5 sacrificed himself

6 be glad to meet

7 dispel doubts

8 participated in the competition

9 lay a heating main

10 manage a section

1 spend funds

2 recovered quickly

3 uncork a bottle

4 cement the track

5 instill medicine

6 roll on asphalt

7 brought up in strictness

8 extend visa

9 throw the ball

10 re-glue the windows

2 writhe stumps

3 preach_good

4 danced until the morning

5 taste it

6 required_explanation

7 ask about him

8 nights by the fire

9 evaluate_results

10 to treat guests

1 grieve for the deceased

2 looked at it through binoculars

3 give friendly advice

4 count on success

5 report to the commander

6 feel awkward

7 unbutton

8 look with interest

9 confuse the tracks

10 play along on the guitar

Exercise No. 1. Explain the spelling of verb suffixes. Form the 1st person singular form from these verbs, indicate the type, highlight the suffix.

Exercise No. 2. From perfective verbs, use the suffix –ыва-(-iva-) to form imperfective verbs. Make up phrases with them (verb + noun)

Specify type subordinating connection formed phrases ____________

Exercise No. 3. Form verbs from these words using suffixes - iva- (-ыва-) -eva- (-ova-), indicate the spelling.

Exercise No. 4. Fill in the missing letters.

I listened to the recordings, pulled up tree stumps, preached goodness, tasted them, asked about what happened, give friendly advice , count on success, evaluate the results, grieve for the deceased, demand an explanation, report to the commander, unbutton a button, strictly exam_val, confuse the investigation, play along on the guitar.

To continue downloading, you need to collect the image:

Verb suffixes -iva-(-ыва-), -eva-(-ova-), -va-

Spelling of some adjective suffixes


Assignment: do a test work.

1. In which verb is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) wrapper vat 2) limited. vat 3) debug. vat 4) potch. wat

2. In which verb is the letter O written in place of the gap?

1) danced. vat 2) test. shaft 3) try. vat 4) calculate. vayu

3. In which verb is the letter Y written in place of the gap?

1) commands. vat 2) use. shaft 3) pursuit vat 4) reconnaissance wat

4. In which verb is the letter I written in place of the gap?

1) doctor. bulge 2) bulge. writhe 3) cramp. vat 4) ring. wat

5. In which verb is the letter E written in place of the gap?

1) distorted. vat 2) mountains. vat 3) view. vayu 4) wink. wat

6. In which verb is the letter O written in place of the gap?

1) address. vat 2) guess. whistling 3) whistling. vat 4) late. wat

7. In which verb is the letter Y written in place of the gap?

1) rad. to be 2) equipment. vat 3) overhead. talk 4) talk. wat

8. In which verb is the letter I written in place of the gap?

1) sight. to be 2) imprinted. putty 3) putty. 4) grind. wat

9. In which verb is the letter E written in place of the gap?

10. Which verb does not have the suffix –EVA-

1) in. get 2) get sick. vat 3) bush. vat 4) night. wat

Task: do a test job

Write down all the words where the letter E is missing?

A. endure B. fastidious C. aluminum D. calm down

A. envious...wy B. enamel...wy C. uncooperative...wy D. shoulder...howl

Write down all the words where the letter I is missing?

A. set up B. confused C. come off D. core..howl

A. bean..wy B. industry..howl C. persistence..wy D. guess..wy

A. stealthy B. knife...howl (wound) C. swing D. prolong

Write down all the words in which the letter I is missing?

A. catch...to catch B. to roam...to C. Conversational D. View...my

A. preheat to ask B. to ask V. hello. vy G. glossy

Verb suffixes in Russian. Spelling verb suffixes. Verb suffix -ova-

The spelling of suffixes is closely related to morphology. There are different rules for writing this morpheme; they are studied differentiated for each part of speech. Let's look at what verb suffixes there are.

Suffix –ova-/-eva-, –ыва-/-iva-

These suffixes form imperfective verbs, to which the question “what to do?” is posed. For example: draw, dance, paint, dance.

Morphemes -ova-/eva- form imperfective verbs from other parts of speech, usually from nouns:

  • command - to command;
  • sample - try;
  • envy - to envy;
  • excitement - to worry;
  • expense – spend;
  • grief - to grieve;
  • conversation - to talk;
  • participation - to participate;
  • feeling - to feel;
  • sympathy - to sympathize;
  • stroke - to hatch.
  • The spelling of these morphemes is checked using the first person singular verb form. numbers in the present tense. In order to put the verb in the required form, you need to ask the question: “What am I doing now?” The answer will be:

  • I'm dancing now;
  • I am drawing right now.
  • As you can see, the verb ends in -u. In this case, the suffix is ​​written –ova-/-eva-.

