What to do in Skyrim? Skyrim - secrets and tips How to best complete Skyrim

The game is finally available on PS4 and Xbox One. I bought it, put it into the console, and then it started...

Now I’ll quickly tell you everything and go back to chop. But first, a photo.

This box is from The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind I kept it for 13 years to get into the historical frame.

By the way, the first game I bought with my pocket money. I am still amazed at the quality of the translation and voice acting - in those days both were in Russia knew how to do it with dignity. The game is not even pirated, which was considered shameful back then.

How things have changed. One thing has remained the same - the coolness of The Elder Scrolls series, now in its fifth installment.

What's new in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

For those who have not played Skyrim, I advise you to scroll through and read what the point is. Well, for the rest - technical information about the re-release of one of best games the last decade.

Firstly, a game available for the first time on PlayStation 4 And Xbox One. The original 2011 version supported PS3 and Xbox 360, was terribly slow and virtually unplayable. Now most of us have a PS4 (if not, I recommend it) or an Xbox One, powerful PCs have become expensive and not really needed, there’s not much to play in the fall and winter - in general, the perfect time to release such a cool thing. No brakes...

Secondly, V new version noticeably better graphics. Now I’ll fill you with terms, put your palms up. Added advanced lighting effects, depth of field, shading for flora (get it? Get it?), improved texture resolution, reduced contrast for a more realistic picture, increased saturation of natural colors, changed water shader...

Briefly speaking. The game has become more beautiful. On Xbox One and PlayStation 4 it comes in FullHD resolution, 1080p, that is, everything looks clear.

Third, All add-ons (DLC) and patches are included here. That is, this is the most complete, most thoughtful, most complete version of Skyrim from the developers' point of view. Many bugs were actually fixed, but at the same time the funniest or most useful ones were deliberately left out. Be sure to run up to the local giants and wait a couple of seconds. I give bonus points if you name the character Gagarin in advance.

Fourthly, the game supports mods. That is, you can download improvements, additions, hacks and even gameplay changes directly from the browser in the game itself - and change everything that happens in Skyrim beyond recognition. In this regard, the version for Xbox One, not to mention PC, wins: it supports mods with the addition of new models and textures.

It is worth remembering that the game without mods is still huge and gorgeous. All these are rather “cheats” and entertainment for those who have already completed the storyline and quests.

Finally, fifthly, A fully localized version of Skyrim is being sold in Russia. That is, yes, full translation into Russian: all the voices, all the text, all the menus, everything in general. You don't need to know English.

But personally I prefer English speaking version, fortunately you can always enable it in the settings. Our voice acting is too pompous, with strange intonation in places. Plus the books and sometimes the text of the subtitles are not translated quite correctly, but these are nitpicks of a fan.

Skyrim Special Edition available for PS4 and Xbox One in digital version, as well as on discs in stores in your city. I took the disc, but I recommend taking the digital one, because you don’t need to worry about the safety of the “blank” after playing 200+ hours (1/3 of the game).

You can find the PC version on Steam, everything is as usual. If you used to play on a computer, and now you have a console, take it on the console, everything is fine there, and it’s really convenient to control with a joystick. I got used to it in 10 minutes, now I don’t notice it at all.

That's why I love Skyrim and have played so much of it. I even bought it again.

Skyrim is more than just a game. And better

It's very different from on-rails and boring blockbusters. After all, here you can do All.

Here huge world, in which a lot happens without your knowledge. Made to be interesting you. Every minute on the endless map - snow-capped mountains, forests, endless underground tunnels, diverse cities and ice blocks - something happens.

Mysteries, murders, great battles and conspiracies, family feuds and clan wars. More than 10 full-fledged storylines , often intertwined with each other. Countless secrets, challenging tasks for advanced players and hundreds of ways to level up.

This game does not contain fashionable Western trends, political and social commentary, instructive moral stories, stupid political correctness, stupid jokes and humor for preschoolers and preschoolers. But there is a universe thought out to the smallest detail that can give 100 points ahead to most book sagas and series.

What am I even talking about, if in Skyrim you can sit on a chair, eat virtual bread and read in-game books? With each new book you will better understand what is happening around you and why. This is not necessary, but the main thing is that Can. You can still:

  • take care of the garden
  • build dachas
  • develop business
  • to ride
  • DIY
  • collect
  • almost cross-stitch...

