“Beautiful impulses of the soul”: the work of the poet Vadim Bakulin. How do you see the future of Russian literature?

Every Wednesday from 12.30 to 15.00, employees of the Orenburg Regional Multiethnic Children's Library will introduce young passengers to the Children's Library railway with the best children's literary works. And at the Dubki station, the children will have an exhibition of children's books, fun literary competitions and quizzes. With a book and the sound of wheels!

Dear friends!

Summer has arrived, and our summer reading room on the grass invites you to plunge into the world of the best children's books. Every Tuesday in the Perovsky Park and every Thursday in the Topol family recreation park at 10.00 you will find fun and educational competitions and quizzes, the opportunity to learn a lot of new and interesting things, and of course, reading your favorite books on the grass! Come! It will be interesting!

“41st: bequeathed to remember!”

June 18 and 20 at 10.00 in Letny reading room on the grass of the Orenburg Regional Multiethnic Children's Library there will be a literary and musical composition dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Boys and girls will take part in loud readings of fragments from the books “Line of Communication” by Lev Kassil, “Hold on, Captain!”, Mikhail Zoshchenko “Brave Children” and other works. The library staff also prepared a master class for the children on how to make an origami-style cap.

Venue: June 18 - Park named after. V.A. Perovsky, Parkovy Ave., 6A.

"Tomorrow there was a war"

On June 19 at 12.30 the Orenburg Regional Multiethnic Children's Library, together with young readers, will go on another trip along the Children's Railway. On the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, a historical and poetic hour “Tomorrow there was a war” will be held for young passengers. Librarians will introduce children to books about the Great Patriotic War, read aloud fragments of military works, and conduct a historical quiz. At the end of the event, girls and boys will listen to songs from the war years.

Venue: Orenburg Children's Railway

June dawn '41

On June 21 at 11.00, on the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, the Orenburg Regional Multiethnic Children's Library will host an hour of remembrance dedicated to the anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. Library readers will learn about the beginning of these terrible events, the heroes who were the first to meet the fascist occupiers; listen to poems and songs telling about that difficult time. Also on this day, the results of the interregional campaign #100dayswithBondarev will be summed up, which started on March 5 at the initiative of the Orenburg Regional Multiethnic Children's Library and was supported by the Rostov, Samara, Sverdlovsk, Lipetsk regions, Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Primorsky Territory and other regions of Russia. As part of the completion of the event, library staff will read and discuss with listeners the story of Yu.V. Bondarev "2 minutes 30 seconds."

st. Tereshkova, 25

“Read, play, make”

On June 21 at 11.00, readers of the Orenburg Regional Multiethnic Children's Library will take part in the game program “Read, Play, Craft.” During creative classes, children and their parents read fairy tales, make fairy-tale characters out of paper, take part in literary quizzes, solve puzzles, riddles and crosswords, and watch cartoons.

st. Tereshkova, 25

On March 15, the Interregional Reading Marathon #100dayswithBondarev started, dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of the wonderful writer, our fellow countryman - Yuri Vasilievich Bondarev.

The organizer of the event is the Orenburg Regional Multiethnic Children's Library. 120 libraries from 25 regions announced their participation in the marathon Russian Federation. Loud readings, literary lounges, readers' conferences, library cinemas, reviews of book and illustrative exhibitions will be held in Amur, Belgorod, Volgograd, Voronezh, Kaluga, Kirov, Krasnodar, Kurgan, Lipetsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Orenburg, Oryol, Rostov, Samara , Sverdlovsk, Stavropol, Tambov, Tver, Ulyanovsk regions, Republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Crimea. The planned number of participants in the event is more than 100,000 people. The main points of the biography and creativity of our outstanding fellow countryman can be found in the “Personalities” section of the literary map of the Internet resource “Orenburg Region - a Many-Faced Image.” We also offer to your attention interactive poster"Bondarev Yu.V."

We invite you to English classes

In classes with young readers, we master English language"method of immersion" into it. We have fun, interesting and useful time. Movement and change of activities, the variety of types of activity offered and the wealth of material allow children to get less tired during the lesson, and it is easier for schoolchildren to learn the rules of grammar, expand their vocabulary and develop speaking and reading skills.