    Examples of words in which the verbal suffix –ova-/-eva- is emphasized:

    • I envy - envy, greet - welcome, explore - explore, organize - organize, writhe - uproot, worry - worry, peck - peck, attack - attack, pursue - pursue, use - use, quarrel - quarrel.
    • Morphemes –yva-/-iva- also form verbs, to which the question “what to do?” is posed. For example: take a bite.

      The suffixes –yva-/-iva- produce imperfective verbs from perfective verbs:

      (what to do?) experience – (what to do?) experience.

      The spelling of these morphemes also depends on the form of the verb of the 1st line. the only one real numbers time. Let’s remember the question: “What am I doing now?” And the answer will be: “I’m dancing now,” “I’m finishing now.”

      After this, we determine that at the end – yu/-ivayu.

      Examples of words in which it stands out:

      I choke - choke, invent - invent, swing - swing, educate - educate, bite - bite, refuse - refuse, search - search, grease - grease, hang - hang, paint - paint, saw - saw, unwind - unwind, take apart - take apart, draw out - draw out, loosen - loosen, scatter - scatter, wink - wink, hang - hang, test - test, shudder - shudder, think - think.

      Suffixes in participles

      Morphemes - ova-/-eva-, -ыва-/-iva- are preserved in active participles.

      This is due to the fact that participles, denoting a characteristic of an object by action, are formed from verbs, and the spelling of verbal suffixes is preserved in them. For example:

    • fat-ova-l
    • procession-ova-l
    • gost-eva-l
    • was thinking
    • jumped up
    • varnish-iro-val
    • shudder-iva-l
    • subtracted
    • estimated
      • fat
      • march-ov-shay
      • guest
      • contemplating
      • jumping up
      • varnished
      • shuddering
      • subtractive
      • estimated
      • Verb suffix –va and the vowel before it

        If the stress falls on the final part of the verb, you cannot highlight –ova-/eva-, -ыва-/-iva-, since the suffix will be different – ​​va. It is always stressed, and this differs from previous word-forming morphemes. For example, it is highlighted in the words:

        This suffix forms the imperfective form of the perfective and appears in the form of nes. V. and disappears in the verbs of owls. V. This will help highlight it in the word:

      • weaken (sov.v.) – weaken-va-t (nesov.v.);
      • fog up (sov.v.) – fog up (not sov.v.);
      • water (sov.v.) – water (not sov.v.);
      • thread (sov. v.) – thread through (non-sov. view);
      • hum (sov.v.) – sing-va-t (non-sov.v.).
      • Appearing in verbs, it takes on the stress, and the vowel in front of it turns out to be unstressed and turns into an orthogram. To select it, the following rule is applied: To correctly write a vowel before the stressed suffix –va, you need to omit this suffix.

        To mature - to mature, to get sick - to get sick, to put on - to put on, to give out - to give, to knock out - to beat, to be distributed - to be heard, to be washed down - to be washed down, to get dressed - to be dressed, to interrupt - to interrupt, to know - to know, to get up - to get up, to have time - to have time, to create - create, master - master, sew up - sew up, warm up - warm up, overcome - overcome, endure - endure.

        Attention! There is a discrepancy with the rule in the following verbs: get stuck - get stuck, intend, eclipse - eclipse, prolong - prolong.

        Suffix -irova-

        If the suffixes –yva-/-iva-, -ova-/-eva- have variants, then the morpheme –irova- is always written the same way. It also forms nes verbs. kind. To highlight this suffix, you need to determine the generating word, highlight the stem in it, based on which, it is easy to determine where the word-forming morpheme begins: group - grouping.

        Typically, verbs with this postfix are formed from the stem of a noun and have the meaning of active, purposeful action: reserve - reserve, sabotage - sabotage, trainer - train.

        The suffix -irova- has a very interesting origin. One part of it is –ier-, borrowed from German language during the reign of Peter I, connected with Russian –ova-: experimentieren - to experiment, gruppieren - to group, modernisieren - to modernize, formieren - to form.