Decide for yourself what to do, no one will lead you by the hand.

Typical 20 minutes in Skyrim

It means he's running hare.

Well, you go about your business like this and think - let me hit him with a bow. You miss 20 times, he’s fast and jumps more. It’s an idyll, good music is playing, butterflies are flying around, and you’re trying to catch them so you can make medicine later. Well, you shoot to the side.

SUDDENLY a dragon flies up and starts pouring fire. Okay, you start chopping the dragon, some cool clothes might fall out of it, and you won’t be able to hide.

While you are chopping down the dragon, three white-skinned bullies in full uniform are trying to approach you: steel, Nordic armor for 800 gold, an ebony sword. Actually, they are assassins, hired by an unnecessary NPC in a remote town. You casually stole 30 gold coins and a master key from him. And he took it and remembered it.

So, these guys are moving slowly, their script is like this. The dragon lands, everything happens very quickly. Three corpses, one at all flies away Over the horizon.

You look - and there is such beauty... oh, there are Dwemer ruins. We need to loot, the money is just running out. You'll go there next.

With this thought, you climb into your inventory and put in your hands an absolutely inadequate Daedric ax, which you sawed off on a machine, cast the wildest spells and gave the most correct name, and in caps – P*ZDEC.

But after 20 minutes you, a level 45 hero, a descendant of dragons and a legend of Skyrim, stand and steal 600 gold from the pocket of the skills trainer. And rightly so.

Why share if you don't have to share? Break the rules, find tricks. Do whatever you want. It's your game. And may the whole world, all the quests, all the great things wait while you prepare potato soup at home in Whiterun.

It seems like chaos, but in reality - endless story your adventure. This is why we love Skyrim.

Stop, you already bought it anyway. Who am I telling this to?

If I played Skyrim for 2 hours every day, it would take me 300 days to complete the game 100%. All the add-ons, all the quests, basically everything that is possible.

300 days of daily adventures for 3500 rubles. A game that you will immerse yourself in for a long time - and which will be exactly what you want. It's not just a good buy, it's banal best buy for consoles. And if you have a PC and you previously bought the regular version of Skyrim on Steam, then the new one is already available to you completely free of charge.

In some ways, Skyrim is similar to Diablo, if you can’t complete something on a difficult difficulty level, set it to easy and don’t worry 😀 It’s the same in Skyrim. Adept – medium difficulty level. It is very easy to play, so it is better to switch to Expert. But many of you will start trolling, saying that only real professionals play the master. Master is indeed difficult to play, but certain builds are easy to play. Therefore, if you are not a nerd, put Adept or Expert. There is almost no difference between Expert and Master. The difference in the amount of time it takes you to kill a mob, the drive no longer increases.


You have a general level and a skill level in the game. General level(level) increases when you increase skill levels. Mobs adapt to your general level. Those who have played Morrowind already know what it is. If you have pumped up a considerable level of acrobatics by jumping around the area, then when your jumping magician meets a serious enemy in a cave, he can only jump in front of him and after a few seconds lie down and gnaw on the asphalt. So, when playing as a warrior or mage, do not rush to level up your eloquence or stealth to 100.

What's the easiest way to upgrade some skills?

Stealth. It's easy to level up by placing your character in the wall behind one of the guards near the gates of Whiterun. Press Ctrl, then CapsLock, and leave it until the morning. In the morning your stealth should be 100.

Eloquence. It's easy to level up by simply chatting with the bartender at the Riften Tavern. Ask him to talk about “Black Briar”, all the time clicking “Persuasion”. You can also give a coin to a poor person on the street or visit the temple of Dibella with a blessing.

Pickpocketing. Easy to download in any city via F5-F9. The more expensive the item you want to steal, the more experience you will receive. At first it is better to use gloves or amulets for sleight of hand.

blacksmith craft. It’s a very good deal for the money, you need to upgrade it after leveling up your eloquence, so the prices will be better. All the ingredients you need can be bought from blacksmiths. There are rumors that it is best to swing through rawhide bracers, but it turns out that it is more profitable through iron daggers. You can also make a small profit from sales of enchanted weapons if you simultaneously upgrade your enchantment skill.

