How to get q in Skyrim for Dragonborn. TES V: Skyrim - Dragonborn: Walkthrough of the main storyline. Cold Moon Invitation

To start the Dragonborn main quest in Skyrim, you need to complete key condition- Graybeards must recognize Dovahkiin as dragonborn.

This condition is met only when passing the main storyline original game without expansion to be able to receive such recognition.

Having fulfilled this condition, in one of the large settlements In Skyrim (in the case of our playthrough, it was the city of Whiterun), a group of cultists dressed in strange clothes will approach Dovahkiin.

They will ask the protagonist if he is dragonborn, answering positively, they will say that there is only one true dragonborn, after which they will attack you. After defeating them, you can collect new clothes and a note from their bodies.

After reading the last one, you will receive a new task - you will need to go to Solstheim in order to find out who wanted your death. The mission marker will point to a pier not far from Windhelm, so head there.

On the spot you will find a ship that will take you to Solstheim. True, it will still be necessary to convince the captain, who does not want to sail there - he says that some strange things are happening there. For persuasion, a pumped up eloquence skill is very useful; if it is not sufficiently developed, the captain can simply be bribed.

Before leaving for Solstheim, it is better to make sure that you have at least a few dragon souls in reserve, because this will be quite useful resource in our further adventures.

So you will arrive at the settlement of Raven Rock, right at its port you will be met by a character named Andril Arano. It’s worth finding out from him about Miraak and about the general situation on the island.

It is also better to immediately drop by the local blacksmith Glover Mallory - his house will have the mark of the Thieves Guild. If you have already completed the last line of quests, then you will have at your disposal an additional dialogue, during which you can find out that the blacksmith is Delvin’s brother.

You can also take a quest from him to obtain an ancient Nord pickaxe, with which you can mine stalhrim, useful in forging armor and armour. Also, some passages are blocked by this same stalhrim, so it is impossible to pass without a pickaxe, so its extraction should be one of your priorities.

After talking with Andril Arano and asking him about Miraak, you will receive a quest marker that will take you outside the city and lead you to the earth stone. There you will meet a Dunmer named Neloth. You will learn from the latter that Mirak died several years ago, but the ruins of his temple remained on the island.

The next goal is this very temple of Miraak, near which you will meet Frea, the daughter of the elder of the village of Skaal. She will try to find the reason why a good half of the local people have gone mad.

While you are communicating with her, cultists will jump out from the temple and try to take you by surprise. Frea will help repel the attack, after which the two of you will go explore the temple. It is quite large and goes far underground.

Inside it you will again have to fight with cultists, and also with draugr. There you will also find a new dragon cry word. yours ultimate goal There will be a Black Book, after opening which you will be transported to another dimension, where you will meet Miraak.

The latter will delight you with a curse that sends all the souls of the dragons you kill to him, after which you will return back to your dimension. In general, the beginning of the Dragonborn quest in Skyrim looks exactly like this.


Dragonborn- the first quest in the storyline of this add-on. We will receive this quest after visiting the Greybeards. We leave the temple or teleport to any city. Cultists will approach you and after a conversation they will attack you. Kill them or watch the guards do it, and then loot the bodies. One of them will have a note.

After reading it, go to Windhelm Port and take the boat to Soltsheim. Upon arrival on the island, the dark elf Adrill Arano will approach you and ask about the purpose of your arrival. If you ask him about Miraak, he will complain that he knows this name, but cannot remember where it came from. All residents of the island have this memory problem. However, we will be directed to Neloth, who may know something. We go to him and find out that Miraak has been dead for a thousand years, but there is his temple on the island, to which all sorts of workers flock and are diligently trying to complete the temple. Upon arrival at the temple, you will complete the quest and receive the next one.

Temple of Mirak.

Temple of Mirak– the second quest in the storyline of this add-on. Upon arrival at the temple, you will meet Freya - a female Nord, which is quite logical by name, right? She will tell you that Miraak is to blame for all the imprisonments of her humble clan and that she came to kick ass. We can help her with this. Cultists are waiting for us on the approaches to the temple. We do what we do best. We kill, split, burn, and kill again. This temple is very confusing, but it is still impossible to get lost. After you get there, don’t forget to learn the shout on the word wall, and wait for the collapse. After him, the draugr will crawl out, kill them and take the key to the doors. We open them and find ourselves in the dining room, go to the next one and pull the handle, then go down to the lower level.

At the end of this temple one of the “Black Books” awaits us.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

After reading it, we are transported to Apocrypha - the local realm of Hermaeus Mora, a very slippery type who could be found in Skyrim. Miraak notices the stranger and immediately brings us to our knees and begins to brag about his achievements. After that, he flies away, and his minions, with the help of some waves, send us back to Soltsheim. This ends the quest.

Fate of the Skaal.