        Examples of words with the suffix –irova-:

      • isolate;
      • varnish;
      • to lead;
      • liquidate;
      • march;
      • to mine;
      • operate;
      • orient;
      • to plan;
      • privatize;
      • to react;
      • rehearse;
      • serve;
      • sort;
      • stuff;
      • photograph;
      • quote.
      • Verb suffix -i-

        Verbs that combine with a noun and a pronoun in the accusative case without prepositions usually have the suffix -i-:

      • deliver (who? what?) us;
      • provide for (who? what?) children;
      • deforested (who? what?) area;
      • dewatering (who? what?) territory;
      • whitewashed (who? what?) walls;
      • tint (who? what?) hair;
      • blackness (who? what?) eyebrows.
      • Such words mean that someone performs this action in relation to some object. That is, these are transitive verbs.

        This verbal suffix is ​​written in intransitive verbs from which questions cannot be put in the accusative case:

      • blackness (from what?) from grief;
      • seriousness (from what?) from problems;
      • rusty (from what?) from humidity;
      • white (from what?) from old age.
      • Such verbs contain the meaning of an action that occurs without outside influence, and this meaning is introduced by the suffix -e.

        Vowels before the suffix -l-

        The past tense verb suffix -l- is usually found after spelling vowels: ver...l, drive...l, hover...l, measure...l, detour...l, despair...l, stuck...l, sit...l, clean...l.

        To choose a vowel before -l-, you need to put the verb in the initial form. The vowel that comes before -t will remain before -l:

      • twirl - skewer;
      • winnow - winnow;
      • start - started;
      • depend - depended;
      • measure - measured;
      • repent - repent;
      • bow - bowed;
      • cherish - cherished;
      • hope - hoped;
      • travel around - traveled around;
      • despair - despair;
      • stick - glued;
      • soar - soar;
      • listen - listened;
      • sow - sowed;
      • clean - cleaned;
      • smell - smelled.

      The verb suffix in the indefinite form is standard. It is also preserved in gerunds before –v- and –louse-: desperate lice, stick-in, listen-in, sow-in, clean-in.

      Task for consolidation

      So, when you know what verbal suffixes there are in the Russian language and how they are written, you can move on to the practical part.

      Letters are missing in this text. It is easy to restore if we recall some of the studied rules governing the spelling of spellings in verb suffixes.

      It is interesting to watch monkeys living in trees. You can look at them and photograph them, because they, without experiencing fear, freely perform various miracles of dexterity. They don’t jump...but flutter...from branch to branch, swing...and somersault on the vines. Everything that seems attractive to them, the monkeys tear it off, grab it with their tenacious paws, inspect it, sniff it and try to taste it, even bring it to their ear to listen. They pawn some things on the cheek, and discard others as unnecessary.

      Without any hesitation, they beg for gifts, look out for the most beautiful things, and don’t yawn, keep your eyes open.

      Test. Spelling of the suffixes -ova- (-eva-) / -ыва- (-iva-) in verbs

      In this test you need to choose one correct answer to the spelling of the gagol suffixes.

      List of test questions

      Specify the correct continuation of the rule:

      If in the present or future tense the verb ends in -y (-yu), then.

    • in the imperative and conditional moods the suffix -ыва- (-iva-) is written
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense the suffix is ​​written -ova- (eva-)
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense the suffix -uva- is written
    • Indicate the correct spelling of the verb CONVERSATION in the indefinite form.

    • Chat
    • Chat
    • Chat
    • Interviewed
    • Indicate the correct spelling of the verb TALKING in the past tense

    • Talk
    • Was talking
    • Talk
    • Talked
    • Indicate the misspelled verb.

    • Chat with a friend.
    • It is necessary to put things in their places.
    • This rule must be used in lessons.
    • At the competition I recite and recite a poem.
    • Indicate the line where the infinitive form of the verb contains the suffix -OVA-.

    • I envy, I fight.
    • I’m telling you, I’m grieving.
    • I draw, I command.
    • I report, I dream.
    • Indicate the verb where the indefinite form of the verb has the suffix -EVA-.

    • I'm spending the night
    • I advise
    • I command
    • I'm late
    • Specify the correct continuation of the rule:

      If in the present or future tense the verb ends in -YVAYU- (-IVAYU-), then.

    • in the indefinite form and conditional mood the suffix -ыва- (-iva-) is written
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense the suffix is ​​written -ыва- (-iva-)
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense the suffix is ​​written -ova- (-eva-)
    • in the indefinite form and in the past tense the suffix -uva- is written.
    • Indicate the verb where the letter O is written in the blank.