Enchantment. To level up this skill you will need hundreds of filled soul stones. You can make a special dagger with soul capture, let’s do it for 1 second - this will give you 1000 uses (believe me, this is quite enough, most enemies fall with one hit). We just run around and finish off half-dead mobs with enchanted weapons and fill the soul stones. If you are playing as a mage, there is a special spell for capturing souls. Next, enchant the wound’s daggers for Banishment (if you have it). Then you will make a huge profit from the sales of each dagger. There will only be problems with finding sellers to whom you can sell enchanted loot.

Alchemy. I believe that it should be upgraded last, after enchanting and blacksmithing. To upgrade this skill you will need tons of plants, so we collect everything that comes our way. It is best to upgrade by crafting invisibility potions and paralysis poison with health damage.

Weapon Skill. You can download this skill on Vilkas, he will join you on one of the quests in the Companions storyline. You can’t kill him, but you have to wait until he comes to his senses, when you remove all his HP, but this is a very long time...

Just chips

  • Daedra is the best armor in the game. But at the beginning of the game you can achieve the “cap of armor” in almost any armor. But for this you will need to develop your Alchemy, Enchantment and Blacksmithing skills to 100 points.
  • At the soul icon you can enchant an item. But if your Enchantment column is empty, you need to first remove the enchantment from the enchanted item and then you can learn the enchanted ones.
  • If the enchanted weapon runs out of charge, then we charge it with the help of soul stones. Select a weapon in the inventory and press the T key.
  • To learn the Scream, you need to have read the word from the wall and absorbed the dragon soul. Click on the cry you want and press R.
  • You can wear Daedra armor by level 20. But you will need to plunder many different mines to find ebony ore and find Daedra hearts.
  • Your mercenary can wear the armor you give him. You can give him 1 arrow and a bow, he will shoot this arrow right and left, and you can pick up arrows after him, so from 1 ebony arrow you will get 100 pieces.
  • Do not throw away the staves of the Atronachs - this is an excellent shield against magicians and various other mobs.
  • If you are sent to the mountains, you can steal a horse and while away your journey; the horse can even move up very steep climbs.
  • If a dragon flies and doesn’t want to land, it means he has nowhere to sit. Run and look for the plain.
  • Black soul stones are filled with the souls of people, regular ones - with other mobs. The most useful soul stones are the great stones; all the rest can be used to level up the Enchantment skill.
  • In the thieves guild in Riften, in the sewers, there is a woman who buys everything.
  • You can’t leave your things anywhere, otherwise they will disappear. Better buy yourself a house in Whiterun, there will be a chest for things.

The question "what to do in Skyrim?" has such a wide variety of answers that it is hardly possible to list them all. The game is distinguished by its impressive depth of development and a huge game world in which you can always find something to keep yourself busy.

We will offer only what we think is the most interesting and exciting.

So, first of all, you should go through one of the main storylines. This may seem illogical to some, because you can play Skyrim almost endlessly. But we assure you that the storyline is the element of the game that was emphasized during development, so its development will be higher than any extraneous quests.

In addition, this way you can get acquainted with the intricacies of the local plot, which also will not be a waste of time.

We would recommend two stories. The first of them is the return of dragons to Skyrim. The latter were considered extinct for a very long period of time, so the return of the ancient creatures with their centuries-old prophecy may turn out to be a harbinger of the end of times.

But later you will be able to understand what is happening and why, and also why your hero is the only one who has the power to change anything, since he is connected with dragons. Finding out all these details and visiting places where the fate of the main character will take you is, without exaggeration, very interesting.

As for the second story, this is Civil War, which covered all of Skyrim. Fighting for the throne are General Tullius, who leads the imperial forces, and Ulfric Stormcloak, who is at the head of an uprising designed to break the long-standing connection between Skyrim and the empire.

Having chosen one of the warring sides, you will have to end this hostility decisively and completely. But remember that any decision you make can have far-reaching consequences, so be careful.

For those who find it difficult to choose a side in the conflict, we can advise you to go through both mini-campaigns; you will see how competently the developers managed to intertwine two such different, but closely related stories.

Another thing I can recommend doing in Skyrim is to climb every mountain. The higher you climb, the more spectacular the view of snow-capped peaks and plains becomes, however, the path to the top is unlikely to be easy - it is blocked by numerous monsters who will not be pleased with your appearance.