Groups are formed by appointment by calling 77-70-28


Feb 09 Bakulin Vadim Valerievich

Bakulin Vadim Valerievich(11/11/1971, Orenburg) - poet. Graduated from music school. He worked as a correspondent for a newspaper. Published in regional newspapers "Orenburg", " Southern Urals", "New Generation", "Orenburg Week", in large-circulation newspapers, in the collections "Eternal Shore", "And with a song youth will return." Participant of a seminar in Vladimir in 1996. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia since 1997. Reviews of creativity Bakulin was published in the local press by N. Bystraya, L. Burakov, N. Popova, G. Satalkin, V. Shur, T. Yulaeva, L. Esaulova.Lives in Orenburg.

Works by V.V. Bakulin

  1. Bakulin, Vadim Valerievich.
    Music of the soul: poetry / V. V. Bakulin. - Kaluga: Golden Alley, 1995. - 64 p. : portrait
    Document holders:

  2. Bakulin, Vadim Valerievich.
    Over the abyss of spring / V. V. Bakulin. - Orenburg: B.I., 1996. - 63 p.
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
  3. Eternal Shore: Two centuries of Orenburg poetry: selected lyrics/ comp. G. F. Khomutov, V. N. Kuznetsov; entry Art. P. N. Krasnov. - Kaluga: Golden Alley, 1994. - 384 p.
    Bakulin, V.V. /author/
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
    Kurmanaevskaya Central Children's Hospital: Kurmanaevka, st. Mira, 5
    Akbulak Central Children's Hospital: Akbulak, Kirova St., 32

    Grachevskaya Central Children's Hospital: 461800 Grachevka, st. Sovetskaya, 14
    MCBS Sol-Iletsk: Sol-Iletsk, st. Uralskaya, 24

    MUK "CBS Saraktash district" Central Children's Hospital: Saraktash, st. Partizanskaya, 26

  4. Grandchildren of the prophetic Boyan: an anthology of the Orenburg Regional Literary Association named after. V. I. Dalya / comp. G. F. Khomutov. - Kaluga: Golden Alley. - 2008.
    T. 3. - 2008. - 447 p.
    The three-volume book “The Grandchildren of the Prophetic Boyan” is the result of fifty years of activity of the Orenburg Regional Literary Association named after V. I. Dal, famous in the country and abroad. It contains everything best works students of the creative union: prose writers, poets, playwrights, storytellers, publicists, literary critics, etc. The anthology consists of works by more than 160 Orenburg authors, whose work is a notable phenomenon in Russian literature.
    Volume 3 includes poetic works, memoirs, and parodies from different years.
    Bakulin, V.V. /author/
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
    MCBS Sol-Iletsk: Sol-Iletsk, st. Uralskaya, 24
    Krasnogvardeyskaya Central Children's Hospital: Pleshanovo, st. Sovetskaya, 6, 461150
    Kurmanaevskaya Central Children's Hospital: Kurmanaevka, st. Mira, 5
    Novoorskaya Central Children's Hospital: Novoorsk, st. Akbauova, 14a
    CDB MUK "CMBS" Aleksandrovka: Aleksandrovka, st. Roshchepkina, 11
    Grachevskaya Central Children's Hospital: 461800 Grachevka village, st. Sovetskaya, 14
    MUK TsBS Novosergievsky district, Central Children's Hospital: Novosergievka village, st. Sovetskaya, 16
  5. And with a song youth will return: poetry and prose of Orenburg writers / designed. E. Lapina; comp. G. F. Khomutov; entry Art. V. Tsybin. - Kaluga: Golden Alley, 1999. - 637, p.
    Bakulin, V.V. /author/
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
    MCBS Sol-Iletsk: Sol-Iletsk, st. Uralskaya, 24
    MUK "CBS of the Tyulgan region": Tyulgan, st. Oktyabrskaya, 1
    MUK "YAM TsBS. TsRDB": Yasny, st. Lenina, 3
    CDB MUK "CMBS" Aleksandrovka: Aleksandrovka, st. Roshchepkina, 11
  6. We are from Russia of the twentieth century: a collection of works by Orenburg authors / compiled by: N. F. Korsunov, P. N. Krasnov, G. F. Khomutov. - Orenburg: LLC Printing House "Dimur", 2007. - 374 p.
    Bakulin, V.V. /author/
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
    TsGDB im. A. Gaidar: Orenburg, st. Kobozeva, 46
    MUK "CBS of the Tyulgan region": Tyulgan, st. Oktyabrskaya, 1
    MU "CBS MO Novotroitsk", CDB: Novotroitsk, st. Sovetskaya, 53
    MUK "YAM TsBS. TsRDB": Yasny, st. Lenina, 3
    Krasnogvardeyskaya Central Children's Hospital: Pleshanovo, st. Sovetskaya, 6, 461150
    MUK "CBS Saraktash district" Central Children's Hospital: Saraktash, st. Partizanskaya, 26
    MUK TsBS Novosergievsky district, Central Children's Hospital: Novosergievka village, st. Sovetskaya, 16