      Answer options
    • Way of life wat
    • Firework. wat
    • Discharge wat
    • Dance wat
    • Try it wat
    • Dance. wat
    • Test shaft
    • Calculate vayu
    • Indicate the verb where the letter E is written in the blank.

      Summary and presentation of a Russian language lesson in 7th grade on the topic “Spelling vowels in the suffixes -ova-(-eva-), -ыва-(-iva-)”

      Lesson objectives:

      become familiar with the spelling of suffixes -ova- (-Eve- ), -yva- (-willow- );

    learn to write verbs with the specified suffixes without errors.

    I. Organizational moment

    II. Repetition. Word-formation warm-up

    On cards.
    How does word-formation analysis help us solve a spelling problem?
    Which prefix will help us complete the action?
    What suffix will help the boy get himself in order?
    washes, combs, gets dressed
    (on the board there is a picture of a sloppy boy
    On back side image of a neat boy))
    Explanation of new material.

    III. Formulation of the problem

    – What spelling problem has arisen in these verbs?
    In what morpheme?

    GOR? VAT,

    IV. Lesson topic message

    Spelling vowels in suffixes -yva- (-willow- ) And -ova- , (-Eve- ) (Annex 1 . Slide 1).

    – We made sure that when writing these verb suffixes, you need to choose a vowel letter. And the purpose of our lesson today is ( Annex 1 . Slide 2) – get acquainted with the rule and learn to write verbs with the specified suffixes without errors ( Annex 1 . Slide 3).
    There must be a rule that will help us make a choice. Introduction to the rule. ( Annex 1 . Slide 4).
    Let's create a reference diagram in reference books ( Annex 1 . Slide 5).
    – What functions must we perform in order to write these verb suffixes correctly?

    Drawing up instructions for applying the rule ( Annex 1 . Slide 6).

    V. Application of the algorithm

    – “We pass the verbs we have written down through the algorithm, inserting the missing letters ( Annex 1 . Slide 7).

    – Why do we talk about two suffixes in each case? (O, Y – used after hard consonants. I, E – after soft consonants)

    - Guys, we reviewed the rule, explained it, and in an hour, please listen to the fairy tale.

    VI. Grammar tale

    Once upon a time there were suffixes in Russian grammar - -ova- , -Eve- , -yva- , -willow- . They worked honestly and formed verbs. But they behaved differently.
    Suffixes -yva- And -willow- were very loyal. They never abandoned verb forms and did not trust their place to other suffixes ( Annex 1 . Slide 8).
    Evil tongues, however, said that it’s not a matter of devotion - it’s just the letters Y, And it’s hard to walk, all their lives they walk with sticks and can’t get away from suffixes.
    One way or another, but suffixes -yva- And -willow- always remained true, constantly present in verb forms.
    And here are the suffixes -ova- And -Eve- did not differ in such constancy and gave way to suffixes - -u- , -Yu- , remaining only in some forms ( Annex 1 . Slide 9).
    This is how they are now distinguished. If the suffix does not leave its place, it is - -yva- And -willow- , and if it tries to run away like a bun, then this is a suffix with “round” letters - O, E.

    - The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows. What lesson does this fairy tale teach us? Let's formulate the rule again.

    VII. Consolidating new material

    – These tasks are not very difficult, the suffixes are given, you just need to explain why such a suffix is ​​written in verbs. Further tasks will become more difficult.

    VIII. Working with cards

    Explain the meaning of proverbs. Determine the verb suffix using the algorithm. Indicate the spelling. (1 last for each student.)

    • Not the housewife who talks, but the one who cooks cabbage soup.
    • The enemy wanted to feast, but he had to grieve.
    • Those who do not know how to execute should not give orders.
    • Every coward loves to talk about courage.
    • Make new friends, but don't lose old ones. (the last chapter is provocative. The letter is missing at the root.
    • IX. Independent work (Annex 1 . Slide 11)

      – From each pair of verbs, select a word with the required suffix and write it in a notebook, highlighting the suffixes.
      – Please underline the first letters of each verb; If done correctly, you will read your mark.

      Summing up the lesson. ( Annex 1 . Slides 15, 16)
      – Using the verbs written on the slide, compose a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates. In your sentence, talk about what we did in class. Explain again the vowels in verb suffixes.