Fate of the Skaal– the third quest in the storyline of this add-on. After a walk around the temple, Freya will invite us to tea in her village. Just a joke, but we will still visit the village. There we will meet the local shaman Storn.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

From a conversation with him, it becomes clear that we need to learn a new cry and we have a new mark on the map: “Saering Outpost.” We go there and fight with the dragon and draugr, two trolls might drop by, so good luck. After killing the dragon, Miraak appears and absorbs his soul, and we are left with nothing. We learn the first word of the cry and go to break the first stone. After its destruction, we defeat the Lurker and return to the shaman with good news.

Cleansing the Stones.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Cleansing Stones– the fourth quest in the storyline of this add-on. The shaman will ask us to cleanse the remaining stones, there are four in total: the stone of water, earth, sun and beast. The scheme is simple. We arrive at the place, use the scream, kill the lurker and go to the next stone.

Path of Knowledge.

The Path of Knowledge is the fifth quest in the storyline of this expansion. The shaman will send us to Neloth for advice on the Black Books. We go to Tel Mithrin, it will appear on your map, and ask about the Black Books. Neloth will tell you everything he knows, and will also tell you that there is one book in the Dwemer ruins of Nchardak, and he just has the key to these ruins. You'll have to take it with you.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

There are local robbers near the ruins who won't pose much of a problem. After the fight, we wait until Neloth opens the door and go into the ruins. Inside we will find a short and informative history course about these ruins. Look, yes. In order to get the book, you need to distribute the pressure inside the temple, and for this you need to pull the lever, and for this you need to lower the water, and to lower the water you need to put 4 cubes at once and pull the lever. That's it. You will find cubes after solving simple puzzles. After that, return to the main room, place the cubes and pull the lever. Fight the Dwemer guard and pull the lever. After this, return to the starting location and read the next “Black Book”. After reading, you will complete this quest and begin the next one.

Gardener of the human race.

Gardener of the human race– the sixth quest in the storyline of this add-on. After reading the “Black Book” in the ruins of Nchardak, we move to the Daedric realm - Apocrypha, where one of the Daedric princes, Hermaeus Mora, rules. We make our way throughout Apocrypha through the lurkers and other minions. After this we will go to an “interview” with Hermaeus Mora. He will say that he can help in the fight against Miraak and will teach us last word, with which it will be possible to control dragons, but for this he needs something in return. For example, Skaal lore. We promise that we will talk about this with Skorn. After that, choose one of the three skills in the book. Having chosen, we find ourselves in the ruins of Nchardak, speak with Neloth and go to the Skaal village for a very important conversation. The old man agrees with all our arguments and then Hermaeus Mora appears - he kills the old man, since he cannot stand the transfer of knowledge, or maybe it was intended that way, who knows? And he teaches our Dovahkiin the right word.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

At the top of Apocrypha.

At the top of Apocrypha- the seventh and final quest in the storyline of this add-on. Remember that book we received at the Miraak Temple. We read it and mentally prepare for battle. We kill the lurkers and the rest of the evil spirits in Apocrypha, after which we find ourselves in a room with a puzzle. There are pedestals in it and books need to be placed on them. The easiest riddle. We place the book with tentacles on a pedestal with tentacles and so on. After this, we move on and kill two minions and fight the arriving dragon. When he has little health left, use a scream to tame the dragon. We board it and fly to Mirak. Arriving at Mirak, we start a fight, although I thought there would be a conversation, but apparently, our patient doesn’t really like to talk. The fight with Miraak takes place in three stages. After depleting ¼ of his health bar, he summons a dragon and absorbs its soul. We hit him again, and he again summons the dragon and absorbs his soul. Now the third stage, we remove most of his health and then Hermaeus Mora appears and completes our work. We remove Mirak's armor and excellent sword. Now you can return to your world and accept congratulations from the Skaal, and also rejoice in the fact that you are the only dragonborn in this world, or maybe not.

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline

Dragonborn Walkthrough of the storyline
Job SourceCultists
NextTemple of Miraak
Raven Rock
Temple of Miraak
ComplexityThe simplest
The storyline will begin when you meet hostile cultists. You can meet them most often in large cities such as Solitude or Riften. After a short dialogue, they will recognize you as a fake Dragonborn and try to kill you. After killing them on one of the cultists, you will find a note that will lead you to Solstheim - an island in the province of Morrowind neighboring Skyrim. The note will indicate a certain Miraak; the cultists who attacked you were his followers.

You can get there from the Windhelm docks by asking Gjalund the Sea Wolf about the need to go to the island. He will argue and flatly refuse to swim back. To persuade him, you will need to pay him in gold (500 gold), intimidate him, or simply try to persuade him.

When you reach Raven Rock, walk along the coast and ask the locals if they know Miraak. This name will seem familiar to almost everyone, but you will not immediately receive an affirmative answer. Try asking Garin Aens, who is located here on the coast. He will tell you that this name seems familiar to him and will direct you to magic stone Earth.

You will be met at the stone by Neloth, who will also remember for a long time where he heard about Miraak. Finally you will receive information about the entire Temple named after this character. Go to the temple which is located in the central part of Solstheim.