For those who are interested in mystical mysteries, we can suggest taking the path of the Seven Thousand Steps to the top of Hrothgar. Having reached it and having learned a lot of amazing information, you will be able to understand the ancient order of the Sebobeards, who, like no one else, are well aware of what is really here is happening.

It is also worth visiting the Throat of the World - the highest mountain in Skyrim, climbing to the top of which, if not akin to a feat, is very difficult, especially for a not particularly pumped up character.

In general, the world of Skyrim is captivating and beckoning - the work of the designers is amazing, as is the depth of elaboration of everything.

Another proposal regarding the question “what to do in Skyrim?” - find all thirteen guard stones. In the first minutes, you will be able to find three huge guard stones at once, and these ancient artifacts will be able to strengthen your abilities, which will give you the opportunity to learn certain skills.

There are no less than ten more such stones scattered throughout the world of Skyrim - each of them will give you more and more power, you can improve the speed of the main character, as well as the recovery time.

True, you can only activate one stone at a time, but knowing where they are all located, you can easily get to the most relevant one on this moment spells, because the search for stones is worth it and fully justifies itself.

Another thing worth trying in Skyrim is joining a union. By remaining a “cat that walks by itself,” you risk leaving behind a huge part of the game that will reveal Skyrim for you in a completely different light.

Moreover, the developers have provided a huge number of options for the development of events, which provides the game with enormous replay value; it is always interesting to know what would have happened if over there had acted this way and not otherwise.

There are so many guilds in Skyrim - everyone will find allies to their liking, from the Companions fighting in Whiterun to the mages in Winterhold, from the Thieves Guild in Riften to the Blades in Riverwood. They all have their own methods of fighting and their own motivation for this very fight, which only adds flavor and uniqueness to the game.

You can also try to start a family - having found the amulet of Mara, the patroness of love, you can open new lines in dialogues with individual NPCs; in the future, relationships with them can be developed, leading to marriage.

The latter has a number of advantages that make the game even more diverse and versatile.

Among other things, Skyrim has a lot of other entertainment. You can develop culinary skills, you can take part in drinking alcohol, in general, there are a great many such tricks.

And finally, the main one, along with the offer to go through one of the storylines, is a recommendation. Explore the vast world of Skyrim, travel in it, discover many new places that will surely arouse the interest of an inquisitive researcher.

Wherever you go, there is always a high probability of stumbling upon something interesting. From a village carved right into the rock to a vampire lair. Everywhere life is in full swing, there are colorful and memorable characters everywhere, there is an abundance of side quests everywhere, so you are guaranteed not to be bored.

Skyrim was born in 2011, and has since received a lot of official and unofficial additions, including hundreds of quests, dozens of enemies and thousands of items. Such a huge amount of work done by both Bethesda developers and fans on the Internet simply does not make it possible to understand all the possibilities instantly, especially if a newcomer is playing who is not familiar with previous games in the series. Our guides will help you understand the basics, deal with character development systems, crafts and quests.

What guides do we have for this game?

First of all guides for the game Skyrim will help you find and install the game itself, determine the optimal gameplay and graphics settings, overclock your computer and stabilize FPS. Simply put, we will help you play with the optimal balance of quality and performance - without lags, crashes and other annoying errors. If your game does not start, it freezes special places passing or saving has stopped working, then here you will find ways to solve these problems. In addition, we will help newcomers to the world of Tamriel get comfortable with the combat system, quests, and even the mechanics of crafts: from alchemy to blacksmithing. The complex character development system is actually not as scary as it seems at first glance. We will teach you what skills and abilities a mage, warrior or assassin will need, and also tell you about the fundamental differences in these play styles. In addition, we also have a small database of mods for Skyrim.

Passing quests

Items and places of interest

Other useful materials

Skyrim guides will help you pass difficult ones quests, which the game world is full of: from the storyline to random events, as well as guild quests and DLC. We'll tell you how to kill strong enemies and where to find the most best armor, what secret rooms there are in dungeons and where long quest lines begin. If something goes wrong, guides with tricks, cheats and codes will help you correct the situation or complete a particularly difficult quest.

