Where can I get a VOV focusing crystal? Detailed instructions on how to focus the “oculatory” in Skyrim. Completing the quest "Discovery of the Invisible"

For magicians there is a mandatory series of tasks.

To begin with, I suggest you immediately watch the video with the passage of the Oculatory, and then, if you have any questions, proceed to reading the text description.

One of the quests. The quest begins with the magician of the College of Winterhold, Mirabella Erwin. You can find her in the yard, usually reading books there. After talking with her, you go to. You can find them in the south-east of Narzulbur. You get to the place and go inside. Finding ourselves in the ruins, we meet the imperial - Gavros Pliny, it is impossible to really find out what he is doing here, since he is dying. He only manages to tell that he had a certain object that focused a crystal, and that it was taken by a Falmer, who attacked Gavrosius.

Go further and get to the next room - Steam Engines. There are many very unfriendly creatures in this room. You kill everyone, take away everything valuable from them and move on. Leave the Steam Engines room and you will have to fight the boss again. Kill, and do not forget to examine the corpse. He just happens to have Gavrosia’s stone.

You move further through the ruins. Before you get to the building, you first need to find a room with a centurion. Having found it, you need to find the key to the Oculatory in Skyrim. It is in a Dwemer chest. Take the key and return to the Steam Engines room. In this room you talk with Parat Decimius. He will tell you about the research group's project, help you complete the project, and then Parat will tell you that the Mongoose's staff is in the Labyrinthian and will allow you to go to the next room. Once in the room, the question arises: how to complete the Oculatory in Skyrim? Parat will show you where to place the crystal, stir it. Not far from the crystal there is a table with two books on it. Hoping that the books contain information on how to set up and focus it, we go to them and read. It turns out that these are books of spells. One spell book is Frostbite, the other is Flame.

The instructions for the crystal say that it works at low temperatures, so you'll need the Frostbite spell. Take it in your hand and start focusing. It is necessary to make sure that a continuous beam of light stretches from the floor to the ceiling. To do this, first place the beams in the middle of the corresponding dome panels. Next, use the remote control to align the green rings until the rays are focused. The passage may take a lot of time. The main thing is to use only the Frostbite spell and carefully position the rays. By focusing the crystal on the wall, a Map of Skyrim will appear. Return to Parat. You need to talk to him. From him you will learn what kind of map appeared on the wall, news about the college.

After the conversation, the passage of the Oculatorium in Mzulfta in Skyrim is completed. Next, you need to return to the archmage of the College of Winterhold - Savos Aren. After talking with him, you receive a new task and are sent to protect settlements from the magic of Ancano. To remove the barrier, use any attack spell. Once you've done everything, return to Savos, receive your reward and go on other quests.

Skyrim is a computer role-playing fantasy game with action elements. A huge open world with many locations allows the player not only to enjoy an exciting multi-linear plot, but also to explore the most remote corners of the Skyrim universe.

One of the difficult tasks in the game is the quest Discovery of the invisible Skyrim in which the civilian world is raging, suffering from bloodshed, power struggles, and conspiracies. The College of Mages in Winterhold was no exception. In order to start this task, the character will have to go exactly there. Archmage Savos Aren will instruct the hero to find the Staff of Magnus artifact.

The player can find out more information about the relic by talking with the magician Mirabella Erwin.

Mirabella will tell you that this is not the first time she has heard about the Staff; recently wizards from the Synod asked about it. According to her, the character learns that they went in search of an artifact to the ruins of Mzulft. The player should head southeast to get to the ruins. Before starting a mission in the ruins, it would not hurt for the character to improve his combat and magical skills and acquire good armor. In Mzulfta, difficult trials and a strong opponent await the hero.

As soon as the player crosses the threshold of the Dwemer ruins, he will come across the mortally wounded Gavros Pliny - one of the members of the researchers from the Synod. Before his death, the magician will have time to tell the hero that the expedition was attacked by the Falmer, and his valuable item, the Focusing Crystal, was taken away from him. After Gavros dies, the character should take the key and research notes from his body.

The player goes deep into the ruins to the Steam Engines location, destroying enemies along the way low level such as spiders, coruses.

Steam engines are part of Mzulft, where the flamers live. The hero will have to work hard and kill every single flamer. The focusing crystal, he can find on the corpse of their leader, the twilight guard.

After clearing the location, opening all the doors and collecting all the artifacts, the character will have to fight with strong enemy- centurion. The monster is guarding a chest with a key that opens the last locked door.

Having obtained the key, the hero opens the door. Behind the door there is another closed door, but it does not require a key: it will be opened from the inside by the only surviving magician, Parat Decimius. The wizard will ask you to find him a crystal, since the player already has the artifact, all he has to do is follow the wizard to the location where the Oculatory is located. Here comes one of the difficult moments of the quest Discovering the Invisible of Skyrim: the crystal should be placed in a Dwemer sphere, in which it will serve as a lens for refracting rays.