      X. Additional material

      Keep silent - keep silent (SILENT)

      – Are the test words chosen here correctly? Guys, remember this once and for all. To check the unstressed vowel at the root, you cannot take verbs with suffixes -yva- , -willow- .
      Select test words, determine the vowel in the root.

      I'm weakening - weakening.
      I command - command.

      These verbs do not have suffixes familiar to us, this is easy to verify if you form a species pair. Gl NSV arr. with assistant suf -VA- and ch. the letter E is checked with the help of the verb SV. We write it down in dictionaries.

      XI. Homework (on cards)

      Card 1

      From these verbs, form verbs with the studied suffixes. Don't forget to indicate the spelling.

      Team, envy, grief, expense, participation, sympathy...

      Card 2

      For these verbs, select antonyms with the studied suffixes.

      Blame – Accumulate –
      Sorrow – Be silent –

      Card 3

      Replace the phrases with verbs with the suffixes you have learned.

      Go solemnly -
      Varnish -
      To be a boss -
      Participate -
      To investigate -
      Give advice -

      To use presentation previews, create an account for yourself ( account) Google and log in: https://accounts.google.com

      Slide captions:

      Spelling of suffixes - eva - (- ova -), -iva- (- ыва -) in verbs Lesson in 6th grade

      What vowel should be written before - va? to observe.. to move around.. to guess.. to command... to start.. to begin

      Rewrite these verbs in two columns: in one - with the suffixes - ova -, - eva -, in the other - with the suffixes -iva-, - yva -. Participate, deceive, recover, be curious, grieve, envy, tell, advise, think, fight.

      Put each of these verbs in the 1st person singular form. numbers of the present tense Solve - solve b talk - talk.

      Compare verbs. What is the difference? in recovery - recovering think about - pondering envy - envy advise - advise -iva-, - yva - - ova -, - eva -

      Answer-rule: If there is no suffix in the verbs of the present or future tense (the suffix is ​​dropped), then it is written - ova -, - eva -, and if the suffix is ​​preserved, it is written -iva-, - yva -.

      I put the verb in the 1st person singular form. numbers of the present (future) time and see what it ends with: na - yva (- ivayu) Conclusion: I write - yva -, -iva- . na - y (- yu) Conclusion: p Ish - ova -, - eva -.

      Replace the phrases with verbs with the suffixes -iva-, - ыва - or - ova -, - eva - Conduct a conversation, conduct research, feel envy, conduct a demonstration (of experience), conduct an investigation, be persistent, give an order, give advice, take part, express sympathy, make repairs, remain silent, exercise control.

      From these nouns, form past tense verbs using the suffixes - iva-, - yva - or - ova -, - eva - Interest Applause Editorial Consumption Packaging Sketch Riddle Stop Report Interest ova Applauded Edited ova Consumption ova Packaged Sketch yva l Riddle yva l Stop iva l Report yva l

      Fill in the missing words according to their meaning. Deniska loved to play chess, but he was very upset if... Like everyone else... when Santa Claus appeared at the door! Sherlock Holmes could do... the most mysterious crimes. A fairy tale is coming soon... but it won’t be done soon. Dolphins high... out of the water and... fish from human hands. If you fail, you shouldn’t… you should always hope for the best.

      Check: Deniska loved to play chess, but was very upset if he lost. How happy everyone was when Santa Claus appeared at the door! Sherlock Holmes knew how to investigate the most mysterious crimes. Soon the fairy tale will be told, but not soon the deed will be done. Dolphins jump high out of the water and snatch fish from a person’s hands. If you fail, you should not despair, you should always hope for the best.

      What do you need to remember?

      Spelling verb endings

      1. Depending on the personal endings, verbs are divided into two large groups: for verbs of I and II conjugations.

      The II conjugation includes:

      · verbs in -it (except verbs shave, lay, rest, which belong to the I conjugation),

      · 7 verbs for -there are (twirl, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure),

      · 4 verbs per -at (drive, breathe, hold, hear).

      All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

      Personal endings of verbs in the present or future past tense:

      2. There are several mixed verbs , not related to either of the two conjugations: want, run, eat, create, give .


      1 person I read, I take

      2nd person read, take

      3rd person reads, takes


      1 person read, take

      2nd person read, take

      3rd person read, take




      we want

      want to


      I'm running

      you're running


      let's run


      are running

      we eat


      are eating

      I'll create

      you will create

      will create

      let's create let's create will create

      give it

      will give

      we'll give

      give it

      they will give

      3. If the verb has a prefix un- (obes-) is transitive, then it is conjugated according to the II conjugation, and if intransitive, then according to the I conjugation (for example, compare the conjugation of verbs weaken (someone)) And become weak (oneself)).