In addition, we will tell you about modifications designed to improve graphics and add new content to the game. Some of them require powerful hardware, and some are built into the root files of the game, but you won’t have any difficulties with us.

What's good about our guides?

All guides on game Skyrim on our website, the sites were written by players who played the game themselves and understand what they are writing about. No lies or outdated information, only accurate and up-to-date information. We study several sources, collect advice from all over the Internet in order to create a guide that will comprehensively answer all the player’s questions.

We start with the basics, understanding the original sources of the problem or the principles of operation of a particular feature. All explanations will be understandable to both experienced players and beginners playing in this genre for the first time. The Skyrim guides that we have collected for you do not contain unnecessary information, are as concise and understandable as possible, so that you can solve your problem in a matter of minutes.

It is important for us to answer all your questions, and therefore we monitor gaming forums and search history in the most popular search engines. Thus, we add guides on new topics on time.

Necessary clarifications

As is known, in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim There are no rigidly defined classes. However, this does not mean that the game cannot be played as a Thief or. Thanks to new system character leveling game mechanics Skyrim will vary from class to class. Who is the Thief suitable for? If you enjoy sneaking up on enemies to scout out the situation and carefully plan your attack while maximizing your sneak attack bonuses, the Thief is your choice.

For guides on and when creating a character, read the separate game guides The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim. In short, I can recommend Khajiit (due to the nice ability Night vision and bonuses to thieving skills) or Breton (due to the useful 25% magic resistance and lack of bonuses to thieving skills).

Khajiit's signature ability is Night Vision (can be activated or deactivated at any time)

As a constellation at the beginning of the game, a Warrior (for quickly developing Shooting and Blacksmithing) or a Thief (for developing numerous thief skills) is perfect. Next, you can change the constellation by asking for the blessing of the Atronach or Lord stone. As a base of operations, it makes sense to first stop in Whiterun (where one of the first quests will take you), and then head to the city of thieves, Riften.

In Game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim There is a character level limit of 81 (at the time of writing this article), at which you can get 80 perks. However, you should remember that it will take you a very long time to level up to level 80, and the higher the level of your character, the more time it will take to increase it.

PS: Your idea of ​​the “ideal Thief” may be completely different from mine.

Skyrim: A Thief's End

What's good about the Thief? Of course, using Stealth skills and all the benefits they bring. It’s clear that the Thief knows how to take everything that is bad, but for me this is not the main thing. I'm interested in taking out enemies using stealth bonuses, and doing it from a safe distance. The main and, perhaps, only weapon of the Thief in my understanding of this character is the Bow. Does the Thief Archer need to upgrade any melee weapons? In my opinion, no.

Yes, in the Stealth branch there are separate skills for daggers, which give a considerable 15-fold bonus to damage in the case of a hidden attack with each dagger (after all, in Skyrim you can hold a dagger in each hand). But as practice has shown, there is no particular point in such monstrous damage.

Firstly, such damage is only needed for bosses and Dragons who can see you perfectly. Those. it is unrealistic to implement it.

Secondly, while you are sneaking up on the enemy, it is easier and faster to shoot him with a bow from a respectful distance. Those. daggers are unprofitable from the point of view of the time spent on killing (plus, to successfully use daggers you will have to pump up the Stealth branch very closely). So it makes sense to rely on daggers only if you are a stubborn role player and want to play a Thief who kills his victims with daggers.

The Thief Archer's main weakness is melee combat. Those. infrequent encounters with random monsters on the surface. If you accidentally run into some bear or saber-tooth tiger, the Archer Thief will be in big trouble. Of course, you can walk with a shield (and at the very beginning of the game you will have to walk with a shield and sword in any case), put a block, going completely on defense, and relying on a companion. Or you can try to upgrade the branch of Destruction magic, which is responsible for cold damage (which is very, very expensive in terms of distribution of perks).

Pumped up frost will allow you to mow down small things like wolves in close combat and slow down large “game”, which you can then finish off with a bow, or wait for your companion to do it for you. By the way, in the Destruction magic branch you can improve your ability to set magic traps. In my opinion, a very useful and natural skill for a Thief. But I repeat, even minimal leveling of individual branches of Destruction magic takes up a lot of perks.