But if at the moment of passing of this assignment Night will reign in Skyrim, there will be no rays and the hero will have to wait for the sun to rise. If the action takes place during the daytime, then the character can continue to complete the quest.

The rays need to be focused correctly, for this the character will have to use the control panel and magic. If the player has not yet learned the “Flame” and “Frostbite” spells, he can do so on the spot. Books with skills are on the table in the hall. When the rays are positioned correctly, a map of Skyrim will be displayed on the wall.

Parat Decimius will look at what the hero has done, accuse him of trying to interfere with his research and blurt out that the Staff of Magnus is in the Labyrinthian location.

The player's attempt to immediately go after the artifact will not be successful; he must return to the College of Mages.

In Winterhold, a character in the Elemental Hall finds Savos Aren and Mirabella. Mirabella is trying to remove the barrier created by Ancano, the Archmage's advisor.
Savos asks the hero for help. The player should use the “Flame” spell and then Mirabella will be able to destroy the magical barrier. The Archmage, Mirabella and the PC find the traitor Ancano with a powerful artifact, the Eye of Magnus. A magical relic took possession of an arrogant magician, subjugating his mind. Aren is trying to reach the advisor, but at this moment a strange surge occurs magical energy. The player comes to his senses and notices that Achimage has disappeared, and Mirabella has suffered.

This ends the quest Discovering the Invisible Skyrim.

How to focus the oculatory?

While playing Skyrim, the player may repeatedly encounter various quests, the completion of which may be difficult for one reason or another. True, most often difficulties can arise due to elementary inattention when completing the quest.

Completing the quest "Discovery of the Invisible"

When completing the mandatory line of Mages Guild quests, many players stopped at the quest “Discovery of the Invisible”. And the most important question was: how to focus the oculatory?

The main thing when completing a quest in Skyrim is to be as attentive as possible.

  1. To take on the quest, we head to the College of Winterhold, where we need to find a character named Mirabelle.
  2. Talk to her about Magnus's staff, after which she will direct you to the Dwemer ruins called Mzulft.
  3. Having made your way into the Dwemer ruins, you will meet the dying Gavros Pliny, who will say that the Falmer stole his focusing crystal (it will be needed when setting up the oculatorium).
  4. Go through the Steam Engines room and go to the next one. Destroy all opponents and carefully examine their bodies. One of the Falmer must have that stolen focusing crystal.
  5. After this, you need to find a room with a Centurion. The Centurion must be destroyed. Behind the place where he stood there is a chest with a key to the oculatory room.
  6. Next you will meet a character named Parat Decimius. He will take you directly to the Oculator and tell you where to install the crystal.
  7. On the table in the oculatory room there are two books, one teaches the frostbite spell, the other teaches flame. Learn these spells and equip yourself with them. Often, when passing, you only need to use the frostbite spell (according to the instructions for the game, the crystal only works at low temperatures). It must be directed at the focusing crystal so that the rays emanating from it hit the centers of the three movable rings surrounding the dome of the room. Then, using the three switches, rotate these rings until the rays hit the centers of the green lenses. Actually, this is the way to focus the oculatory in Skyrim.

You will understand that the oculatory is set up when a solid beam of light shines from the ceiling of the room into its floor and a map of Skyrim appears on the floor. After this, return to the College to complete the quest.

Today we will talk to you about how to focus the oculatory in Skyrim. In addition, let's generally try to figure out where this task will come from, and also why we need it. After all, the game world Elder Scrolls is a place where you can go on various adventures.

Where to begin

Well, before we think about how to focus the oculatory in Skyrim, let's try to figure out where we have to start. Indeed, for many actions (or rather, most) we will have to take on some kind of task.

It is worth noting that our question today relates to the main line. If you decide to join the guild of magicians, then sooner or later you will come across this topic. You will be offered the task "Discovery of the Invisible". During it, you will have to deal with the impending problem.

To begin the adventure, talk to the magician Marabella. She is walking in the courtyard in Winterhold. After a short dialogue you will be given a quest. We must go to the Dwemer ruins and find Gavnos Pliny. Now you have learned about the oculatory. We can move on.

Brief instructions

If you are faced with the task in Skyrim “Discovery of the Invisible”, we will still have to focus the oculatory, whether we want it or not. So let's try to see how we can briefly outline the actions that will await us during the quest.

The first thing you need to do is find Marabella and talk to her. After this, go to the Dwemer ruins, to Mzulft. There, find the dying Imperial and learn about the oculatory. Now it’s time to get to the miracle item and customize it.

After you solve the puzzle, find Par and talk to him. Next you will have to talk with Savos, and then defend Winterhold. After the battle, return to the college of magicians and report everything to the “superiors”. This is how, it would seem, you can easily finish the quest “Discovery of the Invisible”. But it's not that simple. Many players are starting to wonder: “How to focus the oculatory in Skyrim?” Let's try to figure it out with you in this difficult matter.

