Which animals have tentacles? Russian scientists have found that the common ancestor of humans had tentacles. See what "tentacles" are in other dictionaries


(tentaculi), mobile outgrowths of the body in coelenterates, mollusks, polychaetes, bryozoans, brachiopods, pogonophora, pterobranchs and other invertebrates. They are usually located at the front end of the body and perform the function of capturing food, sometimes breathing and reception. The coelenterates are rich in stinging cells.

.(Source: “Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.” Editor-in-chief M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial Board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


Movable outgrowths on the front of the body of many invertebrates, designed for touch, smell, taste, movement, capturing and holding food, and sometimes for breathing. The tentacles of coelenterates contain many stinging cells, gas exchange occurs in the tentacles of polychaetes, sea lilies have filtering tentacles, and cephalopods have organs of taste and touch on the tentacles.

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)

See what "TENTACLES" is in other dictionaries:

    tentacles- tentacles, gen. tentacles and obsolete tentacles, tentacles (singular tentacle, cf., gen. tentacles) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    TENTACLES, mobile outgrowths of the body in many invertebrates. Serve for grasping food, breathing, touch, smell and movement (in mollusks). The length of the largest tentacles (at giant squid) can reach 13 m... Modern encyclopedia

    Movable body outgrowths in many invertebrates. Serve for grasping food, breathing, touch, smell and movement (in mollusks) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TENTACLES, locusts and crows, units. face, a, cf. In many invertebrate animals: the organ of touch, breathing, movement, and grasping is in the form of a movable elongated outgrowth. | adj. tentacled, oh, oh. Type of tentacles (noun). Dictionary Ozhegova. S.I.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “Tentacles” Italy, 1977, 102 min. Adventure film, horror film. A huge octopus, disturbed at the bottom of the sea as a result of the construction of an underwater tunnel, becomes a real disaster for all inhabitants of the coast, until... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    A name applied to very diverse appendages of various animals (tentacula), as well as to the appendages of the oral parts of arthropods (palpi), but unlike the former they are also called palps (mainly in insects). Sh. very... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    Tentacles- TENTACLES, mobile outgrowths of the body in many invertebrates. Serve for grasping food, breathing, touch, smell and movement (in mollusks). The length of the largest tentacles (of giant squids) can reach 13 m. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TENTACLES- ♠ If you dream that you are cutting up tentacles (squid, octopus), this means that in reality you will cope with the task. Seeing the tentacles of a living octopus will lead to an unpleasant experience. If the tentacles of the unknown... ... Big family dream book

    The palps should not be confused with the elements of the oral apparatus of arthropods. The polychaete worm Scolelepis squamata with large fingers ... Wikipedia

    TENTACLES- If in a dream you saw the long tentacles of some disgusting monster, this means that in real life A conspiracy is being prepared against you, in which both your enemies and friends are consolidated. Severed, but still writhing... ... Melnikov's Dream Interpretation


  • KGB today. Invisible Tentacles, John Barron. 1992 edition. The condition is good. With facts in hand, John Barron argues in his book that this fantastic situation (the diabolical, destructive influence of the Soviet Union alone...

Tentacles Tentacles are a name applied to a wide variety of appendages of various animals (tentacula), as well as to the appendages of the oral parts of arthropods (palpi), but unlike the former, they are also called palps (mainly in insects). Sh. are very common in coelenterates (except for sponges) and are in the form of simple, club-shaped, pinnate and generally branched appendages, sitting either around the mouth (adoral corolla) or closer to the opposite end of the individual (aboral corolla), for example. on the edge of the disk of medusoid forms, on the basal part of polypoid forms. The shields are either hollow or dense and in the latter case contain an axial row of endoderm cells. their number varies. There are two comb jellies and, moreover, they are retracted into special vaginas; Umedusoid forms can have 4 or a multiple of 4, in subpoid forms there can be 6 or a multiple of 6 or 8, or finally the number is indefinite and increases with age (hydroids). Shields are organs of grasping and touching and at the same time are equipped with an abundance of stinging cells and, therefore, are organs of attack and defense. Perioral corolla characteristic of many worm-like animals (Vermidea), and the shields can sit on special protrusions or even appendages (arms). They sit near the mouth, are usually covered with ciliated epithelium and serve to push prey towards the mouth. They are characteristic either of sedentary forms or those leading a sedentary lifestyle, for example. burrowing into the mud. In polychaete worms (Polychaeta) there are shields on the head (paired and unpaired). The shields or palps of arthropods can sit on the mandibles (paipus mandibularis of crustaceans), on the first and second pairs of maxillae (paipus maxillaris), since the 2nd pair of maxillae forms the lower lip in insects, they are called labials (p. labialis). Shields are a segmented appendage that plays a mainly tactile role. V. Sh.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what “Tentacles” are in other dictionaries:

    - (tentaculi), mobile outgrowths of the body in coelenterates, mollusks, polychaetes, bryozoans, brachiopods, pogonophora, pterobranchs and other invertebrates. They are usually located at the front end of the body and perform the function of capturing food,... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    tentacles- tentacles, gen. tentacles and obsolete tentacles, tentacles (singular tentacle, cf., gen. tentacles) ... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    TENTACLES, mobile outgrowths of the body in many invertebrates. Serve for grasping food, breathing, touch, smell and movement (in mollusks). The length of the largest tentacles (of giant squids) can reach 13 m... Modern encyclopedia

    Movable body outgrowths in many invertebrates. Serve for grasping food, breathing, touch, smell and movement (in mollusks) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TENTACLES, locusts and crows, units. face, a, cf. In many invertebrate animals: the organ of touch, breathing, movement, and grasping is in the form of a movable elongated outgrowth. | adj. tentacled, oh, oh. Type of tentacles (noun). Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I.... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - “Tentacles” Italy, 1977, 102 min. Adventure film, horror film. A huge octopus, disturbed at the bottom of the sea as a result of the construction of an underwater tunnel, becomes a real disaster for all inhabitants of the coast, until... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    Tentacles- TENTACLES, mobile outgrowths of the body in many invertebrates. Serve for grasping food, breathing, touch, smell and movement (in mollusks). The length of the largest tentacles (of giant squids) can reach 13 m. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    TENTACLES- ♠ If you dream that you are cutting up tentacles (squid, octopus), this means that in reality you will cope with the task. Seeing the tentacles of a living octopus will lead to an unpleasant experience. If the tentacles of the unknown... ... Big family dream book

    The palps should not be confused with the elements of the oral apparatus of arthropods. The polychaete worm Scolelepis squamata with large fingers ... Wikipedia

    TENTACLES- If in a dream you saw the long tentacles of some disgusting monster, this means that in real life a conspiracy is being prepared against you, in which both your enemies and friends are consolidated. Severed, but still writhing... ... Melnikov's Dream Interpretation


  • KGB today. Invisible Tentacles, John Barron. 1992 edition. The condition is good. With facts in hand, John Barron argues in his book that this fantastic situation (the diabolical, destructive influence of the Soviet Union alone...

There are doubts about how to write the word “tentacles” or “tentacles”. With the help of a simple and understandable rule, we can remember this spelling once and for all.

Spelled correctly

The norm allows the use of the words “tentacles” and “tentacles” depending on the style of speech.

What's the rule

Plural nouns in the nominative case are used with the endings –a (–я): meadows, fields, or -i (s): apples, boots. At the same time, there is a group of words in which it is allowed to use both options: horns and horns, years and years. The use of such forms of words is due to stylistic coloring.

"Tentacles" and "tentacles" - these plural forms are also allowed in Russian. But the shape of the “tentacle” is stylistically neutral, and “tentacles” indicates belonging to colloquial speech. To avoid mistakes, it is better to use the “tentacle” option. “Tentacles” in the singular is correctly written “tentacles”.

Example sentences

  • Tentacles are limbs found in invertebrate animals.
  • Get your tentacles away from me.

Spelled incorrectly

  • The student read in the textbook that octopuses have tentacles.
Guys, please help me, what insects visit flowers? The task is completely as follows: Follow a flower for 15 minutes and write,

what insects visited this flower at that time.

1) Which animals have an exoskeleton? What is his education? Advantages and disadvantages.

2) What are the advantages of the internal skeleton, how is it formed?
3) Name the main methods of movement of animals.
4) What are the advantages of pulmonary respiration over gill respiration?
5) Why is the length of the intestines of vertebrates different? And features of the digestive system in mammals.
6) Compare the circulatory system of fish and amphibians. What is the complexity of the circulatory system in amphibians and how is this connected?
7) Compare reptiles and birds( as in question 6)

Which animal has a mantle?

1) in crustaceans2) in mollusks3) in arachnids4) in worms.
In which animals does the larva go through the pupa stage?
1) in crustaceans2) in arachnids3) in butterflies4) in worms
Who is characterized by both asexual and sexual reproduction?
1) for ciliates-slippers2) for earthworm 3) for crayfish 4) for black cockroach.
In the lancelet and other skullless animals, the skeleton is 1) absent 2) external 3) internal cartilaginous or bony 4) throughout life it is represented by a notochord.
Using the lateral line, the fish perceives 1) the smell of objects 2) the color of objects 3) sound signals 4) the direction and strength of the water flow.