  • To access the Dragonborn walkthrough you must complete the quest

The events of the add-on begin at the very moment when the Greybeards officially proclaim the player Dragonborn during the quest "Path of the Voice" from the main quest of Skyrim. Two extravagantly dressed cultists will find you and try to convince you that you are not a real dragonborn, backing up their arguments with spells from the school of destruction. After catching your breath and searching the bodies of the unlucky debaters, you will find a note that slightly clarifies this whole awkward situation - a certain Miraak would be glad if an accident happened to you. The cultists' trail leads to the island of Solsheim, off the northern tip of the province of Morrowind. To get there and discuss on the spot with Miraak and his colleagues the unacceptability of such behavior towards law-abiding citizens of the Empire who barely escaped the scaffold, go to Windhelm to the captain of the ship "Maiden of the North", an orc named Gjalund Salt-Sage. Using threats, persuasion, or banal bribery, convince him to take you to Solsheim. In fact, you can not wait for the cultists to attack, but immediately go to Captain Gjalund and sail straight to Solsheim (for only 250 coins, instead of 500), but then there is a chance to skip some dialogues - it's up to you.

In any case, upon arrival at the Raven Rock docks, you will be greeted by Andril Arano, the deputy councilor in charge of order in this settlement. If you ask him about Miraak, although he will recognize the name, he will not be able to remember anything more significant than the fact that it is somehow connected with the Earth Stone. There is nothing to be done, even such a clue is a clue and, perhaps, you can also walk to this Stone, especially since it is very close to the docks - an ominous greenish glow makes it stand out against the background of the Red Mountain erupting on the horizon. Near the Earth Stone you will meet with a certain Neloth - a somewhat eccentric Telvanni wizard who will be so surprised that the Stone does not affect your mental health and behavior in any way that he will even share some information about the purpose of your journey and suggest visiting the Temple of Miraak . Alternatively, you can talk to other residents of Raven Rock, but you still won’t learn anything fundamentally new - everyone behaves the same as Andril Arano: they remember the name, sometimes associate it with the Earth Stone or the Temple of Miraak, but nothing more.

The path to the Temple lies east from Raven Rock, towards the center of Solsheim. As you approach it, you will see the skeletons of killed dragons scattered gloomily around, which in itself suggests certain thoughts. Well, the sad picture is completed by the people involved in the restoration of the establishment - judging by the appearance, they are unlikely to be paid extra for the harmfulness of the work carried out in a state of deep (and it does not seem that voluntary) near-religious trance. However, the fact of your existence is equally indifferent to both dead dragons and somnambulant slaves, which cannot be said about the cultists, who will certainly make themselves known if you suddenly decide to stop overnight in the vicinity of a construction site. Once you reach the Tree Stone located in the center of the temple, the first quest will end and begin

Year of manufacture: 2012
Genre: DLC
Developer: Bethesda Game Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Game Studios
Publication type: Steam license.
Interface language: English
Voice language: English
Tablet: present (RELOADED)
Rus-fix: present

In Dragonborn, the new official expansion pack for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you have to travel to the shores of Morrowind, to the island of Solstheim. You will encounter new cities, dungeons and quests located in the ash wastes and icy valleys of Solstheim. Harness the power of new screams to break the will of your enemies and even tame dragons. Your life and the fate of Solstheim hang in the balance as you face a mortal enemy - the first Dragonborn.
Explore lands outside of Skyrim. Leave the northern province and go to the island of Solstheim. Along the way to unraveling the mystery of the return of the Dragonborn, you will meet the dark elves who settled in the city of Raven Rock and the Skaal, the indigenous inhabitants of the island.
Become the only Dragonborn. Use the full power of the Voice in the battle with the first Dragonborn. Get new shouts and spells, including Aspect of the Dragon, which allows you to summon inner strength dragon, increasing the power of your weapons and other screams.

The antivirus may complain about some files in the crack. Their execution must be allowed.
Unfortunately, it will not work with a license. When a fix appears, I’ll add it.

People, in general, who do not know how to download at normal speed from a Yandex disk, here are brief instructions:
1) If we don’t have an account in the Yandex system, register.
2) Go to your Yandex disk and download a small file with an application for Windows.
3) follow the link to download the file (on our website in the topic header)
4) Click on the “Save to Yandex disk” button after logging in (the button on the right top corner)
5) Go to the page of your Yandex disk, click the “My disk” button, select the “files” tab..7z.” Click on the file and click download. The speed is 500-1000 kb/sec.

If someone’s Russian language has completely disappeared after installing Dragonborn (everything is in English), then do the following:
1) Go to My Documents, then My Games\Skyrim
2) Open the Skyrim.ini file, change the line sLanguage=ENGLISH to sLanguage=RUSSIAN. (It’s at the very top)
3) Right-click on Skyrim.ini -> Properties, check the “read only” box (Otherwise, upon startup, the language will change back to English).
Thanks to Warfaren for this detailed tip.

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