Search for the crystal

Before we start “chemicalizing” in the oculatory, we will have to find a special crystal. Without it, the idea will not be realized. Where can I find a focusing crystal? It's worth thinking carefully about.

So, where did we go to complete the task given to us? In Mzulft. This means that all actions will take place within this location. If you listened carefully to the dying Imperial, you should have heard that the quest item was stolen. We gather all our will into a fist and set off to take away the crystal.

When you get to the steam engines, it's best to completely clear the area. It is here that the Falmer have a crystal hidden. Search every corner. In principle, it may also happen that the item will not be discovered. Then it is better to use the Detect Life spell. It will help you find the lost, poor Falmer who has the item we need hidden. After we have selected the necessary thing, we can think further about the topic: “How to focus the oculatory (walkthrough) in Skyrim.”

Get to the point

So, now we find ourselves in the oculatory. We need to somehow deal with it. In general, if you listen very carefully to what the characters tell you, you can find quite a lot of clues. The surviving Synod scientist will be able to give you a tip.

The first step is to insert the focusing crystal into the designated area. Then use the fire and ice spell - this will activate the rays. Next, you need to heat or cool the white stones so that the rays go to the ceiling. Now we have to direct them in the right direction. To do this, point the rays at the center of the green circles. These are lenses. That's all. Now you know how to focus the oculatory in Skyrim. You can continue to complete the task.

Many at first passage of Skyrim face the problem of focusing the oculatory in storyline"College of Magicians" This article will tell you how to focus the “Oculatory” in the game “Skyrim”, and at the same time tell you about completing the quest “Discovery of the Invisible”.

Discovery of the invisible

In Skyrim, how to focus the Oculatory in Mzulfta? If this question puzzles you, then everything will change now.

“Discovery of the Invisible” is a quest from the “Winterhold College of Mages” storyline, given by Mirabella Erwin. As a rule, she reads books in the yard. That's where you should look for her.

After talking with the Breton (Mirabella Erwin), go to Mzulft. These Dwemer ruins are located east of Narzulbur. You can simply follow the compass. Mzulft, like any other location in Skyrim, can be opened by chance, but most likely the ruins will be locked. After you enter the ruins, you will see the dying Gavros Pliny, but you will not be able to talk to him, since the imperial will die. However, he will have time to tell you that he had a special crystal (which is necessary to focus the Oculatory), but it was stolen by a Falmer who attacked Gavros. Unfortunately, it’s a pity Pliny won’t have time to tell you how to focus the “Oculatory” in Skyrim. Search Gavros' body and take the key and diary from him.

Steam engines

There are already Falmers living in this room, who are not very happy about your appearance and will try to eliminate you. Kill them, collect from their bodies everything that seems valuable to you, and move on. In principle, there are no particularly valuable things in this room. The door, locked with a master-level lock, deserves attention; pay attention to it.

In order to get to the last zone of Mzulft and find out how to focus the Oculatory in Skyrim, you need to find the key. It is in a chest on the other side of the location " Steam Engines", guarded by a centurion. Everything is simple here. Kill the centurion in any usual way, take the key. In the Oculatorium area, fight off crowds of Falmers and find a locked door. It will be opened by Parat Decimius, but only if you have completely cleared the location. Kill everything hostile that you see, otherwise you will have to go and look for the one you didn’t kill.


Once in place, the gamer asks the question: how to focus the Oculatorium in Skyrim? First you will need to kill the Falmer - the twilight guard - and take the crystal from him. After this, you should place it in the armillary sphere. You will see two books on the table, but you will not find information in them about how to focus the Oculatory in Skyrim. These are the Frostbite and Flame spells. If you haven't studied them yet, now is the time to do so.

Spells are needed to calibrate the crystal. “Flame” raises the rays, “Frostbite” lowers them accordingly. Spells can be used multiple times. It is necessary that the rays pass through the rings located at the top. Going upstairs and pressing the buttons, we turn the rings so that each of the rays passes through the lens. When the beam is positioned correctly, the button ceases to be active, then you need to use another one. Nothing complicated, but two small problems may arise during focusing:

    The rays do not hit the lenses: you have positioned the crystal incorrectly, you need to go down and use spells to put it in the correct position.

    If dusk comes, then there will be no rays of light, you just need to wait until dawn and then focus the “Oculatory”.

When the Oculatorium is focused, you will see a map of Tamriel on the wall. After studying it, you will learn that Magnus' staff should be found in Labyrinthian.

OK it's all over Now. Now you know how to focus the Oculatory in Skyrim. This completes the quest, you can return to the “College of Magicians”, where, while you were away, very unpleasant events occurred, the consequences of which must be dealt with.

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