Arthropods, in which three pairs of legs are attached to the thoracic region of the body, belong to the class 1) crustaceans 2) arachnids 3) insects 4) flukes.
Circulatory system in progress historical development first appears in 1) mollusks 2) flatworms 3) annelids 4) coelenterates.
In the process of evolution, which animals develop a second circle of blood circulation? 1) cartilaginous fish 2) bony fish 3) amphibians 4) reptiles .
What is the name of the science that studies animals? 1) ethology 3) zoology 2) morphology 4) genetics

1. Which animal has the ability to restore lost body parts? 1) freshwater

2) big pond snail

3) red cockroach

4) human roundworm

2. An increase in the level of metabolism in vertebrates is facilitated by the supply of blood to body cells

1) mixed

2) venous

3) oxygenated

4) saturated with carbon dioxide

3. Establish a correspondence between the type of animal and the structural feature of its heart.


A) sand lizard 1) three-chambered without a septum in the ventricle

B) lake frog

D) blue whale 2) three-chamber with an incomplete septum

D) gray rat

E) peregrine falcon 3) four-chambered

4. What type of animals have the highest level of organization?

1) Protozoa

2) Flatworms

3) Coelenterates

4) Annelids

Choose (circle) three correct answers out of six:

5. What signs characterize reptiles as terrestrial animals?

1) the circulatory system has two circulation circles

2) incomplete septum in the ventricle of the heart

3) internal fertilization

4) there is a hearing organ

5) the limbs are dismembered and consist of three sections

6) there is a tail

Match the contents of the first and second columns. Enter the numbers of the selected answers in the table.

6. Establish a correspondence between the structural feature of arthropods and the class for which it is characteristic.


A) body parts: head, chest, 1) Arachnids

B) 3 pairs of walking legs 2) Insects

B) the presence of arachnoid glands

D) 4 pairs of walking legs

D) body parts: cephalothorax,

E) the presence of antennae

Solve problems A1. The reaction of an animal's body to a separate irritation is called 1) instinct 2) behavior 3) reflex 4) sensitivity A2.Green

Euglena is capable of photosynthesis, since its cell contains 1) a nucleus 2) cytoplasm 3) flagella 4) chloroplasts A 3. The body of coelenterates consists of 1) one cell 2) one layer of cells 3) two layers of cells 4) three layers of cells A 4. What organism is characterized by development with an intermediate host? 1) white planaria 2) bovine tapeworm 3) earthworm 4) medical leech A 5. A characteristic feature of the octopus’s adaptability to protection from enemies is 1) the ability to change body color 2) similarity in shape to squids 3) the presence of a hard shell 4) the presence solid A 6. The phylum Arthropods include 1) crayfish 2) lancelet 3) octopus 4) nereid A 7. Insects breathe using 1) air sacs 2) trachea 3) lungs 4) pulmonary sacs A 8. In fish, blood comes from the heart to the gills, and then to the body, so the body cells are supplied with blood 1) mixed 2) saturated with carbon dioxide 3) venous 4) arterial A 9. In fish, blood from the heart enters the gills, and then to the body, so the body cells are supplied with blood 1 ) mixed 2) saturated with carbon dioxide 3) venous 4) arterial A 10. Cross with each other and give fertile offspring 1) female pond frog and male pond frog 2) female lake frog and male pond frog 3) female pond frog and male lake frog 4) a female grass frog and a male pond frog A 11. Reptiles are more highly organized animals than amphibians, but their body temperature is 1) constant, lower than the temperature environment 2) depends on the speed of internal processes 3) significantly higher than the ambient temperature 4) varies depending on the ambient temperature A 12. What is the name of the part of the bird’s brain responsible for coordinating movements during flight? 1) midbrain 2) medulla oblongata 3) cerebral cortex 4) cerebellum A. 13. Which vertebrates became the first terrestrial chordates to reproduce on land? 1) amphibians 2) reptiles 3) birds 4) mammals A 14. Which statements are true? L. The heart of chordates is located on the ventral side of the body. B. Adult amphibians breathe using their lungs and skin. 4) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B Answers to tasks B1 - VZ, write first in the indicated place in the test, and then in the testing form to the right of the task number (Bl, B2 or VZ), starting from the first cell. Write each number or letter in a separate box according to the example. Q 1. Select three elements of the correct answer from the list and circle the corresponding numbers. Which representatives of the class Insects develop with complete transformation? 1) May beetle 2) desert locust 3) green grasshopper 4) cabbage butterfly 5) house fly Write the circled numbers in the table. AT 2 . The list below lists some systematic groups, indicated by letters. A) class Reptiles B) genus Viper C) phylum Chordata D) species Viper vulgaris E) order Squamate Establish a sequence reflecting the position of the species Viper vulgaris in the classification of animals, starting with the smallest group. Write the letters in the correct sequence in the table. B 3. Read the text using the words to choose from, indicated by letters (the endings can be changed). The largest species composition a group of vertebrates are... They are divided into two classes: ..., which have an internal skeleton made of cartilage tissue, and..., whose skeleton consists of bone tissue. The skin is covered on the outside..., overlapping each other in a unique manner. Words for choice: A. scutes B. fish C. birds D. bone D. cartilaginous E. scales Write in the table the letters corresponding to the missing words in the order in which they should appear in place of the gaps in the text.

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