      4. In verbs of the first conjugation, the ending is written in the form of the future tense -yeah , and in the form of the imperative mood - the ending -ite (You will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

      b (soft sign) in verb forms.

      1. b (soft sign) is written:

      · V infinitive (write, bake, want, wash ),

      · V 2nd person singular endings choose, wash, do, wash ),

      · V imperative mood (fix it, hide ), BUT lie down, lie down,

      · V return particle , which comes after the vowel ( bent, turned around, I'll be back );

      2. b (soft sign) is not written:

      · V 3rd person singular form present or simple future tense ( washed, done ).

      Spelling verb suffixes

      1. In the indefinite form, verbs most often have the following suffixes: -A- (hear, do); -I- (sow, bark); -e- (to see, to offend); -And- (nursing, nagging).

      Remember: 1) a suffix is ​​never written after the vowel letters of the root in the infinitive -e- . In this position, only the suffix can be stressed -I- or -And- (stand, water, milk). In unstressed position the suffix -I- written in verbs winnow, start, repent, bark, cherish, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt, tea, smell, and the suffix -And- - in verbs build, cost, rest, double, triple, glue;

      2) after soft consonants (except h ) in unstressed position suffix -I- written in verbs bow, cough, and the suffix -e- - in verbs see, offend, depend, hate, freeze;

      3) in suffixes of past tense verb forms the same vowel is retained as in the infinitive. For example: get welle th - get welle l, laI blah blah blahI l, glueAnd t-kleAnd l.

      2. Suffixes -yva- (-iva-), -ova- (-eva-).

      In verbs with the suffix -yva- (-iva-) (always unstressed), meaning imperfective (sometimes also multiple actions), written before the letters s or i , For example: roll up, smear, see; overwhelm, talk over, jump up, hear, twist, beg, insist .

      Verbs with suffix -yva- (- willow - ) should be distinguished in writing from verbs with the suffix - ova - (- Eve- ). Verbs of these two types form the present tense differently: verbs in -ovate (-eat ) have the form of the 1st person on -yy (-yuyu ) (Without -ov-, -ev - ), For example: I talk - to talk, I manage - to manage, I envy - to envy, I confess - to confess, I preach - to preach, I scourge - to scourge, I grieve - to grieve; verbs have the same - to come (-ive ) the 1st person form ends in -I'm (-Ivayu) (with saving -ыв -, -ive- ), For example: inspecting - inspecting, deploying - deploying, reconnaissance - reconnaissance, visiting - visiting .

      3. Vowels before -va - . In imperfective verbs with a suffix -va- , having the form of the 1st person on -va-yu , unstressed vowels before V are checked by general rule, For example: overcome(overcome), outdated(outdated), wash down(write down), singing(sing), sow (seed), idea (get started), harden (freeze), outpost (catch).

      However, in the following verbs - va-t b(in 1st person -va-yu) is written with a special suffix -Eve- with a letter e in place of an untested unstressed vowel: overshadow, prolong, corrupt(eclipse, prolong, corrupt), get stuck, get stuck(get stuck, get stuck); overwhelm, exhort, intend, doubt .

      4. -e(t), -i(t). The verbs differ -eat And -it b. Verbs to -eat (in 1st person -by her ) – intransitive I conjugations – have the meaning ‘to become something, acquire a characteristic’, for example: become weak, become weak‘become powerless, lose strength’, to numb, to harden‘become harsh’. Verbs to - it (in 1st person And absent) – transitive II conjugations – have the meaning ‘to make something, to endow with a characteristic’, for example: weaken, weaken‘to make someone powerless, to deprive someone of strength’, anesthetize, neutralize, numb, weaken. Compare the same stressed suffixes in verbs like ( By)white And ( By)whiteness, (O)weakness , (once)have fun.

      5. -ene(t), – eni(t). The acquisition of some attribute, the transition to another state is also expressed in intransitive verbs of the first conjugation in -nope , in which there is an unstressed vowel before n transmitted by letter e : freeze, ossify, stiffen, become numb, traverse, turf, become bloody, glazed over, frenzied, dumbfounded, numb. Correlative transitive verbs of II conjugation in -eni-t, denoting endowment with a characteristic, are also written with the letter e : freeze, numb, ossify, bloody, frenzied, numb and so on.