By the way, about the companion. The companion (whoever he is) often interferes with the Archer Thief, exposing his broad back to the arrows. And although companions in Skyrim do not die themselves, they are only partially immortal. If you plant an arrow in the back of a companion, he will definitely throw off his hooves. To prevent this from happening, you can take away the melee weapon from your companion and give him a bow. And only give out a sword when you really need a swordsman companion. In most cases, the Archer Thief needs an archer companion (or a mage from the school of Destruction). The same Lydia (your housecarl from Whiterun) with a bow poses a serious threat.

An effective Thief in Skyrim is a skilled Archer, wearing Light Armor and using the Stealth skill to gain bonuses when shooting enemies from a safe distance. Additional skills include Blacksmithing to improve bows and armor, Lockpick to make picking locks easier, Destruction magic for close combat in random encounters and setting traps, Restoration magic for healing during and after combat, and Enchanting to reload weapons and create enchanted items and armor.

Since our Thief doesn’t particularly need either Magic or Power Reserve, all points received when leveling up are spent on increasing Health. This makes our character a surprisingly healthy and completely non-magical creature. Yes, he will quickly run out of strength, but overall he will be a completely capable character.

Now let's look at these skills in more detail.

Skills required for a Thief in Skyrim

  • Shooting Skills

Shooting is a very large branch with 16 skills. Moreover, if you are going to play a Thief Archer, you will have to upgrade your Shooting skill completely. All skills are extremely useful. As you level up your Shooting skill, you will want to use any other weapon less and less.

Shooting skill

Archery allows you to deal massive damage with a bonus for stealth. Plus, you won't only get a bonus for the first shot - the fact is that each attack will make you only slightly more noticeable to enemies. Plus, you can always hide and wait until the noise subsides and then continue shooting enemies. In my opinion, any character can safely take Shooting, this skill is so good. However, you need to be careful with Shooting - with it, any character quickly turns into an Archer, and leveling up your skills in handling melee weapons, the school of Destruction and wearing armor slows down sharply.

  • Stealth Skills

The Stealth branch has 13 skills. The archer thief is very effective and can attack from a long distance, so it doesn’t make much sense to level up the entire Stealth branch (you will be very hard to see at a great distance). The skills presented in this thread ( Assassin's Blade, Silence, Shadow Warrior) are needed, for the most part, when playing a Thief-Assassin with daggers.

Skill "Stealth"

So if you decide to focus on Shooting, it is quite enough to spend 9 perks on leveling up your skills: level up Stealth itself to the end, the right branch to the skill True sight and the left branch to Muffled footsteps.

  • Hacking Skills

Paradoxically, there are so few locks in Skyrim that most character classes don’t need to be hacked at all (to practice lockpicking, you can walk from house to house in the city at night). In addition, hacking depends more on the ability to use the mouse than on leveling up the skill itself.

Hacking skill

There are a total of 11 skills available in this branch. Ultimately, it makes sense to upgrade the main branch (4 skills) plus skills gold digger And Treasure hunter. Purely out of greed.

  • Blacksmithing Skills

IN Blacksmithing 10 perks, however, there is a trick here. This constellation is a vicious circle, so you don’t necessarily need to upgrade all your skills. To make and improve light armor, just select only the left branch plus the skill Blacksmith Wizard(to improve enchanted armor). And that's only 6 perks. However, it should be noted that the most powerful weapon in Skyrim - Daedric. However, there are already mods for creating weapons from dragon bones.

Blacksmithing skill

To quickly level up your Blacksmithing, buy leather and strips of leather (and also collect and process animal skins) and iron from blacksmiths, and produce leather bracers and iron daggers. This will allow you to level up the Blacksmithing branch very quickly. So, by level 10-15 you can show off in full elven armor. And don't forget to upgrade your weapons and armor. For the Thief, this branch is very important in the sense that he will not really be able to upgrade Light Armor. To increase your protection class you will have to improve your armor at workbenches. And for this you will need a high Blacksmithing skill.

  • Enchanting Skills

If you want to create magic items and armor yourself, you will have to download Enchantment. And believe me, enchanted weapons and armor are worth it! In the Enchanting branch, you can either spend all 13 perks or save a little. It is also beneficial for the Archer to improve the skill of casting Fire spell and stop there - this way you can set enemies on fire with your arrows. But, say, against enemy magicians it is more profitable to use Thunder spells, taking away Magic.