  1. Bakulin, Vadim Valerievich.
    The machinations of happiness: poems / V. V. Bakulin // Gostiny Dvor / ch. ed. I. A. Bekhterev. - Orenburg, 2006. - No. 20. - P. 233-235: photo
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
    Akbulak Central Children's Hospital: Akbulak, st. Kirova, 32
    TsGDB im. A. Gaidar: Orenburg, st. Kobozeva, 46
    Grachevskaya Central Children's Hospital: 461800, Grachevka, st. Sovetskaya, 14
    MUK "CBS of Mednogorsk", Central City Children's Hospital: 462270, Mednogorsk, st. Sovetskaya, 8

  2. No. 33: Does our school have a future? About life now. Far-close / founders of the Ministry of Information Policy, Public and External Relations of the Orenburg Region, founders of the Orenburg Regional Public Writers' Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia; ed. count V. A. Bakhrevsky [and others]; thin Yu. E. Kurdakova. - 2010 (Novotroitsk). - 368, p. : ill., portrait, photo.
    Bakulin, V.V. /author/
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
  3. Gostiny Dvor: literary art. and social-political almanac / author. project I. A. Bekhterev; Ch. ed. N. Yu. Kozhevnikova. - Orenburg: Editorial office of the newspaper "Orenburg". - 1995
    No. 34: Our man in space. Literature: the truth of life against glamor / founders of the Ministry of Information Policy, Public and External Relations of the Orenburg Region, founders of the Orenburg Regional Public Writers' Organization of the Union of Writers of Russia; ed. count V. A. Bakhrevsky [and others]; thin Yu. E. Kurdakova. - 2011 (Novotroitsk). - 368, p. : ill., portrait, photo.
    Bakulin, V.V. /author/
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15
  4. Bakulin, Vadim.
    My love is an immortelle above the river...
    / V. Bakulin // Southern Urals. - 2010. - October 27 (N 131). - P. 9. - Contents: Orenburg steppe; In the midst of dishonor, dirt and turmoil; I feel sorry for this century... ; My candle is a hut in a vacant lot
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15

Methodological materials

  1. Poetry of the Orenburg region: an annotated list of literature by poets of the Orenburg region / Orenburg Regional Children's Library; resp. ed. A. V. Polyakova // Methodological materials of the Orenburg Regional Children's Library for 1995. - 1995
    Bakulin, V.V. /about him/
    Document holders:
    GBUK "Regional Children's Library": Orenburg, st. Tereshkova, 15

Stop stations. Coppices.
A row of flickering birches.
Amazing frescoes
Created frost on the glass.
Pine predatory eyelashes.
Twilight. Halftones.
Outside the window January is frolicking,
And spring feels strange in me.
...And I can’t sleep. The night is like a bird.
We have five hours until we meet.
Let the time last longer
Waiting is sweeter than dreams...
Lanterns. Pillars. Gatehouses.
Rattled bridges.
And snowflakes outside the window
They bloom like flowers.
In the distance there are lights like candles.
"Where are you?" - the question is swirling...
I would think about you forever
Under the careless sound of wheels.

January is greeted with Christmas.
Russian patterns on the windows:
Simple ornament with magic
Frost crossed...
Orphan choir
The crows are screaming in the yard,
Rowan scattering beads.
Trees in snowy silver -
In Orenburg downy scarves.
New Year flies like a train,
Seven days passed in an instant.
The Ural ice dared
For the sacrifice for the feast of Epiphany!

Only three hours until spring,
And I feel like the garden
Voices change
How all the trees are happy in spring.
Nature has its own calendar
(There are no numbers in it, but there are laws),
Your computer and your dictionary,
Your own faith, your own icons!
And almost a bell ringing
I hear the falling of icicles.
All frightening the plague crows,
The roofs are at war with the gray hairs.