      Writing verbs in - go crazy And -enit does not agree with the spelling of the corresponding relative adjectives, in which (if any) is written in the suffix before n letter I : ice, bone, blood, grass, wood and so on.

      Exception: in verbs scarlet And purple(option: crimson thread) the letter is written I , as in adjective scarlet.

      Spelling of suffixes of various parts of speech except -Н-/-НН- is included in the Unified State exam in Russian language for grade 11 (task 10).

      Spelling noun suffixes

      In nouns, the spelling of the suffixes -EK-/-IK- is most often checked. The suffixes -OK- and -ON- are written in a unique way.

      Spelling of suffixes -EK- and -IK-

      If you put a noun in the genitive singular case, and the vowel in the suffix has disappeared, then the suffix -EK- is written in the word. Otherwise - the suffix -IK-.

      For example:

      • Klyuchik is the suffix -IK-, since in the singular genitive case “Klyuchik” the vowel in the suffix does not disappear.
      • Zamochka is the suffix -EK-, since in the singular genitive case “zamochka” the vowel in the suffix is ​​missing.

      The suffixes -NIK-, -CHIK-, -SHCHIK-, -IN-, -ITs-, -ETS- can be checked in the same way.

      Spelling adjective suffixes

      In adjectives, the spelling of the suffixes -K-, -SK- and -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV-/-IV- is most often checked.

      Spelling of suffixes -K- and -SK-

      If the adjective is qualitative (that is, it has degrees of comparison) or it was formed from a noun with a stem ending in K, Ch or C, then the suffix -K- is written. Otherwise the suffix -SK- is written.

      For example:

      • Low – the suffix -K-, because the adjective is qualitative.
      • German - the suffix -K-, because the adjective was formed from the noun German ending in C.
      • French - the suffix -SK-, since the adjective is not qualitative and it was formed from the noun French, the stem of which does not end in K, Ch or C.

      Spelling of suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV-, -CHAT-, -EV-, -IV-

      The suffixes -LIV-, -CHIV- and -CHAT- are always written in a unique way.

      For example:

      • Quirky - suffix -LIV-
      • Assiduous - suffix -CHIV-
      • Onion – suffix -CHAT-

      The suffix -EV- is written only without stress, and the suffix -IV- is written only under stress. Exceptions: merciful, holy fool.

      For example:

      • Flannel - suffix -EB-, because no accent
      • Truthful – suffix -IV-, because. under stress

      The main thing is to distinguish the suffixes -EV-/-IV- and -LIV-, -CHIV- from each other. To do this, you need to correctly perform morphemic analysis of the word.

      Spelling of participle suffixes

      In participles, the spelling of the suffixes -A-, -Ya-, -E- and -OM-, -EM-, -IM-, -USCH-, -YUSCH-, -ASCH-, -YASCH- is most often checked.

      Spelling of suffixes A, Z and E

      To check the vowel in a suffix, you need to look at the initial form of the verb (infinitive) and see what suffix is ​​used there. If the verb ends in -AT or -YAT, then A or Z is written in the participle suffix. In all other cases, E is written in the participle suffix. In participles and gerunds, before the suffix -VSH- the same suffix is ​​used as in the infinitive.

      For example:

      • Confused – suffix -A-, as it is formed from confuse (ends in -AT)
      • Sown – suffix -Я-, as it is formed from sow (ends with -YAT)
      • Glued - suffix -E-, as it is formed from glue (does not end in -AT or -YAT)

      Spelling of the suffixes -OM-, -EM-, -IM- and -USH-, -YUSH-, -ASH-, -YASH-

      To check which vowel is written in the suffix, you need to determine the conjugation of the verb from which the participle is formed. If the verb is of the first conjugation, then the suffixes -OM-, -EM- and -USH-, -YUSH- are used, if the verb is of the second conjugation, then -IM- and -ASh-, -YASH-.

      For example:

      • Dependent – ​​suffix -IM-, as it is formed from the verb depend 2 conjugations
      • Cherished – suffix -EM-, as it is formed from the verb cherish 1st conjugation
      • Melting snow – suffix -YUSH-, as it is formed from the verb melt 1st conjugation
      • Gluing – suffix -YASH-, as it is formed from the verb to glue 2 conjugations

      Spelling adverb suffixes

      In adverbs, the spelling of the suffixes -O- and -A- is usually checked.