Enchantment skill

To quickly level up Enchantment, enchant more! And also use enchanted weapons - the ability to enchant will be quickly upgraded when recharging enchanted weapons with soul stones.

  • Light Armor Skills

There are only 9 skills in the Light Armor branch, and one of them ( Wings of the Wind) is practically useless for the Archer Thief (who does not spend his Stamina as actively as the Warrior). In general, I have a hard time believing that a good Archer will be able to fully upgrade Light Armor. In order for Light Armor to level up well, you need to take a lot of hits in Skyrim.

Skill "Light Armor"

The idea of ​​playing a Thief in general and an Archer in particular is to avoid getting hit. So, be mentally prepared for the fact that Light Armor will be poorly upgraded, and that in order to increase the protection class, in any case, you will have to actively upgrade Blacksmithing.

  • School of Destruction Skills

The only reason why an Archer Thief might need to level up the Destruction magic branch is for close combat and setting up magic traps. In Skyrim, as many as 17 (!) skills are allocated for the school of Destruction. So it only makes sense for a Damage Mage to fully upgrade Destruction. It’s simply stupid for a thief to spend so many perks on some kind of magic.

Skill "Destruction"

In my opinion, in addition to the Novice skill of Destruction magic, it is enough to download the right branch ( Double destruction And Shock wave), "frosty branch", Student(and if the pumping goes well, then Adepta) schools of destruction, as well as Rune Masters. Those. maximum 9 perks, which is also a lot. This way you can protect yourself from random encounters with monsters on the surface. However, I personally am ready to question the advisability of leveling up Destruction - the quick save and load buttons have not yet been canceled.

Total for leveling up the Thief in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

In total, you will need 67 perks to level up a Thief in Skyrim! And if you refuse to upgrade the last two skill trees (Light Armor and Destruction magic), another 18 “extra” perks will be freed up. If you wish, you can save a little on leveling up Enchantment (there are two independent branches, one of which you can skip leveling if you wish), and further limit the leveling up of the Stealth and Hacking branches.

To become a real master of stabbing daggers in the back, you need not only to improve your skill Assassin's Blade, but also upgrade the entire Stealth branch. Which, in my opinion, is uneconomical.

The remaining skills are not of particular value to the Archer Thief. So, the Thief has absolutely no need Two-handed weapon, Heavy armor, Blocking, as well as all schools of magic, with the exception of the already mentioned school of Destruction and the initial skills of the school of Restoration. Skill trees such as Alchemy, Speech and Pickpocketing (mainly for those who like to play the role of a classic Thief) are of dubious use. There still won’t be enough perks to seriously upgrade them.

Assassin thief with dagger

Love the cautious approach, but don't know how to apply it in game The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim? Do you want to upgrade your Thief, but don’t know which skill branches to develop? In the guide The Thief's Path I will reveal the secrets of properly leveling up skills and distributing perks.
3. Selection of top equipment - Ancient Shadow Boots, Ancient Shadow Gloves, Linvi Armor, Linvi Hood.
4. Selection of top weapons - Dragon Bone Dagger, Zephyr Bow
5. Selection of jewelry - Amulet of Articulation, Gold ring
6. Enchantment - Any, Those that give bars to characteristics.
7. Potions - Elixir of Light Legs, Elixir of Enchanter, Elixir of Vigor
8. Poisons - Paralysis Poison (any) - Useful Against Fat Enemies, Anti-Magic Poison - I think it’s clear why and who to hit. Noxious Poison of Fatigue - Cuts Energy Regen, i.e. the enemy will quickly become exhausted.
9. Screams - Swift Dash - It’s easy to catch up with anyone, Dragon Slayer - We sit down the dragon and stuff it with punches in the face, FUS-RO-D4 - We push away everything and everyone.
10. Magic school Illusion - Invisibility
11. Important - Remember, the Assassin is not a Tank, he cannot absorb damage.

Instead of Linwy's armor, you can equip the Nightingale or Shadows, and if you are a major, then the Dragon Bone Armor will be ideal option.
The dagger can be taken from Daedric Artifacts
Also pay attention to the signs of the Thieves Guild
Join the Thieves Guild
The "Paralysis" weapon enchantment is also the icing on the cake.

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