I don't need words or faces.
I feel freer alone.
In the language of branches and birds
I'm talking to spring today.
Bored of city comfort -
Multi-storey birdhouses...
I give the forest my hand -
And I sing praises to the spring air.
I bless the willow bush,
I marvel at the purest blue of the sky,
And in every grove I pray
For a quiet corner of Russia:
Beyond the river with an empty bank,
For a bird's wedge over a slope,
For a cloud, not bitter smoke
Over undeveloped space.

The city sleeps in the March twilight.
I'm coming... Chest wide open.
Lamps trembling with false brightness
Lanterns light the way.
And the trees are like shadows
Either demons or people.
How many revelations the night gives,
New feelings and priceless ideas!
In the loose sky, covered with clouds,
The face of the moon is watching me.
Flexible maple, conducting its branches,
Manages the spring orchestra.

1.Tell me what was the reason for your entry into literature? What were your first experiences?

I started writing poetry at the age of six. When I was in the 6th grade of school No. 66 in the city of Orenburg, my works were first published in the Komsomolskoe Plemya newspaper. I began to attend the literary association named after. Dahl, became more interested in literature and poetry, and a certain circle appeared.

2.Who can you call your literary teachers?

I could name the classics of Russian literature as my literary teachers, but their list is too long. From contemporaries: Nikolai Rubtsov, Yuri Kuznetsov, Evgeny Semichev, Diana Kan, Svetlana Syrneva.

3.What genres have you tried yourself in?

I tried myself in different genres, but came to the conclusion that I perceive the world exclusively in poetry, and to this day I adhere to the classical traditions of Russian lyric poetry.

4. How would you describe the area of ​​your literary interests?

My literary interests: classical prose and poetry, silver Age. Modern literature interesting, but not very engaging. I don’t accept science fiction, avant-garde, detective stories.

Hard to say. Much of what we reread after school was perceived completely differently, for example, F.M. Dostoevsky. Several more modern authors could be included in the school curriculum, some of them I have already named above. Marina Tsvetaeva, the best poet of the twentieth century, in my opinion, was finally included in the school curriculum. And it’s a pity that they excluded N. Ostrovsky, whose golden words were once learned by heart.

6. Is there a writer whose work your attitude has changed dramatically over the years?

I think no.

7.What are your preferences in other types of art (cinema, music, painting...)?

Cinema: C. Chaplin, A. Tarkovsky, F. Fellini, I. Bergman, D. Tornatore, etc. Music: J. S. Bach, L. V. Beethoven, P. I. Tchaikovsky, impressionists. Jazz, blues. Painting: impressionism, modernism.

8. Do you consider literature a hobby or your life’s work?

I consider literature not just the “main thing” - it is my life.

9.What do you consider an indispensable condition for true creativity?

An indispensable condition for true creativity: not only believe in your talent, success, etc., but also constantly work, otherwise you can lose your abilities.

10.What do you find unacceptable in artistic creativity?

Any graphomania, plagiarism, or tautology seems unacceptable to me. Even obscene language can be perceived normally, where it is appropriate, provided that it is done competently and talentedly.

11. Tell the readers of Parus some episode of your creative biography, which can be called significant or which no one knows about.

Difficult question... There was a lot of everything. Two moments were significant for me: the release of the first book on the 23rd anniversary and, a year later, the Calvary admission of me to the Union of Writers of Russia.

12. How do you see the ideal literary critic?

Criticism should be harsh and, most importantly, sincere. And the critic must be a head taller than the author himself.

13. How do you see the future of Russian literature?

I'm not a prophet. I always try to see the future as bright. If I did not believe in the bright future of Russian literature, I would have killed myself long ago.

Don't reject the classics, don't move away from them. Have your own position, your own view of literature.

15.What are your wishes to the readers of Parus?