      Spelling of suffixes -O- and -A-

      If an adverb is formed in a suffixal way (only using a suffix), then the suffix -O- is written. If an adverb is formed by the prefix-suffix method (using a prefix and a suffix at the same time), then with the prefixes IZ-, DO- and S- the suffix is ​​written -A-, and with the prefixes B-, NA- and ZA- the suffix -O- is written.

      For example:

      • Since ancient times - formed from the adjective long ago in a prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix IZ- the suffix -A- is written.
      • To the right - formed from the adjective right in a prefix-suffix way, and with the prefix NA- the suffix -O- is written.
      • Initially - it was formed from the adjective original in a suffixal way (although the word has the prefix IZ-, it was already in the adjective), so the suffix -O- is written.

      Spelling of suffixes of verbs and gerunds

      In verbs, the spelling of the suffixes -EVA-/-OVA- and -IVA-/-YVA- is usually checked.

      Spelling of the suffixes -EVA-/-OVA- and -IVA-/-YVA-

      To check the vowel in the suffix of a verb, you need to put it in the first person singular form. If the suffix disappears, then it is written -EVA- or -OVA-, if the suffix remains, then -IVA- or -YVA-. In nouns, participles and gerunds formed from verbs with these suffixes, the suffixes are written according to the same rule.

      For example:

      • Grieve – the suffix -EVA-, since in the first person singular form it disappears (I grieve)
      • Assimilate – the suffix -IVA-, since in the first person singular form it is preserved (I assimilate)

      It is worth distinguishing the suffixes -EVA- and -IVA- from the suffixes -E-/-I- and -VA-. If you can remove -BA- from a verb, and such a word exists, then it has 2 suffixes -E-/-I- and -VA-, otherwise there is only one suffix.

      Spelling suffixes in past tense verbs

      The vowel in the suffix of a past tense verb can be checked by placing the verb in the infinitive. The past tense verb uses the same suffix as the infinitive before -t.

      For example: offended - suffix -E-, since in the infinitive to offend the suffix -E- is written.

      The suffixes iva eva in verbs are one of the most difficult grammatical topics in the Russian language to understand, in particular due to the significant amount of material. It is better for students to analyze and memorize these topics separately, so that later they can form a complete picture. We talk about the rule iva eva suffixes of verbs in this article.

      Rule of suffixes -iva-, -eva-

      These two suffixes have paired word-forming units - -yva- and -ova-, respectively, which are written according to the same rules as the verbal suffixes in question. What are these rules? There are several of them, students need to remember all the following information.

      So, the suffix -eva- is written in verbs when the second vowel in the suffix, that is, the letter a, is in stressed position.

      For example , having overcome A t, not overcome AND vat.

      It is also used when in the first person present tense the verb ends in -у, -ьу: fighting - to fight.

      It is necessary to distinguish words with the suffix -eva- from words with the suffix -va- and the root vowel e, for which it is enough to select several cognate words for the verb that will help to correctly determine the root. If the vowel e is retained in the root in all words, then the suffix -va- is used to form the verb. In addition, with the help of one related word it will be possible to check which vowel is written in the root: sing - root ne - test word “sing”

      The suffix -iva- is used both in the infinitive form of the verb and in its past tense in the case when in the first person singular form of the present (or future) tense the verb ends in -ivayu, that is, we can talk about preserving the suffix: inspect - inspect.

      There are a number of verbs whose spelling you just need to remember. These are words such as get stuck (but get stuck), overshadow (eclipse), prolong (extend), corrupt (corrupt) - the stressed suffix -eva-. And also to intend and exhort.

      The suffixes -iva- and -eva- play a very important role in the formation of verbs. To understand how words are ultimately written, you need to know what and how they are formed from, as well as the rules for spelling verbal suffixes.

      What have we learned?

      The spelling of the verbal suffixes -eva- and -iva-, which are used in the indefinite form of the verb and in the past tense, is subject to strict rules of the Russian language. One or the other word-forming unit is chosen depending on the ending of the verb in the present tense and first person: -yu and -yu for the suffix -eva- and ivayu for the suffix -iva-. In some cases, this choice depends on the stressed or unstressed position. There is also a list of verbs whose spelling you just need to remember. It is also important to distinguish these suffixes from the suffix -va- with the preceding vowel of the root. The correct definition of the root also helps to choose a test word and understand which vowel should be written in it.

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