Biography: Vadim Valerievich Bakulin is a poet, member of the Russian Writers' Union. Born in Orenburg. He graduated from the Music College and the Faculty of Journalism of OSU. Published in regional newspapers, collective collections, in magazines: Moscow, Eurasian Necklace, Student Meridian, Gostiny Dvor, Trajectory of Creativity, Nevsky Almanac, Islam and Life, Father's House, New Yenisei Writer, Prostor, etc. Was a participant in the All-Russian Poets Seminar and writers in Vladimir in 1997. Author of four poetry books: Music of the Soul, Over the Abyss of Spring, Time of the Moth, Immortelle. Abandoned Temple with half a cross Abandoned Temple with half a cross. The most ancient trees look prim and wild. I cross myself and enter: Twilight. Emptiness. There are distortions and glare on the faces of the icons. The centuries-old dust has fallen on the images... The Mother of God is strong: Rounded eyebrows Flow down like streams... Resin has frozen On a thin cheek, like a drop of blood. A ray of sun suddenly illuminated it like a string, And... I see a tiny spider with a mysterious even cross in the middle descending onto my hand on a tight web. What, a little warrior of the Siberian wilderness? What kind of weather did you bring with you? Live!!! I recognize in you the Russian Soul Orphanhood - and - courage; Longing - and - freedom! The soul got lost in the city crowd. The soul got lost in the city crowd, dragging its tired body behind it, tossing and whining. Rather, I wanted to find a place for myself - comfort and peace. From the rare pricks of slanting rain and the chilly wind, the body shrank. The soul felt stuffy. The soul closed itself away from the sidelong glances, as if it had gone into a fortress; Until he met the Temple on the way, He a marvelous flower, among the weeds - Faceless houses, through the outskirts of the shadow Sprouted in spite of all the crow's winds - Pulled me to myself with unearthly warmth; And so - the soul took wings, flew, the weight was thrown away before the faces of the body, and the vain world retreated behind. Under God's gaze. What are the words for? All the signs are on the papyrus of autumn foliage, on the living bodies of blades of grass that have grown under God’s gaze. The entire Bible is on the sacrificial trunks of forests and groves, at the bottom of a sighing river, on wild golden sea sands, on ancient rocks that embrace the sky, and in the same sky - in a flock of clouds... Icons are written by an invisible hand, That remain a secret for centuries, A universal secret, carefully kept in the hands of the wise Creator...

As part of the Week of Culture in the Orenburg region, the Library of the Orenburg State Agrarian University presents

VIRTUAL EXHIBITION "Beautiful impulses of the soul"

“...Poetry is painting that is heard...”

Leonardo da Vinci


"Poetry is the music of words"

Thomas Fuller


Few people have not tried to write poetry in their lives, so World Poetry Day can be considered a national holiday. Poetry is a truly brilliant invention of mankind, since rhymed lines are the easiest way to express the emotions that overwhelm the soul. In poems, poets dream of a wonderful future and remember the heroic past, dedicate lines to one specific person and address all of humanity.

Of course, not everyone is given the talent to write brilliant poetry, but even though primitive, but certainly sincere lines during a period of emotional upsurge, almost everyone composes. And this is wonderful, even if no one sees a simple poem except its author, even in this case, it will become a contribution to the spiritual prosperity of humanity.

Our University can be proud that it sees and hears a brilliant author who was born and lives in Orenburg, and works at our University, constantly delighting us with his poetic works - Bakulin Vadim Valerievich - poet, member of the Union of Writers of Russia.

Graduated from the College and Faculty of Journalism of Orenburg State University.

Worked in various printed publications.

Now he is an employee of the editorial department of the Orenburg State Agrarian University.

President of the literary club "Illumination".

Published in regional newspapers: “South Ural”, “Orenburg Region”, “Orenburg Week”, “New Generation”, “Evening Orenburg”. In collective collections: “Eternal Shore”, “And with a Song Youth Will Return”, “We are from Russia of the 20th Century”, “Dream of Hope”. In the anthology of poetry and prose “Grandchildren of the prophetic Boyan.” In the magazines: “Moscow”, “Nevsky Almanac”, “Prostor”, “New Yenisei Writer”, “Eurasian Necklace”, “Islam and Life”, “Father’s House”, “University Meridian”, “Gostiny Dvor”, “Trajectory” creativity", "Legens", "Sail", "Orenburg Diocesan Gazette", "Don", etc.

He was a participant in the All-Russian seminar of poets and writers in Vladimir. Author of five poetry books: “Music of the Soul”, “Over the Abyss of Spring”, “Time of the Moth”, “Immortelle”, “Continuing the Conversation”.

Literary prize winner P.I. Rychkova (2013).

Bakulin, V. Over the abyss of spring / V. Bakulin. - Orenburg: OSAU Publishing Center, 1996. - 63 p.

“Over the Abyss of Spring” is the second book by the talented Orenburg poet Vadim Bakulin. In his poems, a poetic soul lives, sings and cries, connected to its time.

I would like to believe that the living tree of this poetic confession will be useful to other restless travelers on Earth who know how to understand the soul of Man and Nature.

Bakulin, V.V. Immortelle / V.V. Bakulin. - Orenburg: OSAU Publishing Center, 2010. - 176 p.

“Immortelle” is the fourth book of new and selected poems by the famous Russian poet, member of the Union of Writers of Russia Vadim Bakulin.

His uniqueness as a poet lies in the harmonious combination of the subtle lyricism inherent in Russian poetry with the soulful epicness of folk poetry.

The book by V. Bakulin is illustrated by graphics from Olga Nagornaya, a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia.

Bakulin, V.V. Continuation of the conversation / V.V. Bakulin. - Moscow: Novella, 2012. - 236 p.

Bakulin Vadim Valerievich - poet, member of the Union of Writers of Russia. Author of four poetry books: Music of the Soul,” “Over the Abyss of Spring,” “Time of the Moth,” and “Immortelle.” “Continuing the Conversation” is the author’s fifth book.

Bakulin, V. The surest of paths / Vadim Bakulin // Moscow. - 2009. - N 10. - P. 24-25.

The section of the magazine “Poetry and Prose” presents five poems by the Orenburg poet Vadim Bakulin: “Chicory”; "Soul"; "Kostroma"; "The Last Lane"; “The rain brought down the dashing heart...”

Bakulin, V. I look at the sky as if in a mirror... / V. Bakulin // Gostiny Dvor. – 2014. - No. 45. – P. 224-227.

The section of the magazine “Poetry and Prose” presents eleven poems by the Orenburg poet Vadim Bakulin: “The soul is open to heaven”; "Late fall"; “Continuing the conversation”; "Golden Balls"; "Cold"; “I look to the sky”; “Everything in this world is disenchanted”; "Swifts"; "Loaches"; “Spring has become sad”; "Don".

Bakulin, V. Why is this forest not a temple?... / V. Bakulin // University Meridian. - 2006. - N 2. - P. 15.

A poem by the poet V. Bakulin dedicated to the Russian forest.

Bakulin, V. In the embrace of roads / V. Bakulin // University Meridian. - 2007. - N 3. - P. 28-29.

A series of poems united by one theme.

Bakulin, V. Poems / V. Bakulin // University Meridian. - 2009. - N 4. - P. 26-27.

The pages of the magazine present eleven poems by the Orenburg poet Vadim Bakulin: “Spreading Saratov on the hills”; “Mighty are the waters of the Lower Volga”; "Her"; “The road to autumn...”; "Marina Tsvetaeva"; “That girl on the evening trolleybus...”; "The Last September Fruits"; “The road to home!”; "Orenburg. From the series Russian Cities"; "Autumn. Saratov. Carved foliage..."; "Orenburg Summer".

Korneva, T. Russian poet Vadim Bakulin / T. Korneva // University Meridian. – 2010. - No. 4. – p.22.

About the presentation of the next book “Immortelle” by a member of the Union of Writers of Russia, poet Vadim Bakulin.

Bakulin, V. Poems / V. Bakulin // University Meridian. - 2010. - N 4. - P. 23.

Poems from the new collection "Immortelle".

Bakulin, V. In the language of branches and birds / V. Bakulin // University Meridian. - 2012. - N 1. - P. 26-27.

The pages of the magazine present thirteen poems by the Orenburg poet Vadim Bakulin: “Love is a miracle”; “Steppe in the pre-winter”; “What do you see, gray grass?”; "Solstice Time"; "Decembrist"; "Rare Rain"; "Autographs of Tears"; “Forgive the poet’s misdeeds!”; “My home is all Rus'!”; "Station - Osinki"; "Two worlds"; "Ural"; "For a quiet corner of Russia."

Yudina, A. Palette of splashed out feelings / A. Yudina // University Meridian. – 2013. - No. 1. – P. 28.

The article reflects the author's impression of a meeting with poets in the regional library (Odessa poetess Anna Streminskaya and Orenburg poet Vadim Bakulin). The author gives a speech of praise to the work of V. Bakulin, who continues the traditions of Russian classical poets in describing Russian nature in autumn.

Information prepared by the presenter

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